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岩爆灾害及其防治   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

云南省崩塌滑坡泥石流灾害及防治   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对云南省崩塌,滑坡,泥石流灾害概况,时空分布特征,以及防治工作作了系统总结,并对今后的工作提出建议,对云南省的地质灾害研究及防治工作有参考意义。  相似文献   

兰州市滑坡泥石流灾害与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在研究兰州市滑坡,泥石流类型、分布与发展趋势的基础上,论述了滑坡,泥石流防治现状和存在的问题,指出了加强防治工作的紧迫性,提出了滑坡,泥石流灾害防治的指导思想,目标和对策,强调了开展系统的防灾的重要性。  相似文献   

中国地面塌陷灾害与防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

提出了村镇滑坡灾害的评估方法,依据滑坡的可能性和灾害等级,将滑坡灾害危险性分为危险性小、危险性中等和危险性大等3级; 依据危险性和村镇治理滑坡的能力,将村镇场地划分为不适宜、适宜性差、基本适宜和适宜等4类。提出了村镇滑坡灾害监测的简易方法,包括位移简易监测及滑坡破坏宏观前兆监测。在村镇滑坡灾害评估及监测基础上,探讨了防治村镇滑坡灾害的有效方法。  相似文献   

本文论述了大连市、秦皇岛市和莱州湾滨海地区海水入侵情况,分析了这种地质灾害的形成条件,提出了防治措施。  相似文献   

藏东南山区地形起伏大,河谷深切,属典型的高山峡谷地貌。由于该区地形深切、陡峻、高海拔山峰极为发育,且降雨较为丰富,昼夜温差大,导致该区域雪崩灾害极为发育。在区内开展基础设施建设,势必会面临着雪崩灾害的问题,因此,本文以藏东南山区雪崩为研究背景,分析雪崩的发育特征,并对其危险度进行评价,以期能提高人们对雪崩灾害的认识和为雪崩灾害的危害度分析提供依据。  相似文献   

陕西省山洪灾害特征及防治对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
界定了山洪灾害的概念.分析了陕西省山洪灾害的形成条件和影响因素。在时域上,具有多期性和同期群发性,与泥石流、滑坡等灾害形成灾害链,每年7~9月是山洪灾害的高发季节,4~6月偶有发生;在地域上.受暴雨中心和流域地形控制,具有相对集中性和成片成带性。划分了山洪灾害易发区,分区提出了相应的防洪减灾措施。  相似文献   

四川康定炉城镇山地灾害及防治对策   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
自然条件、地质条件、人类经济活动是山地灾害发生及危害程度的主要制约因素。本文以炉城镇为例分析了山地灾害的影响因素,进而提出防灾减灾的工程及非工程措施。  相似文献   

Hao J.  Li L. 《冰川冻土》2022,(3):722-770
Snow avalanches are a major natural hazard in the cryosphere. It seriously threatens transportation corridors, energy transmission and communication lines, mining and touristic areas in the cold mountainous regions and often causes the destruction of infrastructure and human casualties, hindering the sustainable development of society and economy in mountainous areas. Under climate change and the expansion of human activities to alpine mountains, more population and infrastructure will expose to the risk of avalanches. In order to ensure the sustainable development in mountainous areas, the demand for the prevention and management of avalanche disasters is increasing. Based on the review of the main avalanche research progress in China since 1960 and the avalanche research results all over the world, this paper summarized the progress on the influencing factors and regional distribution of avalanche activities, avalanche formation and movement mechanism, avalanche monitoring and early warning, avalanche risk assessment and engineering prevention, as well as the frontier problems and scientific difficulties that need to be studied. In addition, the impact of climate change on avalanche activities and the interaction between human activities and avalanche activities are discussed. By looking forward to the future needs of avalanche disaster prevention and reduction, including the countermeasures, the research on avalanche in China is promoted. © 2022 by the Author(s).  相似文献   

