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During the recent earthquakes in Japan and the U.S.A. a number of records from liquefied‐soil sites have been obtained. The ground motion parameters from these sites were studied and several methods for detection of liquefaction from seismic records were developed. The methods, however, focus mainly on the horizontal ground motion and may interpret as liquefaction‐induced some records from soft‐soil deposits or records with dominant surface waves, at which sites the phenomenon was not observed. Besides, not all of the available records from liquefied sites were processed. In this paper, after examination of the ability of different types of ground motion parameters to indicate alone soil liquefaction we propose a new liquefaction detection method that simultaneously analyses instantaneous frequency content of the horizontal and the vertical ground acceleration. We also compare performance of the proposed method with that of the other liquefaction detection methods. The computations are carried out using a common data set including records from liquefied and non‐liquefied sites. Results show that the frequency‐related parameters and the proposed method detect more efficiently the occurrence of liquefaction from the seismic records. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake, MW = 7.6, caused severe damage in the near-fault region of the earthquake. In order to evaluate site effects in the near-field strong motions we estimate S-wave velocity structures of sediments at four sites using array records of microtremors. We also recalculated S-wave velocity structures at other four sites previously reported. To show the validity of the estimated S-wave velocity structures we separate empirical site responses from aftershock records using the generalized inversion method and show the agreement between empirical and theoretical site responses. We also show an observed fact that suggests soil nonlinearity during the Chi-Chi earthquake by comparing horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVRs) for main shock records with HVRs for aftershock records. Then we calculate one-dimensional equivalent-linear site responses using the estimated S-wave velocity structures and the main shock records observed on the surface. It is found that site amplification due to thick (about 6 km) sediments is one of the important factors for explaining the long-period velocity pulses of about 5 to 10 sec observed at sites in the footwall during the Chi-Chi earthquake. It is also found that the theoretical site responses of shallow soft sediments at sites that sustained severe damage in the hanging wall shows significant amplification around 1 sec. As the amplitude of velocity pulses with period around 1 sec is most critical in causing damage to ordinary buildings of moderate heights, our results suggest that the 1-sec period velocity pulses, amplified by the site response of shallow sediments should contribute to the severe damage during the Chi-Chi earthquake.  相似文献   

目前基于海底实测记录的分析发现海底与陆地地震动特性存在明显差异,但难以进一步确定海底地震动特性的影响因素.在以往研究的基础上对比同次地震中相邻海底台站间地震动特性的差异,并分析造成差异的原因.以日本K-NET地震台网中6个海底强震台站及其相邻不同场地条件陆地台站监测的8次强震记录为研究对象,通过分析强震记录的峰值加速度...  相似文献   

We report site response in Las Vegas Valley (LVV) from historical recordings of Nevada Test Site (NTS) nuclear explosions and earthquake recordings from permanent and temporary seismic stations. Our data set significantly improves the spatial coverage of LVV over previous studies, especially in the northern, deeper parts of the basin. Site response at stations in LVV was measured for frequencies in the range 0.2–5.0 Hz using Standard Spectral Ratios (SSR) and Horizontal-Vertical Spectral Ratios (HVR). For the SSR measurements we used a reference site (approximately NEHRP B ``rock' classification) located on Frenchman Mountain outside the basin. Site response at sedimentary sites is variable in LVV with average amplifications approaching a factor of 10 at some frequencies. We observed peaks in the site response curves at frequencies clustered near 0.6, 1.2 and 2.0 Hz, with some sites showing additional lower amplitude peaks at higher frequencies. The spatial pattern of site response is strongly correlated with the reported depth to basement for frequencies between 0.2 and 3.0 Hz, although the frequency of peak amplification does not show a similar correlation. For a few sites where we have geotechnical shear velocities, the amplification shows a correlation with the average upper 30-meter shear velocities, V30. We performed two-dimensional finite difference simulations and reproduced the observed peak site amplifications at 0.6 and 1.2 Hz with a low velocity near-surface layer with shear velocities 600–750 m/s and a thickness of 100–200 m. These modeling results indicate that the amplitude and frequencies of site response peaks in LVV are strongly controlled by shallow velocity structure.  相似文献   

