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糜棱岩形成机制的显微构造证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
糜棱岩是一种空间上呈带状分布的、颗粒度强烈缩减了的叶理状岩石。它是在变形作用、恢复作用和重结晶作用等品质塑性流变过程形成的。产生于韧—隐性条件下的糜棱岩一般都由巨晶和基质两个部分组成,其内保存着丰富的显微构造现象。糜棱岩的光学显微构造现象是其形成机制的证据,同时也是岩石变形环境和条件的判据。本文在描述各类显微构造现象的技础上,从微观变形机制方面对糜棱岩给以必要解释。  相似文献   

唐渊  王冬兵  廖世勇  尹福光 《岩石学报》2017,33(7):2054-2072
位于保山-掸泰地块东缘的西盟群,长期以来被认为是该地块在我国境内唯一出露的"前寒武纪"基底变质岩系,但其缺乏可靠的年代学数据和化石支持。本文基于详细地野外考察和显微构造分析认为,西盟群变质岩系可解体为花岗质糜棱岩和浅变质岩。前者主要出露于西盟穹形隆起的核部,遭受了强烈的韧性剪切变形;后者分布于隆起的边缘及东西两侧,归属为帕克组、王雅-允沟组。通过变形岩石的石英EBSD组构分析,揭示出位于西盟隆起核部的岩石经历了中等温度条件(550~650℃,角闪岩相)下的变形作用,并叠加了较低温度条件(400~550℃,绿片岩相)下的变形作用;而靠近西盟隆起边部的岩石仅经历了较低温度条件(400~550℃,绿片岩相)下的变形作用。本文还对西盟群变质岩中的3个花岗质糜棱岩样品进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,得到的锆石U-Pb年龄分别为455±3Ma、456±3Ma和454±3Ma。结合前人获得的年代学数据和化石资料,认为西盟群变质岩系的原岩主要由两个不同时期的物质组成,即中-晚奥陶世(~460Ma)侵入的花岗岩及寒武纪的碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩夹少量基性火山岩等;前者遭受强烈变质变形作用的改造,形成花岗质糜棱岩;后者遭受低级变质作用形成千枚岩、片岩、大理岩等浅变质岩。进而表明,前人将西盟群作为保山地块的"前寒武系"结晶基底变质岩系是不合理的。  相似文献   

糜棱岩型金矿金元素丰度与构造变形的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈柏林 《矿床地质》2000,19(1):17-25
蚀变糜棱岩型金矿是一种成矿机制与放因素都与韧性剪切带及其糜棱岩密切相关的金矿床类型。研究表明:①深部韧性剪切变形是元素分异迁出区,未叠加蚀变矿化的糜棱岩变形越强,Au丰度就越低;②中浅层次变形域是Au元素聚集区,矿化发生于韧性剪切带糜棱岩抬升至较浅部位叠加了韧脆性变形阶段。构造变形超强的糜棱岩,越易叠加矿化,Au元素丰度越高;③强变形或者大构造并应力不仅是促使Au元素活化分异、形成含Au热液、使A  相似文献   

滇西高黎贡断裂带糜棱岩的显微变形特征及其构造意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
李康  钟大赉 《岩石学报》1991,7(3):65-72,T001
采用扫描电镜(SEM)、超高压透射电镜(HTEM)及电子探针等手段研究了主高黎贡断裂带糜棱岩的显微构造特征,提出长石经历了碎粒流动和部分固态塑性流变过程;而石英晶粒经历了动态重结晶和静态回复阶段。认为高黎贡剪切带是在相当于高绿片岩相—低角闪岩相的变质条件下形成的,是晚第三纪右旋走滑活动的产物。  相似文献   

