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This paper serves two purposes. The first is to make available to the geomorphological community the first in a short series of up-to-date digital maps of ‘classic’ coastal landforms of the U.K. — Hurst Castle Spit. The second is to demonstrate that conventional surveying techniques and readily available graphics software on a PC or Mackintosh will provide an entry into digital mapping for geomorphological applications. Comments are included on how the digital map may be utilized.  相似文献   

In parts of North America and Europe, present and future sedimentary deficits translate into major areal losses of coastal salt marsh. Physically based simulations of medium- to long-term adjustment to accelerated sea-level rise are few, partly due to the difficulty in extrapolating imperfectly understood sedimentation parameters. This paper outlines the implementation and application of a simple one-dimensional mass balance model designed to simulate the vertical adjustment of predominantly minerogenic marsh surfaces to various combinations of sediment supply, tidal levels and regional subsidence. Two aspects of marsh growth are examined, with reference to sites on the macro-tidal north Norfolk coast, U.K.: (i) historical marsh growth under a scenario of effective (long-term) eustatic stability but slow regional subsidence; and (ii) marsh response to various non-linear eustatic rise scenarios for the next century. In contrast to more organogenic North American marshes, sedimentation rates in Norfolk are strongly time-dependent. Where the overall sediment budget is so closely linked to marsh age and relative elevation, some form of numerical simulation offers a preferred means of predicting the impact of accelerated sea-level rise. Simulations performed here show that only the most dramatic eustatic scenarios result in ecological ‘drowning’ and reversion to tidal flat within the conventional 2100 prediction interval. Currently favoured scenarios give rise to accretionary deficits which are clearly sustainable in the short-term, albeit at the expense of increased inundation frequency and consequent changes in the distribution of marsh flora and fauna.  相似文献   

阐述了在地形复杂、地貌破碎、作业组较多时一种改良的数字化测图新方法的作业流程。该方法发挥了数字化测图的高精度高效率和模拟法测图善于处理勾绘复杂地貌等高线的长处,为针对不同情况制定合适的测图作业方案增加了一种选择。  相似文献   

Rising in the Neogene hills of the Mallakaster, the rivers Seman and Vjosa have built up two large joint deltas on the Albanian Adriatic shore. This shoreline is characterized by a low sandy coast with bars and spits. Changes in the river courses and migration of the mouths of the deltas were rapid and numerous from the Holocene period until the beginning of drainage works in the 1950s. The drainage basins of the two rivers are developed in soft clastic rocks (flysch and molasse) in the proportion of 71·4 per cent for the Seman and 44·8 per cent for the Vjosa. Both rivers carry abundant sediment loads, amounting to 6·7 × 106 tonnes per year for the Vjosa and 13·2 × 106 tonnes per year for the Seman. This is the reason why the alluvial deposits of the Seman have built up two‐thirds of the alluvial plain. The use of a SPOT image dated 25 May 1995 (HRV 3 081‐268) enabled us to view the effects of coastal and fluvial dynamics, the role of neotectonics as well as the predominance of the plume of suspended sediment of the Seman river. Using this image, a geomorphological map was drawn, which identifies the palaeochannels of the Seman and the Vjosa. In order to date those palaeochannels we have made an archaeological inventory from oral and written published information. The location of the sites we studied was checked systematically in the field. The mediaeval and Ottoman archives kept in Tirana also provided substantial information, as well as the reconstitution of the evolution of the shoreline between 1870 and 1990, carried out using an inventory of topographic maps. This work allowed us to reconstitute the progression of the deltas of the Seman and the Vjosa since antiquity. We may then infer that from antiquity up to the Middle Ages, the deltas of the Seman and the Vjosa both progressed very moderately and in a comparable way. However, at the end of the 15th century the Seman underwent a major change in its course, through a southward migration of the river. The natural processes of alluviation and changes in the river courses seem to have been accelerated as agricultural exploitation of the Neogene hills that form most of the drainage basin of the Seman increased. This exploitation is linked with the massive exportation of cereal from the port of Skela e Pirgut, which started in the 14th century. It appears that the 20th century has been the period of the largest progression of the deltas during historical times. The speed of progression increased as early as the beginning of the century, as a result of the rapid growth of the rural population densities. Soil erosion from arable fields increased catchment sediment yields to promote rapid changes in the river courses. This resulted in abandonment of deltaic mouths, a phenomenon leading to a straightening of the coast. Thus to the south of the present mouth of the Seman the coast receded by 7 to 30 m per year between 1968 and 1990 as a result of the abandonment of a mouth. