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Summary In this paper disturbances due to impulsive as well as transient load in a thin elastic finite circular plate resting on viscoelastic foundation of Pasternak type have been considered separately.  相似文献   

Summary In this research the differential equation governing the deflection of an elastic plate on a viscoelastic foundation, where the foundation is under the influence of a variable temperature field, has been obtained. The relaxation moduli and creep compliances are considered to be temperature-dependent. The discussion has been illustrated with a particular case of a temperature field.  相似文献   

本文研究非线性地基上圆形薄板受简谐激励的次谐波共振问题。按照弹性力学理论建立非线性地基上圆形薄板受简谐激励的动力学方程。利用Galerk in方法将其转化为非线性振动方程。应用非线性振动的多尺度法求得系统满足3次超谐共振条件的一次近似解,并进行数值计算。分析阻尼、地基系数、调谐值、激励等参数对共振响应曲线的影响。  相似文献   

在吸收前人提出的导电薄板等效电流回路模型概念的基础上,应用普通电磁学理论对其瞬变电磁法的过程作了完整的论述,并得到清晰明确的数学表达式,同时指出一次场关断时间与观测异常幅值的关系.在重叠回线装置下,模型解可进一步被简化.通过实例的具体数值计算过程,证明该简化模型为重叠回线装置下有限薄板类地质体瞬变电磁的定量分析提供了一个简捷有效的途径.  相似文献   

A variational statement in the field of complex numbers and its semi-analytical solution are presented to study the wave propagation in plates resting on a Winkler foundation. The method and its computer program are verified by comparison with the available results for a freely supported plate and performing a time domain analysis for a plate-Winkler foundation system. A variety of wave propagation phenomena is observed, and useful information can be extracted from the results. The foundation is found to act as a low frequency band-stop filter for flexural modes, and a stiffer foundation leads to wider widths of these stop bands. As a sample application, a barrier design for controlling flexural motions in the system is proposed. The effectiveness of the design is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The response of a rigid rectangular foundation block resting on an elastic half-space has been determined by considering first the displacement functions for any position on the surface of an unloaded half-space due to a harmonic point force. The influence of the foundation has been taken into account by assuming a relaxed condition at the interface, i.e. a uniform displacement under the foundation and that the sum of the point forces must equal the total applied force. The three motions of vertical, horizontal and rocking have been considered and numerical values for the in-phase and the quadrature components of the displacement functions are presented for a Poisson's ratio of 0.25. The effect of the mass and inertia of the foundation can be allowed for by an impedance matching technique. Response curves and non-dimensional resonant frequency curves are given for a square and a rectangular foundation for different mass and inertia ratios and for several values of Poisson's ratio. These curves are for design purposes and are an addition to similar published curves for circular and infinitely long rectangular foundations. Some of the calculated results have been verified by a laboratory experiment.  相似文献   

This work gives a semi-analytical approach for the dynamic analysis of beams and plates resting on an elastic half-space with inertial properties. Such calculations have been associated with significant mathematical challenges, often leading to unrealizable computing processes. Therefore, this paper presents a detailed analysis of Green's function defining surface displacements of such a space in the contact zone with structures, which allows determination of reactive forces and other physical magnitudes. The obtained solutions can be applied to (i) study dynamic interaction between soil and structures, (ii) determine transient wave fields caused by a seismic source, and (iii) assess numerical computations with different numerical methods programs. Natural frequencies, natural shapes, and the dynamic response of a beam due to external harmonic excitation are determined. Eigenfrequencies and Eigenshapes are presented. Validation with a Boussinesq problem illustrates the inertia effect on the results of the dynamic analysis.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the transient flexural vibrations of an elastic column supported by an elastic half-space under the condition that an arbitrarily shaped free-field lateral acceleration and displacement are given as inputs. Applying Laplace transformations with respect to time and numerical inverse Laplace transformations, the time histories of the column acceleration at the interface and free end, and the column and half-space displacement distributions are obtained. After the input free-field acceleration terminates, slightly damped and almost harmonically variable acceleration is observed. The acceleration frequency after the disappearance of the input acceleration nearly coincides with the resonant frequency of the system. The slight damping with the first resonant frequency, even if the half-space is soft compared with the column, is characteristic of the transient flexural vibrations of a column supported by a half-space. Such a phenomenon is not typical of the transient longitudinal vibration problem. Therefore, it may be concluded: when buildings and structures are subjected to an earthquake or an explosive force, their flexural vibrations will continue with their first resonant frequencies, even if their foundations are soft.  相似文献   

This paper gives exact Bernoulli–Euler dynamic flexural member equations for a uniform beam on an elastic foundation. These enable exact results to be obtained when the beam is included in free or sinusoidally forced vibration calculations for a plane or space frame, at any frequency. In addition, information is presented to ensure that no natural frequencies are missed in a free vibration analysis.  相似文献   

