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The resonances that appear in the linear compressible MHD formulation of waves are studied for equilibrium states with flow. The conservation laws and the jump conditions across the resonance point are determined for 1D cylindrical plasmas. For equilibrium states with straight magnetic field lines and flow along the field lines the conserved quantity is the Eulerian perturbation of total pressure. Curvature of the magnetic field lines and/or velocity field lines leads to more complicated conservation laws. Rewritten in terms of the displacement components in the magnetic surfaces parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, the conservation laws simply state that the waves are dominated by the parallel motions for the modified slow resonance and by the perpendicular motions for the modified Alfvén resonance.The conservation laws and the jump conditions are then used for studying surface waves in cylindrical plasmas. These waves are characterized by resonances and have complex eigenfrequencies when the classic true discontinuity is replaced by a nonuniform layer. A thin non-uniform layer is considered here in an attempt to obtain analytical results. An important result related to earlier work by Hollweg et al. (1990) for incompressible planar plasmas is found for equilibrium states with straight magnetic field lines and straight velocity field lines. For these equilibrium states the incompressible and compressible surface waves have the same frequencies at least in the long wavelength limit and there is an exact correspondence with the planar case. As a consequence, the conclusions formulated by Hollweg et al. still hold for the straight cylindrical case. The effects of curvature are subsequently considered.  相似文献   

The absorption of solar five-min oscillations by sunspots is interpreted as the resonant absorption of sound waves by a magnetic cylinder. The absorption coefficient is calculated both analytically under certain simplifying assumptions, and numerically under more general conditions. The observed magnitude of the absorption coefficient, which is up to 0.5 or even more, can be explained for suitable ranges of parameters. Limitations in the present model are also discussed.  相似文献   

Nonlinear modulated both axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric MHD wave propagation in magnetic flux tubes is studied. In the cylindrical coordinates, ordinary differential equation with cubic nonlinearity is derived. In both cases of symmetry, the equation has solitary solutions. Modulation stability of the solutions is studied. The results of the study show that the propagation of axisymmetric soliton causes rising of plasma temperature in peripheral regions of a magnetic flux tube. In the non-axisymmetric case, it gives also temperature rising effect. Results of theoretical study are examined on idealized model of chromospheric spicule.  相似文献   

Nonlinear resonant interactions of different kinds of fast magnetosonic (FMS) waves trapped in the inhomogeneity of a low- plasma density, stretched along a magnetic field (as, for example, in coronal loops) are investigated. A set of equations describing the amplitudes of interactive modes is derived for an arbitrary density profile. The quantitative characteristics of such interactions are found. The decay instability of the wave with highest frequency is possible in the system. If amplitudes of interactive modes have close values, the long-period temporal and spatial oscillations are in the system.For a quantitative illustration, the parabolic approximation of the transverse density profile has been chosen. Dispersion relations of FMS waves trapped in a low- plasma slab with a parabolic transverse density profile are found. The transverse structure of the waves in this case can be expressed through Hermitian polynomials. The interaction of kink and sausage waves is investigated. The sausage wave, with a sufficiently large amplitude, may be unstable with respect to the decay into two kink waves, in particular. The spatial scale of a standing wave structure and the time spectrum of radiation are formed due to the nonlinear interactions of loop modes which contain information about the parameters of the plasma slab.  相似文献   

A numerical code is presented for computing the stationary state of resonant absorption of MHD waves in cylindrical flux tubes in linear, compressible, and viscous MHD. The full viscosity stress tensor is included in the code with the five viscosity coefficients as given by Braginskii (1965). Also non-zero plasma pressure effects are taken into account, and the finite elements discretization with the Galerkin method has been used. The implementation of the stress tensor and the numerical accuracy of the tensorial viscous MHD code are scrutinized in test case. The test case involves the absorption of waves in cylindrical flux tubes considered by Lou (1990) and Goossens and Poedts (1992) in the context of absorption of acoustic oscillations. The results for the absorption rates obtained with the tensorial viscous code agree completely with the results obtained by Lou in a scalar viscous MHD and by Goossens and Poedts in resistive MHD. This verifies not only the complicated tensor viscous code but again proves that the absorption rate is independent of the actual dissipation mechanism.  相似文献   

