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本文基于NOAA再分析逐日降水数据和22个CMIP6模式的降水模拟数据,选取了6个极端降水指数,从气候态和相对变率两个角度对CMIP6模式在中亚地区极端降水方面的模拟能力开展了评估。结果表明,在气候态方面,中亚地区降水的空间分布表现为由西南向东北递增,其东南部山地迎风侧降水偏多;多模式集合对SDII(简单降水强度)和CDD(最大无雨期)模拟的平均误差分别为-5.43%和0.45%,对PRCPTOT(年总降水量)、R1mm(有雨日数)、Rx5day(最大连续五日降水)和CWD(最大雨期)的模拟结果存在明显高估,且在中亚东南部高海拔地区误差偏高。在相对变率方面,多模式集合模拟的中亚极端降水的相对变率偏小,其中对CWD的模拟效果相对较好,平均误差为-4.78%;对R1mm的模拟效果最差,平均误差为-36.16%。模式间进行比较,TaiESM1、EC-Earth3-Veg-LR和GFDL-ESM为22个CMIP6模式中模拟能力最好的前3个模式。  相似文献   

对CMIP6全球气候模式在中国地区极端降水的模拟能力进行了综合评估.基于CN05.1观测数据集和32个CMIP6全球气候模式的降水数据,采用8个常用极端降水指数对极端降水进行了定量描述.研究结果表明,在极端降水的气候平均态方面,CMIP6多模式集合对1961—2005年中国地区区域平均的8个极端降水指数模拟的平均相对误...  相似文献   

青藏高原东坡陡峭地形区是气候模式陆地降水模拟偏差的大值区,且这一偏差长期未得到有效改善.基于17个参加国际耦合模式比较计划第六阶段(CMIP6)的全球气候模式的日降水结果,评估了当前最新一代的气候模式对青藏高原东坡地区2000—2014年暖季(5—9月)降水气候态及其季节内演变的模拟能力.结果表明:高原东坡降水正偏差存...  相似文献   

黄子立  吴小飞  毛江玉 《高原气象》2021,40(6):1470-1483
我国西南地区的地形地貌非常复杂,当前的气候模式对该地区降水状况特别是极端降水的模拟技巧是比较低的.本文基于台站和卫星观测的逐日降水资料以及欧洲中心第五代再分析(ERA5)降水资料,通过与CMIP6高分辨率模式比较计划(HighResMIP)中的12个模式高、低分辨率模拟结果的对比分析,评估了当前气候模式对西南地区夏季降...  相似文献   

基于地面气象站观测资料,采用偏差订正后的国际耦合模式比较计划第六阶段(CMIP6)中情景齐全的5个气候模式,评估气候模式对1995-2014年黄河上游降水的模拟能力,并预估了 7个SSP-RCP情景下黄河上游2021-2040年(近期)、2041-2060年(中期)、2081-2100年(末期)的降水变化趋势.结果表明...  相似文献   

动力降尺度CMIP5的2006—2035新疆夏季降水变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腊孟珂  周洋  朱汉辰  董轩 《气象科学》2019,39(3):413-420
评估了CMIP5 9个模式对新疆夏季降水的模拟效果,从中选取5个较好的模式结果,利用RegCM4动力降尺度再集合平均。通过对CMIP5 9个模式的评估,发现CanCM4、CMCC-CM、CNRM-CM5、HadCM3、MIROC4h对新疆夏季降水的模拟较好。进一步分析动力降尺度和集合平均结果,发现动力降尺度能更好地描述新疆复杂地形造成的降水,同时发现2006—2035年比1976—2005年新疆夏季的总体降水有所减少,存在明显的减少趋势。在空间分布上主要表现为天山山脉和其南侧降水显著减少,昆仑山山脉北缘降水显著增加,这与2006—2035年新疆东北侧500 hPa出现的位势高度正异常和与之相对应的反气旋式环流异常有关。这一环流异常造成了天山山脉上空水汽的显著辐散和昆仑山山脉北缘上空水汽的显著辐合。  相似文献   

