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J.C. Bailey   《Lithos》2006,91(1-4):319-330
The distribution of boron has been studied in rocks and minerals of the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland, using optical emission spectrometry. In the silica-undersaturated rocks of intrusive phases 1 and 3, average B contents increased from 5.6 ppm in augite syenite to a maximum of 8.9 ppm in sodalite-rich agpaitic nepheline syenite (naujaite roof cumulate) and then decreased to 5.4 ppm in the final lujavrites. Boron only behaved as an incompatible element during certain stages of the fractionation history. Starting at the naujaite stage, sodalite crystals (60–45 ppm B) were fractionated by flotation and were also trapped among the heavy cumulus phases of the bottom cumulates. This prevented the significant build-up of B in late derivatives as seen in other nepheline syenites. Nevertheless, in late pegmatites and veins associated with the agpaitic rocks, B was locally concentrated in certain Be minerals and metamict/reworked minerals. In the silica-oversaturated rocks of intrusive phase 2, average B contents increased from 8.6 ppm in quartz syenite to 13 ppm in alkali granite.  相似文献   

Agpaitic rocks comprise most of the exposed part of the 1.16 Ga old, 8 × 17 km large and about 1700 m thick Ilímaussaq intrusion in South Greenland. Within these, more than 600 m thick sequence of sodalite-rich “naujaites” (mainly sodalite + arfvedsonite + alkali feldspar + nepheline + eudialyte + aenigmatite) are interpreted as a sodalite flotation cumulate. Sodalites show two to three different zones in cathodoluminescence (CL) and at least two zones in thin sections. The CL zones can be related to chemical differences detectable by electron microprobe, whereas relations with optical zonations are less obvious. Compositional trends in sodalite reflect trends in the evolution of volatile contents in the melt. The sodalite at Ilímaussaq is almost free of Ca and closely corresponds to the pure Na–Cl sodalite endmember with about 7 wt.% of Cl; S contents reach up to 0.9 wt.%. Cl/Br ratios range from 500 to 1700. Raman spectroscopy shows that S is present as [SO4]2− in sodalite, although sphalerite (ZnS) is a stable phase in naujaites. Peralkalinity and fO2 conditions allow S2− and [SO4]2− to be present contemporaneously.

The whole naujaite sequence is divided into two parts, an upper part with low, homogeneous S contents and Cl/Br ratios in the sodalite cores, and a lower part with strongly variable and higher S contents and with Cl/Br ratios, which are decreasing downwards. The details of the S content and the Cl/Br ratio evolution show that sodalite strongly influences the halogen contents of the melt by scavenging Cl and Br.

The naujaites were formed from a highly reduced, halogen-rich magma in equilibrium with magmatic methane at about 800 °C, which, upon ascent, cooling and fractionation, exsolved an aqueous fluid phase. Both fluids were trapped in separate inclusions indicating their immiscibility.

Micrometer-sized aegirine crystals and primary hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions are abundant in the crystal cores. The inclusions were trapped at pressures up to 4 kbar, although the emplacement pressure of the intrusion is about 1 kbar. This indicates growth of the sodalite during melt ascent and a very effective mechanism of trace element scavenging during sodalite growth. Sodalite rims are devoid of aegirine or primary hydrocarbon inclusions and probably reflect the emplacement stage.  相似文献   

H. Srensen  H. Bohse  J.C. Bailey 《Lithos》2006,91(1-4):286-300
Lujavrites are rare meso- to melanocratic agpaitic nepheline syenites that are characterized by elevated contents of elements such as Li, Be, Zr, REE, Nb, Th and U. They are the most evolved members of the three large composite agpaitic complexes – Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia; Pilansberg, South Africa; and Ilímaussaq, South Greenland – and are inferred to stem from the same deep fractionating magma sources that fed the earlier members of the complexes. The composition of the melts that evolved into lujavrites is, however, not well known. The agpaitic part of the Ilímaussaq complex is divided into a roof series, a floor series of cumulates and an intermediate series of lujavrites sandwiched between the two. In the traditional view, the lujavrites formed from residual melts left between the downward crystallizing roof series and the floor cumulates. New field observations and geochemical data suggest that the floor cumulates and the main mass of lujavrites constituted a separate intrusive phase which was emplaced into the already consolidated roof series rocks largely by piecemeal stoping. Studies of the contact facies of the floor cumulates indicate that the initial magma of the floor cumulate–lujavrite sequence was peralkaline nepheline syenitic with enhanced contents of Zr, Hf, HREE, Y, Nb, Ta, F, Ba and Sr. Subsequent crystallization in a closed system resulted in the formation of the floor cumulates and lujavrites. Chemical analyses of dykes within and outside the complex represent stages in the magmatic evolution of the agpaitic rocks.  相似文献   

