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Mafic granulite, generated from eclogite, occurs in felsic granulite at Kle?, Blanský les, in the Bohemian Massif. This is significant because such eclogite is very rare within the felsic granulite massifs. Moreover, at this locality, strong interaction has occurred between the mafic granulite and the adjacent felsic granulite producing intermediate granulite, such intermediate granulite being of enigmatic origin elsewhere. The mafic granulite involves garnet from the original eclogite, containing large idiomorphic inclusions of omphacite, plagioclase and quartz, as well as rutile. The edge of the garnet is replaced by a plagioclase corona, with the garnet zoned towards the corona and also the inclusions. The original omphacite–quartz–?plagioclase matrix has recrystallized to coarse‐grained polygonal (‘equilibrium’‐textured) plagioclase‐diopsidic clinopyroxene–orthopyroxene also with brown amphibole commonly in the vicinity of garnet. Somewhat larger quartz grains are embedded in this matrix, along with minor ilmenite, rutile and zircon. Combining the core garnet composition with core inclusion compositions gives a pressure of the order of 18 kbar from assemblage and isopleths on a P?T pseudosection, with temperature poorly constrained, but most likely >900 °C. From this P?T pseudosection, the recrystallization of the matrix took place at ~12 kbar, and from Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry, at relatively hot conditions of 900–950 °C. It is largely at these conditions that the eclogite/mafic granulite interacted with the felsic granulite to make intermediate granulite (see next paper).  相似文献   

Garnet growth in high‐pressure, mafic garnet granulites formed by dehydration melting of hornblende‐gabbronorite protoliths in the Jijal complex (Kohistan palaeo‐island arc complex, north Pakistan) was investigated through a microstructural EBSD‐SEM and HRTEM study. Composite samples preserve a sharp transition in which the low‐pressure precursor is replaced by garnet through a millimetre‐sized reaction front. A magmatic foliation in the gabbronorite is defined by mafic‐rich layering, with an associated magmatic lineation defined by the shape‐preferred orientation (SPO) of mafic clusters composed of orthopyroxene (Opx), clinopyroxene (Cpx), amphibole (Amp) and oxides. The shape of the reaction front is convoluted and oblique to the magmatic layering. Opx, Amp and, to a lesser extent, Cpx show a strong lattice‐preferred orientation (LPO) characterized by an alignment of [001] axes parallel to the magmatic lineation in the precursor hornblende‐gabbronorite. Product garnet (Grt) also displays a strong LPO. Two of the four 〈111〉 axes are within the magmatic foliation plane and the density maximum is subparallel to the precursor magmatic lineation. The crystallographic relationship 〈111〉Grt // [001]Opx,Cpx,Amp deduced from the LPO was confirmed by TEM observations. The sharp and discontinuous modal and compositional variations observed at the reaction front attest to the kinetic inhibition of prograde solid‐state reactions predicted by equilibrium‐phase diagrams. The PT field for the equilibration of Jijal garnet granulites shows that the reaction affinities are 5–10 kJ mol.?1 for the Grt‐in reaction and 0–5 kJ mol.?1 for the Opx‐out reaction. Petrographic and textural observations indicate that garnet first nucleated on amphibole at the rims of mafic clusters; this topotactic replacement resulted in a strong LPO of garnet. Once the amphibole was consumed in the reaction, the parallelism of [001] axes of the mafic‐phase reactants favoured the growth of garnet crystals with similar orientations over a pyroxene substrate. These aggregates eventually sintered into single‐crystal garnet. In the absence of deformation, the orientation of mafic precursor phases conditioned the nucleation site and the crystallographic orientation of garnet because of topotaxial transformation reactions and homoepitaxial growth of garnet during the formation of high‐pressure, mafic garnet‐granulite after low‐pressure mafic protoliths.  相似文献   