A semi-empirical approach using fore- or after-shockrecords as Green's functions is applicable to thesimulation of strong ground motion, however suchrecords are obviously not available for predictionpurposes. Thus we have predicted ground motion fora hypothetical large earthquake from other minorevents by adopting a distance correction based ongeometrical spreading. Another difficulty inprediction is fault modeling. Surface traces weresimplified as fault models 27, 46, 55, and 77 km inlength. Further, the actual fault rupture may beinhomogeneous, so an asperity distribution isassumed. This asperity model assumes thatdislocation and stress drop are double than theaverage values. Although, the near field term isneglected in our simulation, no significantdifference was seen in the motions estimated byindividual models for periods up to 2.0 seconds. This indicates that the dependence of source size issmall for strong motion, perhaps as a result of therandom summation of high-frequency phases.  相似文献   

In this paper, an analytical, numerical and experimental approach for identifying soil profile characteristics by using system identification and free field records, is presented. First, a theoretical soil amplification function for two sites is defined and expressed in terms of the different parameters of the layers constituting the soil profiles (thickness, damping ratio, shear wave velocity and unit weight). Then, this function is smoothed with an analogous function obtained from experimental data by using the least squares minimization technique. The identification of the parameters is performed by solving, numerically, a non-linear optimisation problem. To demonstrate the numerical efficiency and the validity of this approach, two examples are treated. The first one consists in the identification of characteristics of a given uniform soil layer. The second example consists in the experimental validation of this approach with the data recorded within the Garner Valley Down Hole Array (GVDA). Finally, this approach is applied to identify, simultaneously, soil profile characteristics of sites from only a single soil acceleration record at free surface of each site. This procedure is utilised to identify soil profile characteristics of sites by using strong ground motions data recorded during the recent Boumerdes earthquake of May 21, 2003.  相似文献   


2016年4月15日16时25分(UTC),日本熊本县发生MW7.1强烈地震,给当地人员、建筑及经济造成严重灾难和巨大损失.日本地震观测网F-net给出的震源机制解显示此次地震的震源位置为130.7630°E,32.7545°N,深度12.45 km,节面Ⅰ:走向N131°E、倾角53°、滑动角-7°;节面Ⅱ:走向N226°E、倾角84°、滑动角-142°.与此同时,余震的震中分布及其震源机制结果显示主震的震源机制在破裂过程中有可能发生了变化,单一的震源机制不足以充分解释观测数据.本文依据GNSS和InSAR地表形变反演结果为约束,并结合活动构造资料为参考,构建了震源机制变化的有限断层模型,采用水平层状介质模型,利用日本强震观测台网K-NET和KiK-net的近场加速度观测记录,通过多时间窗线性波形反演方法反演了此次地震的震源破裂过程.研究结果显示,这是一次沿Futagawa-Hinagu断层带发生的右旋走滑破裂事件,发震断层分为南北两段,其中北段走向N235°E、倾角60°,南段走向N205°E、倾角72°,断层深度范围和余震深度分布基本一致,断层面上滑动主要集中于断层北段,最大滑动量约7.9 m,整个断层的破裂过程持续约18 s,释放地震矩5.47×1019 N·m(MW7.1).


Introduction A good deal of attention was paid to the amplification response of soil layers under the earthquake waves,especially by the engineering seismologists.  相似文献   

张振斌  唐丽华 《地震研究》2011,34(2):183-187
利用2008年10月5日新疆乌恰6.8级地震时新疆强震动观测台记录的S波资料和脉动观测资料,采用Nakamura方法计算了这些强震观测台的场地响应.结果表明:(1)地震记录前10 s的脉动场地响应明显大于测试脉动和地震记录S波的场地响应,是测试脉动和记录S波场地响应的3倍,而测试脉动场地响应和S波记录场地响应基本相符....  相似文献   

The 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M w 8.0) in northern Japan generated large-amplitude long-period (4–8 s) ground motions in the Yufutsu sedimentary basin, causing severe damage to seven large oil storage tanks with floating roof structures because of severe sloshing of oil. The 30,000–40,000-m3 tanks having suffered the severe damage such as fires and sinking of floating roofs experienced the sloshing with large amplitudes exceeding 3 m in which the fundamental mode was predominant. The second mode of sloshing was also excited in the 110,000-m3 tanks in which their floating roofs sank into oil, indicating that the higher modes of sloshing as well as the fundamental mode should be considered in damage prediction. The strong ground motion recordings demonstrated the earthquake dependency of predominant periods and the substantial spatial variation of the long-period shaking observed within the Yufutsu basin, meaning the necessity of source- and site-specific prediction of long-period strong ground motions. The two-dimensional numerical modeling suggested the importance of detailed structures of soft near-surface sediments as well as deep basin structure for accurate prediction of long-period strong ground motions in deep sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Strong ground motion observed at an instrumented hill site is first analysed through the standard (SSR) and the horizontal-to-vertical (HVSR) spectral ratio techniques. A reasonable agreement is found between these approaches. The observations are then compared with 3D numerical simulations, performed with a highly efficient numerical code based on a spectral method, that allowed for reasonable computer times also on a PC. The observed amplification is significantly higher than that computed with a 3D homogeneous model of the mountain, suggesting that local response is governed by large-scale and small-scale soil heterogeneities rather than by topographic site effects. The introduction of a local near-surface inclusion of nonhomogeneous soil material under one of the recording stations has not significantly improved the numerical results. The observed data are also compared with the results of simplified simulations, either using 2D homogeneous models or coupling the 3D response with a 1D local soil profile. The results of such simplified approaches are discussed and their usefulness is emphasised.  相似文献   

