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We have studied the evolution of the tectonic lithofacies paleogeography of Paleocene–Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau by compiling data regarding the type, tectonic setting, and lithostratigraphic sequence of 98 remnant basins in the plateau area. Our results can be summarized as follows. (1) The Paleocene to Eocene is characterized by uplift and erosion in the Songpan–Garzê and Gangdisê belts, depression (lakes and pluvial plains) in eastern Tarim, Qaidam, Qiangtang, and Hoh Xil, and the Neo-Tethys Sea in the western and southern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. (2) The Oligocene is characterized by uplift in the Gangdisê–Himalaya and Karakorum regions (marked by the absence of sedimentation), fluvial transport (originating eastward and flowing westward) in the Brahmaputra region (marked by the deposition of Dazhuka conglomerate), uplift and erosion in western Kunlun and Songpan–Garzê, and depression (lakes) in the Tarim, Qaidam, Qiangtang, and Hoh Xil. The Oligocene is further characterized by depressional littoral and neritic basins in southwestern Tarim, with marine facies deposition ceasing at the end of the Oligocene. (3) For the Miocene, a widespread regional unconformity (ca. 23 Ma) in and adjacent to the plateau indicates comprehensive uplift of the plateau. This period is characterized by depressions (lakes) in the Tarim, Qaidam, Xining–Nanzhou, Qiangtang, and Hoh Xil. Lacustrine facies deposition expanded to peak in and adjacent to the plateau ca. 18–13 Ma, and north–south fault basins formed in southern Tibet ca. 13–10 Ma. All of these features indicate that the plateau uplifted to its peak and began to collapse. (4) Uplift and erosion occurred during the Pliocene in most parts of the plateau, except in the Hoh Xil–Qiangtang, Tarim, and Qaidam.  相似文献   

Studies and efforts to control aeolian desertification in China have focused on the arid and semiarid lands in the north. However, the aeolian desertification that is occurring on the high-altitude Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, which has a cold and humid climate, has received attention only in recent years. In this paper, we report the results of monitoring this aeolian desertification between 1975 and 2005 and of our analysis of its causes on the Zoige Plateau, which is located in the northeastern part of China’s Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Aeolian desertified lands expanded at a compound annual rate of 4.07% between 1975 and 2005. They expanded most rapidly between 1975 and 1990, at an annual rate of 7.73%. Factors responsible for this expansion include increasing temperature, decreasing precipitation, over-grazing, drainage of water systems, and land reclamation for agriculture. Increasing temperature, over-grazing, and the drainage of water systems were the key factors. The climatic variations between 1975 and 2005 were not sufficient by themselves to lead to aeolian desertification. Human disturbances such as over-grazing and drainage of water systems must thus have been primarily responsible for the observed changes, and human behavior must be adjusted to control the expansion of aeolian desertification and rehabilitate the desertified lands.  相似文献   

Developed in the Mt.Kunlun orogenic belt at the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is an active Cenozoic volcanic zone which is more than 1000km in length and some ten to hundred kilometers in width.It extends east-westwards and is roughly parallet to the strike of Mt.Kunlun.The Cenozoic volcanic rocks are divided into the northern(N-)and southern(S-)subzones.Eruptions of volcanic lavas in the S-subzone are related to an initial rift zone within the north Qiangtang terrane,but the volcanic rocks in the N-subzone are relatively close to the contact zone between the Mt.Kunlun and the Tarim terrane.The space-time distribution,petrological and geochemical features can be explained by a model of southward intraplate subduction of the Tarim terrane.  相似文献   

Cenozoic sedimentary deposits in central-southern Ningxia province, NW China are an important record of Tertiary tectonic events along the evolving Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau’s northeast margin. Shortly after the onset of the Indo-Eurasia collision to the south, a thrust belt and adjoining foreland basin began to form during 40–30 Ma. The Eocene Sikouzi Formation developed in a distal setting to this basin, in normal fault-bound basins that may have formed in a forebulge setting. Subsequent deposition of the Oligocene Qingshuiying Formation occurred during a phase of apparently less intense tectonism and the previous underfilled foreland basin became overfilled. During the Early Miocene, contractional deformation was mainly distributed to the west of the Liupan Shan. This resulted in deformation of the Qingshuiying Formation as indicated by an unconformity with the overlying Miocene Hongliugou Formation. The unconformity occurs proximal to the Haiyuan Fault suggesting that the Haiyuan Fault may have begun movement in the Early Miocene. In the Late Miocene, thrusting occurred west of the southern Helan Shan and an unconformity developed between the Hongliugou and Qingshuiying Formations proximal to the the Cha-Gu Fault. Relationships between the Miocene stratigraphy and major faults in the region imply that during the Late Miocene the deformation front of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau had migrated to the Cha-Gu Fault along the western Ordos Margin, and the Xiang Shan was uplifted. Central-southern Ningxia was then incorporated into the northeast propagating thrust wedge. The driving force for NE propagation of the thrust wedge was most likely pronounced uplift of the northeastern plateau at the same time. Analysis of the sedimentary record coupled with consideration of the topographic evolution of the region suggests that the evolving fold-and-thrust belt experienced both forward-breaking fold-and-thrust belt development, and out-of-sequence fault displacements as the thrust wedge evolved and the foreland basin became compartmentalised. The documented sedimentary facies and structural relationship also place constraints on the Miocene-Recent evolution of the Yellow River and its tributaries.  相似文献   

The carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposits in the Sanjiang metallogenic belt on the Tibetan Plateau are typical of MVT Pb–Zn deposits that form in thrust-fold belts. The Jiamoshan Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Changdu area in the middle part of the Sanjiang belt, and it represents a new style of MVT deposit that was controlled by karst structures in a thrust–fold system. Such a karst-controlled MVT Pb–Zn deposit in thrust settings has not previously been described in detail, and we therefore mapped t...  相似文献   

The principle prerequisite for the formation of a volcano is the generation of a channel for magma transportation. There is little research on the deep mechanical mechanism for the formation of a magma transportation channel in the Tibetan plateau. Based on the subcrustal mantle convectiongenerated stress field inversed by gravity anomalies, together with its relationship to the Cenozoic volcanism in the plateau, and the mechanism of crustal fracture formation, as well as the numerical results of the evolution of mantle convection beneath the plateau, this paper investigates the deep mechanical mechanism for the formation of a magma transportation channel in the Tibetan plateau. There are two significant extensional convection-generated stress zones beneath the plateau, in which the volcanic rocks in the central and northern parts of the plateau are distributed. The Linzizong volcanism in southern Tibet correlates the upwelling mantle flow prior to the India-Asia collision or during the early stage of the collision. The magnitude of the stress is - 100 MPa, which is the same order of force that causes crustal fractures. The evidence implies that the mantle convection-generated stress is one of the principle causes of crustal fractures, and furthermore, the formation of the magma transportation channel in the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

The slip rate of Yema River–Daxue Mountain fault in the western segment of Qilian Mountains was determined by the dated offset of river risers or gullies. Results indicate that the left-lateral fault slip rate is 2.82 ± 0.20 mm/a at Dazangdele site,2.00 ± 0.24 mm/a at Shibandun site,and 0.50 ± 0.36 and 2.80 ± 0.33 mm/a at two sites in Zhazihu. The ideal average slip rate of the whole fault is 2.81 ± 0.32 mm/a. The lower slip rate confirms part of the displacement of Altyn Tagh fault was transformed into an uplifting of the strap mountains in the western segment of Qilian Mountains,whereas another part transformed into sinistral displacement of Haiyuan fault. This study illustrates that the slip of large strike-slip faults in the northeastern margin of the plateau transforms into crust thickening at the tip of the fault without large-scale propagation to the outer parts of the plateau.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,23(3-4):1060-1067
Convergence between the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate has resulted in the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, and understanding the associated dynamical processes requires investigation of the structures of the crust and the lithosphere of the Tibetan Plateau. Yunnan is located in the southwest edge of the plateau and adjacent to Myanmar to the west. Previous observations have confirmed that there is a sharp transition in mantle anisotropy in this area, as well as clockwise rotations of the surface velocity, surface strain, and fault orientation. We use S receiver functions from 54 permanent broad-band stations to investigate the structures of the crust and the lithosphere beneath Yunnan. The depth of the Moho is found to range from 36 to 40 km beneath southern Yunnan and from 55 to 60 km beneath northwestern Yunnan, with a dramatic variation across latitude 25–26°N. The depth of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) ranges from 180 km to less than 70 km, also varying abruptly across latitude 25–26°N, which is consistent with the sudden change of the fast S-wave direction (from NW–SE to E–W across 26–28°N). In the north of the transition belt, the lithosphere is driven by asthenospheric flow from Tibet, and the crust and the upper mantle are mechanically coupled and moving southward. Because the northeastward movement of the crust in the Burma micro-plate is absorbed by the right-lateral Sagaing Fault, the crust in Yunnan keeps the original southward movement. However, in the south of the transition belt, the northeastward mantle flow from Myanmar and the southward mantle flow from Tibet interact and evolve into an eastward flow (by momentum conservation) as shown by the structure of the LAB. This resulting mantle flow has a direction different from that of the crustal movement. It is concluded that the Sagaing Fault causes the west boundary condition of the crust to be different from that of the lithospheric mantle, thus leading to crust–mantle decoupling in Yunnan.  相似文献   

