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由于受湖泊动力条件和物质来源的影响,湖泊表层沉积物的各粒度组分表现出不同的空间分布特征。选择滇西北程海作为研究对象,通过测试程海表层沉积物的粒度,分析了其不同粒度组分的空间分布特征,对影响程海表层沉积物粒度空间分布的因素进行探讨。研究结果表明:程海表层沉积物的优势粒级为粉砂,各样品沉积类型为黏土质粉砂。粒度组分及其参数的空间分布特征变化差异明显,黏土组分含量呈现出由南向北逐渐增加的趋势,而粉砂、中值粒级则呈现出相反的变化趋势,表明程海沉积物粒径受盛行南风的控制与影响,表现为湖泊水动力由南向北逐渐减弱。程海表层沉积物的粒度空间分布特征表明,其表层沉积物易受盛行风的影响向北扩散,因此,应加强该地区沿岸,特别是南岸人类活动的管理,有效控制人为物质的输入,减少污染物的扩散。 相似文献
选择位于青藏高原和云贵高原过渡区的泸沽湖作为研究对象,对南部主湖区70个表层沉积物样品进行了粒度分析,结合湖泊周围自然地理要素,探讨了粒度各组分在空间上的分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明:泸沽湖南部主湖区表层沉积物沉积类型以黏土质粉砂为主,少数样品为砂质粉砂、砂,砾石主要分布在研究区南部和北部湖滨带,其中粉砂是该研究区的优势粒级。另外,南部主湖区表层沉积物粒度各组分分布具有明显的空间差异性,其中研究区东南侧及西南侧由于受入湖河流(山跨河、三家村河)的影响,导致黏土组分呈舌状分别向北、向东北方向延伸,但东南侧由于受湖水外流形成的定向湖流顶托作用,对研究区物源的贡献较弱;研究区西北部砂组分由于受到悬移作用和定向湖流影响,由西北向东南方向凸出;由于受反时针环流作用的影响,大量细粒物质由研究区北部和西南侧悬移至研究区南部并沉积下来,使得此处有大量细物质沉积。同时指出,泸沽湖南湖表层沉积物粒度空间分布的差异性特征受控于湖泊沉积动力过程及沉积物对环境变化响应敏感程度的差异,研究湖泊表层沉积物粒度组成不仅对于认识湖泊水动力及物质输入状况有很大的促进作用,对合理选择钻孔岩芯位置、开展湖泊沉积古气候环境变化研究具有一定的参考意义。 相似文献
本文从沉积物粒度特征讨论不同时期的古地理环境,探讨第四纪时期新构造运动、古气候及海平面等因素控制对沉积环境的控制,建立长江三角洲东部的第四纪沉积环境演化模式. 相似文献
本文以滇中地区星云湖为研究对象,对湖区84个表层沉积物样品进行了粒度测定,并进行了参数计算和空间分布特征分析,进而探讨了星云湖表层沉积物粒度的环境及人类活动指示意义。结果表明:星云湖表层沉积物平均粒径在8.82~57.71 μm之间,粉砂为该研究区的优势粒级,平均含量达到62.48%,粘土和砂含量的平均值分别为30.68%和7.04%。研究区北部受入湖河流的影响,砂含量较高;南部由于受到盛行风、湖流和湿地的影响,呈现为舌状细粒沉积为主;在其东部螺蛳铺河入湖区,由于受到湖流的顶托作用和人类农耕和河道改造的影响,粉砂和粘土含量较高。星云湖表层沉积物除海门村附近外普遍较细、整体分选极差,而在北部湖区表现为正偏态。河流入湖口沉积物粒度参数表现出不同特征,其中北部入湖口呈单主峰和多峰态的组合特征,东部入湖口呈双峰态,西南各入湖口呈单、双峰组合特征。星云湖现代沉积物与沉积环境和物源的变化紧密相关,是研究湖泊沉积和环境变化的理想场所。 相似文献
结合放射性同位素测年,在对乌梁素海湖泊沉积物粒度的分析基础上,结合黄河以及河套地区相关文献资料,探讨乌梁素海在自然和人类活动共同作用下的演变过程。乌梁素海沉积物中黏土(<4 μm)平均含量28.7%、细粉砂(4~16 μm)平均含量34.4%、中粉砂(16~32 μm)平均含量17.3%、粗粉砂(32~64 μm)组分平均含量14.1%、砂质组分(>64 μm)含量整体较低,平均含量为5.5%。沉积物不同粒级范围颗粒含量的相关性分析表明,在1965年左右(岩芯深度20 cm)乌梁素海沉积物组分特征发生了明显变化。基于此,结合前期对湖泊沉积物中元素含量特征的分析,利用粒径-标准偏差方法,通过对比黄河泥沙以及流域沉积物的粒度特征,研究了约1965年前后两个时段的沉积物来源。尽管乌梁素海湖泊沉积物主要来源于黄河携带的泥沙以及河套平原灌溉退水携带的大量流域表土侵蚀物质,但同一物源组分在1965年前后这两个不同的演化阶段具有不同的粒级特征。1965年之前,<19.95 μm的粒级组分反映了河套平原灌溉退水携带的流域表层侵蚀物质组分特征,而19.95~181.97 μm的粗颗粒组分反映了黄河径流携带的泥沙,后者决定了乌梁素海沉积物的粒级特征。1965年以来,这两种不同来源组分的粒级变细,灌溉退水携带的流域表土侵蚀物质(<5.71 μm组分)控制了湖泊沉积物的粒度特征,并与总排干入乌梁素海的水量变化、围湖建堤以及扬水站的修建等人类活动强度密切相关。总体来看,上世纪六十年代以来,乌梁素海湖泊沉积物的粒度组成受人类施加的影响已经超越了自然作用的影响。 相似文献
利用高分辨率激光粒度仪MS2000对安固里淖、三台河以及长江等多个地点湖泊和河流沉积物样品细粒部分的粒度多组分分布特征进行了系统、深入研究。总结了其粒度分布特征及组分间差异并讨论了其成因机制。研究认为:1)湖泊沉积物粒度一般由多个组分叠加构成,表现为多组分粒度分布特征,其受控于水动力强度和搬运方式等因素。2)粒度分布最多可有6个组分(中值粒径范围分别为①150μm,⑤150~700μm,⑥>700μm),其中前4个组分属悬浮组分(③组分是流域内风成作用强弱的判别标志),⑤为跳跃组分,⑥为滚动组分,整体分选性差。3)据粒度分布特征可分为湖滨、过渡和湖心三相,三相间粒度分布特征有明显差异,同时又存在此消彼长的良好过渡关系。湖滨相以④组分为优势组分,该组分含量越高,指示沉积物越靠近湖滨;过渡相④组分含量随距湖心距离靠近而减小,但②组分含量却在逐渐增加;湖心相以②组分占主导优势,该组分含量越高,指示沉积物越靠近湖心。4)湖相沉积物受湖滨拍岸浪和湖心波浪的影响而产生了明显的粒度分异规律。 相似文献
