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A comprehensive, though relatively simple, non-linear method for the seismic damage analysis of reinforced concrete buildings (the N2 method) has been elaborated. The basic features of the method are: the use of two separate mathematical models, application of the response spectrum approach and of the non-linear static analysis, and the choice of a damage model which includes cumulative damage. The method yields results of reasonable accuracy provided that the structure oscillates predominantly in the first mode. Three variants of a seven-storey building have been used as illustrative examples for the application of the method. Four different types of the analysis, with different degrees of sophistication, have been performed in order to estimate the influence of several assumptions and approximations used in the N2 method.  相似文献   

本文概述了引起震害损失评定误差的主要因素。通过实际震害评定资料,定量分析了震害损失评估中各因素形成误差数值的大小。采用以采样平均相对误差或采样均方误差及损失值相对误差来评估震害评定质量的方法,并通过分析给出综合衡量评定精度的量化指标,对震害经济损失评定准确度进行评估。  相似文献   

通过对高层建筑物的沉降进行跟踪观测,获得建筑物沉降的准确数据.分析地基在不同荷载作用下随时间沉降的规律,为高层建筑物施工和运营安全提供数据保证.通过对建筑物野外观察及沉降数据讨论,分析建筑物沉降原因.  相似文献   

皖东北地区位于郯庐断裂带中南段附近,具备发生中强地震的构造背景。本文基于现场调查,并结合汶川地震震害情况,对皖东北地区中小学校舍的抗震能力与抗震设防现状进行分析,对存在的问题及对策进行探讨,以期促进该地区中小学校舍安全工程的顺利实施,进一步提高中小学校舍的抗震设防能力。  相似文献   

提供两个高效而实用的FORTRAN程序(例行子程序形式),用于对称三对角矩阵的两个计算问题(其一是线性代数方程组的求解,其二是广义特征值问题的计算)。在工程应用中,它们可用于多层建筑的振动特性分析、反应谱法地震变形计算、Pushover静力推覆分析和时程法地震反应分析等问题中。  相似文献   

本文在文献[2,1]所建立的平衡重体系运动方程的基础上,对高层建筑电梯系统中平衡重体系的动力特性进行了探讨,给出了求解该体系自振频率的近似方法,通过对一幢14层建筑内的平衡重体系进行的大量地震反应分析,研究了其动力反应沿建筑物高度变化的一般规律,给出了最大反应所处的位置。本文的工作为实施和推广文献[1]所提出的平衡重体系的抗震控制措施奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

本文以沈阳市世纪华丰文化广场工程场地为例,在地震危险性分析的基础上,进行土层地震反应分析,对超高层建筑设计地震动参数的确定进行研究,为抗震设计提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

高层建筑结构的抗震可靠度分析与优化设计   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
本文根据我们在文献2中给出的等效随机地震静力作用模型,紧密结合规范和利用我们在文献6中提出的结构体系可靠度分析的最弱失效模式法,提出了结构构件和体系“小震不坏”和“大震不倒”及结构体系在设计基准期内的抗震可靠度分析方法;重新校准了结构构件的目标可靠度指标;综合考虑结构造价和损失期望,提出了结构体系抗震目标可靠度的优化决策方法;分别给出了满足构件抗震目标可靠指标与同时满足构件和体系抗震目标可靠指标的  相似文献   

浅析日本建筑抗震技术体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本每年发生有感地震约1000多次,其中6级以上的地震每年至少发生1次。频繁的地震灾害使日本的抗震技术快速发展、完善,并形成了比较完整的技术体系。本文将介绍日本建筑抗震技术体系的各个方面,希望能为同样是地震重灾国的我国,提供借鉴,引起更多研究者的思考。  相似文献   

The effect of higher modes on the maximum response of buildings subjected to one horizontal component of earthquake ground motion is discussed with the objective of developing better design formulas for use in building design. Ideal buildings of different numbers of storeys and structural systems are defined; their dynamic properties that define higher mode contribution are identified and are shown to be representative of real buildings. Design formulas that give the required number of modes to be used in a dynamic analysis are developed from parametric studies as a function of the admissible error, the number of storeys and the relation between the fundamental period and the corner spectrum period. The recommendations are simple to use and more rational and accurate than the ones actually in use in most seismic design codes.  相似文献   

