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《Gondwana Research》2000,3(1):79-89
The structural and petrographic studies of the metamorphic rocks of the Schirmacher region, East Antarctica, indicate polyphase metamorphism, dominantly of an early granulite and later amphibolite facies metamorphism. In order to understand the metamorphic evolution of the region, the temperature and pressure of metamorphism has been estimated for felsic gneisses and charnockites using conventional models of geothermometry and geobarometry. The studies showed that, the early granulite facies metamorphism and charnockitization took place around 827±29°C at 7.3±0.3 kbar, while the later amphibolite facies metamorphism and granitization took place around 654±27°C at 5.4±0.4 kbar. The pressure and temperature recorded in these rocks suggest that metamorphism was initiated at 20 to 27 km depth, with a geothermal gradient of around 32°C/km. The P-T conditions reflect isobaric cooling path, with a gentle dP/dT slope (∼10±1 bar/°C). The isobaric cooling path owes its origin to the underplating of crust by mantle derived magmas.  相似文献   

The lacustrine sediments are one of the best sources to provide information on climate change, specially in peri-glacial climatic region. Schirmacher Oasis, located on the Princess Astrid Coast in Queen Maud Land, is one of the few areas in East Antarctica that provides valuable information on paleoclimate of the region with various depositional features formed due to deglaciation process. This Oasis is dotted with more than 100 lakes of proglacial, land-locked and epi-shelf type. The multi-proxy sedimentological data, generated from the sediment cores from land-locked lakes and grab sample from a proglacial lake, lying in the same drainage line in the central part of Schirmacher region has provided better insight into the paleoclimatic evolution of the region. The immature and chemically unaltered lake sediments have shown restricted drainage pattern. Different phases of warmer and cooler intervals are highlighted by the patterns of fluctuations in different sedimentological and statistical parameters. The dominance of glacial signatures is very clear on the lake sediments as revealed by the surface textures of quartz grains. Physical weathering has mainly controlled the overall sediments and the composition of clay fraction. The clay minerals indicate a gradual shift in the weathering regime and therewith in climate from strongly glacial to fluvioglacial specially around 42 ka. This indicates beginning of warming of the area much before the LGM. But the warm period is not strong enough to alter the overall clay chemistry. Proxy records indicate short-period climatic oscillations during late Quaternary.  相似文献   

Summary Petrographic and geochemical data are presented for some ouachitites from the Schirmacher Oasis. The studied dike intruded into the metamorphic basement of the East Antarctic craton. The ouachitite samples contain substantial amounts of zoned phlogopite and diopsidic to salitic pyroxene as phenocrysts. K-rich nepheline is the predominant phase of the matrix. The rocks are characterized by low SiO2 concentrations (up to 36.5 wt.%), low mg# and high abundances of Al2O3, alkalis and volatiles. Trace element compositions of the Schirmacher ouachitites differ from those of ultramafic lamprophyres from other regions in that they contain significantly lower Cr and Ni concentrations and relatively low enrichments in LILE and LREE. The studied rocks have low143Nd/144Nd and enhanced87Sr/86Sr ratios. Pb isotope compositions of the ouachitites closely resemble those of MORB. The 18O values range between 4.1 and 4.70/00 which may be due to interactions with meteoric water. Because the Schirmacher ouachitites are only represented by a few samples it is impossible to discuss the petrogenesis of this magma. However, according to trace element and isotopic characteristics, it can be ruled out that Schirmacher ouachitites and associated minettes (documented inHoch, 1997;Hoch andTobschall, 1998) were derived from the same mantle reservoir.
Geochemie und Petrologie von Ouachititen aus der Schirmacher Oase, Ostantarktika
Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit werden petrologische und geochemische Daten von Ouachititen aus der Schirmacher Oase vorgestellt. Der beprobte Gang intrudierte in das metamorphe Basement des ostantarktischen Kratons. Zonierte Phlogopite und diopsidische bis salitische Pyroxene sind die häufigsten mafischen Einsprenglinge. K-reiche Nepheline bilden die Hauptmineralphase der Grundmasse. Charakteristisch für die Ouachititproben sind niedrige SiO2-Konzentrationen (bis 36.5 Gew.%) und mg#, aber hohe Gehalte an Al2O3 Alkalien und volatilen Bestandteilen. Die Spurenelementzusammensetzung der Schirmacher Ouachitite unterscheidet sich von UML-Proben aus anderen Regionen durch ihre extrem geringen Cr- und Ni-Konzentrationen und die vergleichsweise niedrigen Anreicherungen an LILE und LREE. Die bearbeiteten Gesteine zeigen niedrige143Nd/144Nd- und erhöhte87Sr/86Sr-Verhältnisse. Die Pb-Isotopie der Ouachitite entspricht der von MORB. 6180-Werte variieren zwischen 4.1 und 4.70/00, was auf eine eventuelle Beeinflussung durch meteorische Wässer hindeutet. Da von den Schirmacher Ouachititen nur wenige Proben für eine Bearbeitung zur Verfügung standen, ist es nicht möglich, die Petrogenese des Magmas zu diskutieren. Aber aufgrund der Spurenelement- und Isotopensignaturen kann ein gemeinsames Mantelreservoir der Schirmacher Ouachitite und Minette (beschrieben inHoch, 1997;Hoch undTobschall, 1998) ausgeschlossen werden.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

