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Summary Late-Variscan granitoid plutons in western Bohemia (Bor, Waidhaus-Rozvadov) have distinct petrographic, geochemical and isotopic features that suggest different magmatic evolutions. The Bor pluton comprises a suite of metaluminous tonalites and quartz diorites (Bor I), weakly peraluminous (monzo-)granites and granodiorites (Bor II) and medium-aluminous, late vein-forming leucomonzogranites (Bor III). The Waidhaus-Rozvadov pluton is strongly peraluminous, comprising a cordierite-biotite granitoid (CBG), the Rozvadov granite (ROG), the Bärnau granite (BÄG) and the subordinate, highly evolved Kreuzstein (Kíový kámen) granite (KG). Geochemical parameters and initial87Sr/86Sr ratios straddle the boundary between I- and S-type granites in the Bor pluton and are characteristic of purely S-type granites in the Waidhaus-Rozvadov pluton.The Bor II granitoids have been dated by the Rb-Sr whole-rock method at 341±17 Ma (ISr = 0.70724±0.00060). K-Ar biotite and muscovite ages of all units of the Bor pluton are mainly in the range 321-315 Ma. The K-Ar mineral ages are in good agreement with recently published U-Pb zircon data of these rocks. The different units of the Waidhaus-Rozvadov pluton have yielded less well-constrained Rb-Sr whole-rock ages, ranging from 313 to 300 Ma. However, the intrusion sequence is constrained by K-Ar muscovite ages (312-302 Ma), which define a systematic decrease towards the chemically more evolved granite types. Taken as a whole, it seems likely that the new radiometric ages characterize two temporally distinct periods of late-Variscan granitoid intrusion. The regional significance of these periods is emphasized by contemporaneous ages previously found in the adjacent northeastern Bavarian granitoids.The initial Sr and Nd isotope systematics indicate that the Bor and the WaidhausRozvadov plutons were derived from different source rocks. The Bor granitoids reflect the influence of less evolved crustal material which may have been similar to paragneisses of the Teplá-Barrandian region, including the Zone of ErbendorfVohenstrauß (ZEV). The Waidhaus-Rozvadov granitoids probably resulted from anatexis of rocks resembling surrounding Moldanubian paragneisses or metapelites. In addition, the two plutons exhibit poorly defined, opposite trends of Nd(T) variation which are ascribed to assimilation processes.
Petrogenese kontrastierender Granitplutone in Westböhmen (Tschechien)
Zusammenfassung Spätvariscische Granitplutone in Westböhmen (Bor, Waidhaus-Rozvadov) weisen petrographische, geochemische und isotopische Kontraste auf, die unterschiedliche magmatische Entwicklungen nahelegen. Der Bor Pluton umfaßt metalumine Tonalite und Quarzdiorite (Bor I), schwach peralumine (Monzo-)granite und Granodiorite (Bor II) und mäßig alumine, gangbildende Leukomonzogranite (Bor III). Der WaidhausRozvadov Pluton besitzt stark peralumine Zusammensetzung und läßt sich in einen Cordierit-Biotit Granitoid (CBG), den Rozvadov Granit (ROG), den Bärnau Granit (BÄG) und den stofflich hochentwickelten Kreuzstein (Kíový kámen) Granit (KG) untergliedern. Geochemische Parameter und initiale87Sr/86Sr-Verhältnisse liegen im Falle des Bor Plutons im Übergangsbereich zwischen I- und S-Typ Graniten und im Falle des Waidhaus-Rozvadov Plutons im Bereich reiner S-Typ Granite.Die Bor II Granitoide wurden nach der Rb-Sr Gesamtgesteinsmethode auf 341±17 Ma (ISr = 0.70724±0.00060) datiert. K-Ar Biotit- und Muskovitalter der Bor Granitoide liegen zwischen 321 and 315 Ma. Die K-Ar Mineralalter stehen im Einklang mit den kürzlich publizierten U-Pb Zirkondaten dieser Gesteine. Die verschiedenen Teilintrusionen des Waidhaus-Rozvadov Plutons liefern weniger gut definierte Rb-Sr Gesamtgesteinsalter zwischen 313 and 300 Ma. Die Intrusionsabfolge läßt sich dennoch durch K-Ar Muskovitalter festlegen (312-302 Ma), die eine systematische Abnahme von den weniger zu den starker entwickelten Granittypen aufweisen. Als Ganzes betrachtet dokumentieren die neuen radiometrischen Daten zwei zeitlich voneinander getrennte spdtvariscische Intrusionsereignisse. Die regionale Signifikanz dieser Ereignisse wird durch eine analoge Altersverteilung in den benachbarten nordostbayerischen Granitoiden untermauert.Anhand der initialen Sr und Nd Isotopensystematik können für die Bor und Waidhaus-Rozvadov Plutone unterschiedliche Quellen abgeleitet werden. Die Bor Granitoide spiegeln den Einfluß von gering entwickelten krustalen Material wider, das ähnliche stoffliche Eigenschaften besaß, wie Paragneise des Teplá-Barrandiums und der Zone von Erbendorf-Vohenstrauss (ZEV). Die Waidhaus-Rozvadov Granitoide lassen sich als Derivate moldanubischer Paragneise and Metapelite oder vergleichbarer Gesteine auffassen. Die zwei Plutone weisen schwach ausgeprägte gegensätzliche Nd(T)-Variationen auf, was auf unterschiedliche Assimilationsprozesse zurückgeführt wird.

