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Volcanic gaps due to oblique consumption of aseismic ridges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present-day consumption of oceanic ridges and other buoyant rises and fragments at circum-Pacific subduction zones, and presumably elsewhere, are closely related to existing gaps in volcanism. Examples are the gaps associated with the Nazca, Juan Fernandez, Cocos, Marcus-Necker and Louisville ridges. The buoyancy of these ridges breaks the continuity of the subducted plate, which may lead to reduced water supply required for melting of magma, and therefore create temporary volcanic gaps. The oblique consumption of these ridges causes the gap to migrate with time. This mechanism may be useful in interpreting time-space patterns of past volcanic chains associated with subduction in terms of the consumption of the disruptive oceanic plateaus and ridges.  相似文献   

一张相图引发的奇迹——论活动论构造—古地理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
构造—古地理在地学基础研究与能源矿产勘查中具有重要的指导意义, 国内外学者与勘探家进行了长期卓有成效的探索。本文以四川盆地东北部二叠、三叠系礁滩天然气勘探为例, 探讨了沉积相图在油气勘探发现中的重要作用, 以及活动论思想在相图编制中的指导意义。结果表明, 40余年对四川盆地晚二叠世—早三叠世沉积相的研究, 引发了长兴组生物礁、飞仙关组鲕滩天然气勘探的突破与普光、龙岗、元坝等大气田的持续发现, 相图的创新与发展带来了油气田大发现的奇迹, 将盆地与周缘造山带相结合, 探索晚二叠世—早三叠世的原型盆地, 表明四川盆地内部及周缘在该时期内构造—古地理环境发生了巨大变迁, 台地边缘是礁、滩发育的有利场所, 台地内凹陷则是烃源岩分布的有利地区, 对沉积盆地的复位与复原有助于矿产资源的预测。新一轮活动论"构造—古地理"研究将基于海量地质调查与油、气、煤勘探等资料, 大数据时代下的活动论古地理重建必将带来地学的进步与资源勘查的系列发现。  相似文献   

Tectonics of sedimentary basins: from crustal structure to basin fill   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

欧洲学者在20世纪80年代研究阿尔卑斯地区海相沉积和英国设得兰地区陆相沉积的波痕构造时建立了一系列的数学表达式。本文利用了他们的研究成果,在大王北洼陷沙河街二段砂岩中进行了应用研究。结果表明,处于特殊沉积环境下的砂岩的波痕物理参数呈有规律的变化,反映不同的水动力条件和水体深度;结合粒度分析认为,砂质颗粒在水体中主要作跳跃运动,其次是跳跃运动与悬浮运动的转换运动,部分质点作悬浮运动,反映了水体浅、能量较高。计算结果与实际观察较吻合。  相似文献   

刘忠玉  李东阳 《岩土力学》2014,35(5):1470-1474
在底部可测孔压的固结仪内进行单面排水固结试验时,观测到试样底部的孔压可出现滞后现象。为分析其原因,考虑加载引起的动力效应,建立以竖向应变为求解对象的一维动力固结方程,并用有限差分法进行求解。引入新指标CD来综合考虑试样压缩模量、渗透系数、密度以及土样厚度等4个参数对动力效应的影响,探讨了该指标对固结过程中孔隙水压力的影响。计算结果表明,瞬时加载引起的动力效应是引起试样内孔压滞后的一个原因,并且对于压缩模量或渗透系数较大的试样,更易出现孔压滞后现象,同时动力效应对固结度的影响则主要体现在固结的前期。最后讨论了固结分析时可以忽略动力效应的范围。  相似文献   