Aenigmatite in the Ilímaussaq intrusion shows a variety of textural relations to the other mafic minerals and an unusual range in chemical compositions. The saturated and oversaturated rocks contain zoned aenigmatities with Ca, Al, Fe2+-rich cores coexisting with katophorite, and near-ideal Ti-aenigmatite rims coexisting with arfvedsonite and aegirine. The aenigmatite substitutions are outlined, and the varying chemistry discussed. A no-oxide field seems to have existed in the (log fO2, T) space for the undersaturated magma, and an arfvedsonite-aenigmatite oxygen buffer equilibrium is suggested for the coexisting Fe3+-rich aenigmatite and katophorite. This buffer was later invalidated by the stabilisation of aegirine, whereby the Fe3+-aenigmatite component broke down, causing extensive recrystallisation into near-ideal Ti-aenigmatite.  相似文献   

Sm-Nd isotopic compositions were determined for the peralkaline Ilímaussaq Complex of the Gardar Province of southern Greenland. The majority of the samples in the agpaitic and augite syenitic units have near chondritic initial Nd(≈ 0), whereas a few samples trend towards Nd values as low as − 6 at the time of intrusion (1143 Ma). This latter value, from a sample taken from the margin of the complex, lying on the evolutionary trend for Ketilidian country-rock granitoids, suggests that large-scale contamination took place only at the margins of the complex. The similarity of the Nd isotopic compositions of the augite syenite and agpaitic units suggests that their parental magmas were derived from the same reservoir. A comparison of the Nd with existing Sr and Hf isotopic data for the complex suggests an origin by combined assimilation fractionation processes. Assimilation-fractional crystallization modeling of the isotopic compositions indicates that the Ilímaussaq magmas could have formed through fractional crystallization of a basaltic melt while assimilating granitic crust. The model requires initially higher assimilation rates from basalt to augite syenite composition with subsequent decreasing assimilation rates from augite syenite to agpaitic compositions. Alkali granites, which formed after the intrusion of the augite syenites, have isotopic compositions intermediate between those of the augite syenites and the surrounding Ketilidian basement. This implies even greater amounts of assimilation and is interpreted as evidence for an origin through fractionation of a basaltic or augite syenite magma with concurrent assimilation of Ketilidian crust.  相似文献   

J.C. Bailey  R. Gwozdz   《Lithos》1994,31(3-4):207-225
Li was analysed by activation analysis in 363 whole-rock samples and 53 minerals from a 200 m drill core through aegirine lujavrite I, Ilímaussaq intrusion. The rocks are interpreted as cumulates and Li is dominantly located in the intercumulus material which is thought to represent the coexisting magma with 540 ppm: whole-rock contents generally range from 80–260 ppm Li and reflect variations in the amount of intercumulus material from 25–48 wt. %. The proportion of intercumulus material is lowest in the deeper parts of the drill core, in layers with a moderate density stratification resulting from showers of near-liquidus crystals and in compressed cumulates beneath a large naujaite xenolith from the roof. Intercumulus arfvedsonite with an average of 2200 ppm Li contains the bulk of Li in most samples, but nearly every sample contains Li (0–176 ppm) outside the rock-forming minerals (Li-ORFM) which was unlocated by conventional mineral separation. Li-ORFM formed during late-magmatic crystallization (a) from the final residues of intercumulus magma which crystallised as accessory Li-mica and alteration products and (b) during in situ zeolitization of arvedsonite which released Li. A later, more intense zeolitization released Li from the rocks of the drill core. Naujaite xenoliths contain 42–130 ppm Li, except where Li-metasomatised, and are associated with low Li values in adjacent lujavrites. Shearing of consolidated lujavrite allowed mobilization of the Li and its reprecipitation along narrow channels (< 10 cm). Li is not concentrated in late hydrothermal coatings.  相似文献   

