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冰川跃动是多种冰川灾害的主要致灾因子,近年来与冰川跃动相关的冰崩、冰川垮塌、冰川泥石流等灾害的发生频率不断增加,使其成为国际国内冰川学研究的热点。依据对现有文献的统计发现,全球总计约有1 850条跃动冰川,主要分布于环北极地区和亚洲高山区,其中我国西部约有跃动冰川146条。跃动冰川可通过其特殊的表面形态标志,跃动前后冰川末端位置、表面高程和运动速度的变化,以及跃动产生的地貌学和沉积学特征来进行鉴别。跃动冰川的特殊运动模式主要由其内部和底床特性决定,包括冰内/冰下的热力学、水力学与形变等参数及变化过程等。现有大多数跃动冰川研究是基于各类遥感技术,主要着眼于跃动冰川表面变化,并据其对冰川跃动的可能机制进行分析。由于遥感方法精度有限且受天气、地形条件等的制约,同时无法获取冰内/冰下关键参数,因此野外现场观测在这些参数获取方面仍具有不可替代的作用。受限于冰内/冰下参数野外观测数据的缺乏,目前对冰川跃动机理的认识仍局限于早期提出的水力学和热力学两种机制,无法解释同一区域具备不同跃动机制的冰川共存,以及部分冰川跃动从冰川下部发起等问题。同时,在气候变化对跃动冰川的影响研究以及冰川跃动的模拟和预测等方面还有较大欠缺,需要在未来研究中重点关注。  相似文献   

Glacial meltwater is an important freshwater resource in the Caucasus and is important for regional irrigation and hydroelectricity generation. This paper analyses the spatial and temporal patterns of glacier change in the Caucasus Mountains from 1960 to 2020 based on Landsat images, coherence images from Sentinel-1 image pairs, GLIMS glacier inventory and WGMS glacier mass balance data. The results of the study show that in 2020 there were 1912 glaciers in the Caucasus Mountains, with a total area of(1 087. 36±66. 44)km2. The total glacier area shrank by(587. 36±98. 66)km2(35. 07±5. 89%)between 1960 and 2020, with an average annual shrinkage rate of(0. 58±0. 10%)·a-1. The area shrinkage rates of Caucasian glaciers for 1960-1986, 1986-2000 and 2000-2020 are(0. 44±0. 20%)·a-1, (0. 66±0. 77%)·a-1 and(0. 96±0. 31%)·a-1, respectively, indicating that Caucasian glaciers in a state of accelerated retreat over the last 60 years. Analysis of mass balance information shows that both the Djankuat and Garabashi glaciers in the Caucasus have been in a strong negative equilibrium for nearly 60 years, with a significant acceleration of mass deficit after 2000. Analysis of climate data suggests that the strong warming is the main reason for the accelerated retreat of glaciers in the Caucasus mountains in recent decades. © 2022 The authors.  相似文献   

王凯  孙永玲  孙世金  刘晓 《冰川冻土》2022,44(3):971-983
Skamri Glacier is the largest glacier in China, and it is a surge-type glacier. The study on the charac⁃ teristics of glacial movement is of great significance for early warning of glacial disasters caused by glacier surge. In this paper, 20 pairs of Landsat-8 images from 2018 to 2021 were selected to extract the surface veloci⁃ ty of Skamri Glacier using optical image feature tracking method, analyze the uncertainty of velocity, and ana⁃ lyze the temporal and spatial changes characteristics of velocity of the glacier. The results show that there are ob⁃ vious spatial differences in the surface velocity of Skamri Glacier. During the period from January 2018 to June 2019, the velocity of the south tributary of Skamri Glacier is much greater than that of its north tributary(west), while during the period from June 2019 to November 2021, it presents completely opposite spatial characteris⁃ tics, which is mainly due to the sudden increase of the velocity of the north tributary(west)in June 2019. Ac⁃ cording to the results of velocity changes from 2018 to 2021, it is found that the north tributary(west)surges in June 2019 and is still in the surge period until November 2021. The north tributary(west)glacier terminus will advance about 320 m towards the main glacier from August 2020 to September 2021;The velocity of the south tributary has been very large during the study period, and the maximum velocity reaches 441 m·a-1;The veloci⁃ ty of the north tributary(east)of Skamri Glacier increased sharply in July 2021, and the tributary may surge;The velocity of the main glacier of Skamri Glacier increased significantly after the confluence of the south tribu⁃ tary and the surge of the two north tributaries. In addition, there are temporal and spatial differences in the eleva⁃ tion distribution of the maximum velocity of the main glacier and its tributaries in this area. © 2022 Science Press (China). All rights reserved.  相似文献   

