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In the framework of the EU funded BEEP project a set of biomarkers, gross morphometric indices and tissue concentrations of selected organic pollutants were measured in flounder (Platichthys flesus) and mussels (Mytilus trossulus) collected twice a year (April and October) from three sites in the inner Gulf of Gdańsk between autumn 2001 and spring 2003. In flounder, seasonal differences in most biomarkers were observed, but no correlations with tissue pollutant levels could be found. In mussels, highly variable levels in biomarker responses were seen, but no clear seasonal or spatial trends, directly related to tissue concentrations, could be established. The observed biomarkers distribution the study sites are probably mostly caused by interannual, seasonal and individual variability and, in case of flounder, possibly by exchange of stocks between the sampling sites.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):123-131
Coastal power stations entrain large volumes of cooling water, requiring biocidal treatment to prevent biological fouling. Discharged effluent is both heated and contaminated with residual traces of biocide and so it is necessary to quantify the impacts of this discharge. Cooling water from Heysham 2 nuclear power station, NW England, UK, is discharged to the intertidal area, via a culvert (to minimise erosion and maximise dilution and dispersion by directing the effluent into the receiving water at all states of the tide) within which the effluent is contained at low water. The culvert and surrounding coastal area support a population of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Mussel health was determined along a gradient of exposure, using three physiological indices: Scope for Growth, Gonad Mantle Index and Somatic Condition Index (K Factor). The Mussels within the culvert exhibited reduced physiological index values compared to an external site. A trend was identified down the length of the culvert, representing a gradient of exposure and indicating a potential negative effect on growth and reproductive output.  相似文献   

The applicability of the post-IR IRSL single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol (termed pIRIR protocol) has been tested on K-rich feldspar from recent coastal sediment samples (<500 a) from the southern North Sea coast and southern Baltic Sea coast. The most suitable post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) stimulation temperature is found to be 150 °C by using a preheat temperature of 180 °C. For this pIRIR stimulation temperature, a detectable pIRIR signal is obtained and the residual dose is minimized. Furthermore, anomalous fading is found to be negligible in the pIRIR150 signal for our young samples whereas the fading rates for the conventional IRSL signal measured at 50 °C (IRSL50) is between 5 and 7%/decade. However, the pIRIR150 signal bleaches significantly slower compared to the IRSL50, according to bleaching experiments using daylight, solar simulator and IR diodes, although the residual doses of both signals are similar. The laboratory residual doses in perfectly bleached aliquots are variable from sample to sample and vary between 300 ± 170 and 800 ± 460 mGy for the pIRIR150. The precision of the residual dose determination is generally poor and causes large uncertainties on the residual subtracted ages. The laboratory residual doses alone cannot account for the observed overestimation in our two youngest samples (<70 a), indicating that the feldspar signals in these samples were presumably not fully bleached prior to aeolian or beach deposition. However, even if the age uncertainties are large we obtained pIRIR150 ages in agreement with independent age estimates for the two older samples, which are 70 and 390 years old.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the concentrations of total phosphorus and its forms in sediments from the Gulf of Gdańsk on the basis of studies conducted at 25 sampling sites in 2001–05. The phosphorus speciation analysis was performed by sequential extraction. The extensive spatial variability of Ptot concentrations and speciation was found to be dependent on the physicochemical properties of the sediments, the oxygen conditions in the water and sediments, and the depth of the water column above the sediment surface. In the coastal zone, the sedimentation of riverine suspended matter and the sorption and chemisorption processes exert a considerable influence on P speciation. Over 70% of variation of total phosphorus concentration in sediments in the Gulf of Gdańsk could be explained by changes of proportion of fine fraction of sediments (grain size <0.0625 mm). Maximum Ptot concentrations were recorded in clays and silts in the deep water, stratified part of the Gulf of Gdańsk. In the coastal zone, where sandy sediments are dominant, phosphorus concentrations were much lower; this was due to the considerable dynamics of the bottom water and intensive sea floor transport. Ptot concentrations in the Gulf of Gdańsk sediments ranged from 1.75 to 957.17 μmol g−1 d.w. Of all the forms of phosphorus, the highest concentrations were found for organic phosphorus (Org-P). Of its inorganic forms, the highest concentrations were of phosphorus bound to clay minerals and aluminium oxides (NaOH-P), the lowest ones were of loosely bound phosphorus (NaCl-P). On the basis of determinations of total phosphorus concentrations in sediments of a given type and the available data on the seabed areas covered by particular sediment types in the Gulf of Gdańsk, the mass of total phosphorus in the surficial sediment layer (0–2 cm) was estimated at ca. 15.6×103 tonnes.  相似文献   

