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Despite the generalized occurrence of colluvial deposits in the humid tropical areas of southeastern Brazil, regional correlation is difficult because the deposits are discontinuous, and chronological data are very scarce and scattered. For the first time, colluvial deposits in the Bocaina Plateau are described, including 18 radiocarbon ages from 12 profiles. The plateau is located on the eastern flank of the Continental Rift of Southeastern Brazil and is the highest part of the Serra do Mar, with elevations up to 2000 m above sea level. Because the Bocaina Plateau is part of the summit surfaces of southeastern Brazil, it was subjected to specific climatic conditions during the Quaternary. Colluvial deposits on the lower hillslopes and edges of amphitheatres can show complex sequences with up to three intercalated dark humic horizons, corresponding to Late Pleistocene and Holocene phases of morphodynamic activity and pedogenesis. Ages of palaeosols vary from 650±50 a BP to 36 880±980 a BP. Landforms and colluvia on the Bocaina Plateau are very similar to those found on the opposite flank of the continental rift, on the Campos do Jordão Plateau. Ages of buried soils point to similar soil formation and colluviation episodes in the two plateaus. As in Campos do Jordão, the succession of erosive, depositional and pedogenetic processes on the altos campos hillslopes is probably related to late Quaternary climate changes.  相似文献   

Vincent, P. J., Lord, T. C., Telfer, M. W. & Wilson, P. 2010: Early Holocene loessic colluviation in northwest England: new evidence for the 8.2 ka event in the terrestrial record? Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00172.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Twelve new samples of loessic silts from widely spaced locations on the karst uplands of northwest England have yielded Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dates that fall within or overlap with (within uncertainties) the early to mid‐Holocene period (11.7–6.0 ka), and support three already‐published Holocene ages from similar sediment from this region. Nine of the 15 dates are coincident with the hypothesized climatic deterioration at 8.5–8.0 ka in the North Atlantic region and eight are coincident with the 8.2 ka event. These dates demonstrate that the silts are not primary air‐fall loesses of deglacial/Lateglacial age (c. 18.0–11.7 ka) but have been reworked and now consist of loess‐derived colluvial deposits; we consider the ages to be reliable as there is no compelling evidence to indicate that the samples are partially bleached. There is no substantive archaeological or palynological evidence for Late Mesolithic hunter‐gatherers having had a major impact on the landscape, and it is considered highly unlikely that these people triggered colluviation. We estimate that during the 8.2 ka event there was a reduction in mean annual air temperature at these upland locations of ~2.6–4.6 °C, and proxy evidence from other sites indicates a shift to wetter conditions. It is inferred that there was greater snow accumulation in winter, that the snowpack survived for longer periods, and that there was an increase in the magnitude and frequency of frost‐related processes and meltwater flooding. Together, these changes in climate and their associated (sub)surface processes were responsible for the reworking of the loess. The OSL dates indicate climatically induced landscape dynamism in Great Britain during the latter half of the ninth millennium.  相似文献   

Soil is a dynamic natural body and fundamental resource. Human activities influence intensively the natural processes in soils. They modify and accelerate the development of soils. In this investigation, the deposition of colluvial sediments (colluviation) and soil formation are proposed as geoindicators for a better understanding of long-term environmental changes and environmental impact assessment. Deposition of colluvial sediments during several time periods and subsequent soil formation under different land-use systems reflect important aspects on the long-term human interference in the environment. In this study, we hypothesize that intensive human activities and environmental changes during middle and late Holocene are responsible for a strong modification of soils in an investigation area in Schleswig–Holstein (Germany). Soil age information together with geomorphological data, physical, chemical and biological soil properties provide the database which is necessary to study the types and rates of colluviation and soil formation. After the investigation with a high resolution in time and space, results show that middle and late Holocene land-use changes and land management are responsible for soil formation in colluvial layers. Properties of soils and sediments vary intensively from Mesolithic until Modern times. Intensive soil formation took place during periods of geomorphodynamic stability in dense woodland. Evidence in our investigations shows that colluviation has a strong relation with decision-making and environmental degradation in the past. This confirms, too, that a geoindicator concept is needed to understand and to monitor long-term environmental changes and degradation.  相似文献   

