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In this paper we discuss hydraulic behavior of irrigation infrastructure within a context of spatially distributed power relations in an Argentinean irrigation system. In the Río Dulce basin, the irrigation area known as the Proyecto Río Dulce (PRD, command area 350,000 hectares) is the main irrigated area. An interesting characteristic of the PRD is that the larger landowners are mainly situated in tail end areas. Despite this potentially disadvantageous position, downstream farmers do not encounter problems in terms of water availability. This should not be regarded as self-evident: the hydraulic properties of the canals induce a need for downstream farmers to take deliberate action to ensure proper water delivery to their farms. When upstream farmers do not irrigate, too much water can flow downstream; when they irrigate too much, or manipulate cross regulators, downstream water scarcity can be the result; when canals are not maintained, extensive plant growth will increase hydraulic resistance and decrease discharges. It is not a coincidence that the downstream farmers invest heavily in canal operation and maintenance. These investments appear to be appropriate, as larger farmers tend to irrigate much more on average, compared to the smaller farmers upstream. The Argentinean case brings up issues on the structuring effects of irrigation systems, which need stronger theoretical understanding.  相似文献   

The earthquakes of central coastal Peru occur principally in two distinct zones of shallow earthquake activity that are inland of and parallel to the axis of the Peru Trench. The interface-thrust (IT) zone includes the great thrust-fault earthquakes of 17 October 1966 and 3 October 1974. The coastal-plate interior (CPI) zone includes the great earthquake of 31 May 1970, and is located about 50 km inland of and 30 km deeper than the interface thrust zone. The occurrence of a large earthquake in one zone may not relieve elastic strain in the adjoining zone, thus complicating the application of the seismic gap concept to central coastal Peru. However, recognition of two seismic zones may facilitate detection of seismicity precursory to a large earthquake in a given zone; removal of probable CPI-zone earthquakes from plots of seismicity prior to the 1974 main shock dramatically emphasizes the high seismic activity near the rupture zone of that earthquake in the five years preceding the main shock. Other conclusions on the seismicity of coastal Peru that affect the application of the seismic gap concept to this region are: (1) Aftershocks of the great earthquakes of 1966, 1970, and 1974 occurred in spatially separated clusters. Some clusters may represent distinct small source regions triggered by the main shock rather than delimiting the total extent of main-shock rupture. The uncertainty in the interpretation of aftershock clusters results in corresponding uncertainties in estimates of stress drop and estimates of the dimensions of the seismic gap that has been filled by a major earthquake. (2) Aftershocks of the great thrust-fault earthquakes of 1966 and 1974 generally did not extend seaward as far as the Peru Trench. (3) None of the three great earthquakes produced significant teleseismic activity in the following month in the source regions of the other two earthquakes. The earthquake hypocenters that form the basis of this study were relocated using station adjustments computed by the method of joint hypocenter determination.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal variation of seismicity in the southern Peru and northern Chile seismic gaps is analyzed with teleseismic data (m b 5.5) between 1965 and 1991, to investigate whether these gaps present the precursory combination of compressional outer-rise and tensional downdip events observed in other subduction zones. In the outer-rise and the inner-trench (0 to 100 km distance from the trench) region, lower magnitude (5.0m b <5.5) events were also studied. The results obtained show that the gaps in southern Peru and northern Chile do not present compressional outer-rise events. However, both gaps show a continuous, tensional downdip seismicity. For both regions, the change from compressional to tensional regime along the slab occurs at a distance of about 160 km from the trench, apparently associated with the coupled-uncoupled transition of the interplate contact zone. In southern Peru, an increase of compressional seismicity near the interplate zone and of tensional events (5.0m b 6.3) in the outer-rise and inner-trench regions is observed between 1987 and 1991. A similar distribution of seismicity in the outer-rise and inner-trench regions is observed with earthquakes (m b <5.5). In northern Chile there is a relative absence of compressional activity (m b 5.5) near the interplate contact since the sequence of December 21, 1967. After that, only a cluster of low-magnitude compressional events has been located in the area 50 to 100 km from the trench. The compressional activity occurring near the interplate zone in both seismic gaps represents that a seismic preslip is occurring in and near the plate contact. Therefore, if this seismic preslip is associated with the maturity of the gap, the fact that it is larger in southern Peru than in northern Chile may reflect that the former gap is more mature than the latter. However, the more intense downdip tensional activity and the absence of compressional seismicity near the contact zone observed in northern Chile, may also be interpreted as evidence that northern Chile is seismically more mature than southern Peru. Therefore, the observed differences in the distribution of stresses and seismicity analyzed under simple models of stress accumulation and transfer in coupled subduction zones are not sufficient to assess the degree of maturity of a seismic gap.  相似文献   

