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Nutrient regeneration and oxygen consumption after a spring bloom in Funka Bay were studied on monthly survey cruises from February to November 1998 and from March to December 1999. A high concentration of ammonium (more than 4 μmol l−1) was observed near the bottom (80–90 m) after April. Phosphate and silicate gradually accumulated and dissolved oxygen decreased in the same layer. Salinity near the bottom did not change until summer, leading to the presumption that the system in this layer is semi-closed, so regenerated nutrients were preserved until September. Nitrification due to the oxidation of ammonium to nitrate was observed after June. Nitrite, an intermediate product, was detected at 4–7 μmol L−1 in June and July 1999. Assuming that decomposition is a first order reaction, the rate constant for decomposition of organic nitrogen was determined to be 0.014 and 0.008 d−1 in 1998 and 1999, respectively. The ammonium oxidation rate increased rapidly when the ambient ammonium concentration exceeded 5 μmol L−1. We also performed a budget calculation for the regeneration process. The total amount of N regenerated in the whole water column was 287.4 mmol N m−2 in 4 months, which is equal to 22.8 gC m−2, assuming the Redfield C to N ratio. This is 34% of the primary production during the spring bloom and is comparable to the export production of 25 gC m−2 measured by a sediment trap at 60 m (Miyake et al., 1998).  相似文献   

The concentration of nutrients was measured during the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay over a 5-year period (1988–92). During the winter mixing period, nutrient concentrations were similar in every year except in 1990 when a high concentration of silicate was observed. There was interannual variation in the onset of the bloom, presumably depending on the stability of the water column. The bloom developed in early March when the Oyashio water (OW), which has a lower density than the existing winter water, flowed into the bay and the pycnocline formed near the bottom of the euphotic zone. In this case, high chl a was found only in the euphotic zone and nutrient utilization was limited to this zone. In the year when the inflow of OW was not observed by April, the bloom took place at the end of March without strong stratification and high chl a was found in the whole water column, accompanied by a decrease in nutrients. Interannual differences were found not only at the beginning of the decrease, but also in the thickness of the layer which showed a decrease in nutrients. Primary production from the beginning to the end of the spring bloom was estimated from the nutrient budget before and after the spring bloom. The integrated production over the spring bloom period ranged from 25 to 73 g C m-2, which accounts for 19–56% of the annual production in this bay. We found that the timing of the bloom was strongly dependent on the inflow of OW, but the amount of production was not clearly related to this timing.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration has an important economic effect in coastal and marine environments on fisheries resources and marine aquaculture development. Monthly climatologies the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) derived chl-a from February 1998 to August 2004 around Funka Bay were used to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of chl-a concentrations. SeaWiFS-derived suspended sediment, MODIS derived sea surface temperature (SST), solar radiation and wind data were also analyzed. Results showed two distinct chlorophyll blooms in spring and autumn. Chl-a concentrations were relatively low (<0.3 mg m3) in the bay during summer, with high concentrations occurring along the coast, particularly near Yakumo and Shiraoi. In spring, chl-a concentrations increased, and a large (>2 mg m3) phytoplankton bloom occurred. The spatial and temporal patterns were further confirmed by empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. About 83.94% of the variability could be explained by the first three modes. The first chl-a mode (77.93% of the total variance) explained the general seasonal cycle and quantified interannual variability in the bay. The spring condition was explained by the second mode (3.89% of the total variance), while the third mode (2.12% of the total variance) was associated with autumn condition. Local forcing such as the timing of intrusion of Oyashio water, wind condition and surface heating are the mechanisms that controlled the spatial and temporal variations of chlorophyll concentrations. Moreover, the variation of chlorophyll concentration along the coast seemed to be influenced by suspended sediment caused by resuspension or river discharge.  相似文献   

