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Extremely cold weather has an important influence on winter production and life in the Greater Khingan Mountains region. This paper uses the daily minimum temperature data of ground observation stations during extreme cold weather from 1974 to 2021 in the Greater Khingan Mountains region, monthly circulation index data, the spatial distribution and temporal variation characteristics of extreme cold days and extreme minimum temperature were analyzed by climate statistical method; The abrupt changes and periods of extreme cold days and extreme minimum temperature were tested by Mann-Kendall method and Morlet wavelet analysis; calculating the recurrence period of extreme minimum temperature by empirical frequency method; correlation method was used to analyze the circulation factors which had significant influence on the number of extremely cold days. The results are followed: (1) The spatial distribution of extreme cold days in the Greater Khingan Mountains region was not uniform, and gradually decreasing from northwest to south. The extreme cold days was at most 717 d in Huzhong, and at least 29 d in Gagadaki, the extreme cold days in the whole region mutated in 1979, and the average annual extreme cold days decreased 14.2 d after the mutation compared with that before the mutation, and the annual extremely cold days have a significant cycle of 2 to 4 years. (2) The extreme minimum temperature in the whole region mutated in 1990, before the mutation the extreme minimum temperature was low and after the mutation began to rise, the significant cycle of annual extreme minimum temperature was 4 to 5 years, the extreme lowest temperature was -49.6 ℃ in Mohe, followed by -49.2 ℃ in Huzhong; the extreme lowest temperature occurs once every 2 years, once every 5 years and once every 10 years in Huzhong, while the extreme lowest temperature occurs once in 20 years, once in 50 years and once in 100 years in Mohe. (3) SCAND teleconnection patterm has a good correlation with extreme cold days in winter(January, February and December)in the Greater Khingan Mountains region. Positive growth of the circulation mode, it has great influence on the extreme cold weather in winter in the Greater Khingan Mountains region. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   

红海是地球上最年轻的大洋,其板块构造活动正处于威尔逊旋回的幼年期。红海南北两端分别连接着威尔逊旋回的胚胎期和终结期,即东非大裂谷和地中海。这一独特的地理位置和构造部位使其成为板块构造理论研究的圣地。本文通过对已有的地质、地球物理和地球化学资料进行综合分析,了解了红海地区的地形、重磁异常和沿脊的玄武岩地球化学组成等地质构造特征,探讨了红海裂谷的洋壳分布、地幔源区不均一性以及扩张演化历史等问题。红海地形中间深、南北两端浅,可以分为北、中北、中南、南等四段。重磁异常的条带主要出现在中南段,其他段不明显,因而限制了以往对红海扩张历史的认识。目前认为红海全段存在洋壳,红海两岸的沿岸悬崖是共轭扩张陆缘,呈向南开口的喇叭型扩张,而非对应红海岸线的梭子型。红海裂谷沿脊的地幔源区具有明显的不均一性,南段玄武岩显示E-MORB特征,表现为阿法尔地幔柱的影响。红海的发育经历了裂谷前火山作用(31~29Ma)、大陆张裂(29~13Ma)和洋底扩张(<13Ma)三个主要阶段。红海裂谷的形成演化与非洲大陆的裂解、阿法尔地幔柱的活动、新特提斯洋的闭合等密切相关,了解红海的地球动力学过程将为揭示区域大地构造演化以及板块运动规律提供依据。  相似文献   

碲作为稀散元素,很少形成独立矿床,主要以共伴生形式产出于多个类型矿床中,包括铜镍硫化物和铂族矿床、铁氧化物铜金(IOCG)矿床、块状硫化物(VMS)矿床、斑岩矿床、矽卡岩矿床、造山型金矿、卡林型金矿和浅成低温热液矿床等。研究表明,碲元素可以形成上百种碲矿物,除了自然碲之外,多与Au、Ag、Pb、Bi、Cu等形成碲化物,与S或者Se形成碲的硫化物或硒化物,也可以形成碲酸盐、硅酸盐、磷酸盐、硫酸盐等矿物;此外Te还可以以类质同象形式替换寄主矿物中的元素。在成矿带尺度、矿床尺度及其矿石中碲均表现出极不均匀的分布特征,与主矿种Cu、Au、Ag等具有成因关系。碲具有多来源特征,可以源自地幔,也可以是浅部壳源岩浆或是围岩地层提供。碲矿化一般发生在成矿的中晚阶段,流体可通过混合作用、水岩反应、沸腾作用等改变体系的物理化学条件(如pH值、硫逸度、氧逸度、碲逸度、温度等),导致流体pH值升高、硫逸度和氧逸度降低,碲逸度升高,这是诱发碲矿物富集和沉淀的主要机制。碲由于其受控成矿条件较为特殊,需要着重加强碲富集成矿的关键控制因素、成矿物质来源和富集沉淀机制的研究。  相似文献   

