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大陆地质学研究的若干问题思考   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
板块说阐明了洋壳的物质循环,而地槽说则阐明了地壳表层的物质循环,两者之间显然尚欠缺一个关于大陆内部的物质演化模型,因此,要建立大陆地质学的系统理论, 无应该查明大陆内部的物质过程;而建立大陆内部物质化模型的关键,是阐明组成大陆地壳重要部分的花岗岩的成因,传统的岩浆侵入式无法容纳与花岗岩有关的各种资料,在地温场状态上的将今论古是花岗岩成因研究中的思维误区。  相似文献   

板块构造登陆导致大陆动力学的兴起,但大陆动力学迄今在理论上尚无长足发展,究其原因是大陆构造的复杂性,这一复杂性取决于大陆岩石圈复杂的流变学结构(纵向分层和横向不均一)。因此,大陆岩石圈流变学研究是大陆动力学的核心,并成为发展大陆动力学、完善板块构造理论的关键研究领域,同时对构造地质学学科发展具有推动作用,并在资源形成和地震机理方面具有实际意义。本文在阐述了岩石圈流变学的发展与现状的基础上,较详细分析了大陆流变学的核心内容:大陆岩石圈流变学结构特征,大陆物质的本构方程及大陆流变学特性对大陆变形与构造演化的影响。本文还总结了我国开展大陆流变学的基础和条件,对未来研究进行了展望:1)形成常态的多尺度-多手段-多学科-多部门的联合研究;2)缩小量子力学和岩石/矿物流变结构研究间的差距; 3)从全球尺度物质流动着手,构建以流变学为基础的大陆动力学模型。  相似文献   

Although Plate Tectonics cannot be effectively tested by palaeomagnetism in the Precambrian aeon due to the paucity of high precision poles spanning such a long time period,the possibility of Lid Tectonics is eminently testable because it seeks accordance of the wider dataset over prolonged intervals of time;deficiencies and complexities in the data merely contribute to dispersion.Accordance of palaeomagnetic poles across a quasi-integral continental crust for time periods of up to thousands of millions of years,together with recognition of very long intervals characterised by minimal polar motions(~2.6-2.0,~1.5-1.25 and~0.75-0.6 Ga)has been used to demonstrate that Lid Tectonics dominated this aeon.The new PALEOMAGIA database is used to refine a model for the Precambrian lid incorporating a large quasiintegral crescentric core running from South-Central Africa through Laurentia to Siberia with peripheral cratons subject to reorganisation at~2.1,~1.6 and~1.1 Ga.The model explains low levels of tidal friction,reduced heat balance,unique petrologic and isotopic signatures,and the prolonged crustal stability of Earth's"Middle Age",whilst density concentrations of the palaeomagnetic poles show that the centre of the continental lid was persistently focussed near Earth's rotation axis from~2.8 to 0.6 Ga.The exception was the~2.7-2.2 Ga interval defined by~90°polar movements which translated the periphery of the lid to the rotation pole for this quasi-static period,a time characterised by glaciation and low levels of magmatic activity;the~2.7 Ga shift correlates with key interval of mid-Archaean crustal growth to some 60-70%of the present volume and REE signatures whilst the~2.2 Ga shift correlates with the Lomagundiδ~(13)C and Great Oxygenation events.The palaeomagnetic signature of breakup of the lid at~0.6 Ga is recorded by the world-wide Ediacaran development of passive margins and associated environmental signatures of new ocean basins.This event defined the end of a dominant Lid Tectonic phase in the history of Earth's continental lithosphere recorded by the quasi-integral Precambrian supercontinent Palaeopangaea and the beginning of the comprehensive Plate Tectonics which has characterised the Phanerozoic aeon.Peripheral modifications to the lid achieved a symmetrical and hemispheric shape in Neoproterozoic times comparable to the familiar short-lived supercontinent(Neo)Pangaea(~350-150 Ma)and this appears to be the sole supercontinent cycle recorded by the palaeomagnetic record.Prolonged integrity of a large continental nucleus accompanied by periodic readjustments of peripheral shields can reconcile divergent tectonic analyses of Precambrian times which on the one hand propose multiple Wilson Cycles to explain some signatures of Plate Tectonics,and alternative interpretations which consider that Plate Tectonics did not commence until the end of the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

伸展背景下陆相地层发育的控制:以阜新盆地为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆相地层发育普遍雠为是受构造控制的,然而在构造背景下,其它控制因素如水位或水量,沉积物供给量等是如何起作用的呢?根据Schilsche的伸展盆地定量充填模型,模拟阜新盆地沙海组和阜新组地层的形成,得出一些陆相地发育控制的一些认识。在陆相地层发育过程中,层序发育与沉积环境转化是受盆地的构造沉降与可容空间,沉积物供给与沉积物堆积速率,盆地供水量与气候以及沉积作用过程的影响和控制。  相似文献   