基于MODIS温度产品,着重分析了2000-2020年格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度和表面融化范围的年际变化趋势;联合IMBIE(冰盖物质平衡对比实验)数据分析表面温度对于冰盖物质平衡的影响;进一步讨论了大气环流对于格陵兰冰盖表面温度变化的影响。结果表明:格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度和融化范围趋势较为一致,2000年初期呈现出显著的上升趋势,2012年达到峰值,随后波动下降;整个研究阶段北部区域是增温速率最大的区域,高于其他任何区域两倍,东南部和西南部是温度最高的区域却具有最小的增长率;格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度、融化范围以及物质平衡之间都具有显著的相关性,同时格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度每上升1℃,会导致其物质损失增加74.29Gt·a;最后,经过对北大西洋涛动(NAO)和格陵兰阻塞指数(GBI)指数的分析得到,格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度受到GBI的影响要强于NAO的影响,冰盖夏季表面温度和NAO呈现出负相关(r=-0.64,P<0.05),和GBI呈现出正相关(r=0.77,P<0.05)。  相似文献   

River runoff is an important water resource in the arid region of northwest China. Under the back⁃ ground of climate change,the exploration on change characteristics and influencing factors of river runoff is of great significance for understanding the law of river hydrological change. Based on the daily discharge of Chang⁃ mabao hydrological station,the observation materials from meteorological stations and radiosonde stations,and the first and second Chinese glacier inventory,the variation characteristics and possible influencing factors of runoff in the upper Shule River were systematically analyzed by using the linear trend,empirical mode decompo⁃ sition and hierarchical multiple regression. The results show that the annual runoff of the upper Shule River showed a significant increasing trend during 1954-2016,with a rate of 1. 00×108 m3·(10a)-1. Both runoff in flood period and non-flood period also showed a similar increasing trend. The runoff suddenly changed in 1999 and had two oscillation periods of about 15a and 7a,among them the 15a oscillation period was the most signifi⁃ cant. Both cumulative positive temperature and precipitation were the main climatic factors affecting the runoff in the upper Shule River,which can explain more than 80% of the runoff change. There was a significant posi⁃ tive correlation between the summer runoff in the upper Shule River and the height of 0 ℃ layer. It means that the height changes of 0 ℃ layer can be used to predict the runoff change of the river in flood period,which provides an important reference for evaluating the runoff change of glacial melt recharge rivers in the arid re⁃ gion of northwest China. From 1966 to 2006,the ice volume in the upper Shule River basin decreased by about 5. 77 km3,indicating that glacier changes play a crucial role in the change and regulation of runoff in the basin. © Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 2022.  相似文献   

精确限定多期次岩浆-热液活动的时间尺度一直是剖析斑岩矿床形成过程的热点和难点。借助矿物的高精度同位素定年、热力学数值模拟以及石英的钛扩散模型等方法,斑岩矿床中岩浆-热液活动的时间尺度已经被限定在几万年之内。本文以三江特提斯超大型玉龙斑岩铜(钼)矿床为例,重点识别含矿热液脉中普遍存在的石英,利用钛元素的扩散年代学方法,精确限定斑岩矿床中多期岩浆-热液流体活动的时间尺度。扩散模型表明玉龙斑岩矿床热液活动的时间尺度为32000~870000年,有力支持了超大型斑岩矿床可以在几万至几十万年甚至更短时间内形成的观点。此外,为避免钛扩散模型产生较大的误差,需要在精确测定石英中钛含量的基础上,结合矿床地质背景或其他实验方法合理地估测温度和压力条件。研究认为,将矿物的高精度同位素定年与元素的扩散年代学相结合,可以在更为精细的尺度上完善斑岩矿床岩浆-热液活动的时间框架。  相似文献   

