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The late Quaternary history of the Lake Bolac region is reconstructed from sedimentary and pollen analysis of lake and swamp sequences and is supported by archaeological remains from lunette sediments. Freshwater deposits recovered from lake Turangmoroke appear to date from the last glacial period, when the vegetation was composed of herbfield and grassland. Subsequent dry conditions at the end of the Pleistocene caused the deflation of some accumulated sediments. On refilling, the lake had become saline. As moisture availability increased, casuarina woodland, dominated by Allocasuarina verticillata, became the regional vegetation cover. Domination by casuarina ended ca. 8000–7000 yr BP, probably as a result of rising saline ground-water tables. Casuarinas were replaced to some degree by eucalypts, augmented by the development of a riverine Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodland. Swamp deposition commenced in the channel of neighbouring Fiery Creek at ca. 4000 yr BP, most likely as the result of a reduction in stream flow with decreased precipitation. Despite suggestions of significant impact on the vegetation by Aboriginal people from other sites in southeastern Australia, there is no evidence of any alteration here from periods of occupation dated to around 13000 yr BP and after 3500 yr BP. The period of European occupation, though, is marked by significant changes in fire patterns, reduced tree cover, loss of floristic diversity, increased erosion rates and salinity levels, and decreased water levels.  相似文献   

祁连山西段第四纪环境变迁研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
祁连山西段地处青藏高原西北缘,自更新世以来的环境变迁是青藏高原隆升过程的环境响应。笔者根据对CaCO3、古地磁、孢粉等资料的分析,初步划分了12个寒冷期和12个温暖期,并根据气候变迁的研究,认为青藏高原隆升至少有三次加速时期。  相似文献   

根据沉积分析和ESR、OSL、14C测年数据,对阿拉克湖地区第四纪地层进行了详细的成因划分和时间约束,为第四纪以来高原隆升重大事件及其引起的环境演变提供了重要的时代依据;根据沉积特征和孢粉植物演替对第四纪的环境变迁过程进行了探讨:早更新世湖积地层中出现具亚寒带气候特征的针叶林植物群和中更新世冰碛物覆于早更新世地层之上是研究区第四纪环境演变的重要转折标志;第四纪盆山耦合关系非常明显,山系隆升与沉积盆地具有由北向南迁移的规律。  相似文献   

Paleoclimatic changes in the late Quaternary sediments deposited in the East Sea were analyzed by studying diatoms. A total of 95 species belonging to 47 genera were identified from the Core02GHP-02 of the Ulleung Basin in the East Sea, Korea. In the Core 02GHP-02, U-Oki(169–181 cm; 9.3 ka), AT(464–465.5 cm; 22 ka) and U–Ym(556–559 cm; 33 ka) tephra layers were recognized. The chronological divisions of 02GHP-02 may be correlated with the climatic changes from the glacial interval(730–620 cm; MIS3), to interstadial(620–500 cm; MIS3), to the last glacial maximum(500–390 cm; MIS 2), to the deglaciation(390–290 cm; MIS 2), to the late glacial(290–190 cm; MIS 1), and to the Holocene(190–10 cm; MIS 1). It is speculated that diatoms were rarely found during the glacial interval when the 02GHP-02 core was deposited; during the interstadial(MIS 3) and deglaciation, a mixture of warm-water and cold-water species were found. In particular, Fragilariopsis doliolus seems to have appeared in the East Sea after 8 ka BP. In the lower layers of the Holocene deposits, cold-water species such as Neodenticula seminae were frequently found, while in the upper layers, warm-water species such as Hemidiscus cuneiformis were found in relatively large abundance. Therefore, the findings indicate that the climate became warmer during the transition from the lower layer to the upper layer of the Holocene deposits.  相似文献   