目前人类对地球的认识仍很肤浅,无论国外还是国内对于地球动力学问题仍在探索过程中,Science杂志2005年公布的125个重大科学问题中的第10个问题是“地球内部是如何运行的”,提出地球动力来源还尚未解决。 2017年出版的《中国学科发展战略--板块构造与大陆动力学》认为板块构造理论虽然取得了巨大成功,但该学说依然存在其形成以来就存在的难题,即板块动力、板块起源及板块上陆三大问题,驱动板块运动的动力机制是最为重要的问题,也是亟待解决的问题。 研讨会分两个环节,一是主要观点报告环节,二是讨论争鸣环节。 在报告环节,涉及动力机制的主要有5位报告人,分别阐述了他们的主要观点。梁光河提出了新大陆漂移说,通过大量证据分析认为传统的海底扩张驱动大陆漂移的模式存在很多问题,很多地质和地球物理观测事实说明持续推动大陆漂移的动力不是海底的持续扩张,而是大陆板块后下方持续的岩浆上涌推动大陆板块向前漂移,那是一个自发的连锁反应。万天丰认为传统的海底扩张传送带模式很难解释大陆板块漂移速度远远大于地幔对流速度这个问题,提出了陨击说。陨石撞击诱发地幔底劈推动大陆板块运动这个新的驱动模式。唐春安提出了地球龟裂说,认为地球内部热能的积累与释放,使得地质历史上岩石圈地幔具有冷热交替的周期。毛小平分析认为,目前所提出的地球动力中,只有周向应力具有足够数量级的应力,可以推动板块运动;周向应力在岩石圈薄弱处释放从而产生地壳相对运动;长期以来解释不了的“地壳异常压力”其实就是周向应力,而可独立于重力的构造力、碰撞力并不存在。 在讨论争鸣环节,大家针对地壳运动的动力来源自由发言。梁光河指出万天丰提出的陨石撞击可以较好地解释超大陆裂解的初始动力,但不同意陨石撞击可以提供持续的大陆漂移的动力,以印度板块的北漂为例,因为地幔的巨大黏滞阻力,需要无数个陨石定点撞击印度板块后面才可能持续推动印度板块漂移。唐春安提出地球的锅盖效应,因此上地幔具有冷热周期,在热周期地壳才会大规模漂移,按照力学机制,大洋中脊和转换断层不可能是海底扩张产生的,应该是大陆漂移拉开产生的断裂系统。最后杨巍然总结发言,认为陨石撞击是一个重要因素,地球上的构造运动都可以归结为开合运动,海底扩张和大陆漂移都是存在的,地体构造也是科学的。研讨会取得的共识是:大陆的确存在大规模水平运动,传统的地幔对流传送带驱动模式存在很多与观测事实不符的问题,需要重新认识驱动机制和驱动力的问题,对板块俯冲问题多数持怀疑甚至反对的观点。其驱动力应该来自重力和地球内部热力,但它们之间是如何相互作用的,仍需要进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

The Protopangaea-Palaeopangaea model for the Precambrian continental crust predicts quasi-integrity reflecting a dominant Lid Tectonics defined by a palaeomagnetic record showing prolonged near-static polar behaviour during very long time intervals (~2.7–2.2, 1.5–1.2, and 0.75–0.6 Ga). Intervening times show polar loops radiating from the geometric centre of the crust explaining the anomalous Precambrian magnetic inclination bias. The crustal lid was a symmetrical crescent-shaped body confined to a single hemisphere on the globe comparable in form to the Phanerozoic supercontinent (Neo)Pangaea. There were two major transitions in the tectonic regime when prolonged near-static motion was succeeded by widespread tectonic-magmatic activity, and each coincided with the major isotopic/geochemical signatures in the Precambrian record. The first comprised a ~90° reconfiguration of crust and mantle at ~2.2 Ga terminating the long 2.7–2.2 Ga static interval; the second was the largest continental break-up event in geological history and is constrained to the Ediacaran Period at ~0.6 Ga by multiple isotopic and geochemical signatures and the subsidence history of marine passive margins. Break-up of the lid at ~0.6 Ga defines a transition from dominant Lid Tectonics to dominant Plate Tectonics and is the primary cause of contrasts between the Precambrian and Phanerozoic aeons of geological times. The long interval of minimal continental motion in the mid-Proterozoic correlates with extensive emplacement of anorogenic anorthosite-rapakivi plutons unique to these times, and high-level emplacement was probably caused by blanketing of the mantle and comprehensive thermal weakening of the crust. Continental velocities were low during the two Proterozoic intervals characterized by profound glaciation (~2.4–2.2 and ~0.75–0.6 Ga) when partial or complete magmatic shutdown is likely to have reduced volcanic greenhouse gas production. Specific implications of Protopangaea-Palaeopangaea include: (i) support for recent evidence that 60–70% of the present continental crust had accreted by ~2.5 Ga; (ii) recognition from spatially constrained mineral provinces that sub-crustal lithosphere was already chemically differentiated by mid-Archaean times; (iii) strong axial alignment of younger greenstone belts, major Palaeoproterozoic shear zones, and later Meso–Neoproterozoic mobile/orogenic belts; (iv) concentration of anorogenic magmatism and progressive contraction of activity towards the orogenic margin subsequently to become the focus of Grenville (~1.1 Ga) orogenesis; and (v) late Neoproterozoic arc magmatism/tectonics at the instep margin of the continental crescent persisting until the Ediacaran continental break-up.  相似文献   

