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Evolution of the Himalayan foreland basin, NW India   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper provides new information on the evolution of the Himalayan foreland basin in the under‐reported region of the Kangra and Subathu sub‐basins, NW India. Comparisons are made with the better documented co‐eval sediments of Nepal and Pakistan to build up a broader picture of basin development. In the Subathu sub‐basin, shallow marine sediments of the Palaeocene–lower Lutetian Subathu Formation are unconformably overlain by the continental alluvial Dagshai and Kasauli Formations and Siwalik Group. The start of continental deposition is now dated at younger than 31 Ma from detrital zircon fission track data, thereby defining the duration of this major unconformity, which runs basin‐wide along strike. Final exhumation of these basin sediments, as thrusting propagated into the basin, occurred by 5 Ma constrained from detrital apatite fission track data. In the Kangra sub‐basin, the Subathu Formation is not exposed and the pre‐Siwalik sediments consist of the Dharamsala Group, interpreted as the deposits of transverse‐draining rivers. In this area, there is no evidence of westerly axial drainage as documented for coeval facies in Nepal. Similar to data reported along strike, facies analysis indicates that the sediments in NW India represent the filled/overfilled stages of the classic foreland basin evolutionary model, and the underfilled stage is not represented anywhere along the length of the basin studied to date.  相似文献   

This paper addresses foreland basin fragmentation through integrated detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology, sandstone petrography, facies analysis and palaeocurrent measurements from a Mesozoic–Cenozoic clastic succession preserved in the northern Andean retroarc fold‐thrust belt. Situated along the axis of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, the Floresta basin first received sediment from the eastern craton (Guyana shield) in the Cretaceous–early Palaeocene and then from the western magmatic arc (Central Cordillera) starting in the mid‐Palaeocene. The upper‐crustal magmatic arc was replaced by a metamorphic basement source in the middle Eocene. This, in turn, was replaced by an upper‐crustal fold‐thrust belt source in the late Eocene which persisted until Oligocene truncation of the Cenozoic section by the eastward advancing thrust front. Sedimentary facies analysis indicates minimal changes in depositional environments from shallow marine to low‐gradient fluvial and estuarine deposits. These same environments are recorded in coeval strata across the Eastern Cordillera. Throughout the Palaeogene, palaeocurrent and sediment provenance data point to a uniform western or southwestern sediment source. These data show that the Floresta basin existed as part of a laterally extensive, unbroken foreland basin connected with the proximal western (Magdalena Valley) basin from mid‐Paleocene to late Eocene time when it was isolated by uplift of the western flank of the Eastern Cordillera. The Floresta basin was also connected with the distal eastern (Llanos) basin from the Cretaceous until its late Oligocene truncation by the advancing thrust front.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the relationship between thrust loading and sedimentary facies evolution, we analyse the progradation of fluvial coarse‐grained deposits in the retroarc foreland basin system of the northern Andes of Colombia. We compare the observed sedimentary facies distribution with the calculated one‐dimensional (1D) Eocene to Quaternary sediment‐accumulation rates in the Medina wedge‐top basin and with a three‐dimensional (3D) sedimentary budget based on the interpretation of ~1800 km of industry‐style seismic reflection profiles and borehole data. Age constraints are derived from a new chronostratigraphic framework based on extensive fossil palynological assemblages. The sedimentological data from the Medina Basin reveal rapid accumulation of fluvial and lacustrine sediments at rates of up to ~500 m my?1 during the Miocene. Provenance data based on gravel petrography and paleocurrents reveal that these Miocene fluvial systems were sourced from Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene sedimentary units exposed to the west in the Eastern Cordillera. Peak sediment‐accumulation rates in the upper Carbonera Formation and the Guayabo Group occur during episodes of coarse‐grained facies progradation in the early and late Miocene proximal foredeep. We interpret this positive correlation between sediment accumulation and gravel deposition as the direct consequence of thrust activity along the Servitá–Lengupá faults. This contrasts with one class of models relating gravel progradation in more distal portions of foreland basin systems to episodes of tectonic quiescence.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Cenozoic interaction of regional tectonics and climate changes. These processes were responsible for mass flux from mountain belts to depositional basins in the eastern Alpine retro‐foreland basin (Venetian–Friulian Basin). Our discussion is based on the depositional architecture and basin‐scale depositional rate curves obtained from the decompacted thicknesses of stratigraphic units. We compare these data with the timing of tectonic deformation in the surrounding mountain ranges and the chronology of both long‐term trends and short‐term high‐magnitude (‘aberrant’) episodes of climate change. Our results confirm that climate forcing (and especially aberrant episodes) impacted the depositional evolution of the basin, but that tectonics was the main factor driving sediment flux in the basin up to the Late Miocene. The depositional rate remained below 0.1 mm year?1 on average from the Eocene to the Miocene, peaking at around 0.36 mm year?1, during periods of maximum tectonic activity in the eastern Southern Alps. This dynamic strongly changed during the Pliocene–Pleistocene, when the basin‐scale depositional rate increased to an average of 0.26 mm year?1 (Pliocene) and 0.73 mm year?1 (Pleistocene). This result fits nicely with the long‐term global cooling trend recorded during this time interval. Nevertheless, we note that the timing of the observed increase may be connected with the presumed onset of major glaciations in the southern flank of the Alps (0.7–0.9 Ma), the acceleration of the global cooling trend (since 3–4 Ma) and climate variability (in terms of magnitude and frequency). All these factors suggest that combined high‐frequency and high‐magnitude cooling–warming cycles are particularly powerful in promoting erosion in mid‐latitude mountain belts and therefore in increasing the sediment flux in foreland basins.  相似文献   

