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青藏高原是中国和亚洲大江太河河源集中区,中国的长江、黄河及亚洲重要国际河流湄公河、萨尔温江、伊洛瓦底江、布拉马普特拉河、恒河、印度河均源于青藏高原。这里地势高亢、气温低、光照允足,降水和径流地医差异大,年内分配不均。河川径流补给主要源于降水、融水和地下水,河水含沙量低,水质良好,水力资源丰富且开发条件优越。随着国际经济一体化进程,青藏高原国际河流资源综台协调开发利用.必将为沿江各国的发展提供优质的能源和充足的水源。  相似文献   

国际河流水资源分配与国际水法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国际河流水资源在各水道国之间如何公平合理的分配,已经日益成为国际关系中的一个重要议题。本文指出,根据联合国宪章等国际基本法,每个主权国家对其领土上的全部水资源享有充分永久主权,这应该作为各国协商解决水争端的法律基础,同时对现行国际水法的适用性及若干国际河流水资源分配案例作出评价。  相似文献   

国际河流水资源分配模式研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  

国际安全研究的转向及对中国地缘安全研究的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前中国的地缘环境形势严峻,又恰逢中国崛起的特殊敏感时期,加强中国地缘安全研究具有重大的理论和现实意义。本文通过对国际关系学中的国际安全研究理论、内容、尺度和视角四个维度转向的梳理,提出国际安全研究由经典现实主义安全研究向理性主义安全研究继而向建构主义安全研究的转向,由军事、政治领域为主向经济、社会、环境等领域的拓展,由国际层面向上延伸至国际体系和向下延伸至个人层面的层次的纵深,以及由安全的客观性向安全的主观性以及主体间性的属性的完善。在此基础上,分析得出对中国地缘安全研究的启示,即中国地缘安全研究应实现研究理论的特色化,研究内容的宽泛化,研究尺度的层次化以及研究视角的"三维化",形成一种新的中国地缘安全分析框架。  相似文献   

西北地区主要国际河流水资源特征与可持续发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
汤奇成  李丽娟 《地理学报》1999,54(B06):21-28
西北地区国际河流众多,但主要有3个流域,即:额尔齐斯河、伊犁河及阿克苏河。它们都位于新疆境内,水资源的共同特征是:水资源丰沛、河川径流补给多样化、径流年际变化Cv值小而年内变化太。根据3个流域的水资源情况及自然经济情况,额尔齐斯河应以发展畜牧业为主导产业;伊犁河流域建成新疆乃至全国的畜产品基地、商品粮基地,形成以毛、麻纺织、皮草加工等为主的工业体系。阿克苏河流域要发挥自身优势,建设棉花(特别是长绒棉)、粮食(特别是优质水稻)基地。此外,为实现可持续发展战略,必须重视生态环境,要从总水资源中划出生态环境用水,建立人工绿洲生态经济系统。  相似文献   

西南国际河流水资源的合理利用与国际合作研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了云南省国际河流水资源在全国及西南地区的重要性,分析其主要特征、利用现状及存在问题,结合区域国际合作和可持续发展,提出其综合和公平合理利用的思路及相应的建议。  相似文献   

国际河流(湖泊)水资源的竞争利用、冲突和求解   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国际河流(湖泊)水资源的竞争利用.冲突和求解.已引起国际社会的广泛关注,成为下世纪人类社会可持续发展和避免地区冲突的一个关键主题。本文简述了国际河流(湖泊)水资源的区域分布;统计分析了世界主要缺水国家的入水关系变化;指出产生竞争利用和冲突的主要动因和地区;给出解决冲突的三种方式。  相似文献   

在系统分析亚太地区地缘政治和地缘经济格局变迁以及各国亚太战略变化的基础上,本文探讨了面向21 世纪中国实现国家安全的地缘政治与地缘经济战略。文章分析提出了构建中国跨世纪地缘安全框架的四条建议:(1) 大力推进世界地缘格局的多极化进程,实现全球地缘格局的相对均衡;(2) 推进沿边地区开发开放的国际合作,确保国家统一和政治稳定;(3) 构建合理的国内区域经济格局,这是提高国际地缘安全的国内地缘保证;(4) 纵深推进科教兴国战略推动产业结构升级,从而增强国家的核心竞争能力  相似文献   

柳江 《地理学报》2006,61(1):112-112
由清华大学、云南大学、世界银行学院和联合国大学联合主办,云南大学亚洲国际河流中心承办的《拓展亚洲国际河流跨境水与生态安全合作》国际学术研讨会,于2005年12月10日至14日在云南省大理市举行。来自美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、芬兰、荷兰、日本、泰国、越南、老挝、印度、斯里兰卡、伊朗和中国13个国家的60余名学者参加了会议。  相似文献   

中国与东南亚地缘环境和跨境河流合作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从地缘环境视角分析中国与东南亚跨境河流合作,简要分析了中国与东南亚在四条跨境河流水电开发、电力贸易、国际航道、环境保护等方面合作现状,指出中国与东南亚跨境河流合作前景不容乐观,存在本位利益、水事争端、环境、移民、民族等问题,重点从地缘环境展开对跨境河流合作的影响分析,最后提出了通过妥善处理主权争端、充分发挥区域合作组织作用、改善舆论环境、理性应对东南亚平衡战略和大国关系、建立跨境河流合作机制、重视流域可持续发展等措施优化地缘环境从而促进跨境河流合作。  相似文献   