WRF模式对中国夏季降水的动力降尺度模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
采用NCEP的FNL再分析资料驱动WRF模式,对中国10 a(2000—2009年)夏季降水进行双重动力降尺度(双重嵌套)模拟,将子、母区域模拟结果和观测进行对比,以检验双重动力降尺度对中国夏季降水模拟的"增值"能力。结果表明:单重动力降尺度(单重嵌套)方法能较好模拟出中国10 a夏季平均降水的空间分布,对季风雨带"北跳"特征模拟较好,但模拟降水具有系统性正偏差。在母区域的强迫下,双重动力降尺度模拟的降水分布与单重动力降尺度相比,没有发生根本性变化。但由于子区域的分辨率要高于母区域,双重动力降尺度比单重动力降尺度能提供更多有价值的降水细节。双重动力降尺度的这种"增值"能力存在地域依赖性,在华南地区和江淮地区,双重动力降尺度模拟出的降水分布、量值和逐日演变都要好于单重动力降尺度。但在华北地区,双重动力降尺度没有表现出明显的"增值"。  相似文献   

陈炜  姜大膀  王晓欣 《高原气象》2021,40(6):1455-1469
利用国际耦合模式比较计划第六阶段(CMIP6)模拟试验数据,首先评估了45个全球气候模式对1985-2014年青藏高原地表气温和降水的模拟能力,表明CMIP6模式能合理地模拟地表气温的空间分布,但大部分模式对年和季节平均地表气温的模拟值偏低,年均偏冷2.1℃,冷偏差在冬季和春季相对更大.CMIP6模式对青藏高原降水的模...  相似文献   

基于最新的第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)14个耦合模式的数值模拟结果,预估研究了中等强迫情景(SSP2-4.5)和高强迫情景(SSP5-8.5)两种共享社会经济路径下21世纪中后期中亚极端降水事件的时空分布特征及其与区域气候增暖之间的关系。结果显示,大多数CMIP6模式基本能够模拟出历史观测降水气候态(1979~2018年)的空间分布特征,但在中亚西南及东南部偏干,北部及中南部偏湿。与历史基准期(1981~2010年)相比,21世纪末期(2071~2100年)中亚强降水强度在SSP2-4.5和SSP5-8.5情景下分别增加0.54 mm/10 a和2.4 mm/10 a,而强降水发生频率则分别增加了5%~27%和6%~210%,尤其是中南部高海拔山区增加的幅度更大。预估结果的信噪比显示,天山以北的中亚东北部区域的极端降水强度及其发生频率的预估结果具有更高的可信度。气候变暖对未来中亚极端降水事件的发生频次具有明显的调控作用,在SSP2-4.5和SSP5-8.5情景下,当气温每升高1 K时,极端强降水事件的发生频次在分别增加约7 d和9 d,而最大连续无降水日数则分别增加约3 d...  相似文献   

Precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is important to local and downstream ecosystems. Based on a weighting method considering model skill and independence, changes in the TP precipitation for near-term (2021–40), mid-term (2041–60) and long-term (2081–2100) under shared socio-economic pathways (SSP1-1.9, SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSSP3-7.0, SSP5-8.5) are projected with 27 models from the latest Sixth Phase of the Couple Model Intercomparison Project. The annual mean precipitation is projected to increase by 7.4%–21.6% under five SSPs with a stronger change in the northern TP by the end of the 21st century relative to the present climatology. Changes in the TP precipitation at seasonal scales show a similar moistening trend to that of annual mean precipitation, except for the drying trend in winter precipitation along the southern edges of the TP. Weighting generally suggests a slightly stronger increase in TP precipitation with reduced model uncertainty compared to equally-weighted projections. The effect of weighting exhibits spatial and seasonal differences. Seasonally, weighting leads to a prevailing enhancement of increase in spring precipitation over the TP. Spatially, the influence of weighting is more remarkable over the northwestern TP regarding the annual, summer and autumn precipitation. Differences between weighted and original MMEs can give us more confidence in a stronger increase in precipitation over the TP, especially for the season of spring and the region of the northwestern TP, which requires additional attention in decision making.  相似文献   

