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海南黎安港海草床分布特征、健康状况及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对黎安港海草资源进行调查,并采用《近岸海洋生态健康评价指南》(HY/T087-2005)对海草床生态系统健康进行评价。结果表明,黎安港海草种类主要有2科3亚科4属4种,分别为圆叶丝粉草、泰来草、海菖蒲及卵叶喜盐草;海菖蒲分布广泛,其次为圆叶丝粉草及泰来草,海草床分布面积约为0.93 km2,黎安南岸海草分布面积最大,西岸次之,东岸最小。海草平均覆盖度为37.80%。圆叶丝粉草平均密度872.00株/m2,平均生物量150.34 g/m2,泰来草平均密度405.00株/m2,平均生物量62.45 g/m2;海菖蒲平均密度251.00株/m2,平均生物量778.50g/m2,卵叶喜盐草平均密度6768.00株/m2,平均生物量70.63g/m2,2015年黎安港海草床处于健康状态;2018年处于健康状态边缘;2016年、2017年及2019年均处于亚健康状态,主要体现在沉积物环境、栖息地健康...  相似文献   

通过对比2012、2018、2020年海南文昌沿岸海草床的调查数据,对文昌海草床的现状、退化状况以及退化因素进行分析。结果表明,2020年文昌海域海草有2科6属6种,分别为泰来草(Thalassia hemprichii)、圆叶丝粉草(Cymodocea rotunda)、单脉二药草(Halodule uninervis)、海菖蒲(Enhalus acoroides)、卵叶喜盐草(Halophila ovalis)及针叶草(Syringodium isoetifolium)。文昌海草床的分布呈明显退化的趋势,海草床面积由2012年的31.8 km2减少到2018年的24.2 km2,2020年进一步降低至18.8 km2。分析数据显示,Cu、Cd、Cr等重金属离子与调查区海草床的盖度显著负相关,表明在低营养负载时文昌周边虾塘养殖废水排放带来的重金属污染也会导致文昌海草床的退化。  相似文献   

系统报道了广西涠洲岛的潮下带海草、红树林以及互花米草的分布和群落结构特征.2019—2020年的调查结果表明,涠洲岛海草分布于南湾西侧,紧邻珊瑚礁区,面积4246 m2,为潮下带的生长形式,海草种类仅见卵叶喜盐草(Halophila ovalis);真红树植物有6种[红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa)、海漆...  相似文献   

海草在世界各海域已知有12个属,其中8个属在我国有分布。在从五十年代后期开始的西沙群岛动、植物区系调查中,先后采到海龟草 Thalassia hemprichii ( Ehrenb.) Aschers.、喜盐草 Halophila ovalis (R.Br.) Hook.和无横脉喜盐草 H. beccarii Aschers.等三种海草,分隶于二属。 海草是一个热带性较强的类群,在已知的12个属中,有7属以热带为分布中心。分布在我国沿海的8属海草中,也有6属是热带性的(包括西沙群岛的2属3种),其中海龟草是纯热带种类,而喜盐草和无横脉喜盐草是热带一亚热带类型。 在我国,有关海草的研究甚少,本文首次报道西沙群岛海草。海龟草、喜盐草及无横脉喜盐草均为我国新记录。  相似文献   

海草床是三大典型的近海海洋生态系统之一,具有极高的生态服务功能。然而,截至2015年我国近海海草资源分布现状尚不明晰,严重制约了我国海草床保护与修复工作的开展。2015~2021年,笔者通过实地调查,借助船只走航、声呐探测、遥感等技术手段,重点对我国近海海草资源的分布面积、种类及主要威胁进行了全面普查,并据此提出我国海草床管理与可持续利用对策。结果表明,我国近海海域海草床面积共为26 495.69hm2,可划分为:温带海域海草分布区和热带-亚热带海域海草分布区;我国现有海草4科9属16种。其中,温带海域海草床面积为17 095.01 hm2,主要分布在辽宁、河北、天津和山东沿海,分布有2科3属5种,以鳗草(Zosteramarina)和日本鳗草(Z.japonica)为优势种,其中唐山乐亭-曹妃甸海草床面积达9 025.56 hm2,是我国面积最大的海草床;热带-亚热带海域海草床面积为9 400.68 hm2,主要分布在福建、广东、广西和海南沿海,分布有4科8属12种,以泰来草(Thalassia hemprichii)、海菖蒲(Enhalus acoroides...  相似文献   