An approximate method for the analysis of the dynamic interaction between a flexible rectangular foundation and the soil with consideration of the out-of-plane deformation of the foundation is presented. The procedure is based on an extension of the subdivision method developed by Wong and Luco for rigid foundations. Numerical results describing the influence of the flexibility of the foundation on the vertical and rocking impedance functions and on the contact stresses between the foundation and the soil are presented. The possibility of representing a flexible foundation by an equivalent rigid foundation having the same force-displacement relationships is also discussed. The results obtained indicate that at low frequencies, the dynamic stiffness coefficients for flexible foundations are lower than those for a rigid foundation of the same area. At higher frequencies the opposite behaviour is observed. The radiation damping coefficients for flexible foundations are significantly lower than those for a rigid foundation of the same area.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the buckling and vibration of prismatic beams resting on an elastic half-space. The computational procedure developed herein utilizes the advantages of both an analytical approach and a finite element scheme. This is accomplished by deriving exact frequency and axial force dependent stiffness matrices using the analytical solutions of the governing differential equation as ‘shape functions’. The major advantages of the proposed approach over previous ones are pointed out and discussed in detail. Numerical results demonstrating the performance of the proposed method are presented in the final part of the paper.  相似文献   

Transient flexural vibrations of an elastic column supported by an elastic half-space are investigated analytically under the condition that an arbitrarily shaped free-field lateral acceleration is given as an input. Applying the Timoshenko theory to the column and making use of Laplace transformations with respect to time and numerical inverse Laplace transformations, the time histories of the column free end acceleration are presented. Numerical results obtained from the Timoshenko theory are compared with those of a previous paper1 (applying the Bernoulli-Euler theory to the column), and the effects of column slenderness and foundation stiffness on the transient flexural vibrations of the column are clarified.  相似文献   

Based on the analytical layer-element method, an analytical solution is proposed to determine the dynamic interaction between the elastic circular plate and transversely isotropic multilayered half-space. The dynamic response of the elastic circular plate is governed by the classical thin-plate theory with the assumption that the contact surface between the plate and soil is frictionless. The total stiffness matrix of the transversely isotropic multilayered half-space is acquired by assembling the analytical layer-element of each soil layer with the aid of the continuity conditions between adjacent layers. According to the displacement condition of coordination between the plate and soil, the dynamic interaction problem is reduced to that of multilayered transversely isotropic half-space subjected to axisymmetric harmonic vertical loading. Some numerical examples are given to study the vertical vibration of the plate, and the results indicate that the dynamic response of elastic circular plate depends strongly on the material properties of the soils, the rigidity of the plate, the frequency of excitation and the external load form.  相似文献   

移动质量-简支梁系统的参数辨识   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
给出了移动质量-简支梁系统的动力学方程,并用基于Hamilton原理的结构动响应算法对方程进行数值求解。然后介绍了一种新的从自由响应数据识别时变参数结构系统的伪模态参数的方法,并将该方法引入用于研究移动质量-简支梁系统的参数辩识问题。  相似文献   

基于应变模态的结构损伤定位方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对简支梁的单一位置及其多位置损伤,利用结构有限元分析软件计算得到简支梁的位移模态,再通过应变和位移之间具有一阶导数的关系,对简支梁进行了应变模态分析。结果表明,应变模态对损伤比较敏感而位移模态对损伤不够敏感;当损伤发生在应变模态的节点处时,损伤不易被识别,但是可以结合多阶应变模态进行损伤识别。最后对应变模态法的工程实用性进行了评价。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the free transverse vibrations of thin simply supported nonhomogeneous isotropic rectangular plates of bilinearly varying thickness with elastically restrained edges against rotati...  相似文献   

An alternative technique to obtain the dynamic response of a massless rigid circular foundation resting on a uniform elastic half-space when subjected to harmonic plane waves is presented. The technique relies on the use of an integral representation involving the free-field ground motion and the contact tractions obtained in the course of calculating the dynamic force–displacement relationship of the foundation for external forces. Tables listing the translational and rotational components of the response of the foundation for non-vertically incident SH, P, SV and Rayleigh waves are presented.  相似文献   

复合式多层无孔和开孔矩形薄板是桥梁结构和建筑等结构中的最重要的组成部分。当研究它们的振动问题时,用解析法求解自振频率十分困难,而采用通用的有限元法求解自由度数目多,收敛也比较慢。本文利用三角形薄板广义协调元分析了复合式多层四边简支、四边固定无孔和开孔矩形薄板的自由振动,求出了前几阶频率系数,其结果与用ANSYS软件算出的结果基本接近,当为单层无孔和开孔板时,与文献[8]的结果完全相同,且与文献[10]的解析解吻合较好,证明了本文理论推导及程序编制的正确性,表明广义协调元与有限元相比具有自由度少、精度高、程序简便以及收敛快等优点。  相似文献   

x将混合变量的最小势能原理推广到求解弹性矩形薄板的稳定问题中,求解了有一个悬空角点弹性矩形薄板的稳定问题,并给出了相应问题确定临界载荷的特征方程及计算结果,为工程中薄板的设计计算提供了有效的参考,尤其是对现代建筑和桥梁中的受压构件的稳定设计和计算提供了一个简捷有效的计算方法。通过文中计算表明,混合变量的最小势能原理适用于有一个悬空角点矩形板稳定问题的求解,从而验证了它用于薄板稳定问题的一般性和通用性。  相似文献   

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