The Qilian–Haiyuan fault zone in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau has been the source of strong earthquakes in the region. In its middle segment, the Jinqianghe fault is an important active fault within the Tianzhu seismic gap; however, little is known about its slip behavior. To present a new horizontal displacement distribution along this fault, we used WorldView-2 stereo pairs and unmanned aerial vehicle-based photogrammetry to construct digital elevation models to obtain a detailed tectono-geomorphic interpretation and geomorphic offsets. The offset marker measurements yielded 135 geomorphic displacements and 8 offset clusters. Radiocarbon dating was used to establish the regional age sequence of the geomorphic units in offset fluvial terraces at four study sites. The displacements and ages linked the offset clusters with the geomorphic unit sequence; the Holocene strike-slip rate of the Jinqianghe fault was estimated to 4.8–5.6 mm/a at ~4–12 ka and 2.9–4.7 mm/a from ~4 ka. Three recent earthquakes (with a recurrence interval of ~1000 years) represent an active seismic period, revealing the potential seismic hazard along this fault because it has not ruptured in the last 1500 years.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘六盘山地区新生代构造旋转及其意义   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
青藏高原东北缘构造变形的研究是认识高原隆起过程、机制和印度-欧亚板块碰撞远程效应的重要途径。新生代时期,海原-六盘山断裂、香山-天景山断裂、烟筒山-窑山断裂和青铜峡-固原断裂控制的青藏高原最东北缘六盘山地区山前盆地群,接受了巨厚的新生代沉积,较完整地记录了高原东北部的变形隆升历史。通过六盘山地区丁家二沟剖面的精细古地磁研究发现,白垩纪结束后至中新世六盘山地区发生了约23°的长期顺时针构造旋转,并主要发生在三个时期:可能于晚始新世至早渐新世六盘山地区发生了约9°的顺时针旋转、早渐新世晚期顺时针快速旋转约9°、早中新世初顺时针快速旋转约5°,同时它们也被地层变形侵蚀和沉积演化所记录,说明印度-欧亚板块碰撞变形的前峰最迟在约始新世末-渐新世初就已经达到六盘山地区。这比目前普遍认同的六盘山地区变形隆升是青藏高原隆起中最晚形成(第四纪以来)的观点早了至少3千多万年,它为深入认识高原隆升过程和环境效应提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

The Wrangellia terrane of North America contains a large volumeof Middle to Late Triassic oceanic flood basalts which wereemplaced on top of a preexisting island arc. Nd-, Sr-, and Pb-isotopiccompositions reflect derivation from a plume source with Nd(T)+6 to + 7, 87Sr/86Sri0•7034, and 206Pb/204Pbi19•0.Major and trace element compositions suggest the Wrangelliaflood basalts (WFB) formed through relatively small degreesof partial melting at greater depths than estimated for otheroceanic plateaux such as Ontong Java. It appears that the WFBdid not form in a rifting environment, and that preexistingarc lithosphere limited the ascent and decompression meltingof the source plume. Rocks from the preexisting arc are stronglydepleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs) relative tolarge ion lithophile elements (LILEs), but the WFB are not.Assimilation of arc lithospheric mantle or crust was thereforegenerally minor. However, some contamination by arc componentsis evident, particularly in basalts erupted in the early stagesof volcanism. Minor isotopic shifts, to lower Nd(T) and 206Pb/204Pbiand higher 87Sr/86Sri, are accompanied by shifts in trace elementratios towards more arclike signatures, e.g. low Nb/Th and Nb/La.Arc contamination is greatest in the most evolved basalts, indicatingthat assimilation was coupled with fractional crystallization.A comparison of the WFB with other continental and oceanic floodbasalts reveals that continental flood basalts generally formthrough smaller degrees of melting than oceanic flood basaltsand that the contribution of material from the crust and litho-sphericmantle is significantly greater. KEY WORDS: oceanic flood basalts; Wrangellia terrane; petrogenesis; Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes *Corroponding author  相似文献   