The major strategy used to prevent the discharge of highly saline groundwater to the River Murray in southeastern Australia is groundwater interception and disposal. The basic design principle assumes that the extraction of groundwater from an aquifer hydraulically connected to the river, using a line of pumps positioned close and roughly parallel to the river, will decrease piezometric heads thereby reducing the discharge of saline groundwater to the river. The paper considers one of these schemes which was designed for the Mildura area on the basis of a hydrogeological investigation. It analyses the effects on piezometric head and groundwater salinity due to the groundwater interception scheme and adjacent irrigation activity over a period of several years from January 1980. It is shown that piezometric heads have decreased significantly in the stretch close to the river. A slight reduction in groundwater salinity is also apparent in this stretch except for an area between the river and a holding basin used for disposal of the saline effluents emanating from the groundwater interception scheme. This general reduction in groundwater salinity is mainly caused by pumping from the groundwater interception scheme and recharge from irrigation. The exception in the trend in groundwater salinity is due to the movement of a highly saline body of groundwater from the holding basin towards the River Murray. Results of this Australian experience should be helpful to the designers of similar salinity mitigation schemes elsewhere.  相似文献   

E. coli and Listeria monocytogenes (or L. monocytogenes) are bacteria affecting fresh produce that is harmful for health of humans and animals. If these bacteria are present in surface waterbody (e.g., irrigation canals), they will impair irrigation water quality and threaten produce safety. This paper studied the resuspension of E. coli and Listeria from bed sediment into irrigation water through several sets of laboratory experiments in an open channel flume. We studied three types of sediments using several flow rates in different velocities and shear stress. Bacteria's concentration in water increases with the bed shear stress. Two empirical relations were derived to correlate the concentration of E. coli and L. monocytogenes with the dimensionless bed shear stress. The experimental data favorably verified the relationships for sandy loam, loamy sand, and loam. The results showed that both bacteria could entrain from sand more efficiently compared to other sediments (i.e., sandy loam or loam). These relationships can be applied to water quality models for simulating E. coli and L. monocytogenes transport in irrigation canals for better managing irrigation water quality.  相似文献   

The Departments of Civil Engineering and Geophysics of the University of Chile, together with international institutions, deployed strong-motion stations in the northern Chile seismic gap. These instruments recorded the June 23, 2001 M w = 8.4 earthquake that occurred in Southern Peru. This earthquake exhibited at stiff deep soil sites in northern Chile, relatively large maximum accelerations although the recording stations are located more than 400 km away from the epicentral region and 200 km from the southern edge of the rupture. Typical accelerations at these distances are in the order of 0.30 g, consIDerably larger than those expected from recently presented attenuation formulae. Frequency and Wavelet Decomposition of the signals are presented from which the evolution of the amplitude, as a function of selected frequency bands, is analyzed. Typical Central Frequency varies from 3 to 4.8 Hz for horizontal records and 4.5 to 9.5 Hz for vertical records. Ninety five percent of the record energy is concentrated below 11 Hz. Evolution of energy for bands higher than the average record frequency is relatively smooth, and for low frequency, the energy shows abrupt changes as a function of time. The sudden changes are associated to dominant large amplitude motions observed in most of the records. The high frequency content of the motion observed for this earthquake is correlated with the heterogeneities of the interplate contact. To statically characterize the energy evolution with time a smooth three-parameter envelope adjusted for each frequency band is used, therefore, comparison is possible and results could be applied for synthesis studies.  相似文献   