文章以滇东南浅水湖泊异龙湖作为研究对象,通过对湖泊不同位置的40个表层沉积物样品进行粒度测试,结合流域自然地理要素和人类活动特征,分析了异龙湖表层沉积物粒度空间分布特征,并探讨了其影响因素。结果表明,异龙湖表层沉积物沉积类型主要有粘土质粉砂、粉砂质粘土以及砂-粉砂-粘土3种,其中以粘土质粉砂类型为主,其次为粉砂质粘土。粉砂(4~63 μm)为异龙湖表层沉积物优势粒径成分,其含量介于57.08%~82.41%,其次为粘土(小于4 μm),介于11.22%~35.58%,砂组分(大于63 μm)含量最低,含量介于0.16%~25.80%。异龙湖表层沉积物具有明显的空间分布特征,其中粉砂类似同心圆的空间分布特征,其含量由湖区的中间地带分别向西北、西南、东南3个方向递增;而粘土含量则呈现出相反的趋势。由于受断层影响,异龙湖表层沉积物各粒度组分形成了西北、东南两个相对对称的区域;西北湖区沉积物粒度分布特征同时受自然环境与人类活动的影响,沉积物类型主要有粘土质粉砂和粉砂质粘土,其中以粘土质粉砂为主;而东南深水湖区由于受人为干扰因素较弱,可以视为认识自然状态下物质搬运过程、探讨水动力特征以及研究自然湖泊沉积和气候变化的理想场所。 相似文献
结合近期长江口558个表层沉积物采样资料,分析了长江口表层沉积物时空分布特性,得到了近期长江口表层沉积物中值粒径和沉积物类型分布特征。横沙以上海域表层沉积物粒径洪枯季变化较小;浑浊带海域洪季粗,枯季细;口外海域则枯季粗,洪季细。横沙以上和口外海域沉积物类型洪枯季变化较小,浑浊带海域沉积物类型变化较复杂。无论洪枯季北港表层沉积物最粗,北槽次之,南槽最小。表层沉积物大小潮变化较小,两次采样平均差别为9.7%;沉积物年际变化随大通流量和输沙量的变化而变化。近十五年来,长江口表层沉积物类型变化较大的区域主要是北支上段、南北港分流口、北槽和南槽浑浊带海域,主要与河槽的自然演变和人类活动有关。结合Pejrup新三角图对长江口各沉积动力环境进行分区,对比各沉积环境亚区的粒度特征,并对黄河口、长江口、珠江口表层沉积物粒度参数进行对比。 相似文献
基于海洋区域地质调查获取的1 438个粒度数据,利用Folk分类方法将中国东部海域表层沉积物划分为砂质粉砂、粉砂质砂、粉砂、砂、砂质泥、泥质砂、泥7种沉积物类型,阐述了不同沉积物类型的粒度组成和参数特征.其中,砂质粉砂、粉砂质砂和粉砂是3种最主要的沉积物类型,分别占样品总数的34.70%、24.20%和15.51%.粉砂质砂呈条带状分布在研究区的南部且向北延伸.粉砂主要分布在长江口-浙闽沿岸、渤海西部和南黄海中北部.砂主要分布在东海外陆架、扬子浅滩和苏北浅滩、朝鲜湾等海区,其中在东海外陆架海区分布最广.影响沉积物分布的主要因素有物源、水动力环境以及水深、地形、地貌等.晚第四纪冰期旋回中海平面变化和海洋环流控制陆源沉积物的入海通量和陆架沉积体系的发育过程.综合沉积物物源供给、海洋环流、冰后期海平面变化过程,基于Folk分类的动力学属性和表层沉积物类型分布,将中国东部海域表层沉积物分布划分为河口沉积、陆架泥质沉积、潮流沉积以及残留沉积等分区.不同沉积分区的形成机制和影响因素差异显著,反映出在中国东部陆架的特殊地形影响下,不同海平面时期陆源碎屑物质的运移过程. 相似文献
为了研究毛乌素沙地沉积物的粒度特征与土地沙漠化的地质成因类型,通过系统研究沙地及相邻地区晚更新世以来在沙地内部、覆沙黄土区、黄土高原和河流谷地与湖泊等不同地质构造地貌条件下所形成的沉积物粒度特征,指出不同地质成因类型的沉积物是这些地区土地沙漠化的物质基础,区分不同类型的沉积物也是构成不同地质成因类型土地沙漠化分类的理论基础,探讨了不同地质作用对土地沙漠化的贡献及其对土地沙漠化防治方面的意义。研究表明,研究区的土地沙漠化是以各种类型的就地起沙为主要特征,地表径流的水力搬运是沙漠化物质搬运的重要途径。现代毛乌素沙地及其邻区的土地沙漠化是对地质历史时期形成的各种沉积物的进一步搬运、分选和再沉积过程,具有相对复杂的粒度特征。 相似文献
In settings where the transport of sand is partially or fully supply limited, changes in the upstream supply of sand are coupled to changes in the grain size of sand on the bed. In this manner, the transport of sand under the supply-limited case is ‘grain-size regulated’. Since the closure of Glen Canyon Dam in 1963, the downstream reach of the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons has exhibited evidence of sand-supply limitation. Sand transport in the river is now approximately equally regulated by changes in the discharge of water and changes in the grain sizes of sand on the channel bed and eddy sandbars. Previous work has shown that changes in the grain size of sand on