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福建沿岸主要港湾水质的综合评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
谢先全  晏路明 《台湾海峡》2002,21(2):147-153
本文应用灰色聚类和模糊聚类等方法对福建沿岸9个港湾的海水水质进行了定量分类评价,其结果表明各港湾的海水水质在总体上均属于第Ⅰ类,但也受到不同程度的污染,其中厦门西港和厦门东侧水道海域铜,铅等重金属污染严重;沙埕港和闽江口普遍存在着DIP、DIN污染,湄洲湾,泉州湾,东册湾,兴化湾和三都澳也有个别污染物超标。  相似文献   

岬间砂质海岸平衡形态模型及其在华南海岸的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志龙  陈子燊 《台湾海峡》2006,25(1):123-129
本文介绍了对数螺线、双曲线、抛物线三种岬间海湾平面平衡形态模型,并通过对比分析,表明抛物线为三种模型中较为理想的模型.根据抛物线模型的基本原理,本文提供了模型的可行性操作,并就抛物线模型对华南岬间海湾的应用展开了讨论.  相似文献   

Philip A Allen 《Marine Geology》1984,60(1-4):455-473
Ancient sea conditions can be estimated from the grain size, spacing and steepness of preserved ripple-marks. The element of greatest uncertainty in such reconstructions is the relationship between near-bed orbital diameter of water particles and the ripple spacing. This relationship is simple for vortex ripples of high steepness but is problematical for the low-steepness forms known as post-vortex, rolling-grain or anorbital ripples.

The existence field for wave ripples is between the threshold velocity for sediment movement and the onset of sheet flow, most low-steepness forms occurring close to the bed planation threshold. A range of maximum period of formative waves can be obtained using combinations of orbital diameter and orbital velocity, assuming linear wave theory to be a reasonable approximation.

Probable wave heights, wave lengths and water depths can be investigated using the transformation of wave parameters in shallowing waters and the constraints on wave dimensions provided by the wave-breaking condition. Given reasonable estimates of wave height, crude estimates of wave power allow a comparison of ancient wave-influenced sequences with modern counterparts.

Wave ripple-marks preserved in the Upper Marine Molasse of western Switzerland have been investigated. Results, which are in agreement with regional geology, suggest deposition in a seaway of approximately 100 km width, where moderate period waves (T = 3–6 s) were generated. The depositional facies belts were adjusted to the prevailing waves, tides and fluvial outflows.  相似文献   

提出了一种带周期项的海平面变化灰色分析模型.该模型保持了GM(1,1)模型能较好反应海平面变化趋势的优点,不仅能求出海平面变化速率,还能方便求出海平面变化的加速度,同时,该模型能较好的模拟海平面变化中的周期现象,从而克服了GM(1,1)不能预报周期性显著的月平均海面的缺点,并提高了预报精度.模型用于广西沿岸海平面变化分析,结果表明北海、涸洲、白龙尾3站的相对海平面上升速率分别为1.67、2.51、0.89mm/a;石头埠相对海平面呈下降趋势,下降速率为0.5~1.0mm/a;广西沿岸绝对海平面上升速率为2.0mm/a.和线性趋势项与周期项叠加的海平面分析模型相比,两者模拟精度相当.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the impacts of potential changes of land cover due to sea-level rise (SLR) on storm surge (i.e., the rise of water above normal sea level, namely mean-sea level and the astronomical tide, caused by hurricane winds and pressure) response inside bays on the lower Texas coast. We applied a hydrodynamic and wave model (ADCIRC + SWAN) forced by hurricane wind and pressure fields to quantify the importance of SLR-induced land cover changes, considering its impacts by changing bottom friction and the transfer of wind momentum to the water column, on the peak surge inside coastal bays. The SLR increments considered, 0.5 m to 2.0 m, significantly impacted the surge response inside the bays. The contribution of land cover changes due to SLR to the surge response, on average, ranged from a mean surge increase of 2% (SLR of 0.5 m) to 15% (SLR of 2.0 m), in addition to the SLR increments. The increase in surge response strongly depended on storm condition, with larger increases for more intense storms, and geographical location. Although land cover changes had little impact on the surge increase for SLR increments lower than 1.0 m, intense storms resulted in surge increase of up to 10% even for SLR below 1.0 m, but in most cases, the geometry changes were the major factor impacting the surge response due to SLR. We also found a strong relationship between changes in bottom friction and the surge response intensification; demonstrating the importance of considering land cover changes in coastal regions that are highly susceptible to SLR when planning for climate change.  相似文献   