王德才  叶献国  常磊 《地震学报》2011,33(1):91-102
建立简单适用的设计输入能量谱是将能量方法应用于实际工程设计及校核的前提.选择了Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类场地共694条水平地震动记录,分析了不同的场地类别和设计地震分组下输入能量谱的特点.通过12个不同地震动参数与能量谱值的相关性分析,得到了表征地震动输入能量的地震动参数.基于我国现行规范规定的设防烈度和设防水准,提出了地震分组...  相似文献   

2016年8月24日在意大利佩鲁贾地区发生M_W 6.2地震,截至北京时间2016年8月25日8时,共获得强震记录192组,分析地震动PGA、反应谱以及能量参数的衰减特征。研究结果表明:(1)峰值。此次地震PGA100 cm/s~2记录的水平平均反应谱在短周期明显大于欧洲的设计谱。两水平方向平均反应谱谱比小于1.5,并且在短周期(T0.5 s)谱比差值变化较大,说明此次地震EW向地震动对短周期结构物影响较大;(2)衰减特性。整体看来,此次地震中的PGA值均不同程度低于中国第五代区划图中的中强地震区、中国西部地区、美国西部地区以及欧洲中小地震衰减模型的预测值,且衰减快。Arias强度的衰减变化趋势与Travasarou等的理论模型基本一致,但均小于理论模型值;(3)持时。此次地震的相对持时随震中距增大有逐渐增大趋势,持时均大于Kempton及McQuire的理论模型,表明此次地震的能量释放时间较长。此次意大利地震的地震动参数特征研究表明,该地震具有能量衰减快、持续时间长、对短周期结构物影响较大等特点,验证了此次地震破坏集中在近场、远场震害相对较轻的结论,这也是造成本次地震灾害严重的主要原因。  相似文献   

This paper reviews alternative selection procedures based on established methods for incorporating strong ground motion records within the framework of seismic design of structures. Given the fact that time history signals recorded at a given site constitute a random process which is practically impossible to reproduce, considerable effort has been expended in recent years on processing actual records so as to become ‘representative’ of future input histories to existing as well as planned construction in earthquake-prone regions. Moreover, considerable effort has been expended to ensure that dispersion in the structural response due to usage of different earthquake records is minimized. Along these lines, the aim of this paper is to present the most recent methods developed for selecting an ‘appropriate’ set of records that can be used for dynamic analysis of structural systems in the context of performance-based design. A comparative evaluation of the various alternatives available indicates that the current seismic code framework is rather simplified compared to what has actually been observed, thus highlighting both the uncertainties and challenges related to the selection of earthquake records.  相似文献   

2010年4月4日墨西哥Baja地区发生MW7.2地震,2人遇难; 同年4月14日中国青海省南部玉树地区发生MW6.9地震,截至2010年4月25日,已造成2 220人遇难.有报道指出,玉树地震矩震级小于Baja地震,人员伤亡却远大于后者,主要原因在于玉树地区抗震设防标准低、建筑物抗震性能差.地震造成破坏程度的大小并非仅仅取决于矩震级的大小,而同时与其释放的地震波辐射能及发震后造成的强地面运动的大小有关. 玉树地震释放的地震波辐射能约相当于Baja地震的10倍,目前玉树地震尚无实测的强震记录.针对玉树地震和Baja地震建立动态复合震源模型,分别模拟基岩上及浅层速度结构(V30,地下30 m平均剪切波速)下近断层区域的强地面运动.结果表明,基岩上及V30下玉树地震近断层区域强地面运动整体约相当于Baja地震的2倍.因此,玉树地震造成发震区域内建筑物损毁程度及人员伤亡情况均严重于Baja地震,重要原因之一在于其地震波辐射能大,且强地面运动较强.本文中所应用的动态复合震源模型,在地震矩守恒和地震波辐射能守恒的条件约束下,可以作为地震发生后补充强地面运动数据的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