the bed of the channel (driven by changes in the upstream supply of sand owing to both tributary floods and high dam releases) are important in regulating sand transport over timescales of days to months. In this study, suspended-sand data are analysed in conjunction with bed grain-size data to determine whether changes in the grain size of sand on the bed of the channel or changes in the grain size of sand on the surface of eddy sandbars have been more important in regulating sand transport in the post-dam Colorado River over longer, multi-year timescales. The results of this study show that this combined theory- and field-based approach can be used to deduce which environments in a complicated setting are the most important environments for regulating sediment transport. In the case of the regulated Colorado River in Marble and Upper Grand Canyons, suspended-sand transport has been regulated mostly by changes in the surface grain size of eddy sandbars. 相似文献
20世纪50~60年代,刘东生先生组织了黄河中游黄土区十条大断面(六纵四横)的野外考察和室内分析,从而证实了从西北到东南黄土粒度逐渐变细的现象,并划分出砂黄土、黄土和粘黄土带。从此,粒度成为黄土研究最基本、最重要的物理指标之一。时至今日,黄土粒度的古气候意义依然有待进一步明确。在前辈研究的基础上,我们对黄土高原57个S2以上剖面进行了详细调查和粒度分析,构建了典型冷暖时期粒度等值线。结果显示,无论是黄土还是古土壤,其粒度均从北向南变细,粒度等值线整体上呈现近东西向展布,表明粒度空间分异以南北向为主。地质记录综合对比显示,沉积区距物源区的距离变化对黄土粒度的影响是第一位的,冬季风风力变化的影响是第二位的。据此,我们构建了"黄土中值粒径-沉积区距源区最小距离"的模型。模型显示:距源区最小距离在400km以内为"快速分异区",粉尘沉积的粒度随搬运距离增加迅速变细,黄土高原黄土即在此区域;在400~2000km间为"缓慢分异区",粉尘粒度随搬运距离的增加缓缓变细,黄土高原新近纪红粘土即为典型代表;距源区2000km以上为粉尘沉积与搬运风力的"平衡区",粉尘粒度随搬运距离增加变化很小,深海粉尘沉积为典型代表。依据低空搬运的黄土"粒度-距离"模型推测的远距离(>2000km)搬运后的粉尘粒度为1~3μm,同高空搬运的北太平洋现代降尘和深海粉尘沉积粒度(2~4μm)非常吻合,表明该模型可能揭示了风力这样一种地质营力的内在动力学特征,这一点需要在今后研究中予以关注。 相似文献
River bifurcations strongly control the distribution of water and sediment over a river system. A good understanding of this distribution process is crucial for river management. In this paper, an extensive data set from three large bifurcations in the Dutch Rhine is presented, containing data on bed‐load transport, suspended bed sediment transport, dune development and hydrodynamics. The data show complex variations in sediment transport during discharge waves. The objective of this paper is to examine and explain these measured variations in sediment transport. It is found that bend sorting upstream of the bifurcations leads to supply limitation, particularly in the downstream branch that originates in the outer bend of the main channel. Tidal water level variations lead to cyclical variations in the sediment distribution over the downstream branches. Lags in dune