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Share housing is changing. Once considered a form of short-term housing and a lifestyle choice for young adults fresh out of the family home, share housing is increasingly playing a broader role into advanced adulthood. Recent work has claimed the emergence of Generation Rent; however, the reconfiguration of housing experiences is illustrated not only by renting but also by an increase in house sharing and the emergence of ‘Generation Share’ within the renting cohort. We know surprisingly little about share housing and its increasingly important role in housing. This paper draws upon exploratory research conducted on share housing in Sydney, Australia, and argues that share housing as traditionally understood is changing. Share housing has a widening demographic and it is driven primarily by economic factors. Despite this, the social affordances offered by share housing are highly valued. Share housing therefore offers us a unique lens into changing housing pathways and values and provokes us to think of ways to produce more socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable housing.  相似文献   

北京市居民住房需求结构分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
高晓路 《地理学报》2008,63(10):1033-1044
住房需求结构分析是制定住房政策和相关技术标准的基础。根据家庭收入、当前居住条件等指标来界定具有不同需求的居民群体, 以及确定适合各个层次的合理的住宅供给目标, 是住房政策中的一个具有重大现实意义的课题。为此, 从住房消费行为的微观视角出发, 对城市住房需求层次的定量划分以及需求结构的定量模拟问题进行了研究。首先, 分析了家庭人口、收入、当前住房面积、职业、住房区位、投资倾向和家庭结构变更预期等住房需求的影响因子及其相互作用关系。在此基础上, 提出了由住房需求层次模型和住房面积需求模型 相互嵌套而构成的住房需求结构的空间相互作用模型。其次, 运用北京市家庭住房需求的调 查数据, 对模型进行了检验分析。分析结果较好地再现了居民的住房需求, 不仅定量地给出了划分住房需求层次的适当门槛, 还揭示了不同需求层次的家庭在期待住房面积方面的数值差异。由此证明了通过住房需求结构的微观分析来确定相关需求主体的划分标准和住房面积 标准的可行性, 为住房政策研究提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

IntroduchonSincelg49,Chinahaschosel1thesociaIistsyste111il1tl1eIlgl1tofMaI\isl11.Itl1asplacedemphasisonti1epnn1aryindustry(eq.agriCulture)andh1esec0ndaryindtlstry(eg.themanufaCtunngindustry)andoverlookedthedeveloplnentofthetertiaryindustry(eqtherealestate…  相似文献   

The Greater Darwin area has long experienced high housing costs and high rates of homelessness. Into this already stressed housing context have come large-scale, natural resource development projects, which are predicted to bring thousands of new workers to town, and exciting property investor interest. While many view these developments as positive, there is concern about the impacts upon the most vulnerable members of the population. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative research project exploring current housing issues in the Greater Darwin area. Interviews with housing support service providers and real estate agents reveal that the current population and investment growth have exacerbated longstanding housing issues. Increased housing stress in Darwin, and a myopic focus on rapid economic growth, may disenfranchise current residents and undermine service and support industries. We argue that while there may be some economic benefits from a ‘booming’ Darwin, greater planning and partnership between government, community organisations and corporates is required to ensure the benefits are spread across the population. Unfortunately, the Northern Territory government's dilatory approach to both housing issues and the social costs of the resources boom makes it highly unlikely innovative partnerships will occur.  相似文献   

