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Until recently, migration has had a limited role to play in China's space economy because of central‐planning logic and mechanisms. Mobility increases and economic restructuring since the 1980s, however, call for new conceptualizations of migration. Using interprovincial migration data from China's 1990 and 2000 censuses, I analyze migration rates, migration effectiveness, population growth, net migration flows, and spatial focusing of migration. The analysis supports the notions that migration is an increasingly effective factor of population redistribution and that it has a strong relationship with regional development. While these relationships have been documented in many other parts of the world, they have been less well addressed in the case of China. Regional divergence in economic development during the 1990s was accompanied by a marked increase in interprovincial migration and sharply concentrated migration flows, especially from relatively poor central and western provinces to the rapidly growing eastern region. These results suggest that migration theories that draw from experiences of capitalist economies may be of increased relevance to China.  相似文献   


During the late 1980s and the first half of the 1990s, the nonmetropolitan Northwest grew quite rapidly, narrowing the gap between the growth rates of the metropolitan Northwest, and oupacing national rates. This growth was largely the result of in-migration from regional and national metropolitan areas. Traditional economic base theory does not explain the recent growth, as employment levels in in the region's basic industries continue to stagnate and decline, and the sources of income for these in-migrants remain a mystery. This paper utilizes data from the 1990 Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) to determine the extent to which metropolitan-origin migrants are measurably different from oldtime nonmetropolitan residents on certain socioeconomic variables, in an attempt to understand the ways in which the newcomers survive financially. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows that newcomers are younger, earn less in wages and salary, receive more nonearnings income, and reside in more valuable housing compared with the resident population. Discriminant analysis shows that differences in the earned income measures are largely explained by age differences, while the nonearnings income and value of residence remainsignificantly higher for the metropolitan origin migrants even when age and earned income are controlled. While the analysis indicates that measurable socioeconomic differences do exist between the two populations, it appears that the current wave of growth and change in the nonmetropolitan Northwest is much more complicated than a simple newcomer-oldtimer dichotomy.  相似文献   

During the late 1980s and the first half of the 1990s, the nonmetropolitan Northwest grew quite rapidly, narrowing the gap between the growth rates of the metropolitan Northwest, and oupacing national rates. This growth was largely the result of in-migration from regional and national metropolitan areas. Traditional economic base theory does not explain the recent growth, as employment levels in in the region's basic industries continue to stagnate and decline, and the sources of income for these in-migrants remain a mystery. This paper utilizes data from the 1990 Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) to determine the extent to which metropolitan-origin migrants are measurably different from oldtime nonmetropolitan residents on certain socioeconomic variables, in an attempt to understand the ways in which the newcomers survive financially. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows that newcomers are younger, earn less in wages and salary, receive more nonearnings income, and reside in more valuable housing compared with the resident population. Discriminant analysis shows that differences in the earned income measures are largely explained by age differences, while the nonearnings income and value of residence remainsignificantly higher for the metropolitan origin migrants even when age and earned income are controlled. While the analysis indicates that measurable socioeconomic differences do exist between the two populations, it appears that the current wave of growth and change in the nonmetropolitan Northwest is much more complicated than a simple newcomer-oldtimer dichotomy.  相似文献   

Studies of migration in geography have most often been based on quantitative research approaches. Such studies cannot adequately shed light on the contextuality of migration and the individual decision-making processes involved. Personal narratives express individual experiences within a social context. The story of “Amma,” a female rural migrant in Sri Lanka, shows the role of women in migration, the importance of family ties, the contextual causes of migration, and characteristics of the migration flow per se. Personal narratives have an underutilized potential of capturing the variety of migrants' experiences and the complexity of the decision to migrate.  相似文献   

中国近期农村人口迁移态势研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
王国霞  鲁奇 《地理科学》2007,27(5):630-635
采用第四次、第五次人口普查所获得的人口迁移数据,分析了中国农村人口迁移在全国总迁移人口中的地位变化的省际总体特征和个体特征,探讨了各省级单元农村人口迁移在总人口迁移中的地位在20世纪80年代和90年代随时间变化的原因。进一步重点研究了中国农村人口迁移的时空分布格局,分别从省际、省内两个空间尺度,分迁入、迁出两个角度对中国农村人口迁移的规模和流向态势进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