development cause complex hysteresis patterns in flow parameters and sediment transport. All bifurcations show evidence of sediment waves, which probably are intrinsic bifurcation phenomena. The complex transport processes at the three bifurcations cause distinct discontinuities in the downstream fining trend of the river. Differences among the studied river bifurcations are mainly due to differences in sediment mobility (Shields value). Because the variations in sediment transport are complex and poorly correlated with the flow discharge, prediction of the sediment distribution with existing relationships for one‐dimensional models is problematic. 相似文献
通过将等效粒径引入非均匀沙起动条件表达式,得到了基于等效粒径的非均匀沙起动条件统一表达式,并从反映泥沙的非均匀性引起的荫蔽(暴露)作用与分选作用角度对当前有一定影响的非均匀沙起动条件的等效粒径表达式进行了对比研究。结果表明,各家公式都能够反映泥沙的非均匀性引起的荫蔽(暴露)作用,较粗泥沙颗粒的等效粒径小于其自身粒径,容易起动,较细泥沙颗粒的等效粒径大于其自身粒径,较难起动。但是不同公式之间还是有一定的差异,主要反映在细颗粒的荫蔽作用方面。不同公式区分非均匀沙颗粒间荫蔽(暴露)作用的特征粒径是不同的。韩其为、张启卫、刘兴年公式能较好的反映泥沙起动时的分选作用。对于细颗粒泥沙而言,Egiazaroff、Hayashi与秦荣昱公式在冲刷时体现由于床沙粒径不同而产生的分选作用相对较差。 相似文献
To achieve a more robust interpretation of sediment conditions and transport based on grain size, this study combines the perspectives of two different interpretation techniques that have been developed separately and applied in the literature: (i) ‘grain size trend analysis’ interprets changes between interrelated sampling sites assuming that sediment in the direction of transport should become either coarser, better sorted and more positively skewed, or finer, better sorted and more negatively skewed; and (ii) the ‘population anomalies’ method, which estimates the balance between erosion and accumulation processes at each sampling site based on individual site deviations compared with average values for grain‐size parameters in the area of interest. The simultaneous use of both approaches enables sedimentological conditions and transport alternatives to be distinguished. This improvement is necessary because site‐specific changes and general textural trends provide information that complements the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective. The methods are implemented here using two‐dimensional Geographic Information System tools and illustrated for the Lithuanian coast. Grain‐size characteristics of 712 surface samples of sandy sediments are used to interpret sediment transport pathways and predominant sedimentological conditions in the Lithuanian coastal zone. In general, coast‐parallel sediment transport dominates the entire investigation area, although wave‐induced movement perpendicular to the coastline is inferred in the shallow nearshore zone. The deepest areas offshore are characterized by sea floor erosion in the north, whereas an accumulation zone occurs in the relatively deep central part of the study area. 相似文献