We estimated the net annual air–sea exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) using monitoring data from the East Gotland Sea, Bornholm Sea, and Kattegat for the 1993–2009 period. Wind speed and the sea surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2w), calculated from pH, total alkalinity, temperature, and salinity, were used for the flux calculations. We demonstrate that regions in the central Baltic Sea and the Kattegat alternate between being sinks (−) and sources (+) of CO2 within the −4.2 to +5.2 mol m−2 yr−1 range. On average, for the 1994–2008 period, the East Gotland Sea was a source of CO2 (1.64 mol m−2 yr−1), the Bornholm Sea was a source (2.34 mol m−2 yr−1), and the Kattegat was a sink (−1.16 mol m−2 yr−1). Large inter-annual and regional variations in the air–sea balance were observed. We used two parameterizations for the gas transfer velocity (k) and the choice varied the air–sea exchange by a factor of two. Inter-annual variations in pCO2w between summers were controlled by the maximum concentration of phosphate in winter. Inter-annual variations in the CO2 flux and gas transfer velocity were larger between winters than between summers. This indicates that the inter-annual variability in the total flux was controlled by winter conditions. The large differences between the central Baltic Sea and Kattegat were considered to depend partly on the differences in the mixed layer depth.  相似文献   

A grid of previously unpublished, vintage 2D marine seismic lines has been processed and interpreted to the east of Hanö Bay, SW Baltic Sea. The 3200 km2 study area lies on the transition between the Hanö Bay Basin to the West and Baltic Synelcise to the East, NE of the Tornquist intra shield tectonic zone.Data from the NA79, NA80 and RW84 surveys were selected for this study from the extensive Oljeprospektering AB (OPAB) Baltic Sea dataset. New processing workflows have been developed for the data which focus on suppressing two significant forms of noise, namely multiple and side scattered noise. Deconvolution in the tau-p domain, parabolic radon demultiple and post stack deconvolution are shown to be effective at attenuating multiple noise, while FK filtering in shot and receiver gathers is effective at removing side scattered noise.The newly processed data were interpreted and a series of maps detailing the structure of the basement, Cambrian and Silurian/Paleozoic horizons were constructed. These maps differ significantly to previously published interpretations of the area. Within the study area, a region of significant Late Carboniferous/Early Permian transtensional faulting and Late Cretaceous inversion is mapped in detail. This structure would have exhibited normal offsets of up to 600 m before inversion with later inverted displacements of up to approximately 200 m in places. This feature appears to extend some 20 km to the SW of the study area to the major fault bounding the Christiansø High. Based on the seismic interpretation, the area appears to have had a similar overall geological history as the adjacent Tornquist Zone to the SW.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Gdańsk receives the waters of the Wis?a (Vistula), the largest Polish river and the second largest river flowing into the Baltic Sea. Chloropigments a (chlorophyll a and its derivatives) were determined in water and sediments from the Gulf. Samples were collected during cruises of R.V. 'Oceania' at 19 stations located at different water depths and distances from the shore, in May (2003) and October (2004), i.e., at the beginning and at the end of the growing season, respectively. Seawater was also sampled on the beach at Sopot in June, July and August 2004, i.e., during the height of the growing season. All water samples were collected with a bathometer and passed through Whatman GF/F filters. Recent sediments (0-10 cm) were collected with a core sampler and divided into sub-samples (0-1, 1-5 and 5-10 cm). The pigments were determined using HPLC-DAD. The results were first correlated with a set of parameters measured in situ during sample collection (salinity, temperature, oxygen content of seawater) and determined in the same material (organic carbon content, granulometry), then worked up statistically. Although this investigation shows that particular chloropigments a in recent sediments are indicative of the prevailing environmental conditions in the study area and the trends in their variations, they should be treated as a relative and not an absolute measure, since this is the first such study based on a large and coherent set containing both chloropigment a and environmental data. In addition, a chlorophyll a budget is estimated for the Gulf of Gdańsk on the basis of the literature and the authors' own data. Only c. 10% of the chlorophyll a produced annually in the Gulf of Gdańsk is transferred to sediments in the form of chloropigments a; 2.8% is in the form of undecomposed chlorophyll a and 7.2% in the form of chlorophyll a derivatives. About 90% of chlorophyll a is decomposed to colourless products.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the Baltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from the southern Baltic (the Gulf of Gdansk) have revealed striking morphological, histological and cytogenetic features. Strong deformation of the shell, including elongation of the posterior end and the appearance of an easily visible flexure in this part, has been recorded. The population contribution of the deformed blunt shelled ("irregular") clams ranged from 0% to 65% and tended to increase with depth. The morphologically "irregular" clams had higher accumulated tissue concentrations of trace metals (As, Ag, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn), indicating a different metal handling ability. Adverse conditions in deeper water regions of the Gulf (e.g. hypoxia, hydrogen sulphide, elevated bioavailability of contaminants) have been suggested as inducers of the phenotypical changes (morphological deformation) in part of the population and, in parallel, of the specific physiological adaptations that result in higher metal accumulation in the "irregular" clams. Cytogenetic and histological analyses showed the presence of tumours in gill cells and digestive system of the affected clams, the prevalence of disseminated neoplasia ranging from 0% to 94% depending on the site. The disease was manifested by a modified karyotype (i.e. an abnormal number and morphology of chromosomes), a higher activity of nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs), and tissue lesions (enlarged cells, actively proliferative with pleomorphic nuclei). Bottom sediments showed acute toxicity and have been proposed as a source of an initialising carcinogenic factor. However, none of the ecotoxicological studies provided was successful in the clear demonstration of a single (or multifactorial) agent that can account for the disseminated neoplasia.  相似文献   

