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江苏徐州大北望寒武系鲕粒及鲕粒灰岩特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐洲大北望地区寒武系鲕粒灰岩层数众多,结构、类型复杂,形状多样,其中以放射鲕、同心鲕及放射一同心鲕为主。下寒武统多为生物鲕,中寒武统为同心一放射鲕且白云岩化,上寒武统中多为放射鲕,干裂鲕(或泥晶化),成因类型复杂。  相似文献   

豫西登封寒武系第三统灰岩中的鲕粒自下而上个体直径与鲕核逐渐变小、形态变得更加浑圆、鲕粒间胶结程度更高,反映了从深水不稳定鲕粒灰岩到浅水高速建造鲕粒滩的演变过程。研究区鲕粒灰岩发育可以分为3个阶段:(1)台地深斜坡鲕粒灰岩建造阶段(A段),主要发育放射鲕及同心—放射鲕,鲕粒形态多样、粒径大,粒间多为灰泥充填;(2)滩前缓斜坡鲕粒灰岩建造阶段(B段),主要发育同心—放射鲕、同心鲕,鲕粒含量极不稳定,粒径差异大,粒间由微亮晶及亮晶方解石胶结;(3)台内鲕粒滩高速建造阶段(C段),主要发育白云化的同心鲕和微晶鲕,鲕粒含量极高、粒径极小,鲕核也很小,粒间由亮晶方解石胶结。由A段到C段,相对水深逐渐变浅,成鲕环境变得成熟而稳定,鲕粒沉积规模逐渐扩大。  相似文献   

豫西登封寒武系第三统灰岩中的鲕粒自下而上个体直径与鲕核逐渐变小、形态变得更加浑圆、鲕粒间胶结程度更高,反映了从深水不稳定鲕粒灰岩到浅水高速建造鲕粒滩的演变过程。研究区鲕粒灰岩发育可以分为3个阶段:(1)台地深斜坡鲕粒灰岩建造阶段(A段),主要发育放射鲕及同心—放射鲕,鲕粒形态多样、粒径大,粒间多为灰泥充填;(2)滩前缓斜坡鲕粒灰岩建造阶段(B段),主要发育同心—放射鲕、同心鲕,鲕粒含量极不稳定,粒径差异大,粒间由微亮晶及亮晶方解石胶结;(3)台内鲕粒滩高速建造阶段(C段), 主要发育白云化的同心鲕和微晶鲕,鲕粒含量极高、粒径极小,鲕核也很小,粒间由亮晶方解石胶结。由A段到C段,相对水深逐渐变浅,成鲕环境变得成熟而稳定,鲕粒沉积规模逐渐扩大。  相似文献   

鲕粒粒度特征及其指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沉积物的粒度资料是确定沉积环境的重要依据,一直以来多应用在碎屑岩方面,较少用于碳酸盐岩的分析。以北京西山寒武系张夏组鲕粒石灰岩为研究对象,在野外实测、室内薄片粒度统计的基础上,通过分析鲕粒粒度参数、粒度频率曲线及概率累积曲线特征,明确了鲕粒粒度在分析鲕粒灰岩沉积环境上的重要作用,并建立了下苇甸鲕粒粒度特征与鲕粒滩在空间上的耦合关系。研究结果表明:鲕粒粒径大小、分选系数、峰度及概率累积曲线组分截点可以很好地反映鲕粒沉积水动力环境;一般情况下,水动力环境较稳定的间歇高能滩沉积的灰泥鲕粒石灰岩鲕粒粒径较小,分选好,峰度尖锐,频率曲线主要为单峰态,鲕粒以悬浮搬运为主;水动力较为动荡的高能滩沉积的亮晶鲕粒石灰岩鲕粒粒径较大,分选较差,峰度多为平坦、中等,频率曲线主要为多峰态,概率累积曲线多为一跳一悬两段式;鲕粒的粒径与鲕粒圈层类型密切相关,粒径较大的鲕粒多以同心鲕、同心放射鲕为主,粒径较小的鲕粒多为放射鲕。研究结果为分析颗粒石灰岩的沉积环境提供了理论和依据。  相似文献   