南海北部新生代火山岩微量元素与同位素体系特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涂湘林  邹和平 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):34-36
南海北部新生代火山岩由早期的钙碱性双峰式向晚期的碱性玄武岩和拉斑玄武岩演化,微量元素与同位素体系特征研究表明这种趋势与该地区边缘海的扩张过程相对应,在拉伸作用早期,岩浆来源于富集型岩石圈地幔,而在晚期则来源于亏损的软流圈地幔。  相似文献   

In the Schirmacher Hills, most of the ductile shearing took place under high to medium grade amphibolite facies metamorphism. The microstructure of the mylonites shows characteristic features of high temperature deformation and thus gives us an idea of deformation mechanisms of the constituent minerals at great crustal depth. The variation in microstructure of the sheared rock is partly due to heterogeneity of the intensity of strain from domain to domain, producing protomylonites, orthomylonites and ultramylonites. However, a large part of the microstructural variation has resulted from syn- to post-tectonic recrystallization and grain growth of constituent minerals. Both quartz and feldspar have deformed by crystal plastic processes with dominant grain boundary migration. The present aspect ratio of the feldspar grains is a result of various degrees of dynamic recrystallization along the grain boundary. The ratio varies between 1.5 and 2. Presence of exsolution lamellae in perthites and formation of myrmekite at the strained grains of K-feldspar suggest diffusion assisted dislocation creep. These mylonites are characterized by the presence of weakly strained or unstrained long quartz ribbons. The development of quartz ribbons with the absence of significant strain suggests grain recovery and grain growth during high temperature mylonitization. The growth of quartz ribbons took place by coalescing neighbouring grains both along and across the ribbon length. At the ultramylonite stage the fine-grained matrix of quartz and feldspar mostly accommodates the bulk strain.  相似文献   

Granulometric analysis of nineteen sediment samples has been carried out for their statistical and textural parameters. The samples are collected from the northern and southern margins of Schirmacher Oasis extending below the polar ice sheet and grading to coastal area respectively and main rocky land of Schirmacher including lakes. The analysis shows that most of the sediments are of medium grain size and fall in poor to very poor sorted category. An attempt has been made to interpret the depositional set-up by plotting the scatter patterns between various textural parameters, including C-M plot and arithmetic log-probability curves. The influence of physical parameters viz. low to high velocity winds, ice and meltwater on sediment characteristics has been discussed.  相似文献   