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Summary Pollucite is found in five pegmatites in the Moldanubicum, all of them within the Czech Republic: Susice III (elbaite subtype) and Nová Ves near eský Krumlov (petalite subtype) in southern Bohemia, Jeclov I and Puklice II (lepidolite subtypes) and Vná I (beryl-columbite subtype) in western Moravia. Pollucite displays a broad range of primary compositions at these localities, with CRK = 100(Cs + Rb + K)/ cations variable from 72 to 85, and Si/Al from 2.43 to 2.60. Exsolution to Cs,Al-rich and Na,Si-rich components is not widespread: the maximum CRK is 92 at Si/Al of 2.30. However, Na-exchanged compositions and local veinlets of analcime are much more common; they reach CRK of 5 and 7, respectively. Three occurrences are comparable to the usual pollucite-bearing assemblages, except for the geochemically rather primitive pegmatites at Susice and Vná. At the latter locality, an extremely steep fractionation gradient generates minor amounts of a highly evolved Li-,Cs-,Be-, Ca-,Sr-,Ba-,Mn-,Bi-, REE-,Zr-,Sn-,Th-,W-,B-,P-,F-rich assemblage, with pollucite closely associated with chabazite and harmotome.
Chemische und strukturelle Entwicklung von Pollucit in Pegmatiten des Moldanubikums
Zusammenfassung Pollucit ist nur in fünf Pegmatiten des Moldanubikums bekannt, die alle auf dem Gebiet der Tschechischen Republik liegen: Suice III (Elbait-Subtyp), Novä Ves in der Nähe von eský Krumlov in Süd-Böhmen (Petalit-Subtyp), Jeclov 1 und Puklice II (Lepidolith-Subtyp) und Vná I (Beryll-Columbit Subtyp) in West-Mähren. Pollucit zeigt ein breites Spektrum an primärer Zusammensetzung mit CRK = 100 (Cs + Rb + K)/ Kationen von 85–72, und Si/Al 2.43 bis 2.60. Entmischung von Cs,Al-reichen und Na,Si-reichen Komponenten ist nicht verbreitet; maximal erreicht CRK = 92 bei Si/Al = 2.30. Weitver-breiteter Na-Austausch in Mineralen und lokale Gängchen von Analcim erreichen CRK von 5 bzw. 7. Alle Vorkommen sind vergleichbar mit den üblichen Pollucit-führenden Vergesellschaftungen ausser dem geochemisch seltenen primitiven Pegmatit von Vná. Ein extrem steiler Fraktionierungsgradient erzeugt hier eine hochentwickelte Li-,Cs-, Be-,Ca-,Sr-,Ba-,Mn-,Bi-,REE-,Zr-,Sn-,Th-,W-,B-,P-,F-reiche Mineralisation mit Pollucit in enger Vergesellschaftung mit Chabasit und Harmotom.

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甘肃花牛山东钾长花岗岩40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄及其地质意义   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
对甘肃花牛山东复式花岗岩体中钾长花岗岩的钾长石进行了详细的40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄测定,11个加热阶段所获数据构成-条相关关系非常好的直线,其对应的等时线年龄为194.25±1.96 Ma(2σ).40Ar/36Ar初始值为288.87±2.17(2σ),接近于尼尔值(295.5).鉴于该岩体形成之后未受到明显的构造-岩浆活动或其它热事件的影响,因此,194 Ma代表了钾长花岗岩钾长石的形成时代.花牛山东钾长花岗岩是燕山早期构造-岩浆活动的产物.由此推断,花牛山地区构造-岩浆活动时间不是印支期,更不是海西期,而是中生代燕山早期.  相似文献   

