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A ubiquitous feature of the Yellow Sea (YS) is the frequent occurrence of the sea fog in spring and summer season. An extremely dense sea fog event was observed around the Shandong Peninsula in the morning of 11 April 2004. This fog patch, with a spatial scale of several hundreds kilometers and lasted about 20 h, reduced the horizontal visibility to be less than 20 m in some locations, and caused a series of traffic collisions and 12 injuries on the coastal stretch of a major highway. In this paper, almost all available observational data, including Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-9 visible satellite imagery, objectively reanalyzed data of final run analysis (FNL) issued by the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the sounding data of Qingdao and Dalian, as well as the latest 4.4 version of Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) model, were employed to investigate this sea fog case. Its evolutionary process and the environmental conditions that led to the fog formation were examined by using GOES-9 visible satellite imagery and sounding observations. In order to better understand the fog formation mechanism, a high-resolution RAMS modeling of 4 km × 4 km was designed. The modeling was initialized and validated by FNL data. A 30-h modeling that started from 18 UTC 10 April 2004 reproduced the main characteristics of this fog event. The simulated lower horizontal visibility area agreed reasonably well with the sea fog region identified from the satellite imagery. Advection cooling effect seemed to play a significant role for the fog formation.  相似文献   

Data regarding the frequency andoccurrence of sea storms in the Adriatic Sea and theWestern Mediterranean during the last millennium havebeen extracted from historical written sources. TheAdriatic Sea shows two anomalous periods of high stormfrequency: the first half of the 1500s and the secondhalf of the 1700s. In the 1500s the storms were morefrequent in autumn, while in the late 1700s theyoccurred at high frequency in winter. In the WesternMediterranean, storms had a higher frequency in thefirst half of the 1600s, with two lesser periods ofhigh frequency in the 1400s and at the end of the1700s. Although both records show a maximum frequencyof sea storms during the Spörer Minimum(1416–1534) of solar activity, sunspot series yieldno, or poor, correlation during the other periods oflowest activity, i.e., Oort Minimum (1010–1090), WolfMinimum (1282–1342), and Maunder Minimum (1645–1715),suggesting that a teleconnection between sea stormsand sunspots is improbable or masked in this region.No teleconnection was found either between the ElNiño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and surgesflooding Venice or the Western Mediterranean storms orbetween Venice surges and the Northern AtlanticOscillation (NAO).  相似文献   

The use of high resolution atmosphere–ocean coupled regional climate models to study possible future climate changes in the Mediterranean Sea requires an accurate simulation of the atmospheric component of the water budget (i.e., evaporation, precipitation and runoff). A specific configuration of the version 3.1 of the weather research and forecasting (WRF) regional climate model was shown to systematically overestimate the Mediterranean Sea water budget mainly due to an excess of evaporation (~1,450 mm yr?1) compared with observed estimations (~1,150 mm yr?1). In this article, a 70-member multi-physics ensemble is used to try to understand the relative importance of various sub-grid scale processes in the Mediterranean Sea water budget and to evaluate its representation by comparing simulated results with observed-based estimates. The physics ensemble was constructed by performing 70 1-year long simulations using version 3.3 of the WRF model by combining six cumulus, four surface/planetary boundary layer and three radiation schemes. Results show that evaporation variability across the multi-physics ensemble (~10 % of the mean evaporation) is dominated by the choice of the surface layer scheme that explains more than ~70 % of the total variance and that the overestimation of evaporation in WRF simulations is generally related with an overestimation of surface exchange coefficients due to too large values of the surface roughness parameter and/or the simulation of too unstable surface conditions. Although the influence of radiation schemes on evaporation variability is small (~13 % of the total variance), radiation schemes strongly influence exchange coefficients and vertical humidity gradients near the surface due to modifications of temperature lapse rates. The precipitation variability across the physics ensemble (~35 % of the mean precipitation) is dominated by the choice of both cumulus (~55 % of the total variance) and planetary boundary layer (~32 % of the total variance) schemes with a strong regional dependence. Most members of the ensemble underestimate total precipitation amounts with biases as large as 250 mm yr?1 over the whole Mediterranean Sea compared with ERA Interim reanalysis mainly due to an underestimation of the number of wet days. The larger number of dry days in simulations is associated with a deficit in the activation of cumulus schemes. Both radiation and planetary boundary layer schemes influence precipitation through modifications on the available water vapor in the boundary layer generally tied with changes in evaporation.  相似文献   