陈慧  朱竑  刘云刚 《地理科学》2021,41(11):1925-1934
基于西方学界中移民产业的相关文献,系统梳理了移民产业概念的形成、发展与应用。研究发现:首先,移民产业概念在分析尺度上将宏观与微观相结合,并引入多主体分析的视角,因此其在解释跨国人口迁移在不同阶段的特征与机制方面显现出相对的灵活性;其次,移民产业概念主要被应用于解释流动性机制、跨国移民治理、跨国移民的在地化3个方面。通过对移民产业概念的渊源、发展和相关实证研究的梳理,以期为中国的移民研究提供新的视角、为移民管制及移民政策的制订提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测数据,运用描述统计和社区发现等方法,研究流动人口在初次流动和当前流动的空间格局及其变动特征。结果发现:1)从区域差异看,流动人口初次流动和当前流动的流出地格局保持相对稳定,流入地格局的变化主要体现在:在当前流动阶段,流入中部地区的比例下降而西部地区比例上升;流入特大城市的比例明显下降而I型大城市、中等城市和I型小城市的比例上升;流向直辖市和计划单列市的比例上升而流向副省级和省会城市的比例下降。2)从行政地级市间净迁移格局看,流动人口初次和当前流动的净迁移格局稳定性强,净迁入地区以“块状”分布于东部沿海省份的发达地市和“点状”分布于中西部省会及部分资源型和口岸型地市,净迁出地区连片分布在中西部地区的大多数地市与沿海省份的内陆地市。3)流动人口初次和当前流动以就近迁移与远程迁移交织的流迁模式为主,且由此刻画的行政地级市间迁移网络格局呈现以“胡焕庸线”为界的“东密西疏”现象;但也出现在当前流动阶段迁往京津冀的迁移流规模降低,长三角取代珠三角成为流入地首选区域的特征。4)流动人口生计策略的稳定性与人口迁移流动的空间惯性,是流动人口初次和当前流动空间格局表现出相似性的主要原因,而产业结构转型升级及在不同地市间的梯度转移是促使流动人口在流入地选择上发生变化的重要力量。  相似文献   

作为一种新的城市功能地域形态,都市圈是城镇化发展到一定阶段的产物。论文以东京都市圈为研究对象,借助人口密集地区(Densely Inhabited District,DID)、人口净迁入率、产业区位商、空间基尼系数等指标,系统梳理20世纪60年代以来东京都市圈人口集疏格局演化、人口流动时空变迁以及产业结构转换和空间重组特征。研究表明,从人口集疏格局来看,东京都市圈人口分布逐渐从“孤岛式集聚”走向“连绵式展开”,但核心辐射范围仍集中于50 km半径内,此外,DID人口集聚趋势持续强化。从人口流动格局来看,东京都市圈始终表现出强大的人口集聚态势,成为日本人口困境中的一枝独秀,内部大规模郊区化基本结束,“都心回归”趋势明显。从产业结构调整来看,东京都市圈三产比重持续上升、二产比重大幅下滑、第一产业持续萎缩,已逐步实现从工业主导向服务业主导转变。从产业空间重组来看,东京都市圈逐步形成梯度发展、阶层趋于固化的产业空间结构,服务业和高附加值轻工业中心集聚,技术密集型重工业外围布局。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the linkages between transnational mining corporations and local migration dynamics in Peru. Changes in migration patterns in the Cajamarca region of Peru over the past decade are examined via a case study of the gold mining operations of Newmont Mining Corporation. The study considers household migration behavior in communities surrounding the mine as well as transformations in regional, national, and international migration patterns. Also examined are the temporal nature of these changing patterns across short, medium, and long‐term time periods.  相似文献   

吴水田  陈平平 《热带地理》2014,34(3):408-413
疍民人口迁移是疍民文化传播的主要载体,通过历史文献分析、实地调查等方法研究发现,在经济机会、生存条件、政治变革等因素的影响下,岭南疍民人口以珠江三角洲为核心,呈现辐射式和跳跃式的迁移规律,其主要迁移目的地为岭南沿海及东南亚等地,并在岭南各地形成不同规模的疍民人口板块。同时,疍民人口也呈现往城镇汇集的历史过程,其方向是从河流的上游往下游、从沿海到陆地、从农村到城市,其结果是疍民的人口分布呈现“板块状、带状、弧形状”的分布特点,同时文化个性也逐步消失,并朝与当地趋同的方向发展,这对疍民文化的传承和发展提出了严峻挑战。  相似文献   