Numerous pegmatite dikes occur in the Sparrow pluton (muscovite-biotite granite) and in the adjacent cordierite-zone schist-hornfels of the Yellowknife Supergroup. Where pegmatite dikes cut granite, the adjacent granite is enriched in muscovite and apatite, and depleted in K-feldspar. Mass transfer calculations, based on rock, mineral, and modal analyses, indicate that H, P, and locally B, Ti, Fe, and Ca were added, and K, Sr, Ba, and locally Na were removed (hydrogen metasomatism). In one alteration zone (8 cm wide) the calculated change (in terms of mols/gram of unaltered granite) is, 600 K-feldspar+24 biotite+190 plagioclase +[770 H+36 P+3 Ti+13 Fe+13 Ca] 400 muscovite+1100 quartz +11 apatite+[240 Na+260 K]. Where pegmatite dikes cut schist-hornfels (biotite-plagioclase-quartz), the adjacent rock is, in places, enriched in tourmaline, apatite, and quartz, and depleted in biotite and plagioclase. These alteration zones are variable in width; most are less than 20 cm wide. Mass transfer calculations, based on rock, mineral, and modal analyses, indicate that B, P, Zn, and locally Ca, Fe, and Al were added, and that Na, K, Fe, Rb, Sr, Ba, and locally Mg and Si were removed (boron metasomatism). In one zone, 2 cm wide, the calculated reaction (in units of mols/gram of unaltered schist) is, 730 biotite+1530 plagioclase +[1080 B+600 H+430 P+360 Ca] 480 tourmaline+480 quartz+115 apatite +[3630 Si+870 Na+590 K+110 Fe]. Changes in the volume fraction of muscovite, K-feldspar, tourmaline, and biotite, relative to distance from pegmatite, are progressive, and in most alteration zones may be expressed by use of an error-function equation. Some tourmaline zones are more complex. Zone formation is considered in terms of a steady-state reaction model in which grainboundary diffusion is the transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Prosperous granite (Rb-Sr 2520±25 Ma) occurs as several plutons (1–380 km2 outcrop area) in a thick succession of metamorphosed greywacke-mudstone of the Yellowknife Supergroup. The average mineral content of the Sparrow pluton (in vol.%) is quartz (32), plagioclase (31), K-feldspar (24), muscovite (9), biotite (3), and apatite (<1). Average trace-element concentrations (in ppm) are Li (140), Be (4), B (28), Zn (47), Rb (250), Sr (76), Zr (75) and Ba (360). The central portion of the pluton is slightly richer in K, Sr, and Ba than the margin. Li is concentrated in mica (Li in biotite/Li in muscovite=4.7), and Be and B in muscovite and plagioclase. Countless pegmatite dikes occur in the Sparrow pluton and in schist-hornfels to the east; the outer limit is marked by the cordierite isograd, 9 km from the granite contact. Dikes vary greatly in size (1 km to a few cm in length), in mineral content (quartz, albite, K-feldspar, muscovite, tourmaline, beryl, spodumene), in major element composition (especially the NaK ratio), and in trace-element content (Li 18–5000 ppm, Be 5–260 ppm, B 20–150 ppm). Compared with Prosperous granite, the pegmatite bodies are richer in P and Rb, and poorer in Ti, Fe, Mg, Zr, and Ba. Dikes rich in tourmaline, beryl, and spodumene occur in overlapping zones situated progressively farther from the centre of the Sparrow pluton. The composition of tourmaline is related to host rock; the highest concentrations of Fe and Zn occur in crystals from pegmetite and the highest concentrations of Mg and V occur in crystals from tourmalinized schist, while those from granite and quartz veins occupy on intermediate position. Complex compositional zoning is present in some tourmaline crystals in pegmatite. Estimates of temperature (500°–600° C) and pressure (2–4 kb) of granite emplacement, based on the distribution of andalusite and sillimanite in the contact rocks, suggest that the final stage of granite emplacement occurred at sub-solidus conditions. A vaportransport model is proposed to explain the widespread distribution of the pegmatite dikes and their extreme compositional variability. Some of the pegmatite constituents, including Li, Be, and B, were possibly derived from Yellowknife graywacke and mudstone.  相似文献   

High grade granitoid orthogneisses occur in several metamorphic units of the Erzgebirge in the Saxothuringian Zone of the Variscan Belt. The determination of protolith ages and the geochemical characterization of these rocks permit a reconstruction of the Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic magmatic and geodynamic history of the Erzgebirge. Single zircon Pb-Pb evaporation and SHRIMP ages combined with major and trace element data and Sm-Nd isotope systematics indicate at least two discrete magmatic events concealed in the so-called red gneisses, one at ~550 Ma in rocks of the medium pressure—medium temperature (MP-MT) unit and the other at ~500–480 Ma in rocks of the high pressure units. The transition zones comprise both Neoproterozoic granitoids and early Palaeozoic metarhyolites. The granitoid gneisses represent Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline granitoids with REE patterns similar to those produced in Andean-type continental margins. The early Palaeozoic muscovite gneisses are geochemically distinct from the older granitoids and may be derived from melts generated in a back-arc setting. Initial Nd values in all samples overlap and range from –4.1 to –9.2, corresponding to crustal sources with average residence times of 1.5 to 1.9 Ga. Zircon xenocryst ages as old as 2992 Ma provide evidence for Grenvillian, Svecofennian-Birimian-Aazonian and older age components and suggest an association of the Erzgebirge with Avalonia.B. Mingram and A. Kröner have shared senior authorship  相似文献   