再论陆内型造山作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
赵宗溥 《地质科学》1996,31(4):353-364
目前流行的半真实、半虚假的新全球构造学说已经给中国大陆地质研究带来一定的困惑和困难。中国大陆各地质时代发生的造山作用皆属陆内型。用地体说、碰撞说、地缝合线说和安第斯造山模式论述青藏高原的形成、演化史是地质研究的几个误区。秦岭-大别山属陆内型造山带,其形成与板块构造无关,采用壳-幔拆离构造的造山机制可解释超高压变质岩的生成。超高压变质岩是识别岩石圈收缩引起的一系列地质事件最有效的标志。  相似文献   

近20年来,中外学者研究认为,拆沉作用导致大陆岩石圈物质快速下沉入软流圈中,伴随大规模的岩浆作用,山脉隆升、伸展和跨塌作用,最后形成拗陷盆地。原始地壳形成时是玄武质的,然而现今的大陆壳整体成分呈现中性,拆沉作用模式很好地解释了地学中的这一困惑,补充和完善了经典板块理论。通过地球物理测探、地球化学示踪和地质学、岩石学方面提供的证据和一些其它的辅助佐证基本可以判定拆沉作用的存在。  相似文献   

梁光河  杨巍然 《地学前缘》2022,29(1):328-341
南大西洋裂解造成的非洲和南美洲的大陆分离到了广泛认可,该区域也与大陆漂移学说的诞生密切相关。但大陆漂移的驱动力从其提出至今一直存在争议,定量化分析大西洋裂解过程中板块运动的驱动力显得尤为重要。我们研究了南大西洋两侧被动大陆边缘盆地区域的两条深反射地震勘探剖面,在构造地质解译基础上,详细估算了非洲大陆的莫霍面倾角,得到了沿莫霍面地壳重力滑移剪切力的大小,用于解释大西洋裂解过程中非洲大陆运动的动力机制。结果说明,非洲大陆板块在地幔上涌形成的倾斜界面上能够产生强大的重力滑移力,且南部驱动力大于中部。大陆板块依靠连续的地幔热上涌和重力滑移力会持续漂移。该模型能够合理解释大西洋上诸多线状分布的大陆残片的成因机制,也能合理解释南大西洋南部宽度大于中部的内在原因,最后对南大西洋的打开过程进行了精细的构造演化史恢复。该研究为板块运动提供了一个新的动力模式,为认识板块运动驱动力提供了更为精确的约束信息。  相似文献   

Copper concentrations have been measured in surface <75 m waters of the central Bering Sea. Concentrations of 2–4 nmole kg?1 were measured in the Zhemchung Canyon region where water depths are greater than 1000 m. Concentrations are higher 2–25 nmole kg?1 on the shallow <100 m continental shelf, inshore of a hydrographic front at the 100 m isobath. Copper-depth profiles on the continental shelf water mass are dominated by Cu concentrations increasing toward the sediments. These trends may be maintained by a flux of Cu from surficial sediments. A frontal system over the 100 m isobath acts to control the flux of Cu, a significant part of which apparently emanates from the sediments, between the continental shelf and the central Bering Sea basin. The benthic shelf Cu flux was constrained to be less than 3 nmole cm?2 yr?1.  相似文献   

