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The growing availability of digital topographic data and the increased reliability of precipitation forecasts invite modelling efforts to predict the timing and location of shallow landslides in hilly and mountainous areas in order to reduce risk to an ever‐expanding human population. Here, we exploit a rare data set to develop and test such a model. In a 1·7 km2 catchment a near‐annual aerial photographic coverage records just three single storm events over a 45 year period that produced multiple landslides. Such data enable us to test model performance by running the entire rainfall time series and determine whether just those three storms are correctly detected. To do this, we link a dynamic and spatially distributed shallow subsurface runoff model (similar to TOPMODEL) to an in?nite slope model to predict the spatial distribution of shallow landsliding. The spatial distribution of soil depth, a strong control on local landsliding, is predicted from a process‐based model. Because of its common availability, daily rainfall data were used to drive the model. Topographic data were derived from digitized 1 : 24 000 US Geological Survey contour maps. Analysis of the landslides shows that 97 occurred in 1955, 37 in 1982 and ?ve in 1998, although the heaviest rainfall was in 1982. Furthermore, intensity–duration analysis of available daily and hourly rainfall from the closest raingauges does not discriminate those three storms from others that did not generate failures. We explore the question of whether a mechanistic modelling approach is better able to identify landslide‐producing storms. Landslide and soil production parameters were ?xed from studies elsewhere. Four hydrologic parameters characterizing the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil and underlying bedrock and its decline with depth were ?rst calibrated on the 1955 landslide record. Success was characterized as the most number of actual landslides predicted with the least amount of total area predicted to be unstable. Because landslide area was consistently overpredicted, a threshold catchment area of predicted slope instability was used to de?ne whether a rainstorm was a signi?cant landslide producer. Many combinations of the four hydrological parameters performed equally well for the 1955 event, but only one combination successfully identi?ed the 1982 storm as the only landslide‐producing storm during the period 1980–86. Application of this parameter combination to the entire 45 year record successfully identi?ed the three events, but also predicted that two other landslide‐producing events should have occurred. This performance is signi?cantly better than the empirical intensity–duration threshold approach, but requires considerable calibration effort. Overprediction of instability, both for storms that produced landslides and for non‐producing storms, appears to arise from at least four causes: (1) coarse rainfall data time scale and inability to document short rainfall bursts and predict pressure wave response; (2) absence of local rainfall data; (3) legacy effect of previous landslides; and (4) inaccurate topographic and soil property data. Greater resolution of spatial and rainfall data, as well as topographic data, coupled with systematic documentation of landslides to create time series to test models, should lead to signi?cant improvements in shallow landslides forecasting. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall thresholds for shallow landslide initiation were determined for hillslopes with two types of bedrock, permeable sandstone and impermeable mudstone, in the Boso Peninsula, Japan. The pressure‐head response to rainfall was monitored above a slip scarp due to earlier landslides. Multiple regression analysis estimated the rainfall thresholds for landsliding from the relation between the magnitude of the rainfall event and slope instability caused by the increased pressure heads. The thresholds were expressed as critical combinations of rainfall intensity and duration, incorporating the geotechnical properties of the hillslope materials and also the slope hydrological processes. The permeable sandstone hillslope has a greater critical rainfall and hence a longer recurrence interval than the impermeable mudstone hillslope. This implies a lower potential for landsliding in sandstone hillslopes, corresponding to lower landslide activity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The response of a landslide near Barcelonnette (southeast France) to climatic factors was simulated with three slope stability models: a fully empirical gross precipitation threshold, a semi‐empirical threshold model for net precipitation, and a fully conceptual slope stability model. The three models performed with similar levels in reproducing the present‐day temporal pattern of landslide reactivation, using dendrogeomorphological information as test data. The semi‐empirical and conceptual models were found to be overparameterized, because more than one parameter setting matching the test data was identified. In the case of the conceptual model, this resulted in strongly divergent scenarios of future landslide activity, using downscaled climate scenarios as inputs to the model. The uncertainty of the landslide scenarios obtained with the semi‐empirical model was much lower. In addition, the simulation of strongly different scenarios by the fully empirical threshold was attributed to its incomplete representation of the site‐specific landslide reactivation mechanism. It is concluded that the semi‐empirical model constitutes the best compromise between conceptual representation and model robustness. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research in geomorphology has considered the significance of progressive pedogenesis and climatic change to slope failure initiation for the Holocene, using physically based models. To date, the significance of vegetation change to slope stability has been largely unexplored through modelling, since available physically based models cannot consider vegetation effects directly. To address the existing deficiency this paper adapts, parameterizes and applies a physically based model of slope hydrology and stability to the combined effect of vegetation change and progessive pedogenesis on slope failure initiation. There is considerable debate in the literature concerning the relative significance of climatic change and vegetation modification to slope failure initiation in the Holocene. This paper uses the model to provide additional evidence for situations in which either climatic or vegetation change is significant to slope failure, depending on the prevailing degree of soil development. The results indicate that young podsols appear to be stable under all the climatic and vegetation conditions considered, but mature podsols may be susceptible to failure. Both climate and vegetation influence slope stability, but their relative significance depends on the stage of soil development. In particular, the stability of young soils is influenced considerably by vegetation, while climate assumes greater significance in mature soils. It is recognized that this conclusion is limited to freely draining podsol profiles, and that more research is needed to consider other soil type and vegetation combinations.  相似文献   