The impact of the wind forcing temporal resolution in the central Mediterranean Sea is addressed using a numerical ocean circulation model. The model uses interactive surface fluxes based on the ERA-Interim 6-hourly atmospheric reanalyses except for the 10 m wind for which ERA5 hourly reanalyses are used. Additional temporal resolution (2, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h) wind sets are deduced from the ERA5 hourly data. An ensemble of simulations (six members) is then performed where only the temporal resolution of the wind forcing is changed. The impact of the temporal resolution is studied based on this set of simulations. The dependence of the surface wind stress and heat flux on the wind resolution is derived based on an analytical expression where the Weibull distribution is used to characterise the probability density function of the wind speed. Results from the analytical model are found close to those from the numerical model when a linear increase of the exchange coefficients with the wind speed is considered. Power input into the sea and surface heat loss both increase with the increase of the temporal resolution but at lower rates when approaching hourly forcing values. The increase of the latent heat loss at these high resolutions is small (~−0.8 Wm-2) but still important, around 10–20% the Mediterranean basin heat budget (−5 to −7 Wm-2). The increase of the wind forcing temporal resolution decreases the sea surface temperature (SST) and increases the sea surface salinity (SSS) with largest values in the shallow area of the Gulf of Gabès (eastern coast of Tunisia). A decrease of SSS is however noticed in some areas mainly northwest of the Tunisia coast. Hydrographical changes are also found in the Tunisia-Sicily channel. They are characterised by mesoscale structures with no remarkable change of the major water veins.  相似文献   

This work is an attempt to simulate the Mediterranean Sea general circulation with a Spectral Finite Element Model. This numerical technique associates the geometrical flexibility of the finite elements for the proper coastline definition with the precision offered by spectral methods. The model is reduced gravity and we study the wind-driven ocean response in order to explain the large scale sub-basin gyres and their variability. The study period goes from January 1987 to December 1993 and two forcing data sets are used. The effect of wind variability in space and time is analyzed and the relationship between wind stress curl and ocean response is stressed. Some of the main permanent structures of the general circulation (Gulf of Lions cyclonic gyre, Rhodes gyre, Gulf of Syrte anticylone) are shown to be induced by permanent wind stress curl structures. The magnitude and spatial variability of the wind is important in determining the appearance or disappearance of some gyres (Tyrrhenian anticyclonic gyre, Balearic anticyclonic gyre, Ionian cyclonic gyre). An EOF analysis of the seasonal variability indicates that the weakening and strengthening of the Levantine basin boundary currents is a major component of the seasonal cycle in the basin.The important discovery is that seasonal and interannual variability peak at the same spatial scales in the ocean response and that the interannual variability includes the change in amplitude and phase of the seasonal cycle in the sub-basin scale gyres and boundary currents. The Coriolis term in the vorticity balance seems to be responsible for the weakening of anticyclonic structures and their total disappearance when they are close to a boundary.The process of adjustment to winds produces a train of coastally trapped gravity waves which travel around the eastern and western basins, respectively in approximately 6 months. This corresponds to a phase velocity for the wave of about 1 m/s, comparable to an average velocity of an internal Kelvin wave in the area.  相似文献   

黄彬  许健民  史得道  柳龙生 《气象》2018,44(10):1342-1351
2016年3月3—5日,渤海和黄海大部出现了一次大范围持续性的海上大雾天气过程。本文从卫星遥感监测上分析海雾在生成、发展和消亡三个阶段的形态演变特征。从海洋气象条件上分析了山东半岛东南近海没有海雾和海雾形态演变的原因。结果表明:(1)在海雾形成初期,在山东半岛东南海域有弱气旋性弯曲,大气层结不稳定,地面形势受低压影响,虽受偏南风控制,但湿度小,无水汽辐合,因此在山东半岛东南近海没有雾。(2)海雾的形成与低层的偏南暖湿气流有关,而这个偏南暖湿气流来源于西北太平洋,雾区对应着水汽辐合区,海气温差为0~1℃的区域与雾区吻合,在海雾发展成熟期,雾顶长波辐射导致雾体降温,出现气温低于海温的现象。(3)925~1000 hPa垂直风切变有利于海雾在逆温层内维持和垂直高度上的发展,形成有一定厚度的海雾。  相似文献   