大山口韧性剪切带是大别造山带"结晶轴带"内平行造山带延长方向的走滑型剪切带,其内发育的大理岩糜棱岩呈现了各种在绿片岩相变质条件下形成的显微构造,如碎斑构造、S-C组构、核幔构造等。糜棱岩化作用是以方解石颗粒粒度的减小为特征的,这一过程表现了大别造山带古老中地壳应变软化带和局部化带的岩石流变行为和物理状态。根据各种显微标志,并综合宏观特征,得出大山口剪切带总体为以右行剪切为主的走滑型剪切带,并被以正向滑动为主的近水平剪切带所改造。作者在综合分析宏观及微观地质资料的基础上,初步建立了广水地区主要地质及变形事件序列,并指出:大别造山带三维空间上的变形及结构图象,主要是印支-燕山期陆-陆俯冲、碰撞造山运动的变形及造山期后的揭顶、塌陷等作用的综合结果。  相似文献   

伸展作用过程中石英变形与重结晶的微观机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在伸展作用过程中,石英的变形主要表现为三种不同类型变形石英的出现:SGR-R型以中高温条件下的亚颗粒旋转与动态重结晶为主要特点;GBM-R型以中低温条件下的局部颗粒边界迁移与重结晶过程为主;FC型以低温条件下破裂和碎裂作用为主要特点。三种石英变形类型及其变形机制主要受三方面的影响:区域伸展环境的存在;伸展抬升作用过程中变化的p-T条件;变形岩石中的微量流体的参与。  相似文献   

变形石墨对构造- 热过程的定量约束及流变弱化意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹淑云  吕美霞 《地质学报》2022,96(10):3573-3588
岩石变形过程的精细厘定是构造地质学研究中的难点和重点。石墨是碳的同素异形体,摩擦实验研究表明,增加少量石墨化碳质物能够显著降低岩石的摩擦系数和力学强度,具有固体润滑剂的流变学意义。本研究针对红河- 哀牢山剪切带新生代变形,开展了详细的野外观测和构造解析,针对不同变形- 变质程度的天然含石墨岩石样品,利用光学显微镜、场发射扫描电子显微镜、电子背散射衍射(EBSD)、拉曼光谱方法,开展了详细的显微及亚显微变质与变形构造、矿物晶格优选定向、石墨拉曼地质温度计应用等深入分析。发现深变质岩中,石墨晶体常常与黑云母共生且定向拉伸或生长,呈现出晶质片状、条带状、膝折等变形构造特征;在强烈塑性变形的岩石中,石墨表现出塑性到超塑性流动构造特征;细粒化石墨富集形成微型滑移带/面,承载流变弱化的“干”润滑作用;在低级变质- 弱变形岩石中,石墨有序度低,呈弥散状分布。EBSD组构显示石墨发育柱面、菱面到低温底面晶格滑移系,对应的石墨拉曼地质温度范围为600~500℃、530~460℃、450~400℃。变形石墨的位错滑移系具有与石英位错滑移系类似的演化特征,具有成为变形温度计的潜力。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩中橄榄石的位错构造及上地幔流变状态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李德威 《现代地质》1993,7(4):428-434,T001
本文通过对雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩中橄榄石的透射电子显微分析(TEM)和变形参数测算,划分出3个应变带,即强应变带、过渡型应变带和弱应变带,并详细地研究了它们的岩石结构、位错构造、变形机制和流变状态。镁铁质糜棱岩组成的强应变带中橄榄石发育亚颗粒和位错网络,具有低自由位错密度(107~108cm-2),是在温度为850~950℃、压力10~13kbar、差异应力2~3MPa、应变速率为10-16~10-17s-1、粘度1022~1023Pa.s,大致相当于35~40km的岩石圈深部由位错机制控制的深层剪切流变作用形成的。  相似文献   

刘少峰  庄培仁 《现代地质》1991,5(2):157-163,T001
宁镇,茅山山脉褶皱逆冲一推覆构造带的构造岩类型主要为碎裂岩系列,其次为糜棱岩系列。主要超微构造为位错构造。经计算,区内印支、燕山期古差应力值约为90~100MPa,应变速率为:3.1x10~(-14)≤(?)≤2.0x10~(-10)。构造变形环境为低温、高压、高应变速率环境,微观机制主要为位错滑移。  相似文献   