The simulations of dynamic, spatially distributed non-linear models are impacted by the degree of spatial and temporal aggregation of their input parameters and variables. This paper deals with the impact of these aggregations on the assessment of irrigation scheme performance by simulating water use and crop yield. The analysis was carried out on a 7000 ha irrigation scheme located in Southern Spain. Four irrigation seasons differing in rainfall patterns were simulated (from 1996/1997 to 1999/2000) with the actual soil parameters and with hypothetical soil parameters representing wider ranges of soil variability. Three spatial aggregation levels were considered: (I) individual parcels (about 800), (II) command areas (83) and (III) the whole irrigation scheme. Equally, five temporal aggregation levels were defined: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.

The results showed little impact of spatial aggregation in the predictions of irrigation requirements and of crop yield for the scheme. The impact of aggregation was greater in rainy years, for deep-rooted crops (sunflower) and in scenarios with heterogeneous soils. The highest impact on irrigation requirement estimations was in the scenario of most heterogeneous soil and in 1999/2000, a year with frequent rainfall during the irrigation season: difference of 7% between aggregation levels I and III was found. Equally, it was found that temporal aggregation had only significant impact on irrigation requirements predictions for time steps longer than 4 months. In general, simulated annual irrigation requirements decreased as the time step increased. The impact was greater in rainy years (specially with abundant and concentrated rain events) and in crops which cycles coincide in part with the rainy season (garlic, winter cereals and olive).

It is concluded that in this case, average, representative values for the main inputs of the model (crop, soil properties and sowing dates) can generate results within 1% of those obtained by providing spatially specific values for about 800 parcels.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, Malawi has been adversely hit by climatic variability and changes, and irrigation schemes which rely mostly on water from rivers have been negatively affected. In the face of dwindling quantities of water, distribution and sharing of water for irrigation has been a source of contestations and conflicts. Women who constitute a significant section of irrigation farmers in schemes have been major culprits. The study seeks to analyze gender contestations and conflicts over the use of water in the schemes developed in the Lake Chilwa basin, in southern Malawi. Using oral and written sources as well as drawing evidence from participatory and field observations conducted at Likangala and Domasi irrigation schemes, the largest schemes in the basin, the study observes that women are not passive victims of male domination over the use of dwindling waters for irrigation farming. They have often used existing political and traditional structures developed in the management of water in the schemes to competitively gain monopoly over water. They have sometimes expressed their agency by engaging in irrigation activities that fall beyond the control of formal rules and regulations of irrigation agriculture. Other than being losers, women are winning the battle for water and land resources in the basin.  相似文献   

A field reconnaissance mission was led to the areas affected by the disaster caused by the Magnitude 7.9 earthquake event of 15/08/2007 near the city of Pisco in Peru. The main objectives of the mission were to collect data and make observations leading to improvements in design methods and techniques for strengthening and retrofit, and to assist the phase of reconstruction. The mission focused on the behaviour of non-engineered structures, in particular those of adobe constructions. The findings of the mission confirmed that most of the damage was observed on adobe houses constructed with traditional non anti-seismic techniques which either collapsed or nearly collapsed, causing 519 deaths, 1,366 injuries and more than 58,000 houses destroyed. The mission also confirmed that buildings constructed according to modern earthquake resistant design standards performed with no evident damage. All the parties contacted during the mission, especially the EC Delegation, showed particular interest in the results of the present mission report, which will be taken into consideration when planning the reconstruction phase, especially of the most distant rural areas, where close collaboration between the Governmental Institutions, International Organizations, Universities and NGO’s, will be needed to assist the population for the adoption of earthquake resistant designs in the reconstruction of the destroyed houses.  相似文献   