Through a systematic observation of water level and temperature, and a comprehensive analysis of the data on major/trace elements, nitrite, hydrogen-oxygen isotopes, the conclusion has been drawn that there are two relatively independent groundwater systems (cool water and hot water), and the geochemical indicators of hot/cool waters are described. The cool water system is relatively enriched in Ca^2+, Mg^2+ and HCO3^-. Its TDS is relatively low, about 1400-1800 mg/L. The hot water system is relatively enriched in K^+, Na^+, Cl^- and SO4^2-. Its TDS is relatively high, about 2200-2300 mg/L. The cool water system is enriched in Ba, Ga, Cd, and the hot water system is enriched in B, Ti, Cr, Ni, Cu, Mo, Rb, and Cs, relatively. Especially, the contents of Rb and Cs in the hot water system are more than five times as high as those in the cool water system. The NO3^- contents of cool water discharged from the gold mine are relatively high, and those of hot water are extremely low. The 8D and 8-80 values follow an increasing order of surface water〉mine cool water〉mine hot water. The cool water comes mainly from the lateral supply of phreatic water, while the hot water comes mainly from the vertical supply of deeply circulating structure-fracture water. The ratio of cool water over hot water was estimated to be about 1:1 by a water quality model..  相似文献   

世界上绝大部分Re赋存在斑岩型矿床的辉钼矿之中,且分布极不均匀。在矿床-矿石-矿物颗粒等不同尺度上,Re含量均存在较大差异,但造成这些差异的因素目前尚不清楚。本文以德兴矿田中富家坞和铜厂二个矿床的辉钼矿为研究对象,在细致的矿相学研究的基础上,对其开展了EPMA、LA-ICP-MS和XRD分析,同时结合前人研究资料,详细探讨了Re在这两个矿床辉钼矿中的分布规律及差异性富集机制。结果显示:富家坞和铜厂均普遍发育两种形态的辉钼矿(细粒集合体型和粗粒片状型),Re在两种辉钼矿中的分布均极为不均,但细粒集合体型相对更富Re,而同一形态辉钼矿铜厂矿床则具有更高的Re含量;同一矿床中辉钼矿结晶越晚,往往越富集Re;个别辉钼矿可见扭结现象,且扭结部位的Re含量更低,暗示后期构造变形可能导致了Re的丢失;两个矿床高Re辉钼矿和低Re辉钼矿的结构均为2H多型,表明Re含量与辉钼矿晶体结构无关。结合前人资料,本文认为成矿流体性质(如温度、盐度等)是导致铜厂和富家坞辉钼矿Re含量差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

Based on the daily precipitation data of 16 national meteorological observation stations on the north⁃ ern slope of Tianshan Mountains from 2000 to 2020(September to April the following year),28 blizzard weath⁃ er processes were screened out. Then NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and HYSPLIT model were used to simulate backward tracking of the water vapor during the snowstorm,analysis of the circulation background of the snow⁃ storm process on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains,as well as the main sources and transport of wa⁃ ter vapor and its contribution to the snowstorm. The research showed that the snowstorm area in the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains was located on the right side of the axis of the southwest jet at 300 hPa high,the southwest airflow in front of the West Siberia trough at 500 hPa,the front convergence of the exit area of the southwest jet at low level at 700 hPa,and the convergence area of water vapor flux divergence and the overlap near the ground cold front area. The water vapor affecting the blizzard on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains mainly came from the Mediterranean Sea,the Black Sea and its vicinity,Southwest Asia,Central Asia,the Atlantic Ocean and its coasts,as well as the 850 hPa water vapor in Europe and northern Xinjiang. The water vapor from North America and other places had a relatively small contribution to the blizzard;after each water vapor source reaches the key area with the westerly airflow,under suitable circulation conditions. It mainly entered the blizzard area along the westward(southwest)and the northwest paths. But there were some differences between the layers. Based on the above characteristics,the structure of the source and transport of wa⁃ ter vapor in the snowstorm process on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains was established and the char⁃ acteristics of vapor transport at various heights were revealed. © 2023 The Author(s).  相似文献   