Spring diatom blooms are important for sequestering atmospheric CO2 below the permanent thermocline in the form of particulate organic carbon (POC). We measured downward POC flux during a sub-polar North Atlantic spring bloom at 100 m using thorium-234 (234Th) disequilibria, and below 100 m using neutrally buoyant drifting sediment traps. The cruise followed a Lagrangian float, and a pronounced diatom bloom occurred in a 600 km2 area around the float. Particle flux was low during the first three weeks of the bloom, between 10 and 30 mg POC m−2 d−1. Then, nearly 20 days after the bloom had started, export as diagnosed from 234Th rose to 360-620 mg POC m−2 d−1, co-incident with silicate depletion in the surface mixed layer. Sediment traps at 600 and 750 m depth collected 160 and 150 mg POC m−2 d−1, with a settled volume of particles of 1000-1500 mL m−2 d−1. This implies that 25-43% of the 100 m POC export sank below 750 m. The sinking particles were ungrazed diatom aggregates that contained transparent exopolymer particles (TEP). We conclude that diatom blooms can lead to substantial particle export that is transferred efficiently through the mesopelagic. We also present an improved method of calibrating the Alcian Blue solution against Gum Xanthan for TEP measurements.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight sea surface microlayer samples, along with subsurface bulk water samples were collected in Funka Bay, Japan during October 2000–March 2001 and analyzed for dimethylsulfoniopropionate, dissolved (DMSPd) and particulate (DMSPp), and chlorophyll a. The aim of the study was to examine the extent of enrichment of DMSP in the microlayer and its relationship to chlorophyll a, as well as the production rate of dimethylsulfide (DMS) from DMSP and the factors that influence this. The enrichment factor (EF) of DMSPd in the surface microlayer ranged from 0.81 to 4.6 with a mean of 1.85. In contrast, EF of DMSPp in the microlayer varied widely from 0.85–10.5 with an average of 3.21. Chlorophyll a also appeared to be enriched in the microlayer relative to the subsurface water. This may be seen as an important cause of the observed enrichment of DMSP in the microlayer. The concentrations of DMSPp in the surface microlayer showed a strong temporal variation, basically following the change in chlorophyll a levels. Moreover, the microlayer concentrations of DMSPp were, on average, 3-fold higher than the microlayer concentrations of DMSPd and there was a significant correlation between them. Additionally, there was a great variability in the ratios of DMSPp to chlorophyll a over the study period, reflecting seasonal variation in the proportion of DMSP producers in the total phytoplankton assemblage. It is interesting that the production rate of DMS was enhanced in the microlayer and this rate was closely correlated with the microlayer DMSPd concentration. Microlayer enrichment of chlorophyll a and higher DMS production rate in the microlayer provide favorable evidence supporting the view that the sea surface microlayer has a greater biological activity than the underlying water.  相似文献   

An aggregate flux event was observed by ship and by four underwater gliders during the 2008 sub-polar North Atlantic spring bloom experiment (NAB08). At the height of the diatom bloom, aggregates were observed as spikes in measurements of both particulate backscattering coefficient (bbp) and chlorophyll a fluorescence. Optical sensors on the ship and gliders were cross-calibrated through a series of simultaneous profiles, and bbp was converted to particulate organic carbon. The aggregates sank as a discrete pulse, with an average sinking rate of ∼75 m d−1; 65% of aggregate backscattering and 90% of chlorophyll fluorescence content was lost between 100 m and 900 m. Mean aggregate organic carbon flux at 100 m in mid-May was estimated at 514 mg C m−2 d−1, consistent with independent flux estimates. The use of optical spikes observed from gliders provides unprecedented coupled vertical and temporal resolution measurements of an aggregate flux event.  相似文献   

胶州湾赤潮生物种类及其生态分布特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
近年来,胶州湾赤潮频繁发生,对海水养殖业、海洋环境乃至人类健康与安全都构成威胁,作者于1997--1998年间对胶州湾东北部富营养化海域进行赤潮专项调查,报道了赤潮生物69种,其中已发生过的赤潮种类有7种,分析了中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum、圆筛藻Coscinodiscus sp.、冰河拟星杆藻(日本星杆藻)Asterionellopsis glacialis、劳氏角毛藻Chaetoceros lorenzianus、红色中缢虫Mesodinium rubrum等主要赤潮生物的生态分布特征.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1995, short-term variations in the concentration of particulate and dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) were monitored in the western Wadden Sea, a shallow coastal region in open connection with the North Sea. Significant correlations were found between abundance of Phaeocystis globosa and particulate DMSP; concentrations increased rapidly from 100 to 1650 nM in the middle of April. Highest DMS concentrations were found during the initial phase of the exponential growth of the bloom. DMS production and loss rates of DMSP and DMS were estimated experimentally during various phases of the bloom. DMS production and consumption were roughly in balance, with production only slightly exceeding consumption at the start of the bloom. Rates of production and consumption were highest during the exponential growth phase of Phaeocystis and declined in the course of the bloom (from 300–375 to less than 5 nmol dm−3 d−1). Demethylation of DMSP increased during the bloom (from 11 to 1300 nmol dm−3 d−1); it accounted for up to 100% of the DMSP loss at the end of the bloom. The shift from DMSP cleavage to demethylation in the course of a Phaeocystis bloom implies that DMS concentrations are not necessarily highest at the peak or towards the end of blooms.  相似文献   