Although ophiolitic rocks are abundant in Anatolia (Turkey), only in rare cases have they experienced high‐grade metamorphism. Even more uncommon, in Anatolia and elsewhere are high‐grade meta‐ophiolites that retain an oceanic lithosphere stratigraphy from upper crustal mafic volcanic rocks through lower crustal gabbro to mantle peridotite. The Berit meta‐ophiolite of SE Turkey exhibits both features: from structurally higher to lower levels, it consists of garnet amphibolite (metabasalt), granulite facies metagabbro (as lenses in amphibolite inferred to be retrogressed granulite) and metaperidotite (locally with metapyroxenite layers). Whole‐rock major and trace‐element data indicate a tholeiitic protolith that formed in a suprasubduction setting. This paper presents new results for the metamorphic PT conditions and path of oceanic lower crustal rocks in the Berit meta‐ophiolite, and an evaluation of the tectonic processes that may drive granulite facies metamorphism of ophiolite gabbro. In the Do?an?ehir (Malatya, Turkey) region, granulite facies gabbroic rocks contain garnet (Grt)+clinopyroxene (Cpx)+plagioclase (Pl)+corundum (Crn)±orthopyroxene (Opx)±kyanite (Ky)±sapphirine (Spr)±rutile. Some exhibit symplectites consisting of Crn+Cpx, Ky+Cpx and/or coronas of garnet (outer shell) around a polygonal aggregate of clinopyroxene that in some cases surrounds a polygonal aggregate of orthopyroxene. Coronitic and non‐coronitic textures occur in proximity in mm‐ to cm‐scale layers; corona structures typically occur in plagioclase‐rich layers. Their formation is therefore related primarily to protolith type (troctolite v. gabbro) rather than P–T path. Phase diagrams calculated for a kyanite‐rich granulite, a plagioclase‐rich non‐coronitic granulite, and a plagioclase‐rich coronitic granulite (taking into account changes in effective bulk composition during texture development) predict peak conditions of ~800°C, 1.1–1.5 GPa; these conditions do not require invoking an unusually high geothermal gradient. In the coronitic metagabbro, reaction textures formed along the prograde path: Crn–Cpx symplectites grew at the expense of garnet, sapphirine and plagioclase. Peak conditions were followed by isobaric cooling of ~150°C. Hornblende–plagioclase thermometry results for host amphibolite (Hbl+Pl±Crn±Grt±relict Cpx) indicate retrograde conditions of 620–675°C and 0.5–0.8 GPa accompanied by infiltration of H2O‐rich fluid. This anticlockwise P–T path differs from an isothermal decompression path previously proposed for these rocks based on the presence of symplectite. Metamorphism of the ophiolitic rocks was driven by closing of the southern Neotethys Ocean, as oceanic lithosphere was obducted (most SE Anatolian ophiolites) or underthrust (Berit meta‐ophiolite). This was followed by subduction of a continental margin, driving cooling of the Berit granulite after the thermal peak at depths of ~40 km.  相似文献   

Activities of titanite (Ttn, CaTiSiO5) and/or rutile (Rt, TiO2) phase components were calculated for 45 well‐characterized natural titanite‐ or rutile‐undersaturated epidote–amphibolites by using the equilibria: (i) 3 anorthite + 2 zoisite/clinozoisite + rutile + quartz = 3 anorthite + titanite + water (referred to as TZARS) and (ii) anorthite + 2 titanite = grossular + 2 rutile + quartz (referred to as GRATiS). In titanite‐bearing and rutile‐absent samples aRt is 0.75 ± 0.26. In titanite‐absent, rutile‐bearing samples aTtn is 0.89 ± 0.16. Mean values derived for aRt/aTtn are 0.92 ± 0.12 for rutile + titanite‐bearing samples and 0.42 ± 0.27 for samples lacking both titanite and rutile. Use of these values with TZARS yields pressure estimates for epidote–amphibolites that differ on average by <0.5 kbar from those recorded by established mineral barometers, even where both titanite and rutile are lacking. Despite rather large uncertainties in the average values obtained for aRt, aTtn or aRt/aTtn, application of TZARS yields pressure estimates that agree with independent estimates to within ±0.5 kbar for titanite‐ and/or rutile‐saturated samples, and to within ±0.8 kbar for samples that contain neither Ti‐phase. The accuracy and precision of the TZARS barometer are comparable to that of many well‐calibrated barometers. TZARS offers a much‐needed barometer for mafic rocks metamorphosed at epidote‐bearing amphibolite and blueschist facies conditions. In addition, the results provide a basis for application of other thermobarometers, such as Ti‐in‐zircon, where rutile activity is required as input.  相似文献   

The Eger Complex in the northwestern Bohemian Massif consists mainly of amphibolite facies granitic gneisses containing a subordinate volume of felsic granulites. Microstructural changes and modelling of metamorphic conditions for both rock types suggest a short‐lived static heating from ~760 to ~850 °C at a constant pressure of ~16 kbar, which led to the partial granulitization of the granitoid rocks. Detailed study of the protolith zircon modifications and modelling of the Zr re‐distribution during the transition from amphibolite to granulite facies suggests that the development of c. 340 Ma old zircon rims in the granulite facies sample is the result of recrystallization of older (c. 475 Ma) protolith zircon. This study suggests that the partial granulitization is a result of a short exposure of the Eger Complex metagranitoids to a temperature of ~850 °C at the base of an arc/fore‐arc domain and their subsequent rapid exhumation during the Lower Carboniferous collision along the western margin of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