李继磊  钱青  高俊  苏文  张喜  刘新  江拓 《岩石学报》2010,26(10):2913-2924
西天山昭苏东南部阿登套地区大哈拉军山组火山岩主要由玄武质安山岩组成,具有富集大离子亲石元素、亏损高场强元素(如Nb、Ta、Ti)、稀土元素高度分馏的特征。这些玄武安山岩被一些钾长花岗岩和花岗斑岩脉体侵入。钾长花岗岩脉为准铝质,含有较高的Na2O+K2O、轻稀土元素、Zr、Nb、Y含量和较高的FeOT/MgO及Ga/Al比值。两类花岗岩均亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti和Eu。钾长花岗岩和花岗斑岩给出的Laser-ICPMS锆石U-Pb年龄分别为354.2±2.3Ma和339.5±2.3Ma,表明其围岩即大哈拉军山组火山岩的形成时代不晚于早石炭世早期。综合野外地质观察、区域地质构造以及上述岩石的地球化学特征和时代,我们认为西天山昭苏南部大哈拉军山组火山岩及侵入其中的早石炭世A型花岗岩脉可能形成于活动陆缘弧后拉张环境。  相似文献   

We present new U-Pb and Hf zircon isotope data on a suite of granitoids from a hitherto unstudied area of the Palaeoproterozoic Lupa terrane of the Ubendian belt in SW Tanzania.The major part of the area comprises a sequence of upper amphibolite grade paragneisses and migmatites.Subsequently,the field relations show a complex history of granitoid emplacement from early pre-tectonic strongly foliated diorite-tonalite-granodiorite orthogneiss to late tectonic,weakly deformed ellipsoidal granitoid plutons.These were followed by emplacement of undeformed K-feldspar rich porphyritic alkali granite.U-Pb zircon data on the granitoids show their emplacement ages span the period~1925 Ma to 1890 Ma and constrain the culmination of the Ubendian orogeny in the Lupa terrane to about 1900 Ma.The undeformed K-feldspar rich Chimala granite,previously considered to be unconformably overlain by the Buanji Group volcano-sedimentary rocks(recently shown to be~1675 Ma,not Neoproterozoic as originally thought) was dated at~1407 Ma showing that it must intrude the sedimentary rocks,although the age relationships are not exposed in the mapping area.This is the first record of early Irumide/Kibaran-aged post-tectonic granites in this part of East Africa.Hf isotope data from the zircons show that the granitoids have a long crustal pre-history stretching back to as far as~3.9 Ga,and showing that the Lupa terrane may form part of the "metacratonic" margin of an originally much more extensive Tanzania Craton.  相似文献   

Summary New chemical and physical data are given for four samples labeled delvauxite and boickýite. The set includes delvauxite from the type locality at Berneau, near Visé, Belgium, and boickýite from the type localities at Leoben, Styria, Austria, and Nenaovice, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. Chemical analyses yield an approximate chemical formula (Ca, Mg) (Fe3+, Al)4(PO4, SO4, CO3)2(OH)8·n H2O, wheren=3–7.5. Amorphous to X-rays, except for material from Nenaovice (admixed diadochite). Delvauxite, boickýite and foucherite are probably identical.
Eine neu-untersuchung von Boickýit
Zusammenfassung Es sind neue chemische Analysen und physikalische Eigenschaften von vier Proben, die als Delvauxit und Boickýit bezeichnet sind, angegeben. Die untersuchte Serie enthält Delvauxit aus der ursprünglichen Lokalität Berneau bei Visé (Belgien) als auch Bôrickýite von Leoben (Steiermark, Österreich) und Nenaovice (Böhmen, Tschechoslowakei). Die chemischen Analysen führen zur annähernden Formel (Ca, Mg) (Fe3+, Al)4(PO4, SO4, CO3)2(OH)8·nH2O, won dem Werte 3 bis 7,5 gleich ist. Die untersuchten Proben sind, mit der Ausnahme der aus Nenaovice, die beigemischten Diadochit enthält, röntgenamorph. Aus der durchgeführten Untersuchung geht hervor, daß Delvauxit, Boickýit und Foucherit höchstwahrscheinlich identisch sind.

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Accessory monazites from 35 granitoid samples from the Western Carpathian basement have been analysed with the electron microprobe in an attempt to broadly constrain their formation ages, on the basis of their Th, U and Pb contents. The sample set includes representative granite types from the Tatric, Veporic and Gemeric tectonic units. In most cases Lower Carboniferous (Variscan) ages have been obtained. However, a much younger mid-Permian age has been recorded for the specialised S-type granites of the Gemeric Unit, and several small A- and S-type granite bodies in the Veporic Unit and the southern Tatric Unit. This distinct Permian plutonic activity in the southern part of the Western Carpathians is an important, although previously little considered geological feature. It appears to be not related to the Variscan orogeny and is interpreted here to reflect the onset of the Alpine orogenic cycle, with magma generation in response to continental rifting. The voluminous Carboniferous granitoid bodies in the Tatric and Veporic units comprise S- and I-type variants which document crustal anatexis accompanying the collapse of a compressional Variscan orogen sector. The Variscan magmas were most likely produced through the remelting of a subducted Precambrian volcanic arc-type crust which included both igneous and sedimentary reworked volcanic-arc material. Although the 2C errors of the applied dating method are quite large and typically ᆞ-20 Ma for single samples, it would appear from the data that the Variscan S-type granitoids (333-367 Ma) are systematically older than the Variscan I-type granitoids (308-345 Ma). This feature is interpreted in terms of a prograde temperature evolution in the deeper parts of the post-collisional Variscan crust. In accordance with recently published zircon ages, this study shows that the Western Carpathian basement must be viewed as a distinct "eastern" tectonomagmatic province in the Variscan collision zone, where the post-collisional crustal melting processes occurred ~20 Ma earlier than in the central sector (South Bohemian Batholith, Hohe Tauern Batholith).  相似文献   