Record levels of precipitation during February 1992 generated 290 earth flows and earth slumps in Wadi Ziqlab, Jordan. Geomorphologic and sedimentological characteristics of these landslides and older colluvial deposits were used to identify the dominant mass-wasting processes active in the wadi. Earth flows in 1992 left long linear scars on the steep hillsides and deposited thin, fine and coarse-grained, sheets on the well-developed colluvial slopes below. Older colluvial deposits exposed along the wadi bottom are crudely stratified, heavily bioturbated, and contain paleosols, suggesting colluviation was episodic and occurred through a slow accumulation of successive earth flows. Earth slumps in 1992 produced crescentic scarps, flat benches, and thick colluvial masses; similar features preserved on the wadi slopes were formed by the same process at an earlier time. Annual slope wash does not appear important on the steep, heavily landslide-scarred, slopes. The uneven distribution and episodic occurrence of earth flows and earth slumps in Wadi Ziqlab have resulted in highly variable burial depths of archaeological material, as illustrated in one locality where Roman artifacts are buried over 1 m deeper than a Neolithic site only 200 m away. The ability of earth flows to transport artifacts great distances has given rise to inverted stratigraphy on colluvial slopes and has produced large artifact scatters located beyond the margins of the colluvial slopes. These complex postoccupation disturbances and prehistoric land-use practices would have been difficult to interpret without a full understanding of the hillslope processes active in Wadi Ziqlab and the landscape features they have produced. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Several high south-facing slopes in the southern Drakensberg were glaciated during the Late Quaternary, yet little is known about the slope geomorphic history on equally high slopes that appear not to have been glaciated. To this end, we examine evidence for Late Quaternary slope dynamics in a high alpine valley of eastern Lesotho, with particular attention given to palaeo-environmental signatures offered by deep colluvial mantles along the flanks of the Sehonghong River and pronival ramparts along the upper southerly-facing slopes of the adjoining Thabana-Ntlenyana. Sedimentary exposures were mapped and sampled for clast fabric, clast shape, organic matter content, granulometry and 14C age determination. Similarly, a pronival rampart was mapped and clast size, shape and fabric determined for various micro-topographic settings. A palaeosol beneath the rampart was also Radiocarbon dated. Findings suggest that the deep and extensive debris mantles on lower south-facing slopes are a product of prolonged colluviation, whilst the more stratified sequences on north-facing slopes indicate greater slope geomorphic-process variability over time. Radiocarbon ages suggest sediment accumulation along the north-facing exposure from at least ∼43 ka. It is proposed that snowcreep and snowpush on high (>3400 m a.s.l.) southeast-facing slopes during a relatively cold, yet moist period at ∼AD 300-1000 initiated boulder movement to form the pronival ramparts.  相似文献   

Site response in the Gujarat region is studied using local earthquake data recorded at 32 sites spread all over Gujarat region, India. Out of these 32 sites, 15 sites are located in Kachchh region, 8 in Saurashtra and 9 in mainland Gujarat region. These sites are underlain by different types of rocks/sediments of different ages. Out of 32 stations, 7 stations are on Quaternary deposits, 6 on Tertiary, 11 on Deccan, 3 on Jurassic, 3 on Cretaceous and 2 on Proterozoic rocks. The predominant frequencies at these sites depend strongly on the local geology. The average predominant frequencies of the sites on Quaternary sediments are 2.4?Hz, 5.3?Hz on Tertiary, 7.5?Hz on Jurassic, 7.2?Hz on Deccan, 4.6?Hz on Cretaceous and 7.5?Hz on Proterozoic formations. The average site amplification values at predominant frequencies are 3.7 for the sites of Quaternary deposits, 3.3 for Tertiary, 3.3 for Cretaceous rock, 4.2 for Deccan trap, 4.1 for Jurassic sites and 4.6 for Proterozoic. The damage to the houses during 2001 Bhuj earthquake is compared with the amplification at predominant frequencies at those sites. The spatial variation of predominant frequencies and the site amplifications at different frequencies corresponding to the natural frequencies of different storey buildings are studied, which will be useful in the evaluation of seismic hazard in the region.  相似文献   

