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A new efficient parameterization scheme for solar short-wave radiative heating, as a component of the net radiative effects in the atmosphere, is tested in a three-dimensional mesoscale model. This model is designed with moist convective processes in mind, so that the radiative parameterization (solar plus thermal infrared) are interactive with the cloud field. Previous work by the authors with only an infrared scheme has demonstrated that cloud-radiation interactions are characterized by strong cloud-top cooling, leading to upper cloud-layer destabilization. The effects of including solar heating are to modulate the strength of the strong infrared cooling, thereby leading to weaker interactions between clouds, radiation, and mesoscale fields. The present study shows that even on the mesoscale and for relatively short time-spans, radiative processes in the presence of clouds are not negligible.As a further step, a simple fractional cloud cover parameterization is introduced and the model response is compared with results omitting this parameterization.  相似文献   

This study simulates the effective radiative forcing(ERF) of tropospheric ozone from 1850 to 2013 and its effects on global climate using an aerosol–climate coupled model, BCC AGCM2.0.1 CUACE/Aero, in combination with OMI(Ozone Monitoring Instrument) satellite ozone data. According to the OMI observations, the global annual mean tropospheric column ozone(TCO) was 33.9 DU in 2013, and the largest TCO was distributed in the belts between 30°N and 45°N and at approximately 30°S; the annual mean TCO was higher in the Northern Hemisphere than that in the Southern Hemisphere;and in boreal summer and autumn, the global mean TCO was higher than in winter and spring. The simulated ERF due to the change in tropospheric ozone concentration from 1850 to 2013 was 0.46 W m~(-2), thereby causing an increase in the global annual mean surface temperature by 0.36℃, and precipitation by 0.02 mm d~(-1)(the increase of surface temperature had a significance level above 95%). The surface temperature was increased more obviously over the high latitudes in both hemispheres, with the maximum exceeding 1.4?C in Siberia. There were opposite changes in precipitation near the equator,with an increase of 0.5 mm d~(-1)near the Hawaiian Islands and a decrease of about-0.6 mm d~(-1)near the middle of the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

沙尘气溶胶辐射强迫全球分布的模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
张华  马井会  郑有飞 《气象学报》2009,67(4):510-521
为了定景了解沙尘气溶胶对气候的影响,文中利用一个改进的辐射传输模式,结合伞球气溶胶数据集(G-ADS),计算了晴空条件下,冬夏两季沙尘气溶胶的直接辐射强迫在对流层顶和地面的全球分布,并讨论了云对沙尘气溶胶辐射强迫的影响.计算结果表明,对北半球冬季和夏季而言,在对流层顶沙尘气溶胶的全球短波辐射强迫的平均值分别为-0.477和-0.501 W/m2;长波辐射强迫分别为0.11和0.085 W/m2;全球平均短波地面辐射强迫冬夏两季分别为-1.362和-1.559 W/m2;长波辐射强迫分别为0.274和0.23 W/m2.沙尘气溶胶在对流层顶和地面的负辐射强迫的绝对值郁随太阳天顶角的余弦和地表反照率的增加而增大;地表反照率对沙尘气溶胶辐射强迫的强度和分布都有重要影响.研究指出:云对沙尘气溶胶的直接辐射强迫的影响不仅取决于云量,而且取决于云的高度和云水路径,以及地面反照率和太阳高度角等综合因素.中云和低云对沙尘气溶胶在对流层顶的短波辐射强迫的影响比高云明显.云的存在都使对流层顶长波辐射强迫减少,其中低云的影响最为明显.因此,在估算沙尘气溶胶总的直接辐射强迫时,云的贡献不可忽视.  相似文献   

Summary  A new technical procedure is introduced to determine the stratosphere adjusted radiative forcing at the tropopause in the framework of the 3-D climate model ECHAM4. However, the procedure appears to be appropriate for other GCMs as well. It allows to study in a straightforward way the problem of the general usefulness of radiative forcing as a reliable predictor of climate change. Some examples are given for illustration. It is, once again, confirmed that the climate sensitivity is practically equal for experiments with increased solar insolation and increased CO2 concentration. However, a higher climate sensitivity is obtained for ozone perturbations with a horizontally or vertically inhomogeneous distribution. The latter finding is in qualitative agreement with respective results reported in other studies, whereas the value of the climate sensitivity is exceptionally high in our model. The physical reasons for the unique model behaviour in the ozone experiments are currently not understood. Received August 28, 2000 Revised January 2, 2001  相似文献   