陈万利 《江苏地质》2014,38(1):165-168
以徐州市地质灾害详细调查资料为依据,总结了徐州市地质灾害的主要类型,归纳分析了徐州市地质灾害形成的地质环境条件、诱发因素、发育现状及造成的损失。根据近年来省内外尤其是徐州市地质灾害调查评价和邳州石膏矿区地面塌陷现状及预防措施的建议,结合徐州市地质灾害隐患的具体特点,提出了加强地质灾害防治的有关制度建设、宣传培训工作、科学部署地质灾害防治、监测工程、强化建设项目的地质灾害危险性评估等地质灾害防灾减灾措施。  相似文献   

Snow avalanche hazards in mountainous areas of developing countries have received scant attention in the scientific literature. The purpose of this paper is to describe this hazard and mitigative measures in Kaghan Valley, Pakistan Himalaya, and to review alternatives for future reduction of this hazard. Snow avalanches have long posed a hazard and risk to indigenous populations of the Himalaya and Trans-Himalaya mountains. Land use intensification due to population growth, new transportation routes, military activity and tourism is raising levels of risk. The history of land use in the study area is such that investigations of avalanche hazard must rely on different theoretical bases and data than in most industrialised countries. Despite the intensive use of valley-bottom land which is affected by avalanches, a number of simple measures are currently employed by the indigenous population to mitigate the hazard. Out-migration during the winter months is the most important one. During the intensive use period of summer avalanche-transported snow provides numerous resources for the population. In Kaghan the avalanche hazard is increasing primarily as a result of poorly located new buildings and other construction projects. The large scale of avalanche activity there rules out any significant improvement or protection of the currently difficult winter access. Instead, future mitigation of the hazard should focus on protecting the small number of winter inhabitants and minimising property damage.  相似文献   

因特殊的地质环境条件,我省地质灾害发育,加之近年来经济增长、城镇扩张、降雨增多等因素共同影响,地质灾害数量和经济损失都呈现上升的趋势,因此地质灾害防治显得尤为必要。为全面认识地质灾害防治投入和社会经济发展的关系,本文通过对近十年的地质灾害现状、地质灾害防治投入和经济发展数据进行分析研究,建立固定经济投入下的总体收益函数,认为虽然青海省近年来地质灾害防治效果较好,但是从整体看,我省地质灾害防治投入较低,未达到最佳收益点。因此,相关部门在兼顾经济发展的同时也要关注地质灾害防治工作,随着经济增长适当调整防治投入,不仅能有效控制地质灾害损失,而且也保障社会其他效益。  相似文献   

Mass wasting and avalanche events substantially impact the landscape morphology and consequently human habitation throughout the Himalaya. There is, however, a paucity of snow avalanche documentation for the region. The application of dendrochronologic research methods introduces a sensitive approach to document the recurrence of snow avalanche events in a region where historical records are either non-existent or difficult to access. An exploratory dendrochronologic study was undertaken in the Lahul Himalaya of Northern India during the summer of 2006. Included within the fieldwork was an assessment of avalanche track morphology to enable identification of the slope characteristics that might be associated with an increase in avalanche activity. Thirty-six trees growing on the Ratoli avalanche track were sampled. The oldest tree was a Cedrus deodara with a pith date of 1950. A tree-ring-derived avalanche response curve highlights four avalanche events that occurred from 1972 to 2006. The successful scientific results based on the application of the method used provide the basis for local planners to quantify slope failure hazards in forested areas throughout the western Himalaya.  相似文献   

滑坡灾害防治的新技术路线及分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
论文指出了滑坡灾害防治中面临的工程问题和科学问题。提出了“监测为首、排水为主、结构为辅、预测预警、科学决策”新的滑坡防治技术路线,介绍了其涵盖的基本内容。监测的首要性在于山体地质结构的复杂性和具体滑坡的个体行为。通过监测有可能获得地质体当前的状态、提高排水工程的可靠性、确定工程治理适用范围、创造滑坡灾害预测预报的条件、为科学决策提供依据;排水不仅可以预防滑坡灾害的发生,还应作为工程治理的主要措施。它以较低的成本维持山体的整体强度;与排水技术相比,借助于工程结构治理大型滑坡,是以较高的代价换取山体局部区域的强度提高;滑坡灾害的预测预警和科学决策,依赖于科学监测数据和可靠的分析方法。新技术路线的可靠性、合理性和实用性还需更为全面深入的论证,对相关问题开展讨论,有助于提高我国滑坡灾害防治水平。  相似文献   