Abstract The Pitaiito Basin is an intramontane basin (15 × 20 km2) situated at the junction of the Central and Eastern Cordillera in the southern part of the Colombian Andes. Tectonic structures, evolution of the basin and distribution of the sediments suggest that the basin was formed adjacent to an active dextral strike-slip fault. Based on sedimentation rates it is estimated that subsidence started around 4.5 Ma. The basin can be divided into a relatively shallow western part (c. 300 m deep) and a deep eastern part (c. 1200 m deep). The transition between both areas is sharp and is delineated by a NW/SE-oriented fault. The position of this fault is reflected by the areal distribution of the deep non-exposed sediments as well as sediments at the surface: west of this fault the basin infill consists of coarse to medium elastics (conglomerates and sand) whereas in the eastern part fine elastics (clay and peat) are present. The lateral transition between both types of sediment is abrupt and its position is stable in time. The surface and near surface sediments in the Pitalito Basin reflect the last stage of sedimentary infill which came to a halt between 17,000 and 7500 years bp . These sediments were deposited by an eastward prograding fluvial system. The western upstream part of this system differs significantly from that of the eastern part which forms the downstream continuation. The western part exhibits unstable, shallow fluvial channels that wandered freely over the surface which predominantly consists of clayey overbank sediments. The alluvial architecture in the eastern half is characterized by stable channels and thick accumulations of organic-rich flood basin sediments and resembles an anastomosing river. The transition between both alluvial systems also coincides with the N/S-oriented normal fault. Palaeoclimatic conditions over the last c. 61,500 years were determined by means of a pollen record. From c. 61,500 to 20,000 years BP the mean annual temperature fluctuated considerably and decreased by 2–3oC during the relatively warm periods (interstadials) and by 6–8oC during the cold periods (stadials) in comparison with modern temperatures. These changes led to a displacement of the zonal vegetation belts from c. 200 m during the stadials to c. 1500 m in interstadial times without significant effects on the fluvial system present in the Pitaiito Basin until c. 20,000 years BP. Around this period the organic-rich eastern flood basins were choked with sediments and peat growth came to an end. Palynological and sedimentological data suggest that around that period the climate was cold (Δ 6–8oC) and very dry and that a sparse vegetation cover was present around the basin. In these semi-arid climatic conditions the river system changed from an anastomosing pattern to one with ephemeral stream characteristics. This may have lasted until at least 17,000 years BP. Somewhere between 17,000 and 7500 years BP the eastward-flowing infilling river system changed into a NW-flowing erosive river system due to climatic or tectonic control and the present state was reached.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fluvial megafans chronicle the evolution of large mountainous drainage networks, providing a record of erosional denudation in adjacent mountain belts. An actualistic investigation of the development of fluvial megafans is presented here by comparing active fluvial megafans in the proximal foreland basin of the central Andes to Tertiary foreland‐basin deposits exposed in the interior of the mountain belt. Modern fluvial megafans of the Chaco Plain of southern Bolivia are large (5800–22 600 km2), fan‐shaped masses of dominantly sand and mud deposited by major transverse rivers (Rio Grande, Rio Parapeti, and Rio Pilcomayo) emanating from the central Andes. The rivers exit the mountain belt and debouch onto the low‐relief Chaco Plain at fixed points along the mountain front. On each fluvial megafan, the presently active channel is straight in plan view and dominated by deposition of mid‐channel and bank‐attached sand bars. Overbank areas are characterized by crevasse‐splay and paludal deposition with minor soil development. However, overbank areas also contain numerous relicts of recently abandoned divergent channels, suggesting a long‐term distributary drainage pattern and frequent channel avulsions. The position of the primary channel on each megafan is highly unstable over short time scales. Fluvial megafans of the Chaco Plain provide a modern analogue for a coarsening‐upward, > 2‐km‐thick succession of Tertiary strata exposed along the Camargo syncline in the Eastern Cordillera of the central Andean fold‐thrust belt, about 200 km west of the modern megafans. Lithofacies of the mid‐Tertiary Camargo Formation include: (1) large channel and small channel deposits interpreted, respectively, as the main river stem on the proximal megafan and distributary channels on the distal megafan; and (2) crevasse‐splay, paludal and palaeosol deposits attributed to sedimentation in overbank areas. A reversal in palaeocurrents in the lowermost Camargo succession and an overall upward coarsening and thickening trend are best explained by progradation of a fluvial megafan during eastward advance of the fold‐thrust belt. In addition, the present‐day drainage network in this area of the Eastern Cordillera is focused into a single outlet point that coincides with the location of the coarsest and thickest strata of the Camargo succession. Thus, the modern drainage network may be inherited from an ancestral mid‐Tertiary drainage network. Persistence and expansion of Andean drainage networks provides the basis for a geometric model of the evolution of drainage networks in advancing fold‐thrust belts and the origin and development of fluvial megafans. The model suggests that fluvial megafans may only develop once a drainage network has reached a particular size, roughly 104 km2– a value based on a review of active fluvial megafans that would be affected by the tectonic, climatic and geomorphologic processes operating in a given mountain belt. Furthermore, once a drainage network has achieved this critical size, the river may have sufficient stream power to prove relatively insensitive to possible geometric changes imparted by growing frontal structures in the fold‐thrust belt.  相似文献   