Greenwich data for proper motions of the components of sunspot groups are analysed. We have found that only 4% of the 408 examined sunspot groups do not show systematic proper motions of the components at the beginning of their life. Interpreting proper motions as the results of ascending sub-photospheric magnetic flux tubes, information on characteristics of the tubes have been deduced. The influence of proper motions on the evaluation of the sunspot rotation rates is discussed.  相似文献   

Propagation speeds are derived for the wave modes of a thin magnetic tube in an otherwise homogeneous magnetized or unmagnetized fluid. These results generalize results obtained by previous authors. There are three types of wave, a (torsional) Alfvén wave and two waves which are specific for the thin tube. These are named the longitudinal and transversal tube waves, according to their polarization properties. They can be camped by radiating an MHD or acoustic wave into the surroundings of the tube. Conditions for occurrence of this acoustic damping, and the damping rates, are derived. The behavior of the waves in the solar convection zone and corona is discussed.  相似文献   

Twisted magnetic flux tubes are often used to model the filed in coronal loops, and much attention has been given to analysing their stability. Previous astrophysical studies have concentrated on establishing the existence of an instability or determining stability bounds, and little information seems available on the associated eigenvalues, which give crucial information on the energy released. This paper develops methods of determining eigenvalues for infinitely long flux tubes. The most striking feature of the results is that the eigenvalues are always small-of order 10–2 (in dimensionless units) even for the fastest helical kink modes (m=1). The more localized higher-m modes have even smaller eigenvalues. A family of flux tubes with field line twist proportional tor is investigated, and it appears that the most energetic instabilities occur in the Gold-Hoyle tube with uniform twist (=0). Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The formation of shocks and shock heating by radiatively damped longitudinal waves in solar magnetic flux tubes of different filling factors is studied. We consider three flux tubes of filling factors: 1%, 20%, and exponentially spreading which represent normal, enhanced network regions and the interior of supergranulation cells respectively. Monochromatic waves with periods 60 s and energy fluxes of 4.0 · 108 erg cm?2 s?1 are assumed to propagate in the tubes. We find that the H?-continuum losses and the Mg II line emission are much reduced in the tube of small filling factor while the mean temperatures are roughly similar in both tubes. The exponential flux tube shows little or no shock heating and no radiation damping. Shocks form earlier in the tube of high filling factor, and have larger strength.  相似文献   

We analyze the eigenmodes of the solar coronal magnetic arcade that describes the magnetic field of a bipolar active region using the eikonal method for ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. We write out the eikonal equations for Alfvèn and magnetoacoustic waves and derive the equations for the amplitudes of the zeroth approximation. We construct the wave fields for Alfvèn and fast magnetoacoustic modes and derive the expressions for the eigenfrequencies. We show that Alfvèn modes of a given frequency are near a number of magnetic surfaces, while fast magnetoacoustic eigenmodes are near nonmagnetic surfaces. A discrete set of eigenfrequencies that continuously change from one surface to another corresponds to each such surface.  相似文献   

Sunspots are caused by the eruption of magnetic flux tubes through the solar photosphere: current theories of the internal magnetic field of the Sun suggest that such tubes must rise relatively unscathed from the base of the convection zone. In order to understand how the structure of the magnetic field within a buoyant flux tube affects its stability as it rises, we have considered the quasi-two-dimensional rise of isolated magnetic flux tubes through an adiabatically stratified atmosphere. The magnetic field is initially helical; we have investigated a range of initial field configurations, varying the distribution and strength of the twist of the field.  相似文献   