The late Proterozoic, intertidal Lower Bhander Sandstone (Bhander Group, Vindhyan Supergroup) developed around Maihar, central India, is characterized by alternations of sandstone and shale in different scales and shows profuse ripple marks of widely varying morphology. Visual examination of their external morphology led to the identification of wave ripple, current ripple and others of intermediate character.Standard deviation and average of ripple spacing and height of symmetrical and assymmetrical ripples show genetically significant differences analogous to those obtained by Harms (1969) for wave- and current-generated ripples. Different dimensionless parameters, e.g., R.I., R.S.I., S.I., etc., processed separately for the two types of ripples, show a wide variation in their range which encompasses the total spectrum of values stipulated for wave and current ripples. However, the frequency of any particular genetic type of ripple differs widely when analysed in terms of different dimensionless parameters. Several scatter plots, prepared after Tanner (1967) also indicate the presence of various genetic types of ripples, but there are ripples for which results remain inconclusive. Furthermore, scatter plots involving the vertical form index (ripple length/ripple height) and median grain size of a few asymmetrical ripples, following Reineck and Wunderlich (1968a), led to the discrimination between current ripple and wave ripple and the distinction is grossly consistent with the results obtained by other means.Ripple spacing, ripple index and grain-size data of a few representative samples of ripples of possible wave origin, analysed after Tanner (1971) and Allen (1979) indicate that they were generated in a shallow basin with restricted fetch.Internally, the ripples, irrespective of their symmetry, are often characterized by unidirectional bundles of foresets consisting of rhythmically alternating sand and mud laminae. The sets of cross-laminae may be complexly organized with planar or curved erosional boundaries separating them. In many instances internal structures typical of wave ripples are also noted.Inconsistencies, however, exist between the results obtained by application of different criteria in interpretation of these ripple marks. The limitations in applicability of  相似文献   

This paper investigates the various mechanisms and parameters that are responsible for delivering impulse to a vehicle that is unfortunate enough to detonate a buried mine. Small scale tests are used to examine the effects of air blast or ejected sand in imparting impulse to a plate that is located above the surface of the saturated soil that contains the explosive. Parameters such as confinement, stand off distance, depth of burial of the explosive, density of the soil, and saturation level of the soil are also examined.  相似文献   

推导了有限矩形区域饱和多孔介质因表面载荷诱发的Biot固结的一个解析解。假设多孔介质为均匀各向同性和线弹性,并被单相流体所饱和;控制方程组采用不可压缩多孔介质模型;孔隙压力场采用狄利克雷边界条件,上下表面位移场符合物理边界,而左右侧面位移场边界条件则由人为特别给定。利用有限正余弦变换和拉普拉斯变换及数值反演获得了物理空间孔隙压力场和位移场的半解析解,其体现为双重级数和的封闭形式。最后以某软黏土层平面应变固结为例,利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS对所给出的解析解进行了验证,同时基于该解析解考察了孔隙压力场和位移场的时空演化规律。所给出的解析解可用于深入分析有限二维饱和多孔介质的流-固耦合力学行为。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of volcanic fallout ash from Mt. Etna in Sicily (Italy) is well known and frequent in recent years, as in the period 2001–2004. As a consequence, significant problems for the population, road, rail and air traffic and production activities have occurred. The industrial areas of Catania and Augusta-Priolo, located in south eastern Sicily, might be involved during particular weather conditions. This paper aims at determining the potential scenarios of damage to industrial facilities caused by volcanic ash fallout. The work has been focused on the study of both fixed and floating roof storage tanks, containing flammable liquids, and examines extreme failures damage causing the greatest loss of containment for these facilities. To include scenarios arising from natural phenomena (Na-Tech events) in the standard risk assessment procedure, the estimation of the vulnerability of these facilities is necessary. The study has been applied to the area surrounding Mt. Etna, and the procedure can also be extended to other case studies.  相似文献   

Groundwater inflow assessment is essential for the design of tunnel drainage systems, as well as for assessment of the environmental impact of the associated drainage. Analytical and empirical methods used in current engineering practice do not adequately account for the effect of the jointed-rock-mass anisotropy and heterogeneity. The impact of geo-structural anisotropy of fractured rocks on tunnel inflows is addressed and the limitations of analytical solutions assuming isotropic hydraulic conductivity are discussed. In particular, the study develops an empirical correction to the analytical formula frequently used to predict groundwater tunnel inflow. In order to obtain this, a discrete network flow modelling study was carried out. Numerical simulation results provided a dataset useful for the calibration of some empirical coefficient to correct the well-known Goodman’s equation. This correction accounts for geo-structural parameters of the rock masses such as joint orientation, aperture, spacing and persistence. The obtained empirical equation was then applied to a medium-depth open tunnel in Bergamo District, northern Italy. The results, compared with the monitoring data, showed that the traditional analytical equations give the highest overestimation where the hydraulic conductivity shows great anisotropy. On the other hand, the empirical relation allows a better estimation of the tunnel inflow.  相似文献   

