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汀江流域畜禽粪便污染负荷及其环境影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从汀江流域畜禽养殖业现状分析入手,依据排泄系数法原理,估算流域各县市的作物所需畜禽粪尿肥的最大量、畜禽污染物产生量和农田畜禽粪便负荷量,并对畜禽养殖影响水环境进行分析.从调查中分析中可知,流域集约化养殖场大多分布于中上游的长汀河、旧县河和汀江干流段,地理分布过于集中,局部地区环境风险较大.结果表明,畜禽粪便环境承载量较大的河流依次为:长汀河、濯田河、旧县河、黄潭河、汀江干流、永定河、桃溪河,整个流域的畜禽污染已对环境产生风险,尤其是长汀河、旧县河流域尤为突出. 相似文献
This study analyzes the use of maps in Turkish newspapers in order to evaluate their potential to contribute to the enhancement of geographic knowledge in society. This study reviewed the content of three Turkish newspapers published between January 2008 and August 2012. Only 835 maps were used in the newspapers during the study period, or an average of 278 maps per newspaper. During the study period, about 15,720 news articles were published per month in the three newspapers; however, only five of these were illustrated with a map. The study reveals the potential for Turkish newspapers to increase society's geographic awareness with additional published maps. 相似文献
This paper explores the utility of in-depth interviews for understanding how individuals and communities socially construct the risks (degree of threat) from environmental hazards (phenomena which threaten), and describes some challenges for guarding against threats to trustworthiness (qualitative rigor). The paper involves the interface between a case study of the social construction of environmental risk (Baxter 1997), and a critical appraisal of criteria for establishing trustworthiness in qualitative research (Baxter and Eyles 1997). The review highlights challenges for the application of the criteria and the use of popular design and analysis strategies such as member checking and researcher triangulation. While such practices are problematic, this need not undermine the utility of these practices and the criteria they are meant to address. A critical appraisal of qualitative work must go beyond the mere mention of various strategies that are used to guard against threats to rigor. 相似文献
《The Professional geographer》2013,65(2):307-320
This paper explores the utility of in-depth interviews for understanding how individuals and communities socially construct the risks (degree of threat) from environmental hazards (phenomena which threaten), and describes some challenges for guarding against threats to trustworthiness (qualitative rigor). The paper involves the interface between a case study of the social construction of environmental risk (Baxter 1997), and a critical appraisal of criteria for establishing trustworthiness in qualitative research (Baxter and Eyles 1997). The review highlights challenges for the application of the criteria and the use of popular design and analysis strategies such as member checking and researcher triangulation. While such practices are problematic, this need not undermine the utility of these practices and the criteria they are meant to address. A critical appraisal of qualitative work must go beyond the mere mention of various strategies that are used to guard against threats to rigor. 相似文献
陕西渭河下游湿地环境风险因素分析 总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6
运用统计计算和RS/G IS方法,分析渭河下游湿地环境的水文特性、水污染特征、土地利用/覆被状况及其演变特征等湿地环境风险因素,结论为:①渭河下游水沙量年际变化大、年内水沙量分配不均,且呈现减少趋势;汛期黄河洪水倒灌渭河,降低了由于水沙供给变化而导致的湿地水文环境风险度;②湿地水环境日趋恶化的变化趋势降低了湿地的生态净化功能,增加了湿地水环境风险度;③1989~2000年渭河下游新增湿地12.76km2,年均增长率2.70%;湿地裸地化和盐碱化形势严峻;④以加强湿地保护立法、完善流域水污染治理、重建河岸植被带、强化湿地管理等重点措施确保湿地环境安全和湿地资源的可持续利用。 相似文献
Douglas K. Bardsley Emily Moskwa Delene Weber Guy M. Robinson Nicolette Waschl Annette M. Bardsley 《社会与自然资源》2018,31(4):424-441