The crab Carcinus maenas (L.) and the barnacle Elminius modestus Darwin were exposed to a range of dissolved concentrations of Zn, Cu and Cd for 21 days in artificial seawater. Accumulation of Zn and Cu by crabs has been interpreted in terms of the presence of a regulation mechanism to maintain constant body concentrations (83·2 ± 19·4 μg Zn g?1 dry wt.; 39·8 ± 9·8 μg Cu g?1 dry wt.) under varying external dissolved metal levels, until a threshold dissolved metal concentration (c. 400 μg Zn l?1; c. 170 μg Cu l?1) beyond which net accumulation of metal begins. Cadium appears to be accumulated by C. maenas at all exposures with no evidence for regulation of body cadmium concentrations. Exposure of E. modestus to Zn, Cu or Cd caused net accumulation of the respective metal in the bodies of the barnacles, with no evidence for regulation of body metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Semidiurnal internal tides in Monterey Canyon are shown to be partially responsible for macronutrient enrichment of surface waters in Monterey Bay, California. CTD time series at five stations in the canyon revealed the presence of semidiurnal internal tides with heights between 50 and 120 m. p Thermistor data demonstrated an internal tidal bore at the head of the canyon. Data and theory suggest that internal tidal bores may be breaking, due to either shear instability or direct overturning, thereby enriching the immediate area near the canyon head.Transects normal to Monterey Canyon showed a 20-m thick lens of 12 °C water moving out of the canyon at high internal tide. This lens was then pinched off from the canyon, and led to a density-induced divergence. The nutrient transport associated with the internal tidal divergence could support as much as 30% of the daily primary productivity in the northern part of Monterey Bay during non-upwelling periods.  相似文献   

刘淑雅  陈楠生 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):170-188
胶州湾是我国的一个典型近海海湾,也是近海生态系统的缩影.历史上胶州湾海域赤潮频发,因此也是研究赤潮暴发机制(包括赤潮物种组成、时空动态变化及对环境因子响应)的理想实验场所.迄今,几代科学家对胶州湾浮游植物和赤潮物种开展了长期而系统的调查研究,获得了大量的研究成果.为了系统跟踪胶州湾海域浮游植物群落组成,尤其是赤潮物种的...  相似文献   

To study biological effects on the particulate removal of chemical elements from seawater, sediment trap experiments were carried out successively ten times throughout the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay. Sediment traps were deployed every one to two weeks at 1, 40 and 80 m depths. The settling particles obtained were analyzed for trace metals, phosphate and silicate. The propagation of diatoms in spring results in larger particulate fluxes than that of dinoflagellates. The biogenic silicate concentration is higher in the earlier period, when diatoms are predominant, than in the subsequent period, when dinoflagellates are predominant. The concentrations of aluminum, iron, manganese and cobalt in the settling particles comprising largely biogenic particles are lower during phytoplankton bloom. The concentration of copper is not reduced by the addition of biogenic particles, and its vertical flux is approximately proportional to the total flux, indicating that its concentration in the biogenic particles is nearly equal to that in the non-biogenic particles. The results for nickel and lead show the same tendency as for copper. Cadmium is more concentrated in biogenic particles than in non-biogenic particles, and the concentration of cadmium in the settling particles decreases with depth, similarly to phosphate and organic matter. Thus, metals in seawater are segregated by biological affinities, and the degree of incorporation into biogenic particles is in the order Cd > Pb, Ni, Cu > Co > Mn, Fe, Al. Biogenic particles are the most important agent controlling the vertical distribution of metals in the ocean. They remove the metals from the surface water, transport them through the water column, and regenerate them in the deep.  相似文献   

In order to examine the applicability of remotely-sensed ocean color for the estimation of phytoplankton biomass and primary production in the Oyashio region, the western subarctic Pacific, vertical distributions of chlorophylla concentration and primary production were observed in April and May 1997. Spring bloom was observed in both April and May, and the surface concentration of chlorophylla exceeded 40 mg m−3. The relationship between the standing stocks of chlorophylla within the layer from the sea surface to one optical depth (0–1/k layer) and the surface chlorophylla concentration is expressed as a Michaelis-Menten equation. The mean ratio of the standing stock of chlorophylla in the euphotic layer to that in the 0–1/k layer was 4.41, this ratio did not significantly differ from 4.61 which was obtained at homogeneous distribution of chlorophylla within the euphotic layer. These facts suggest that the distribution of chlorophylla could be assumed to be homogeneous in the euphotic layer during the spring bloom. Results of primary production measurements by simulatedin situ method were compared with those by an algorithm with two variables; chlorphylla and non-spectral PAR. Daily primary production in the euphotic layer estimated by the algorithm varied in a range of 38–274% of that estimated by incubation, although the primary productions by the algorithm agreed with those by the incubation at a half of stations. Primary production within the euphotic layer calculated using simply the surface data was the same as that estimated using vertical distribution of chlorophylla. These results show that the primary production in the euphotic layer may be estimated from the remote sensed measurements during the spring bloom in the Oyashio region.  相似文献   