中国城镇住房分配从再分配体制向市场化为主的分配体制转变,深刻地影响政府、单位和市场在住房产权管理角色上的变化。利用广州市老八区的"五普"和"六普"数据,从住房产权结构变化、住房产权选择和住房产权空间形态等角度,分析政府、单位和市场在住房供应、分配和空间配置等住房产权管理中的角色变化。广州市2000年以来的住房产权结构变化反映了单位退出住房供应角色、政府保障房供应力度不够、市场成为最主要住房供应主体等特征。住房产权选择影响因素表明家庭与单位、政府之间的组织联系逐步弱化,与市场间的社会联系日益成为主导,家庭生命周期、家庭收入等体现家庭与市场间的市场联系变量成为城镇居民住房选择的最显著影响变量。住房产权空间形态重构表明,2000-2010年间,中心城区单位提供的体制内住房比重大幅度下降,并逐步被体制外住房所替代,政府提供的体制内住房则向郊区或近郊区形成集聚,导致体制内外住房空间布局出现一定"倒置",住房来源过度市场化、住房供应主体变化和级差地租等因素是其重要形成原因。研究还显示,单位不再承担住房供应任务后,尽管政府在住房调控上起到重要作用,但未充分承担起住房供应任务,城镇居民住房来源"过度市场化"趋势。为此,政府应加大保障房建设力度,并在区位上力求分散、均衡和避免郊区化,以避免加重保障房社区居民居住空间和社会空间上的双重边缘化。随着城市住房市场化的深入发展,中国城市大规模的房地产开发和政府房地产调控政策的制订过程中,更应关注快速全球化、现代化和市场化背景下居民家庭结构、社会经济地位等体现家庭与市场间的社会联系的变量对居民住房选择偏好的影响。  相似文献   

2000年到2010年十年间,随着中国城市住房改革的深入和住房市场的快速发展,城市居民住房来源结构也发生了较大变化。本文综合不同视角对当前中国城市居民住房来源体系进行了梳理,选取购买商品房、购买经济适用房、租赁住房和自建住房4种类型,以第五次人口普查和第六次人口普查的数据为基础,分析了中国31个省(市、区)城市居民住房来源的构成、变化和省际差异特征,并通过构建神经网络对省际差异的影响因素进行分析。最后得出结论并对未来城市居民住房结构的变化进行展望。  相似文献   

Fulong Wu 《Urban geography》2018,39(8):1177-1194
Housing privatization seems to suggest a process of state retreat. However, this is not always the case in China. This paper examines an estate that is mixed with work-unit housing and municipal public housing to understand its changing governance. It is intriguing to observe that the state has had to return to this neighborhood to strengthen its administration following housing privatization, because the attempt to transfer responsibility to commercial property management failed. The neighborhood governance, however, has transformed from one based on work-units to a government-funded administrative agency. The return of the state has been achieved through professional social workers, and it is struggling to operate, leading to the alienation and disempowerment of former state work-unit residents. The side effect of this approach to governance is that, through encouraging market provision and commercial operation which is not fully working, reciprocal activities are restrained. Since housing privatization, the neighborhood has deteriorated from a brand-new estate into an ‘old and dilapidated neighborhood’ in less than 25 years.  相似文献   


Despite extensive studies being devoted to housing affordability in Australia, few have investigated housing affordability at a disaggregated level. This is in spite of the fact that there are existing socio-economic and demographic disparities across different regions of a city. This study aims to fill this gap by examining housing affordability in Sydney, a city that is characterised by diverse demographic and socio-economic mix, from a sub-city perspective. Two dimensions of affordability are assessed from 1991 to 2016: entry-level and ongoing housing affordability. The study finds that entry-level housing remains extremely unaffordable in all regions of Greater Sydney, although the level of unaffordability varies across regions. Specifically, the deterioration in housing affordability is more obvious in low-income regions such as Western Sydney. In addition, the ongoing housing affordability of those who have entered the market improves considerably within 5–10 years, although there are significant variations between different regions. Importantly, residents in low-income regions such as Western Sydney take a longer period to improve their ongoing affordability. The findings of differential geography of housing affordability have some profound policy implications. Policymakers should consider the disparities across different regions by formulating a more targeted and regionally balanced housing policy.  相似文献   

广州市及周边地区商品房的开发与分布   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
利用调查及统计资料,对广州市20世纪90年代商品房的开发,空间分布特征以及周边地区的房地产开发作了全面分析,并对商品房开发对城市地域结构的影响作了研究,广州商品房是以商品住宅为主的多样化类型,市区商品房可以分为5个地域类型,郊区的商品房以低层别墅,多层住宅为主,沿交通线分布为主;周边地区的商品房开发量大,以住宅为主,以广州为主要客源市场,商品房的开发促使城市面积扩大,城市功能转换以及居住型卫星城镇的形成,同时也带来一些问题。  相似文献   