The Kangmar gneiss dome, typical of the north Himalayan gneiss domes, is composed of three tectono- lithologic units separated by an upper and a lower detachment fault (Kangmar detachment fault). The low-grade metamorphic Tethyan Himalayan sedimentary sequence formed the upper unit above the brittle upper detachment fault. The mylonitic granites and two-mica granites made up the lower unit beneath the ductile lower detachment fault. The mylonitc middle-grade garnet two-mica schist and biotite-plagioclase gneiss constituted the middle unit inbetween the two detachment faults and were involved in the ductile deformation of the Kangmar detachment fault. The meso- and micro-scale structural analyses on the tectonites from the detachment fault zone indicated that the Kangmar detachment fault experienced a top-down-to-north shear. Integrating macro-/micro-analyses of petrology and mineralogy, this study adopts 40Ar/39Ar dating method to constrain the active time of the Kangmar detachment fault. Analyses of the syn-deformation muscovite from the mylonitic garnet two-mica schist yield a 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 13.23±0.15 Ma, representing the active time of the Kangmar detachment fault. The chronological result hints that the Kangmar detachment was synchronous with the south Tibet detachment systems to the south and was probably part of the south Tibet detachment systems exposed in the Tethyan Himalayan sedimentary sequence. However, this hypothesis needs from the supports of more geological and geophysical evidence. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

Geochemical elements of oil shale in the Maoniing Basin were analyzed to discuss provenance attribute and depositional environment of the Youganwo formation. Experimental date of the major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements of 24 samples from the Maoye I well were examined. The analyzed oil shale samples were characterized by enrichment of Tb, U, Kb and LREE, depleted of Zr, Cr and Hf, negative Eu and Ce anomalies, indicating that these samples were originated from continental crust. The chemical index of alteration( CIA) values and the ZrZSc-Th/Sc diagrams indicate that source rooks had undergone intense chemical weathering and deposition recirculation. Based on the La/Th-Hf and La/Yb-^REE diagrams and the negative anomaly of Eu element, the oil shale in the Maoniing Basin has diverse sources, which mainly came from felsic source region of the upper crust or the mixture of felsic volcanic rocks, granite and sedimentary rocks. Ratios of the SrZCu, MgO/CaO suggest that oil shale was formed in fresh water under warm and humid climate, shallow water column became deeper during the middle and late sedimentary period. The depositional environment is interpreted to be limnetic with weak reduction at the early stage and gradually turned into semi-deep to deep lacustrine.  相似文献   

The early Jurassic Dashipo-Heishantuo batholith in Beijing, which consists of the Dashipo hornblende-biotite syenite and Heishantuo granite, exposed in the western Yanshan orogenic belt, eastern North China Craton. The Dashipo syenite is magnesian potassic intermediate rock enriched in large ion lithophile elements such as Rb, Ba, Sr, Pb and LREE, and relatively depleted in high field strength elements such as Nb, Ta, U, Th, Zr, Hf as well as P and Ti, with εNd(t) values from -12.1 to -12.2 and ISr values of 0.70506-0.70464. The Heishantuo granite is magnesian peraluminous high K calc-alkaline, with an enrichment of large ion lithophile elements and radioactive elements such as Rb, Ba, Th, U and Pb, and a depletion of HREE and high field strength elements such as Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf as well as Sr, P and Ti, with εNd(t) values from -15.5 to -18.0 and ISr values of 0.70516-0.70593. The magma of the Dashipo syenite is produced by fractional crystallization of mantle-derived K-rich mafic magma under high pressure. The partial melting of the lower crust, which was heated and metasomatised by the mantle-derived magma, produced granitic magma that intruded into the unconsolidated Dashipo syenite to form the concentric batholith. The petrology and geochemistry of the Dashipo hornblende-biotite syenite indicate that the water weakening was important for the lithospheric destruction within the interior part of the North China Craton. Meanwhile, the partial melting related to the double-diffusion of energy and chemical composition between mantle-derived magma and crustal rocks was an important mechanism for the Mesozoic calc-alkaline felsic magmatism occurred in the interior of the North China Craton. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

