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What controls the architecture of drainage networks is a fundamental question in geomorphology. Recent work has elucidated the mechanisms of drainage network development in steadily uplifting landscapes, but the controls on drainage‐network morphology in transient landscapes are relatively unknown. In this paper we exploit natural experiments in drainage network development in incised Plio‐Quaternary alluvial fan surfaces in order to understand and quantify drainage network development in highly transient landscapes, i.e. initially unincised low‐relief surfaces that experience a pulse of rapid base‐level drop followed by relative base‐level stasis. Parallel drainage networks formed on incised alluvial‐fan surfaces tend to have a drainage spacing that is approximately proportional to the magnitude of the base‐level drop. Numerical experiments suggest that this observed relationship between the magnitude of base‐level drop and mean drainage spacing is the result of feedbacks among the depth of valley incision, mass wasting and nonlinear increases in the rate of colluvial sediment transport with slope gradient on steep valley side slopes that lead to increasingly wide valleys in cases of larger base‐level drop. We identify a threshold magnitude of base‐level drop above which side slopes lengthen sufficiently to promote increases in contributing area and fluvial incision rates that lead to branching and encourage drainage networks to transition from systems of first‐order valleys to systems of higher‐order, branching valleys. The headward growth of these branching tributaries prevents the development of adjacent, ephemeral drainages and promotes a higher mean valley spacing relative to cases in which tributaries do not form. Model results offer additional insights into the response of initially unincised landscapes to rapid base‐level drop and provide a preliminary basis for understanding how varying amounts of base‐level change influence valley network morphology. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gully and badland erosion constitute important land‐degradation processes with severe on‐site and off‐site effects above all in sedimentary deposits and alluvial soils of the arid and semi‐arid regions. Agricultural use of the affected land is impeded both by the irreversible loss of topsoil and the morphological dissection of the terrain. In various badland regions around the world, a solution to the latter problem is attempted by infilling of gullies and levelling of badland topography in order restore a morphology suitable for agricultural cultivation. Gully and badland levelling for agricultural reclamation has been conducted for decades in the large ravine lands of India. This study aims at analysing the distribution and dynamics of land levelling within the Chambal badlands in Morena district, Madhya Pradesh, between 1971 and 2015. Using high to medium resolution satellite images from the Corona, Landsat, Aster and RapidEye missions and a multi‐temporal classification approach, we have mapped and quantified areas that were newly levelled within eight observation periods. We analysed the spatial relation of levelled land to several physical and socio‐economic factors that potentially influence the choice of reclamation site by employing geographic information system (GIS) analysis methods and results from focus‐group discussions in selected villages. Results show that nearly 38 km2 or 23% of the badlands in the study area have been levelled within 45 years. The levelling rate generally increases during the observation period, but the annual variability is high. We have found spatial relationships to badland morphology, vicinity of existing cropland and proximity to villages and drainage lines. From a socio‐economic point of view, availability of financial and technical means, access rights to the badland and ownership issues play an important role. Considering studies on soil degradation caused by levelling of badlands in other regions, the sustainability of the newly reclaimed fields in the Chambal badlands is questionable. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Progressive geomorphic changes in the flight of fluvial terraces along the Rappahannock River, Virginia, provide a framework for analysing the effect of time on landforms. The oldest terrace is probably no younger than early Quaternary, and the youngest major fill terrace probably correlates with the high sea level of the last major interglacial. A uranium-series date of 187,000 yr has been obtained on coral from marine sediments related to this terrace. Indices of terrace preservation, especially drainage densities and area to perimeter ratios, show systematic changes with terrace age. Hence, these variables appear to satisfactorily indicate relative age, and could perhaps be used to estimate actual ages if suitably calibrated. The morphology of scarps formed by entrenchment of the fluvial terraces is more variable than analogous morphology of fault scarps and wave-cut bluffs. However, measurements of the fluvial scarps clearly indicate that for a given terrace age, higher scarps tend to have steeper slopes, and that for a given scarp height, older scarps tend to have gentler slopes. The terrace forms themselves are preserved for at least several million years. Depositional features such as bars and channels with l–3m of relief are preserved on terraces on the order of 105 yr old. Scarps related to the formation of terraces of this age are well preserved and have slopes of about 6–8 degrees where the scarp height is about 5 m. The preservation of fluvial landforms and scarps suggests that, if fault scarps comparable to these features were commonly formed by earthquakes in low relief areas of the eastern United States, many should be recognizable.