      大陆碱性玄武岩在地球化学特征上与洋岛玄武岩高度相似,被看做是板内玄武岩在大陆上的典型代表。本文以山东 新生代碱性玄武岩为例,探讨大陆碱性玄武岩的成因。山东新生代碱性玄武岩按时空分布特征可以分为两类:早期定向分 布、相互平行的三个火山群(包括鲁西的潍坊火山群、沂水火山群和胶东的蓬莱火山群)和晚期杂乱分布的孤立小火山。 早期火山群碱性较弱,以碱性橄榄玄武岩和碧玄岩为主,微量元素特征和同位素组成变化大;晚期孤立小火山碱性强,以 碧玄岩和霞石岩为主,微量元素特征和同位素组成较均一。因此,从岩性组成和时空分布特征看,山东的火山群相当于洋 岛/海山的造盾期玄武岩,而孤立小火山接近于洋岛/海山上的复苏期玄武岩。潍坊火山群和沂水火山群在Sr-Nd,Nd-Hf同位 素相关图上都存在从亏损到富集的两端元混合排列趋势,但两者的排列趋势有一点区别。其中同位素富集的端元相对于原 始地幔具有偏低的Ce/Pb比和偏高的Ba/Th比,指示其为大陆下地壳物质。同时,这种富集端元的Th/La比值明显低于大陆下 地壳的平均值,其放射成因Hf相对于放射成因Nd过剩(即Nd-Hf同位素解耦),说明这种富集端元不是岩浆上升过程中混染 的下地壳物质,而是经历过早期熔融的再循环大陆下地壳(榴辉岩或者石榴辉石岩)。鲁西两个平行火山群在同位素排列上 的区别类似于夏威夷玄武岩中的KEA链和LOA链,因此,山东的平行火山群的深部动力学背景可能是地幔柱,再循环大陆 下地壳物质可能是这种地幔柱的重要组成物质。晚期的孤立小火山在地球化学特征上与火成碳酸岩非常相似,如在原始地 幔标准化图上都具有K,Pb,Zr,Hf,Ti的负异常等特征,因此我们认为其地幔源区为碳酸盐化的橄榄岩。孤立小火山中等亏损 的Sr,Nd,Hf同位素特征支持碳酸岩熔体来自年轻的(中生代?)再循环洋壳。  相似文献   

Through a comprehensive study of magnetostratigraphy and sedimentology of several basins in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, we reveal that the study area mainly experienced six tectonic uplift stages at approximately 52 Ma, 34–30 Ma, 24–20 Ma, 16–12 Ma, 8–6 Ma, and 3.6–2.6 Ma. Comprehensive analyses of pollen assemblages from the Qaidam, Linxia, Xining, and West Jiuquan Basins show that the northeastern Tibetan Plateau has undergone six major changes in vegetation types and climate: 50–40 Ma for the warm-humid forest vegetation, 40–23 Ma for the warm-arid and temperate-arid forest steppe vegetation, 23–18.6 Ma for the warm-humid and temperatehumid forest vegetation, 18.6–8.5 Ma for the warm-humid and cool-humid forest steppe vegetation, 8.6–5 Ma for the temperate sub-humid savanna steppe vegetation, and 5–1.8 Ma for the cold-arid steppe vegetation. Comprehensive comparisons of tectonic uplift events inferred from sedimentary records, climatic changes inferred from pollen, and global climate changes show that in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau the climate in the Paleogene at low altitude was mainly controlled by the global climate change, while that in the Neogene interval with high altitude landscapes of mountains and basins is more controlled by altitude and morphology.  相似文献   

Daluo Mountains lie at front of the arcuate tectonic belt at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, and are the landform boundary zone between the active Tibetan Plateau and the stable North China Craton. Studying of the late Cenozoic uplift evolution of Daluo Mountains is important for understanding the expansion mechanism of the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its influence on the western North China Craton. In this study, the late Cenozoic uplift of Daluo Mountains is constructed from the development of the late Cenozoic alluvial fan around Daluo Mountains. The entire sedimentary sequence and framework of the fan was revealed by the newly obtained drilling core data. The cosmogenic nuclide, optically stimulated luminescence, and detrital zircon U-Pb dating results provide new evidences for discussion about the initial timing of the late Cenozoic uplift of Daluo Mountains and the key stages of uplift during the Pleistocene. The late Cenozoic alluvial fan at front of Daluo Mountains overlies a set of fluvial-facies strata; therefore, development of the alluvial-fan marks the start of late Cenozoic uplift of Daluo Mountains. The timing of this event can be constrained to ~4.64 Ma. Two extensive gravel layers (dated to ca. 0.76–0.6 Ma and ~0.05 Ma) developed during the Pleistocene, indicating two episodes of considerable uplift. This study provides a new time scale for the uplift and expansion of the arcuate tectonic belt at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