霍宁  郭谦谦  陈艺超  宋东方 《岩石学报》2022,38(4):1253-1279
增生造山带中陆源碎屑岩物源区特征的研究可为解剖造山带结构甚至大陆地壳的形成和演化提供关键证据。北山造山带中部的古硐井群被认为是前寒武纪稳定沉积盖层,是北山造山带存在微陆块的重要依据。本文围绕古硐井群的物源区特征,进行了碎屑颗粒和重矿物统计、全岩主微量元素地球化学分析、碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素测试。古硐井群碎屑岩的碎屑颗粒多呈棱角状,主要为石英、长石,同时含大量硅质岩碎屑和一定数量的火山岩碎屑;重矿物组成以褐铁矿、锆石、白钛石、尖晶石为主,角闪石、电气石、辉石次之,暗示物源区可能存在蛇绿岩、增生杂岩。全岩主量元素以高硅、高铝、富碱、低锰为特征,结合REE、Cr、Co、Sc和Th等惰性元素含量特征共同指示了长英质的物源区。最年轻的碎屑锆石年龄为443.9±13Ma,表明古硐井群最大沉积时限为晚奥陶世。碎屑锆石的年龄高度集中于470Ma附近,且该区间锆石εHf(t)值多为正值,指示物源区存在大量新生地壳物质。本文推测古硐井群可能形成于增生楔楔顶盆地;研究结果支持北山造山带是古生代持续增生造山的产物这一认识。  相似文献   

The distribution of permafrost and taliks is very complex in the Tuotuo River Basin(TRB), which is located in interior of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Characterizing the spatial distribution and the thermal stability of permafrost and taliks is of great significance to community activities and engineering construction in TRB. Based on the zonation of permafrost and talik distribution around TRB conducted in the 1980s, the soil temperature and its variation process of permafrost and taliks in the south and north banks of the Tuotuo River were analyzed by using the observation data of five boreholes(N1~N5)along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway in the north bank and five boreholes(S1~S5)on the first terrace in the south bank. The results showed that, under the climate warming, permafrost and taliks in the north banks experienced significant degradation and warming process. From 2005 to 2020, the permafrost at the N1 borehole has undergone a significant down-draw degradation process, from extremely unstable and high-temperature permafrost to thawed zone. From 2005 to 2013, the annual average ground temperature of the talik at N2 increased at a rate of 0. 3~0. 4 °C·(10a)-1. At Maqutang on the south bank, permafrost prevails from the first-class terrace to the gentle slope of the Kaixinling Mountain, with both through and non-through taliks on the first-class terrace. The spatial distribution and the thermal stability of permafrost and talik in the TRB are further promoted by analyzing the changes in temperatures at boreholes in the basin. However, to meet the requirements of mapping and engineering construction of permafrost and taliks in the TRB, it is still necessary to carry out geological investigation with multiple methods and in-depth research on development mechanism of taliks in the future. © 2022 Nanjing Forestry University. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

花岗岩中先存裂缝系统的识别、评价与建模,关系到干热岩热能提取的有效性、规模性、安全性,是地热能勘查、开采的难点与关键点。本文对共和盆地东北部干热岩勘察开采示范区紧邻的当家寺岩体开展了详细地质野外调查及综合分析,观测了花岗岩体内裂缝的产状、类型和样式,详细解剖了岩体裂缝系统组成及空间分布,探讨了构造作用对裂缝系统形成的时限、动力学成因的控制。研究发现其宏观裂缝系统以构造破裂缝为主,同时还发育少量的成岩缝。构造缝主要由小尺度断裂、火成岩脉、石英脉、方解石脉及多期节理缝共同构成;在岩体不同分区部位的断裂、脉体及节理等裂缝体系发育差异明显,脉体、节理受临近断层控制,其三者走向具有较好的相似性,且存在明显的多期次性。根据产状、交切关系及应力机制可以划分为5种构造破裂类型:单一应力场形成的节理系、叠加先期形成单向滑移的共轭节理组、持续走滑剪切形成的雁列石英脉与共轭节理组合、拉张形成的岩脉及脉内雁列节理组、多期次叠加形成的网状裂缝。宏观裂缝系统的形成与三叠纪末期碰撞后伸展、侏罗-白垩纪区域性隆升、渐新世-中新世中期走滑断裂活动、中新世晚期以来走滑-逆冲转换等有关。现存大量共轭剪节理形成应力场与现今最大主应力方向(NE)有差异,反映了古走滑剪切构造作用的影响。宏观裂缝系统的差异分布,不仅对花岗岩型干热岩热储层规模、质量、分布有约束,也控制着后期的建储与改造。  相似文献   