Abstract The Hebridean basins are part of a compartmentalized half-graben developed in the hanging wall of the partially reactivated Outer Isles Fault. The importance of geological inheritance in the development of these basins can be demonstrated clearly using the widespread exposure of metamorphic basement around the basin margins. The basement structures have been analysed using thematically mapped Landsat images in conjunction with selective field studies. Results of such studies have been integrated with maps generated from the interpretation of offshore multichannel seismic reflection profiles to produce an architectural framework for basin development.
It can be demonstrated that the principal basement faults originated in the early Proterozoic as mid-crustal shear zones and that they have subsequently been partially reactivated during post-Caledonian basin development beginning in the Carboniferous and probably also during an earlier period of basin development in the late Proterozoic (the Torridonian). It is the geometry of the pre-existing basement structures that has controlled the three-dimensional shape of the sedimentary basins and the spatial and temporal distribution of the basin fill.  相似文献   

The Chaco is a large tropical plain located in the interior of South America, consisting of parts of Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. It is 840,000 km2 in area and is characterized by forests, savannas and extensive swamps, which give it a marked climatic and biogeographic identity. It encompasses five huge alluvial fans built by the major rivers which cross the region: Salado, Bermejo, Pilcomayo, Parapetí and Grande. The fans are composed of several sedimentary units, deposited during different times of the late Quaternary under diverse climates. Two fluvial terraces appear at the apex of each fan; the older one is probably late Pleistocene in age, the second was formed in postglacial times. Humid climates, such as the present one, favoured the generation of soils and stable fluvial belts; drier climates led to widespread sedimentation along small ephemeral channels and large spill-outs. During two intervals, on in the late Quaternary glacial maximum and the late Holocene dry climates occurred in the region, leading to the formation of dune fields and loess mantles.  相似文献   