太平洋深海沉积物中富集稀土元素(REY,包括钇),被认为是富有潜力的新型稀土资源。(含)沸石粘土、深海粘土和多金属软泥是主要的富含REY的沉积物类型,其中(含)沸石粘土和深海粘土在中、西北太平洋海盆大面积分布,而多金属软泥则多分布于靠近东太平洋洋脊热液活动的深海盆地中。目前关于中、西北太平洋海盆的深海粘土和(含)沸石粘土已有较多的研究,但关于多金属软泥中REY的研究较少。不同区域、不同类型深海沉积物中的稀土元素赋存状态有何差异?影响稀土富集的机制又是什么目前尚不清楚,也就进一步影响了对深海沉积物稀土资源的勘查和开发工作。本文分析对比了太平洋不同区域不同类型深海沉积物的地球化学特征及矿物学特征。结果表明,总体上,中、西北太平洋海盆深海沉积物中,尤其是(含)沸石粘土中的REY含量明显高于东太平洋海盆多金属软泥REY含量,其REY的富集主要与磷酸盐有关。超常富集REY(∑REY>2000×10^(-6))的沉积物中的CaO/P_(2)O_(5)比值趋向于一致(~1.4),几乎接近于磷灰石CaO/P2O5比值(~1.3),因此REY主要赋存载体为磷灰石,该区沉积物中REY的富集可能受到磷酸盐化的影响;东太平洋海盆多金属软泥明显受到热液影响,铁和锰的含量明显增加,但其∑REY含量集中于500×10^(-6)~800×10^(-6),不随铁和锰的增加而变化,REY的富集仍与磷酸盐关系密切,而与铁锰物质和铝硅酸盐关系不大。中、西北太平洋海盆富稀土的深海沉积物形成时处于较强的氧化环境,同时又有充足的含磷物质补给,才造成REY在该区沉积物中的超常富集;而东太平洋海盆多金属软泥虽然处于氧化环境,但缺少足够的磷补给,所以其∑REY含量通常低于中、西北太平洋海盆沸石粘土中∑REY含量。  相似文献   

中国北方地区寒潮时空特征及其成因分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
乔雪梅  刘普幸 《冰川冻土》2020,42(2):357-367
基于中国北方地区269个站点1960 - 2017年逐日气温观测数据与大气环流指数等, 采用线性回归、 相关分析、 反距离加权法(IDW)及熵权法等方法, 探讨了近58年中国北方地区寒潮频次的时空变化特征及影响因素, 进而利用研究区耕地面积、 人均GDP、 农作物播种面积等社会经济统计数据, 从致灾因子、 孕灾环境、 承灾体易损性、 防灾减灾能力四个方面对中国北方地区寒潮进行风险区划分析。结果表明: 近58年来, 中国北方地区寒潮频次总体呈0.2次·(10a)-1的速率减少, 近58年研究区域共发生了159.7次寒潮, 其中冬季和十一月份寒潮频次最多。高频次出现在吉林省靖宇县、 安图县, 内蒙古阿尔山市、 苏尼特左旗、 苏尼特右旗, 频次高达508次以上, 平均每年8.8次, 最少寒潮频次出现在华北南部, 新疆喀什和阿克苏。不同等级寒潮频次差距较大, 一般寒潮频次最多, 共102.9次。一般寒潮、 较强寒潮、 强寒潮、 特强寒潮与寒潮频次在空间分布上比较相似, 大体呈由南向北增加的分布规律, 东北地区是寒潮的活跃区, 华北地区的活跃区在内蒙古中部, 西北地区寒潮活跃区主要在新疆阿勒泰地区。年尺度而言, 中国北方地区寒潮主要受CA、 APVII、 AO和APVAI的影响, 各季节影响因子有所差异, 春季寒潮主要受CQ和CA的影响, 秋季寒潮与APVII、 CA、 AO关系显著, 冬季寒潮与APVII、 CA、 AO、 SHI均达到显著相关关系。综合风险区划结果表明, 新疆阿勒泰地区、 黑龙江大兴安岭地区、 吉林省东南部以及山东省为寒潮发生的高风险区, 低风险区分布在新疆阿克苏和喀什地区, 与寒潮频次空间分布相吻合。  相似文献   