Combined studies of latitudinal and interannual variations of annual phytoplankton bloom peak in East Asian marginal seas(17°–58°N, including the northern South China Sea(SCS), Kuroshio waters, the Sea of Japan and the Okhotsk Sea) are rarely. Based on satellite-retrieved ten-year(2003–2012) median timing of the annual Chlorophyll a concentration(Chl a) climax, here we report that this annual spring bloom peak generally delays from the SCS in January to the Okhotsk Sea in June at a rate of(21.20±2.86) km/d(decadal median±SD). Spring bloom is dominant feature of the phytoplankton annual cycle over these regions, except for the SCS which features winter bloom. The fluctuation of the annual peak timing is mainly within ±48 d departured from the decadal median peak date, therefore this period(the decadal median peak date ±48 d) is defined as annual spring bloom period. As sea surface temperature rises, earlier spring bloom peak timing but decreasing averaged Chl a biomass in the spring bloom period due to insufficient light is evident in the Okhotsk Sea from 2003 to 2012. For the rest of three study domains, there are no significant interannual variance trend of the peak timing and the averaged Chl a biomass. Furthermore this change of spring phytoplankton bloom timing and magnitude in the Okhotsk Sea challenges previous prediction that ocean warming would enhance algal productivity at high latitudes.  相似文献   

We characterized the community composition of phytoplankton in the western subarctic Pacific from the pre-bloom to the decline phase of the spring bloom with special reference to decreases in the silicic acid concentration in surface waters as an index for diatom bloom development. Furthermore, responses of heterotrophic bacteria and viruses to the spring bloom were also concomitantly investigated. Under pre-bloom conditions when nutrients were abundant but the surface mixed layer depth was relatively deep, chlorophyll (Chl) a concentrations were consistently low and green algae (chlorophytes and prasinophytes), cryptophytes, and diatoms were predominant in the phytoplankton assemblages as estimated by algal pigment signatures. Together with the shallowing of the mixed layer depth and the decrease in silicic acid concentration, diatoms bloomed remarkably in the Oyashio region, though the magnitude of the bloom in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition (hereafter Transition) region was relatively small. A total of 77 diatom species were identified, with the bloom-forming diatoms mainly consisting of Thalassiosira, Chaetoceros, and Fragilariopsis species. It has become evident that the carotenoid fucoxanthin can serve as a strong indicator of the diatom carbon biomass during the spring diatom bloom. Differences in the species richness of diatoms among stations generally enabled us to separate the Oyashio bloom stations from the Transition and the Oyashio pre-bloom stations. Relatively high values of the Shannon-Wiener index for the diatom species were also maintained during the Oyashio bloom, indicating that a wide variety of species then shared dominance. In the decline phase of the Oyashio bloom when surface nutrient concentrations decreased, senescent diatom cells increased, as inferred from the levels of chlorophyllide a. Although the cell density of heterotrophic bacteria changed little with the development of the diatom bloom, viral abundance increased toward the end of the bloom, suggesting an increased likelihood of mortality among organisms including diatoms resulting from viral infection. This is the first report on the microbial trophodynamics, including viruses, during the spring diatom bloom in the western subarctic Pacific.  相似文献   

The dynamics of ice formation and phytoplankton bloom development in the coastal region of the Okhotsk Sea, Hokkaido, where the Japanese scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis, are cultured were investigated using seven years (1998–2004) satellite data from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). The interannual variability of sea ice cover and timing of spring bloom occurrences were analyzed. Longer ice cover in 1999, 2001 and 2003 with the presence of ice until early April and shortened ice cover in 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004 with the occurrence of ice until early March were recognized at this area. Variability in the timing of sea ice retreat and development of spring blooms at the scallop areas were observed. Progression of a single ice edge bloom showed higher Chl-a concentration compared to development of an initial ice edge bloom followed by a later open water bloom. Higher concentration of phytoplankton biomass was observed in the initial bloom when sea ice melting is delayed compared to when the sea ice leaves earlier. Wind events were also observed to affect the occurrences of spring bloom.  相似文献   