波浪、船舶等长期水平循环荷载作用下,桩基将不可避免地产生附加应力和变形。针对饱和黏土地层,开展离心模型试验研究了船舶系泊水平荷载作用下单桩和群桩的变形特性。发现水平循环加-卸载诱发了桩周土体的塑性变形,进而导致桩身产生了不可恢复的水平位移和弯曲变形。随着循环荷载的增加,单桩和群桩的桩顶最大水平位移和残余水平位移均同时增加,但残余水平位移明显小于最大水平位移。单桩的桩顶残余水平位移与最大位移比值介于0.17~0.22;群桩的桩顶残余水平位移与最大水平位移比值介于0.30~0.84。水平循环加-卸载作用下,桩身残余弯曲应变明显小于最大弯曲应变。单桩的残余弯曲应变与最大弯曲应变比值介于0.13~0.50;群桩的桩身残余弯曲应变与最大弯曲应变比值介于0.23~0.82。群桩前桩的残余和最大弯曲应变明显大于后桩,前桩与后桩的最大弯曲应变、残余应变比值分别高达3.2和3.1。因此,前桩要采取合理的加固和保护措施,以确保桩基长期服役的安全性。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the formative processes of limestone pseudoconglomerates in the Gushan and Chaomidian Formations (Late Cambrian) of the North China Platform, Shandong Province, China. The Gushan and Chaomidian Formations consist mainly of limestone and shale (marlstone) interlayers, wackestone to packstone, grainstone and microbialite as well as numerous limestone conglomerates. Seventy‐three beds of limestone pseudoconglomerate in the Gushan and Chaomidian Formations were analysed based on clast and matrix compositions, internal fabric, sedimentary structures and bed geometry. These pseudoconglomerates are characterized by oligomictic to polymictic limestone clasts of various shapes (i.e. flat to undulatory disc, blade and sheet), marlstone and/or grainstone matrix and various internal fabrics (i.e. intact, thrusted, edgewise and disorganized), as well as transitional boundaries. Limestone pseudoconglomerates formed as a result of soft‐sediment deformation of carbonate and argillaceous interlayers at a shallow burial depth. Differential early cementation of carbonate and argillaceous sediments provided the requisite conditions for the formation of pseudoconglomerates. Initial deformation (i.e. burial fragmentation, liquefaction and injection) and subsequent mobilization and disruption of fragmented clasts are two important processes for the formation of pseudoconglomerates. Burial fragmentation resulted from mechanical rupture of cohesive carbonate mud, whereas subsequent mobilization of fragmented clasts was due to the injection of fluid materials (liquefied carbonate sand and water‐saturated argillaceous mud) under increased stress. Storm‐wave loading was the most probable deformation mechanism, as an external triggering force. Subsequent re‐orientation and rounding of clasts were probably prolonged under normal compactional stress. Eventually, disrupted clasts, along with matrix materials, were transformed into pseudoconglomerates by progressive lithification. Soft‐sediment deformation is prevalent in alternate layers of limestone and mud(marl)stone and/or grainstone, regardless of their depositional environments.  相似文献   

电阻率是岩石的重要物理参数,对研究岩石的固有特性和赋存状态有着重要的作用。选取砂岩、灰岩、泥岩和花岗岩为代表岩样,进行受荷载条件下的电阻率曲线分析,得到了电阻率的临界点,其电阻率临界点的应力比值范围为70%~85%,对应于岩石应力应变中的屈服点。分析发现,电阻率临界点具有方向性,岩石电阻率临界点可以用于判断岩石的屈服点和应变状态。  相似文献   

Wang  Jia-Ding  Li  Ping  Ma  Yan  Vanapalli  Sai K.  Wang  Xin-Gang 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(5):1081-1094
Acta Geotechnica - It is well known that the hydromechanical behavior of both saturated and unsaturated loess soils is significantly influenced by the soil fabric. However, there is limited...  相似文献   

Paleoclimate research is essential to determine the natural variability of climate and to place the current climate change into its natural context. The current need is to generate the highest temporal resolution paleoclimatic reconstructions possible in order to assess the natural variability of the climate system, but also to test the ability of numerical models to simulate conditions different from the ones observed with the relatively short instrumental records. In this paper, we show that CAT-scan analysis of sedimentary sequences, with its 1 mm downcore resolution, can be used to identify millennial to seasonal cycles in sedimentary sequences. In examples from the St. Lawrence Estuary, Eastern Canada, spectral analysis of the CAT-scan data from Holocene postglacial sediments revealed millennial- to centennial-scale oscillations possibly associated with either solar variability, changes in relative sea-level or tidal amplitude. Similarly, spectral analysis of Holocene and Sangamonian glaciomarine sequences revealed decadal- to annual-scale oscillations with periods close to the one previously associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), whereas spectral analysis of the CAT-scan data from the Sangamonian rhythmites possibly revealed seasonal cycles.  相似文献   