Estimates of the physical boundary conditions on sediment source and sink regions and the flux between them provide insights into the evolution of topography and associated sedimentary basins. We present a regional‐scale, Plio‐Quaternary to recent sediment budget analysis of the Grande, Parapeti and Pilcomayo drainages of the central Andean fold‐thrust belt and related deposits in the Chaco foreland of southern Bolivia (18–23°S). We constrain source‐sink dimensions, fluxes and their errors with topographic maps, satellite imagery, a hydrologically conditioned digital elevation model, reconstructions of the San Juan del Oro (SJDO) erosion surface, foreland sediment isopachs and estimated denudation rates. Modern drainages range from 7453 to 86 798 km2 for a total source area of 153 632 km2. Palaeo‐drainage areas range from 9336 to 52 620 km2 and total 100 706 km2, suggesting basin source area growth of ~50% since ~10 Ma. About 2.4–3.1 × 104 km3 were excavated from below the SJDO surface since ~3 Ma. The modern foredeep is 132 080 km2 with fluvial megafan areas and volumes ranging from 6142 to 22 511 km2 and from 1511 to 3332 km3, respectively. Since Emborozú Formation deposition beginning 2.1 ± 0.2 Ma, the foreland has a fill of ~6.4 × 104 km3. The volume and rate of deposition require that at least ~40–60% of additional sediment be supplied beyond that incised from below the SJDO. The data also place a lower limit of ≥0.2 mm year?1 (perhaps ≥0.4 mm year?1) on the time‐ and space‐averaged source area denudation rate since ~2–3 Ma. These rates are within the median range measured for the Neogene, but are up to 2 orders of magnitude higher than some observations, as well as analytic solutions for basin topography and stratigraphy using a two‐dimensional mathematical model of foreland basin evolution. Source‐to‐sink sediment budget analyses and associated interpretations must explicitly and quantitatively reconcile all available area, volume and rate observations because of their inherent imprecision and the potential for magnification when they are convolved.  相似文献   

Our study explores the geohydraulic history of the Acre retroarc foreland basin by gathering both spatial and temporal information from the upper 400 m of sediments. We also inquire into controls on sediment accommodation space as well as on stream vs. lacustrine domination. The Acre basin is located in south-west Amazonia, proximal to the Serra do Divisor which demarcates the eastern edge of the Andean fold–thrust belt. Radiocarbon ages from a range of materials indicate that the upper 50–250 m of the Solimôes Formation accumulated during the past 50 000 years. Both surficial and drill-core sediment records show lacustrine–fluvial transitions throughout the Late Quaternary. These shifts in depositional environments are in response to episodic changes in hydrological conditions as well as to geodynamic activity, such as subsidence. Juxtaposition of lacustrine and fluvial systems in the vertical Acre basin record mimics the regional-scale trends in the modern, upper and middle Solimôes–Amazon floodplains. In the Acre basin record lacustrine successions are characterized by increasing calcium contents up-section. This is also manifested, in the upper portions of lacustrine sequences outcropping at the surface, as alternating clastic and calcareous layers. The up-section increase in carbonate content is related to increasing salinities brought about by drier hydrodynamic conditions. Desiccation cracks are typically infilled with gypsum as are cavities of fossils in bone-beds. The latter represent isolated ponds in which the original fauna died as aridity intensified and waters became increasingly saline. Modern trunk river systems in the Acre basin flow from south-west to north-east with tributaries entering from the south-west, suggesting the influence of a domino-style, basement, fault regime. Fault or, at least, fracture control on stream channels is also suggested throughout the greater Amazon basin in the orthogonal dispositions and asymmetric terrace systems of trunk rivers as well as of major tributaries.  相似文献   

The Oligo-Miocene Most Basin is the largest preserved sedimentary basin within the Eger Graben, the easternmost part of the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS). The basin is interpreted as a part of an incipient rift system that underwent two distinct phases of extension. The first phase, characterised by NNE–SSW- to N–S-oriented horizontal extension between the end of Eocene and early Miocene, was oblique to the rift axis and caused evolution of a fault system characterised by en-échelon-arranged E–W (ENE–WSW) faults. These faults defined a number of small, shallow initial depocentres of very small subsidence rates that gradually merged during the growth and linkage of the normal fault segments. The youngest part of the basin fill indicates accelerated subsidence caused probably by the concentration of displacement at several major bounding faults. Major post-depositional faulting and forced folding were related to a change in the extension vector to an orthogonal position with respect to the rift axis and overprinting of the E–W faults by an NE–SW normal fault system. The origin of the palaeostress field of the earlier, oblique, extensional phase remains controversial and can be attributed either to the effects of the Alpine lithospheric root or (perhaps more likely because of the dominant volcanism at the onset of Eger Graben formation) to doming due to thermal perturbation of the lithosphere. The later, orthogonal, extensional phase is explained by stretching along the crest of a growing regional-scale anticlinal feature, which supports the recent hypothesis of lithospheric folding in the Alpine–Carpathian foreland.  相似文献   