A~as~Sof~~LIngeneral,sealevelisresolvedintOatrendtermplusaPeriedictermintheanalysisofsealevelvdriations(haetal.1996;ZuoandChen,1996;QinandLi,1997;Zhengetal.,1993;RenandZhang,1993),namely,thetimeequencesofmonthlyorannualmeansealevely(o)(t)canbeexpr~asy(o)(t)=T(o)(t) p(o)(t) X(o)(t) .(o)(t),(l)whereT(o)(t)isadefinitetrendterm;p(o)(t)isadefiniteperiedicterm;X(o)(t)isatimeseriesofrandomterm;a(o)(t)iswhitenoise.Thefunctionstructuresofthetrendtermaregenerallyunknown,whiledeterminingthetrendter…  相似文献   

Requirements for monitoring the coastal zone environment are first summarized. Then the application of hyperspectral remote sensing to coast environment investigation is introduced, such as the classification of coast beaches and bottom matter, target recognition, mine detection, oil spill identification and ocean color remote sensing. Finally, what is needed to follow on in application of hyperspectral remote sensing to coast environment is recommended.  相似文献   

When studying the harbor water tranquility, cases are often confronted as that the verification point is not located on the generation line or that the angle between the generation line and the isobath is so large that the differences of the wave climates along the generation line can not be ignored. For these cases, the incident boundary conditions are difficult to evaluate. In order to solve this problem, a combined wave model is developed in the present paper based on the Boussinesq equation and the wave action balance equation. Instead of the one-line wave generation method, a multi-line generation method is proposed for the combined model. Application of this method is given to a case that the harbor is designed with two entrances and the angle between the generation line and the isobath is large and the results are shown reasonable. We suggest that the wave generation method on multi-lines might also be introduced to the wave physical model as the replacement for the one-line generation method.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Variations in the equilibrium sensitivity of the INM-CM4-8 climate model to a quadrupling of the CO2 concentration are considered if changes in the...  相似文献   

The evolution of an isolated meso-scale eddy near a coast is studied numerically. In particular, it is found that the translation speed of the adjusted eddy is estimated well by the mutual induction mechanism adapted to a rotating stratified fluid. The nonlinear Kelvin wave excited during the adjustment process is also discussed in connection with the Kyucho, the sudden warming of coastal waters associated with swift currents.  相似文献   

实际工程中存在大量的曲边界,因此在曲边界上的计算准确性可以考察出一个数值模型的实用价值。利用Beji的改进型Boussinesq方程建立了一个有限元方法的数值波浪模型。造波方面采用Fenton提出的非线性规则波浪解;在墙边界处,以求解法线方向和切线方向的速度和导数代替求解x、y方向的速度和导数,从而使边界条件直接适用、严格满足,保证了对曲边界计算的准确性。"重开始广义极小残量法"的使用保证了求解方程组的效率和精度,使造波和边界处理方法的有效性和准确性得到了合理地诠释。通过与试验数据、他人数值结果、解析解的比对,显示出该模型计算稳定、结果准确,真正体现出了有限元方法对曲边界适用的优势。  相似文献   

吴兆春 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6326-6330
本文采用变域变分原理,建立了导热几何形状反演问题的变分原理,同时获得了该问题所需满足的边界条件和附加条件.该变分原理能将未知形状的几何变量及控制方程结合在一个变分泛函中,使得数学描述简洁、紧凑,且几何变量及控制方程的求解能耦合地进行.介绍了运用该变分原理并结合有限元方法进行数值计算的方法.  相似文献   

Semigeostrophic gravity waves associated with a coastal boundary current, which has finite and uniform potential vorticity and is bounded away from the coastline by a density front on the ocean surface, are investigated. It is shown that the semigeostrophic coastal current has two waves which are named here the Semigeostrophic Coastal Wave (SCW) and the Semigeostrophic Frontal Wave (SFW). The SCW becomes an elementary Kelvin wave at some limit while the SFW is caused by the existence of the surface density front. The SCW appears mainly as variations in the upper layer depth at the coast and as alongshore velocity at the density front. On the other hand, the SFW appears mainly as variations in the width of the current. When the weak nonlinearity and ageostrophic effect are included, these semigeostrophic gravity waves satisfy the Kortweg- de Vries equation, which suggests that the local changes in the width and/or velocity of the semigeostrophic coastal current propagate as wave-like disturbances.  相似文献   