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is one of the most severe land degradation processes in the Mediterranean region. Although badlands occupy a relatively small fraction of the Mediterranean area, their erosion rates are very high. Many studies have investigated to what extent vegetation controls soil erosion rates. This study, however, deals with the impact of erosion on vegetation establishment. In semi‐arid badlands of the Mediterranean, soil water availability constitutes the main limiting factor for vegetation development. As a consequence, south‐facing slopes are typically less vegetated due to a very large water stress. However, these findings do not necessarily apply to humid badlands. The main objective of this paper is to determine the topographic thresholds for plant colonization in relation to slope aspect and to assess the spatial patterns of vegetation cover and species richness. We surveyed 179 plots on highly eroded badland slopes in the Central Pyrenees. We defined four aspect classes subdivided into slope angle classes. Colonization success was expressed in terms of vegetation cover and species richness. Slope angle thresholds for plant colonization were identified for each slope aspect class by means of binary logistic regressions. The results show that a critical slope angle exists below which plants colonize the badland slopes. Below this critical slope angle, plant cover and species richness increase with a decreasing slope angle. The largest critical slope angles in humid badlands are observed on south‐facing slopes, which contrasts with the results obtained in semi‐arid badlands. North‐facing slopes however are characterized by a reduced overall vegetation cover and species richness, and lower topographic threshold values. The possible underlying processes responsible for this slope‐aspect discrepancy in vegetation characteristics are discussed in terms of environmental variables that control regolith development, weathering and erosion processes. Moreover, possible restoration strategies through the use of vegetation in highly degraded environments are highlighted. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Differences in lithologic erodibility and sediment storage within a drainage basin affect the relationship between alluvial fan area and drainage basin area along the western White Mountains. Large fans are produced by basins underlain by resistant rocks, which have steep and narrow trunk stream canyons with little sediment in storage. Small fans are produced by basins composed of erodible lithologic units, which have wider valley floors, lower valley-side slopes, and considerably more sediment stored along trunk stream canyons than is the case in basins underlain by resistant rocks.  相似文献   

Calcrete‐coated remnants of landslide debris and alluvial deposits are exposed along the presently stable hillslopes of the Soreq drainage, Judea Hills, Israel. These remnants indicate that a transition from landslide‐dominated terrain to dissolution‐controlled hillslope erosion had occurred. This transition possibly occurred due to the significant decrease in tectonic uplift during the late Cenozoic. The study area is characterized by sub‐humid Mediterranean climate. The drainage hillslopes are typically mantled by thick calcrete crusts overlying Upper Cretaceous marine carbonate rocks. Using TT‐OSL dating of aeolian quartz grains incorporated in the calcrete which cements an ancient landslide deposit, we conclude that incision of ~100 m occurred from 1056 ± 262 to 688 ± 86 ka due to ~0·3° westward tilt of the region; such incision invoked high frequency of landslide activity in the drainage. The ages of a younger landslide remnant, alluvial terrace, and alluvial fan, all situated only a few meters above the present level of the active streambed, range between 688 ± 86 ka and 244 ± 25 ka and indicate that since 688 ± 86 the Soreq base level had stabilized and that landslide activity decreased significantly by the middle Pleistocene. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Sir Charles Cotton (1964) has pointed out that in an earlier paper (Carlston, 1963) which related drainage density to hydrology, there was insufficient emphasis on the role of climate in its effect on drainage density. Re-examination of the relation of drainage density to base flow in the 15 basins originally described has revealed additional evidence that base flow is affected by precipitation or recharge (a climatic variable), while varying inversely with drainage density.