Striking a balance between the management of environmental risks and values is a challenge for decision-makers. If people perceive that environmental risks are increasing they may be willing to discount local values to manage those risks, so the identification of thresholds in risk perception in relation to specific behaviors could help to avoid policy failures. The complex relationships between perceptions of climate change and bushfire risks, environmental values and support for actions to mitigate local risks are presented for peri-urban regions in South Australia. The results of a household survey (N=988) suggest that a threshold of risk perception in relation to climate change and bushfire management has not been exceeded and people are broadly supportive of balanced management interventions. A minority of people still do not perceive that climate change is increasing bushfire risk, and are supportive of risk mitigation interventions even at the expense of local biodiversity. However, a larger group believe that climate change is a driver of bushfire risk, yet are still more likely to prioritize ecological values and are unwilling to discount those values for risk mitigation. Targeted communication could assist different groups to respond to gaps in knowledge and action to facilitate effective, differentiated interventions within forested landscapes on the margins of urban areas. 相似文献
气候变化下中国未来综合环境风险区划研究 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
综合环境风险区划是变化环境下开展综合防灾减灾工作的基础,对于综合风险防范措施的制定具有指导意义。以农业、生态和人群3个系统为主要受灾体,从作物产量、生态系统变迁、高温热浪对人群的影响3个方面综合评估了4种典型浓度路径(Representative Concentration Pathways)RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6.0和RCP8.5情景下21世纪末期(2071~2099年)的中国综合环境风险,并以RCP8.5情景为例编制了未来综合环境风险区划。结果表明,该时期中国综合环境风险主要出现在黄淮海地区、华南部分地区和青藏高原部分地区。综合环境风险区划共分为6个一级区和43个二级区;一级区分别为西北低风险区、东北生态较低风险区、青藏高原生态中度风险区、晋陕生态-农业中度风险区、华南农业高风险区、黄淮海农业-热浪高风险区。 相似文献
WANG Guoping YANG Lun LIU Moucheng LI Zhidong HE Siyuan MIN Qingwen 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2021,12(4):532-542
In the context of climate change, research on extreme climates and disaster risk management has become a crucial component of climate change adaptation. Local communities, which have been facing extreme climates for a long time in their production and daily life, have developed some locally applicable traditional knowledge that has played an important role in their adaptation to extreme climate and disaster risk management. Therefore, this research aims to link Local knowledge (LK) to community extreme climate disaster risk management in order to construct a conceptual model. It then takes the extreme climate adaptation strategy of traditional nomads in a temperate grassland of China as an example to analyze the role of LK in extreme climate adaptation using the proposed theoretical framework. The main research objectives of this study are: (1) To construct a conceptual model to illustrate the relations among extreme climate events, risk management, LK, and farmers' adaptation strategies; (2) To apply the theoretical framework to a field case to reveal context-specific extreme climate adaptation mechanisms with LK as a critical component; (3) To test the framework and provide suggestions for the extreme climates adaptation, and the conservation of LK related to climate change adaptation. The results show that from the perspective of disaster risk management, local communities could manage extreme climates as a disaster risk through adaptation strategies formed from LK, because as a knowledge system, LK contains relevant knowledge covering the whole process of disaster risk management. 相似文献
The concept of sustainability includes a personal and societal imperative to assume responsibility for the future outcomes of present actions, to look forward, or in other words, to have a future orientation. Future orientation is both a personality trait and a cultural characteristic that strongly influences behavioral decisions on the personal and societal levels, respectively. This research addresses the relationship between future orientation and pro-environmental behavior on both levels. In a representative sample of the population (n = 1216), we found that individuals with developed future orientation demonstrated more pro-environmental tendencies. On the cross-cultural level we also found that in countries that conduct future-oriented practices in general the environment benefits, because the citizens tend to behave more pro-environmentally. The parallel between factors that affect future orientation and environmental behavior and the implications for promoting pro-environmental practices in the social and personal levels are discussed. 相似文献