Based on high-precision data obtained in the past decade from GPS re-measurement in the North China Network, the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) and GPS measurement along the Shanxi graben zone, the status and evolution of horizontal crustal movement in the North China region are analyzed. The results show that (1) the Yanshan tectonic zone (Zhangjiakou-Bohai Sea zone)is an active one with the largest horizontal strain in the North China region; The largest tendency differential movement of adjacent blocks is seen between the Yanshan block and the North China plain block; about 2mm/a (left lateral) ; (2)The significant horizontal differential movement along the boundaries of the North China region is characterized by right-lateral strike-slip movement at the middle-north segment on its west boundary (composed of Yinchuan and other active tectonic zones) and compressive movement at the south segment; while the Yinshan rift zone located along the west segment on its north boundary is dominated by tensile movement. Other boundaries and zones have no obvious differential movement; (3) On the whole, measurements of each period differ from one another, which might result from the nonlinear movement component as well as from the error effect. In the paper, results of the relative movement and strain in different periods are given for different blocks and boundary zones.  相似文献   

The analysis of the positive feedback between landslides and erosion requires determination of the precise temporal and spatial relations between events of colluvium delivery and fluvial erosion. In our study we use decennial datasets on the occurrence of landsliding and erosion achieved through dendrochronological methods. Four sites covering areas of landslide slopes and adjacent valley floors with stream channels were studied. Landsliding on slopes was dated from the tree‐ring eccentricity developed in stems tilted due to bedrock instability. Erosion in channels was dated using the wood anatomy of roots exposed by erosion of the soil cover. Analysis of the temporal relations between dated landsliding, erosion and precipitation record has revealed that two types of repeating sequences can be observed: (1) rainfall → landsliding → erosion; (2) rainfall → erosion → landsliding. These sequences are an indication of the occurrence of slope‐channel positive feedback in the sites studied. In the first type, landsliding triggered by rainfall delivers colluvia into the valley floor and causes its narrowing, which in turn causes increased erosion. In the second type erosion triggered by rainfall disturbs the slope equilibrium and causes landsliding. Landsliding and erosion, once triggered by precipitation, can occur alternately in years with average precipitation and reinforce one another. Bidirectional coupling between landsliding and channel erosion was shown notably through the effects of channel shifting and forced sinuosity and by increased erosion of the slopes opposite the active landslides. Observations also suggest that the repetition of sequences described over longer periods of time can lead to a general widening of the valley floor at the expense of slopes and to a gradual change of the valley cross‐profile from narrow, V‐shaped into a wide flat‐bottomed. Thus landsliding–erosion coupling/positive feedback was recognized as an important factor shaping hillslope–valley topography of the mid‐mountain areas studied. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three main reservoirs were identified that contribute to the shallow subsurface flow regime of a valley drained by a fourth‐order stream in Brittany (western France). (i) An upland flow that supplied a wetland area, mainly during the high‐water period. It has high N‐NO3? and average Cl? concentrations. (ii) A deep confined aquifer characterized by low nitrate and low chloride concentrations that supplied the floodplain via flow upwelling. (iii) An unconfined aquifer under the riparian zone with high Cl? and low N‐NO3? concentrations where biological processes removed groundwater nitrate. This aquifer collected the upland flow and supplied a relict channel that controlled drainage from the whole riparian zone. Patterns of N‐NO3? and Cl? concentrations