载金黄铁矿显微构造变形与金富集关系可以从显微-超显微尺度揭示金成矿作用和地质过程,探讨金的再活化或再聚集作用。在胶东焦家金矿带成矿期识别出4种类型的黄铁矿,文章应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、电子背散射衍射(EBSD)和电子探针(EMPA)等技术方法,探讨黄铁矿显微构造特征、超微观结构与金的富集关系。结果显示:载金黄铁矿均不发育环带,其中w(Fe)为45.70%~46.85%,w(S)为52.57%~53.37%;显微构造变形既有脆性变形又有塑性变形;黄铁矿晶体优选方位(CPO)主要表现为平行于晶轴极密和复杂极密;黄铁矿晶格间距为0.58 nm,主要发育刃位错。焦家金矿带在金成矿作用过程中,可见金集合体经历了从复杂的纳米尺度到宏观尺度矿物载体富集的过程,包括成矿流体中金络合物、金-铋-硫族化合物富集等化学结构变化过程和纳米金、载金黄铁矿纳米颗粒、岩矿石显微-超显微构造微环境变化过程。因此,不同类型载金黄铁矿CPO受到化学结构变化和显微-超显微变形微环境变化的联合制约,间接反映出载金黄铁矿中金的富集与黄铁矿内部变形、表面形貌和结构缺陷有密切关系。  相似文献   

赵元艺 《地质与勘探》2014,50(5):805-822
金山金矿位于江西省东北部德兴市境内,区域上位于钦杭成矿带东段,属于受韧性剪切带控制的动力变质热液型金矿。研究其成矿时代对其成因及区域找矿等方面具有十分重要的意义,本文在发现金山金矿的赋矿岩石为双桥山群花岗质超糜棱岩的基础上,通过系统的野外地质调查、室内岩矿相学研究,对花岗质超糜棱岩进行了主量元素、微量元素与稀土元素的测试以及LA-ICP-MS U-Pb法测年,探讨了花岗质超糜棱岩原岩形成的构造环境、年代学与区域成矿意义。其SiO2含量介于53.32%~69.86%之间,为中酸性岩。全碱指数(ALK)变化于3.02~6.00,属于亚碱性岩石。铝过饱和指数(A/CNK)变化于0.96~2.49之间,为准铝质和过铝质系列,具S型花岗岩特征。里特曼指数(σ)为0.55~1.62,K2O/Na2O变化于0.48~12.13,为钙碱性和高钾钙碱性系列。富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Th、K、U和La、Ce、Nd、Zr、Hf等,亏损Ba和Ta、Nb、Sr、P、Ti等高场强元素。稀土元素配分曲线为右倾型,重稀土元素部分的曲线形态较为平缓。∑REE=107.64×10-6~168.82×10-6,稀土元素总量偏低。LREE/HREE为5.18~6.44,(La/Yb)N为4.11~6.20,轻重稀土元素分异明显。δEu=0.55~1.00,平均为0.68,具有中等的Eu负异常。锆石中Th/U值介于0.57~2.04,为岩浆成因。金山金矿花岗质超糜棱岩,岩性为花岗闪长岩,属于S型花岗岩,形成于岛弧环境。锆石的LA-ICP-MS定年结果表明其成岩与成矿时代一致,为新元古代(834.3±3.8 Ma),属晋宁期成矿。本文测试得到其最高金含量可达15.3×10-6,建议重视金山周边地区及整个江南造山带乃至华南其它地区与剪切带有关的新元古界双桥山群火山质变质岩中Au的找矿评价工作。  相似文献   