冀北小张家口基性-超基性杂岩体主要由辉石岩和次要的纯橄岩组成,并含有方辉橄榄岩透镜状捕掳体.岩石学和元素地球化学数据表明,辉石岩和纯橄岩可能是堆晶成因,而方辉橄榄岩可能是来自地幔源区的地幔岩捕掳体(抽取玄武质熔体之后的难熔残余).辉石岩和纯橄岩都表现出相当富集的Nd-Sr同位素特征,εND (t)=-2~10,ISr=0.7045~0.7081,表明它们的母岩浆来自富集的岩石圈地幔的部分熔融.化学成分和同位素成分一致表明,母岩浆在以橄榄石和辉石为主的分离结晶过程中,遭受下地壳不同程度的混染.辉石岩受显著混染,不能代表岩石圈地幔的同位素成分;而纯橄岩是最初的分离结晶体,仅受轻微下地壳混染,可近似反应岩石圈地幔源区的同位素成分.小张家口岩体的形成可能与古亚洲洋的缝合(240~250Ma)有关.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(9):1593-1612
Sediments, mosses and algae, collected from lake catchments of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, were analysed to establish baseline levels of trace metals (Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Sb, Pb, Se, V and Zn), and to quantify the extent of trace metal pollution in the area. Both impacted and non-impacted sites were included in the study. Four different leaching solutions (1 M MgCl2, 1 M CH3COONH4, 1 M NH4NO3, and 0.3 N HCl) were tested on the fine fraction (<63 μm) of the sediments to extract the mobile fraction of trace metals derived from human impact and from weathering of basement lithologies. Results of these tests indicate that dilute HCl partly dissolves primary minerals present in the sediment, thus leading to an overestimate of the mobile trace metal fraction. Concentrations of trace metals released using the other 3 procedures indicate negligible levels of anthropogenic contribution to the trace metal budget. Data derived from this study and a thorough characterisation of the site allowed the authors to define natural baseline levels of trace metals in sediments, mosses and algae, and their spatial variability across the area. The results show that, with a few notable exceptions, human activities at the research stations have contributed negligible levels (lower than natural variability) of trace metals to the Larsemann Hills ecosystem. This study further demonstrates that anthropogenic sources of trace metals can be correctly identified and quantified only if natural baselines, their variability, and processes controlling the mobility of trace metals in the ecosystem, have been fully characterised.  相似文献   

苏北东海地区片麻岩的Nd—Sr同位素定年及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
樊金涛  李金玉 《江苏地质》2000,24(4):193-199
苏北驼峰、牛山片麻岩的原岩是造山后拉张环境下形成的碱性花岗岩。其全岩Rb -Sr等时线法地质年龄为(80 4 8± 0 39)Ma、(797 7± 1 5 )Ma ,此值代表原岩的形成年龄 ,表明苏胶造山带于新元古代中期 (距今 80 0Ma± )已开始向裂解转化。由此推断碰撞造山运动应发生于新元古代早期 (距今 10 0 0Ma~ 90 0Ma)。其时代可与北美格林威尔造山带相当 ,应是Rodinia超大陆汇聚和裂解的组成部分。此外 ,其Nd模式年龄为 186 9Ma~ 1915Ma、1417Ma~ 144 0Ma ,揭示物质来源于前中元古代地壳重熔岩浆与上地幔物质的不同比例混合。  相似文献   