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the relations between tidal estuary shape and geomorphic processes, the width profiles of 79 tidal channels from within 30 estuaries in northern Australia have been extracted from LANDSAT 5 imagery using GIS. Statistics describing the shape and width convergence of individual channels and entire estuaries (which can contain several channels) are analysed along with proxies for the tidal range and fluvial inputs of the estuaries in question. The width profiles of most individual channels can be reasonably approximated with an exponential curve, and this is also true of the width profiles of estuaries. However, the shape of this exponential width profile is strongly related to the mouth width of the system. Channels and estuaries with larger mouths generally exhibit a more pronounced ‘funnel shape’ than those with narrower mouths, reflecting the hydrodynamic importance of the distance over which the channel or estuarine width converges. At the estuarine scale, this ‘convergence length’ also tends to be higher in estuaries which have larger catchments relative to their size. No clear relation between the estuarine width convergence length and tidal range could be discerned within the Northern Australian estuaries although, when these data are combined with data from other studies, a weak relationship emerges. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The availability of airborne LiDAR data provides a new opportunity to overcome some of the problems associated with traditional, field‐based, geomorphological mapping such as restrictions on access and constraints of time or cost. The combination of airborne LiDAR data and GIS technology facilitates the rapid production of geomorphological maps of floodplain environments; however, unfiltered LiDAR data, which include vegetation and buildings, are currently more suitable for geomorphological mapping than data that have been filtered to remove these features. Classification of LiDAR data according to elevation in a GIS enables the user to identify and delineate geomorphological features in a manner similar to field mapping, but it is necessary to use a range of classification intervals in order to map the various types of feature that occur within a single reach. Comparison of a LiDAR‐derived geomorphological map with an independently produced field geomorphological map showed a high degree of similarity between the results of the two methods, although ground‐truthing is essential in cases where a high degree of accuracy is required. Ground‐truthing of a LiDAR‐derived geomorphological map showed that around 80% of features mapped using both methods were identified from the LiDAR data, suggesting that the method is suitable for applications such as production of base maps for use in field mapping and selection of sites for detailed investigation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An algorithm for automating the mapping of land components from digital elevation data is described. Land components are areas of relatively uniform slope and aspect and often correspond with ridge crests, shoulders, head slopes, back slopes or foot slopes. Aspect regions, which generally span from stream to ridge, are first identified by generalizing an aspect map derived from digital elevation data. The aspect regions are then split successively into land components by grouping pixels above or below an automatically determined contour of elevation or ‘distance from stream’. The contour approximates a slope break. The land components mapped in this way give a complete polygonization of a hilly landscape and are a reasonable approximation of manually mapped land components.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an innovative, non‐intrusive method for mapping waterway characteristics in riverine areas. The technique uses photogrammetry to provide quantitative information about the dry area in the vicinity of the waterways (banks and floodplain) and image processing algorithms to characterize the flow. Riverside images of a riverine area are decomposed into quasi‐planar areas and ortho‐rectified and re‐assembled to obtain a panoramic ortho‐view of the area of interest. Morphological features of interest (such as river bank positions, flood plain edges, mud deposits, vegetation and erosion patterns) are then identified on the ortho‐view and mapped digitally. Image sequences of the river flow are recorded, allowing a surface velocity analysis to be obtained through Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV). Finally, the mapped elements and the surface velocities are displayed together in a GIS‐like visualization. Through the presentation of a case study of a flood event at a culvert site, this paper demonstrates the capability of the technique to monitor characteristics of waterways over time. The method is inexpen‐sive (a conventional video or digital camera can be used), fast and requires minimum preparation. It can be applied in such important river‐related research areas as morphodynamic and sediment transport studies. It also fosters an improved understand‐ing of the coupling between the river and its banks, which is essential for river restoration and eco‐habitat studies. The present methodology is readily available for implementation in routine bridge inspections, fitted with an easy‐to‐use graphical interface. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dry valleys and gullies in fluvioglacial sands and gravels in North Norfolk are fossil forms. Interpretation of their origin demands detailed morphological analysis, but the inevitable ambiguities of form require additional information on the sedimentology of the deposits and associated regolith. Soil mechanical data and stability analysis predict the observed modal slope angles, assuming the water table to be at or near the surface. This suggests that valley formation involved impeded drainage, and slope processes such as shallow slab slides and solifluction over permafrost. The debris was subsequently evacuated from the valleys by meltwater. The stability analysis also explains the different modal slope angles observed at two locations. Slope angle frequency distributions are composite, however, and include data from varying locations up-valley. Up-valley variations in slope angle are seen to reflect variations in the nature of the regolith and consequent changes in soil mechanical properties, as well as changes in valley relief. The up-valley trends in the nature of the regolith are commensurate with a model of headward valley erosion, with a ‘younger’, less weathered regolith at the present valley head.  相似文献   

Coastal dunes provide essential protection for infrastructure in developed regions, acting as the first line of defence against ocean-side flooding. Quantifying dune erosion, growth and recovery from storms is critical from management, resiliency and engineering with nature perspectives. This study utilizes 22 months of high-resolution terrestrial LiDAR (Riegl VZ-2000) observations to investigate the impact of management, anthropogenic modifications and four named storms on dune morphological evolution along ~100 m of an open-coast, recently nourished beach in Nags Head, NC. The influences of specific management strategies – such as fencing and plantings – were evaluated by comparing these to the morphologic response at an unmanaged control site at the USACE Field Research Facility (FRF) in Duck, NC (33 km to the north), which experienced similar environmental forcings. Various beach-dune morphological parameters were extracted (e.g. backshore-dune volume) and compared with aeolian and hydrodynamic forcing metrics between each survey interval. The results show that LiDAR is a useful tool for quantifying complex dune evolution over fine spatial and temporal scales. Under similar forcings, the managed dune grew 1.7 times faster than the unmanaged dune, due to a larger sediment supply and enhanced capture through fencing, plantings and walkovers. These factors at the managed site contributed to the welding of the incipient dune to the primary foredune over a short period of less than a year, which has been observed to take up to decades in natural systems. Storm events caused alongshore variable dune erosion primarily to the incipient dune, yet also caused significant accretion, particularly along the crest at the managed site, resulting in net dune growth. Traditional empirical Bagnold equations correlated with observed trends of backshore-dune growth but overpredicted magnitudes. This is likely because these formulations do not encompass supply-limiting factors and erosional processes. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The SIBERIA landscape evolution model was used to simulate the geomorphic development of the Tin Camp Creek natural catchment over geological time. Measured hydrology, erosion and geomorphic data were used to calibrate the SIBERIA model, which was then used to make independent predictions of the landform geomorphology of the study site. The catchment, located in the Northern Territory, Australia is relatively untouched by Europeans so the hydrological and erosion processes that shaped the area can be assumed to be the same today as they have been in the past, subject to the caveats regarding long‐term climate fluctuation. A qualitative, or visual comparison between the natural and simulated catchments indicates that SIBERIA can match hillslope length and hillslope profile of the natural catchments. A comparison of geomorphic and hydrological statistics such as the hypsometric curve, width function, cumulative area distribution and area–slope relationship indicates that SIBERIA can model the geomorphology of the selected Tin Camp Creek catchments. Copyright 2002 © Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist, Commonwealth of Australia.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests dominate many tropical coastlines and are one of the most bio‐diverse and productive environments on Earth. However, little is known of the large‐scale dynamics of mangrove canopies and how they colonize intertidal areas. Here we focus on a fringe mangrove forest located in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam; a fast prograding shoreline where mangroves are encroaching tidal flats. The spatial and temporal evolution of the mangrove canopy is studied using a time series of Landsat images spanning two decades as well as Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data. Our results show that fast mangrove expansion is followed by an increase in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in the newly established canopy. We observe three different dynamics of the mangrove fringe: in the southwest part of the fringe, near a deltaic distributary where the fringe boundary is linear, the canopy expands uniformly on the tidal flats with a high colonization rate and high NDVI values. In the northeast part of the fringe, near another distributary, the canopy expands at a much lower rate with low NDVI values. In the fringe center, far from the river mouths, the fringe