The complexity of the tropical climate system demands the development of a hierarchy of models to ensure our understanding of its response to anthropogenic forcing. The response of the tropical Pacific Ocean to radiative forcing has been studied previously with a box model. The model has provided insights into the tropical Pacific climate change that are otherwise not easily attainable. But that model only encompasses the tropical Pacific region. Recent studies have also shown that the Indian Ocean (IO) may be important in the response of the Pacific Walker circulation to radiative forcing, raising the need to expand the model to take into account the role of IO. This study presents the results concerning the tropical Pacific response to radiative forcing from an expanded-box model that includes the tropical IO, which influences the tropical Pacific through an inter-basin SST gradient.The three-box model predicts an enhanced zonal SST gradient in tropical Pacific in response to the increased radiative forcing, similar to the previous two-box model. It is further noted that in the three-box model, a warmer IO relative to the Pacific enhances Pacific easterlies and subsequently strengthens the equatorial ocean circulation. Because of this ocean dynamical cooling, the warming response in the Pacific is effectively reduced in the three-box model that includes the role of IO compared with that in the two-box model. The role of the IO warming trend in enhancing the Pacific trade winds is confirmed using an atmospheric general circulation model experiment. These results may help to fully explain the relatively small observed warming trend in the tropical Pacific compared to that in the tropical IO evident in 20th century SST reconstructions.  相似文献   

Summary A three-dimensional mesoscale planetary boundary layer model with theE- turbulence closure is used to simulate airflow over a lake of circular shape. A series of model sensitivity studies are performed to examine the effects of lake-land temperature difference, ambient wind magnitude and direction, lake size, surface roughness, the Coriolis force and baroclinic ambient wind conditions on mesoscale lake circulations.The lake-land temperature difference is essentially the basic energy source driving the mesoscale circulations over the lake on synoptically undisturbed days. A lake-breeze convergence zone is predicted by the model due to the differential heating between the land and the water. It is found that spatial and temporal variations of this convergence zone and associated convection are strongly controlled by the direction and the magnitude of the ambient wind. Under southeasterly and southwesterly ambient winds, the lake-breeze convergence zone and the associated convection occur primarily along up wind and lateral sides of the lake with reference to the general direction of the ambient flow. In contrast to the southeasterly and southwesterly ambient winds, the lake-breeze convergence zone and the convection are predicted all around the coastline of the lake under calm wind.The model also predicts a cloudless region over the lake in all the case studies due to divergent nature of the lake-breeze circulation. The lake size is found to have a significant effect in intensifying convection. Surface roughness over the land surface is found to be important in determining the intensity of the convection. The combined effect of the Coriolis force and the differential surface roughness between land and water appear to be the responsible mechanism for producing the asymmetric shape of the lake-breeze convergence zone around the symmetric circular lake. Finally, it was found that an initial baroclinic flow has different mesoscale lake-breeze circulation patterns as compared to an initial barotropic flow.With 16 Figures  相似文献   

三维有云大气辐射变温率数值模拟研究——邻云辐射效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气数值模式普遍采用一维辐射传输模型,无法表征有云大气中的三维辐射传输过程,从而影响数值模拟乃至数值天气预报的准确性。为评估这种不确定性,研究了水平云体间的三维辐射相互作用及其改变云体热力结构的规律,力求为改进数值模式辐射计算方案提供理论依据。选取I3RC PhaseⅡ的典型积云场和层积云场作为试验对象,将云场中心区域云体视为目标云体,周围云体为邻近云体,采用宽带三维辐射传输模式SHDOM模拟长波和短波辐射变温率的空间分布,定量阐明邻近云体对目标云体热力结构的影响。结果表明,邻云在长波区域对目标云体主要起辐射保温的作用,目标云体增温区域集中于邻云一侧的云体表面层,增温强度与云覆盖率和云间距离倒数成正比,最高可达3.08K/h,云体增温的厚度与目标云体液态水含量成反比;在短波区域,邻云同时起散射增温和遮蔽降温的作用,太阳垂直入射时,散射增温效应较弱,变温率空间差异小;当太阳天顶角增大后,遮蔽降温效应逐步起主导作用,造成目标云体被邻云遮挡一侧的表面层明显降温,峰值可达-1.72K/h,数值上甚至超过邻云长波增温效应。总之,邻近云体可以明显改变目标云体的变温率空间分布,引入三维邻云辐射效应对改进大气数值模式辐射计算方案具有重要意义。  相似文献   