As a tribute to the massive contribution of our friend and colleague Graeme Hugo to the population and settlement geography of Australian rural areas, this paper presents a longitudinal study from his home State. It forms part of a wider study of the long-term demographic relationships between Australia’s rapidly growing regional cities and their surrounding functional regions. Of particular interest is the question of what effect the accelerating concentration of population and economic activity into a given regional city will have for the longer term demographic sustainability of its functional region as a whole. Taking the case of Port Lincoln, regional capital of most of South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula, it examines the nature of change in the functional region over the period 1947–2011, and investigates the forces feeding, and partly counteracting, the population concentration process, informed by concepts of evolutionary economic geography. In particular it traces the demographic impact (particularly differential migration and ageing trends) of exogenous shocks to the region’s essentially primary productive economic base during the period of major change from 1981 to 2011.  相似文献   

Studies of migration regions are characterized by two separate conceptual approaches. The first views migration regions as clusters of highly interconnected spatial units (subsystems) while the other defines them as groups of spatial units with a similar geographic structure of flows (typologies). This paper highlights the theoretical and methodological distinctions between migration subsystems and typologies. An empirical analysis using U.S. migration data for 1940, 1960, and 1980 shows that although migration subsystems and typologies have both changed over time, each reveals a different dynamic of regional change and has different morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

刘振  齐宏纲  戚伟  刘盛和 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1525-1536
在人口收缩内涵界定的基础上,采用总人口和劳动力等直接指标结合出生率、老龄化率等间接指标进行综合测度,在地级尺度和县市尺度上分析了1990~2010年中国人口收缩区的数量变化、空间分布及演化特征(由于获取限制,未包含港澳台地区数据),并对比了不同测度指标和方法之间的差异。主要的研究发现如下:①人口收缩区在数量上有明显的增长,收缩程度呈现出明显加剧趋势;②人口收缩区在中部和西部偏东地区快速扩张,川黔渝地区、长江中游地区、东北地区最为严重;③单一指标在识别人口绝对收缩方面效果较好,而且总人口指标往往比劳动力指标更早的反映一个区域的人口状况;④综合指标测度的方法能够更加全面的判断一个区域的人口发展状况,进而识别出人口处于相对收缩状态的区域;⑤人口收缩在县市尺度上比在地级尺度上表现更为明显,但两者的差异呈缩小趋势。基于以上研究发现,建议政府更加重视区域人口收缩问题及其对社会经济发展的影响。  相似文献   

刘涛  刘嘉杰  曹广忠 《地理科学》2021,41(4):553-561
基于户籍人口自然与机械增长的分解,估算2011-2017年全国地级及以上城市的户籍迁移人口,对比分析户籍迁移和人口流动的时空特征,评估国家新型城镇化战略中按规模等级引导城市落户政策的影响.结果表明,近年来,中国户籍迁移日趋活跃,人口迁移与流动的空间格局高度耦合;迁入热点区主要集中在沿海三大城市群,迁出地较为分散,以长江...  相似文献   

Scholars have long documented widespread aging and depopulation of rural communities in the Great Plains. Paralleling these trends is the emergence, growth, and spatial dispersion of new and longtime non-white populations across the region. The dual processes of population loss in many counties combined with the growth of new, non-white population groups suggest that the ethnic structure of the population is changing. In this article we utilize choropleth maps, Hoover and Simpson indexes, and cluster analysis to assess whether the emergence and growth of ethnic minority groups in the Great Plains between 1970 and 2008 is a localized phenomenon or region-wide shift in the ethnic composition of the population. Results suggest that as depopulation is occurring in many counties of this region, the growth of non-white populations, both immigrant and native born, is changing or restructuring the ethnic composition of the Great Plains.  相似文献   