This study uses field, petrographic and geochemical methods to estimate how much granitic melt was formed and extracted from a granulite facies terrane, and to determine what the grain‐ and outcrop‐scale melt‐flow paths were during the melt segregation process. The Ashuanipi subprovince, located in the north‐eastern Superior Province of Quebec, is a large (90 000 km2) metasedimentary terrane, in which > 85% of the metasediments are of metagreywacke composition, that was metamorphosed at mid‐crustal conditions (820–900 °C and 6–7 kbar) in a late Archean dextral, transpressive orogen. Decrease in modal biotite and quartz as orthopyroxene and plagioclase contents increase, together with preserved former melt textures indicate that anatexis was by the biotite dehydration reaction: biotite + quartz + plagioclase = melt + orthopyroxene + oxides. Using melt/orthopyroxene ratios for this reaction derived from experimental studies, the modal orthopyroxene contents indicate that the metagreywacke rocks underwent an average of 31 vol% partial melting. The metagreywackes are enriched in MgO, CaO and FeOt and depleted in SiO2, K2O, Rb, Cs, and U, have lower Rb/Sr, higher Rb/Cs and Th/U ratios and positive Eu anomalies compared to their likely protolith. These compositions are modelled by the extraction of between 20 and 40 wt %, granitic melt from typical Archean low‐grade metagreywackes. A simple mass balance indicates that about 640 000 km3 of granitic melt was extracted from the depleted granulites. The distribution of relict melt at thin section‐ and outcrop‐scales indicates that in layers without leucosomes melt extraction occurred by a pervasive grain boundary (porous) flow from the site of melting, across the layers and into bedding planes between adjacent layers. In other rocks pervasive grain boundary flow of melt occurred along the layers for a few, to tens of centimetres followed by channelled flow of melt in a network of short interconnected and structurally controlled conduits, visible as the net‐like array of leucosomes in some outcrops. The leucosomes contain very little residual material (< 5% biotite + orthopyroxene) indicating that the melt fraction was well separated from the residuum left in situ as melt‐depleted granulite. Only 1–3 vol percentage melt remained in the melt‐depleted granulites, hence, the extraction of melt generated by biotite dehydration melting in these granulites, was virtually complete under conditions of natural melting and strain rates in a contractional orogen.  相似文献   

Migmatites comprise a minor volume of the high‐grade part of the Damara orogen of Namibia that is dominated by granite complexes and intercalated metasedimentary units. Migmatites of the Southern Central Zone of the Damara orogen consist of melanosomes with garnet+cordierite+biotite+K‐feldspar, and leucosomes, which are sometimes garnet‐ and cordierite‐bearing. Field evidence, petrographic observations, and pseudosection modelling suggest that, in contrast to other areas where intrusion of granitic magmas is more important, in situ partial melting of metasedimentary units was the main migmatite generation processes. Pseudosection modelling and thermobarometric calculations consistently indicate that the peak‐metamorphic grade throughout the area is in the granulite facies (~5 kbar at ~800°C). Cordierite coronas around garnet suggest some decompression from peak‐metamorphic conditions and rare andalusite records late, near‐isobaric cooling to <650°C at low pressures of ~3 kbar. The inferred clockwise P–T path is consistent with minor crustal thickening through continent–continent collision followed by limited post‐collisional exhumation and suggests that the granulite facies terrane of the Southern Central Zone of the Damara orogen formed initially in a metamorphic field gradient of ~35–40°C/km at medium pressures. New high‐precision Lu–Hf garnet‐whole rock dates are 530 ± 13 Ma, 522.0 ± 0.8 Ma, 520.8 ± 3.6 Ma, and 500.3 ± 4.3 Ma for the migmatites that record temperatures of ~800°C. This indicates that high‐grade metamorphism lasted for c. 20–30 Ma, which is compatible with previous estimates using Sm–Nd garnet‐whole rock systematics. In previous studies on Damara orogen migmatites where both Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf chronometers have been applied, the dates (c. 520–510 Ma) agree within their small uncertainties (0.6–0.8% for Sm–Nd and 0.1–0.2% for Lu–Hf). This implies rapid cooling after high‐grade conditions and, by implication, rapid exhumation at that time. The cause of the high geothermal gradient inferred from the metamorphic conditions is unknown but likely requires some extra heat that was probably added by intrusion of magmas from the lithospheric mantle, i.e., syenites that have been recently re‐dated at c. 545 Ma. Some granites derived from the lower crust at c. 545 Ma are the outcome rather than the cause of high‐T metamorphism. In addition, high contents of heat‐producing elements K, Th, and U may have raised peak temperatures by 150–200°C at the base of the crust, resulting in the widespread melting of fertile crustal rocks. The continuous gradation from centimetre‐scale leucosomes to decametre‐scale leucogranite sheets within the high‐grade metamorphic zone suggests that leucosome lenses coalesced to form larger bodies of anatectic leucogranites, thereby documenting a link between high‐grade regional metamorphism and Pan‐African magmatism. In view of the close association of the studied high‐T migmatites with hundreds of synmetamorphic high‐T granites that invaded the terrane as metre‐ to decametre‐wide sills and dykes, we postulate that crystallization of felsic lower crustal magma is, at least partly, responsible for heat supply. Late‐stage isobaric cooling of these granites may explain the occurrence of andalusite in some samples.  相似文献   