Within the climatic region studied in the earlier paper (the Humid Subtropical Climate of the eastern U. S.), no evidence could be found that amount or intensity of rainfall affected the intensity of flood runoff or the scale of drainage density. In comparison with other climates, however, such as the Marine West Coast Climate, it is possible that the less intense precipitation of a marine climate may result in lower runoff intensities and lower drainage densities, however the lower mean temperatures of such climates may develop soils of generally higher infiltration capacity which would produce lower drainage densities.

A progressive increase in aridity results in a decrease in soil and vegetal cover which greatly magnifies the range of drainage densities characteristic of semi-arid regions. In such regions, where the land sur-face has a good infiltration capacity rainfall sinks readily into the dry soil (although recharge to ground water may be negligible), and runoff is virtually zero, as is drainage density, Impermeable terranes devoid of vegetal and soil cover reject the rain, runoff is briefly total and drainage density may be greatly magnified, as in the South Dakota Badlands, where drainage density runs into the hundreds. Arid or Desert Climates should produce erosional landforms with generally high drainage densities, though not reaching the magnitudes of drainage density found in the semi-arid badlands where rainfall intensities are much higher.  相似文献   

Observations made during archaeological work at sites associated with alluvial deposits, and engineering geology investigations at dam sites on rivers in Western Maharashtra indicate that the complexity of palaeoclimatic and geomorphic developments in this region during recent times has not been fully recognised. The rivers show unmistakable signs of recent rejuvenation. They have deepended their channels upto 75 feet through alluvial deposits and bedrock basalts, and gorges and entrenched meanders are common. The alluvium is predominantly silty with irregular patches and lenses of sandy and pebbly material. Stone tools and animal fossils found in the alluvial deposits indicate a late Pleistocene age for them. The rivers at the beginning of the period under consideration must have been aggrading with extensive flood plains, heavier sediment loads and higher discharges in a wetter climate. After having covered their flood plains with thick alluvial deposits the streams were rejuvenated, possibly through epeirogenic uplift and then the present superimposed drainage pattern developed. Most streams are misfits in their valleys, and it is necessary to investigate whether any drainage changes have taken place in recent times.  相似文献   

Landscape adjustment to tectonic, lithologic and climatic forcing leads to drainage reorganization and migration of divides. The respective contribution of these forcings, especially on carbonate landscapes is not well defined. Here, we have addressed this issue by combining field observations, satellite image interpretation and digital elevation model (DEM) quantitative analysis to assess drainage response to spatially heterogeneous rainfall, asymmetric uplift, and normal faulting on an emerging carbonated platform (Sumba Island, Indonesia). We map geomorphic markers of fluvial dynamics and drainage rearrangement and compute a χ parameter that incorporates the contributions of unevenly distributed precipitation and asymmetric uplift to estimate erosional disequilibrium across drainage divides. We find that asymmetric emergence of Sumba Island created an initial parallel drainage, asymmetric across a divide that propagates landwards. Soon after establishing itself on the emerging slopes this drainage was disturbed by normal faulting, which has become the main force driving drainage rearrangement. Vertical offsets across normal fault scarps first triggered aggradation within valleys over the hanging walls, and then disconnected upstream reaches from downstream reaches, leading to the formation of wind gaps atop the fault scarps and upstream perched sedimentary basins. The defeat of rivers by growing fault scarps was catalysed by the possibility for surface water to be rerouted near the fault scarps into underground water networks inside the underlying carbonates. At the end of the process, the opposite drainage across the main water divide captured the struggling drainage. Capture mechanisms include initial groundwater capture of the perched alluvial aquifers, followed by ground sapping at the head of the opposite drainage and surface stream diversion by avulsion. Finally, normal faulting is the main driving force of drainage rearrangement allowing avulsion and karstic rerouting whereas asymmetric uplift and climate forcings have shown a low efficiency. The role of karstification is more ambiguous, catalysing or inhibiting drainage rearrangement. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Headwater streams drain the majority of most landscapes, yet less is known about their morphology and sediment transport processes than for lowland rivers. We have studied headwater channel form, discharge and erosive power in the humid, moderate‐relief Valley and Ridge and Blue Ridge provinces of the Appalachian Mountains. Field observations from nine headwater (<2 km2 drainage area), mixed bedrock–alluvial channels in a variety of boundary conditions demonstrate variation with respect to slope‐area channel initiation, basic morphology, slope distribution, hydraulic geometry, substrate grain size and role of woody debris. These channels display only some of the typical downstream trends expected of larger, lowland rivers. Variations are controlled mainly by differences in bedrock resistance, from the formation level down to short‐wavelength, outcrop‐scale variations. Hydrologic modeling on these ungauged channels estimates the recurrence of channel‐filling discharge and its ability to erode the channel bed. Two‐year recurrence discharge is generally larger and closer to bankfull height in the Valley and Ridge, due to low soil infiltration capacity. Discharge that fills the channel to its surveyed bankfull form is variable, generally exceeding two‐year flows at small drainage areas (<0·5 km2) and being exceeded by them at greater drainage areas. This suggests bankfull is not controlled by the same recurrence storm throughout a channel or physiographic region. Stream power and relative competence are also variable. These heterogeneities contrast relations observed in larger streams and illustrate the sensitivity of headwater channels to local knickpoints of resistant bedrock and armoring of channels by influx of coarse debris from hillslopes. The general lack of predictable trends or functional relationships among hydraulic variables and the close coupling of channel form and function with local boundary conditions indicate that headwater streams pose a significant challenge to landscape evolution modeling. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A typical gully sub-basin with a complex geomorphological form is used to do a model test of gravity erosion of loess by considering the sequence of slopes in a prototype gully creating a sequence of underlying surface forms in the upper reaches. The results show that the runoff from heavy rainfall is the main external force for the erosion of loess, and also is an important influencing factor to stimulate and intensify the development of gravity erosion. The soil structure and the height of the...  相似文献   

During past decades, a diverse system of subsistence agriculture in south‐east Spain (annual rainfall of less than 300 mm) has been overturned in favour of large‐scale plantations of almond trees without consideration for topography and related spatial patterns in soil hydrological properties. The objective of this paper is to investigate the spatial pattern in soil physical properties induced by this cultivation system, and to highlight its impact on the water balance. Soil properties were recorded along hillslopes with shallow soils developed on slates and greywackes in the upper part of the Guadelentin drainage basin (Murcia region). Frequent tillage of these almond plantations covering entire hillslopes has resulted in denudation by tillage erosion on the topographic convexities, as well as transport of rock fragments and fine earth along the slopes. These processes have created a systematic spatial pattern of soil thickness and rock fragment content: shallow and stony soils on the topographic convexities and deep soils with a rock fragment mulch in the concavities at the foot of the slopes. At the same time, a negative relationship between rock fragment content and fine earth bulk density was observed. The impact of this spatial pattern in soil properties on the water balance was evaluated using the PATTERN one‐dimensional hydrological and plant growth model. The model simulates the water balance of soil profiles covering the observed variation in soil thickness, stoniness and bulk density. The model results indicate that the highest rates of infiltration, evaporation and drainage, as well as the lowest rates of overland flow are restricted to shallow soils on the hilltops. In contrast, the deeper soils in the valley bottoms produce a more stable moisture regime than shallower soils, which tend to saturate and dry out quickly. These model results are in agreement with the spatial patterns of almond productivity: an asymptotic increase with soil thickness. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hillslopes are thought to poorly record tectonic signals in threshold landscapes. Numerous previous studies of steep landscapes suggest that large changes in long‐term erosion rate lead to little change in mean hillslope angle, measured at coarse resolution. New LiDAR‐derived topography data enables a finer examination of threshold hillslopes. Here we quantify hillslope response to tectonic forcing in a threshold landscape. To do so, we use an extensive cosmogenic beryllium‐10 (10Be)‐based dataset of catchment‐averaged erosion rates combined with a 500 km2 LiDAR‐derived 1 m digital elevation model to exploit a gradient of tectonic forcing and topographic relief in the San Gabriel Mountains, California. We also calibrate a new method of quantifying rock exposure from LiDAR‐derived slope measurements using high‐resolution panoramic photographs. Two distinct trends in hillslope behavior emerge: below catchment‐mean slopes of 30°, modal slopes increase with mean slopes, slope distribution skewness decreases with increasing mean slope, and bedrock exposure is limited; above mean slopes of 30°, our rock exposure index increases strongly with mean slope, and the prevalence of angle‐of‐repose debris wedges keeps modal slopes near 37°, resulting in a positive relationship between slope distribution skewness and mean slope. We find that both mean slopes and rock exposure increase with erosion rate up to 1 mm/a, in contrast to previous work based on coarser topographic data. We also find that as erosion rates increase, the extent of the fluvial network decreases, while colluvial channels extend downstream, keeping the total drainage density similar across the range. Our results reveal important textural details lost in 10 or 30 m resolution digital elevation models of steep landscapes, and highlight the need for process‐based studies of threshold hillslopes and colluvial channels. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Range-front alluvial fan deposition in arid and semiarid environments records vast amounts of climatic and tectonic information. Differentiating and characterizing alluvial fan morphology is an important part in Quaternary alluvial fan research. Traditional method such as field observations is a most important part of deciphering and mapping the alluvial fan. Large-scale automatically mapping of alluvial fan stratigraphy before traditional field observations could provide guidance for mapping alluvial fan morphology, thus improving subsequent field work efficiency. In this research, high-resolution topographic data were used to quantify relief and roughness of alluvial fan within the Laohushan. These data suggest that mean surface roughness plotted against the size of the moving window is characterized by an initial increase in surface roughness with increased window size, but it shows no longer increase as a function of windows size. These data also suggest that alluvial fans in this study site smooth out with time until a threshold is crossed where roughness increases at greater wavelength with age as a result of surface runoff and headward tributary incision into the oldest surfaces which suggests the evolution process of alluvial fan. Researchers usually differentiate alluvial morphology by mapping characteristics of fan surface in the field by describing surface clast size, rock varnish accumulation, and desert pavement development and analysis of aerial photographs or satellite imagery. Recently, the emergence of high-resolution topographic data has renewed interest in the quantitative characterization of alluvial and colluvium landforms. Surface morphology that fan surface initially tends to become smoother with increasing age due to the formation of desert pavement and the degradation of bar-and-swale topography and subsequently, landforms become more dissected due to tectonics and climatic change induced increased erosion and channelization of the surface with time is widely used to distinguish alluvial fan types. Those characteristics would reflect various kinds of morphology metrics extracted from high-resolution topographic data. In the arid and semiarid regions of northwestern China, plenty of alluvial fans are preserved completely for lack of artificial reforming, and there exists sparse surface vegetation. In the meantime, range-front alluvial fan displaced by a number of active faults formed a series of dislocated landforms with different offsets which is a major reference mark in fault activity research. In this research, six map units(Qf6-Qf1), youngest to oldest, were observed in the study area by mapping performed by identifying geomorphic features in the field that are spatially discernible using hill-shade and digital orthophoto map. Alluvial fan relief and roughness were computed across multiple observation scales(2m×2m to 100m×100m)based on the topographic parameters of altitude difference and standard deviation of slope, curvature and aspect. In this research, mean relief keeps increasing with increased window size while mean surface roughness is characterized by a rapid increase over wavelengths of 6~15m, representing the typical length scale of bar-and-swale topography. At longer wavelengths, surface roughness values increase by only minor amounts, suggesting the topographic saturation length is 6~15m for those fan surfaces in which saturation length of standard deviation of curvature is less than 8m. Box and whisker plot of surface roughness averaged over 8m2 for each alluvial fan unit in the study area suggests that the pattern of surfaces smoothing out with age and then starting to become rougher again as age increases further beyond Qf4 or