位于南天山中段英买来岩体的主体由中粗粒似斑状黑云母钾长花岗岩组成,局部有粗粒似斑状二云母钾长花岗岩。二者全岩化学成分相似,但在矿物组成上表现出一定差异。前者不透明矿物为钛铁矿,而后者出现原生白云母,不透明矿物全部为磁铁矿。根据石原舜三(1977)的划分方案,黑云母钾长花岗岩全部符合钛铁矿系列特征,而二云母钾长花岗岩虽然表现出不透明矿物为磁铁矿、所含黑云母富镁等看似符合磁铁矿系列的特征,但所有的磁铁矿均和黑云母、钾长石共生,因此推测磁铁矿是由黑云母分解析出而成,并结合其同样具有全岩Fe3+/(Fe3++Fe2+)低、且出现钛铁矿系列的特征共生矿物白云母,亦判定其属于钛铁矿系列。另外,英买来岩体的矿物学和地球化学特征均符合S型花岗岩的特征,说明在本区钛铁矿系列和S型花岗岩相当。研究结果也表明南天山地区在早二叠世还没有完全进入板内演化阶段。  相似文献   

Summary Rocks of trondhjemitic composition are widespread in the North-Eastern Peloritani Belt within the Aspromonte Unit, a Hercynian medium- to high-grade metamorphic complex intruded by late-Hercynian peraluminous granites and later affected by MP/LT Alpine metamorphism. Among these trondhjemitic bodies, the Pizzo Bottino trondhjemites form one of the largest, outcropping over about 6km2 and up to 400m thick. These rocks display concordant to discordant relationships with associated metamorphic rocks and are often cut by late-Hercynian leucogranitic dykes. The field, petrographic and geochemical features of these trondhjemites are consistent with an igneous origin. Petrographic and geochemical evidences suggest that the trondhjemitic character of the Pizzo Bottino rocks is due to an alkali metasomatism process involving cationic exchange of Na and Ca for K and consequent replacement of K-feldspar by oligoclase in the original granitoids. The major and trace element contents of the Pizzo Bottino trondhjemites are in fact comparable to those of the peraluminous late-Hercynian granitoids from the southern Calabrian-Peloritani Arc (CPA), when the elements directly involved in the alkali metasomatism process (Na, Ca, K, Sr, Ba, Rb) are not considered. The behaviour of REE elements, plus Th and U, also seems to be partially controlled by metasomatic processes, because their abundances vary with the K/Na ratio. Metasomatism seems to be the only viable mechanism involved in the genesis of the Pizzo Bottino trondhjemites. Other trondhjemite generation processes such as fractionation from basaltic parents and partial melting of metabasaltic or metasedimentary sources are ruled out on geological, petrographic and isotopic (Sr, Nd) grounds. Lastly, regional considerations place the metasomatic event during the late Hercynian, after the emplacement of the original granitoids and preceding the intrusion of the leucogranitic dykes, which are not affected by metasomatism.  相似文献   