利用氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法(HG-AFS)对2007年3月30日至4月23日南黄海海域总溶解态无机砷(TDIAs,[TDIAs]=[As5+]+[As3+])的含量进行了测定,其中针对水华中心区域(BM1站)进行了25h的连续观测,以探讨春季水华对有毒类金属元素砷的生物地球化学行为的影响。结果表明,TDIAs的浓度范围为7.9~22.3nmol/L,平均值为(17.8±1.9)nmol/L。TDIAs在南黄海的分布主要表现为由近岸向外海逐渐升高的趋势,最大值出现在南部海域底层海水中。近岸海域表、底层TDIAs的含量相当,而中、南部海域由于存在明显的密度跃层,表、底层TDIAs的浓度具有显著性差异。2007年3月31日至4月1日研究区域西南部受到沙尘天气和降雨的影响,表层海水中TDIAs的含量显著升高。研究区域中、南部海域在观测期间暴发了典型的黄海春季水华,通过大面观测和对重点区域的连续观测可以发现,水华期间TDIAs的分布和磷酸盐类似,与Chl a呈现出较好的负相关关系(r=0.51,P0.05,n=39)。经初步计算,浮游植物水华对10m以上表层水体中TDIAs的清除量约为2.4nmol/L,占表层保有量的15%左右。通过箱式模型计算得出黄海TDIAs的停留时间约为(18.2±8.5)a,远远低于大洋。通过对该海域砷、磷摩尔比值的计算可以发现,南黄海砷、磷摩尔比值约为大洋中的20倍左右,这可能会引起浮游生物对砷酸盐的大量吸收和转化,从而带来潜在的生态危机,需要引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

The development of the phytoplankton community was studied in the Jiaozhou Bay during the spring to neap tide in August 2001, through three cruises and a 15 d continuous observation. This investigation indicates that diatom cell abundance increased sharply following the end of a spring tide, from 9 cells/cm^3 to a peak of 94 cells/cm^3. The dominant species composition and abundance show a quick species sequence from spring to neap tide, and the dominant species at the start phase is Skeletomena costatum, then changes to Chaetoceros curvisetus, finally it changes to Eucampia zodiacus. Silicate concentration increases during spring tide, as a result of nutrient replenishment from the water-sediment interface, its initial average concentration in neap tide is 1.39μmol/dm^3 and reached the peak average concentration of 8.40μmol/dm^3 in spring tide. But the nitrogen concentration dropped due to dilution by the low nitrogen seawater from the Huanghai Sea, its initial average concentration in neap tide is 67μmol/dm^3 and decreased to the average concentration of 54μmol/dm^3 in spring tide. The degree of silicon limitation was decreased and phytoplankton, especially diatoms, responds immediately after nutrient replenishment in th ewater column. Skeletonmea costatum, as one of the dominant species in the Jiaozhou Bay, shows a quicker response to nutrient availability than Eucampia zodiacus and Chaetoceros curvisetus. It is proposed that dominant species composition and water column stability synchronously determine the development of phytoplankton summer blooms in the Jiaozhou bay.  相似文献   

This study examined the phenology and ecological consequences of a benthic filamentous cyanobacterial bloom (Lyngbya majuscula) in Deception Bay (Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia). Bloom initiation occurred in mid December 1999 and expanded to encompass an 8 km2 area by April 2000. Small fish and penaeid prawns (<25 cm total length) were quantitatively sampled through periods designated as before, during and after the bloom using a combination of pop-netting within mangroves and beam trawling over adjacent seagrass beds. Data on larger-bodied fish were compiled from daily fishing logs provided by local commercial fishers. Changes in dry mass of bloom material caught in nets and changes in water chemistry were also measured. Mean concentrations of ammonia-N in residual water within mangroves were several orders of magnitude higher in the affected area than in the control and dissolved oxygen was markedly lower in affected areas. Across the study area, mean density, live mass and number of species declined during the bloom, with fish assemblages using mangroves showing greater decline than assemblages using seagrasses. Response at the species level was highly variable; generally, epibenthic species showed a more sustained decline than demersals. Mean monthly fish catch was significantly lower in bloom than non-bloom years. This study has also demonstrated that throughout the bloom, the affected area continued to support a highly diverse and abundant fish and prawn assemblage, and probably maintained its function as an important nursery habitat for many species.  相似文献   

利用25次南极科考获得的海水样,采用原子分光光度法(AAS)测定了海水中溶解态镉的含量,研究了东南极普里兹湾不同空间与时间尺度下海水中溶解态镉的分布特征.并利用同航次相关的营养盐、叶绿素a等数据,分析了影响海水中溶解态镉分布的主要因素.研究结果显示,普里兹湾表层海水中溶解态镉的分布与叶绿素a具有良好的相关性,生物过程是...  相似文献   

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