Microrhythmic layering is locally developed in agpaitic arfvedsonite lujavrite from the Ilímaussaq alkaline complex, South Greenland. Three–15-cm-thick laminated dark layers alternate with 1–10-cm-thick, light-coloured granular urtitic layers. Dark layers are uniform (isomodal) but the urtitic layers are enriched in early nepheline and eudialyte in their lower parts and in late analcime and REE phosphate minerals in the upper parts. The layers are separated by sharp contacts; they are draped around rafts from the overlying roof zone and lack structures indicative of current processes or post-cumulus deformation. Compared with the background arfvedsonite lujavrite of the complex, the dark layers are richer in sodalite, microcline and arfvedsonite and poorer in analcime and eudialyte. They have higher K2O, Cl, FeO and S but lower Na2O, H2O+, Zr and P contents, the opposite of the light-coloured layers. The complementary chemistry of the two types of layers oscillates about the composition of the background arfvedsonite lujavrite. Layers probably formed in a stagnant bottom layer of the lujavrite magma chamber. Each layer started as a liquid layer which exchanged components with the underlying crystallization front. On cooling, it crystallized primocrysts and exchanged components with the overlying magma which became a new, complementary liquid layer and, during further cooling and burial within the sequence of layers, it underwent largely closed-system interstitial crystallization. Exhaustion of Cl and a sharp decrease in aNaCl relative to aH2O terminated the crystallization of a sodalite-rich dark layer and initiated abundant crystallization of nepheline in the overlying liquid layer (urtitic layer). The layered sequence represents a local K2O-, Cl-rich but Na2O-, H2O-poor facies of arfvedsonite lujavrite and may have formed by exchanging components with sodalite-bearing rafts from the roof zone.  相似文献   

Hydrogen and oxygen isotope studies were carried out on high and ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks in the eastern Dabie Mountains, China. The δ18O values of eclogites cover a wide range of −4.2 to +8.8‰, but the δD values of micas from the eclogites fall within a narrow range of −87 to −71‰. Both equilibrium and disequilibrium oxygen isotope fractionations were observed between quartz and the other minerals, with reversed fractionations between omphacite and garnet in some eclogite samples. The δ18O values of −4 to −1‰ for some of the eclogites represent the oxygen isotope compositions of their protoliths which underwent meteoric water–rock interaction before the high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphism. Heterogeneous δ18O values for the eclogite protoliths implies not only the varying degrees of the water–rock interaction before the metamorphism at different localities, but also the channelized flow of fluids during progressive metamorphism due to rapid plate subduction. Retrograde metamorphism caused oxygen and hydrogen isotope disequilibria between some of the minerals, but the fluid for retrograde reactions was internally buffered in the stable isotope compositions and could be derived from structural hydroxyls dissolved in nominally anhydrous minerals.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous sandstone reservoir in the Kuche Depression, Tarim Basin, western China, was investigated with reference to its reservoir property evolution during diagenesis. Six general diagenetic stages were recognized through petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical analyses. Fluid–rock interaction experiments were conducted under these six continuous diagenetic conditions, that is with a simulation sequence of compaction → early diagenesis → organic acid incursion I → elevated temperature/pressure → organic acid incursion II → late diagenesis. Corresponding to these six experimental stages, a total of six models were constructed. Finally, an extended model of fluid–rock interaction during diagenesis at a geological timescale (from 30 Ma to present) was constructed after various parameters had been validated. Results demonstrate that the diagenetic stages from both the experimental and numerical simulations generally matched findings obtained from the petrographic and geochemical analyses: (i) With compaction becoming weakened, cementation by various minerals was gradually increased. (ii) Quartz overgrowth occurred because the contemporaneous sedimentary water was alkaline. (iii) Most minerals (for example, calcite and feldspar minerals) displayed dissolution owing to the first organic acid incursion, resulting in the visual porosity increasing to 29·26%. (iv) Increases in temperature and pressure caused a minor fluctuation of the porosity change. (v) The cement that formed during earlier stages largely dissolved with the second organic acid incursion. (vi) During the last stage, the reservoir fluid was diluted by sedimentary alkaline water and most minerals precipitated under an alkalic environment. The present porosity simulated is about 11·4%, comparable with the actually measured data. This study demonstrates that the combination of petrographic observations, laboratory experiments and numerical simulations can not only reconstruct the diagenetic process, but also provide a quantitative evaluation and prediction of reservoir petrophysical properties.  相似文献   