广西潮间带海草的移植恢复   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在总结作者近年来在广西沿岸开展海草移植恢复的实践经验的基础上,吸取了国外海草恢复的部分经验,从草源地选择、种类配置、恢复地选择与整理、草源采集与定植以及恢复后的监管措施等方面,论述了广西潮间带海草的移植恢复技术,以期为中国其他地区的潮间带海草恢复提供借鉴。在广西,矮大叶藻、喜盐草与贝克喜盐草是最适宜作为海草移植恢复的种类。相对根状茎移植法,草块移植法更适用于广西。草源地与恢复地的距离极大地影响恢复工程的人力物力成本。  相似文献   

为缓解海南岛东海岸海草床的持续退化,在高隆湾光滩区采用单株定距移植法移植泰来草(Thalassia hemprichii)及海菖蒲(Enhalus acoroides)进行海草床修复研究,修复面积约为1000 m2.结果表明,采用铁架加网的修复方式,泰来草1 a后平均成活率为56.39%,其成活率在移植7个月后下降比较...  相似文献   

海南岛南部海草资源分布现状调查分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
结合2008年和2014年的调查数据,对海南岛南部海草分布现状进行分析探讨。结果显示,海南岛南部海草种类有2科3亚科5属5种,即海神草Cymodocea rotunda、泰莱藻Thalassia hemprichii、海菖蒲Enhalus acoroides、喜盐草Halophila ovalis以及二药藻Enhalus acoroides,泰莱藻广泛分布;海草分布面积从2008年的1.64km2减少到2014年0.50km2,减少幅度较大区域为铁炉港和小东海;平均盖度从2008年35.67%下降到2014年26.40%;受人为活动及无人管理因素影响程度不同,海南岛南部不同海域海草平均密度及平均生物量各有不同,后海湾与鹿回头海草平均密度和平均生物量呈增长趋势,铁炉港、西瑁洲岛及小东海海草平均密度和平均生物量呈下降趋势。鉴于海南岛南部海草资源已出现退化,希望社会各界重视海草的保护,在海草资源丰富区域设海草保护区,在海草破坏严重区域加大政府科研扶持力度,对海草进行保护与修复。  相似文献   

海南岛海湾与潟湖中海草的分布差异及影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据2002年至2016年调查数据,研究海南岛海湾与潟湖中海草的分布及其影响因素。结果表明:海南岛沿岸调查到海草共6属10种,优势种为泰来草与海菖蒲,种类数量呈现东部多、北部与南部少的特点;海草分布面积约53.7906km2,呈现北部大于南部、海湾大于潟湖的特点;覆盖度存在由北向南递增趋势。海南岛沿岸海草垂直分布呈现由陆向海梯度分布规律。海草在海湾分布宽度大,主要集中于礁坪内侧,呈现斑块状分布为主,局部区域零星分布的特征;在潟湖分布宽度较小,主要集中于受人为活动干扰较少区域,呈现斑块状或片状分布的特征。潮流、水深、盐度、光照、底质类型与人类活动等对海南岛沿岸海草分布的影响较大,同时藻类、贝类与鱼类等生物对海草存在一定的空间竞争。  相似文献   

海草植株共附生大量具有合成植物激素、促进植物营养物质吸收和拮抗病原菌作用的促生菌,对海草的健康生长具有重要作用.本研究利用固氮、溶磷培养基从海南省新村湾泰来草( Thalassia hemperichii)和海菖蒲( Enhalus acoroides)植株中获得细菌131株,分布于36属61种,其中芽孢杆菌属( Ba...  相似文献   

This study represents the first in situ assessment of seagrasses in the Union of the Comoros. The presence of the following 10 species (ranked in order of abundance) was confirmed: Thalassia hemprichii, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule wrightii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, Zostera capensis and Enhalus acoroides. Seagrasses occurred in large, continuous beds in the shallow waters at the northern and southern tips of Grande Comore Island and around the Bimbini Peninsula on western Anjouan Island, but were sparsely distributed throughout the shallow waters surrounding Mohéli Island.  相似文献   