Summary A Cu-Mo-bearing granitoid belonging to the concealed Precambrian crystalline basement of Lithuania has been dated by the U-Pb zircon method and investigated geochemically. chemically. The granitoid is located at Kabeliai in southernmost Lithuania and forms part of a granitoid complex recognized as the Marcinkonys batholith. The Kabeliai granite is composed of quartz, plagioclase, microcline and biotite and shows a granitic to adamellitic peralummous/metaluminous composition with dominantly I-type chemistry. U-Pb dating of zircon yields an age of 1505 ± 11 Ma, which is considered to reflect the crystallization age of the granite.The Kabeliai granite displays several similarities in terms of geological setting, chemistry and age with certain granitoids in northeastern Poland (Mazury complex) and northwestern Belorussia (Mostovsky, Kamensky and Vydgodsky plutons), which are considered rapakivi-like in the literature. It is, however, uncertain whether proper rapakivi granites really exist in these areas as none of these granitoids displays the common characteristics of rapakivi granites (A-type chemistry, wiborgitic textures, associated Sn-Be-Pb-Zn-Cu mineralizations). We speculate that the 1.4-1.5 Ga granites southeast of the Baltic Sea rather might be correlated with granites of comparable age and geochemical character in southwestern Sweden. Another possible alternative is that the granitoids in Lithuania may not be correlated with any part of the Fennoscandian Shield.Zusammenfassung Ein Cu-Mo-führender Granitoid, der zum präkambrischen, kristallinen Grundgebirge Litauens gehört, wurde mittels der U-Pb Methode an Zirkonen datiert und geochemisch untersucht. Der Granit repräsentiert einen Teil des Marcinkonys Batholithes, und tritt in Kabeliai, im südlichsten Litauen auf. Der Kabeliai Granit besteht aus Quarz, Plagioklas, Mikroklin und Biotit und zeigt adamellitische, peraluminöse/metaluminöse Zusammensetzung mit vorwiegend 1-Typ Charakter auf. U-Pb Datierung der Zirkone ergibt ein Alter von 1505 ± 11 Mio Jahren, das als Kristallisationsalter anzusehen ist.In seinem geologischen mit Granitoiden im nordöstlichen Polen (Mazury Komplex) und Grant Ånlichkeiten mit Granitoiden im nordöstlichen Polen (Mazury Komplex) und Grant Ånlichkeiten mit Granitoiden im nordöstlichen Polen (Mazury Komplex) und im nordwestlichen Weißrussland (Mostovsky, Kamensky und Vydgodsky Plutone), die in der Literatur als Rapakivi-ähnlich angesehen werden. Es ist jedoch unischer ob echte Rapakivi-Granite in diesen Regionen existieren. Keiner dieser Granite zeigt nämlich die für Rapakivi-Granite typischen Kennzeichen (A-Typ Chemie, Wiborgit Texturen, assoziierte Sn-Be-Pb-Zn-Cu-Mineralisationen). Wir vermuten, daß die 1.4 1.5 Mia Jahren alten Granite südöstlich der Ostsee eher mit Graniten ähnlichen Alters und von ähnlichem geochemischen Charakter im südwestlichen Schweden zu vergleichen sind. Eine weitere Alternative wäre, daß die Granitoide Litauens mit keinem Granit im Fennoskandischen Schild korreliert werden können.
Geologie, Geochemie und Alter des Cu-Mo führenden granites von Kabeliai, südliches Litauen

新疆胜利达坂地区花岗岩类的地球化学及成岩环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
岩石学、地球化学和同位素地质年代学研究表明,中天山构造带北缘胜利达坂地区的花岗岩类至少是两期岩浆活动的产物,胜利达坂岩体形成于加里东晚期的岛弧构造环境,红色钾长花岗岩形成于华力西晚期,属造山期后花岗岩。  相似文献   

萑香洼大型金矿床位于华北陆块南缘熊耳山台隆五丈山花岗岩基西南部中元古界能耳群火山岩中。矿区主要发育金矿化,少量的钼矿化。其中金矿体主要产于NW向和近EW(NWW)向断裂带中,矿化类型主要为蚀变岩型和少量石英脉型,蚀变自矿体中心向外具分带现象,依次为黄铁绢英岩化带、黄铁钾硅化带、青磐岩化带。钼矿化主要产于靠近五丈山岩体的辉钼矿化花岗伟晶岩脉中,并被F8断裂错动破坏,和含金黄铁矿-石英细脉穿切。辉钼矿化整体较弱,多呈粗粒,浸染状、团块状或辉钼矿-石英细脉产出。为了探讨金、钼矿化之间的关系,确定二者是否是同期成矿作用的产物,作者在矿床地质特征研究的基础上,选取辉钼矿和与金矿化有关的蚀变钾长石分别开展Re-Os同位素和Ar-Ar同位素测年。结果表明,辉钼矿的Re-Os年龄为155.0±2.2 Ma,钾长石Ar-Ar坪年龄为133.2±1.3 Ma,分别与区内晚侏罗世五丈山花岗岩体、早白垩世花山花岗岩体形成时代相近,分属于不同期次构造-岩浆-流体成矿事件。结合区域构造,矿区钼矿化和金矿化分别对应于晚中生代伊佐奈歧板块俯冲弧后陆缘环境和之后的岩石圈大规模减薄的成矿动力学背景。  相似文献   

苏-查萤石矿区钾长花岗岩锆石SHRIMP年龄 及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
内蒙古苏-查萤石矿区是全球范围内最大的单一萤石矿区。萤石矿体大多呈似层状和透镜体状在下二叠统火山-沉积岩地层内产出, 并且与显生宙花岗岩类侵入岩体具有密切时空分布关系, 其中部分矿体直接出现在敖包吐花岗岩株中。本次研究主要对敖包吐岩株钾长花岗岩进行了锆石SHRIMP铀-铅同位素年龄测定, 所获同位素年龄值为(138±4)Ma, MSWD值为2.3, 属中生代燕山期。根据上述同位素年代学数值, 同时结合其他地质与地球化学证据, 可以推测, 中生代时期, 受古板块内部构造应力调整作用影响, 苏-查萤石矿区及东西两侧曾发生过强烈构造-岩浆活动, 并且形成有敖包吐花岗岩株及相关的萤石矿床。中生代燕山期花岗岩类岩浆活动不仅为萤石矿床的形成提供了物质、动力和热力来源, 而且是成矿流体对流循环的“发动机”。对比分析结果表明, 敖包吐岩体的形成时间与华北陆台中东段许多含矿花岗岩体的成岩时代大体相似, 它们很可能是地壳演化特定阶段混源(壳、幔源)岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   