along riparian transects, together with calculated high nitrate removal, indicate that removal occurred mainly at the hillslope–riparian zone interface (i.e. first few metres of wetland), whereas dilution occurred in lower parts of the transects, especially during low‐water periods and at the beginning of recharge periods. Stream flow was modelled as a mixture of water from the three reservoirs. An estimation of these contributions revealed that the deep aquifer contribution to stream flow averaged 37% throughout the study period, while the contribution of the unconfined reservoir below the riparian zone and hillslope flow was more variable (from ca 6 to 85%) relative to rainfall events and the level of the riparian water table. At the entire riparian zone scale, NO3? removal (probably from denitrification) appeared most effective in winter, despite higher estimated upland NO3? fluxes entering the riparian zone during this period. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of land cover on landscape hydrology and slope stability, the representation of land cover dynamics in physically based models and their associated ecohydrological effects on slope stability is rather scarce. In this study, we assess the impact of different levels of complexity in land cover parameterisation on the explanatory power of a dynamic and process-based spatial slope stability model. Firstly, we present available and collected data sets and account for the stepwise parameterisation of the model. Secondly, we present approaches to simulate land cover: 1) a grassland landscape without forest coverage; 2) spatially static forest conditions, in which we assume limited knowledge about forest composition; 3) more detailed information of forested areas based on the computation of leaf area development and the implementation of vegetation-related processes; 4) similar to the third approach but with the additional consideration of the spatial expansion and vertical growth of vegetation. Lastly, the model is calibrated based on meteorological data sets and groundwater measurements. The model results are quantitatively validated for two landslide-triggering events that occurred in Western Austria. Predictive performances are estimated using the Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curve (AUC). Our findings indicate that the performance of the slope stability model was strongly determined by model complexity and land cover parameterisation. The implementation of leaf area development and land cover dynamics further yield an acceptable predictive performance (AUC ~0.71-0.75) and a better conservativeness of the predicted unstable areas (FoC ~0.71). The consideration of dynamic land cover expansion provided better performances than the solely consideration of leaf area development. The results of this study highlight that an increase of effort in the land cover parameterisation of a dynamic slope stability model can increase the explanatory power of the model. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The seismic frequency increased significantly in the Yunnan region after the Indonesia earthquake with M_S8.7 on December 26, 2004. This was estimated by analyzing the seismic frequency ratio between the influenced and normal times, the spatial distribution characteristics of the increased seismic frequency, the temporal-spatial distribution and types of seismic swarms. Seismic frequency increased at 71.3% of the statistical sites in the Yunnan area. The maximal increase ratio is 18.2.  相似文献   

We analyzed the present state of crustal horizontal movement in part of the North China region using existing GPS re-observation data (1992-1995) and drew the following conclusions: (1) The monitored region appears to be in tensile movement, with the trend of the principal tensile strain in the WNW-ESE direction; (2) There are two zones of higher maximum shear strain in the monitored region, namely, the Beijing zone and two sides of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault near Linyi; (3) There exists a striped compressive zone which stretches in the NNE-SSW direction; the zone of maximum planar compression is located in the Beijing zone; (4) The displacement field has an obvious zoned distribution.  相似文献   