CMIP6 Evaluation and Projection of Temperature and Precipitation over China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article evaluates the performance of 20 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6(CMIP6)models in simulating temperature and precipitation over China through comparisons with gridded observation data for the period of 1995–2014,with a focus on spatial patterns and interannual variability.The evaluations show that the CMIP6 models perform well in reproducing the climatological spatial distribution of temperature and precipitation,with better performance for temperature than for precipitation.Their interannual variability can also be reasonably captured by most models,however,poor performance is noted regarding the interannual variability of winter precipitation.Based on the comprehensive performance for the above two factors,the“highest-ranked”models are selected as an ensemble(BMME).The BMME outperforms the ensemble of all models(AMME)in simulating annual and winter temperature and precipitation,particularly for those subregions with complex terrain but it shows little improvement for summer temperature and precipitation.The AMME and BMME projections indicate annual increases for both temperature and precipitation across China by the end of the 21st century,with larger increases under the scenario of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 5/Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5(SSP585)than under scenario of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 2/Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5(SSP245).The greatest increases of annual temperature are projected for higher latitudes and higher elevations and the largest percentage-based increases in annual precipitation are projected to occur in northern and western China,especially under SSP585.However,the BMME,which generally performs better in these regions,projects lower changes in annual temperature and larger variations in annual precipitation when compared to the AMME projections.  相似文献   

Convective/large-scale(C/L) precipitation partitions are crucial for achieving realistic rainfall modeling and are classified in 16 phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6) atmospheric models. Only 4 models capture the feature that convective rainfall significantly exceeds the large-scale rainfall component in the tropics while the other 12 models show 50%–100% large-scale rainfall component in heavy rainfall. Increased horizontal resolution generally increases the convective rainfall percentage, but not in all models. The former 4 models can realistically reproduce two peaks of moisture vertical distribution, respectively located in the upper and the lower troposphere. In contrast, the latter 12 models correspond to three types of moisture vertical profile biases:(1) whole mid-to-lower tropospheric wet biases(60%–80% large-scale rainfall);(2) mid-tropospheric wet peak(50% convective/large-scale rainfall); and(3) lower-tropospheric wet peak(90%–100% large-scale rainfall). And the associated vertical distribution of unique clouds potentially causes different climate feedback, suggesting accurate C/L rainfall components are necessary to reliable climate projection.  相似文献   

Three sources of uncertainty in model projections of precipitation change in China for the 21st century were separated and quantified: internal variability,inter-model variability,and scenario uncertainty.Simulations from models involved in the third phase and the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP3 and CMIP5) were compared to identify improvements in the robustness of projections from the latest generation of models.No significant differences were found between CMIP3 and CMIP5 in terms of future precipitation projections over China,with the two datasets both showing future increases.The uncertainty can be attributed firstly to internal variability,and then to both inter-model and internal variability.Quantification analysis revealed that the uncertainty in CMIP5 models has increased by about 10%–60% with respect to CMIP3,despite significant improvements in the latest generation of models.The increase is mainly due to the increase of internal variability in the initial decades,and then mainly due to the increase of inter-model variability thereafter,especially by the end of this century.The change in scenario uncertainty shows no major role,but makes a negative contribution to begin with,and then an increase later.  相似文献   

Based on 20 models from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6), this article explored possible reasons for differences in simulation biases and projected changes in precipitation in northern China among the allmodel ensemble(AMME), “highest-ranked” model ensemble(BMME), and “lowest-ranked” model ensemble(WMME),from the perspective of atmospheric circulations and moisture budgets. The results show that the BMME and AMME reproduce the East Asian winter circulations better than...  相似文献   

Total column ozone (TCO) over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is lower than that over other regions at the same latitude, particularly in summer. This feature is known as the “TP ozone valley”. This study evaluates long-term changes in TCO and the ozone valley over the TP from 1984 to 2100 using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). The TP ozone valley consists of two low centers, one is located in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS), and the other is in the middle and upper stratosphere. Overall, the CMIP6 models simulate the low ozone center in the UTLS well and capture the spatial characteristics and seasonal cycle of the TP ozone valley, with spatial correlation coefficients between the modeled TCO and the Multi Sensor Reanalysis version 2 (MSR2) TCO observations greater than 0.8 for all CMIP6 models. Further analysis reveals that models which use fully coupled and online stratospheric chemistry schemes simulate the anticorrelation between the 150 hPa geopotential height and zonal anomaly of TCO over the TP better than models without interactive chemistry schemes. This suggests that coupled chemical-radiative-dynamical processes play a key role in the simulation of the TP ozone valley. Most CMIP6 models underestimate the low center in the middle and upper stratosphere when compared with the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) observations. However, the bias in the middle and upper stratospheric ozone simulations has a marginal effect on the simulation of the TP ozone valley. Most CMIP6 models predict the TP ozone valley in summer will deepen in the future.  相似文献   