Extremely cold weather has an important influence on winter production and life in the Greater Khingan Mountains region. This paper uses the daily minimum temperature data of ground observation stations during extreme cold weather from 1974 to 2021 in the Greater Khingan Mountains region, monthly circulation index data, the spatial distribution and temporal variation characteristics of extreme cold days and extreme minimum temperature were analyzed by climate statistical method; The abrupt changes and periods of extreme cold days and extreme minimum temperature were tested by Mann-Kendall method and Morlet wavelet analysis; calculating the recurrence period of extreme minimum temperature by empirical frequency method; correlation method was used to analyze the circulation factors which had significant influence on the number of extremely cold days. The results are followed: (1) The spatial distribution of extreme cold days in the Greater Khingan Mountains region was not uniform, and gradually decreasing from northwest to south. The extreme cold days was at most 717 d in Huzhong, and at least 29 d in Gagadaki, the extreme cold days in the whole region mutated in 1979, and the average annual extreme cold days decreased 14.2 d after the mutation compared with that before the mutation, and the annual extremely cold days have a significant cycle of 2 to 4 years. (2) The extreme minimum temperature in the whole region mutated in 1990, before the mutation the extreme minimum temperature was low and after the mutation began to rise, the significant cycle of annual extreme minimum temperature was 4 to 5 years, the extreme lowest temperature was -49.6 ℃ in Mohe, followed by -49.2 ℃ in Huzhong; the extreme lowest temperature occurs once every 2 years, once every 5 years and once every 10 years in Huzhong, while the extreme lowest temperature occurs once in 20 years, once in 50 years and once in 100 years in Mohe. (3) SCAND teleconnection patterm has a good correlation with extreme cold days in winter(January, February and December)in the Greater Khingan Mountains region. Positive growth of the circulation mode, it has great influence on the extreme cold weather in winter in the Greater Khingan Mountains region. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   




冰川裂解与底部消融是南极冰架质量损失的主要部分,这两个过程与全球温度升高密切相关。Getz冰架较阿蒙森海其他冰架对温度的升高更为敏感,开展Getz冰架表面冰流速和结构特征长时间序列分析,对全球气候变化、极地冰川学的发展具有重要意义。基于Landsat系列影像,采用多尺度半自动化影像匹配算法重建了2000—2017年Getz F冰架表面冰流速,进一步通过遥感影像增强处理及人工目视解译,提取了2000年和2017年Getz F冰架表面结构特征,综合分析Getz F冰架长时间序列冰流速与表面特征。结果表明,2000—2017年间,Getz F冰架表面高冰流速区(850~950 m?a-1)逐渐向西部海岸线移动,海岸线向外延伸较大;冰架中西部下游冰裂缝数量明显增多,且冰裂隙呈现由东部上游向东部下游移动的趋势;冰流速总体呈随表面高程的增加而减少的趋势。研究表明Getz F冰架流量由Berry冰川补给较多,且冰流速受变性环极深水消融影响较大;同时,Getz F冰架前缘存在着较大不稳定性。  相似文献   