A meso-α-scale polar low was observed over the Japan Sea on 19 December 2003. It initialed around 11 UTC over the northwestern part of the Japan Sea within a synoptic-scale parent low under the influence of baroclinic environment and disappeared over the eastern edge of Japan Islands with a lifetime of about 20 h. It is of interest that this polar low had “concentric eye-walls” and “warm core” structure at its mature stage. The evolutionary process and spatial structure of this polar low were investigated by using almost all available observational data, including the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-9, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery, the Final Analyses (FNL) data issued by National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), the surface observational data and the 9-station sounding data of Japan Islands. In order to study its development mechanism, a 24-h numerical simulation using the version 4.4 of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) starting from 12 UTC 19 December 2003 with an 8 km × 8 km resolution was performed. It is shown that the RAMS model reproduced the main features of the polar low reasonably well. The vorticity budget analyses indicate that the stretching term is the major contributor for the vorticity increase of the polar low. The baroclinic background seems to play significant role for the initial development of this polar low. However, the effect of the diabatic heating for its later development is also significant.  相似文献   

In this paper, a heavy sea fog episode that occurred over the Yellow Sea on 9 March 2005 is investigated. The sea fog patch, with a spatial scale of several hundred kilometers at its mature stage, reduced visibility along the Shandong Peninsula coast to 100 m or much less at some sites. Satellite images, surface observations and soundings at islands and coasts, and analyses from the Japan Meteorology Agency (JMA) axe used to describe and analyze this event. The analysis indicates that this sea fog can be categorized as advection cooling fog. The main features of this sea fog including fog area and its movement axe reasonably reproduced by the Fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5). Model results suggest that the formation and evolution of this event can be outlined as: (1) southerly warm/moist advection of low-level air resulted in a strong sea-surface-based inversion with a thickness of about 600 m; (2) when the inversion moved from the warmer East Sea to the colder Yellow Sea, a thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) gradually formed at the base of the inversion while the sea fog grew in response to cooling and moistening by turbulence mixing; (3) the sea fog developed as the TIBL moved northward and (4) strong northerly cold and dry wind destroyed the TIBL and dissipated the sea fog. The principal findings of this study axe that sea fog forms in response to relatively persistent southerly waxm/moist wind and a cold sea surface, and that turbulence mixing by wind shear is the primary mechanism for the cooling and moistening the marine layer. In addition, the study of sensitivity experiments indicates that deterministic numerical modeling offers a promising approach to the prediction of sea fog over the Yellow Sea but it may be more efficient to consider ensemble numerical modeling because of the extreme sensitivity to model input.  相似文献   

Considered is the dependence of the evolution of the ice drift velocity field in the Sea of Azov on the direction and duration of the impact of wind of constant intensity based on the constructed two-dimensional mathematical model.  相似文献   

A regional atmosphere–ocean coupled model has been used to estimate sea level rise in the Mediterranean basin under present and future conditions. A present climate simulation has been forced by ERA40 reanalysis covering the period 1958–2001. Moreover a simulation has been forced by the global coupled model ECHAM5-MPIOM under present climate conditions for the period 1951–2000. Two other 50-year simulations have been performed under the SRESA1B scenario for the twenty-first century and differ only in temperature and salinity profiles used to relax the ocean model in the Atlantic buffer zone. The present climate simulation has been verified in terms of temperature, salinity and sea level against observed data, showing good performances both in mean values and variability over the whole Mediterranean Sea and over different sub-basins. The future scenario simulations show that the steric sea level averaged over the entire basin rises of about 2 or 7?cm in 50?years depending on the Atlantic boundary conditions. The difference of about 1?°C and 0.5?psu in the upper layers of the Atlantic sea reflects mainly on the halosteric component that contributes negatively to the sea level rise, when fresher and colder boundary conditions are used in the Atlantic buffer zone, and positively in the other case. The impact of the boundary conditions is not uniform in the basin and is particularly strong in some easternmost regions.  相似文献   