Three successive zones of fault‐related folds disrupt the proximal part of the northern Tian Shan foreland in NW China. A new magnetostratigraphy of the Taxi He section on the north limb of the Tugulu anticline in the middle deformed zone clarifies the chronology of both tectonic deformation and depositional evolution of this collisional mountain belt. Our ~1200‐m‐thick section encompasses the upper Cenozoic terrigenous sequence within which ~300 sampling horizons yield an age span of ~8–2 Ma. Although the basal age in the Taxi He section of the Xiyu conglomerate (often cited as an indicator of initial deformation) is ~2.1 Ma, much earlier growth of the Tugulu anticline is inferred from growth strata dated at ~6.0 Ma. Folding of Neogene strata and angular unconformities in anticlines in the more proximal and distal deformed zones indicate deformation during Miocene and Early Pleistocene times, respectively. In the Taxi He area, sediment‐accumulation rates significantly accelerate at ~4 Ma, apparently in response to encroaching thrust loads. Together, growth strata, angular unconformities, and sediment‐accumulation rates document the northward migration of tectonic deformation into the northern Tian Shan foreland basin during the late Cenozoic. A progradational alluvial–lacustrine system associated with this northward progression is subdivided into two facies associations at Tugulu: a shallow lacustrine environment before ~5.9 Ma and an alluvial fan environment subsequently. The lithofacies progradation encompasses the time‐transgressive Xiyu conglomerate deposits, which should only be recognized as a lithostratigraphic unit. Along the length of the foreland, the locus of maximum shortening shifts between the medial and proximal zones of folding, whereas the total shortening across the foreland remains quite homogeneous along strike, suggesting spatially steady tectonic forcing since late Miocene times.  相似文献   

The early Miocene Dumri Formation and middle Miocene–Pliocene Siwalik Group were deposited in the Himalayan foreland basin in response to uplift and erosion in the Himalayan fold‐thrust belt. We report magnetostratigraphic data from four sections of these rocks in Nepal. Three of these sections are in the Siwalik Group in the hanging wall of the Main Frontal thrust, and one section is from the Dumri Formation in the hanging wall of the Main Boundary thrust (MBT). Thermal demagnetization experiments demonstrate that laminated siltstones yield palaeomagnetic data useful for tectonic and magnetostratigraphic studies whereas other lithofacies yield data of questionable reliability. Magnetostratigraphic data have been acquired from 297 sites within a 4200‐m‐thick section of Siwalik deposits at Surai Khola. The observed sequence of polarity zones correlates with the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS) from chron C5Ar.1n to chron C2r.2n, spanning the time frame ca. 12.5–2.0 Ma. At Muksar Khola (eastern Nepal), 111 palaeomagnetic sites from a 2600‐m‐thick section of the Siwalik Group define a polarity zonation that correlates with the GPTS from chron C4Ar.2n to chron C2Br.1r, indicating an age range of ca. 10.0–3.5 Ma. At Tinau Khola, 121 sites from a 1824‐m‐thick section of the Siwalik Group are correlated to chrons C5An.1n through C4r.1n, equivalent to the time span ca. 11.8–8.1 Ma. At Swat Khola, 68 sites within a 1200‐m‐thick section of lower Miocene Dumri Formation are correlated with chrons C6n through C5Bn.2n, covering the time span ca. 19.9–15.1 Ma. Together with previous results from Khutia Khola and Bakiya Khola, these data provide the first magnetostratigraphic correlation along nearly the entire NW–SE length of Nepal. The correlation demonstrates that major lithostratigraphic boundaries in the Siwalik Group are highly diachronous, with roughly 2 Myr of variability. In turn, this suggests that the major sedimentological changes commonly inferred to reflect strengthening of the Asian monsoon are not isochronous. Sediment accumulation curves exhibit a 30–50% increase in accumulation rate in four of the five sections of the Siwalik Group, but the timing of this increase ranges systematically from ~11.1 Ma in western Nepal to ~5.3 Ma in eastern Nepal. If this increase in sediment accumulation rate is interpreted as a result of more rapid subsidence owing to thrust loading in the Himalaya, then the diachroneity of this increase suggests lateral propagation of a major thrust system, perhaps the MBT, at a rate of ca. 103 mm year?1 across the length of Nepal.  相似文献   