京珠高速公路粤境北段路堑高边坡失稳防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
京珠高速公路粤境北段地形条件十分复杂,被世界银行专家称为“中国最具挑战性的公路项目”。文章介绍了针对此项目开展的路堑高边坡失稳防治研究情况,着重介绍了该项研究的技术路线,以及为预防路堑高边坡失稳开展的系列研究。即:①路堑高边坡工程地质条件;②按常规所做原设计的堑坡稳定性;③路堑高边坡设计方案;④路堑高边坡施工工艺;⑤动态监测;⑥动态设计。研究与设计施工密切配合,及时将研究成果应用到工程实践中,取得很好的效果。  相似文献   

由于特殊的地质结构,煤矿地区是我国滑坡灾害最严重的地区之一。列举了露天矿边坡、采空塌陷区滑坡和厂区滑坡灾害实例,分析了煤矿地区常见的黄土滑坡、堆积层滑坡、基岩顺层滑坡和切层滑坡的特征与发生机理,认为特殊的地层结构和坡体结构是发生滑坡的地质基础,地下水是滑坡的重要影响因素,不科学的人类工程活动是诱因。要预防滑坡灾害,在选线、选厂、选址时必须加强地质工作,查明老滑坡和新生滑坡的规模和性质,工程地质与力学计算相结合评价滑坡的稳定性,提出预防措施建议。同时介绍了我国常用的治理滑坡的原则和排水、减重、反压和支挡等工程措施,以及今后应深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

At Airedale Reef, western North Island, New Zealand, a ca. 4 m thick volcanogenic debris avalanche deposit has facilitated the preservation of an enveloping sequence of peats with interbedded andesitic tephras spanning marine isotope (MIS) 5. The sequence closely overlies a wave‐cut terrace correlated to MIS 5e and, in turn, is overlain by andic beds with tephra interbeds including the Rotoehu and Kawakawa tephras deposited during early MIS 3 and mid‐MIS 2, respectively. Pollen analysis of the organic sequence shows a coherent pattern of fluctuating climate for the Last Interglacial–Last Glacial transition that corresponds with marine isotope stratigraphy and supports the contention that orbital variations were a primary factor in late Quaternary southern mid‐latitude climate change. A five‐stage subdivision of MIS 5 is clearly recognised, with marine isotope substage (MISS) 5b drier than MISS 5d, and the cooling transition from 5a to MIS 4 also may have been comparatively dry and characterised by natural fire, perhaps associated with volcanism. Several other examples of volcanic impact on vegetation and the landscape are evident. The Airedale Reef sequence exhibits strong similarities with fragmentary MIS 5 pollen records preserved elsewhere in New Zealand and enables the proxy record of southern mid‐latitude climatic variability during the Last Interglacial–Glacial cycle to be extended. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国近2000年来气候变化石笋记录研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哥本哈根气候大会的召开,使得近2 000年来的气候变化研究倍受关注。本文对气候变化石笋记录,尤其是我国近2 000年来气候变化石笋记录取得的主要成果进行了总结。已有研究的进展主要在于:发现在中国季风区石笋记录中存在近2 000年来的一系列气候事件,并对其进行了高分辨率重建;对地区热月温度进行了年分辨率的重建,以及通过集成研究发现了"环流效应"等等。但以往的研究仍存在石笋古环境代用指标机理、年代学以及区域代表性石笋记录研究不够等问题。为此,文中提出了加强年际分辨率氧同位素古环境机理,特别是大气降水到石笋的一整套迁移变化过程的研究,以及与其他古环境代用指标的响应机理进行综合研究,加强近2 000年来石笋年代学研究和加强区域性代表性石笋记录研究等建议。  相似文献   

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