There is a high possibility of reoccurrence of the Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes along the Nankai Trough in Japan. It is very important to predict the long-period ground motions from the next Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes with moment magnitudes of 8.1 and 8.4, respectively, to mitigate their disastrous effects. In this study, long-period (>2.5 s) ground motions were predicted using an earthquake scenario proposed by the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion in Japan. The calculations were performed using a fourth-order finite difference method with a variable spacing staggered-grid in the frequency range 0.05–0.4 Hz. The attenuation characteristics (Q) in the finite difference simulations were assumed to be proportional to frequency (f) and S-wave velocity (V s) represented by Q = f · V s / 2. Such optimum attenuation characteristic for the sedimentary layers in the Osaka basin was obtained empirically by comparing the observed motions during the actual M5.5 event with the modeling results. We used the velocity structure model of the Osaka basin consisting of three sedimentary layers on bedrock. The characteristics of the predicted long-period ground motions from the next Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes depend significantly on the complex thickness distribution of the sediments inside the basin. The duration of the predicted long-period ground motions in the city of Osaka is more than 4 min, and the largest peak ground velocities (PGVs) exceed 80 cm/s. The predominant period is 5 to 6 s. These preliminary results indicate the possibility of earthquake damage because of future subduction earthquakes in large-scale constructions such as tall buildings, long-span bridges, and oil storage tanks in the Osaka area.  相似文献   

利用改进的自动经验基线校正方法SMBLOC,对2016年8月24日意大利佩鲁贾MW 6.2级地震震中周围约60 km内的近场强震记录进行基线校正并尝试给出同震位移场,与GPS观测结果进行对比分析,分别独立和联合两种资料反演震源滑动模型,并根据震源模型进一步给出全空间预测位移场分布.研究结果表明:(1)两种不同的资料给出的水平位移场幅值均为cm级,且均表明断层的错动以正断为主.(2)两种同震位移场分别独立和联合反演所得的震源静态滑动范围基本一致,最大滑动均发生在震中东北侧,强震模型表现出明显的双事件特征,较大滑动分布在震中东北侧和东南侧,GPS模型在震中东南侧的滑动相对较小,其双事件特征不明显.两种模型的最大滑动量分别为0.96 m和0.86 m,较为一致,反演的矩震级均在MW 6.3左右.(3)根据震源滑动模型计算所得的佩鲁贾地震全空间预测的水平同震位移场中最大位移分布区域与震后报告中受灾严重的地区基本一致.表明在一定的条件下,利用SMBLOC方法解算震级较小的MW 6.0左右地震强震记录的同震位移场,并反演震源滑动模型具有一定的可行性,且其同震位移场和滑动模型可为震后灾害快速评估、救援力量分配、余震趋势判定等快速应急响应工作提供参考依据.  相似文献   

2016年1月21日青海海北州门源县发生6.4级地震,西北强震动台网中心共收集到70组三分向加速度记录。在对强震记录进行常规处理后,给出了207条零基线校正后的三分向峰值加速度值(PGA);统计PGA随震中距衰减趋势,绘制了水平向PGA等值线分布图;选取近场典型台站的加速度记录进行分析,绘制出校正后的加速度、速度和位移时程曲线以及加速度反应谱。这些地震动特征可为我国西部工程震害调查提供重要的参考资料。  相似文献   

Tetsuya  Tokiwa 《Island Arc》2009,18(2):306-319
Paleomagnetic studies and hotspot track analyses show that the Kula Plate was subducted dextrally with respect to the Eurasian Plate from the Coniacian to Campanian. However, geological evidence for dextral subduction of the Kula Plate has not been reported from Southwest Japan. Studies of the Coniacian to lower Campanian Miyama Formation of the Shimanto Belt reveal that the mélange fabrics show a dextral sense of shear both at outcrop and microscopic scales. In addition, thrust systems at map-scale also show dextral shearing. Restored shear directions in the mélange indicate dextral oblique subduction of an oceanic plate. This indicates that the Kula Plate subducted dextrally along the eastern margin of Asia during the Coniacian to early Campanian. Combinations with other published kinematic and age constraints suggest that Southwest Japan experienced a change from sinistral to dextral and back to sinistral shear between 89–76 Ma. This history is compatible with global-scale plate reconstructions and places good constraints on the timing of plate boundary interaction with the Cretaceous East Asian margin.  相似文献   

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