N. Seehafer 《Solar physics》1986,107(1):73-81
It has been suggested that the activity of cosmical magnetic fields is a consequence of a general topological nonequilibrium in the neighbourhood of magnetostatic equilibria. Evidence for this suggestion can be obtained from the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem of classical mechanics, applied to the magnetic field line flow as a Hamiltonian system. A finite-length magnetic flux tube, however, always possesses two independent sets of flux surfaces - or, equivalently, the corresponding Hamiltonian system two independent first integrals - and is topologically stable if in the volume occupied by the tube there are no singular (null) points of the magnetic field and the normal field component does not change its sign on the end faces of the tube. Therefore, the concept of nonequilibrium due to flux surface destruction is not applicable to solar atmospheric loops with each end situated in the interior of one polarity of the photospheric normal field component. Further, it seems unlikely that the tearing-mode mechanism can play a role in such loops.  相似文献   

We propose a diagnostic method, based on the observation of circular polarization signals in line pairs, to derive the thermodynamical properties of unresolved magnetic elements in the solar atmosphere. The concept of response function for the ratio of circular polarization signals in two lines is introduced and its main properties are analyzed. Some detailed calculations for suitably selected line pairs are presented.  相似文献   

P. R. Wilson 《Solar physics》1972,22(2):434-442
Savage has suggested that an energy flux of 2 × 1010 erg cm–2 s–1 passes through the umbra of a sunspot in the form of hydromagnetic waves. In this paper some of the consequences of this flux are considered. It is first shown that it is not inconsistent with the energy requirements for the heating of umbral dots and for solar wind storms, assuming in the latter case that the flux tubes emerging from about one tenth of the area of a large spot are open-ended.However, the hypothesis also requires that Alfvén waves travel along the closed flux tubes linking the umbra either with the umbra of another spot or with the surrounding faculae and passing through regions of variable field strength and density. It is shown that, for a very simplified model, standing waves are possible in a symmetrical field configuration. For velocities of 3 km/s in the umbra, the maximum particle velocity in the loop is of order 80 km/s which strains the perturbation assumption severely. However, it is pointed out that periodic velocities of this order are observed in the chromosphere near sunspots.It is further shown that mechanical dissipation of these waves in local regions of the flux tube may contribute to the heating of faculae.  相似文献   

The time-dependent interaction of the granulation velocity field with a magnetic flux tube is investigated here. It is seen that when a magnetic field line is displaced normal to itself so as to simulate thebuffeting action of granules, a flow of gas is initiated along the field. By choosing a lateral velocity field which is consistent with observations of granules, it is found that the resulting gas motion is a downward flow with a velocity compatible with the observed downflow in isolated photospheric flux tubes. It is therefore proposed that the observed photospheric downflow is a manifestation of the interaction of granules with flux tubes.  相似文献   

Litvinenko  Yuri E. 《Solar physics》1999,188(1):115-123
The rate of two-dimensional flux pile-up magnetic reconnection is known to be severely limited by gas pressure in a low-beta plasma of the solar corona. As earlier perturbational calculations indicated, however, the pressure limitation should be less restrictive for three-dimensional flux pile-up. In this paper the maximum rate of reconnection is calculated in the approximation of reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD), which is valid in the solar coronal loops. The rate is calculated for finite-magnitude reconnecting fields in the case of a strong axial field in the loop. Gas pressure effects are ignored in RMHD but a similar limitation on the rate of magnetic merging exists. Nevertheless, the magnetic energy dissipation rate and the reconnection electric field can increase by several orders of magnitude as compared with strictly two-dimensional pile-up. Though this is still not enough to explain the most powerful solar flares, slow coronal transients with energy release rates of order 1025– 1026 erg s–1and heating of quiet coronal loops are within the compass of the model.  相似文献   

P. S. Cally 《Solar physics》1986,103(2):277-298
An extensive analysis, both analytic and numerical, of waves in flux tubes imbedded in (possibly) magnetic surroundings is given. It is shown that any wave confined to the tube and its neighbourhood can be put into one of seven categories. Simple criteria for deciding the existence of each type in any particular case are derived. Many other (leaky) modes are found which excite waves in the external medium and thereby lose energy to the surroundings. A number of asymptotic analyses allow much information to be gained about these without the need for numerical solution of the complicated equations involved. Three particular cases, pertaining to photospheric flux tubes, H fibrils, and coronal loops, are considered in detail.  相似文献   

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