辜旭赞  赵军  唐永兰 《暴雨灾害》2016,102(6):566-575

采用样条格式二阶时空离散预报方程与显式-准拉格朗日积分方案, 建立非静力全可压数值模式动力框架, 对气压、气温(位温)、风及广义牛顿力(加速度)场做三次样条函数拟合, 实现各个变量场二阶可导, 并且按牛顿运动定律, 显式迭代插值求上游点\  相似文献   

Three different reconstructed wind-stress fields which take into account variations of the North Atlantic Oscillation, one general circulation model wind-stress field, and three radiative forcings (volcanic activity, insolation changes and greenhouse gas changes) are used with the UVic Earth System Climate Model to simulate the surface air temperature, the sea-ice cover, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) since 1500, a period which includes the Little Ice Age (LIA). The simulated Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature, used for model validation, agrees well with several temperature reconstructions. The simulated sea-ice cover in each hemisphere responds quite differently to the forcings. In the Northern Hemisphere, the simulated sea-ice area and volume during the LIA are larger than the present-day area and volume. The wind-driven changes in sea-ice area are about twice as large as those due to thermodynamic (i.e., radiative) forcing. For the sea-ice volume, changes due to wind forcing and thermodynamics are of similar magnitude. Before 1850, the simulations suggest that volcanic activity was mainly responsible for the thermodynamically produced area and volume changes, while after 1900 the slow greenhouse gas increase was the main driver of the sea-ice changes. Changes in insolation have a small effect on the sea ice throughout the integration period. The export of the thicker sea ice during the LIA has no significant effect on the maximum strength of the AMOC. A more important process in altering the maximum strength of the AMOC and the sea-ice thickness is the wind-driven northward ocean heat transport. In the Southern Hemisphere, there are no visible long-term trends in the simulated sea-ice area or volume since 1500. The wind-driven changes are roughly four times larger than those due to radiative forcing. Prior to 1800, all the radiative forcings could have contributed to the thermodynamically driven changes in area and volume. In the 1800s the volcanic forcing was dominant, and during the first part of the 1900s both the insolation changes and the greenhouse gas forcing are responsible for thermodynamically produced changes. Finally, in the latter part of the 1900s the greenhouse gas forcing is the dominant factor in determining the sea-ice changes in the Southern Hemisphere.
Jan SedláčekEmail:

 The concept of radiative forcing has been extensively used as an indicator of the potential importance of climate change mechanisms. It allows a first order estimate of the global-mean surface temperature change; and it is possible to compare forcings from different mechanisms, on the assumption that similar global-mean forcings produce similar global-mean surface temperature changes. This study illustrates two circumstances where simple models show that the conventional definition of radiative forcing needs refining. These problems arise mainly with the calculation of forcing due to stratospheric ozone depletion. The first part uses simple arguments to produce an alternative definition of radiative forcing, using a time-dependent stratospheric adjustment method, which can give different forcings from those calculated using the standard definition. A seasonally varying ozone depletion can produce a quite different seasonal evolution of forcing than fixed dynamical heating arguments would suggest. This is especially true of an idealised and extreme “Antarctic ozone hole” type scenario where a sudden loss of ozone is followed by a sudden recovery. However, for observed ozone changes the annually averaged forcing is usually within 5% of the forcing calculated using the fixed dynamical heating approximation. Another problem with the accepted view of radiative forcing arises from the definition of the tropopause considered in the second part of this study. For a correct radiative forcing estimate the “tropopause” needs to separate the atmosphere into regions with a purely radiative response and those with a radiative-convective response. From radiative-convective model results it is found that radiative equilibrium conditions persist for several kilometres below the tropopause (the tropopause being defined as where the lapse rate reaches 2 K km-1). This region needs to be included in stratospheric adjustment calculations for an accurate calculation of forcing, as it is only the region between the surface and the top of the convection that can be considered as a single, forced, system. Including temperature changes in this region has a very large effect on stratospheric ozone forcing estimates, and can reduce the magnitude of the forcing by more than a factor of two. Although these experiments are performed using simple climate models, the results are of equal importance for the analysis of forcing-response relationships using general circulation models. Received: 25 October 1996/Accepted: 14 April 1997  相似文献   