D. Stephenson 《Lithos》1974,7(1):35-41
Electron microprobe analyses of olivines from augite syenites and foyaites of the South Qôroq Centre, Igaliko Complex, show a range from hortonolite (Fo36Fa62Te2) to manganiferous fayalite (Fo2Fa82Te16). The trend is continuous except for a gap between compositions from augite syenite mafic bands and normal augite syenite. Mn increases with Fe3+ and in the more fractionated compositions becomes the principal fractionating element. High Ca contents may be a result of a high level of emplacement. Fayalite instability appears to be related to oxygen fugacity during late stages of crystallization or recrystallization.  相似文献   

Three types of fluid inclusions have been identified in olivine porphyroclasts in the spinel harzburgite and lherzolite xenoliths from Tenerife: pure CO2 (Type A); carbonate-rich CO2–SO2 mixtures (Type B); and polyphase inclusions dominated by silicate glass±fluid±sp±silicate±sulfide±carbonate (Type C). Type A inclusions commonly exhibit a “coating” (a few microns thick) consisting of an aggregate of a platy, hydrous Mg–Fe–Si phase, most likely talc, together with very small amounts of halite, dolomite and other phases. Larger crystals (e.g. (Na,K)Cl, dolomite, spinel, sulfide and phlogopite) may be found on either side of the “coating”, towards the wall of the host mineral or towards the inclusion center. These different fluids were formed through the immiscible separations and fluid–wall-rock reactions from a common, volatile-rich, siliceous, alkaline carbonatite melt infiltrating the upper mantle beneath the Tenerife. First, the original siliceous carbonatite melt is separated from a mixed CO2–H2O–NaCl fluid and a silicate/silicocarbonatite melt (preserved in Type A inclusions). The reaction of the carbonaceous silicate melt with the wall-rock minerals gave rise to large poikilitic orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene grains, and smaller neoblasts. During the metasomatic processes, the consumption of the silicate part of the melt produced carbonate-enriched Type B CO2–SO2 fluids which were trapped in exsolved orthopyroxene porphyroclasts. At the later stages, the interstitial silicate/silicocarbonatite fluids were trapped as Type C inclusions. At a temperature above 650 °C, the mixed CO2–H2O–NaCl fluid inside the Type A inclusions were separated into CO2-rich fluid and H2O–NaCl brine. At T<650 °C, the residual silicate melt reacted with the host olivine, forming a reaction rim or “coating” along the inclusion walls consisting of talc (or possibly serpentine) together with minute crystals of NaCl, KCl, carbonates and sulfides, leaving a residual CO2 fluid. The homogenization temperatures of +2 to +25 °C obtained from the Type A CO2 inclusions reflect the densities of the residual CO2 after its reactions with the olivine host, and are unrelated to the initial fluid density or the external pressure at the time of trapping. The latter are restricted by the estimated crystallization temperatures of 1000–1200 °C, and the spinel lherzolite phase assemblage of the xenolith, which is 0.7–1.7 GPa.  相似文献   

The 1.27 Ga old Ivigtut (Ivittuut) intrusion in South Greenland is world-famous for its hydrothermal cryolite deposit [Na3AlF6] situated within a strongly metasomatised A-type granite stock. This detailed fluid inclusion study characterises the fluid present during the formation of the cryolite deposit and thermodynamic modelling allows to constrain its formation conditions.Microthermometry revealed three different types of inclusions: (1) pure CO2, (2) aqueous-carbonic and (3) saline-aqueous inclusions. Melting temperatures range between − 23 and − 15 °C for type 2 and from − 15 to − 10 °C for type 3 inclusions. Most inclusions homogenise between 110 and 150 °C into the liquid.Stable isotope compositions of CO2 and H2O were measured from crushed inclusions in quartz, cryolite, fluorite and siderite. The δ13C values of about − 5‰ PDB are typical of mantle-derived magmas. The differences between δ18O of CO2 (+ 21 to + 42‰ VSMOW) and δ18O of H2O (− 1 to − 21.7‰ VSMOW) suggest low-temperature isotope exchange. δD (H2O) ranges from − 19 to − 144‰ VSMOW. The isotopic composition of inclusion water closely follows the meteoric water line and is comparable to Canadian Shield brines. Ion chromatography revealed the fluid's predominance in Na, Cl and F. Cl/Br ratios range between 56 and 110 and may imply intensive fluid–rock interaction with the host granite.Isochores deduced from microthermometry in conjunction with estimates for the solidification of the Ivigtut granite suggest a formation pressure of approximately 1–1.5 kbar for the fluid inclusions. Formation temperatures of different types of fluid inclusions vary between 100 and 400 °C. Thermodynamic modelling of phase assemblages and the extraordinary high concentration in F (and Na) may indicate that the cryolite body and its associated fluid inclusions could have formed during the continuous transition from a volatile-rich melt to a solute-rich fluid.  相似文献   