Active tectonics in a basin plays an important role in controlling a fluvial system through the change in channel slope. The Baghmati, an anabranching, foothills-fed river system, draining the plains of north Bihar in eastern India has responded to ongoing tectonic deformation in the basin. The relatively flat alluvial plains are traversed by several active subsurface faults, which divide the area in four tectonic blocks. Each tectonic block is characterized by association of fluvial anomalies viz. compressed meanders, knick point in longitudinal profiles, channel incision, anomalous sinuosity variations, sudden change in river flow direction, river flow against the local gradient and distribution of overbank flooding, lakes, and waterlogged area. Such fluvial anomalies have been identified on the repetitive satellite images and maps and interpreted through DEM and field observations to understand the nature of vertical movements in the area. The sub-surface faults in the Baghmati plains cut across the river channel and also run parallel which have allowed us to observe the effects of longitudinal and lateral tilting manifested in avulsions and morphological changes.  相似文献   

The wedge‐top depozone in the southern Taiwan foreland basin system is confined by the topographic front of the Chaochou Fault to the east and by a submarine deformation front to the west. The Pingtung Plain, Kaoping Shelf and Kaoping Slope constitute the main body of the wedge‐top depozone. In a subaerial setting, the alluvial and fluvial sediments accumulate on top of the frontal parts of the Taiwan orogenic wedge to form the Pingtung Plain proximal to high topographic relief. In a submarine setting, fine‐grained sediments accumulate on the Kaoping Shelf and dominant mass‐wasting sediment forms the Kaoping Slope. Wedge‐top sediments are deformed into a series of west‐vergent imbricated thrusts and folds and associated piggyback basins. A major piggyback basin occurs in the Pingtung Plain. Four smaller piggyback basins appear in the shelf–slope region. Many small‐sized piggyback basins developed over ramp folds in the lower slope region. Pliocene–Quaternary deep marine to fluvial sediments about 5000 m thick have been deposited on top of the frontal orogenic wedge in southern Taiwan. Sedimentary facies shows lateral variations from extremely coarse fluvial conglomerates proximal to the topographic front (Chaochou Fault) to fine‐grained deep marine mud close to the deformation front near the base of the slope. The stratigraphic column indicates that offshore deep‐water mud is gradationally overlain by shallow marine sands and then fluvial deposits. The transverse cross‐section of the wedge‐top depozone in the southern Taiwan is a doubly tapered prism. The northern boundary of the wedge‐top depozone in southern Taiwan is placed along the southern limit of the Western Foothills where the frontal orogenic wedge progressively changes southward to a wedge‐top depozone (Pingtung Plain), reflecting ongoing southward oblique collision between the Luzon Arc and the Chinese margin. The wedge‐top depozone is bounded to the south by the continent–ocean crust boundary. The deep slope west of the Hengchun Ridge can be viewed as an infant wedge‐top depozone, showing initial mountain building and the beginning of wedge‐top depozone.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(4):746-765
This study of Eocene carbonate succession in the Dinaric Foreland Basin of northern Dalmatia, Croatia, integrates palaeontological and sedimentological data to document a range of carbonate ramps formed intermittently during the basin tectonic development. The end‐Cretaceous basal erosional unconformity records the coupling of Adria and Eurasia crustal plates, with an antiformal uplift along their suture zone. The overlying late Ypresian carbonate ramp, spanning biozones SBZ 11–12, developed on the forebulge flank of a shallow‐marine early synclinal basin. Basal grainstone/packstone facies, dominated by encrusting foraminifers with alveolinids and miliolids, pass upwards into packstones dominated by miliolids and rotaliids with bryozoan and echinoid fragments, indicating an increased bathymetry of the retreating forebulge flank. Deposition of grainstone facies preceded an end‐Ypresian (SBZ 12/13 transition) subaerial exposure due to post‐subductional isostatic uplift. The younger, middle to late Eocene carbonate ramps (SBZ 13–19) formed episodically as perched isolated features on blind‐thrust anticlines in a bathymetrically diversified wedge‐top basin, where phases of clastic and skeletal biogenic sedimentation alternated due to disharmonic thrusting and relative sea‐level changes. Clastic sedimentation reflects anticline crest erosion and a forced‐regressive progradation of gravelly foreshore and sandy shoreface facies over heterolithic offshore‐transition and muddy offshore facies on the anticline flank. Biogenic sedimentation represents inner‐ to middle‐ramp environments, with the latter terminating bluntly in muddy offshore environment. An outer‐ramp environment, known from classic ramp models, was lacking due to bathymetric threshold. Analysis of larger benthic foraminifers (LBF), as biostratigraphic age indicators and palaeobathymetric proxies, helped distinguish systems tracts and determine their time span. A comparison of local and global sea‐level changes allowed the interplay of tectonic and eustatic forcing to be deciphered for the study area.  相似文献   