1983-2013年西藏自治区气象灾害时空分布特征与变化趋势   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
熊俊楠  刘志奇  范春捆  张昊  彭超  孙铭 《冰川冻土》2017,39(6):1221-1231
西藏自治区地处青藏高原这一独特的孕灾环境中,气象灾害的频发对当地农牧业、生态环境等敏感领域的影响尤为显著。通过收集西藏自治区1983-2013年气象灾害事件,分析了干旱、雪灾、霜冻、冰雹和洪涝五种灾害的年际、月际、空间分布特征。结果表明:在时间分布上,研究区五种气象灾害在1983-1995年发生总频次呈增涨趋势,1995年后趋于稳定,其中干旱多发生在3-6月,雪灾全年均有发生,霜冻多发生在4月、5月和8月,冰雹和暴雨洪涝灾害季节性强,主要发生在6-9月;在空间分布上,气象灾害高发区分布于西藏自治区南部,其中,干旱多发区分布于日喀则市中东部和山南市北部,雪灾多发区分布于那曲、阿里以及西藏自治区南部边缘地区,霜冻多发区分布于西藏自治区东、南部少数地区,冰雹频发区多呈带状且分布于雅鲁藏布江流域,暴雨洪涝多发区分布于西藏自治区中、东部河谷地带。基于历史气象灾害事件,开展西藏自治区气象灾害的时空分布特征及趋势研究,其结果对农业气象灾害预测预报,区域农业防灾减灾等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

基于EOF分析的三江源区植被覆盖变化时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于遥感图像1999-2010 年SPOT VEGETATION NDVI 数据,利用经验正交函数(EOF)分析方法,研究了近12a来三江源区植被变化的时空分布特征。结果显示近12a来源区植被覆盖呈整体增加趋势:(1)第一特征向量(方差贡献率为45.62%)及对应时间系数表明源区植被覆盖逐渐增加,且增速加快;(2)第二特征向量(方差贡献率为9.77%)及对应时间系数表明东南部和中部植被变化情况以退化为主,而东北部和西南部植被变化情况以增加为主。  相似文献   

广东省近50年极端降水事件的时空特征及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
蒋鹏  王大刚  陈晓宏 《水文》2015,35(2):77-84
利用广东省境内25个测站1961~2010年逐日降水资料,综合运用Mann-Kendall检验、正交分解函数和Morlet小波分析等方法,剖析了广东省极端降水的空间结构分布与时间变化特征,并从水汽辐合的角度解释了极端降水的时空特征。结果表明:全省极端降水事件的总量、频次、强度空间分布差异较大,从北到南,极端降水总量和强度增加,频次减少;全省大部分区域极端降水总量和频次都有增加的趋势;广东省极端降水受大尺度天气系统的影响,存在全区一致的多雨或少雨,但也存在东西、四周、中心以及南北的差异;极端降水空间异常可分为4个气候区(异常型),即粤东北区,粤西区,粤中部区以及粤东沿海区,各降水异常区存在20a左右的长周期、10a左右较长周期的和3~4a的短周期振荡;广东省极端降水与极端水汽辐合对应关系较好,区域内水汽辐合的改变可能是影响广东省极端降水变化的重要气候因子。  相似文献   

龚强  晁华  朱玲  蔺娜  于秀晶  刘春生  汪宏宇 《冰川冻土》2021,43(6):1782-1793
根据东北地区144个国家气象站1951—2016年的地温和土壤冻结深度资料,采用实测资料统计及统计建模推算的方法,对东北地区地温和冻结深度时空特征进行了细化分析。结果表明:东北地区地温整体由南到北逐渐降低,冻结深度逐渐增大。各层年平均地温呈向北2个纬度降低1 ℃左右,年平均最大冻结深度为向北2~3个纬度加深30 cm左右,极端最大冻结深度为向北2个纬度加深30 cm左右。地温和冻结深度与纬度关系显著,与经度和海拔也有一定相关性,但在东北北部的多年冻土区基本不受后两者影响。不同深度的地温季节特征不同,地表温度季节特征与气温一致,160 cm以下深度四季温度从高到低为秋、夏、冬、春。地表夏季与冬季温差达到33.5 ℃,而320 cm深处最热季与最冷季的温差仅为7 ℃。气候变暖使得东北地区各层地温升高、冻结深度减小、冻结期缩短,尤其在多年冻土区及其临近的高纬度季节冻土区更为显著。相对于下层土壤,地表升温最大。伊春地表升温趋势达到1.16 ℃?(10a)-1,40~320 cm土层升温趋势为0.60 ℃?(10a)-1左右,冻结深度减小、冻结期缩短趋势分别达到 23 cm?(10a)-1、8 d?(10a)-1,大幅升温不利于多年冻土的存在。  相似文献   