LAICPMS in situ U–Pb monazite geochronology and P–T pseudosections are combined to evaluate the timing and physical conditions of metamorphism in the SE Anmatjira Range in the Aileron Province, central Australia. All samples show age peaks at c. 15801555 Ma, with three of five samples showing additional discrete age peaks between c. 1700 and 1630 Ma. P–T phase diagrams calculated for garnetsillimanitecordieriteK‐feldsparilmenite–melt bearing metapelitic rocks have overlapping peak mineral assemblage stability fields at ~870920 °C and ~6.57.2 kbar. P–T modelling of a fine‐grained spinelcordieritegarnetbiotite reaction microstructure suggests retrograde P–T conditions evolved down pressure and temperature to ~3–5.5 kbar and ~610–850 °C. The combined geochronological and P–T results indicate the SE Anmatjira Range underwent high‐temperature, low‐pressure metamorphism at c. 15801555 Ma, and followed an apparently clockwise retrograde path. The high apparent thermal gradient necessary to produce the estimated P–T conditions does not appear to reflect decompression of high‐P assemblages, nor is there syn‐metamorphic magmatism or structural evidence for extension. Similar to previous workers, we suggest the high‐thermal gradient P–T conditions could have been achieved by heating, largely driven by high heat production from older granites in the region.  相似文献   

王浩铮  张华锋  翟明国 《岩石学报》2015,31(6):1694-1710
高级变质岩的变质历史是反演地壳构造-热事件的重要依据,然而高温扩散和重结晶作用能够改造造岩矿物中的主量元素分布,这对峰期变质温压条件的反演产生很不利的影响。相对于主量元素,微量元素,尤其是离子半径较大的REE,由于其在晶格中的扩散速率远小于主量元素,在高级叠加变质过程有可能记录前期变质作用。本文以胶北地体的高压基性麻粒岩为研究对象,通过详细的岩相学和矿物化学分析,初步解析了变质重结晶过程中的矿物微量元素再分配特征及其对变质作用的指示意义。岩相学上的证据表明这些样品经历了麻粒岩相变质和后期重结晶作用。单矿物的原位化学成分分析,峰期矿物石榴石、单斜辉石的主量元素Mg、Fe、Ca等二价阳离子分布均一,但部分稀土元素及微量元素则表现出钟形剖面环带分布,暗示主量元素遭受到成份扩散及重结晶所致的元素再分配,微量元素可记录峰期历史。结合主、微量元素温压计,我们分别估算了胶东基性高压麻粒岩的峰期(828℃、1.27GPa)和中压麻粒岩相退变质温压条件(810~840℃、0.6~1.0GPa),并推测其后期经历过角闪岩相退变质叠加。结合前人的年代学工作,我们认为该基性麻粒岩经历了近等温快速减压的变质历史。  相似文献   

Cathodoluminescence (CL) mapping of kyanite in high pressure, aluminous granulites from the central Grenville Province reveals internal structures that are linked to their metamorphic reaction history. In two samples, individual kyanite crystals are shown to be composite porphyroblasts comprising three distinct generations, defined by their CL intensity and Cr (±V, Ti, Fe and Ga) content, and each separated by resorbed interfaces. In contrast, a sub‐aluminous sample contains two types of kyanite, one as resorbed inclusions in garnet and another in the groundmass or replacing garnet. These textural variants of kyanite are interpreted within the framework of phase equilibria modelling. In P–T pseudosections, a first generation of kyanite, which is only present in the most aluminous samples, is potentially linked to staurolite breakdown, and its resorption is consistent with a subsequent increase in pressure. This kyanite represents the earliest remnant of prograde metamorphism identifiable in these rocks. The second generation, present in the porphyroblasts in the same samples and as inclusions in garnet in the sub‐aluminous sample, is interpreted to be the peritectic product of muscovite dehydration melting. Resorption of this kyanite is consistent with subsequent continuous dehydration melting of biotite, which is also inferred based on microstructural considerations. The final generation of kyanite, present as rims on the prograde kyanite porphyroblasts in aluminous samples and as part of the groundmass or replacing garnet in the sub‐aluminous rock, is interpreted to have grown during melt crystallization upon retrogression. The presence of retrograde kyanite implies that the melt crystallized over a wide range of temperatures, and provides an important constraint on the P–T conditions of the metamorphic peak and on the retrograde P–T path. CL mapping is crucial for identifying retrograde kyanite in aluminous samples, as it preferentially overgrows existing kyanite rather than replacing other prograde phases. The scarcity of kyanite in sub‐aluminous rocks allows retrograde kyanite to grow as discrete crystals that can be identified by optical microscopy. This work attests to the potential of unconventional tools such as CL imaging for deciphering the metamorphic history of rocks.  相似文献   