黄土中含有较为丰富的碳酸盐,其中次生碳酸盐记录了成壤时期的气候和环境,可以用来重建古气候.测试了末次盛冰期和全新世早期青藏高原东北部乐都、中国东北和新疆巴音布鲁克黄土中次生碳酸盐的δ18O值,结果显示高原东北部这两个时期的δ18O值分别为-1.38‰和-5.58‰,比该地区现代季风气候条件下次生碳酸盐δ18O理论值分别高5.74‰和1.54‰.温度的差异不足以导致次生碳酸盐δ18O值如此幅度的变化.同时,末次盛冰期和全新世早期乐都地区黄土中次生碳酸盐的δ18O值比同时期黄土高原和东北地区等东亚季风区明显偏正约2.0‰~6.2‰,但其与新疆等西风区次生碳酸盐的δ18O相近.这些不同时期黄土中次生碳酸盐的δ18O值的分布特征及空间差异,可能反映东亚夏季风夹带的水汽可能不是青藏高原东北部末次盛冰期和全新世早期降水最重要的来源,而西风降水和(或)局部水汽蒸发循环对该地区的降水可能有重要贡献.青藏高原东北部黄土次生碳酸盐的δ18O值从末次盛冰期到全新世早期逐渐降低,这可能是由于气候由干冷向暖湿转变、有效湿度增加而导致的.有限的数据表明不同气候带(青藏高原东北部、东亚季风区和西风带)的黄土中次生碳酸盐氧同位素存在明显差异,它所代表的气候意义值得进一步的深入研究.   相似文献   

<正>Objective The lateral extrusion of crustal materials around the southeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau since the Oligocene is believed to be one of the main inducements of~1300 km latitudinal crustal convergence in the Tibetan Plateau,since the collision of India and Eurasia in the Paleogene.Two end-member models were used to describe the process of lateral extrusion of crustal material  相似文献   

构造作用是影响地球深部内热向地表传输和热能再分配过程的关键因素之一。青藏高原东北缘共和盆地发现高温地热资源,其热源成因机制一直是研究焦点。为理解构造作用对地热资源分布的控制过程,本文选取共和盆地高温地热异常区,分析边界断裂构造性质、活动期次、演化历程,结合钻井、大地电磁和背景噪声成像地球物理异常特征,提出新生代构造演化和地热异常形成的耦合关系。认为:1)青藏高原东北缘共和盆地及周缘变形区形成于昆仑断裂和海源断裂大型活动左旋走滑作用的滑动消减带;2)共和盆地新生代以来经历中新世(12–6 Ma)旋转泛湖盆凹陷、上新世—第四纪(6–3 Ma)盆内张扭变形两期主要演化阶段;3)共和盆地上地壳发育的与高温相关的地球物理低速-高导异常层(Vs<3.2km/s,R<10Ω·m)是主导热源;4)上新世持续左旋走滑变形导致的岩石圈隆起变形是深部热能向浅层传输的主要动力学机制,浅部热能聚集成热过程至少延续到了3Ma;5)预测青藏高原东北缘与共和盆地具有类似构造演化性质的次生盆地具有高温地热资源发育的条件。  相似文献   

位于青藏高原东北缘的西宁盆地在新生代期间的变形具有明显的阶段性,新生代早期该盆地顺时针的转动在西宁盆地中的基底中产生或复活了一些北北西向的左行走滑断裂。晚期(中新世以来),由于盆地边缘断裂持续强烈活动并伴随着一定的顺时针旋转,在盆地中形成一系列切割盆地基底的北北东向和北东向次级断裂,盆地中不同方向次级断裂不同时间的发育与边界左行斜向剪切造成的变形类似。同时盆地中薄皮与厚皮构造共同发育为特征,不仅盆地盖层发生了一定程度的褶皱变形,而且沿着切割盆地内部的断裂,往往基底被抬升至地表,形成比较明显的基底卷入型褶皱。西宁盆地因此被分割,形成了一系列更小的次级盆地。而青藏高原东北部新生代变形同样具有以上特征,斜向挤压是该地区变形的重要方式,正是由于长期的斜向挤压,造成了盆地内部与边界之间的应变分配,盆地内部基底隆起,并逐渐分割原先的大盆地。而热水—日月山断裂以及温泉断裂发育在海原断裂与昆仑山断裂之间的阶区,它们的活动和发育与边缘大型走滑断裂有重要的联系,同时也是压剪作用的重要特征之一。  相似文献   

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