The Chihuahua City region, located in the semiarid-arid northern highlands of Mexico, has experienced intensive groundwater abstraction during the last 40 years to meet water demands in the region. A geochemical survey was carried out to investigate the evolution from baseline to modern conditions of a 130-km flow path including the El Sauz–Chihuahua–Aldama–San Diego de Alcalá regions. The research approach included the use of major chemical elements, chlorofluorocarbons and environmental isotope (18O, 2H, 13C and 14C) tracers. Stable isotopes indicate that groundwater evolves from the evaporation of local rainfall and surface water. Groundwater located at the lower end of the flow section is up to 6000 years old and older groundwater in the order of 9000 years BP was found in a deep well located in the upper part of the flow system, implying contribution from a neighbour basin. The background groundwater chemistry upstream of Chihuahua City results from feldspar weathering. Beyond Chihuahua City the chemical conditions are strongly modified owing to disposal of sewage from public and industrial water supplies into the Rio Chuviscar, subsequent allocation of this water to agricultural irrigation areas and direct infiltration under the river bed. As a consequence, anions like chloride and sulphate are mainly related to surface sources. Nitrate is controlled in part by sewage from public supply and industry and in part by agricultural practices. Arsenic and fluoride are related to weathering of rock formations of local mineralized ranges and subsequent enrichment of the basin-fill by magmatic processes. The results of this study have implications for groundwater management in an arid region that depends entirely on groundwater for domestic, industrial and agricultural water consumption. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The discharge variability of the main rivers that drain the Guyana Shield is analysed over the last 50 years using cross-wavelet, coherence and composite analysis involving oceanic and atmospheric variables. We highlight the overall hydro-climatological homogeneity of this region that allowed us to focus on the longest discharge time series available. Therefore, a wavelet cross-analysis was carried out between monthly and seasonal Maroni River discharge at the Langa Tabiki station and selected climate indices. This confirms a strong relationship between the hydrology of the Guyana Shield and the Pacific sea-surface temperature (SST) fluctuations. There is evidence of intermittent influence, of between inter-annual and near decadal scales, of the Atlantic SST fluctuations, in particular around 1970 and 1990. Finally, we show that the links between oceanic regions and high discharge in the rivers of Guyana are realized through the reinforcement of the Walker and Hadley cells between the Amazon and the adjacent oceans and through decreased trade winds and monsoon flux that favour the persistence of humidity over the Guyana Shield.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Labat, D., Espinoza, J.-C., Ronchail, J., Cochonneau, G., de Oliveira, E., Doudou, J.C. and Guyot, J.-L., 2012. Fluctuations in the monthly discharge of Guyana Shield rivers, related to Pacific and Atlantic climate variability. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1081–1091.  相似文献   