Lawsonite eclogites are crucial to decipher material recycling along a cold geotherm into the deep Earth and orogenic geodynamics at convergent margins. However, their tectono‐metamorphic role and record especially at ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) conditions are poorly known due to rare exposure in orogenic belts. In a ~4 km long cross‐section in Muzhaerte, China, at the western termination of the HP‐UHP metamorphic belt of western Tianshan, metabasite blocks contain omphacite and lawsonite inclusions in porphyroblastic garnet, although matrix assemblages have been significantly affected by overprinting at shallower structural levels. Two types of lawsonite eclogites occur in different parts of the section and are distinguished based on inclusion assemblages in garnet: Type 1 (UHP) with the peak equilibrium assemblage garnet+omphacite±jadeite+lawsonite+rutile+coesite±chlorite±glaucophane and Type 2 (HP) with the assemblage garnet+omphacite±diopside+lawsonite+titanite+quartz±actinolite±chlorite+glaucophane. Pristine coesite and lawsonite and their pseudomorphs in Type 1 are present in the mantle domains of zoned garnet, indicative of a coesite‐lawsonite eclogite facies. Regardless of grain size and zoning profiles, garnet with Type 1 inclusions systematically shows higher Mg and lower Ca contents than Type 2 (prp4–25grs13–24 and prp1–8grs20–45 respectively). Phase equilibria modelling indicates that the low‐Ca garnet core and mantle of Type 1 formed at UHP conditions and that there was a major difference in peak pressures (i.e., maximum return depth) between the two types (2.8–3.2 GPa at 480–590°C and 1.3–1.85 GPa at 390–500°C respectively). Scattered exposures of Type 1 lawsonite eclogite is scatteredly exposed in the north of the Muzhaerte section with a structural thickness of ~1 km, whereas Type 2 occurs throughout the rest of the section. We conclude from this regular distribution that they were derived from two contrasting units that formed along two different geothermal systems (150–200°C/GPa for the northern UHP unit and 200–300°C/GPa for the southern HP unit), with subsequent stacking of UHP and HP slices at a kilometre scale.  相似文献   

In situ LA–ICP–MS U–Pb monazite geochronology from the Boothby Hills in the Aileron Province, central Australia, indicates that the region records more than 80 Ma of high‐T, low‐P (HTLP) anatectic conditions during the Early Mesoproterozoic. Monazite ages from granulite facies rocks and leucosomes span the interval 1576–1542 Ma. Pegmatites that overprint the regional gneissic fabric and are interpreted to record the last vestiges of melt crystallization give ages between 1523 and 1513 Ma. Calculated P–T pseudosections suggest peak metamorphic conditions in excess of 850 °C at 0.65–0.75 GPa. The retrograde evolution was characterized by a P–T path that involved minor decompression and then cooling, culminating with the development of andalusite. Integration of the geochronological data set with the inferred P–T path trajectory suggests that suprasolidus cooling must have been slow, in the order of 2.5–4 °C Ma?1. In addition, the retrograde P–T path trajectory suggests that HTLP conditions were generated within crust of relatively normal thickness. Despite the long duration over which anatectic conditions occurred, there is no evidence for external magmatic inputs or evidence that HTLP conditions were associated with long‐lived extension. Instead, it seems probable that the long‐lived HTLP metamorphism was driven to a significant extent by long‐lived conductive heating provided by high crustal heat production in voluminous pre‐metamorphic granitic rocks.  相似文献   

High‐P (HP) eclogite and associated garnet–omphacite granulite have recently been discovered in the Mulantou area, northeastern Hainan Island, South China. These rocks consist mainly of garnet, omphacite, hornblende, quartz and rutile/ilmenite, with or without zoisite and plagioclase. Textural relationships, mineral compositions and thermobarometric calculations demonstrate that the eclogite and garnet–omphacite granulite share the same three‐stage metamorphic evolution, with prograde, peak and retrograde P?T conditions of 620–680°C and 8.7–11.1 kbar, 820–860°C and 17.0–18.2 kbar, and 700–730°C and 7.1–8.5 kbar respectively. Sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe U–Pb zircon dating, coupled with the identification of mineral inclusions in zircon, reveals the formation of mafic protoliths before 355 Ma, prograde metamorphism at c. 340–330 Ma, peak to retrograde metamorphism at c. 310–300 Ma, and subsequent pegmatite intrusion at 295 Ma. Trace element geochemistry shows that most of the rocks have a MORB affinity, with initial εNd values of +2.4 to +6.7. As with similar transitional eclogite–HP granulite facies rocks in the thickened root in the European Variscan orogen, the occurrence of relatively high P?T metamorphic rocks of oceanic origin in northeastern Hainan Island suggests Carboniferous oceanic subduction leading to collision of the Hainan continental block, or at least part of it, with the South China Block in the eastern Palaeo‐Tethyan tectonic domain.  相似文献   