Granulite facies pargasite orthogneiss is partially to completely reacted to garnet granulite either side of narrow (<20 mm) felsic dykes, in Fiordland, New Zealand, forming ~10–80 mm wide garnet reaction zones. The metamorphic reaction changed the abundance of minerals, and their shape and grain size distribution. The extent of reaction and annealing (temperature‐related coarsening and nucleation) is greatest close to the dykes, whereas further away the reaction is incomplete. As a consequence, grain size and the abundance of garnet decreases away from the felsic dykes over a few centimetres. The aspect ratios of clusters of S1 pyroxene and pargasite in the orthogneiss, which are variably reacted to post‐S1 garnet, decrease from high in the host, to near equidimensional close to the dyke. Post‐reaction deformation localized in the fine‐grained partially reacted areas. This produced a pattern of ‘paired’ shear zones located at the outer parts of the garnet reaction zone. Our study shows that grain size sensitive deformation occurs where the grain size is sufficiently reduced by metamorphic reaction. The weakening of the rock due to the change in grain size distribution outweighs the addition of nominally stronger garnet to the assemblage.  相似文献   

This paper studies the flow heterogeneity around porphyroclasts associated with greenschist facies deformation of a calcite marble shear zone. Microstructural data from electron backscatter diffraction analyses (EBSD) are used to constrain the flow mechanics of this dominantly non-coaxial type of deformation. The microstructure of the undisturbed ultramylonite (grain-size range 5–100 μm, mean 40 μm) is interpreted to represent steady-state (time-independent) flow conditions with flow planes parallel to the shear zone boundary. Single calcite porphyroclasts (grain-size 1–3 mm) caused flow perturbation in the fine-grained marble ultramylonite. It is the shape, in particular, of these rigid porphyroclasts that controls their rotational behaviour during deformation and, therefore, the development of specific flow fabrics. The flow planes around elongated-rhomboidal, stable porphyroclasts change the orientation to become roughly parallel to the porphyroclast margin, whereas the geometry of flow planes around nearly equant, rotating porphyroclasts describes a δ-type flow pattern. We infer that to some extent decoupling at the clast–matrix interface has occurred to guarantee a stable orientation of elongated porphyroclasts, but was not sufficient to reduce the rotation rate of equant clasts to zero. According to the flow deflection, the general crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) with its single c-axis maximum perpendicular to the flow plane is rotated about an axis which is (sub)parallel to the kinematic rotation axis of the shear zone. Ultramylonite microstructures, CPOs and misorientation data are best explained by the dual operation of grain-size-insensitive (dislocation creep with recovery and recrystallization) and grain-size-sensitive (diffusion creep) mechanisms. The limited grain-size reduction around porphyroclasts suggests that the grain-size-insensitive mechanisms controlled rheology.  相似文献   

Deformation of middle crustal shear zones likely varies with time as a result of the stress build-up and release associated with earthquakes and post-seismic deformation, but the processes involved and their microstructural signature in the rock record are poorly understood. We conducted a series of experiments on quartzite at 900 °C to characterize microstructures associated with changes in stress and strain rate, and to investigate the feasibility of carrying out grain size piezometry in natural rocks that experienced analogous changes. Differential stress (referred to simply as “stress”) was varied in two-stage experiments by changing strain rate and by stopping the motor and allowing stress to relax. The two-stage samples preserve a microstructural record that can be interpreted quantitatively in terms of stress history. The microstructure associated with a stress increase is a bimodal distribution of recrystallized grain sizes. The smaller grains associated with the second deformation stage accurately record the stress of the second stage, and the surviving coarse grains remain similar in size to those formed during the earlier stage. The transient microstructure associated with stress decrease is a “partial foam” texture containing a larger concentration of stable 120° triple junctions than occur in samples deformed at a relatively constant strain rate. Our results indicate that microstructures preserved in rocks that experienced relatively simple, two-stage deformation histories can be used to quantitatively assess stress histories.Grain growth rates during deformation are similar to rates observed in previous isostatic growth experiments, supporting theoretical approaches to recrystallized grain size, such as the wattmeter theory (Austin and Evans, 2007), that incorporate static growth rates. From an analysis of the experimental data for quartz recrystallized grain size, we find: 1) Recrystallized grain size quickly reaches a value consistent with ambient deformation conditions. We argue that this explains a good match between average grain sizes predicted by the wattmeter after complete recrystallization and the recrystallized grain sizes of the experiments. 2) The present formulation of the wattmeter overestimates the rates at which porphyroclasts recrystallize by as much as an order of magnitude, and 3) owing to problems with extrapolation of grain growth data for quartz, the wattmeter is not presently applicable to natural samples deformed at low temperatures. We present a simplified flow law for quartz, and suggest that the change in slope of the quartz piezometer at high stress (regime 1) is related to a switch to a linear viscous rheology.  相似文献   