Research on colluvial depositional systems has recently emphasized periglacial and high‐altitude settings, and the relations between Quaternary slope stratigraphy and climate change. This article examines the role of variable slope morphology, surface hydrology and microclimate in controlling colluvial sedimentation along a coastal tract of the hyperarid Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Direct accessibility of active surfaces is accompanied by uninterrupted stratigraphic exposures along the base of slopes, allowing direct comparisons between surface processes and the resulting sedimentary record. Four slope sectors are identified, based on differences in morphology and processes over active surfaces. Colluvial sedimentation is controlled by complex interactions of slope gradients and profiles, exposure to dominant winds, and potential runoff pathways, which vary considerably between different sectors. Major differences are evident between these hyperarid deposits and slope sedimentation in periglacial and temperate settings, including the complete absence of pedogenic activity and clay minerals; the volume of aeolian deposits and their role in controlling processes which redistribute sediment downslope, extending colluvial aprons; and the occurrence of runoff processes only where favoured by particular topographic configurations. Depositional surfaces range from steep talus cones, to debris‐flow‐dominated and aeolian‐dominated colluvial aprons, to an aeolian ramp subject to reworking by mass flows and flash floods. Consequently, facies associations and architectures at outcrop are highly variable and highlight the importance of spatial variations in slope morphology and processes in producing distinct, coeval colluvial stratigraphies within a single environmental context. Discrepancies between active processes and the corresponding stratigraphic signatures are also evident in some sectors; for example, preservation of alluvial and aeolian facies in stratigraphic sections does not always reflect the dominant processes over active slopes. Together with the spatial variability in processes and deposits along these slopes, this suggests that caution is required when extracting palaeoenvironmental information from analyses of colluvial successions.  相似文献   

Statigraphic exposures, fluvial archives and borehole data have been allowed to reconstruct the alluvial history of Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene and climate changes in the monsoonal wet–dry region of lower Damodar Basin (West Bengal, India). The facies architectures and climate proxies suggest that five to six climate changes occurred in between ~14 and 6 kiloannum (ka). Supporting evidence from the floodplain of Damodar River demonstrates that the successive phases of aggradation and incision were linked to the south-west monsoonal variability of Late Quaternary period. The onset of semi-arid climate was associated with caliches, pond and backswamp deposits of waning low-energy floods. The relatively warm-humid climate was associated with sandy bedforms, valley fills, slack water deposits and ferruginous nodules. This paper presents a synthesis of the available palaeoclimatic records from the lower Ganga Basin and the rivers of western and central India for the palaeoenvironmental significance of Late Quaternary deposits and discusses the influence of palaeoclimatic controls on the fluvial architectures and archives that developed below the floodplain of Damodar River. We have taken some representative studies from the region to reveal the spatial variability in fluvial successions in response to climate changes during this period.  相似文献   

Although evidence for Quaternary environmental changes in the Arabian Peninsula is now growing, research has mostly been conducted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and in the Sultanate of Oman. There have been virtually no recent studies in Saudi Arabia, especially in the central region such as around Al‐Quwaiayh. In this area there are a series of outwash plains developed along the eastern edge of the Arabian Shield that formed in the late Quaternary. Four sedimentary sections, which are representative of the deposits that have accumulated, have been studied and five luminescence ages obtained. These are the first luminescence ages acquired from Quaternary sediments in central Saudi Arabia. The preserved fluvial deposits in the study area have formed during humid events at ca. 54 ka, ca. 39 ka and ca. 0.8 ka. In more recent times aeolian sands have been encroaching on to the distal parts of the outwash plains. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A complex late Quaternary alluvial history was documented along Henson Creek, a low order tributary on the Fort Hood Military Reservation in central Texas. Three Quaternary alluvial landforms were recognized: terrace 2 (T2), terrace 1 (T1), and the modern floodplain (T0). The late Pleistocene T2 terrace may contain an array of sites spanning the entire known cultural record, while T1 may have sites spanning the last 5000 years only. Five fluvial units, three colluvial facies, two alluvial fan facies, and two buried paleosols were also recognized. Fluvial deposition was occurring approximately 15,000 yr B.P., 10,000-8000 yr B.P., 7000–4800 yr B.P., 1650-600 yr B.P., and during the last 400 years. Colluvial deposition was ongoing mainly in the early and middle Holocene, while alluvial fan aggradation was proceeding primarily in the middle Holocene. Because of erosional unconformities, there is minimal potential for recovering buried sites dating to intervals between depositional eposides for most of the drainage basin. Preservation potentials for buried sites are greatest in fine-grained fluvial deposits dating to the late Pleistocene, early Holocene, and parts of the late Holocene, and in fine-grained colluvial deposits dating to the early and middle Holocene. This investigation demonstrates that within the study area, and perhaps throughout much of central Texas, a greater continuum of sediments and preservation potentials exists in late Quaternary alluvial deposits of rivers than in low-order tributaries.  相似文献   