Trace elements (TEs) and stable isotope ratios (δ15N and δ13C) were analyzed in fish from deep-water of the Sulu Sea, the Celebes Sea and the Philippine Sea. Concentrations of V and Pb in pelagic fish from the Sulu Sea were higher than those from the Celebes Sea, whereas the opposite trend was observed for δ13C. High concentrations of Zn, Cu and Ag were found in non-migrant fish in deep-water, while Rb level was high in fish which migrate up to the epipelagic zone, probably resulting from differences in background levels of these TEs in each water environment or function of adaptation to deep-water by migrant and non-migrant species. Arsenic level in the Sulu Sea fish was positively correlated with δ15N, indicating biomagnification of arsenic. To our knowledge, this is the first study on relationship between diel vertical migration and TE accumulation in deep-water fish.  相似文献   

A field operable surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensor system was applied for the first time under real conditions for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as markers for petroleum hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea). At six stations, seawater samples were taken, and the sensor system was applied in situ simultaneously. These measurements were compared to the results of conventional GC/MS laboratory analysis of the PAH concentrations in the seawater samples. For a PAH concentration above 150 ng(12PAH)l(-1), there was agreement between the SERS sensor and the GC/MS determinations. A standard addition experiment yielded a PAH concentration of 900 ng l(-1) at the Gdańsk Harbor, which was of the same order as the GC/MS determinations of 12PAHs (200 ng(12PAH)l(-1)). The high SERS detection limit for seawater samples is explained by the competition for PAHs between the sensor membrane and particulate matter surfaces. Thus, the SERS sensor can be applied, e.g., as a non-quantitative alarm sensor for relatively high PAH concentrations in heavily polluted waters. The spectral unmixing procedure applied for Gdańsk Harbor water confirmed the presence of phenanthrene at the highest concentration ([Phe]=140 ngl(-1)) and of Chr (2.7 ng l(-1)), but it did not detect the other PAHs present in the Gdańsk Harbor water, as determined by GC/MS. When compared to the past literature and databases, the SERS spectra indicated the presence of a mixture of molecules consisting of carotenoids, n-alkanes, amines or fatty acids, and benzimidazoles at the coastal station ZN2. The spectra in the offshore direction indicated carboxylic acids. Interpretation of the farthest offshore in situ SERS measurements is difficult, principally due to the limited availability of reference spectra. The detection of the lower PAH concentrations commonly found in Baltic coastal water needs further research and development to obtain better sensitivity of the SERS sensor. However, the high analytical specificity of the SERS sensor also allows the detection of other chemical species that require the development of a SERS/Raman library for specific in situ spectral interpretation.  相似文献   