四川旺苍志留系鲕粒灰岩特征及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦松  张涛  苏文博  王巍  马超 《地球科学》2011,36(1):43-52
近期在川西北旺苍地区早志留世南江组中首次发现了鲕粒灰岩.它们多以10 cm左右的薄层夹持在页岩或粉砂质泥岩中, 沉积相分析显示该段地层总体应属于均斜缓坡沉积体系.说明这些鲕粒是由异地搬运而来, 在旺苍附近可能会存在相当规模的鲕粒滩.在显微镜下可观察到, 其中的鲕粒类别单一, 鲕粒紧密排列, 并呈现一定程度的压缩变形, 局部壳层呈锯齿状, 也指示这些鲕粒曾经历过高能分选和搬运, 以及压实成岩作用等.氧碳同位素测试显示, 这些鲕粒灰岩沉积时的古温度大体为25~31 ℃, 表明早志留世的上扬子地台应处于中低纬度干热或温暖的古气候带.除去古气候及古地理学方面的意义, 当前鲕粒灰岩的发现还为该区油气勘探提供了重要的储层信息.   相似文献   

前人对Site 4B站位海底浅表层沉积物的研究显示该站位历史上可能存在甲烷渗漏事件。为研究该站位的甲烷渗漏历史,分析了Site 4B站位柱状沉积物的元素地球化学特征,及沉积物中Mg/Ca和Sr/Ca比随深度的变化规律以及自生碳酸盐矿物的分布特征。元素相关性分析表明:研究区Ca、Sr等碳酸盐相关的元素极有可能来自于与甲烷渗漏有关的自生碳酸盐。结合沉积物的粒度特征,认为Site 4B站位在15.78 ka B.P.之前泥火山活动造成甲烷渗漏,且甲烷渗漏速率具有增大—减小的周期性变化特点。研究站位在24.15 ka B.P.、27.47 ka B.P.、31.05 ka B.P.具有相对较高的甲烷渗漏速率,且在31.05 ka B.P.达到最大值。研究结果对探明南海北部的甲烷渗漏历史具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

通过对龙永煤田童子岩组煤系顶部鲕状带"鲕粒"赋存规律及其矿物学特征、宏观特征、围岩特征的野外研究及镜下观察,分析了"鲕粒"的成因及其岩相意义,为龙永煤田童子岩组顶部地层提供了对比依据.  相似文献   

上扬子区早三叠世印度期的地层,从西向东由滨岸相砂泥岩(飞仙关组)到台地碳酸盐岩(大冶组),代表了一个二叠纪与三叠纪之交的大规模碳酸盐台地淹没事件之后、三叠纪早期缓坡型台地的生长发育过程。受制于三叠纪早期的两个海侵—海退旋回,早三叠世印度期大冶组中的鲕粒滩相灰岩经历了自西向东的进积作用。上述沉积作用过程的结果,在湖北利川的三叠系大冶组顶部发育厚层块状鲕粒滩相灰岩;该鲕粒灰岩,较大的粒径以及多样的宏观形态,成为一个窥视鲕粒成因的典型地点。这些主要由碳酸盐泥晶粘聚而成的粒径多超过2 mm的鲕粒,包括同心鲕粒、椭圆鲕粒、复合鲕粒、不规则鲕粒、核心不太清楚的鲕粒等多种类型。这些粒径超过2 mm的巨鲕,不但代表了显生宙较为罕见的沉积学现象,而且有可能代表了二叠纪末期生物大灭绝之后荒凉海底环境的沉积响应,为进一步了解成因还未完全明了的鲕粒所代表的碳酸盐世界提供了一个有意义的实例。  相似文献   

宣龙铁矿铁质鲕粒的显微结构及成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
赵东旭 《地质科学》1994,29(1):71-77
宣龙铁矿的铁质鲕粒由各种不同的核心和微层状外壳组成。核心的组分主要是石英砂粒、赤铁矿内碎屑和凝块以及粒状菱铁矿等。外壳的纹层分别由显微结构不同的板状、片状、均匀和不均匀粒状泥晶赤铁矿以及少量菱铁矿组成。其中板伏、片状、均匀粒状赤铁矿和菱铁矿主要是以化学或生物化学方式在核心表层逐层沉积结果;不等粒状赤铁矿微层则是鲕粒滚动中对铁质颗粒粘附而成。菌藻类生长繁殖改变沉积环境的物化性质,对铁质沉积起着重要作用。  相似文献   