基于浅层探冰雷达的东南极内陆地区冰盖内部等时层提取   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国第32次南极考察内陆队首次使用雪地车载浅层探冰雷达取得了中山站至昆仑站全程1 300 km 的浅层冰盖数据,通过MATLAB对数据进行FFT转换、背景滤波、改变叠加次数去噪和基于曲波变换的图像处理,使用Reflexw对MATLAB处理后数据进行地形校正、二次背景滤波和平滑滤波等处理,成功提取了冰盖浅层等时层并得出了等时层的平均深度、最大深度和波动情况。最后进行了数据的连接,展示了LGB69冰芯处等时层的分布并与冰芯数据结合大体对应了相应等时层的年代和事件。给出了Dome A附近的等时层分布情况。为东南极中山站至昆仑站沿途的物质积累率计算提供重要的数据支撑。  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary sediment sequence of the continental margin in the eastern Weddell Sea is well suited for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Two cores from the upper slope, which contain the sedimentary record of the last 300 ky, have been sedimentologically investigated. Age models are based on lithostratigraphy and are correlated with the stable isotope record. As a result of a detailed analysis of the clay mineral composition, grain size distributions and structures, this sedimentary record provides the first marine evidence that the Antarctic ice sheet extended to the shelf edge during the last glacial.The variations in volume and size of the ice sheet were also simulated in numerical models. Changes in accumulation rate and ice temperature are of some importance, but the model revealed that fluctuations are primarily driven by changes in eustatic sea-level and that the ice edge extended to the shelf edge during the last glacial maximum. This causal relationship implies that the maximum ice extension strongly depends on the magnitude and duration of the sea-level depression during a glacial period. The results of the sedimentological investigations and of the numerical models show that the Antarctic ice sheet follows glacial events in the northern hemisphere by teleconnections of sea level. Correspondence to: H. Grobe  相似文献   

2003年1月4日至2月15日期间,在5种不同情况下对南极海冰进行了调查研究。包括:(1)基于走航观测的威德尔海至普利茨湾之间海冰分布研究;(2)基于航空拍摄的普利茨湾海冰分布研究;(3)纳拉海峡固定冰和上浮雪厚度钻孔测量以及冰心钻取;(4)中山站附近融化冰的分布研究以及(5)中山站附近海冰早期冻结过程观测研究。结果表明,威德尔海至普利茨湾之间走航观测得到的海冰全部密集度为14.4%,大部分冰(99.7%~99.8%)属于一年冰,观测到冰的厚度在15~150 cm。沿观测航线上海冰最大密集度(80%)出现在威德尔海,从59°56 S到69°22 S以及从040°41 W到076°23 E的区域分布着广阔的水域。这一结果验证了Silvia的海冰漂移理论。普利茨湾沿岸海冰受制于沿岸地形、拉斯曼丘陵以及搁浅冰山的影响,其密集度呈现较大的空间变化。钻孔测量显示,纳拉海峡固定冰平均厚度为169.5 cm。风吹雪的重分布以及日照强度差异是导致纳拉海峡固定冰厚度差异的主要因素。观测表明,中山站附近海冰早期冻结遵循Lange的海冰早期冻结过程“饼状循环”最初的两个阶段。  相似文献   

张雷  徐宾  师春香  周自江  任国玉 《冰川冻土》2017,39(6):1163-1171
利用被动微波卫星海冰密集度气候资料,分析了1989-2015年南北极海冰面积和密集度的长期变化趋势。结果表明:研究期内,北极年平均海冰面积减少,南极海冰面积增加,变化趋势分别为-0.569×106 km2·(10a)-1和0.327×106 km2·(10a)-1,均通过了0.01水平的显著性检验,两极海冰面积变化趋势表现出明显的"非对称性"。两极总海冰面积出现了下降,变化趋势为-0.242×106 km2·(10a)-1。年海冰密集度在北极地区普遍减少,而在南极地区的变化趋势存在显著的空间差异,威德尔海、罗斯海北部海冰密集度增加,趋势超过了10%·(10a)-1,别林斯高晋海、阿蒙森海的海冰密集度出现下降。北极各月海冰面积的变化趋势存在明显的季节差异,7-10月海冰面积减少明显,其中9月减少最显著,趋势为-0.955×106 km2·(10a)-1。南北极海冰冻结和融化的时间不完全对应,北极融化与冻结时间基本平衡,南极海冰冻结时间明显长于融化时间。南极年内海冰面积的变化幅度大于北极,呈现显著的季节性特征。北极极小海冰面积的变化趋势最显著,达到了-0.636×106 km2·(10a)-1。南极极大海冰面积出现的时间后移明显,趋势为0.733候·(10a)-1;极小海冰面积出现的时间非常稳定,没有明显的变化趋势。  相似文献   