Metapelites that have undergone variable degrees of migmatization were encountered in two deep boreholes in Northern Switzerland. Microtextures and calculated phase diagrams yield three successive stages of metamorphism, consistent with one P-T loop: (1) Amphibolite-grade metamorphism (biotite-sillimanite-garnetoligoclase-quartz-ilmenite), P-T conditions are estimated at 4.5–6.5 kbars/550–650 °C. (2) Anatectic migmatization melting reactions. Leucosomes do not represent pure crystallized melt but rather a mixture of melt, cordierite and K-feldspar grown at the expense of biotite and sillimanite. (3) Retrograde hydration, recorded by the growth of large amounts of muscovite at the expense of cordierite and K-feldspar, P-T conditions are estimated at <2.5 kbars/ <600 °C. Oxygen isotope measurements were obtained for whole-rocks and eight mineral species. Isotopic equilibrium among three or even four minerals grown during stage 1 can be demonstrated. Calculated isotopic temperatures are consistent with phase petrology. Migmatization did not re-equilibrate the isotopic composition of the pre-existing quartz grown in stage 1 even over distances as little as 10 cm. High 18O in migmatitic quartz is best explained by disequilibrium melting in coexistence with an infiltrating, isotopically heavy fluid. Lack of equilibration of oxygen isotopes between different quartz generations suggests that mineralogical and geochemical changes were rapid relative to diffusion rates. A meteoric-hydrothermal alteration at 300–400 °C, probably genetically linked to the intrusion of Variscan granites, strongly affected the rocks. Quartz did not exchange isotopes with hydrothermal fluids except in segregations where it is recrystallized. The 18O values of micas, feldspars and cordierite are often very low and fractionations with quartz very large, which reflects significant hydrothermal effects that were previously detected in the Black Forest by other workers.  相似文献   

U–Pb zircon dating of three metagranitoids, situated within a tilted crustal section at the northwestern border of the Teplá Barrandian unit (Teplá crystalline complex, TCC), yields similar Cambrian ages. The U–Pb data of zircons of the Teplá orthogneiss define an upper intercept age of 513 +7/–6?Ma. The 207Pb/206Pb ages of 516±10 and 511±10?Ma of nearly concordant zircons of the Hanov orthogneiss and the Lestkov granite are interpreted to be close to the formation age of the granitoid protolith. Similar to the Cambrian granitoids of the southwestern part of the Teplá Barrandian unit (Doma?lice crystalline complex, DCC) the Middle Cambrian emplacement of the TCC granitoids postdates Cadomian deformation and metamorphism of the Upper Proterozoic country rocks, but predates Variscan tectonometamorphic imprints. Structural data as well as sedimentological criteria suggest a dextral transtensional setting during the Cambrian plutonism, related to the Early Paleozoic break-up of northern Gondwana. Due to strong Variscan crustal tilting, the degree of Variscan tectonometamorphic overprint is strikingly different in the dated granitoids. It is lowest in the weakly or undeformed Lestkov granite, located in the greenschist-facies domain. The Teplá orthogneiss in the north underwent pervasive top-to-NW mylonitic shearing under amphibolite-facies conditions. There is no indication for a resetting of the U–Pb isotopic system of the Teplá orthogneiss zircons that could be attributed to this imprint. Radiation damages accumulated until recent have probably caused lead loss.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Südteil der Böhmisch-Mährischen Höhe hat der Verfasser insgesamt 117 Eruptivgesteinsgänge kartiert. Es kommen dort verschiedene Gesteinstypen, von Mikrogabbros bis zu Mikrograniten, vor. Am häufigsten sind die Mikrogabbros, Gabbroporphyrite und Lamprophyre. Die Gänge sammeln sich zu Zonen an, wobei jede Zone ihre charakteristischen Merkmale aufweist. Die Ganggesteine zeichnen sich allgemein durch große Mg/Fe-Verhältnisse und erhöhte Alkali-, besonders Kaligehalte aus. Chemisch zählen sie teils zu der Kalkalkalireihe (Gesteine vom Typ der Gabbros, Diorite und Granite), teils zu der Kalireihe (Lamprophyre und peralkalische Gänge). Petrochemisch zeigen sie eine beträchtliche Variabilität, die sich kaum durch eine reine magmatische Differentiation ohne Kontaminationsprozesse erklären läßt. Einige Mikrogabbros gehen in Diabase über. Dies, gemeinsam mit einigen weiteren Merkmalen, bekräftigt die Hypothese, daß die basischen, lamprophyrischen, lamproiden und peralkalischen Gänge kontaminierte tholeiitische Magmen und ihre Differentiate darstellen. Die Gänge vom Typ der stark leukokraten Granite sowie verwandte Gesteine hängen wahrscheinlich mit granitischen Tiefengesteinen des Zentralbatholithes der Böhmisch-Mährischen Höhe zusammen.
Limprophyric and lamproidic dikes in the southern part of the Bohemian-Moravian Hights (SSR)
Summary In the southern part of the Bohemian-Moravian Hights, the author has mapped 117 dykes whose composition ranges from microgabbros to microgranites. The prevailing types are microgabbros, gabbro porphyries, and lamprophyres. The dykes are grouped into distinct zones, each of them showing some characteristic petrographic features. The dyke rocks display a high Mg/Fe ratio and are high in alkalies, especially potassium. In the dyke rocks two different series can be clearly distinguished. One is a calcalkaline series which comprises the gabbroic, dioritic and granitic types, the other is a potassium series, to which belong lamprophyres and peralkaline dykes. The rocks show a considerable chemical variability which hardly may be explained only by a pure differentiation of an original basic magma without any participation of contamination processes. Exceptionally, the microgabbros grade into diabases. This fact, along with other phenomena, support the idea that the basic, lamprophyric, and lamproidic rocks represent contaminated tholeiitic magmas. The microgranites and granite porphyries as well as related rocks are believed not to belong to the basic series, but to be genetically associated with the granitic central batholith of the Bohemian-Moravian Hights.