北京城市内部居住空间分布与居民居住区位偏好   总被引:44,自引:9,他引:35  
张文忠  刘旺  李业锦 《地理研究》2003,22(6):751-759
在对北京城市内部居住空间分布现状和居民个人居住区位选择偏好的调查基础上,分析了北京城市内部居住空间分布的基本特征、居民居住空间偏好以及居民个人属性特征与居住空间偏好的关系。结果显示:北京城市内部居住空间分布城北明显高于城南,居民购房也多倾向于选择城北;从居民居住空间偏好看,三、四环之间仍是居民购房的首选空间。  相似文献   

广州住房与保障房的建设与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈宏胜  李志刚 《热带地理》2014,34(6):823-830
以广州12个保障房社区的问卷抽样调查为基础,从住房建设与住房结构、保障房建设、保障性住房社区3个层面探究了城市住房与保障房的关系,对当前广州保障房社区现状进行定量分析,并从社区层面检验当前保障房建设模式下的实际效果。研究发现,总体上,20世纪90年代后广州住房质量提升明显,配套设施不断完善,但住房拥有率低,租赁住房是城市居民的重要选择;且住房市场的发展并未较好地解决居民的住房需求,保障性住房缺口较大,城市住房保障职能部分转嫁于城中村等“非正规”居住空间,住房保障体系仍有较大的提升空间。在保障房社区层面,存在部分配套设施可达性低、居民社区参与程度低等问题,但居民的满意度较高,居住意愿达到了89.2%,这表明当前大规模保障房建设具有其合理性。但当前保障房建设模式忽视了保障房社区的后续发展,已出现社区居民社会融合度低、发展机会少等问题,并可能向新的贫困集聚区演化。  相似文献   

Residential mobility can be conceptualized as an outcome of a choice process exercised under complex institutional and personal constraints. China's rather unique pattern of housing market segmentation under market transition impinges directly on residential location and relocation. Drawing upon data from a sample survey, this paper analyzes the pattern of residential moves resulting from commodity housing construction in a major Chinese city, Guangzhou. Most moves are of short distance, although the general direction is towards the urban periphery. Danweis and the municipal housing bureau, rather than the market per se, are the primary driving forces behind suburbanization in China today.  相似文献   

Residential mobility can be conceptualized as an outcome of a choice process exercised under complex institutional and personal constraints. China's rather unique pattern of housing market segmentation under market transition impinges directly on residential location and relocation. Drawing upon data from a sample survey, this paper analyzes the pattern of residential moves resulting from commodity housing construction in a major Chinese city, Guangzhou. Most moves are of short distance, although the general direction is towards the urban periphery. Danweis and the municipal housing bureau, rather than the market per se, are the primary driving forces behind suburbanization in China today.  相似文献   

While planners and policymakers have advocated the need for project-based subsidized housing, they often face the challenge of strong community opposition due to the negative perceptions of subsidized housing and subsidized households, and the fear that these developments and residents would bring increased crime. This paper aims to extend beyond anecdotal evidence by examining the impact of a popular U.S. affordable housing program, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, on neighborhood crime rates. We estimate the levels and trends in neighborhood crime before and after LIHTC developments, based on crime incidents data from 2000 to 2009 in Austin, Texas, using the Adjusted Interrupted Time Series–Difference in Differences (AITS–DID) approach to clarify the causal direction of impacts of LIHTC developments. Results show that LIHTC subsidized housing tended to be developed in neighborhoods where crime was already prevalent, and contrary to popular perception, LIHTC developments have a mitigating impact on neighborhood crime. These results suggest that LIHTC developments may be an effective tool for revitalizing distressed neighborhoods by ameliorating the “broken windows” problem and reducing neighborhood crime.  相似文献   

