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We present the discovery of the widest known ultracool dwarf–white dwarf binary. This binary is the first spectroscopically confirmed widely separated system from our target sample. We have used the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and SuperCOSMOS archives in the southern hemisphere, searching for very widely separated ultracool dwarf–white dwarf binaries, and find one common proper motion system, with a separation of 3650–5250 au at an estimated distance of 41–59 pc, making it the widest known system of this type. Spectroscopy reveals 2MASS J0030−3740 is a DA white dwarf with   T eff= 7600 ± 100 K, log( g ) = 7.79–8.09  and   M WD= 0.48–0.65 M  . We spectroscopically type the ultracool dwarf companion (2MASS J0030−3739) as M9 ± 1 and estimate a mass of  0.07–0.08 M,  T eff= 2000–2400 K  and  log( g ) = 5.30–5.35  , placing it near the mass limit for brown dwarfs. We estimate the age of the system to be >1.94 Gyr (from the white dwarf cooling age and the likely length of the main-sequence lifetime of the progenitor) and suggest that this system and other such wide binaries can be used as benchmark ultracool dwarfs.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of two binary M dwarf systems in the immediate solar neighbourhood using the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). The first is an M6.5 companion to the nearby G star HD 86728 (Gl 376). The known properties of HD 86728 indicate that the M dwarf (Gl 376B) is old, metal-rich and only 14.9 parsec away. The M dwarf is highly active, with both H α and X-ray emission. Thus, Gl 376B offers the opportunity to study an old, bright, active M dwarf with known metallicity, age and luminosity. We show that it is probable that Gl 376B is itself an unresolved pair. The other system consists of an M6.5 and an M8 dwarf with 14.5 arcsec separation. We estimate a distance of ∼16 parsec for this very low-mass pair. Stronger activity is observed in the M6.5 dwarf, supporting evidence that chromospheric activity is weakening near the hydrogen-burning limit.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution  ( R = 90 000)  mid-infrared spectra of M dwarfs. The mid-infrared region of the spectra of cool low-mass stars contains pure rotational water vapour transitions that may provide us with a new methodology in the determination of the effective temperatures for low-mass stars. We identify and assign water transitions in these spectra and determine how sensitive each pure rotational water transition is to small (25 K) changes in effective temperature. We find that, of the 36 confirmed and assigned pure rotational water transitions, at least 10 should be sensitive enough to be used as temperature indicators.  相似文献   

Near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy are obtained for a heterogeneous sample of nearby white dwarfs with possible excess flux as identified primarily in the Two Micron All Sky Survey. Among the sample of 43 stars are a number of white dwarfs that are either metal-rich, magnetic or binary suspects. With a few notable exceptions in four (or possibly five) distinct categories, the newly obtained JHK photometric data fail to corroborate the putative excesses, with  〈 K IRTF− K 2MASS〉=+0.31  mag. Where available, Galaxy Evolution Explorer photometric data are used to better constrain the overall spectral energy distribution of the white dwarfs, enabling any excess near-infrared flux to stand out more readily against the expected stellar photosphere.
With superior data, a near-infrared photometric excess is confirmed at three metal-rich white dwarfs and ruled out at nine others. Several new binaries are confirmed or suggested; five white dwarf–red dwarf pairs and five double degenerates. Four apparently single magnetic white dwarfs – two DA and two DQp – display modest to strong near-infrared excess (relative to non-magnetic models), which may be better described as two effective temperatures owing to a redistribution of energy in highly magnetic or peculiar atmospheres.  相似文献   

We present both synthetic and observed   I - Z   colours for a sample of spectroscopically classified M and L dwarfs drawn primarily from recent wide-field infrared surveys. Our synthetic photometry does not reproduce the strong decrease in the   I Harris- Z RGO  natural colour beyond M9 to a minimum around L2.5 reported by Steele & Howells. However, it does support the result that the   I Harris- Z RGO  colour does not increase with spectral type between  L0–L2.5  . Instead, the   I Harris- Z RGO  ,   i WFC- Z WFC  ,   i SDSS- z SDSS  and   I C- Z RGO  colours are shown to remain more or less constant before increasing once again for types later than  L3–L4  . These results, which are supported by both previously published observations and new photometry obtained with the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) and the Wide Field Camera (WFC), have implications for the interpretation of the recently publicly released Wide Field Survey Programme data covering the Pleiades cluster and surveys for late-type M and L dwarfs in general.  相似文献   