南极冰盖对海平面影响巨大,高程变化测量是南极物质平衡监测的重要手段。采用欧空局CryoSat-2雷达高度计数据,通过提取卫星升降轨的地面交叉点,监测了南极内陆冰盖的高程变化(物质平衡)。结果表明,后向散射能量对Ku波段的CryoSat-2雷达高度计的高程数据具有一定的影响,经后向散射能量校正后,时间序列上的高程变化变得平缓,高程变化与已有的降雪数据相比,更加符合实际情况。2010年11月至2017年11月南极内陆冰盖高程变化趋势为(-1.1±0.2)cm·a-1。西南极的Kamb冰流高程变化率为(38.7±1.1)cm·a-1,Moeller冰流高程变化率为(-10.3±1.2)cm·a-1,部分Thwaites冰川区域高程变化率为(-13.4±1.8)cm·a-1,东南极的Wilkes Land出现高下降区,最高达-20 cm·a-1。Dronning Maud Land虽然出现变化异常的点,但整体并没有显著的高程变化。南极内陆冰盖质量变化为(-10.6±6.2)Gt·a-1,整体上南极内陆冰盖质量变化平缓,部分区域变化较大,Kamb冰流达到(17.9±0.5)Gt·a-1,Moeller冰流达到(-3.4±0.4)Gt·a-1,部分Thwaites冰川区达到(-3.7±0.5)Gt·a-1。  相似文献   

陈亦卓  季青  庞小平 《冰川冻土》2019,41(5):1214-1220
利用卫星测高数据能够获取大尺度、长时序的海冰厚度信息。相较于北极,目前南极海冰厚度特别是近期变化信息仍很缺乏。基于2013-2018年的CryoSat-2卫星测高数据,采用最低点高程法和静力平衡方程模型反演了近6年逐月平均海冰厚度并分析其时空变化规律。结果表明:2013-2018年南极海冰厚度整体呈现先上升后下降的趋势,其中,2014-2017年年平均海冰厚度表现为快速变薄。南极较厚的海冰集中在威德尔海西南海域,最大值出现在该海域2014年的7月(6.27 m)。年平均海冰厚度在2017年达到最低值。南极海冰厚度的时空变化研究可为深入研究海冰变化与全球变化的关系提供参考。  相似文献   

南极冰盖研究最新进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
南极冰盖是地球系统的重要组成部分,在全球气候系统中扮演着重要角色.通过对南极冰盖的研究将有助于了解其在全球气候系统中的作用,并为探讨全球气候过去、现在以及未来的演化提供支撑.总结分析了近年来南极冰盖研究的一些重要进展,并在此基础上对南极冰盖研究领域的一些主要结果、观测事实以及未来变化展开讨论,重点介绍南极物质平衡、冰芯研究、冰下水系统、冰盖数值模拟方面最近的进展,评述未来可能的研究方向和应该关注的问题.  相似文献   

基于ICESat数据的南极冰盖DEM插值方法比较及精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南极数字高程模型(DEM)是从事南极地学和环境变化研究的基础. 内插是建立数字高程模型的重要技术点, 插值方法有多种, 根据不同的适用情况, 不同的插值方法各有优劣. 利用克里格、 距离反权、 三角网剖分、 最小曲率以及移动平均5种插值方法分别建立南极冰盖小范围区域的DEM, 通过抽取部分观测数据作为验证值对各插值方法进行了比较. 结果表明: 克里格插值方法的可靠性最好, 稳定性最高. 然后, 利用克里格插值方法, 基于ICESat测高卫星的GLA12数据建立了南极冰盖的DEM. 由于南极大陆实测数据有限, 缺乏对DEM的检核. 为了分析所建DEM的可靠性, 利用中国南极内陆冰盖考察所采集的GPS实测数据, 对所建立的DEM进行了验证分析. 结果显示, DEM在坡度较缓的南极内陆冰盖区域精度较高, 符合度在3 m以内; 距离卫星轨道越近的区域精度越高, 可达到1 m 以内. 在坡度较大, 高程变化较为显著的区域如沿海地区, 精度较低, 差距最大的点超过40 m.  相似文献   

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