东准噶尔绿源金矿是近年来新发现的矿床,位于野马泉-琼河坝古生代岛弧带东段的琼河坝矿集区。矿体主要产于上石炭统巴塔玛依内山组中酸性火山岩中,呈似层状、条带状、透镜状,多受断裂构造控制。流体成矿作用可分为4个阶段:石英-黄铁矿阶段、石英(玉髓)-金-黄铁矿阶段、石英-金-多金属硫化物阶段、石英-碳酸盐阶段,其中阶段2和阶段3为金主要成矿阶段。金属硫化物组合主要为黄铁矿-毒砂-闪锌矿-黄铜矿±银金矿组合。文章从流体包裹体和H、O同位素研究入手,对该矿床成矿流体和矿床成因进行探讨。流体包裹体岩相学特征显示,本矿床热液矿物中流体包裹体存在3种类型:富液相气液两相水溶液包裹体(V+L型)、富气相气液两相水溶液包裹体(V型)和纯液相水溶液包裹体(L型)。其中,V+L型包裹体数量最多,各阶段热液矿物中均有发育;V型包裹体数量最少;L型包裹体数量较少。显微测温结果显示:绿源金矿床石英中流体包裹体均一温度介于115~349℃之间,盐度集中于0.7%~8.8%NaCl eqv.之间,密度介于0.66~0.98g/cm~3之间;从阶段2至阶段4,流体均一温度从268~322℃,经181~300℃,降为115~176℃。这些都表明绿源金矿床成矿流体具有低温、低盐度、低密度的特征,与典型浅成低温热液型金矿成矿流体特征相似。对成矿压力和深度的估算表明,其成矿压力为(73~335)×10~5Pa(均值203×10~5Pa),成矿深度为0.24~1.12km(均值0.68km),显示出浅成热液矿床的特征。流体包裹体激光拉曼探针分析显示,各阶段包裹体成分类似,气相成分和液相成分主要为H_2O。成矿流体氢、氧同位素组成分别为δD_(H_2O)=-108.8‰~-129.0‰、δ~(18) O_(H_2O)=-7.2‰~4.6‰,表明成矿流体具有多来源,以大气降水为主的特征。综合矿床地质特征和成矿流体研究,认为流体不混溶作用可能是绿源金矿床的重要成矿机制,该矿床应属浅成低温热液型金矿床。  相似文献   

South Qinling Tectonic Belt (SQTB) is located between the Shangzhou-Danfeng and Mianxian-Lueyang sutures. There are a lot of early Mesozoic granitoid plutons in its middle segment, comprising the Dongjiangkou-Zhashui granitoid plutons at the northeast, Huayang-Wulong-Laocheng granitoid plutons at the central part, Xiba granitoid pluton at the northwest and Guangtoushan-Liuba granitoid plutons at the southwest. These Indonisian granitoids contain a mass of various scale mafic enclaves, which show sometimes clear boundaries and sometimes transitional boundaries with their host granitoids. These granitoids also exhibit metaluminous to peraluminous series, commonly higher Mg# and a wide range of petrochemistry from low-K tholeiite series, through mid-K and high-K calc-alkaline series to shoshonite series and predominated samples are attributed to mid-K and high-K calc-alkaline series. Detailed analyses in Sr-Nd isotopic systematics and petrochemistry reveal that there may be regionally initial granitoid magma of the Indonisian granitoid plutons, comprising Dongjiangkou-Zhashui, Huayang-Wulong-Laocheng, Xiba, and Guangtoushan-Liuba granitoid plutons, which were produced by hybrids of magmas in various degrees, and the initial magmas were derived from both the mantle and the lower continental crust (LCC) sources in the SQTB. The initial granitoid magma further did the magma hybrid with the magmas from the LCC, crystallization fractionation, and assimilation with upper crustal materials during their emplacement to produce these granitoid plutons in the SQTB. These magmatism processes are most likely to occur under continent marginal arc and syn-collision to post-collision tectonic backgrounds.  相似文献   