桐柏─大别造山带经历了两阶段的伸展作用。早阶段伸展形成了局限海,并且形成了桐柏─大别山变质核杂岩的雏形。二郎坪岩群、龟山岩组、南湾岩组沉积在局限海中,沉积层序表现为从北向南的迁移。宽坪岩群和二郎坪岩群以低压高温的拉张变质作用为特征。晚期伸展对桐柏─大别山变质核杂岩的最后成型起着重要作用,并产生了中生代的花岗岩侵入和混合岩化。  相似文献   

近10年来,构造地质学面临前所未有的机会和巨大的发展前景,建立超越板块构造理论的时代已经来临,地幔柱理论与板块构造理论的融合必将为太阳系乃至宇宙形成的构造过程提供全新认识。文中从宏观角度,综述了当前深部、深海、深空和深时4个发展方向取得的成就,展望了这4个方面的未来发展趋势。同时,综合概述了推动近10年来构造地质学发展的4个关键技术:针对表面构造形迹的高精度激光高度计(深空星球表面成像)、高分辨率多波束(深海海底地形成像);针对深部构造形态的层析成像(tomography);针对动力学演化(深时)的各种模拟软件(ANSYS、COMSOL、FLAC等);针对物质材料流变学的高温高压实验和成分原位测试技术。  相似文献   

地震工程的观点认为水平地震力是引起岩土体破坏的决定性因素,竖向地震力的影响则微不足道。鉴于汶川地震中表现出竖向地震力对边坡和建筑造成极大破坏,本文利用FLAC软件对不同坡高、坡角的边坡在不同周期、振幅的纵波作用下边坡动力响应规律做了数值模拟研究。结果表明:坡高较低时,振动加速度在1/2坡高以下范围内随高程逐渐增大, 1/2坡高以上则保持不变,当坡高增大时,振动加速度变化出现律动性,坡顶附近较其他部位存在明显的放大; 坡角的增大会造成振动加速度放大幅度的增大; 振动加速度随动力振幅的增大而增大,并呈明显的线性关系; 振动加速度随地震波周期的增大逐渐减小。  相似文献   

Tectonics and petroleum potential of the underexplored East Arctic area have been investigated as part of an IPY (International Polar Year) project. The present-day scenery of the area began forming with opening of the Amerasia Ocean (Canada and Podvodnikov—Makarov Basins) in the Late Jurassic—Early Cretaceous and with Cretaceous—Cenozoic rifting related to spreading in the Eurasia Basin. The opening of oceans produced pull-apart and rift basins along continental slopes and shelves of the present-day Arctic fringing seas, which lie on a basement consisting of fragments of the Hyperborean craton and Early Paleozoic to Middle Cretaceous orogens. By analogy with basins of the Arctic and Atlantic passive margins, the Cretaceous—Cenozoic shelf and continental slope basins may be expected to have high petroleum potential, with oil and gas accumulations in their sediments and basement.  相似文献   

第32届国际地质大会构造地质研究进展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王根厚  胡玲 《现代地质》2004,18(4):423-428
第32届国际地质大会系统地反映了构造地质学近年来研究的最新成果。这些成果概括起来包括下列5个方面的内容。(1)构造变形与沉积作用:重点是不同构造体制,如伸展、挤压(包括斜压)体制下,各构造区域的构造+沉积关系,在利用层序地层等进行定量的构造反演方面,取得了重要进展;(2)挤压作用下的构造样式:这一传统构造地质学的研究内容仍然为构造地质学家所关注,如薄皮构造与厚皮构造在碰撞和非碰撞造山作用方面的表现样式;(3)山链内构造反转过程和构造的继承:描述经历了变形体制转换的区域运动学演化,是构造地质学研究的前缘课题;(4)大陆边缘前陆逆冲+褶皱的形成:特别强调盆地-山脉的藕合关系;(5)高应变带的研究及技术方法:包括制图、模型、实验方法和材料等。  相似文献   