boundary is highly irregular and mangroves expansion in characterized by sparse vegetated patches displaying low NDVI values. We ascribe these different dynamics to wave action and southwest longshore transport triggered by energetic northeasterly monsoons during winter. We further link the large‐scale dynamics of the fringe to small‐scale physical disturbances (waves, erosion and deposition) that might prevent the establishment of mangrove seedlings. Based on these results, we include mangrove encroachment in an already published conceptual model of progradation of the Mekong River Delta. We conclude that high NDVI values and a constantly linear vegetation–water interface are indicative of stable mangrove canopies undergoing fast expansion, probably triggered by sediment availability at the shore. Our results can be applied more generally to mangrove forests growing in minerogenic and high tidal range environments with high sediment inputs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work is inspired by the sudden resurgence of the submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) bed in the Chesapeake Bay (USA). Because the SAV bed occurs at the mouth of the Bay's main tributary (Susquehanna River), it plays a significant role in modulating sediment and nutrient inputs from the Susquehanna to the Bay. Previous model studies on the impact of submersed aquatic vegetation on the development of river mouth bars lacked a complete mechanistic understanding. This study takes advantage of new advances in 3D computational models that include explicit physical-sedimentological feedbacks to obtain this understanding. Specifically, we used Delft3D, a state-of-the-art hydrodynamic model that provides fine-scale computations of three-dimensional flow velocity and bed shear stress, which can be linked to sediment deposition and erosion. Vegetation is modeled using a parameterization of hydraulic roughness that depends on vegetation height, stem density, diameter, and drag coefficient. We evaluate the hydrodynamics, bed shear stresses, and sediment dynamics for different vegetation scenarios under conditions of low and high river discharge. Model runs vary the vegetation height, density, river discharge, and suspended-sediment concentration. Numerical results from the idealized model show that dense SAV on river mouth bars substantially diverts river discharge into adjacent channels and promotes sediment deposition at ridge margins, as well as upstream bar migration. Increasing vegetation height and density forms sandier bars closer to the river mouth and alteration of the bar shape. Thus, this study highlights the important role of SAV in shaping estuarine geomorphology, which is especially relevant for coastal management. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The morphology of coastal sequences provides fundamental observations to unravel past sea level (SL) variations. For that purpose, converting morphometric observations into a SL datum requires understanding their morphogenesis. The long-lasting sequence of coral reef terraces (CRTs) at Cape Laundi (Sumba Island, Indonesia) could serve as a benchmark. Yet, it epitomizes a pitfall that challenges the ultimate goal: the overall chronology of its development remains poorly constrained. The polycyclic nature of the terraces, involving marine erosion and reoccupation of old coral colonies by more recent ones hinders any clear assignment of Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) to specific terraces, in particular the reference datum corresponding to the last Interglacial maximum (i.e., MIS 5e). Thus, to overcome these obstacles, we numerically model the genesis of the sequence, testing a range of eustatic SL (ESL) reconstructions and uplift rates, as well as exploring the parameter space to address reef growth, erosion and sedimentation. A total of 625 model runs allowed us to improve the morpho-chronological constraints of the coastal sequence and, more particularly, to explain the morphogenesis of the several CRTs associated with MIS 5e. Our results suggest that the lowermost main terrace was first constructed during the marine transgression of MIS 5e and was later reshaped during the marine regression of MIS 5e, as well as during the MIS 5c and MIS 5a highstands. Finally, we discuss the general morphology of the sequence and the implications it may have on SL reconstructions. At Cape Laundi, as elsewhere, we emphasize the necessity of addressing the development of CRT sequences with a dynamic approach, that is, considering that a CRT is a landform built continuously throughout the history of SL oscillations, and not simply during a singular SL maximum.  相似文献   