The development of atmospheric mesoscale models from their early origins in the 1970’s until the present day is described. Evolution has occurred in dynamical and physics representations in these models. The dynamics has had to change from hydrostatic to fully nonhydrostatic equations to handle the finer scales that have become possible in the last few decades with advancing computer power, which has enabled real-time forecasting to go to finer grid sizes. Meanwhile the physics has also become more sophisticated than the initial representations of the major processes associated with the surface, boundary layer, radiation, clouds and convection. As resolutions have become finer, mesoscale models have had to change paradigms associated with assumptions related to what is considered sub-grid scale needing parameterization, and what is resolved well enough to be explicitly handled by the dynamics. This first occurred with cumulus parameterization as real-time forecast models became able to represent individual updrafts, and is now starting to occur in the boundary layer as future forecast models may be able resolve individual thermals. Beyond that, scientific research has provided a greater understanding of detailed microphysical and land-surface processes that are important to aspects of weather prediction, and these parameterizations have been developing complexity at a steady rate. This paper can just give a perspective of these developments in the broad field of research associated with mesoscale atmospheric model development.  相似文献   

The impacts of optical properties on radiative forcing due to dust aerosol   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
There are large uncertainties in the quantitative assessment of radiative effects due to atmospheric dust aerosol. The optical properties contribute much to those uncertainties. The authors perform several sensitivity experiments to estimate the impacts of optical characteristics on regional radiative forcing in this paper. The experiments involve in refractive indices, single scattering aibedo, asymmetry factor and optical depth. An updated dataset of refractive indices representing East Asian dust and the one recommended by the World Meteorology Organization (WMO) are contrastively analyzed and used. A radiative transfer code for solar and thermal infrared radiation with detailed aerosol parameterization is employed. The strongest emphasis is on the refractive indices since other optical parameters strongly depend on it, and the authors found a strong sensitivity of radiative forcing on refractive indices. Studies show stronger scattering, weaker absorption and forward scattering of the East Asian dust particles at solar wavelengths, which leads to higher negative forcing, lower positive forcing and bigger net forcing at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) than that of the WMO dust model. It is also found that the TOA forcings resulting from these two dust models have opposite signs in certain regions, which implies the importance of accurate measurements of optical properties in the quantitative estimation of radiative forcing.  相似文献   

To better understand CFMIP/CMIP inter-model differences in rapid low cloud responses to CO2 increases and their associated effective radiative forcings, we examined the tropospheric adjustment of the lower tropospheric stability (LTS) in three general circulation models (GCMs): HadGEM2-A, MIROC3.2 medres, and MIROC5. MIROC3.2 medres showed a reduction in LTS over the sub-tropical ocean, in contrast to the other two models. This reduction was consistent with a temperature decrease in the mid-troposphere. The temperature decrease was mainly driven by instantaneous radiative forcing (RF) caused by an increase in CO2. Reductions in radiative and latent heating, due to clouds, and in adiabatic and advective heating, also contribute to the temperature decrease. The instantaneous RF in the mid-troposphere in MIROC3.2 medres is inconsistent with the results of line-by-line (LBL) calculations, and thus it is considered questionable. These results illustrate the importance of evaluating the vertical profile of instantaneous RF with LBL calculations; improved future model performance in this regard should help to increase our confidence in the tropospheric adjustment in GCMs.  相似文献   

Observations are presented which show a strong correlation between low-level wind behaviour (e.g., rotation near the surface) and the passage of mesoscale pressure systems. The latter are associated with frontal transition zones, are dominated by a pressure-jump line and a mesoscale high pressure area, and produce locally large horizontal pressure gradients. The wind observations are simulated by specifying a time sequence of perturbation pressure gradient and subsequently solving the vertically-integrated momentum equations with appropriate initial conditions. Very good agreement is found between observed and calculated winds; in particular, (i) a 360 ° rotation in wind on passage of the mesoscale high; (ii) wind-shift lines produced dynamically by the pressure-jump line; (iii) rapid linear increase in wind speed on passage of the pressure jump.  相似文献   