We present mineralogical, petrological and geochemical datato constrain the origin of the Harzburg mafic–ultramaficintrusion. The intrusion is composed mainly of mafic rocks rangingfrom gabbronorite to quartz diorite. Ultramafic rocks are veryrare in surface outcrops. Dunite is observed only in deepersections of the Flora I drill core. Microgranitic (fine-grainedquartz-feldspathic) veins found in the mafic and ultramaficrocks result from contamination of the ultramafic magmas bycrustal melts. In ultramafic and mafic compositions cumulatetextures are widespread and filter pressing phenomena are obvious.The order of crystallization is olivine pargasite, phlogopite,spinel plagioclase, orthopyroxene plagioclase, clinopyroxene.Hydrous minerals such as phlogopite and pargasite are essentialconstituents of the ultramafic cumulates. The most primitiveolivine composition is Fo89·5 with 0·4 wt % NiO,which indicates that the olivine may have been in equilibriumwith primitive mantle melts. Coexisting melt compositions estimatedfrom this olivine have mg-number = 71. The chemical varietyof the rocks constituting the intrusion and the mg-number ofthe most primitive melt allow an estimation of the approximatecomposition of the mantle-derived primary magma. The geochemicalcharacteristics of the estimated magma are similar to thoseof an island-arc tholeiite, characterized by low TiO2 and alkalisand high Al2O3. Geochemical and Pb, Sr and Nd isotope data demonstratethat even the most primitive rocks have assimilated crustalmaterial. The decoupling of Sr from Nd in some samples demonstratesthe influence of a fluid that transported radiogenic Sr. Leadof crustal origin from two isotopically distinct reservoirsdominates the Pb of all samples. The ultramafic rocks and thecumulates best reflect the initial isotopic and geochemicalsignature of the parent magma. Magma that crystallized in theupper part of the chamber was more strongly affected by assimilatedmaterial. Petrographic, geochemical and isotope evidence demonstratesthat during a late stage of crystallization, hybrid rocks formedthrough the mechanical mixing of early cumulates and melts withstrong crustal contamination from the upper levels of the magmachamber. KEY WORDS: Harzburg mafic–ultramafic intrusion; Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes; magma evolution; crustal contamination  相似文献   

Numerous minette dykes intersect the Precambrian crystallinebasement of Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica. This study presentsnew Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotope data for 11 minette samples fromfour different dykes. The samples are characterized by relativelyhigh 87Sr/86Sr (0·7077–0·7134), 207Pb/204Pb(15·45–15·55) and 208Pb/204Pb (37·8–39·8),combined with low 143Nd/144Nd (  相似文献   

地幔中EM1端员成因的锂同位素制约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在四个地幔端员(DMM、HIMU、EM1、EM2)中,EM1的成因一直令人困惑。华北克拉通中部(太行山地区)地幔橄榄岩捕虏体的Li同位素组成特征为探讨这一问题提供了新的制约。橄榄岩捕虏体中主要组成矿物(橄榄石、斜方辉石和单斜辉石)的Li同位素组成特征表明,该区的岩石圈地幔中有再循环的、古老的洋壳物质。结合已有的地幔橄榄岩捕虏体的Sr-Nd同位素数据,可以推测再循环的古老蚀变洋壳对地幔EM1端员组分的产生有重要的作用。  相似文献   