Nemec  & Kazanci 《Sedimentology》1999,46(1):139-170
The Quaternary colluvial aprons in Lake Eğirdir area, Taurus Mountains, consist of steep coalescent fans, up to 17–20 m thick and 350–450 m in plan-view radius, and the sedimentary succession comprises four lithostratigraphic divisions. The basal red–brown colluvium consists of a chaotic, bouldery fan-core rubble covered with bedded, openwork to matrix-rich gravel, whose deposition is attributed to rockfalls and cohesive debrisflows, with minor grainflows and sheetwash processes. The middle part of this division contains interbeds of early Pleistocene tephra. The overlying light-grey colluvium consists of bedded gravel with numerous palaeogullies and its deposition is attributed to waterflow, rockfalls and cohesive debrisflows. The younger, medium-grey colluvium consists of stratified pebbly sand interspersed with cobble/boulder gravel and its deposition is attributed to sheetwash processes accompanied by rockfalls and wet snowflows/slushflows. A bulk-pollen radiocarbon date indicates Late Würm age. The youngest, yellow–grey colluvium consists of bedded, mainly pebbly and openwork gravel, whose deposition is attributed to dry grainflows, rockfalls and minor cohesive debrisflows. Based on the sedimentary facies assemblages and available isotopic dates, the four colluvial divisions are correlated with the following stages of the region's climatic history: (1) the latest Pliocene to Early Pleistocene stage of warm–humid climate with pronounced phases of drier conditions; (2) the Late Pleistocene stage of colder climate, with alternating phases of higher and lower humidity; (3) the last glacial (Würm) stage of coldest climate; and (4) the Holocene stage of warm semi-arid climate. It is concluded that colluvial depositional systems bear a valuable proxy record of climatic changes and regional geoclimatic differences.  相似文献   

Impressive Quaternary lacustrine deposits are present as terrace remnants throughout the Karakoram Mountains, northern Pakistan. They are mainly the result of damming of drainage systems during glacial advances or by catastrophic mass movement deposits. The longevity of most lakes is relatively short, in the order of years to tens of years, but sedimentation rates are extremely high as a consequence of the high sediment loads within the rivers. This results in deposits that frequently exceed 10 m in thickness. The sediments comprise dominantly planar bedded, massive and, less commonly, planar laminated, silts, comprising detrital quartz, feldspar, mica, calcite, chlorite and illite. A facies model for lacustrine sedimentation in a high-energy semi-arid high mountain region is presented, using case studies from a glacially dammed palaeolake (Glacial Lake Gilgit) and a debris-flow dammed palaeolake (Lake Serat). The rapid deposition and absence of organic material restricts the usefulness of these lacustrine sediments as proxies for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, but they are helpful in reconstructing the former extent of glaciers and illustrating the importance of high-magnitude–low-frequency events, such as landsliding, as formative processes contributing to the evolution of the Karakoram landscape.  相似文献   