We assessed water quality using physical, chemical, and biological characteristics in 37 streams between Puerto Maldonado and Cusco in Peru. Study sites ranged from ∼200 to 4000 m in elevation, with streams selected as pairs (control/natural vs. human impacted) along this gradient. In general, temperature decreased (R2 = 0.82) and other parameters increased [dissolved oxygen (R2 = 0.19), conductivity (R2 = 0.17), pH (R2 = 0.37)] with elevation. Macroinvertebrates were hand collected by professional entomologists and using leaf packs implemented by conservation workers. The professionals identified 213 unique taxa from the hand collections, with 80 species collected only one time. Data from control streams showed that as elevation increased, total richness (p = 0.008) and EPT richness (p = 0.050) decreased whereas Diptera richness increased (p = 0.002). NMS ordination indicated significant differences in macroinvertebrate assemblages when control streams from low and high elevations were contrasted. Hand collections also revealed significant differences between control and impact streams for total richness, EPT richness and % Diptera, but not for % EPT, % EPT richness, or % Diptera richness. The majority of the deployed leaf packs were successfully retrieved and contained many macroinvertebrates (Avg. = 141 individuals per pack). There were 98 unique taxa (family level or higher) identified from the leaf packs by the trained conservation workers. Fourteen of 15 macroinvertebrate community metrics (at the family level) were able to detect significant differences between control and impact sites. All of the family level metrics responded similarly across the elevation gradient except total richness, EPT richness, EPT count, and % Hydropsychids. Both the Costa Rica and the Virginia Save Our Stream Indexes were able to differentiate control from impacted streams using leaf pack data. Although the diversity of macroinvertebrates was higher for hand collections relative to leaf packs (due to greater habitats sampled and higher taxonomic resolution), leaf pack samples were better able to distinguish control from impacted streams. Specifically, leaf packs were able to discern impacts in streams at low elevation better than those at high elevation. Generally, macroinvertebrates indicated impact from urbanization to be worse than impacts from other human activities (i.e., gold mining and agriculture). Overall, hand collections will serve as an important reference of species diversity going forward while leaf packs processed by trained conservation workers are a viable method to monitor stream water quality in Peru and perhaps elsewhere.  相似文献   

2019年5月26日(北京时间)秘鲁北部发生M7.8地震,震源深度为100km。本文利用国际地震学研究联合会数据管理中心(IRIS/DMC)提供的远场波形数据,通过波形反演方法快速反演得到此次地震的矩张量解和破裂过程。W震相快速矩张量解反演结果表明此次地震是一次中深源正断层型地震事件,可能是由于正在向下俯冲的纳斯卡板块产生规模巨大的伸展变形所致。远震体波反演有限断层模型结果显示此次地震的发震断层为高倾角的NNW向断层面,破裂从初始破裂点开始,由震中主要向NNW方向延伸破裂,最大滑移量约3m;地震破裂时间约为70s,在40~60s时释放了整个地震80%的地震矩能量,主要破裂区域在震后40s后才开始形成,在40s之前,破裂的集中程度和地震矩释放的规模均较弱,断层在破裂开始后逐渐加速破裂,约50s时地震矩释放速率达到峰值,60s后破裂迅速愈合。  相似文献   

近年来,在以三峡大坝为代表的一系列流域人类活动作用下,鄱阳湖出现了枯水期延长、水位提前消落的现象,导致了一系列生态环境和民生问题.本文从环湖灌溉缺水入手,采用11种概率分布分析1953-2018年星子站水位,进行比较优选后选择Wakeby分布作为理论分布,得到90%保证率下的湖泊年平均水位及枯季9月至翌年2月月平均水位...  相似文献   