一九七五年五月四日晨开始,在河北省东部、渤海海面、辽东半岛、山东半岛、黄海北部海面先后出现9—10级西北大风。掖县、羊角沟、招远、海阳、蓬莱等地区阵风达12级,并伴有阵性降雨过程。由于风的来势很猛,使沿海部分地区的人民生命财产受到了一定程度的损失。  相似文献   

Long-term variations of the Caspian Sea level occur mainly due to river runoff variations (the variations of the Volga River runoff is of primary importance here). In this case, the observed and reconstructed variations of the Caspian Sea level can serve as a standard for assessing the quality of the model runoff simulated by climate models. To solve this problem, a number of detailed maps of the Caspian Sea are prepared for the series of regression and transgression stages. These data are used for verifying the results of some numerical experiments carried out within the framework of CMIP5/PMIP3. It is demonstrated that the model data can be verified depending on how well the models simulate the present-day (instrumentally observed) variations of the decadal scale reconstructed in recent 1000 years of variations: the transition from the Derbent regression to the New Caspian transgression (the 5th phase) with the insignificant sea level drop in the late 19th century and under conditions of large regression during the period of the late Pleistocene glaciation maximum.  相似文献   

A scenario of the Mediterranean Sea is performed for the twenty-first century based on an ocean modelling approach. A climate change IPCC-A2 scenario run with an atmosphere regional climate model is used to force a Mediterranean Sea high-resolution ocean model over the 1960–2099 period. For comparison, a control simulation as long as the scenario has also been carried out under present climate fluxes. This control run shows air–sea fluxes in agreement with observations, stable temperature and salinity characteristics and a realistic thermohaline circulation simulating the different intermediate and deep water masses described in the literature. During the scenario, warming and saltening are simulated for the surface (+3.1°C and + 0.48 psu for the Mediterranean Sea at the end of the twenty-first century) and for the deeper layers (+1.5°C and + 0.23 psu on average). These simulated trends are in agreement with observed trends for the Mediterranean Sea over the last decades. In addition, the Mediterranean thermohaline circulation (MTHC) is strongly weakened at the end of the twenty-first century. This behaviour is mainly due to the decrease in surface density and so the decrease in winter deep-water formation. At the end of the twenty-first century, the MTHC weakening can be evaluated as −40% for the intermediate waters and −80% for the deep circulation with respect to present-climate conditions. The characteristics of the Mediterranean Outflow Waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean are also strongly influenced during the scenario.  相似文献   

A dense sea fog episode that occurred near the coastal city of Qingdao in the Shandong Peninsula of China on 1 August 2003 is investigated by using all of the available observational data and high-resolution modeling results from the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). This fog event reduced the horizontal visibility to be less than 60 m in some locations and caused several traffic accidents locally. In this paper, all of the available observational data, including visible satellite imagery of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-9 and MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), objectively reanalyzed Final Analysis (FNL) data issued by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), sounding data at the Qingdao and Dalian stations, and the latest 4.4 version of the RAMS model, were employed to study this sea fog case. We begin with the analyses of the environmental conditions of the sea fog event, including the large-scale conditions, the difference between T 2m (air temperature at 2 m altitude) and sea surface temperature (SST), and the atmospheric sounding profiles of the two stations. The characteristics of this sea fog event was documented by using visible satellite imagery of GOES-9 and MODIS. In order to better understand the fog formation mechanism, a high-resolution RAMS model of dimensions 4 km × 4 km was designed, which was initialized and validated by FNL data. A 54-h modeling period that started from 18 UTC 31 July 2003 reproduced the main characteristics of this sea fog event. The simulated lower visibility area agreed well with the sea fog area identified from the satellite imagery. It is shown that advection cooling effect plays a significant role in the fog formation.  相似文献   

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