考虑场地效应的高陡岩质斜坡地震失稳机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王文沛  李滨  冯振  张博文  高杨 《岩土力学》2019,40(1):297-304
以金沙江乌东德水电站右岸的鸡冠山梁子高陡斜坡为典型实例,在斜坡表层地震动监测基础上,通过在斜坡弹性模型底部分别输入水平、竖向Ricker子波,发现:斜坡顶部低模量岩体材料在水平Rick子波激励下,易产生放大效应;而当输入竖向Rick子波时,易在模型表层地形凸起部位产生共振放大,其顶面表层卓越频率也与现场实测值基本一致。其次,对比分析了在分别输入汶川八角什邡加速度记录、典型鲁甸地震加速度记录时的斜坡弹塑性模型的稳定性和动力响应特征,发现:(1)斜坡在静力条件下可能存在3种不同位置潜在滑面,但输入两种地震波后,变形破坏区仅发生在顶部滑面位置;(2)输入汶川地震波时,斜坡顶部滑面剪应变增量明显大于输入鲁甸地震波时对应值,且前者的滑面出现明显整体拉破坏区,滑面上部水平、竖向残余变形也不收敛,处于震后斜坡失稳状态。后者滑面底部无明显的拉破坏区,滑面上部残余变形收敛,处于震后斜坡稳定状态;(3)斜坡水平、竖向加速度都在斜坡顶部低模量材料表层出现明显的放大现象,场地效应明显。此外,表层加速度普遍大于斜坡内部相应值,尤其是地形凸起位置。输入汶川地震波时斜坡顶部水平向加速度放大系数大于鲁甸地震波相应值,但竖向加速度放大系数两者基本一致。  相似文献   

Mapping elastic lithospheric thickness variations in Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mark Pilkington 《Tectonophysics》1991,190(2-4):283-297
The variation of elastic lithospheric thickness within the Canadian landmass is determined using the coherence between surface topography and Bouguer gravity anomalies. Estimates of elastic thickness (or, equivalently, rigidity) are derived by minimizing the difference between the observed coherence and that predicted by an isostatic model consisting of a thin elastic plate which is subject to surface and subsurface loading and overlies a fluid substratum (the asthenosphere).

Estimates of the elastic thickness vary from 17–18 km in coastal Labrador and Baffin Island to > 150 km near Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba. A broad correlation exists between lithospheric thickness and age. Exceptions to this correlation are areas of reduced plate thickness in North Atlantic coastal regions where magmatic activity associated with rifting and the formation of a passive margin may have been sufficient to reduce the plate strength but not enough to reset the thermal age of the basement rocks. Areas of greater plate thickness than that predicted by thermal cooling occur in the continental interior and may reflect lithospheric thickening due to the chemical and mechanical effects accompanying continental agglomeration.  相似文献   

造山带概念的演变及它在现今大陆构造研究中面临的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
造山运动和造山带是应用普遍和影响广泛的两个古老概念,一百多年来随着地球科学的快速发展和板块构造理论出现,情况已发生很大的变化。如何修订这一概念的内涵使之适应新的认识而又保持原定义的首尾-贯正受到普遍关注。作为2000年中国构造地质学发展回顾与展望学术讨论会的一个专题,本文回顾了上述概念产生的历史背景,分析了它们在板块构造理论框架下,特别是在现今大陆构造研究中所面临的挑战;提出并归纳了讨论中形成有关新形势下造山带概念的再理解和应用范围的共识。  相似文献   

孔祥兵  赵淑萍  穆彦虎  罗飞 《冰川冻土》2013,35(6):1490-1498
冻土路基在列车荷载作用下的动力响应是一个复杂的热、力相互作用过程,又是一个急需解决的实际工程难题. 应用冻土物理学、冻土力学、传热学等基本理论建立冻土路基的动力分析模型,以青藏铁路某普通路基典型断面为例,对冻土路基在列车荷载作用下的动力响应进行了数值模拟,并系统的分析了路基内动应力、位移、加速度等动力响应特点. 结果表明:普通路基修筑后,在路基及其下部地基中将会产生大片力学性质不稳定的高温冻土层;在列车荷载作用下,路基内土体产生竖向加速度,随着深度增加,加速度波动范围减小,路基顶面中心点加速度波动范围比路基底面中心点大一个量级. 路基竖向位移由道砟中心向内部呈圆弧状逐渐减小,整个分布关于路基中线对称;在不同季节的路基上施加列车荷载时,路基顶面的动应力差异不大,但路基底面的动应力差异达7.5 kPa. 不同季节的路基内动应力随深度的衰减曲线不同,路基表面以下2 m和大于15 m的深度范围内,差异较小;2~15 m的范围内,差异较大.  相似文献   

断块构造与地震的网络现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地球表面最基本的构造现象之一是X型破裂系统。X型破裂系统是一个极其广泛的研究领域。在一切有关材料呈现机械破坏的领域内,都与X型破裂机制有关。就地质体而言,从晶体内的X型交叉位错,岩层或岩体内的X型节理,到区域性的X断裂和切穿地壳以至切穿岩石圈的X型深大断裂,虽然空间尺度有多级变化,但它们的力学本质是一致的。共轭的剪应力分布、共轭的剪切裂隙、共轭的剪切错动、菱形断块的嵌合与再活动等,都与X型剪切破裂系统的基本特征有关。  相似文献   

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