In the Aral Sea Basin, where the Central Asian countries compete for limited water resources, reliable information on the actual water use for eight million ha of irrigated land are rare. In this study, spatially distributed land use data, seasonal actual evapotranspiration, and reference evapotranspiration derived from multitemporal MODIS data were combined with in situ water flow measurements for irrigation performance assessments in the upper Amu Darya Delta. The functioning of the major irrigation and drainage which supplies an agricultural area of 270,000 ha in the Uzbek province Khorezm was analysed using water balancing and adequacy indicators of irrigation water use.An average relative evapotranspiration of 95% indicated fulfilled water demands and partly over-irrigation, whereas values below 75% disclosed inadequate water supply in distant parts of the irrigation system. On the other hand, immense water withdrawals of approximately 24,000 m3 ha−1 recorded at the system boundaries between April and September 2005 clearly exceeded the field water demands for cotton cultivation. Only 46% of the total irrigation amounts were consumed for crop production at field level. Throughout the vegetation period, approximately 58% of the total available water left the region as drainage water. Monthly observations of the depleted fraction and the drainage ratio highlighted drainage problems and rising groundwater levels at regional scale. In the most distant downstream subsystem, a high risk of groundwater and soil salinity during the main irrigation phase was found.A combination of high conveyance losses, hydraulic problems, direct linkages between irrigation and drainage, and low field application efficiencies were identified as major reasons for underperforming irrigation. The findings underlined the necessity of water saving and of reconsidering water distribution in Khorezm. The remote sensing approach was concluded as a reliable data basis for regular performance assessments for all irrigation systems in Central Asia.  相似文献   

The diffusion behavior of HA and Nd in the presence of HA in compacted bentonite was investigated experimentally by means of the through-diffusion method. Breakthrough of HA is observed in 1 and 0.1 mol dm−3 NaCl solution and is more significant with a lower dry density such as 1.2 Mg m−3. The one dimensional diffusion model taking parallel complexation equilibrium into account was fitted to the experimentally obtained breakthrough curves and concentration profiles, and the diffusion parameters, such as effective diffusivity and rock capacity factor, were evaluated. The obtained effective diffusivity, around 10−11 m2 s−1, for HA and Nd–HA is comparable to the previously reported value. Using these parameters, predictive calculations were performed to evaluate the effect of HA concentration and sorption distribution coefficient. It is indicated that the effect of sorption distribution coefficient is significant only for a short period and that relatively low HA concentrations might bring higher diffused mass depending on the diffusion behavior of dominant species.  相似文献   

A simple stochastic model is presented to describe the influence of the natural flow regime of the Madre de Dios River (southeastern Peru) on the presence and downstream transportation of catfish larvae (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae), an important migratory species in commercial fisheries in the Peruvian Amazon region. One year of daily river stage records were related to weekly larval catches to determine the association between floods and spawning events, and based on the hydro‐climatologic characteristics of Andean‐Amazon regions, available long‐term historical rainfall records were used to determine the inter‐annual variability of floods within the Madre de Dios Basin. Major larval drift occurred during the high water season, specifically in association with stages of over 5 m, which served as an indicator triggering spawning responses of these species, termed a ‘biologically significant event’ (BSE). Timing of these BSEs, estimated from the historical rainfall records, described a uniform distribution during the wet season, and their inter‐arrival times were exponentially distributed. These observations provided the basis of the stochastic model describing the likelihood of larvae releases from this headwater region to the lowland Amazon. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modeling interaction of fluid and salt in an aquifer/lagoon system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To simulate the dynamic interaction between a saline lagoon and a ground water system, a numerical model for two-dimensional, variable-density, saturated-unsaturated, and coupled flow and solute transport (saltwater intrusion by finite elements and characteristics [SIFEC]) was modified to allow the volume of water and mass of salt in the lagoon to vary with each time step. The modified SIFEC allows the stage of a lagoon to vary in accordance with a functional relation between the stage and water volume of the lagoon, and also allows the salt concentration of the lagoon to vary in accordance with the salt budget of the lagoon including chemical precipitation and dissolution of salt. The updated stage and salt concentration of the lagoon are in turn used as transient boundary conditions for the coupled flow and solute transport model. The utility of the modified model was demonstrated by applying it to the eastern Mediterranean coastal region of Turkey for assessing impacts of climate change on the subsurface environment under scenarios of sea level rise, increased evaporation, and decreased precipitation.  相似文献   