Qf3 unit. The younger alluvial fan is characterized by prominent bar-and-swale while the older alluvial fan is characterized by tributaries headward incision. Cumulative frequency distributions of relief and surface roughness in Figure 8 are determined in an 8m by 8m moving window for the comparison of six alluvial fan units in the northeast piedmont of Laohushan. From these distributions we know that Qf6 and Qf1 reflect the prominent relief which is related to bar-and-swale and tributaries headward incision respectively, while Qf4 and Qf3 reflect the moderate relief which is related to subdued topography. Surface roughness, in addition to facilitating the characterization of individual fan units, lends insight to alluvial landform development. We summarize an alluvial landform evolutionary scheme which evolves four stages depending on characteristics of alluvial fan morphology development and features of relief and roughness. The initial stage in this study site is defined as the active alluvial fan channels with bars of coarse cobbles and boulders and swales consisting of finer-grained pebbles and sand which could be reflected by high mean relief and mean roughness values. As time goes, bar-and-swale topography is still present, but an immature pavement, composed of finer grained clasts, has started to form. In the third stage, the bar-and-swale topography on the fan surface is subdued, yet still observable, with clasts ranging from pebbles to cobbles in size and there exists obvious headward tributary incision. Eventually, tributary channels form from erosion by surface runoff. Headward incision of these tributaries wears down the steep walls of channels that are incised through the stable, planar surface, transforming the oldest alluvial landforms into convex hillslopes, leaving only small remnants of the planar surface intact. Those evolutionary character suggests that alluvial fans in this area smooth out with time, however, relief or roughness would be translated to increase at greater wavelength with age until a threshold is crossed. This research suggests that relief and roughness calculated from high-resolution topographic data of this study site could reflect alluvial fan morphology development and provide constraint data to differentiate alluvial fan unit.  相似文献   

The tectonically stable central highlands of Sri Lanka and its alluvial valleys are the source areas and sinks, respectively, for one of the most prolific Quaternary gemstone provinces in the world. However, the known 10Be/26Al cosmogenic‐nuclide‐determined low natural (preanthropogenic) denudation rates of 2–11 mm kyr?1, and resulting sediment fluxes, are grossly inadequate to deliver the vast throughputs of overburden required to concentrate the known gemstone deposits. Basin‐wide, unstable, slow‐moving channelized landslides and debris flows, aided by biotic factors, are the dominant mechanisms of mass‐wasting on hill‐slopes and bulk delivery of sediment to the alluvial valleys and fluvial networks. Channelization ensures modulated sediment transfer and run‐out during an erosional–depositional continuum. In a selected inventory of landslides, mobilized sediment volumes ranged from less than 1000 cubic metres to a maximum of ~800 000 cubic metres per event. Monsoonal rainfall (both cumulative seasonal and total daily thresholds) is the primary external factor, which interacts with colluvium thickness and steep slopes in triggering landslides. There are three to five ‘threshold’ rainfall events per year in the highlands that can be expected to generate landslides. They can occur under conditions of decreasing daily rainfall as the seasonal total rainfall increases. GIS databases show a very significant spatial overlap and direct causal linkage between several hundred landslide occurrences and the innumerable gem pits and mines in the catchments of the best known mining region of Sri Lanka. Landslide‐associated mass movements, besides providing significant numbers of gemstones to the alluvial valleys over time, are also a fundamental factor in the geomorphic evolution of the rugged central highland landscape. Rainfall‐driven landslide activity may be a natural geological response affecting erosional equilibrium in high‐relief tectonically stable terrains. Climatically forced base level changes will, over time, control sediment storage, removal or reworking in the valleys. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four areas were selected to represent a range of processes characteristic of badland surfaces in southeast Spain: Petrer and Monnegre in Alicante, Vera and Tabernas in Almería. At Petrer, rilling and swelling processes produce a deeply cracked surface drained by a finely textured network of shallow rills. At Monnegre, piping and rilling are differentially developed on slopes ultimately controlled by basal incision. At Vera, aspect-controlled lichen and vegetation cover produce a sequence of badland development within which the relative importance of piping, mass movement and rilling varies through the sequence. At Tabernas, simple overland flow is the dominant process, but aspect influences rill network density and badland evolution. The factors controlling badland development can be grouped into those related to gross morphology, to surface cover and runoff generation, and to material properties. These factors are effective over varying timescales, implying that morphological response times differ among the selected badlands.  相似文献   