U–Pb (TIMS–ID and SIMS) and Sm–Nd analyses of zircons and garnet-whole rock pairs were applied on high-pressure granulite facies metapelites and metagranodiorite from Tcholliré and Banyo regions, respectively in the Adamawa–Yadé and Western Domains of the Central-African Fold Belt (CAFB) of Cameroon. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of zircons reveal that they are made up of ubiquitous magmatitic xenocrystic cores, surrounded and/or overprinted by light unzoned recrystallized domains. U–Pb data on cores yield ages ranging from Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic, which we consider as dating inheritances. Data on overgrowths and recrystallized domains give ages ranging between 594 and 604 Ma, interpreted as the time of HP granulite-facies metamorphism in the Tcholliré and Banyo regions. This is also supported by ages derived from Sm–Nd garnet-whole rock pairs. Sediments of the Tcholliré region were deposited after ca. 620 Ma from Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproteroszoic and Neoproterozoic protoliths, while those from the Banyo region were deposited after 617.6 ± 7.1 Ma essentially from Neoproterozoic protoliths.  相似文献   

Although the U–Pb zircon chronometer has been widely used for dating metamorphism in moderate‐ to high‐grade rocks, it is generally difficult to link the U–Pb age of zircon to specific metamorphic reactions. In this study, the initial Hf isotopic composition of secondary zircon is compared with the evolution of Hf isotopic composition of the bulk sample, back‐projected from the measured value through time. This approach may enhance the interpretation of radiometric ages performed on metamorphic mineral assemblages. Here, U–Pb, Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf geochronology and thermobarometry have been integrated and applied to two metamorphosed diabase dykes in the Sveconorwegian orogen, SW Sweden. The dykes are located ~5 km east of the NNE‐trending Göta Älv deformation zone in the Idefjorden terrane, and trend parallel to this zone. The Lunden dyke is recrystallized into a coronitic, granulite facies assemblage. U–Pb isotopic analyses of baddeleyite in this dyke indicate an emplacement age of c. 1300 Ma. Thermobarometric techniques applied to garnet and omphacitic clinopyroxene coronas indicate high‐pressure metamorphism at ~15 kbar and ~740 °C. The growth of polycrystalline zircon at the expense of baddeleyite occurred at 1046 ± 6 Ma. The identical Hf isotopic composition of polycrystalline zircon and baddeleyite shows that the baddeleyite‐to‐zircon transition took place before Hf equilibration among the other metamorphic minerals and, hence the c. 1046 Ma age of polycrystalline zircon sets an upper age limit of metamorphism of this sample. The Haregården dyke is recrystallized into a granoblastic transitional upper amphibolite to granulite facies assemblage. The estimated P–T conditions are ~10 kbar and ~700 °C. Analyses of small (~30 μm), clear and round zircon in this sample yield a Concordia U–Pb age of 1026 ± 4 Ma, which is indistinguishable from the Lu‐Hf and Sm‐Nd mineral isochron ages of 1027 ± 9 and 1022 ± 34 Ma, respectively. This type of secondary zircon plots at the lower end of the Lu‐Hf isochron and indicates simultaneous growth with garnet at c. 1026 Ma, a time when Hf isotopic equilibrium among minerals must have been reached.  相似文献   

Cordierite–quartz and plagioclase–quartz intergrowths in a paragneiss from northern Labrador (the Tasiuyak Gneiss) were studied using SEM, STEM and TEM. The gneiss experienced granulite facies conditions and partial melting during both regional and, subsequently, during contact metamorphism. The microstructures examined all results from the contact metamorphism. Cordierite–quartz intergrowths occur on coarse and fine scales. The former sometimes exist as a ‘geometric’ intergrowth in which the interface between cordierite and quartz appears planar at the resolution of the optical microscope and SEM. The latter exists in several microstructural variants. Plagioclase is present as a minor component of the intergrowth in some examples of both the coarse and fine intergrowth. Grain boundaries in cordierite–quartz intergrowths are occupied by amorphous material or a mixture of amorphous material and chlorite. Cordierite and quartz are terminated by crystal faces in contact with amorphous material. Chlorite is sometimes found on cordierite surfaces and penetrating into cordierite grains along defects. Quartz contains (former) fluid inclusions 10–20 nm in maximum dimension. The presence of planar interfaces between cordierite and the amorphous phase is reminiscent of those between crystals and glass in volcanic rocks, but in the absence of compelling evidence that the amorphous material represents former melt, it is interpreted as a reaction product of cordierite. Plagioclase–quartz intergrowths occur in a number of microstructural variants and are commonly associated with cordierite–quartz intergrowths. The plagioclase–quartz intergrowths display simple, non‐planar interfaces between plagioclase and quartz. Quartz contains (former) fluid inclusions of dimensions similar to those observed in cordierite–quartz intergrowths. The boundary between quartz and enclosing K‐feldspar is cuspate, with quartz cusps penetrating a few tens of nanometres into K‐feldspar, commonly along defects in K‐feldspar and sometimes with very low dihedral angles at their tips. This cuspate microstructure is interpreted as melt pseudomorphs. The plagioclase–quartz intergrowths share some features with myrmekite, but differ in some respects: the composition of the plagioclase (An37Ab62Or1–An38Ab61Or1); the association with cordierite–quartz intergrowths; and microstructures that are atypical of myrmekite (e.g. quartz vermicules shared with cordierite–quartz intergrowths). It is inferred that the plagioclase–quartz intergrowths may have formed from, or in the presence of, melt. Inferred melt‐related microstructures preserved on the nanometre scale suggest that melt on grain boundaries was more pervasive than is evident from light optical and SEM observations.  相似文献   