The New River crosses three physiogeologic provinces of the ancient, tectonically quiescent Appalachian orogen and is ideally situated to record variability in fluvial erosion rates over the late Cenozoic. Active erosion features on resistant bedrock that floors the river at prominent knickpoints demonstrate that the river is currently incising toward base level. However, thick sequences of alluvial fill and fluvial terraces cut into this fill record an incision history for the river that includes several periods of stalled downcutting and aggradation. We used cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating, aided by mapping and sedimentological examination of terrace deposits, to constrain the timing of events in this history. 10Be concentration depth profiles were used to help account for variables such as cosmogenic inheritance and terrace bioturbation. Fill-cut and strath terraces at elevations 10, 20, and 50 m above the modern river yield model cosmogenic exposure ages of 130, 600, and 600–950 ka, respectively, but uncertainties on these ages are not well constrained. These results provide the first direct constraint on the history of alluvial aggradation and incision events recorded by New River terrace deposits. The exposure ages yield a long-term average incision rate of 43 m/my, which is comparable to rates measured elsewhere in the Appalachians. During specific intervals over the last 1 Ma, however, the New River's incision rate reached 100 m/my. Modern erosion rates on bedrock at a prominent knickpoint are between 28 and 87 m/my, in good agreement with rates calculated between terrace abandonment events and significantly faster than 2 m/my rates of surface erosion from ancient terrace remnants. Fluctuations between aggradation and rapid incision operate on timescales of 104− 105 year, similar to those of late Cenozoic climate variations, though uncertainties in model ages preclude direct correlation of these fluctuations to specific climate change events. These second-order fluctuations appear within a longer-term signal of dominant aggradation (until 2 Ma) followed by dominant incision. A similar signal is observed on other Appalachian rivers and may be the result of sediment supply fluctuations driven by the increased frequency of climate changes in the late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Ford  Lickorish  & Kusznir 《Basin Research》1999,11(4):315-336
Tertiary foreland sedimentation in SE France occurred along the western sidewall of the Alpine orogen during collision of the Apulian indentor with the European passive margin. A detailed reappraisal of the stratigraphy and structure of the Southern Subalpine Chains (SSC) in SE France shows that Tertiary depocentres of differing character developed progressively toward the foreland during ongoing SW-directed shortening. The geodynamic controls on each of four stages of basin development are evaluated using a flexural isostatic modelling package of thrust sheet emplacement and foreland basin formation. (1) The initial stage (mid to late Eocene) can be explained as a flexural basin that migrated toward the NW, closing off to the SW against the uplifting Maures–Esterel block. This broad, shallow basin can be reproduced in forward modelling by loading a lower lithospheric plate with an effective elastic thickness of 20 km. (2) The end of detectable flexural subsidence in the early Oligocene coincides with the emplacement of the internally derived Embrunais–Ubaye (E-U) nappes, which caused 11 km of SW-directed shortening in the underlying SSC. The lack of Oligocene flexural subsidence dictates that the E-U units were emplaced as gravitational nappes. Within the SSC, Oligocene sedimentation was restricted to small thrust-sheet-top basins recording mainly continental conditions and ongoing folding. Further west, Oligocene to Aquitanian NNW–SSE extension generated the Manosque half-graben as part of the European graben system that affected an area from the Gulf of Lion to the Rhine graben. (3) Following the Burdigalian breakup of the Gulf of Lion rift, a marine transgression migrated northward along the European graben system. Subsequent thermal subsidence allowed 1 km of marine sediments to be deposited across the Valensole and Manosque blocks, west of the active SSC thrust belt. (4) Mio-Pliocene conglomeratic deposits (2 km thick) were trapped within the Valensole basin by the uplifting Vaucluse block to the west and the advancing Alpine thrust sheets to the east. Late Pliocene thrusting of the SSC across the Valensole basin (approx. 10.5 km) can be linked along a Triassic detachment to the hinterland uplift of the Argentera basement massif.  相似文献   

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