利用多源遥感数据,选取危险性、脆弱性、区域综合防范能力因子构建风险评估指标体系。通过H-AHP方法(犹豫层次分析法)确定指标权重,利用图层叠置法评估模型计算得到高温热浪风险等级空间分布。结果表明:雅万高铁沿线区域高温热浪风险具有明显的空间差异。总体而言,北部地区风险高于南部地区,西部地区风险高于东部地区。高风险区域主要集中在印尼首都雅加达,中高风险区域主要分布在雅加达边缘郊区、勿加泗市和万隆市,中部地区风险相对较低,形成典型的两边高、中间低的“V”型分布。该区域高温热浪风险整体处于中等水平,中等级风险面积占比将近50%,除雅加达市、勿加泗市、万隆市和芝马墟市外,其余各县均有一半甚至超过一半的区域处于中等级风险水平。低风险水平区域面积占比最少,仅为8.10%,主要分布在靠近爪哇海的卡拉旺县北部地区,以及森林覆盖度较高的万隆县西南部和万隆西县西南部地区。文章提出了一种基于遥感进行高温热浪风险评估的方法,可为“一带一路”沿线国家高温热浪风险评估提供新思路。 相似文献
医学地理和环境健康研究的主要领域与进展 总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15
通过对近年国内外医学地理和环境健康相关领域的文献检索分析发现,人口健康是当前国际地理学和环境科学研究的核心内容之一,其研究趋势可以归纳为以下几个方面:①重视全球环境变化对人类健康的影响。包括全球大气组成改变(气候变化和臭氧层耗散)对健康的影响、土地利用/土地覆被变化与健康、全球环境变化与传染病、食物生产系统改变与健康和城市化与健康等;②环境健康风险评估领域进一步拓展,除重金属、持久性有机污染物等有毒有害污染物的健康风险外,有关生态、灾害和场地环境污染对健康影响的综合风险评估日益受到重视;③重视社会人文因素与自然因素交互作用对健康的影响,特别是经济发展和城市化过程中收入、产品和服务分配不均造成的卫生不公平对健康的影响;④重视人口老龄化过程的时空差异及其对社会的影响和老龄人口的健康、医疗与养老需求及其可达性研究;⑤地理信息系统和模型等技术被广泛用于疾病和健康的空间数据管理、空间分布规律和空间影响因素分析等领域,并为疾病监测、卫生管理和卫生规划提供了强有力的技术支撑。随着国内在相关领域需求和国际交流的增加,我国近年的相关研究有了较大的发展并得到国际社会的认可,医学地理作为一门学科,在我国人口健康研究中正发挥越来越重... 相似文献
以中小学生自然教育研学旅游作为具体情境,基于539份家长问卷数据阐释研学旅游动机与价值感知之间的关系,并通过成本感知和风险感知探讨其内在机制和边界条件。结果表明,家长感知的研学旅游动机越强烈,越容易感知到研学旅游产品所传递的价值,验证了研学旅游情境下动机对价值感知的积极影响,也形成了对动机与价值之间关系研究的理论补充。并且,这一动机除了直接作用于价值感知外,还会通过成本感知的部分中介作用影响价值感知,揭示了中国家长对于教育价值的重视会削弱其对“利失”的感知。此外,进一步验证了风险感知的积极影响,即家长感知研学旅游的不确定性水平越高,动机对价值感知的积极影响越明显,且会抑制成本感知对价值感知的负向作用,但风险感知水平达到一定高度时,其对成本感知与价值感知间的抑制作用将不显著。因此,面向需求设计打造产品,突出产品价值、加大宣传营销力度、把控活动安全、合理制定价格,获取家长群体的认同接受,将是研学旅游进一步拓展市场的重要考量。 相似文献
During the 1980s, New Zealand underwent a period of dramatic economic, social, and administrative restructuring. The reform extended to the administrative arrangements for environmental management. A geographic restructuring model is used in this paper to establish the context in which the reforms were carried out. A combination of economic, environmental, and social influences operating at different geographic scales can be identified. These influences are subsequently illustrated through reference to three aspects of the restructuring that have distinct geographical dimensions: the definition of human-environment relations, the spatial definition of planning regions, and the implications of spatial differentiation for resource management policy and practice. 相似文献
沿海城市自然灾害风险研究 总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51
自然灾害是当代国际社会、学术界普遍关注的热点问题。随着自然灾害突发强度、频度和广度的不断增长,自然灾害预防工作显得格外重要。沿海城市作为人口集聚、国民经济、社会发展重要区域和战略中心,自然灾害带来的损失是剧烈、致命的,亟待开展沿海城市自然灾害风险研究。该领域目前主要探讨的问题:自然灾害类型与风险辨识;脆弱性评价指标体系与评价模型;自然灾害风险评估与风险管理;自然灾害数据管理范式研究等。沿海城市作为自然灾害频发和受损严重的地区,在全球变暖和快速城市化背景下,目前应集中开展自然灾害风险实证研究:沿海城市脆弱性评价指标体系和综合脆弱性评价方法;自然灾害风险评估程序规范和动态评估模型;自然灾害数据管理范式与模板;自然灾害风险评估GIS工具集等。 相似文献
Soren M. Newman Matthew S. Carroll Pamela J. Jakes Daniel R. Williams Lorie L. Higgins 《社会与自然资源》2014,27(11):1161-1176
Wildfire is one of several potential disturbances that could have extraordinary impacts on individuals and communities in fire-prone areas. In this article we describe disturbance risk perceptions from interviews with residents in three Florida communities that face significant wildfire and hurricane risk. Although they live in areas characterized by emergency managers as having high wildfire risk and many participants have direct experience with wildfire, residents tended to share high hurricane and low wildfire risk perceptions. The different perceptions of risk seem linked to several factors: direct hurricane experience, different scales of impact, the local “hurricane culture,” effectiveness of local ordinances and development patterns, perceived predictability of the event, and perceived ability to control the event. This study shows that residents may perceive and act to reduce risk for one disturbance in relation to their perceptions, concern, and actions for another. 相似文献
基于GIS的城市社区暴雨内涝灾害风险评估 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以2008年9月20日上海市浦东、南汇等地区发生的暴雨内涝灾害为例,选取受灾最为严重的川沙镇临园社区作为研究区,从致灾因子评估、脆弱性评估和暴露分析3方面建立了城市社区暴雨内涝的综合灾害风险评估模型.结合遥感影像、实地调查以及各种基础资料数据与GIS技术,对社区暴雨内涝灾害进行情景分析和灾害风险评估,以年均暴雨内涝损失表示研究区的暴雨内涝风险,该研究为城市社区灾害风险规划与管理提供决策依据. 相似文献