Marjorie Powell 《Lithos》1978,11(2):99-120
During slow cooling of plutonic igneous rocks the initial high temperature minerals crystallised from the magma continue to re-equilibrate with each other to varying degrees with falling temperature. Thermodynamic studies of mineral equilibria are used to calculate crystallisation temperatures for the cumulus assemblage ol-cpx-mt-ne-fsp in the Igdlerfigssalik syenites and to calculate composition parameters for the original magmas. Cumulus crystallisation occurred in the range 900–980°C. Nepheline and alkali feldspar continued to equilibrate in some rocks down to 650°C, while macroscopic exsolution in alkali feldspar and titanomagnetite continued to temperatures below 600°C. Oxygen activities during the crystallisation of the cumulus minerals were below magnetite-wustite.  相似文献   

A deep epithermal vein system hosted in Late Proterozoic to Cambrian granodiorite has been identified in the Sierra Norte de Córdoba, the easternmost range of the Sierras Pampeanas Orientales of Argentina. The vein swarm extends over an area of 3 km2 parallel to a mylonitic belt and formed in fractured granodiorite. Thicknesses of veins are less than 0.5 m and their visible strike length is less than 100 m. Veins are either barren or weakly mineralized in base-metal sulfides. Most veins have mineral associations dominated by calcite and quartz with lesser amounts of chlorite, sericite, pyrite, and minor illite. In other less exposed albite-rich, adularia-bearing veins, chalcopyrite, bornite, galena, sphalerite, chalcocite and covellite may occur. The widespread occurrence of bladed calcite without any petrographic or microthermometric evidence of boiling implies that this particular habit of calcite may also develop under sub-near boiling fluid conditions. Thermometric calculations based on fluid inclusion data, chlorite composition and oxygen isotopes in the quartz–calcite pair, constrain the formation of the system between 300 and 350 °C, at pressures between 42 and 64 MPa (1.5–2.3 km). Stable isotope data suggest that W/R interaction might have been the most probable mechanism of alteration, involving the participation of meteoric fluids; nevertheless, the metallic signature of some weakly mineralized veins as well as intermediate fluid inclusion salinities favor a magmatic input and a mixed origin for the fluids. Textures and mineral associations, as well as the absence of evidence of boiling in fluid inclusions, all suggest that the silica–carbonate vein system formed deeper than typically shallow Au and Ag-bearing boiling solutions. A 485 (±25) Ma lamprophyre dike crosscuts some of these veins locally producing metasomatic reactions and skarn formation, which constrains the age of the hydrothermal system to the Cambrian-Early Ordovician time span.  相似文献   

Previous studies on waters of a streamlet in the Vosges mountains (eastern France) have shown that Sr and rare earth elements (REE) principally originate from apatite dissolution during weathering. However, stream water REE patterns normalized to apatite are still depleted in light REE (LREE, La–Sm) pointing to the presence of an additional LREE depleting process. Speciation calculations indicate that complexation cannot explain this additional LREE depletion. In contrast, vegetation samples are strongly enriched in LREE compared to water and their Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are comparable with those of apatite and waters. Thus, the preferential LREE uptake by the plants at the root–water–soil (apatite) interface might lead to an additional LREE depletion of the waters in the forested catchment. Mass balance calculations indicate that the yearly LREE uptake by vegetation is comparable with the LREE export by the streamlet and, therefore, might be an important factor controlling the LREE depletion in river waters.  相似文献   