Rheological Properties of Partially Molten Lherzolite   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Lherzolite samples synthesized from fine-grained powders preparedfrom a natural xenolith were deformed at P = 300 MPa and 1373  相似文献   

进行岩石摩擦滑动变形演化过程的声发射特征试验研究。以数字散斑相关方法和声发射系统为试验监测手段,采用双面剪切模型试验方法,开展界面摩擦滑动速率与声发射振铃计数、界面摩擦滑动位移与声发射累计能量、试件变形能密度与声发射b值的对应关系研究。结果表明:(1)声发射振铃计数演化受岩石界面摩擦滑动速率影响,界面摩擦滑动速率的突变与声发射振铃计数激增有较好对应关系;(2)界面摩擦滑动位移与摩擦滑动过程中声发射累计能量演化趋势具有较好的对应关系,可以利用声发射累计能量对岩石摩擦滑动位移的变化趋势进行定性判断;(3)通过声发射b值演化分析可以得出,在剪应力缓慢增长阶段,界面摩擦滑动以随机分布的小尺度微破裂为主;在剪应力线性增长阶段后期,界面摩擦滑动以锁固段的大尺度微破裂为主;在剪应力波动增长阶段,岩石摩擦滑动失稳既可能是由小尺度微破裂为主引发的状态转化,又可能是由以锁固段大尺度微破裂为主引发的稳定状态转换。  相似文献   

The behaviour of quartz during metamorphism is studied based on two case studies from the Barrovian terrains of Sulitjelma in arctic Scandinavia and Loch Tay in the Central Highlands Dalradian of Scotland. Both terrains preserve evidence for metamorphism in pelites involving nucleation and growth of garnet at different times in the deformation history. Data are presented on the size, shape and crystallographic orientation of quartz preserved as inclusions in garnet and as grains in the surrounding matrix. While quartz-grains remain small and dispersed between mica grains, deformation appears to be dominated by grain-boundary sliding accommodated by dissolution–precipitation. At amphibolite facies, textural coarsening occurs by dissolution of small quartz grains and growth of larger quartz grains, coupled with segregation of quartz from mica. As a result, quartz deforms by dislocation creep, developing crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) consistent with both coaxial and non-coaxial strain. Quartz CPOs with <0001> axes lying parallel to foliation and stretching direction are commonly developed, and best explained by mechanical rotation of inequant (detrital?) quartz grains. There is no evidence for selective entrapment of quartz inclusions in garnet on the basis of quartz crystallographic orientation.  相似文献   