While many studies have been conducted in mountainous catchments to examine the impact of climate change on hydrology, the interactions between climate changes and land use components have largely unknown impacts on hydrology in alpine regions. They need to be given special attention in order to devise possible strategies concerning general development in these regions. Thus, the main aim was to examine the impact of land use (i.e. bushland expansion) and climate changes (i.e. increase of temperature) on hydrology by model simulations. For this purpose, the physically based WaSiM‐ETH model was applied to the catchment of Ursern Valley in the central Alps (191 km2) over the period of 1983?2005. Modelling results showed that the reduction of the mean monthly discharge during the summer period is due primarily to the retreat of snow discharge in time and secondarily to the reduction in the glacier surface area together with its retreat in time, rather than the increase in the evapotranspiration due to the expansion of the “green alder” on the expense of grassland. The significant decrease in summer discharge during July, August and September shows a change in the regime from b‐glacio‐nival to nivo‐glacial. These changes are confirmed by the modeling results that attest to a temporal shift in snowmelt and glacier discharge towards earlier in the year: March, April and May for snowmelt and May and June for glacier discharge. It is expected that the yearly total discharge due to the land use changes will be reduced by 0.6% in the near future, whereas, it will be reduced by about 5% if climate change is also taken into account. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Movement and strain conditions of active blocks in the Chinese mainland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The definition of active block is given from the angles of crustal deformation and strain. The movement and strain parameters of active blocks are estimated according to the unified velocity field composed of the velocities at 1598 GPS stations obtained from GPS measurements carried out in the past years in the Chinese mainland and the surrounding areas. The movement and strain conditions of the blocks are analyzed. The active blocks in the Chinese mainland have a consistent E-trending movement component, but its N and S components are not consistent. The blocks in the western part have a consistent N-trending movement and the blocks in the eastern part have a consistent S-trending movement. In the area to the east of 90°E, that is the area from Himalayas block towards NE, the movement direction of the blocks rotates clockwisely and the movement rates of the blocks are different. Generally, the movement rate is large in the west and south and small in the east and north with a difference of 3 to 4 times between the rates in the west and east. The distributions of principal compressive strain directions of the blocks are also different. The principal strain of the blocks located to the west of 90oE is basically in the SN direction, the principal compressive strain of the blocks in the northeastern part of Qingzang plateau is roughly in the NE direction and the direction of principal compressive strain of the blocks in the southeastern part of Qingzang plateau rounds clockwisely the east end of Himalayas structure. In addition, the principal strain and shear strain rates of the blocks are also different. The Himalayas and Tianshan blocks have the largest principal compressive strain and the maximum shear strain rate. Then, Lhasa, Qiangtang, Southwest Yunnan (SW Yunnan), Qilian and Sichuan-Yunan (Chuan-Dian) blocks followed. The strain rate of the blocks in the eastern part is smaller. The estimation based on the stain condition indicates that Himalayas block is still the area with the most intensive tectonic activity and it shortens in the NS direction at the rate of 15.2±1.5 mm/a. Tianshan block ranks the second and it shortens in the NS direction at the rate of 10.1±0.9 mm/a. At present, the two blocks are still uprising. It can be seen from superficial strain that the Chinese mainland is predominated by superficial expansion. Almost the total area in the eastern part of the Chinese mainland is expanded, while in the western part, the superficial compression and expansion are alternatively distributed from the south to the north. In the Chinese mainland, most EW-trending or proximate EW-trending faults have the left-lateral or left-lateral strike-slip relative movements along both sides, and most NS-trending faults have the right-lateral or right-lateral strike-slip relative movements along both sides. According to the data from GPS measurements the left-lateral strike-slip rate is 4.8±1.3 mm/a in the central part of Altun fault and 9.8±2.2 mm/a on Xianshuihe fault. The movement of the fault along the block boundary has provided the condition for block movement, so the movements of the block and its boundary are consistent, but the movement levels of the blocks are different. The statistic results indicate that the relative movement between most blocks is quite significant, which proves that active blocks exist. Himalayas, Tianshan, Qiangtang and SW Yunnan blocks have the most intensive movement; China-Mongolia, China-Korea (China-Korea), Alxa and South China blocks are rather stable. The mutual action of India, Pacific and Philippine Sea plates versus Eurasia plate is the principal driving force to the block movement in the Chinese mainland. Under the NNE-trending intensive press from India plate, the crustal matter of Qingzang plateau moves to the NNE and NE directions, then is hindered by the blocks located in the northern, northeastern and eastern parts. The crustal matter moves towards the Indian Ocean by the southeastern part of the plateau.  相似文献   

INT正ODU**!0厂Nln以la Is located In the nol’th segmentdthe North-southselsnuc Belt,Whlchls thejuncturedthe Qinghai-Xizang(Dbet)block,Alxa block and Odos block.In that region,the tectonic activity。svery strong;。y strong earthquakes occu。d In history,such as the 1739 ingluo M。8.0 earthqu拙eandl920 Halyuan M。8.5 eafthquake,etc.; Merately strongeaFthquakes are still veryactlve atpresent,onlyln the Wuzhong-un斟m area,there have been7 e血hquakes tvlth M。>5.0 to occ…  相似文献   