青海湖地区晚第四纪黄土的物质来源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
曾方明 《地球科学》2016,41(1):131-138
青海湖地区的晚第四纪黄土记录了湖区晚第四纪以来的环境和气候变化.迄今为止,对于青海湖地区晚第四纪黄土物质来源的研究较薄弱.以青海湖东岸的种羊场晚第四纪风成沉积剖面为主要研究对象,在青海湖区及其周边采集了黄土、风成砂、湖相沉积、河流沉积等样品,结合黄土高原西部临洮黄土样品,对它们的元素组成(<75 μm的硅酸盐组分)进行了对比研究.初步结果表明:(1) K2O/Al2O3(摩尔比)和Zr/Ti、Zr/Nb比值显示青海湖地区的风成沉积显著区别于本区的河流沉积和湖相沉积;(2) 青海湖地区的晚第四纪黄土与黄土高原西部临洮黄土的K2O/Al2O3和Zr/Ti、Zr/Nb比值相一致;(3) 青海湖地区的晚第四纪黄土可能来自柴达木盆地.   相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2004,23(16-17):1733-1756
This study shows that successions of Pleistocene carbonate aeolian deposits can be placed successfully in a geochronologic framework using magnetostratigraphic and susceptibility stratigraphic analysis supplemented by luminescence dating, studies of wave-cut platforms, and biostratigraphic evidence. The investigated aeolian system covers a significant part of southernmost Mallorca and is exposed in impressive coastal cliff sections.At the study site at Els Bancals the aeolian system has a maximum thickness of 16 m and is composed of alternating dark red colluvial deposits and greyish red aeolian dune and sand-sheet deposits forming seven cyclostratigraphic units. Each cyclostratigraphic unit represents landscape stabilisation, colluviation, and soil formation followed by dunefield development, when marine carbonate sand was transported far inland by westerly or north-westerly winds. The aeolian system is located on top of a wave-cut marine platform 12–14 m a.s.l. This platform probably formed during a sea-level highstand in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (427–364 ka), and renewed marine activity probably later in MIS 11 is indicated by the formation of beach deposits.Two sections at Els Bancals were sampled for a paleomagnetic study; additional samples were taken to detect variations in magnetic susceptibility (MS). The characteristic remanent magnetisation has been recovered for the most part of the succession in spite of diagenetic overprinting. There is evidence for two probably three reversal polarity excursions, possible connected to the Levantine, CR1 and CR0/Biwa III episodes. If this correlation is correct, the sampled succession represents a time interval in the Middle Pleistocene between ca 410 and ca 260 ka. This age estimate is supported by the MS study and by luminescence dates of 333±70 ka (aeolianite from lower part of the succession) and 275±23 ka (aeolianite from the top of the succession).The nature of the succession suggests deposition during alternating warm and moist (colluvial deposition; soil formation) and cold, dry and windy conditions (dunefield formation). The susceptibility signal can be correlated with the insolation signal at 65°N suggesting that environmental variation on Mallorca was linked to orbitally forced climate change, and it seems that aeolian activity and dunefield formation were linked to glacial or stadial periods.  相似文献   

Continental flood basalt provinces (CFBs) are important hosts for large-scale Cu-sulfide deposits. However, sulfide mineralization is yet to be discovered, if any, in the end-Cretaceous Deccan volcanic province, India. In the present study, geochemical evidences for the possible absence of Cu-sulfide deposits associated with the Deccan basalts by analyzing and comparing the geochemistries of the Deccan and Siberian CFBs are provided. The Fe-rich nature and high fO2 conditions did not favour sulfide saturation at any stage of magma evolution in the Deccan province. Crustal contamination of the Deccan magmas also did not increase the sulfur budget. The most contaminated basalts of Bushe and Poladpur formations of the Deccan province do not show any depletion in the copper contents compared to other formations. In the absence of sulfide saturation, copper behaved as an incompatible element in the Deccan magmas in contrast to the Siberian basalts, in which copper behaved as a compatible element during magma evolution due to sulfide saturation consequently formed world-class copper sulfide deposits. It is demonstrated that the lithosphere- and asthenosphere-derived Deccan magmas have similar Cu abundances thereby suggesting that the Cu-sulfide deposits associated with the CFBs are process-controlled rather than source-controlled. Although Cu-sulfide deposits may not have formed, the geochemical patterns suggest favourable conditions for native copper mineralization in the Deccan volcanic province. In the present study, a set of geochemical proxies that can be utilized as preliminary exploration tools for Cu-sulfide mineralization in the CFBs is proposed.  相似文献   

The Quaternary glacial sequence proposed for the Ecuadorian Andes by Walter Sauer is critically reviewed. Examination of his field evidence at sections exposing Quaternary sediments east of Quito has led to a fundamental reinterpretation. Deposits which Sauer considered as glacial, glacio-fluvial, glacio-lacustrine and pluvio-glacial in origin appear to have been formed mainly by volcanic, volcano-loessic, laharic, fluvial, colluvial and pedogenic processes.  相似文献   