《中国大百科全书》是中国文化遗产的宝库,地理卷作为其重要分册之一,是地理学的工具用书,更是普通大众了解地学知识的一个窗口,也是以书为鉴,明得失、知兴替的“铜镜”。基于《中国大百科全书·中国地理卷》第三版的编写,聚焦西南区,分析地理词条的构成与特征,探讨区域地理学研究的特色。梳理出西南区旅游与地理学协同发展,资源与生态保护地位凸现,地质灾害研究成效显著,地缘与经济战略优势突出等特点。并在浅析西南区地理学研究不足基础上,提出区内地理学发展的展望,即加强西南区地理学的基础性与综合性研究,提升地域系统对全球变化的动态响应研究,拓展新时期地理学的量化与应用性研究,重视地理科学知识科普的人才队伍建设等。  相似文献   

中国人口迁移,流动人口与城市化——现实,理论与对策   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
沈建法 《地理研究》2019,38(1):33-44
中国改革前的城乡不平等关系已演变成城市中拥有本地户口的居民与没有本地户口的流动人口的不平等关系。目前的城市化可以说是不完全和排斥性的城市化。要达到完全的城市化,必须关注三个重要方面,包括常规的城乡迁移、城市对流动人口的融合与包容以及城市边缘区的城乡一体化。流动人口地位低下的情况,政府和企业对此负有部分责任。讨论在户口制度背景下城市化的基本理论和城市流动人口融合的理论,认为应使用系统方法去研究城市化和城乡一体化的课题,该方法可应用于不同尺度的人与自然共生系统的规划、发展、建设和扩展,同时以香港的马鞍山新市镇作为例子来展示如何规划和发展一个可持续社区,以满足现代城市居民的期望。  相似文献   

80年代以来我国区域旅客生成特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文尝 《地理科学》2004,24(4):385-391
我国改革开放以来旅客运输迅速发展,空间分布格局发生了重要变化,与我国区域社会经济发展有着十分密切的关联.利用空间运输联系理论和实证分析方法,对于旅客生成特征、区域差异及其原因进行的分析表明:20世纪80年代以来全国以及各地区的旅客生成密度大幅度增长.同时,省级区域旅客生成密度分布格局发生了明显的变化;省级区域旅客生成密度的相对差距20世纪80年代上升、90年代有所下降;高客运密度区从相对均衡分布变为向南方区域倾斜.这种变化的主要影响因素有三:经济增长、人口流动和交通网发展.  相似文献   

De Lange N 《Erdkunde》1993,47(1):61-74
The reduction of the rate of growth of the Brazilian population from 3% in the 1960s to 2% by 1993 resulted from a significant reduction of fertility. According to the 1986 national maternal-child health and family planning survey (PNSMIPF) results, 43.3% of women were using some type of contraception: 65.6% of married or cohabiting women. Women relied most on sterilization (17.2%), followed by oral contraceptives (OCs) (17%), the rhythm method (2.8%), the condom (1.1%), and others (5.2%). Only in the south was OC use more prevalent (28.5%) than sterilization (12.2%). The proportion of sterilization reached 27.8% in the north/center-east urban regions. In urban areas sterilization averaged 18.7% vs. 12.7% in rural areas. 26.9% of currently married women in the age range of 15-44 years had been sterilized. A 1990 international estimation indicated that the proportion of sterilization amounted to 36.9% in China, 30.95 in India, 29.7% in Brazil, 47.6% in South Korea, 30.4% in Thailand, and 36.5% in the Dominican Republic. The 1986 PNSMIPF survey also indicated that sterilized women were better informed than other women about contraception. 75% of the former had used OCs, 5% had used the diaphragm, 3% the IUD, 30% the condom, and 35% coitus interruptus at one time or other. The sterilized women had an average of 1.7 more children than those who were using other methods of contraception. 48.6% of women were sterilized before the age of 30, when they had had an average of 3.6 children. 66.6% of the sterilized women who had given birth before the age of 20 had 4 or more live births as compared to 5.9% of sterilized women aged 30 with the same number of children. 47% of women without any schooling were using some kind of contraception vs. 77% of those who had completed secondary school. A multivariate analysis also showed that the age of the mother, the number of live births, the educational status of the mother, and family income were positively correlated with sterilization.  相似文献   

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