铝土矿床中豆鲕粒结构的形成,直接与红土化作用有关.本文试以黔北铝土矿床为例,论述了古代喀斯特型铝土矿床中豆鲕结构的成因机理。其豆鲕粒结构存在的本身便标志着经历了红土化阶段或直接源出于红土物质。当化学风化作用进入到酸性淋溶阶段时,大量的有机酸胶、铝、硅、铁胶,经过复杂的分凝、软胶化、扩散、间歇反应、陈化等胶体化学作用,直接孕育成了豆鲕粒结构.豆鲕粒的形状、大小、密度、分布等特征,则取决于原始溶胶的数量、浓度,浓度梯度和相对稳定度。与豆鲕粒结构密切伴生的复胶状结构,其成因也是胶体作用所致.属风化作用或与风化作用密切有关的矿床类型.  相似文献   

Dolomitization often plays a critical role in the pore network development of platform carbonates, with implications for reservoir quality distribution. Understanding both the hydrological system driving dolomitization and the chemistry of the fluids involved is fundamental to constrain predictions of the geometry and the petrophysical properties of dolomite bodies. Here, the role of secular variations in seawater Mg/Ca as a control on dolomitization and early porosity modification was evaluated using one‐dimensional reactive transport models and fluids based on modern (aragonite sea), Mississippian and Aptian (calcite sea) seawaters. The sensitivity of dolomitization to a range of extrinsic controls (brine salinity, temperature, fluid flow rate and pCO2) and to intrinsic reactivity of the sediments (effective reactive surface area) was also explored. Simulations suggest faster calcite replacement by dolomite for seawaters with higher Mg/Ca, indicating that dolomitization potential is determined more by Mg/Ca rather than saturation index. Increasing evaporative concentration enhances reaction rate independent of the effect of enhanced density‐driven fluid flux. In addition to brine composition, effective surface area of precursor sediments and temperature exert a critical control on replacement rate, while secular variations of pH and carbonate alkalinity associated with changes in pCO2 are only secondary controls. Above flow rates of 0·01 m yr?1 replacive dolomitization is reaction‐limited rather than flux limited, favouring alteration of fine‐grained carbonates and suggesting that preferential alteration of grainstone units is rare unless head gradients are low. Post‐replacement dolomite cementation is flux dependent, and thus favoured in areas of high head gradient and high permeability sediments and, contrary to replacement, supersaturation is a more important driver than Mg/Ca. While uncertainties remain regarding low‐temperature dolomitization kinetics, the capability of numerical simulations to decouple individual controls provides new insights which can be used, in conjunction with traditional comparative sedimentology, to generate more rigorous conceptual models for individual reservoir settings.  相似文献   

利用富钴结壳碳酸盐基岩有孔虫矿物标型重建古海洋温度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重建古海洋海表温度(SST),是研究地质历史时期气候变化控制过程的关键。组成有孔虫化石的矿物Mg/Ca值是海水温度的可靠代用指标,是重建古海洋SST的一个非常好的手段。麦哲伦海山区的富钴结壳和基岩中普遍存在有孔虫化石,这对重建该区的SST有重要意义。利用LA-ICP-MS测得西太平洋麦哲伦海山区富钴结壳碳酸盐基岩中8颗浮游有孔虫化石Globigerinoides sacculifer的Mg/Ca值为3.84±0.36(mmol/mol),通过线性公式:T(℃)=2.898Mg/Ca(mmol/mol)+13.76及已有的定年数据,得到0.91Ma±西太平洋麦哲伦海山区海表温度为24.9+1.1/-1.0℃,未能检索到前人关于该区0.91Ma±前海表温度数据。  相似文献   

16ka以来青海湖湖相自生碳酸盐沉积记录的古气候   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
研究了青海湖沉积物碳酸盐的组成、来源及其同湖水物理化学性质的关系,建立了文石饱和指数同温度和湖水Mg/Ca比值(可指示盐度)的关系,利用碳酸盐的组成探讨了青海湖16ka B.P.以来的古气候环境演化过程。结果表明,青海湖沉积碳酸盐大都是自生的,16ka B.P.以来沉积碳酸盐以文石为主。文石的高含量时段同暖湿气候相对应,低含量则同冷干气候相对应。15.2ka B.P.为末次冰期盛冰阶进入晚冰期的界限,晚冰期气候的冷暖波动频繁,幅度较小,13.4-13ka B.P.,11.6-12ka B.P.和11-10.4ka B.P.之间的冷颤动分别相当于老仙女木、中仙女木和新仙女木事件,12-13ka B.P.和11.6-11ka B.P.之间的暖期则分别对应于博令和阿勒罗得暖期。全新世初期(10.4-10ka B.P.)白云石含量的突然增高和文石的消失,可能同淡水快速补给前期盐度较高的湖水有关,反映了全新世开始时气温和降水的增加具有突变性的特点。全新世大暖期的鼎盛期,即6.7ka B.P.左右时湖水的盐度较低。6.7-4ka B.P.为气候转型过程中的冷暖和干湿的快速波动期。4ka B.P.以后碳酸盐含量急剧降低,气候逐步向冷干化方向发展。  相似文献   