The I − Z colour has recently been shown to be a good temperature indicator for M dwarfs. We present the first IZ photometry of a small sample of L dwarfs ranging in spectral type from L0.5V to L6.0V. We find that the I − Z colour is not a good temperature indicator for objects between L1V and L5V, such objects having colours that overlap with mid M dwarfs. We attribute this to the reduction in the strength of the TiO and VO bands in the L dwarfs, which are the dominant opacity source in the I band for late M dwarfs. Beyond L5V, I − Z appears to be a reasonable indicator. This has important implications for the planning of optical surveys for cool objects in clusters and the field. For example, I − Z will cease to be a good method of identifying brown dwarfs in the Pleiades below around 0.04 M, and at around 0.075 M in the Hyades and Praesepe.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the first results from a survey for low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, based on a photographic stack of around 100 Schmidt plates. This survey extends photographic searches by about 2 mag, and covers an area of 25 deg2. Some 30 faint objects with large R − I colours were selected for further study, and were found to have very strong molecular absorption in their spectra, but only moderately red infrared colours. Five of these stars were selected for a parallax programme; three of these were found to be at a distance of around 45 pc, implying a very low luminosity. On the basis of their luminosity alone it is clear that these stars are field brown dwarfs, and we discuss their likely evolutionary status in the context of current models of low-mass stellar evolution.  相似文献   

Fields containing targets of spectral types later than M5 were monitored in   JHKs   for about 7 h each. None of the targets showed variability at levels exceeding 0.02 (or smaller, in some cases). Seven new variable stars were discovered serendipitously. The large number of measurements (more than 50) of each field allows the construction of accurate colour–magnitude and colour–colour diagrams. These could be used to identify a small number of candidate very cool objects.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a detailed near-infrared spectroscopic analysis of eight notable white dwarfs, predominantly of southern declination. In each case the spectrum failed to reveal compelling evidence for the presence of a spatially unresolved, cool, late-type companion. Therefore, we have placed an approximate limit on the spectral type of a putative companion to each degenerate. From these limits we conclude that if GD659, GD50, GD71 or WD2359−434 possesses an unresolved companion then most probably it is substellar in nature  ( M < 0.072 M)  . Furthermore, any spatially unresolved late-type companion to RE J0457−280, RE J0623−374, RE J0723−274 or RE J2214−491 most likely has   M < 0.082 M  . These results imply that if weak accretion from a nearby late-type companion is the cause of the unusual photospheric composition observed in a number of these degenerates then the companions are of very low mass, beyond the detection thresholds of this study. Furthermore, these results do not contradict a previously noted deficit of very-low-mass stellar and brown dwarf companions to main sequence F, G, K and early-M type primaries ( a ≲ 1000 au).  相似文献   

M-star spectra, at wavelengths beyond 1.35 μm, are dominated by water vapour, yet terrestrial water vapour makes it notoriously difficult to obtain accurate measurement from ground-based observations. We have used the short-wavelength spectrometer on the Infrared Space Observatory at four wavelength settings to cover the  2.5–3.0 μm  region for a range of M stars. The observations show a good match with previous ground-based observations and with synthetic spectra based on the Partridge & Schwenke line list, although not with the SCAN line list. We have used a least-squared minimization technique to systematically find best-fitting parameters for the sample of stars. The temperatures that we find indicate a relatively hot temperature scale for M dwarfs. We consider that this could be a consequence of problems with the Partridge & Schwenke line list which leads to synthetic spectra predicting water bands that are too strong for a given temperature. Such problems need to be solved in the next generation of water vapour line lists, which will extend the calculation of water vapour to higher energy levels with the good convergence necessary for reliable modelling of hot water vapour. Then water bands can assume their natural role as the primary tool for the spectroscopic analysis of M stars.  相似文献   

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