Myrmekite is extensively developed along strain gradients of continuous, lower amphibolite facies shear zones in metagranites of the Gran Paradiso unit (Western Alps). To evaluate the role of stress, strain energy and fluid phase in the formation of myrmekite, we studied a sample suite consisting of weakly deformed porphyric granites (WDGs), foliated granites (FGs) representative of intermediate strains, and mylonitic granites (MGs). In the protolith, most K‐feldspar is microcline with different sets of perthite lamellae and fractures. In the WDGs, abundant quartz‐oligoclase myrmekite developed inside K‐feldspar only along preexisting perthite lamellae and fractures oriented at a high angle to the incremental shortening direction. In the WDGs, stress played a direct role in the nucleation of myrmekites along interfaces already characterized by high stored elastic strain because of lattice mismatch between K‐feldspar and albite. In the FGs and MGs, K‐feldspar was progressively dismembered along the growing network of microshear zones exploiting the fine‐grained recrystallized myrmekite and perthite aggregates. This was accompanied by a more pervasive fluid influx into the reaction surfaces, and myrmekite occurs more or less pervasively along all the differently oriented internal perthites and fractures independently of the kinematic framework of the shear zone. In the MGs, myrmekite forms complete rims along the outer boundary of the small K‐feldspar porphyroclasts, which are almost completely free of internal reaction interfaces. Therefore, we infer that the role of fluid in the nucleation of myrmekite became increasingly important as deformation progressed and outweighed that of stress. Mass balance calculations indicate that, in Al–Si‐conservative conditions, myrmekite growth was associated with a volume loss of 8.5%. This resulted in microporosity within myrmekite that enhanced the diffusion of chemical components to the reaction sites and hence the further development of myrmekite.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of ductile deformation (dislocation creep) on the kinetics of the aragonite-calcite transformation has been studied at 1 atm (330° C and 360° C) and 900-1500 MPa (500° C) using undeformed and either previously or simultaneously deformed samples (500° C and a strain rate of 10-6 s). Deformation enhances the rate of the transformation of calcite to aragonite, but decreases the rate of transformation of aragonite to calcite. The difference results from a dependence of transformation rate on grain size, coupled with a difference in the accommodation mechanisms, climb versus recry-stallization, of these minerals during dislocation creep. Dislocation climb is relatively easy in calcite and thus plastic strain results in high dislocation densities without significant grain size reduction. The rate of transformation to aragonite is enhanced primarily because of the increase in nucleation sites at dislocations and subgrain boundaries. In aragonite, on the other hand, dislocation climb is difficult and thus plastic strain produces extensive dynamic recry-stallization resulting in a substantial grain size reduction. The transformation of aragonite is inhibited because the increase in calcite nucleation sites at dislocations and/or new grain boundaries is more than offset by the inability of calcite to grow across high angle grain boundaries. Thus the net effect of ductile deformation by dislocation creep on the kinetics of polymorphic phase transformations depends on the details of the accommodation mechanism.  相似文献   

Quartzofeldspathic ultramylonites from the Alpine Fault Zone, one of the world's major, active plate boundary-scale fault zones have quartz crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) and abundant low-angle (<10° misorientation) boundaries, typical microstructures for dislocation creep-dominated deformation. Geometrically necessary dislocation density estimates indicate mean dislocation densities of ∼109 cm−2. A significant proportion (∼30%) of grain boundaries (>10° misorientation) are decorated by faceted pores, commonly with uniformly-oriented pyramidal shapes. Only grain boundaries with >10° misorientation angles in polymineralic aggregates are decorated by pores. Mean grain boundary pore densities are ∼5 × 108 cm−2. Grain boundary pores are dissolution pits generated during syn-deformational transient grain boundary permeability, nucleating on dislocation traces at dilatant grain boundary interfaces. They have not been removed by subsequent grain boundary closure or annealing. Pore decoration could have led to grain boundary pinning, triggering a switch in the dominant deformation mechanism to grain boundary sliding, which is supported by evidence of CPO destruction in matrix quartz. Pore-decorated grain boundaries have significantly reduced surface area available for adhesion and cohesion, which would reduce the tensile and shear strength of grain boundaries, and hence, the bulk rock. Grain boundary decoration also significantly decreased the mean distance between pores, potentially facilitating dynamic permeability. Consequently, these microstructures provide a new explanation for strain weakening and evidence of fluid flow along grain boundaries in mylonites at mid-crustal conditions.  相似文献   

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