The Nansei Islands in the southern Japanese Archipelago have 15 taxa of seagrasses from seven genera within three families. Seagrasses in this region grow on coral sands or coral debris in shallow reefs and on sandy or muddy substrata in the shallow areas of bays and inlets. Certain Halophila species grow in deep water off some islands. Enhalus acoroides only reaches to Ishigaki I. with winter sea water temperature (WST) at 23 °C, while Okinawa I. (WST at 21.6 °C) is the northern biogeographic limit for Halophila decipiens, H. okinawensis, H. major and H. gaudichaudii. Amami‐oshima I. (WST at 20.7 °C) is the northern border for Thalassia hemprichii, H. minor, H. ovalis, Cymodocea serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule uninervis and Halodule pinifolia. Halophila mikii the sole seagrass collected from Yakushima I. (WST at 19.3 °C), is of volcanic origin. The distribution of tropical seagrasses in the Nansei Islands is clearly associated with the warm Kuroshio Current, WST and habitat availability. Zostera japonica is the only temperate species occurring in the region. Meadows of Z. japonica, H. ovalis and Halodule pinifolia have disappeared from certain localities in the Archipelago, due probably to human activities and natural siltation.  相似文献   

Seagrass meadows provide important nursery and feeding grounds for many commercially valuable fish species. Here, we address the paucity of published information on the status of seagrasses in Madagascar by documenting the results from ecological surveys of 11 seagrass beds in Velondriake, a locally managed marine area (LMMA) in south-west Madagascar. The diversity and coverage of meadows was highest in the north of the LMMA with up to 51% coverage, and lowest in the south (26%). Overall, eight seagrass species were recorded: Cymodocea rotundata, C. serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, H. stipulacea, Syringodium isoetifolium, Thalassia hemprichii and Thalassodendron ciliatum. We discuss the natural and anthropogenic factors that may account for the observed low diversity of seagrasses in southern Velondriake, including overfishing, beach-seining, cyclones, siltation and mangrove deforestation. Based on these baseline surveys, as well as discussions with local communities, it is recommended that measures should be taken to reinforce efforts to ban beach-seines and that the role of seagrasses as carbon sinks and potential sustainable financing options through blue carbon initiatives should be investigated through further, more detailed surveys.  相似文献   

The marine angiosperms Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme, and Halodule wrightii form two of the largest reported seagrass beds along the northwest and southern coasts of Florida where they cover about 3000 square km in the Big Bend area and about 5500 square km in Florida Bay, respectively. Most of the leaf biomass in the Big Bend area and outer Florida Bay was composed of Thalassia testudinum and Syringodium filiforme which were distributed throughout the beds but which were more abundant in shallow depths. A short-leaved form of Halodule wrightii grew in monotypic stands in shallow water near the inner edges of the beds, while Halophila decipiens and a longer-leaved variety of H. wrightii grew scattered throughout the beds, in monotypic stands near the outer edges of the beds, and in deeper water outside the beds. Halophila engelmanni was observed scattered at various depths throughout the seagrass beds and in monospecific patches in deep water outside the northern bed. Ruppia maritima grew primarily in brackish water around river mouths. The cross-shelf limits of the two major seagrass beds are controlled nearshore by increased water turbidity and lower salinity around river mouths and off-shore by light penetration to depths which receive 10% or more of sea surface photosynthetically active radiation. Seagrasses form large beds only along low energy reaches of the coast. The Florida Bay seagrass bed contained about twice the short-shoot density of both Thalassia testudinum and Syringodium filiforme, for data averaged over all depths, and about four times the average short-shoot density of both species in shallow water compared with the Big Bend seagrass bed. The differences in average seagrass abundance between Florida Bay and the Big Bend area may be a consequence of the effects of greater seasonal solar radiation and water temperature fluctuations experienced by plants in the northern bed, which lies at the northern distribution limit for American Tropical seagrasses.  相似文献   