The Arctic Ocean, the northernmost parts of the earth, covers the total surface area of 14.79 million square kilometers and amounts to only about 4% of global ocean surface area. Although its surface area is the smallest in the four major oceans, the Arct…  相似文献   

The influence of the sediment’s physico-chemical properties and black carbon content, on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in benthic sediments of the Gulf of Gdansk (Baltic Sea) was determined. Sediments from port, marine dump site of dredged spoils, the Vistula river mouth, Gdansk Deep were selected.The concentrations of ∑PAHs (fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(ah)anthracene, benzo(ghi)perylene) were 294-2200 ng/g d.w. and for ∑PCBs (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) were 2.4-11.3 ng/g d.w.The sediments content of loss on ignition was 1.13-16.15%, total organic carbon was 0.89-7.15%, black carbon was 0.20-1.15%. The highest correlation coefficient values (r = 0.76-0.92, p < 0.05) for a relationship between the concentrations of organic pollutants, and organic matter, organic and black carbon contents were obtained in harbor sediments with low content of organic matter (<5%) and high share of black carbon in total carbon (up to 40%).  相似文献   

This paper reports baseline levels of litter (macro, meso and microplastics) in sediments collected from different areas of the Croatian MPA of the Natural Park of Tela??ica bay (Adriatic Sea, GSA n. 17). The distribution of total abundance according to size, for all analysed locations evidences that microplastics are the dominant fraction concerning item's numbers. In all analysed samples no macroplastics were found, while microplastics are 88.71% and mesoplastics are 11.29% of the total.  相似文献   

In order to understand the generation mechanism of the Iwate–Miyagi earthquake (M 7.2) that occurred on 14 June 2008 in Northeast Japan, we determined high-resolution 3D seismic velocity (Vp, Vs) and Poisson's ratio (σ) structures as well as P-wave azimuthal anisotropy in and around the source area using 246,623 P-wave and 189,153 S-wave high-quality arrival times from 1941 aftershocks of the 2008 Iwate–Miyagi earthquake as well as 4878 shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes in this area recorded by the dense High-Sensitivity Seismic Network (Hi-net) and the seismic stations of Tohoku University. Our results show that hypocenters of the mainshock and three large aftershocks are located in a boundary zone where both seismic velocity and Poisson's ratio change drastically in a short distance. A zone with pronounced low-velocity and high Poisson's ratio is revealed in the lower crust and uppermost mantle under the source area, which may reflect the arc magma and fluids ascending from the upper-mantle wedge. The P-wave azimuthal anisotropy is complex under the study area, which may also indicate the complex crustal structure there. These results indicate that the generation of the 2008 Iwate–Miyagi earthquake was influenced by the ascending arc magma and fluids associated with the dehydration reactions of the subducting Pacific slab under Northeast Japan.  相似文献   

: Lake Neuchâtel (Switzerland) has been recovering from human-induced eutrophication since 1982. Oligochaetes and chironomid larvae were used to monitor the recovery of sediment at a depth of 40 m. In oligochaete communities, the mean proportion of individuals belonging to species indicative of oligotrophic conditions (mostly Spirosperma velutinus and Stylodrilus heringianus) increased from 16 % in 1984 to 33 % in 1992, but decreased to 11 % in 1997. Based on oligochaetes, benthic conditions deteriorated in 1997 whereas, based on the increase of oligotrophic chironomids (mostly Micropsectra), they improved. This difference was attributed to the impact of large planktonic algae whose sedimentation had altered oxygen concentrations at the water-sediment interface. Oligochaetes were more affected than chironomids because they are less mobile and they depend more on the inner sediment for their food and reproduction than the latter. However, based on the combined response of oligochaetes and chironomids, benthic recovery was stalled in 1997 but was not reversed.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring 210Po (half-life 138.4d) is the granddaughter of 210Pb (half-life 22.3a), both are members of 238U decay series and have been inten-sively utilized to study kinetic aspects of material cy-cling in the ocean[1]. Based on radioactive disequilibria in the 226Ra-210Pb-210Po system, oceanographical processes with different timescales have been widely studied. Rama et al.[2] first detected excess 210Pb rela-tive to its precursor 226Ra in surface waters, and considered this exc…  相似文献   

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