Using the World Meteorological Organization definition and a threshold-based classification technique,simulations of vortex displacement and split sudden stratospheric warmings(SSWs)are evaluated for four Chinese models(BCC-CSM2-MR,FGOALS-f3-L,FGOALS-g3,and NESM3)from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6)with the Japanese 55-year reanalysis(JRA-55)as a baseline.Compared with six or seven SSWs in a decade in JRA-55,three models underestimate the SSW frequency by~50%,while NESM3 doubles the SSW frequency.SSWs mainly appear in midwinter in JRA-55,but one-month climate drift is simulated in the models.The composite of splits is stronger than displacements in both the reanalysis and most models due to the longer pulse of positive eddy heat flux before onset of split SSWs.A wavenumber-1-like temperature anomaly pattern(cold Eurasia,warm North America)before onset of displacement SSWs is simulated,but cold anomalies are mainly confined to North America after displacement SSWs.Although the lower tropospheric temperature also displays a wavenumber-1-like pattern before split SSWs,most parts of Eurasia and North America are covered by cold anomalies after split SSWs in JRA-55.The models have different degrees of fidelity for the temperature anomaly pattern before split SSWs,but the wavenumber-2-like temperature anomaly pattern is well simulated after split SSWs.The center of the negative height anomalies in the Pacific sector before SSWs is sensitive to the SSW type in both JRA-55 and the models.A negative North Atlantic Oscillation is simulated after both types of SSWs in the models,although it is only observed for split SSWs.  相似文献   

The possible changes of tropical cyclone(TC) tracks and their influence on the future basin-wide intensity of TCs over the western North Pacific(WNP) are examined based on the projected large-scale environments derived from a selection of CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models. Specific attention is paid to the performance of the CMIP5 climate models in simulating the large-scale environment for TC development over the WNP. A downscaling system including individual models for simulating the TC track and intensity is used to select the CMIP5 models and to simulate the TC activity in the future.The assessment of the future track and intensity changes of TCs is based on the projected large-scale environment in the21 st century from a selection of nine CMIP5 climate models under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5(RCP4.5)scenario. Due to changes in mean steering flows, the influence of TCs over the South China Sea area is projected to decrease,with an increasing number of TCs taking a northwestward track. Changes in prevailing tracks and their contribution to basin-wide intensity change show considerable inter-model variability. The influences of changes in prevailing track make a marked contribution to TC intensity change in some models, tending to counteract the effect of SST warming. This study suggests that attention should be paid to the simulated large-scale environment when assessing the future changes in regional TC activity based on climate models. In addition, the change in prevailing tracks should be considered when assessing future TC intensity change.  相似文献   

CMIP5模式对我国西南地区干湿季降水的模拟和预估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用降水观测资料, 评估了参加国际耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)的34个全球模式对1986~2005年我国西南地区干湿季降水的模拟能力。结果表明, 34个CMIP5模式中分别有30和25个模式模拟的干季和湿季降水偏多。34个模式对我国西南地区干湿季降水的模拟能力差异较大, 大约半数模式的模拟值与观测值的空间相关系数通过了99%的信度检验, 且标准差之比小于2。利用两个技巧评分标准, 分别挑选出了对干湿季降水模拟最优的9个模式。最优模式集合平均结果要优于34个模式的集合平均, 更要优于大多数单个模式。进一步利用最优的9个模式的集合平均对RCP4.5和RCP8.5两种典型浓度路径下我国西南地区干湿季降水的变化进行了预估。相对于1986~2005年气候平均态, 在21世纪初期(2016~2035年), 我国西南地区干季降水变化表现为川西高原降水增多, 而四川盆地及攀西地区、重庆、贵州和云南的大部分地区降水减少;湿季降水变化表现为川西高原、贵州和广西大部分地区降水增多, 而四川盆地及攀西地区和云南降水减少。在21世纪中期(2046~2065年)和末期(2080~2099年), 西南地区干湿季降水普遍增多。在RCP8.5情景下, 降水的变化幅度要强于RCP4.5情景。  相似文献   

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