Heavy nutrient loads in coastal waters often lead to excessive growth of microalgal and macroalgal epiphytes on seagrass leaves, with varying effects on the underlying seagrasses. This study evaluates the photosynthetic performance, epiphytic biomass and tissue nutrient content of two tropical seagrasses, Cymodocea serrulata and Thalassia hemprichii, in two intertidal areas along the Dar es Salaam coast in the Indian Ocean, a nutrient-rich region at Ocean Road (near the city centre), and a nutrient-poor region at Mjimwema (south of the city centre). Epiphyte biomass was significantly higher at the nutrient-rich site, and epiphytes were associated with reduced photosynthetic performance in both seagrass species at both sites. Likewise, nitrogen and phosphorus tissue content was higher in both species at the nutrient-rich site than at the nutrient-poor site. Epiphytic species composition on the seagrass leaves varied between seagrass species and between sites. Cymodocea serrulata had a higher number of epiphytic species at Mjimwema than at Ocean Road, whereas Thalassia hemprichii had more epiphytic species at Ocean Road than at Mjimwema. Seagrass photosynthetic performance, epiphytic biomass and nutrient content of the seagrasses were shown to be affected by nutrient concentration in the water column. Thus, for the future monitoring of the seagrass meadow, we recommend the use of combined measures such as seagrass performance, epiphytic biomass, nutrient contents and nutrient concentration levels in the water column.  相似文献   

To determine whether dugongs along the Thai coast prefer relatively faster-growing Halophila ovalis due to its nutritional value, we analyzed the contents of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), ash, fiber, and lipids in several species of seagrass collected near dugong feeding trails. CNP concentrations in the faster-growing H. ovalis were distinctly lower than those in the slower-growing species. Lipid concentrations were comparatively not as low; they were equivalent to the values of the slower-growing Enhalus acoroides in the leaves and to Thalassia hemprichii and Cymodocea rotundata in the rhizomes and roots. The ash content of H. ovalis was the highest of all species in both the above and below ground parts. The reason that dugong feeds exclusively on H. ovalis at this site may be the potentially large supply due to its high growth rate, rather than its nutritive qualities.  相似文献   

Fauna species living in seagrass meadows depend on different food sources, with seagrasses often being marginally important for higher trophic levels. To determine the food web of a mixed-species tropical seagrass meadow in Sulawesi, Indonesia, we analyzed the stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) signatures of primary producers, particulate organic matter (POM) and fauna species. In addition invertebrates, both infauna and macrobenthic, and fish densities were examined to identify the important species in the meadow. The aims of this study were to identify the main food sources of fauna species by comparing isotopic signatures of different primary producers and fauna, and to estimate qualitatively the importance of seagrass material in the food web. Phytoplankton and water column POM were the most depleted primary food sources for δ13C (range −23.1 to −19.6‰), but no fauna species depended only on these sources for carbon. Epiphytes and Sargassum sp. had intermediate δ13C values (−14.2 to −11.9‰). Sea urchins, gastropods and certain fish species were the main species assimilating this material. Seagrasses and sedimentary POM had the least depleted values (−11.5 to −5.7‰). Between the five seagrass species significant differences in δ13C were measured. The small species Halophila ovalis and Halodule uninervis were most depleted, the largest species Enhalus acoroides was least depleted, while Thalassia hemprichii and Cymodocea rotundata had intermediate values. Fourteen fauna species, accounting for 10% of the total fauna density, were shown to assimilate predominantly (>50%) seagrass material, either directly or indirectly by feeding on seagrass consumers. These species ranged from amphipods up to the benthic top predator Taeniura lymma. Besides these species, about half of the 55 fauna species analyzed had δ13C values higher than the least depleted non-seagrass source, indicating they depended at least partly for their food on seagrass material. This study shows that seagrass material is consumed by a large number of fauna species and is important for a large portion of the food web in tropical seagrass meadows.  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction activity at a tropical seagrass bed in Papua New Guinea was studied. Blades of every species of seagrass studied (Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule uninervis, Syringodium isoetifolium) at the bed showed active acetylene reduction in the rage of 0.025–0.050 mol cm–2d–1. It is suggested that epiphytic blue-green algae would be responsible for active acetylene reduction. Acetylene reducing activity was observed also at rhizosphere of seagrasses, microbial communities on the detritus and periphyton on snail shells. It is estimated that total nitrogen fixed at the seagrass bed will be equivalent to 6.7% of that required for the growth of seagrasses.  相似文献   

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