Recent petrological studies on high‐pressure (HP)–ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in the Moldanubian Zone, mainly utilizing compositional zoning and solid phase inclusions in garnet from a variety of lithologies, have established a prograde history involving subduction and subsequent granulite facies metamorphism during the Variscan Orogeny. Two temporally separate metamorphic events are developed rather than a single P–T loop for the HP–UHP metamorphism and amphibolite–granulite facies overprint in the Moldanubian Zone. Here further evidence is presented that the granulite facies metamorphism occurred after the HP–UHP rocks had been exhumed to different levels of the middle or upper crust. A medium‐temperature eclogite that is part of a series of tectonic blocks and lenses within migmatites contains a well‐preserved eclogite facies assemblage with omphacite and prograde zoned garnet. Omphacite is partly replaced by a symplectite of diopside + plagioclase + amphibole. Garnet and omphacite equilibria and pseudosection calculations indicate that the HP metamorphism occurred at relatively low temperature conditions of ~600 °C at 2.0–2.2 GPa. The striking feature of the rocks is the presence of garnet porphyroblasts with veins filled by a granulite facies assemblage of olivine, spinel and Ca‐rich plagioclase. These minerals occur as a symplectite forming symmetric zones, a central zone rich in olivine that is separated from the host garnet by two marginal zones consisting of plagioclase with small amounts of spinel. Mineral textures in the veins show that they were first filled mostly by calcic amphibole, which was later transformed into granulite facies assemblages. The olivine‐spinel equilibria and pseudosection calculations indicate temperatures of ~850–900 °C at pressure below 0.7 GPa. The preservation of eclogite facies assemblages implies that the granulite facies overprint was a short‐lived process. The new results point to a geodynamic model where HP–UHP rocks are exhumed to amphibolite facies conditions with subsequent granulite facies heating by mantle‐derived magma in the middle and upper crust.  相似文献   

Garnet–clinopyroxene intermediate granulites occur as thin layers within garnet–kyanite–K–feldspar felsic granulites of the St. Leonhard granulite body in the Bohemian Massif. They consist of several domains. One domain consists of coarser‐grained coexisting ternary feldspar, clinopyroxene, garnet, quartz and accessory rutile and zircon. The garnet has 16–20% grossular, and the clinopyroxene has 9% jadeite and contains orthopyroxene exsolution lamellae. Reintegrated ternary feldspar and the Zr‐in‐rutile thermometer give temperatures higher than 950 °C. Mineral equilibria modelling suggests crystallization at 14 kbar. The occurrence and preservation of this mineral assemblage is consistent with crystallization from hot dry melt. Between these domains is a finer‐grained deformed matrix made up of diopsidic clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase and K‐feldspar, apparently produced by reworking of the coarser‐grained domains. Embedded in this matrix, and pre‐dating the reworking deformation, are garnet porphyroblasts that contain clinopyroxene, feldspar, quartz, rutile and zircon inclusions. In contrast with the garnet in the coarser‐grained domains, the garnet generally has >30% grossular, the included clinopyroxene has 7–27% jadeite and the Zr content of rutile indicates much lower temperatures. Some of these high‐grossular garnet show zoning in Fe/(Fe + Mg), decreasing from 0.7 in the core to 0.6 and then increasing to 0.7 at the rim. These garnet are enigmatic, but with reference to appropriate pseudosections are consistent with localized new mineral growth from 650 to 850 °C and 10 to 17 kbar, or with equilibration at 20 kbar and 770 °C, modified by two‐stage diffusional re‐equilibration of rims, at 10–15 and 8 kbar. The strong pervasive deformation has obscured relationships that might have aided the interpretation of the origin of these porphyroblasts. The evolution of these rocks is consistent with formation by igneous crystallization and subsequent metamorphism to high‐T and high‐P, rather than an origin by ultrahigh‐T metamorphism. Regarding the petrographic complexity, combination of the high grossular garnet with the ternary feldspar to infer ultrahigh‐T metamorphism at high pressure is not justified.  相似文献   