Research indicates that the aeolianite (Kurkar) cliffs along the Israeli Mediterranean coastline have continuously retreated eastward during the last few decades. There seems to be no dispute among Earth scientists regarding the general trend of cliff retreat. However the majority of papers displaying cliff retreat rates are based upon comparison of aerial photographs. Their lack of advanced geometric measurement methods causes a high margin of error. Public attention is focused upon the Beit‐Yannay coastal cliff since private homes are located along the southern section of the cliff crest. The current research compares the historic location of the cliff crest edge at Beit‐Yannay as observed in a series of aerial photographs taken during the period 1918–2000. Quantitative measurement methods included applications of satellite geodesy and digital photogrammetry and mapping. Research results offer quantitative, consecutive and highly accurate data regarding retreat rates over a relatively long period of 82 years. It is concluded that: 1. Annual average cliff retreat rates of the cliff crest is 20 cm/year. 2. Categorization of the study time span reveals periods displaying varying retreat rates such as 27 cm/year during 1918–1946, 21 cm/year during 1946–1973 and 10 cm/year during 1973–2000. 3. Maximum retreat distances of the cliff crest, over the study period were found to be approximately 25 m along the northern, lowest section of the cliff. Minimum distances of 11 m were identi?ed at the highest, southern section of the cliff. 4. The eolianite (Kurkar) cliffs along the Israeli Mediterranean coast throughout the 20th century have been an important source of sediment, contributing approximately 24 × 106 m3 of sediments to the sediment balance of Israeli beaches. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the result of a detailed granulometric investigation of sediments deposited by a modern tsunami, the 1992 tsunami in Flores, Indonesia. Eyewitness accounts indicate that sediments were deposited upon coastal lowlands over wide areas as a result of the tsunami inundation. Distinctive vertical and lateral variations in particle size composition are characteristic features of the tsunami deposits and these are intimately related to sedimentary processes associated with flood inundation. The geomorphological and sedimentary evidence is used here to establish a preliminary model of tsunami sedimentation. This information is believed to be of great value in understanding sedimentary processes associated with tsunami flooding and in the interpretation of palaeo-tsunami deposits.  相似文献   

River mouths along the Israeli Mediterranean coast are characterized by a dynamic morphology as their channels migrate hundreds of meters along the coast. This study examines the dynamic morphology of seven such river mouths. It offers a conceptual model aimed at generalizing and describing their spatial and temporal morphological patterns, and the environmental factors influencing them. The study methodology comprised a detailed monitoring and mapping by GIS techniques, with quantitative data derived from historic aerial photographs, river discharge records, wave measurements, and a digital elevation model. These data were incorporated into a homogenous database and subsequently applied in the investigation of the morphological patterns of these mouths, and the analysis of their influencing factors. River mouths in this study occur in two distinctive topographic settings. In one setting (here termed barrier topography) the river mouth is deflected alongshore by a sandy barrier. In the second setting (termed funnel topography) the river mouth is confined to a funnel‐shaped topographic depression perpendicular to the coast. The behavior of river mouths in these two settings is quite distinctive. Barrier mouths usually migrate over larger distances, as they tend to deflect along a sand barrier and establish semi‐permanent channels along the dune toe. This enables the wide range migration of semi‐permanent channels over decades. Funnel topography mouths deflect over shorter distances and they rapidly migrate within the funnel boundaries. This study concludes that the topographic setting of the beach, a constant element in the temporal scale of this study, is the primary influencing factor on the morphology of the mouths studied. The influence of other factors on the morphology of these mouths differs in space and time and depends on the topographic settings.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27(7) 2004, 931. Lord Howe Island, in the northern Tasman Sea, is a remnant of a much larger Late Miocene basaltic shield volcano. Much of the island's coastline is exposed to waves that have unlimited fetch, but a marked contrast is provided by a fringing coral reef and lagoon that very effectively attenuate wave energy along a portion of the western coastline. The geology of the island is varied, with hard and resistant basalt lavas, breccias and tuffs of intermediate resistance, and highly erodible eolianites. This variability provides an excellent opportunity to examine the in?uence of rock resistance on the development of the spectacular rock coast landforms that occur around the island. The hardness of rocks and the extent of weathering around the coastline were assessed using a Schmidt hammer, and statistical analysis was undertaken to remove outlying values. On all but one occasion, higher mean rebound values were returned from fresh surfaces than weathered surfaces, but only half of these differences were statistically signi?cant. Shore platforms with two distinct levels are juxtaposed along two stretches of coastline and Schmidt hammer results lend support to hypotheses that the raised surfaces may be inherited features. Relative rock resistance was assessed through a combination of Schmidt hammer data and measurements of joint density, and constrained on the basis of morphological data. This approach formed a basis for examining threshold conditions for sea‐cliff erosion at Lord Howe Island in the context of the distribution of resistant plunging cliffs and erosional shore platforms. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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