松权衡  邢树文  张勇  李超  王岩  于城 《岩矿测试》2016,35(5):550-557
吉林省中东部地区地处中国东北部陆缘、兴蒙造山带的东段,目前已探明大中型钼矿床十余座,矿床类型有斑岩型、矽卡岩型和石英脉型。长安堡斑岩型钼(铜)矿床是吉林中部地区新发现的一座大型斑岩型矿床,成矿年代学研究工作至今尚未开展。本文在矿床地质特征研究的基础上,对矿区辉钼矿进行了Re-Os同位素体系的定年研究,获得辉钼矿模式年龄值为167.3±2.4~168.7±2.4 Ma,加权平均值为168.0±1.0 Ma(MSWD=0.16),等时线年龄为168.0±6.2 Ma(MSWD=0.42),表明长安堡钼(铜)矿床形成于中侏罗世,属中国北方燕山期大规模钼成矿期成矿,结合已发表的钼矿床高精度年代学数据,认为吉林中东部地区的钼成矿作用发生在早-中侏罗世(167~196 Ma)。矿区辉钼矿的Re含量介于25.17~34.80μg/g,平均值为29.54μg/g,指示了成矿物质具有壳幔混源、且更偏壳源特征,为准确认识该矿床的成矿物质来源提供了进一步的制约。这些成果对于研究吉林地区钼矿资源的成矿规律提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Anatectic veins containing the Be minerals khmaralite and berylliansapphirine as primary phases (or surinamite derived therefrom)are associated with Mg–Al-rich paragneisses at three localitiesin the ultrahigh-temperature Napier complex, Antarctica, a uniqueBe mineralization in the granulite facies. Likely precursorsof the paragneisses are volcaniclastic deposits that were hydrothermallyaltered by heated seawater prior to metamorphism. Regular distributionof Be among minerals in the paragneisses suggests an approachto equilibrium with Be greatly concentrated in sapphirine (25–3430ppm Be) or cordierite (560–930 ppm Be) relative to plagioclaseAn53–66 (14–43 ppm Be) > cores of coarse-grainedorthopyroxene (0·7–29 ppm Be) > coronitic orthopyroxene(0·4–14 ppm Be) sillimanite (0·1–26ppm Be) plagioclase An18–33 (0·6–15 ppmBe) > biotite (0·06–8 ppm Be) > K-feldspar,quartz, garnet (0·05–0·7 ppm Be). Sapphirine-bearingparagneisses have average Be concentrations, 4·9 ±2·4 ppm (13 samples), about twice that of typical pelites,whereas paragneisses lacking sapphirine and primary cordieritehave only 2·9 ± 2·1 ppm Be (12 samples),implying some loss of Be during metamorphism. The likely sourcerocks for the Be-rich melts were biotitic rocks lacking theBe sinks sapphirine and cordierite. These gneisses were probablyless competent than the sapphirine-bearing gneisses, so themelts were drawn to the latter and collected in spaces openedduring deformation and boudinage of the more competent paragneisses.Fractionation of the melts concentrated Be to the extent thatBe minerals could crystallize. The final result was Be-mineralizedanatectic veins hosted by relatively Be-rich sapphirine-bearingparagneisses. KEY WORDS: Antarctica; beryllium; granulite facies; microprobe; sapphirine  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2001,4(3):337-357
The Precambrian basement of the Schirmacher Hills, Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica has evolved through multiple episodes of deformation and metamorphism. The rocks have suffered at least five phases of deformation. The imprint of the early deformation, D1, is preserved in some mafic isolated enclaves. The second and the third deformations (D2 and D3) are the dominant deformations of this area and produced isoclinal folds with transposition of earlier cleavages. The later deformations, D4 and D5, produced two sets of open, upright folds. Detailed mineralogical, textural, mineral chemical studies and geothermobarometry on khondalite, leptynite as well as different varieties of enderbite and mafic granulites have revealed that the rocks suffered two phases of metamorphism under granulite facies conditions followed by an amphibolite facies overprint. M1 is broadly coeval with D1 only in mafic granulite enclaves within enderbitic gneiss, and took place at ca. 10 Kbar, 900° C. The mafic magma, parental to the enclaves, probably crystallized at 11.2 Kbar. Following post-peak near isobaric cooling, the mafic granulites were transported to shallower levels by the enderbitic magma. M2, recorded in all the lithologies, occurred at ca. 8 Kbar, 800–850°C and synchronous with D2. Post peak M2 evolution of the rocks was characterized by a pressure — temperature drop of 2 Kbar and 200°C respectively and textures indicative of both cooling and decompression are preserved in different rocks. The relative timing of the two, however, cannot be worked out. M3, synchronous with D3, took place at 6 Kbar, 600–650°C and evolved hydrous fluid flux. Correlation with available structural and geochronological data shows that both M1 and M2 could be of Grenvillian event. M3 could well be Pan-African age.  相似文献   

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