Mit 15 Abbildungen  相似文献   

Late caledonian lamprophyre dyke swarms of South-Eastern Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Cale-alkaline lamprophyre (minette) dykes in the eastern Southern Uplands of Scotland form part of a swarm nearly parallel to the inferred Iapetus Suture, stretching from the Ards Peninsula of Northern Ireland to St. Abbs Head in the east. The dykes are clustered close to several small granitoid bosses, but appear to be younger than the plutons and their associated porphyrite-porphyry dykes. Mica- (minette and kersantitic-minette) and hornblende-lamprophyres are present further west near Hawick where no intermediate-acid plutons or dykes occur. The lamprophyres have enrichments in LILE and LREE and relative depletions of HFS elements typical of subduction-related ultrapotassic magmas. These incompatible element enrichments are present in rocks with high Mg number and Ni and Cr contents, which combined with experimental constraints, their fine-grained nature and presence of chilled margins, imply a near-primary status for the least evolved varieties. High values of LREE, LILE, La/Nb, La/Yb, s Sr and low Nd imply derivation from a previously metasomatised source. The minettes were probably derived from a source containing garnet and phlogopite, and the hornblende varieties from a shallower source in the stability field of amphibole. The minettes of the eastern Southern Uplands have not provided a parental component to the 410 Ma. granitoids which were derived from a more depleted source. The similarity of the lamprophyres to those in the Lake District south of the Iapetus Suture is taken to indicate underthrusting of Lake District lithosphere beneath the Southern Uplands. Emplacement of lamprophyre dyke swarms is likely to be structurally controlled, and the presence of the main swarm in the Southern Uplands may indicate the sub-surface trace of the Iapetus Suture.
Spätkaledonische Lamprophyrgänge in SE Schottland
Zusammenfassung Kalk-alkalische Lamprophyrgänge (Minette) im östlichen Teil der südlichen schottischen Uplands sind Teil eines Gangscharensystems, das fast parallel zu der vermuteten lapetus-Suturzone, die sich von der Halbinsel von Ards in Nordirland bis nach St. Abbs Head im Osten erstreckt, verläuft. Die Gänge konzentrieren sich um kleinere Granitoidkörper, scheinen aber jünger zu sein als die Plutone und ihre assoziierten Porphyrit-Porphyry Dikes. Glimmer- (Minette und kersantitische Minette) sowie Hornblende-Lamprophyre kommen westlich von Hawick vor, wo keine intermediären bis sauren Plutone oder Dikes anzutreffen sind. Die Lamprophyre sind an LIL- und LRE-Elementen an- bzw. an HFS-Elementen abgereichert, was typisch für subduktionsbezogene ultrapotassische Magmen ist. Diese Anreicherung an inkompatiblen Elementen ist in Gesteinen mit hohen Gehalten von Mg, Ni und Cr beobachtbar, was in Verbindung mit experimentellen Untersuchungen, der feinkörnigen Natur der Gesteine und dem Auftreten von gefritteten Intrusionskontakten einen nahezu primären Zustand der am wenigsten entwickelten Varietäten impliziert. Hohe LREE-, LILE-, La/Nb-, La/Yb-, Sr- und niedrige Nd-Werte belegen die Herkunft aus einer ursprünglich metasomatschen Quelle. Die Minetten stammen vermutlich aus einer granat- und phlogopitführenden, die hornblendeführenden Gesteine aus einer seichteren im Stabilitätsbereich von Amphibol liegenden Quelle. Die Minetten lieferten keinen Beitrag zu den 410 Ma Granitoiden, die aus einer stärker verarmten Quelle stammen müssen. Die Ähnlichkeit der schottischen Lamprophyre zu jenen im Lake District südlich der lapetus-Sutur zeigt ein Unterschieben der Lake Distric Lithospäre unter die südlichen Uplands an. Die Platznahme der Lamprophyrgänge ist sehr wahrscheinlich strukturell kontrolliert und die Anwesenheit der Gangsysteme könnte den Verlauf der Iapetus-Sutur in der Tiefe nachzeichnen.


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