Activities of 26Al and 10Be in five chert clasts sampled from two beach ridges of late Pleistocene Lake Lisan, precursor of the Dead Sea in southern Israel, indicate low rates of chert bedrock erosion and complex exposure, burial, and by inference, transport histories. The chert clasts were derived from the Senonian Mishash Formation, a chert‐bearing chalk, which is widely exposed in the Nahal Zin drainage basin, the drainage system that supplied most of the material to the beach ridges. Simple exposure ages, assuming only exposure at the beach ridge sampling sites, range from 35 to 354 ky; using the ratio 26Al/10Be, total clast histories range from 0·46 to 4·3 My, unrelated to the clasts' current position and exposure period on the late Pleistocene beach ridges, 160–177 m below sea level. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of fine sediments from the same and nearby beach ridges yielded ages of 20·0 ± 1·4 ka and 36·1 ± 3·3 ka. These ages are supported by the degree of soil development on the beach ridges and correspond well with previously determined ages of Lake Lisan, which suggest that the lake reached its highest stand around 27 000 cal. years BP . If the clasts were exposed only once and than buried beyond the range of significant cosmogenic nuclide production, then the minimum initial exposure and the total burial times before delivery to the beach ridge are in the ranges 50–1300 ky and 390–3130 ky respectively. Alternatively, the initial cosmogenic dosing could have occurred during steady erosion of the source bedrock. Back calculating such rates of rock erosion suggests values between 0·4 and 12 m My?1. The relatively long burial periods indicate extended sediment storage as colluvium on slopes and/or as alluvial deposits in river terraces. Some clasts may have been stored for long periods in abandoned Pliocene and early Pleistocene routes of Nahal Zin to the Mediterranean before being transported again back into the Nahal Zin drainage system and washed on to the shores of Lake Lisan during the late Pleistocene. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Badland landscapes exhibit high erosion rates and represent the main source of fine sediments in some catchments. Advances in high-resolution topographic methods allow analysis of topographic changes at high temporal and spatial scales. We apply the Mapping Geomorphic Processes in the Environment (MaGPiE) algorithm to infer the main geomorphic process signatures operating in two sub-humid badlands with contrasting morphometric attributes located in the Southern Pyrenees. By interrogating a 5-year dataset of seasonal and annual topographic changes, we examine the variability of geomorphic processes at multiple temporal scales. The magnitude of geomorphic processes is linked to landform attributes and meteorological variables. Morphometric differences between both adjacent badlands allow us to analyse the role of landform attributes in the main geomorphic process reshaping landscapes subjected to the same external forcing (i.e. rainfall and temperature). The dominant geomorphic process signatures observed in both badlands are different, despite their close proximity and the same rainfall and temperature regimes. Process signatures determining surface lowering in the gently sloping south-facing badland, characterized by lower connectivity and more vegetation cover, are driven by surface runoff-based processes, both diffuse (causing sheet washing) and concentrated (determining cutting and filling, rilling and gullying). The steeper, more connected north-facing slopes of the other badland are reshaped by means of gravitational processes, with mass wasting dominating topographic changes. In terms of processes determining surface raising, both mass wasting and cutting and filling are most frequently observed in both badlands. There is a clear near-balanced feedback between both surface-raising and -lowering processes that becomes unbalanced at larger temporal scales due to the thresholds overcome, as the volume associated with surface lowering becomes higher than that associated with raising-based processes. Rainfall variables control surface flow processes, while those variables associated with low temperature have a significant relation with mass movement-based processes and other localized processes such as regolith cohesion loss. Finally, our results point out that morphometry (slope and connectivity) together with vegetation cover are key factors determining geomorphic processes and associated topographic changes. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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