海底电性源频率域CSEM勘探建模及水深影响分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了探索我国海域油气和水合物等高阻目标体CSEM勘探的可行性和方法技术,本文研究了在海水中水平电性源激励下有限水深海洋地电模型的频率域电磁响应,为进一步的1D和3D仿真计算奠定了理论基础.在推导电磁响应公式时,首先给出了各层介质的Lorentz势,然后根据Coulomb势与Lorentz势的关系,得到了各层介质的Coulomb势.各层介质中的电磁场均可以由Lorentz势或者Coulomb势计算得到,但在有限元计算时Coulomb势具有优势.长导线源的电磁场和势函数可以由电偶源的电磁场和势函数沿导线长度积分得到.文中具体给出了海水中水平电偶源和长导线源在海水层的电磁场公式,并根据该公式计算了不同水深环境下海底表面的电磁场分布,分析了海水深度对海底油气储层电磁异常的影响.结果表明,随着水深减小,异常幅度和形态特征发生明显变化.当水深很浅时(如50 m),只有同线方向的Ex和Ez两个电场分量存在明显异常.最后,以两个已知海底油田为例,计算了不同水深环境下可观测到的电场异常,展示了电性源频率域CSEM在海底勘探中(包括浅海环境)的良好应用前景.对于该方法实用化过程中还需进一步解决的问题,文中结尾部分也进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

This study aims at modeling the transport of a conservative tracer in two dimensions, as experimentally observed in a strongly heterogeneous medium under conditions of variable water saturation during drainage and imbibition. Solute transport experiments were conducted in a sand tank containing an artificial packing of three quartz sands of different particle sizes. The packing was characterized by the presence of numerous homogeneous layers (0.5 × 5 × 5 cm) inclined at 45° and randomly distributed in a tank. Six different stationary flow conditions were sequentially established during imbibition and drainage. When a stationary flow regime was reached, several solute pulses were applied at different positions at the upper surface of the sand structure. The transport regime was studied by monitoring the tracer plumes injected as point-like pulses at the surface, as they travelled through the sand bedding.  相似文献   

Apparent oxygen utilisation is potentially biased by abiotic, physical processes. Using a coupled 3-D circulation-oxygen model, this potential is quantitatively estimated for a region in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic, called the Beta Triangle, where an inconsistency exists between observational estimates of high carbon export from the euphotic zone, based on oxygen utilisation rates in the thermocline (Jenkins 1982), and those of low nutrient supply to the euphotic zone (Lewis et al. 1986, 2004). Our results indicate that in the upper ocean, the Jenkins (1982) estimate is indeed biased high by approximately 10% due to abiotic processes feigning respiration, thus contributing to the apparent inconsistency. Vertical integration, however, yields an abiotic fraction of less than 3%, so the apparent observational discrepancy can not be resolved.Responsible Editor: Franciscus Colijn  相似文献   

变化地磁场预测的支持向量机建模   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
变化地磁场建模与预测是地磁导航、空间环境监测等领域的重要研究课题.由于变化地磁场属于日地系统中的一部分,受多种因素的制约影响,且其变化本身也具有较强的前后相关性.本文综合空间和地面监测数据,以变化地磁场地面观测数据、地方时、太阳射电流量和行星际磁场南向分量等为输入,采用支持向量机方法,建立了变化地磁场综合模型,并进行预测.结果表明,在地磁活动Kp指数小于4时,预测3 h平均绝对误差小于1.61 nT.  相似文献   

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