浮游有孔虫壳体Mg/Ca值--SST的替代性指标   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对东北印度洋区MD77181和MD81349两支岩心中Globigerinoides sacculifer壳体极为精细的清洗和溶样后,由ICP—MS测试获得了近260ka以来Mg/Ca值.结果表明Mg/Ca值与δ^18O值变化趋势较为吻合,随温度的增加而升高,浮游有孔虫G.sacculifer壳体Mg/Ca值是海洋表层水温(SST)良好的替代性指标.运用函数式Mg/Ca=0.4717exp(0.0825*SST)计算表明,包括印度洋在内的中、低纬地区,LGM时期的SST与全新世的温差大于最初CLIMAP推测的2℃,很可能达到4℃.  相似文献   

自生碳酸盐矿物是揭示甲烷渗漏过程及其周期性变化的重要指标。为了方便、快速地识别出自生碳酸盐矿物,在探讨了前人建立的端元组分模型(文石、高镁方解石、生物成因方解石和碎屑)在我国南海北部适用性的基础上,利用沉积物全样中Sr/Ca和Mg/Ca值计算了南海北部神狐海域两支沉积物柱状样中自生碳酸盐矿物的质量分数,计算结果表明,在不同沉积深度均有含量不等的自生碳酸盐矿物。这一结果被X射线衍射结果和沉积物中存在晶形完好的自生高镁方解石和文石矿物所验证,表明利用前人建立的端元组分模型计算的结果具有可靠性。自生碳酸盐矿物的出现显示该海域深受甲烷渗漏作用影响。利用地球化学指标(Sr/Ca和Mg/Ca)获得的自生碳酸盐矿物含量垂向变化显示该区域甲烷渗漏具有强弱交替的周期变化。运用端元组分模型来获取沉积物柱状样中自生碳酸盐矿物的高分辨率剖面,从而识别甲烷渗漏信息非常方便,在大范围寻找甲烷渗漏和天然气水合物方面具有较大潜力。  相似文献   

The precipitation of calcite and aragonite as encrustations directly on the seafloor was an important platform‐building process during deposition of the 2560–2520 Ma Campbellrand‐Malmani carbonate platform, South Africa. Aragonite fans and fibrous coatings are common in unrestricted, shallow subtidal to intertidal facies. They are also present in restricted facies, but are absent from deep subtidal facies. Decimetre‐thick fibrous calcite encrustations are present to abundant in all depositional environments except the deepest slope and basinal facies. The proportion of the rock composed of carbonate that precipitated as encrustations or in primary voids ranges from 0% to > 65% depending on the facies. Subtidal facies commonly contain 20–35%in situ precipitated carbonate, demonstrating that Neoarchaean sea water was supersaturated with respect to aragonite, carbonate crystal growth rates were rapid compared with sediment influx rates, and the dynamics of carbonate precipitation were different from those in younger carbonate platforms. The abundance of aragonite pseudomorphs suggests that sea‐water pH was neutral to alkaline, whereas the paucity of micrite suggests the presence of inhibitors to calcite and aragonite nucleation in the mixed zone of the oceans.  相似文献   

Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] forms in numerous geological settings, usually as a diagenetic replacement of limestone, and is an important component of petroleum reservoir rocks, rocks hosting base metal deposits and fresh water aquifers. Dolomite is a rhombohedral carbonate with a structure consisting of an ordered arrangement of alternating layers of Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations interspersed with anion layers normal to the c‐axis. Dolomite has symmetry, lower than the (CaCO3) symmetry of calcite primarily due to Ca–Mg ordering. High‐magnesium calcite also has symmetry and differs from dolomite in that Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions are not ordered. High‐magnesium calcite with near‐dolomite stoichiometry (≈50 mol% MgCO3) has been observed both in nature and in laboratory products and is referred to in the literature as protodolomite or very high‐magnesium calcite. Many dolomites display some degree of cation disorder (Ca2+ on Mg2+ sites and vice versa), which is detectable using transmission electron microscopy and X‐ray diffractometry. Laboratory syntheses at high temperature and pressure, as well as studies of natural dolomites show that factors affecting dolomite ordering, stoichiometry, nucleation and growth include temperature, alkalinity, pH, concentration of Mg and Ca, Mg to Ca ratio, fluid to rock ratio, mineralogy of the carbonate being replaced, and surface area available for nucleation. In spite of numerous attempts, dolomite has not been synthesized in the laboratory under near‐surface conditions. Examination of published X‐ray diffraction data demonstrates that assertions of dolomite synthesis in the laboratory under near‐ambient conditions by microbial mediation are unsubstantiated. These laboratory products show no evidence of cation ordering and appear to be very high‐magnesium calcite. Elevated‐temperature and elevated‐pressure experiments demonstrate that dolomite nucleation and growth always are preceded by very high‐magnesium calcite formation. It remains to be demonstrated whether microbial‐mediated growth of very high‐magnesium calcite in nature provides a precursor to dolomite nucleation and growth analogous to reaction paths in high‐temperature experiments.  相似文献   

The Sorbas Member is a late Messinian complex sedimentary system that formed immediately following deposition of the Messinian evaporites in the Sorbas Basin (South‐east Spain). This work describes the sequence architecture and facies organization of a continuous kilometre long, alluvial fan to open platform transect near the village of Cariatiz in the north‐east of the basin. The post‐evaporitic Cariatiz platform was a mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic system composed of four intermediate‐frequency, fifth‐order depositional sequences (Depositional Sequences 1 to 4) arranged in an overall prograding trend. The intense fracturing and brecciation of these deposits is attributed to the deformation and dissolution of an evaporite body measuring several tens of metres in thickness. The four sequences display significant spatial–temporal variability in both architecture and facies distribution, with two main phases: (i) Depositional Sequences 1 and 2 are ooid and oobioclastic dominated, and show normal marine faunas; and (ii) Depositional Sequences 3 and 4 show a higher siliciclastic contribution and are microbialite dominated. These important changes are interpreted as modifications of the primary controlling factors. Following an initial 70 m drowning, possibly linked to increased oceanic input, Depositional Sequences 1 to 3 were controlled mainly by eustatic variations and inherited topography; their progradation destabilized the evaporite body near the end of the Depositional Sequence 2 period. During the second phase, Depositional Sequences 3 and 4 recorded a progressive restriction of the Sorbas Basin related to a 30 to 40 m fall in water level that was driven mainly by regional factors. These regional factors were dissolution and gravity‐induced deformation of the evaporites and correlative evaporative fluid circulation associated with the contrasted arid/humid regional climate that, respectively, controlled sequence geometry and fluctuating water salinity which caused a microbialite bloom.  相似文献   

Sr isotope and Ca/Mg/Sr chemical compositions of freshwater ostracode tests separated from a sediment core represent the last 16 ka of sedimentation in Lake Constance, Central Europe. The chemical evolution of the paleowater's dissolved load of Lake Constance was estimated by correcting the ostracode data for Ca/Mg/Sr fractionation due to biogenic calcification. Since the Late Pleistocene deglaciation, the Ca/Sr molar ratios of paleowaters increased systematically from about 100 (a near marine signature) to about 200. Ca/Mg molar ratios varied in the range of 1–25. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate Late Pleistocene paleowater compositions of 0.7086–0.7091, significantly more radiogenic than present day waters (0.7085). Sr isotopes and Ca/Mg/Sr chemical data together show that weathering of Mesozoic evaporites consistently dominated the dissolved Sr load (80–90%). Carbonate and silicate weathering were less important (1–10%). Trends of Sr dissolved loads were therefore not related to Mg which was mainly mobilized by carbonate weathering. Biotite weathering was an important source of radiogenic Sr in the paleowaters. The short-term release (duration about 600–800 years) of radiogenic Sr during glacier retreat started 15.2 ka ago and was due to enhanced biotite weathering at the glacier base. Long-term release of radiogenic Sr was due to biotite weathering in glacial soils and silicate rocks, and has gradually declined since the Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition.  相似文献   

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