The metamorphic history of the Southern Marginal Zone (SMZ) of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa, possibly provides insight into one of the oldest preserved continental collision zones. The SMZ consists of granitoid gneisses (the Baviaanskloof Gneiss) and subordinate, infolded metasedimentary, metamafic and meta‐ultramafic lithologies (the Bandelierkop Formation) and is regarded as the c. 2700 Ma granulite facies reworked equivalent of the Kaapvaal craton basement. The granulite facies metamorphism is proposed to have occurred in response to collision between the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons. Previous studies have proposed a wide variety of P–T loops for the granulites, with considerable discrepancy in both the shapes of the retrograde paths and the magnitude of the peak P–T conditions. To date, the form of the prograde path and the timing of the onset of metamorphism remain unknown. This study has used a range of different metasedimentary rocks from a large migmatitic quarry outcrop to better constrain the metamorphic history and the timing of metamorphism in the SMZ. Detrital zircon ages reveal that the protoliths to the metasedimentary rocks were deposited subsequent to 2733 ± 13 Ma. Peak metamorphic conditions of 852.5 ± 7.5 °C and 11.1 ± 1.3 kbar were attained at 2713 ± 8 Ma. The clockwise P–T path is characterized by heating in the sillimanite field along a P–T trajectory which approximately parallels the kyanite to sillimanite transition, followed by near‐isothermal decompression at peak temperature and near‐isobaric cooling at ~6.0 kbar. These results support several important conclusions. First, the sedimentary rocks from the Bandelierkop Formation are not the equivalent of any of the greenstone belt sedimentary successions on the Kaapvaal craton, as has been previously proposed. Rather, they post‐date the formation of the Dominion and Witwatersrand successions on the Kaapvaal craton. From the age distribution of detrital zircon, they appear to have received significant input from various origins. Consequently, at c. 2730 Ma, the Baviaanskloof Gneiss most likely acted as basement onto which the sedimentary succession represented by the Bandelierkop Formation metapelites was deposited. Second, the rocks of the SMZ underwent rapid evolution from sediment to granulite facies anatexis, with a burial rate of ~0.17 cm yr?1. Peak metamorphism was followed by an isothermal decompression to 787.5 ± 32.5 °C and 6.7 ± 0.5 kbar and isobaric cooling to amphibolite facies conditions, below 640 °C prior to 2680 ± 6 Ma. This age for the end of the high‐grade metamorphic event is marked by the intrusion of crosscutting, undeformed pegmatites that are within error the same age as the crosscutting Matok intrusion (2686 ± 7 Ma). Collectively, the burial rate of the sedimentary rocks, the shape of the P–T path, the burial of the rocks to in excess of 30 km depth and the post‐peak metamorphic rapid decompression argue strongly that the SMZ contains sediments deposited along an active margin during lateral convergence, and that the SMZ was metamorphosed as a consequence of continental collision along the northern margin of the Kaapvaal craton at c. 2700 Ma.  相似文献   

Eclogites, blueschists and greenschists are found in close proximity to one another along a 1‐km coastal section where the Cyclades Blueschist Unit (CBU) is exposed on SE Syros, Greece. Here, we show that the eclogites and blueschists experienced the same metamorphic history: prograde lawsonite blueschist facies metamorphism at 1.2–1.9 GPa and 410–530°C followed, at 43–38 Ma, by peak blueschist/eclogite facies metamorphism at 1.5–2.1 GPa and 520–580°C. We explain co‐existence of eclogites and blueschists by compositional variation probably reflecting original compositional layering. It is also shown that the greenschists record retrogression at 0.34 ± 0.21 GPa and = 456 ± 68°C. This was spatially associated with a shear zone on a scales of 10–100‐m and veins on a scale of 1–10‐cm. Greenschist facies metamorphism ended at (or shortly after) 27 Ma. We thus infer a period of metamorphic quiescence after eclogite/blueschist facies metamorphism and before greenschist facies retrogression which lasted up to 11–16 million years. We suggest that this reflects an absence of metamorphic fluid flow at that time and conclude that greenschist facies retrogression only occurred when and where metamorphic fluids were present. From a tectonic perspective, our findings are consistent with studies showing that the CBU is (a) a high‐P nappe stack consisting of belts in which high‐P metamorphism and exhumation occurred at different times and (b) affected by greenschist facies metamorphism during the Oligocene, prior to the onset of regional tectonic extension.  相似文献   

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