Excavations were made in the colluvial deposits of seven kettleholes in a sandy esker at Kuttanen, northwestern Finnish Lapland. The Holocene history of forest fires and the associated colluvial activity initiated on the slopes of the kettleholes were reconstructed based on 131 radiocarbon dates from charcoal layers. These dates were supplemented by luminescence dating of colluvial sand layers. The first forest fires occurred ~9000 years ago following the immigration of Pinus sylvestris about 1000 years after deglaciation. Evidence of forest fires and colluvial activity increased with the density of the pine forest, reaching a maximum during the Holocene Thermal Maximum between ~8000 and 4000 cal. a BP, declining thereafter to a minimum in the last ~500 years. This multimillennial‐scale pattern corresponds with forest fires being triggered by lightning strikes during the warmest summer weather of the Holocene, which also produced heavy rain and slope wash from convective storms. The 50 forest fires identified over the Holocene indicate a long cycle in fire frequency of 1 in ~200 years, which appears to reflect the average successional recovery time of the forest. Complex interactions amongst vegetation, fire and climate may account for little or no association between 23 centennial‐ to millennial‐scale clusters of forest fires/colluvial events and Holocene temperature or precipitation anomalies. Buried podzols indicate five phases of soil formation and hence low levels of landscape disturbance. The kettleholes and their colluvial deposits therefore provide a unique geo‐ecological archive that has led to new insights into the geo‐ecological interactions that affect environmental change in the sub‐arctic landscape.  相似文献   

Chris O. Hunt 《GeoJournal》1997,41(2):101-109
The Quaternary deposits of the Mediterranean countries provide clear evidence of past environments, and of environmental change. Modern work enables the reinterpretation of these deposits and shows arid glacial stages and humid interglacial stages, with the Holocene characterised by considerable human impact, mostly resulting from agricultural activity. In this paper, examples of typical Mediterranean Quaternary lithofacies, including tufa and slope, fluvial, coastal, aeolian and cave deposits are described from the Maltese Islands. The deposits are correlated and their climatic signal is interpreted to provide a first modern assessment of Quaternary environmental change in the Maltese Islands.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(22-24):2801-2822
Late Cenozoic fluvial successions are widespread in India. They include the deposits of the Siwalik basin which represent the accumulations of the ancient river systems of the Himalayan foreland basin. Palaeomagnetic studies reveal that fluvial architecture and styles of deposition were controlled by Himalayan tectonics as well as by major climatic fluctuations during the long (∼13 Ma) span of formation. The Indo-Gangetic plains form the world's most extensive Quaternary alluvial plains, and display spatially variable controls on sedimentation: Himalayan tectonics in the frontal parts, climate in the middle reaches, and eustasy in the lower reaches close to the Ganga–Brahmaputra delta. Climatic effects were mediated by strong fluctuations in the SW Indian Monsoon, and Himalayan rivers occupy deep valleys in the western Ganga plains where stream power is high, cut in part during early Holocene monsoon intensification; the broad interfluves record the simultaneous aggradation of plains-fed rivers since ∼100 ka. The eastward increase in precipitation across the Ganga Plains results in rivers with low stream power and a very high sediment flux, resulting in an aggradational mode and little incision. The river deposits of semi-arid to arid western India form important archives of Quaternary climate change through their intercalation with the eolian deposits of the Thar Desert. Although the synthesis documents strong variability—both spatial and temporal—in fluvial stratigraphy, climatic events such as the decline in precipitation during the Last Glacial Maximum and monsoon intensification in the early Holocene have influenced fluvial dynamics throughout the region.  相似文献   

The Quaternary of the Kattegat area, Scandinavia: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Quaternary sedimentary history and its relations to the pre-Quaternary in the Kattegat region are reviewed. The Quaternary in the area is restricted to relatively young sediments, including scattered findings of Saalian deposits and more continuous occurrences from the Eemian, the Weichselian and the Holocene. Glacial and interglacial palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, including Holocene changes in oceanographic circulation, are reviewed, and the recent sedimentary processes and the present hydrographic regime are outlined. Furthermore, Quaternary and present tectonic activity in connection with some of the pre-Quaternary fault zones is discussed.  相似文献   

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