Laboratory data on dry and saturated rocks show that pore fluid has the most important effect on rock attenuation. It is known that viscous and inertial coupling between the frame of a porous rock and its pore fluid dissipates seismic energy by conversion to heat and hence cause attenuation. We show that attenuation peaks, in saturated rock have the same property as that of typical thermally activated relaxations. In the frequency domain, a plot of attenuation versus frequency shows an obvious systematic shift to higher frequencies with increasing temperatures. Similarly, the attenuation versus temperature curve moves to higher temperature with increasing frequencies. The attenuation peaks are somewhat broader than that for a Zener relaxation. A Cole-Cole distribution of relaxation times closely matches the attenuations. This behavior can be explained theoretically by local flow mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the crustal movements, strain field changes and large scale dynamic characteristics of horizontal deformation before the Wenchuan earthquake (M_S=8.0) using GPS data obtained from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China. The following issues are discussed. First, the strain fields of the Longmenshan fault zone located at the epicenter show slow accumulation, because of the tectonic dynamics process subjected to the eastward movement of the Bayan Har block. Second, the different movements between the Longmenshan fault and South China block are smaller than the errors of GPS observation. Third, the high value of compressive strain (2004~2007) is located at the epicenter, which shows that the local squeezing action is stronger than before. Fourth, the data from GPS reference stations in the Chinese Mainland show that crustal shortening is faster than before in the north-eastern direction, which is part of the background of the local tectonic dynamics increase in the Longmenshan fault zone.  相似文献   

汶川地震前后川滇及其邻区GPS水平运动演化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
贾鹏  张希  张晓亮  蒋锋云 《地震工程学报》2012,34(3):264-267,273
利用川滇及其邻区2004-2007年、2007-2009年GPS水平运动观测资料,对汶川地震前、震时与震后地壳运动及主要活动断裂带构造变形演化特征、汶川地震可能的同震与震后影响进行了分析.结果表明:2007-2009年汶川震区呈现出显著的右旋逆冲同震变形;大震在一定程度上对甘川交界及其北侧的西秦岭构造区、安宁河—则木河断裂的构造运动有所促进;对鲜水河断裂构造运动总体反映调整影响但对其南段可能有促进作用.  相似文献   

为提高地震人员伤亡预评估的准确性,完善地震灾害损失评估模型,科学评估地震地质灾害可能造成的人员伤亡数量,以2014年鲁甸MS6.5地震滑坡人员死亡数据为样本,建立了一种基于公里网格单元的地震滑坡人员死亡率logistic回归模型。采用F检验法对所建模型的合理性进行检验,计算得到的F值无限接近于1,表明模型无限接近于完全模型,具有极好的数学统计意义。根据模型评估的死亡率反演得到鲁甸地震灾区滑坡致死人数为233人,比实际少17人,总精确度为93.20%,实际死亡人数与模型识别人数在空间上也有很好的一致性,说明计算得到的地震滑坡人员死亡率是实际死亡人数的良好指标。  相似文献   

中国地壳运动观测网络的建设及应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
"中国地壳运动观测网络"是国家"九五"期间建设的重大科学工程,自1998年开始观测以来,获取了大量的地壳形变GPS观测资料和相对重力观测资料,为认知中国大陆地壳运动特征及其动力学机制提供了至关重要的基础资料和定量约束。"十一五"期间,国家将实施中国地壳运动观测网络的二期工程"中国大陆构造环境监测网络",对网络中观测站点的空间密度、观测方式和应用功能进行大幅度强化。本文扼要介绍了中国地壳运动观测网络一期工程的建设内容、运行现状和主要成果及二期工程的建设规划。中国地壳运动观测网络一、二期工程将为我国地震监测和地学研究提供一个具有国际先进水平的大地测量基础平台。  相似文献   

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