粒度分析在区分沉积环境、判定物质输运方式、判别水动力条件和分析粒径趋势等方面具有重要作用。本文主要介绍粒径测试技术方法及其新进展,包括传统的直接测量法、筛析法、沉降法和以计算机为依托的激光粒度测试仪法;评述沉积物分类命名方法理论及其在区分沉积环境、判定物质输运方式和判别水动力条件等方面的应用,以及粒度分析在研究海洋环境中沉积物输运方向、即粒径趋势分析方面的重要作用。随着计算机技术的快速发展,粒度分析测试技术正朝向自动化和测试内容多样化方向发展,其在实践中的应用也将更加广泛。 相似文献
依据三峡水库修建以前的资料,运用数理统计方法对含沙量和悬沙粒径变化对长江宜昌-汉口河段年冲淤量的影响进行研究,以期为三峡水库修建以后库下游河道冲淤特性的预测提供参考。建立了1980-1997年间宜昌-汉口#河段年冲淤量与宜昌站年均含沙量C宜昌之间的回归方程,据此估算出使宜昌-汉口#河段处于不冲不淤状态的宜昌站临界年均含沙量为0.734 kg/m3。以宜昌-汉口冲淤量作为因变量,以宜昌站的含沙量、悬沙中径D50、最大流量和三口分流比作为影响变量,建立了多元回归方程。基于1980-1997年资料的方程表明,宜昌站含沙量越高,悬沙中径越粗,宜昌站洪水流量越大,宜昌-汉口河段年淤积量越大;三口分流比越小,宜昌-汉口河段年淤积量越大。 相似文献
Sorting and selective transport of particles by material density is important for understanding a wide range of processes, including the formation of mineral placers, deposition of mine tailings and routing of tracers and contaminants. This article describes an experimental study of the transport of mixtures of particles of differing density in a sediment‐feed flume. During the runs, a downstream prograding wedge‐shaped deposit was formed. Results show two sorting processes: (i) longitudinal sorting characterized by preferential deposition of heavy particles in the upstream part of the deposit – downstream lightening; and (ii) vertical sorting with less dense particles preferentially deposited in the lowermost portion of the migrating front – upward heavying. Downstream lightening is the analogue of the well‐known downstream fining observed in the more studied case of mixtures of heterogeneous size with the same density. In both cases, the lighter particles are carried further downstream than the heavier particles. Upward heavying is unexpected when compared with deposits of heterogeneous size and same‐density particles, where the heaviest (i.e. coarsest) particles are deposited in the lowermost part of the front. The physical mechanism underlying this upward heavying might be related to the physics of gravity‐driven granular flows; the front of the deposit acts like a dense granular flow down an inclined plane. In this case, the denser particles settle away from the free surface and at the top of the heap, while the lighter particles flow to the bottom. As the front of the deposit advances, this progressively gives rise to