A significant fraction of the total number of particles present in the atmosphere is formed by nucleation in the gas phase. Nucleation and the subsequent growth process influence both number concentration of particles and their size distribution besides chemical and optical properties of atmospheric aerosols. Sulphate aerosol nucleation mechanisms promoted by ions have been evaluated here in a tropospheric interactive chemistry-aerosol module for mass and number concentration in a global atmospheric model. The indirect radiative forcing of sulphate particles is assessed in this model; indirect radiative forcing is different for ion-induced (IIN) and ion-mediated (IMN) mechanisms. The indirect radiative forcing in 10-year simulation runs has been calculated as ?1.42?W/m2 (IIN) and ?1.54?W/m2 (IMN). The 5% emission of primary sulphate particles in simulations changes the indirect radiative forcing from ?1.42 to ?1.44?W/m2 for IIN case, and from ?1.54 to ?1.55 W/m2 for the IMN case. More precisely, owing to greater nucleation rates, IMN mechanisms produces greater cooling than the IIN mechanisms in the backdrop that both mechanisms produce almost identical distribution of CDNC in their pre-industrial runs. The inclusion of primary particles in simulations with IIN and IMN mechanisms increases both CDNC and the indirect radiative forcing.  相似文献   

A regional atmospheric climate model, including an interactive module of the tropospheric sulfur cycle, has been used to conduct yearlong equilibrium simulations of the temperature response due to anthropogenic sulfate aerosol forcing on cloud albedo. A main purpose is to examine differences in the magnitudes as well as patterns of forcing and response between simulations conducted with high (0.4° × 0.4°, HR) and low (2.0° × 2.0°, LR) spatial resolutions. Averaged over the model domain, the annual mean indirect forcing differs by only 7% between HR and LR and there is no difference in the annual mean temperature response. The results thus indicate that it is not important to represent small-scale variability (=2.8°) when the average indirect climate effect over Europe is considered. However, a notable difference in the geographical distributions of forcing and response is obtained when different resolutions are employed. In addition, a clear correspondence between the patterns of radiative forcing and temperature response is obtained when HR is used. The correspondence is less obvious in the LR simulation. It is interesting to compare the present results with those of Roeckner et al. 1999, who found a poor correspondence between the patterns of forcing and response in their simulations using a coarse resolution GCM.  相似文献   

喷气式飞机在对流层上层的航空活动形成的尾迹云能够影响区域气候,对全球变暖有正的贡献。飞机尾迹云的辐射强迫与飞机尾迹云的区域覆盖率、物理特性以及光学特性密切相关。本文回顾了近几十年来线状尾迹云的相关研究进展,并分析总结了线状尾迹云的不同识别方法。首先讨论了欧美主流的尾迹云检测算法(Contrail Detection Algorithm,CDA)及其延伸算法,并总结了线状尾迹云在西欧、北美等地区覆盖率的季节和昼夜变化特点;接着讨论了以往多种线状尾迹云光学厚度的计算方案及其计算不确定性;最后分析了线状尾迹云的辐射强迫与覆盖率、光学厚度的关系,并指出目前飞机尾迹云相关研究存在的问题以及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

On summing the components of radiative forcing of climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Radiative forcing is a useful concept in determining the potential influence of a particular mechanism of climate change. However, due to the increased number of forcing agents identified over the past decade, the total radiative forcing is difficult to assess. By assigning a range of probability distribution functions to the individual radiative forcings and using a Monte-Carlo approach, we estimate the total radiative forcing since pre-industrial times including all quantitative radiative forcing estimates to date. The resulting total radiative forcing has a 75–97% probability of being positive (or similarly a 3–25% probability of being negative), with mean radiative forcing ranging from +0.68 to +1.34 W m−2, and median radiative forcing ranging from +0.94 to +1.39 W m−2. Received: 14 March 2001 / Accepted: 1 June 2001  相似文献   

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