住房制度改革背景下广州市居民居住偏好研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住房制度改革以前,国家控制着住房的供应,人们没有选择住房的自由。改革后,家庭越来越依靠市场来满足其住房需求,个人购买商品房的比例得以提高。择居自由度的增加意味着住房消费个体差异的扩大,居民住房偏好成为住房市场健康发展的重要影响因素,分析住房市场化下居民住房偏好及其影响因素有重要意义。采取表述性偏好正交实验设计和联合统计分析方法,对处在改革前沿的广州市居民住房偏好及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:在居民住房选择中,居住区位和小区特征比住房本身更重要;居住小区特征中,居民最关注住房所在区域,老城区越秀和东山和城市新中心天河区成为居民偏爱之地,但不同收入家庭区域偏好有所差异,高收入阶层明显偏好于新中心区天河区,而低收入阶层却更热衷于老城区;住房价格和居室朝向是重要影响因素,居民明显表现出对低价格住房和南向居室的偏好;除此之外,相对较重要的因素还有小区治安、交通和生活便利程度;而房屋类型、房屋布局和物业管理重要性相对较小,但高收入阶层明显比低收入阶层看重物业管理。  相似文献   


Based on a large-scale household survey conducted in six large Chinese cities, this study is among the first attempts to juxtapose factors related to institution, market, and demography to examine the complex patterns and mechanisms of housing differentiation and housing poverty in low-income neighborhoods, which are conventionally conceived as homogenous substandard settlements. Results of Theil indices and multivariate regression models convey several interesting findings. First, the forces of the market and the State have projected different impacts on various aspects of housing status. Institutional factors had significant impacts on some costly and durable housing indicators such as housing tenure and housing area, while market forces have swiftly transformed the most malleable aspects of housing conditions, such as housing facilities, and will eventually replace some institutional legacies. Second, within-group housing differentiation is more palpable than between-group housing differentiation, suggesting that low-income neighborhoods in large Chinese cities are fluid and heterogeneous. Third, different institutional elements have different impacts on housing poverty. The well-functioning market remuneration system helps reduce the risk of housing poverty, yet working poor remains a severe problem. These findings can inform policies promoting social mix and housing affordability.  相似文献   

Residential segregation is a dual process of socio-spatial differentiation in residents and spatio-temporal heterogeneity in dwelling.However,most of the existing studies are es-tablished from the single perspective of urban residents based on demographic data,which is difficult to reveal the dynamics and complex spatial reconstruction within and between cities.With the characteristics of both stability and timeliness,the rapidly changing housing market is one of the processes and results of socio-spatial reconfiguration,and it is undoubtedly a better lens to observe residential segregation.This paper adopts methods such as multi-group segregation index,multi-scalar segregation profiles,and decomposition of segregation index,with Nanjing and Hangzhou as case cities,and establishes multi-scalar segregation profiles and comparative models based on three geographical scales of census tract,block and grid,and different residential types.A quantitative study was conducted on the degree and pattern of multi-scalar residential segregation in Nanjing and Hangzhou from 2009 to 2018.The pa-per found that the spatial segregation index is an improvement of the non-spatial segregation index.There are differences between Nanjing and Hangzhou in the evolution process of residential segregation.Nanjing has a higher degree of spatial differentiation as a whole,among which spatial components have a more significant impact.  相似文献   


The application of geographic concepts and techniques to solving human problems is gaining new strength as a dimension of American geography. The nature of this trend is being shaped by a concern for relevance and educational change. Adoption of this approach has many implications for the individual geographer, as well as for the discipline. Some possible negative and positive aspects of the trend are suggested.  相似文献   

Local housing markets mediate national growth of the housing stock and of household numbers. Unearned capital gains on housing for some homeowners produce corrosive effects resembling those generated by excessive material rewards in certain service industries. Excesses of a political economy driven by fair and unfair materialistic drives camouflage the arrival of a global information society whose terms of power and participation take non-material forms. Housing as shelter and neighborhood starts to replace housing as speculative investment and status symbol.  相似文献   

The effect of floodplain designation on the residential real estate market in two communities, Elmira, NY and Wilkes-Barre, PA, is presented. Discriminant analysis differentiates between floodplain and nonfloodplain housing, using as independent variables characteristics of the houses sold. Several varibles define submarkets, but they vary between the communities. Only selling price and lot size were significant for both communities. Distinct floodplain and nonfloodplain housing markets can be differentiated. This allows for isolation of socioeconomic and environmental variables that may contribute to the recovery of housing values following flooding or to the implementation of land use controls associated with floodplain designation.  相似文献   

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