an upward heavying pattern. The application of classical surface‐based fractional bedload transport models suggests that equal mobility is not approached in the case of mixtures of particles with uniform size and different densities. This study hypothesizes that other mechanics related to the physics of the segregation processes in these systems contribute to these results. 相似文献
Intermittence belts of metal contaminated sediment have been formed along the urban riverside of the Yangtze River because of rapid urbanization and industrial development during the last three decades. Baguazhou Island, the third alluvial island in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, was chosen to assess the contaminations level of Cd, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu and Zn in suspended particulate matter (SPM), recent sediments and sediment-derived soils. The relations between the metal concentrations and the grain size distributions in sediments were analyzed in order to explore the association of heavy metal settling with sediment deposition. The results showed that significantly high levels of Cd and Pb in SPM dominated enrichment factors (EFs) of recent sediments in the area of Baguazhou Island. High levels of Cd and Pb were found both in the riverine sediments and in the soils. However, the average levels of Cd and Pb in sediments were almost as twice as those in soil. About 43% of all sediment samples have EFCd≥1.5 and 14% with EFCd≥2. There are about 21% of the samples with EFPb≥1.5 and none of them has EFPb≥2. Meanwhile, soil samples with EFCd≥1.5 account for 39% of all 64 samples and no one with EFPb≥1.0. Most of the sediment samples contain more than 80% of fine grains lower than 60 μm in size, and few samples located in the site where flow eroding process dominates contain fine grains lower than 30%. Correlation analysis indicated that the concentrations of Cd and Pb in the sediments have significant relationships with grain size. 相似文献
通过对冲绳海槽北部沉积物柱状样S9进行AMS 14C 测年和粒度分析,获取了全新世以来高分辨率的古环境演化记录.结果显示,千年尺度上,S9柱粒度组成呈现明显的两段式变化特征:10.5~8.0ka B.P.,平均粒径逐渐变粗并达到最高值,粉砂含量逐渐增加并达到最高值; 8.0~1.0ka B.P.,沉积物平均粒径呈现递减的趋势,粘土含量相对增加.S9柱粒度千年尺度上变化与区域海平面变化密切相关,显示了海平面对区域物质输运的控制作用.7.5ka B.P. 以来,海平面趋于稳定,粒度特征呈现出百年尺度上波动.S9柱粒度变化参数与源区指示季风降雨量石笋记录的 δ18O具有良好的相关性,7.5ka B.P. 以来持续减小的平均粒径对应持续减弱的区域夏季风降雨.此外,S9柱记录了约8.2ka B.P.,6.5ka B.P.,4.2ka B.P. 以及3.8ka B.P. 等多期粒度显著变细的百年尺度的气候事件,对应了区域季风降雨的减少时期.S9柱粒度组成信息揭示了全新世以来区域海平面变化及季风降雨的强弱对冲绳海槽沉积物组成的影响,同时也为利用海洋沉积物来重建区域季风降雨提供了有力的手段. 相似文献