程丰  彭景臻  王林  郭召杰 《地质学报》2023,97(9):2927-2938
盆山耦合研究在大地构造和地球动力学研究中占有重要地位。地貌负载引起的大陆岩石圈挠曲与沉积盆地沉降是盆山耦合的一种重要体现方式。本论文聚焦于挤压背景下大陆岩石圈挠曲盆地与造山带的耦合过程,系统梳理了单个或者多个地貌负载的几何形态、挠曲盆地几何形态以及岩石圈有效弹性厚度(Te)三者之间的数学关系。在此基础上,论文介绍了岩石圈挠曲模拟方法在恢复岩石圈刚性程度、造山带演化过程以及盆地沉积沉降方面的具体应用。结合古环境分析与岩石圈挠曲模拟实验,本文提出了一种定量恢复造山带古海拔的新方法。有别于基于温度、压力以及动植物分布与海拔之间关系所建立的传统古高度计,该方法强调在海侵时期地貌负载与沉积盆地间的高度差即为造山带的古海拔。该方法的提出为重建中亚以及其他曾受海侵影响并与岩石圈挠曲相关造山带的古海拔提供了新的思路。论文最后介绍了岩石圈挠曲模拟在定量分析造山带与盆地演化的研究过程中存在的问题与不足,并提出了在探究沉积盆地基底属性、重建岩石圈挠曲相关造山带古海拔以及有关挠曲模拟软件开发方面的新展望。  相似文献   

黄河水下三角洲沉积物强度变化原位测试研究   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:14  
研究区位于1964~1976年黄河由刁口入海时形成的水下三角洲叶瓣上。1995年为石油开采在潮坪上构筑的交通设施对波浪形成良好的屏障。在屏障两侧各选一典型研究区,于1999年和2002年进行了大量对比性现场原位土工测试,探讨了波浪对黄河口沉积物的次生改造作用,结果表明:(1)较强的波浪荷载作用,不会提高海底沉积物的表层强度,只是导致不均匀程度随水动力作用的时间增长有所加大:(2)较强的波浪荷载作用,使得海底表层沉积物之下一定深度范围内土体强度提高,形成强度硬层:(3)海底沉积物强度沿着剖面线在平面上呈现周期性或间隔性变化。  相似文献   

Numerical solutions have been obtained for stresses and displacements in a linear elastic half space due to distributed loads of circular, rectangular and elliptical shapes. The technique primarily involves use of a multi-dimensional numerical integration technique to integrate point load solutions over the distributed loading after discretizing the area into a finite number of elements. Both uniform vertical and shear loads have been considered as well as vertical conical loads and inward shear loads. The technique evolved facilitates the determination of stresses and displacements by the use of mini-computers and is neither as tedious and cumbersome as the use of tables and charts nor as costly as FEM solutions. A detailed comparison has been presented between the results obtained by the numerical solutions and those of the existing analytical solutions wherever they are available. It is found that the agreement between the two is within one per cent for displacements at all depths for the different cases studied. The matching is also good in the case of stresses, except at shallow depths.  相似文献   

深基坑开挖对坑内基桩受力特性的影响分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
胡琦  凌道盛  陈云敏  程泽海  冉龙 《岩土力学》2008,29(7):1965-1970
基坑开挖对基桩产生一定的侧摩阻力,如果处理不当,将危及地下结构与基桩的安全使用,同时也给基桩承载力与刚度的确定带来困难。根据应力路径与应力水平对土体刚度的影响,建立了受深基坑开挖影响的桩土界面荷载传递模型,通过应力路径试验确定了界面摩擦特性参数。对不同开挖深度的影响分析,得出了基坑开挖对桩周侧摩阻力的分布、基桩刚度与承载力的影响。分析结果表明,采用覆土条件下的基桩承载力与刚度值是偏于不安全的。  相似文献   

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