The main definitions involving time concepts in dynamic systems are reviewed and extended. It is shown that a better understanding of aquatic systems can be achieved taking into consideration their mean age (either shorter or longer than the residence time). This time concept is especially useful when the well-mixed hypothesis is not applicable. Two box models are used as examples to demonstrate the relations between residence time and mean age. Then, these time concepts are extended to non-steady state.In the second part, the relationships between them and the behaviour of chemical components in dynamic systems is studied; the importance of radionuclides whose decay is perfectly known is demonstrated.Finally, as application to the Gironde estuary (France) is attempted using a cosmic ray-produced radionuclide, 7Be, whose half-life is especially relevant to macrotidal estuarine dynamics. Particulate concentrations range from 0.2 to 11.2 pCi g−1, while dissolved concentrations are in the range 10 to 50 fCi l−1. The 7Be mass balance is not equilibrated given the residence time computed from sediment discharge and the total mass of sediment in the turbidity maximum. This can be explained by an underestimation of the total mass of sediment involved in resuspension phenomena, or by a difference between the residence time and the mean age of sediment in the turbidity maximum which invalidates the usually implicit well-mixed hypothesis.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model has been developed to simulate water mass circulation in estuarine systems. This model is based on the primitive equation in Cartesian coordinates with a terrain-following structure, coupled with a Mellor–Yamada 2.5 turbulence scheme. A fractional-step method is applied and the subset of equations is solved with finite volume and finite element methods. A dry–wet process simulates the presence of the tidal flat at low water. River inputs are introduced using a point-source method. The model was applied to a partially mixed, macrotidal, temperate estuary: Southampton Water, UK. The model is validated by comparisons with sea surface elevation, ADCP measurements and salinity data collected in 2001. The mean spring range 2(M2 + S2) and the mean neap range 2(M2 − S2) are modelled with an error relative to observation of 12 and 16%, respectively. The unique tidal regime of the system with the presence of the ‘young flood stand’ corresponding to the slackening conditions occurring at mid flood and ‘double high water’ corresponding to an extension of the slackening conditions at high tide is accurately reproduced in the model. The dynamics of the modelled mean surface and bottom velocity closely match the ADCP measurements during neap tides (rms of the difference is 0.09 and 0.01 m s−1 at the bottom and at the surface, respectively), whereas at spring the difference is greater (rms of the difference is 0.25 and 0.20 m s−1 at bottom and surface, respectively). The spatial and temporal variation of the degree of stratification as indicated by salinity distributions compares well with observations.  相似文献   

基于空间自相关的阿根廷滑柔鱼CPUE标准化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李娜  陈新军  王冉 《海洋学报》2018,40(2):61-68
CPUE的观测往往不是独立的,而是存在空间相关性的。但是,大多数的CPUE标准化方法通常都假设名义CPUE在空间上是相互独立的。为此,本研究以西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼为例,采用2000-2014年1-5月中国大陆鱿钓生产统计数据以及对应的海表温度和叶绿素浓度数据,选择广义线性模型(general linear model,GLM)为基础模型,将空间自相关加入到GLM中,比较标准GLM和4种加入空间自相关的空间GLM的CPUE标准化。根据最小信息准则(Akaike Information Criterion,AIC)及贝叶斯信息准则(Bayesian Information Criterion,BIC),空间自相关的GLM的CPUE标准化结果优于标准GLM,其中指数模型的CPUE标准化结果最佳。同时,标准GLM与空间自相关的GLM相比,存在精确度过高估计的问题。因此,在CPUE标准化中,应充分考虑空间自相关这一因素。  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential for incorporating the elastic mechanisms found in fish propulsive systems into mechanical systems for the development of underwater propulsion. Physical and kinematic information associated with the steady swimming of the bonito and other scombrid species was used for the design. Several electroactive materials were examined for simulating muscle behavior and their relative suitability was compared. A dynamic analysis method adapted for muscle, which is a work-loop technique, would provide valuable information. However, the lack of such information on engineering materials made any direct comparison between the biological and mechanical systems difficult. Based on available information, nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (SMA) was better suited to produce relatively slow and powerful steady swimming of scombrid species. The simplified geometry of muscular systems and axial tendons was adapted. These arrangements alleviate the limited strain of the SMA by trading force for distance and provide an effective force transmission pathways to the backbone.  相似文献   

Convergence criteria are provided for truncating the evanescent eigenmode series in the Green's function for vertical, axisymmetric bodies of revolution. To numerically compute the strength of the source distribution for both the exciting and restoring forces, separate criteria are required for the off-diagonal and for the diagonal elements in the matrix of coefficients for the source strengths. The Black-Fenton algorithms for wave-induced exciting forces on vertical axisymmetric bodies of revolution are extended to include the wave-induced restoring forces. The Gauss-Seidel matrix version method recommended by Fenton is compared with the Gauss elimination method and is found to be non-converging for near deep water wave conditions. Comparison between theory and measured data for the dynamic response of a discus buoy demonstrates the convergence criteria over a range of dimensionless frequencies in relatively deep water wave conditions.  相似文献   

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