Western China includes 12 provincial divisions (the 7 provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and; 5 autonomous regions of Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Guangxi; and one city of Chongqing), which comprise 71.4% of the national land area, 28.5% of the national population and produce 17.5% of the national GDP in China. There are 17 countries that have riparian relationships with western China, most of which are water-short countries. All are listed by UN ESCAP as countries with potential water crisis. The co-operative development and coordinated management of international rivers in western China is an important step toward the implementation of the national Great Western Development program. Taking into account of the national strategy and object hierarchy, as well as the development demand of the western region, it is necessary to pursue the multi-disciplinary study of the equitable allocation, utilisation, and ecoenvironment protection of transboundary water resources in the region. Such efforts will undoubtedly provide scientific evidence and support for the decision-making of the environmental protection and ecological construction and management in the western regions, the enforcement of the sub-regional economic co-operation, mitigation of trans-boundary conflicts, and enhancing bio-diversity conservation.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Recently, some important international institutions, like the World Bank (WB) and the Asian Development Bank, have pointed out that there will exist water crises, water conflicts, and even water wars in the 21st century. The equitable utilisation and co-ordinated management of the shared freshwater resources in international watercourses (sharing rivers, lakes, and underground water layers) were particularly emphasised and are turning out to be the international hot point an…  相似文献   

中国国际河流研究进展及展望   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
我国因发育了亚洲大陆的主要国际河流而成为全球最重要的上游水道国。近30年来,在全球化趋势下,国际河流的合理利用与保护、生态变化与跨境影响、地缘合作与安全维护等,广受国际关注,成为地理、生态和地缘政治等学科交叉研究的热点。本文按“国际河流”、“跨境水资源”、“跨境生态安全”等关键词,从《地理学报》及其英文版J. Geographical Sciences中检索近30年来发表的相关文献,以此为主要依据,回顾地理学对我国国际河流研究取得的主要进展,判识存在的问题和所面临的挑战;在此基础上,结合科学发展的趋势和我国地缘合作等重大需求,展望研究前景。  相似文献   

China possesses over 110 international rivers and lakes, among which 41 are major ones and 15 are of great importance. With the highest concentration of international rivers, the northeast, northwest and southwest regions of China enjoy abundant transboundary resources and pose complicated ecological security issues. Following the 1950s, relevant studies on international rivers fall into three periods: 1) the planned economy period of the 1950s–1980s when border development and basic research were scant; 2) the reform and opening-up period from 1980 to the end of 20th century. Along with the drive of economic globalization and regional cooperation, development of international rivers was thriving, which filled blanks in the research and narrowed gaps with international standards. Relevant studies also provided national and local governments with important scientific grounds for making decisions; 3) since the start of the 21st century, China has integrated its international river studies across sectors and across international borders. Now both government and scientific institutions pay great attention to transboundary environmental issues.  相似文献   

1 Introduction In the 21st century, water resources will become the international and strategic resource instead of petroleum (Kang et al., 1994a, b). At present, the freshwater resources crisis all over the world has made people aware that although water…  相似文献   

中国国际河流研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1IntroductionThe increasing momentum of economic globalization and regional geopolitical cooperation no longer stand as the major drivers of a new world order. Resource and environmental diplomacy are now regarded as new elements establishing future international patterns. Transboundary resources and environmental issues in international river basins have attracted increasing global concern and professional attention. The impact of such issues penetrates into national security, international e…  相似文献   

Northwest China includes Xinjiang Ugyur Autonomous Region, Qinghai Province, Gansu Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Shaanxi Province, covering 308×104 km2. It is located in the warm-temperate zone and the climate is arid or semi-arid. Precipitation is very scarce but evaporation is extremely high. The climate is dry, the water resources are deficient, the eco-environment is fragile, and the distribution of water resources is uneven. In this region, precipitation is the only input, and evaporation is the only output in the inland rivers, and precipitation, surface water and groundwater change with each other for many times, which benefits the storage and utilization of water resources. The average precipitation in this region is 232 mm, the total precipitation amount is 7003×108 m3/a, the surface water resources are 1891×108 m3/a, the total natural groundwater resources are 1150×108 m3/a, the total available water resources are 438×108 m3/a, and the total water resources are 1996×108 m3/a and per capita water resources are 2278 m3/a. The water resources of the whole area are 5.94×104 m3/(a.km2), being only one-fifth of the mean value in China. Now, the available water resources are 876×108 m3/a, among which groundwater is proximate 130×108 m3/a.  相似文献   

Yunnan and Guizhou are two provinces in Southwest China where in recent years drought disasters have occurred due to natural and human factors. This paper reviewed literature and summarized the related achievements of water resources utilization and protection in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. This included characters and utilization of precipitation, rivers, and karst ground water in the two provinces, and also the various explanations of drought (climate and human factors) and strategies for coping with droughts. Our concluding remarks highlight three lines of future studies: inequalities and equitable use of water distribution, better evaluation systems, and raising awareness through conservation practices.  相似文献   

随着全球气候变化及淡水资源紧张,国际河流逐渐成为国际社会关注的热点和焦点。为探寻中国学者对国际河流问题的研究热点与前沿方向,基于CNKI数据库中1957—2019年的2391篇中文文献,运用CiteSpaceⅤ等工具进行文献分析和数据挖掘。结果表明:近60年来中国学者在国际河流领域的研究经历了探索起步、较快发展、全面增长、成熟发展四个阶段,研究规模和学术影响力呈现良好发展态势;主体研究力量集中于少数优势机构,跨地域、跨机构间的合作较少,机构间的联合攻关和合作网络有待加强;发文期刊从自然科学向综合社科领域扩散,国际河流问题研究的多学科、多维度、多视角特征日益明显;从地域范围上,中国西南、东北、西北三大地区的国际河流普遍受到关注,西南地区为持续重点关注区,西北地区关注热度明显上升。研究热点和前沿呈现“水电开发—次区域合作—气候变化与生态环境—一带一路—澜湄合作”的演进特征,最近十年研究热点为气候变化影响下的国际河流水资源和水生态及“一带一路”背景下的涉水合作问题。  相似文献   

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