This paper considers numerical modelling of rock fracture induced by dynamic bit–rock interaction in percussive drilling. The work presented here extends the author's earlier research on the topic from the axisymmetric case to 3D case. The numerical method for modelling rock fracture includes a constitutive model for rock and a contact mechanics‐based technique to simulate the bit–rock interaction. The constitutive model is based on a combination of the recent viscoplastic consistency model, the isotropic damage concept and a parabolic compression cap. This model is improved here from its earlier state by calibrating the softening laws using fracture energies GIc and GIIc in tension and compression, respectively. Moreover, the viscosity modulus in tension is calibrated based on the dynamic Brazilian disc test. With these enhancements, the developed method is applied to 3D case of the bit–rock interaction problem assuming one symmetry plane. Single impact with single and multiple‐button bits is simulated. In the latter case, an initial borehole is modelled in order to simulate the usual in‐situ drilling conditions. The different failure types observed in the experiments as well as the interaction between the buttons resulting in chipping are realistically captured in the simulations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate a low‐strain outcrop of the lower crust, the Pembroke Granulite, exposed in northern Fiordland, New Zealand, which exhibits localized partial melting. Migmatite and associated tschermakite–clinozoisite (TC) gneiss form irregular, elongate bodies that cut a two‐pyroxene–pargasite (PP) gneiss. Gradational boundaries between rock types, and the progressive nature of changes in mineral assemblage, microstructure and chemistry are consistent with the TC gneiss and migmatite representing modified versions of the PP gneiss. Modification is essentially isochemical, where partial modification involves hydration of the assemblage and mineral chemistry changes, and complete modification involves additional recrystallization and in situ partial melt production. Microstructures of quartz and plagioclase, including small dihedral angles, string of beads textures and films surrounding amphibole and garnet grains are consistent with the former presence of melt in modified rock types. The documented rock modification is attributed to melt–rock interaction occurring during porous melt flow of a dominantly externally derived, hydrous silicate melt. Microstructures indicate melt flow occurred along grain boundaries and field relationships show it was focused into channels tens of metres wide, with preference for following the pre‐existing foliation. Melt–rock interaction at the grain scale resulted in hydration and modification of the host PP gneiss, which resulted in localized partial melting. These relationships indicate prograde hydration during localized melt–rock interaction drove migmatization of the lower crust.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical method for continuum modelling of the dynamic bit–rock interaction process in percussive drilling. The method includes a constitutive model based on a combination of the recent viscoplastic consistency model, the isotropic damage concept and a parabolic compression cap. The interaction between the drill bit and rock is modelled using contact mechanics by treating the bit as a rigid body. As the bit–rock interaction in percussive drilling is a transient event, the method is implemented in explicit dynamics FEM. The rock strength heterogeneity is characterized at the mesoscopic level statistically using the Weibull distribution. The bit–rock interaction is simulated under axisymmetric conditions using cylindrical and hemispherical buttons. The choice of the quite complex constitutive model accounting, e.g. for plastic compaction, viscoplastic shear and tensile failure along with induced damage and rate dependency is justified by numerical simulations. Moreover, the quasi‐static and dynamic cases are compared in plane strain simulations. Finally, some results clarifying the discrepancy of opinions found in the literature concerning the side (lateral) crack formation are obtained. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mid-Proterozoic Isortoq dike swarm in the Gardar Province, South Greenland, comprises a variety of alkaline rocks ranging from gabbroic to syenitic in composition. Major magmatic mineral phases are olivine, clinopyroxene, Fe–Ti oxides, amphibole, plagioclase and alkali feldspar. Quartz occurs in some samples as a late magmatic phase. Liquidus temperatures of olivine-bearing samples range between 1120 and 1145 °C and solidus temperatures are 850–930 °C. Calculated silica activities are highly variable between 0.53 and unity. Oxygen fugacities vary from −3 to +1 log units relative to the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer.

The rocks have MgO contents <6 wt.% with Mg# between 53 and 17. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns show a relative enrichment of LIL elements with Ba peaks and Nb troughs. Clinopyroxenes show a general enrichment in REE relative to chondritic values with variable slightly positive to prominent negative Eu anomalies. Two of the dikes were dated with Sm–Nd three-point isochrons at 1190±44 and 1187±87 Ma, respectively. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of mafic mineral separates range from 0.70289 to 0.70432 and initial Nd values vary from +0.3 to −10.7. Whole-rock initial 187Os/188Os ratios are highly variable including very radiogenic values of up to 7.967. δ18Ov-smow values of separated clinopyroxene and amphibole range from +5.2‰ to +6.2‰ and fall within the range of typical mantle-derived rocks, although mixing with a lower crustal component is permitted by the data. Using energy-constrained assimilation-fractional crystallization (EC-AFC) modeling equations, the Sr–Nd isotope data of the more radiogenic samples can successfully be modeled by addition of up to 10% lower crustal granulite-facies Archean gneisses as contaminants. The Os isotopic data also suggest the involvement of old radiogenic crust. In accordance with seismic data, we conclude that a wedge of Archean crust extends from West Greenland further to the south below the present erosion level.  相似文献   

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