长江上游流域1961-2000年气候及径流变化趋势   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
王艳君  姜彤  施雅风 《冰川冻土》2005,27(5):709-714
以长江上游流域及周边113个气象站1961-2000年的气象数据以及干流屏山、宜昌水文站的径流数据为基础,对40 a来的气温、降水、参照蒸散量和径流进行了趋势分析.长江上游流域大部分地区年平均温度呈现上升趋势,尤以1990年代的升温幅度最为显著,其中冬季的增温对年增温的贡献最大,增温区主要分布在长江源区及金沙江流域.长江上游流域年和冬季降水显著增加,年降水的增加主要由于夏季极端降水事件频率的增大,降水显著增加的区域主要分布在长江源区及金沙江流域.长江上游流域参照蒸散量呈显著的下降趋势,尤其是夏季参照蒸散量下降趋势最为显著,主要分布在川江流域.屏山站径流量表现为微弱增加趋势,而宜昌站径流量呈微弱下降趋势,这除了受人类活动的影响外,川江流域年降水量的下降是宜昌站径流量减少的主要原因.  相似文献   

新安江流域是长三角地区重要的生态屏障,对该流域的植被覆盖情况进行监测并掌握其动态变化特征,对该区生态环境保护具有重要意义。以新安江流域为研究区,利用2000—2021年MOD13Q1数据,针对归一化植被指数(NDVI)的时空变化特征及其变化的持续性,使用Theil-Sen Median趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验和Hurst指数等方法进行分析,探讨了NDVI的变化趋势与岩性建造、土地利用类型之间的关系。结果表明:二十多年以来,新安江流域的年平均NDVI为0.5~0.9,总体呈波动上升趋势,最大值出现在每年7—9月,最小值出现在每年1—3月,呈现"山地高,丘陵和平原较低"的分布特征。NDVI变化类型以改善型为主,改善型区域面积占比>70%,且以持续改善型为主,其中轻微改善型和明显改善型面积占比达85.71%。第四系和白垩纪红层分布区,NDVI严重退化和轻微退化占比较高,NDVI退化情况较严重的土地利用类型为建设用地、草地和耕地。该研究结果可反映新安江流域NDVI的时空变化特征,对于该区生态环境保护与建设具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

库岸滑坡涌浪经验估算方法对比分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄锦林  张婷  李嘉琳 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):133-140
分别介绍了3种常用的库岸滑坡涌浪经验估算方法--美国土木工程学会推荐方法、潘家铮方法和水科院经验公式法。针对乐昌峡水库鹅公带古滑坡体滑坡涌浪预测问题,采用3种常用经验估算方法,并构建几何比尺1:150的物理模型,对设计洪水位和正常蓄水位条件下滑坡体不同滑速所产生的涌浪进行计算和测试。通过滑坡入水点对岸山坡涌浪爬高、坝前涌浪爬高和B3测点涌浪高度结果的对比分析,发现3种常用经验估算法计算结果差异较大,其中潘家铮方法与模型试验结果最为接近。通过对计算结果差异的进一步分析,推荐在采用经验估算法进行库岸滑坡涌浪预测时选择潘家铮方法,此外,还解释了物理模型试验中所出现的一些现象,可供库岸滑坡涌浪预测参考。  相似文献   

全球钾盐资源分布不均,储量及产量均过于集中。中国钾资源十分紧缺,寻找新的钾盐资源供应地是重要的任务。非洲地区钾盐资源较丰富,主要分布在刚果(布)、埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、埃及、摩洛哥等国家,成钾时代主要为白垩纪、新近纪及第四纪。非洲钾盐成矿地质条件优越,干旱炎热环境加速海水蒸发、伸展构造背景下形成大量断陷凹地及多期次的海侵事件,为非洲地区钾盐的最终形成提供了良好的条件。通过对非洲典型钾盐矿床(点)地质特征、矿床类型、成矿潜力等进行分析,综合认为西非加蓬-刚果盆地北侧次级盆地、东非达纳基尔盆地中心区及西北非干盐湖区为有利的找钾区。  相似文献   

库岸斜坡失稳及其引发涌浪问题是库岸斜坡灾害的重要研究部分,开展库岸斜坡失稳及其涌浪灾害风险分析研究对指导库岸斜坡防灾减灾具有重要意义。以湖南省麻阳县大水冲水库滑坡为例,探讨库岸斜坡失稳引发涌浪灾害的分析方法,采用Geostudio软件进行10年和50年一遇5日累积降雨的滑坡稳定性模拟分析,绘制滑坡影响范围内建筑物风险变化图和室内人员风险变化图。总结了在最危险工况下,大水冲水库滑坡总经济风险为249.3万元,室内人员的风险值达到27.8,并有产生翻坝的可能,但对沟口居民和水库坝体破坏的风险低。  相似文献   

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