This paper addresses some key issues which have been the subject of dispute in recent years in studying the seismic torsional response of asymmetric structures. These issues include the interpretation of the code accidental torsional provision, and the influence of the force reduction factor and of the uncoupled lateral period, on the torsional response of asymmetric structures. The responses of single-storey torsionally unbalanced structural models, designed in accordance with the torsional provisions of seismic building codes in Europe, the United States and Canada, and subjected to seismic ground motions corresponding to both the serviceability and ultimate limit states, are studied analytically. On the basis of a better understanding of the above issues as achieved in this study, the performance of code-designed torsionally unbalanced structures for both limit states is assessed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A study on the seismic performance of asymmetric structures with non-linear behaviour and random properties is presented. The structural response of single-storey models, designed using different code criteria is studied using both a deterministic and a probabilistic approach. The worst structural behaviour, in terms of ductility demands, is obtained for symmetric models considering uncertain properties. It is shown that an arbitrary increase of the total lateral strength of the structures does not lead to an increment of the structural safety proportional to the total lateral strength increase, implying that an expensive structure is not always the safest. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Results of a parameter study on eccentric pounding of two symmetric single storey systems under seismic excitation are presented. Linear behaviour is assumed, and pounding effect is considered using the restitution coefficient approach. The effect of impact eccentricity is studied on two sets of symmetric models symmetrically and asymmetrically aligned with respect to each other for several gap widths, period dependent gaps and three values of the torsional-to-lateral frequency ratio. Two time histories are used for input. On the whole it was found that impact eccentricity amplifies the response relative to symmetric impact but the effect is not proportional to first impact eccentricity. Also, increasing gap width is likely to be effective when the separation is sufficiently wide practically to eliminate contact. Larger torsional rigidity tends to lower response amplification. SRSS code-type gaps appear to be adequate, or even excessive, when the design spectrum is compatible with the expected earthquake record at the site.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the application of the sliding mode control (SMC) scheme is discussed in a systematic manner for controlling the vibration of tall buildings with an Active Tuned Mass Damper (ATMD) installed at the top floor. It is shown that the application of the SMC theory for buildings with ATMD may lead to large responses in the building due to the interaction effect from the ATMD caused by the comparatively large response of the ATMD. Based on the theory of compensators, a method is proposed which eliminates the interaction effect from the ATMD to the building and thus prevents large response in the building. The results are demonstrated through simple numerical examples of building–ATMD system subjected to initial condition loading as well as two different types of external excitations. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王玉梅  罗奇峰 《地震研究》2000,23(3):361-367
以云南省破坏性地震中砌体结构房屋的典型震害实例,分析、总结了影响砌体结构抗震性能的措施和经验。针对按现行抗震规范设防后仍要遭受巨大经济损失这一事实,作试图从抗震设计规范的基本理念上分析引起破坏的原因,从而指出研究结构性能设计理论的必要性。  相似文献   

六安-霍山地震危险区地震活动和地震构造   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
运用深、浅部构造对比方法与宏、微观构造解析技术 ,结合历史地震资料分析结果 ,探讨了中强震过渡区地震构造环境的研究途径。圈定出六安 -霍山地震危险区。对该地震危险区进行立体综合剖析 ,推演出未来中强震发生的空间部位 ,并预测了研究区未来可能发生地震的震源深度、震级、地震等震线长轴衰减方向等参  相似文献   

随机结构分析的扩阶系统方法(Ⅱ)——结构动力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述随机结构系统在确定性时程激励下的分析方法。文中提供的扩阶系统动力方程的一般公式,适用于同时具有随机质量、随机阻尼、随机刚度参数的多自由度动力系统。文中并对此扩阶动力方程建议了基于线性加速度假定的递归聚缩算法。  相似文献   

通过对沈阳范围内的89290栋建筑物基础数据的计算分析,综合评价建筑物状况,并预测沈阳市内的建筑物在地震来临时,可能遭遇的震损情况,并由此为城市防震减灾提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper proposes the Linear-Saturation (LS) control as a new and suitable control algorithm for buildings with an Active Mass Damper (AMD) system. It takes into account the physical constraints on the AMD system and uncertainties in the loading. The LS control consists of a low-gain linear control when the system is close to the zero state and bang-bang control otherwise. This paper provides a precise formulation of the saturation control and presents optimal solutions which can be implemented in the state space. A numerical scheme to synthesize the switching surface which is needed to implement the bang-bang control is developed. Furthermore, a method to demarcate the region for linear control is proposed. The effectiveness of the LS control is verified through numerical simulations with one- and multi-storey buildings subjected to earthquakes. It is shown that the LS control provides better performance compared to even the gain-scheduled LQ control.  相似文献   

高层钢筋混凝土结构抗震选型的模糊专家系统   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本文在专家调查和文献资料收集事理的基础上,建立了高层钢筋混凝土结构抗震选型的影响因素。因素关系及其模糊量化的知识表示方法;针对结构选型因素的层次性,提出了层因素逐级综合的模糊推理方法;在开发工具C-ADVISOR上具体建造了此类结构抗震选型的专家系统。  相似文献   

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