对河北平原中部保定西伯章厚20.74 m的剖面进行实测,系统采集粒度和光释光(OSL)样品进行分析,以期获得其沉积特征及环境演变信息。光释光测年显示该剖面为102~8.69 ka的沉积,时代属于晚更新世到早全新世。岩性和粒度分析表明该剖面为曲流河冲积沉积,可以进一步划分为河道沉积和河漫滩沉积。河道沉积以含云母碎片的中粗砂为主,发育斜层理,频率曲线以正偏双峰频率曲线为主,分选中等到较差,概率累积曲线以跳跃组分为主的两段式为主。河漫滩沉积以黏土质粉砂为主,含保存良好的腹足类化石和钙质结核,频率曲线以负偏双峰为主,分选差,概率累积曲线以悬浮组分占比大的两段式为主。C-M图显示该剖面以均匀悬浮沉积为主,属典型曲流河沉积。实测剖面与黄土剖面对比分析显示西伯章剖面可以分为三个阶段,下部20.74~16.14 m为末次间冰期晚期沉积,气候温暖湿润,以粉砂质沉积为主;中部16.14~3.18 m为末次冰期沉积,气候干冷,沉积物显示细—粗—细的特征,与末次冰期早冰阶—间冰阶—盛冰阶一一对应;上部3.18~0.2 m为冰后期沉积,与末次间冰期晚期沉积环境类似,以黏土和黏土质粉砂沉积为主。粒度成因分析揭示了河北平原中部保定凹陷区晚第四纪沉积环境主要为河流冲积环境,粒度阶段性分布特征是晚第四纪以来冰期-间冰期气候的物质响应。   相似文献   

Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 807A was recovered from the Ontong-Java plateau, western equatorial Pacific. Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera, combined with oxygen and carbon isotope data, reveals the glacial-interglacial variations of sea-surface temperature and the upper water vertical structure in this region during the late Quaternary. Our results indicate that since 530 ka sea-surface temperature (SST) and the depth of thermocline (DOT) have changed significantly in the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP). The average glacial-interglacial annual SST difference was up to 4.2 ℃ , and the DOT fluctuations could exceed more than 100 m, further suggesting the instability of the WPWP. The spectral analyses of SST and DOT reveal two dominating cyclicities--the typical 100 ka cycle and the semi-precessional cycle, which is significant in the tropical spectrum, indicating that late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the study area were influenced not only by a high latitude forcing but also by tropic-driving factors.  相似文献   

泸沽湖地区受人类活动影响较小、对气候变化较为敏感,是开展古气候研究的理想区域。本文以孢粉为重要研究手段,对采自泸沽湖草海地区103cm的浅钻沉积物开展研究,采样间距2cm,共取得52块样品用于孢粉分析。沉积物年龄采用AMS-~(14)C测定,经校正之后钻孔底部年龄为3455cal.a BP。经实验分析之后,所有样品均含有丰富的孢粉类群,反映的植被组成主要以松(Pinus)林为主,铁杉(Tsuga)也较为常见,被子植物中则以栎属(Quercus)占绝对优势,栗属(Castanea)和木犀科(Oleaceae)植物也频繁出现,而草本植物则以禾本科(Gramineae)为主,蓼科(Polygonaceae)、菊科(Asteraceae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物也是重要的组成成分,林下生长有大量的蕨类的植物,主要以紫萁属(Osmunda)、石松属(Lycopodium)和膜蕨科(Hymenophyllaceae)等为主,另外,采样点草海为季节性湿地,水生植物主要以香蒲属(Typha)和藻类植物中的双星藻(Zygnema)和水绵(Spirogyra)最为常见。为了获得该地区晚全新世以来的气候变化曲线,本研究采用共存分析法分别对划分的四个孢粉带进行了古气候的定量重建,年均温和年均降水量分别为:3455cal.a BP至2585cal.a BP,MAT(mean annual temperature)=11.5~18.6℃,MAP(mean annual precipitation)=797.5~1484.3mm;2585cal.a BP至1699cal.a BP,MAT=11.7~18.6℃,MAP=617.9~1523.1mm;1699cal.a BP至595cal.a BP,MAT=8.5~18.6℃,MAP=797.5~1484.3mm;595cal.a BP至今,MAT=5.7~18.6℃,MAP=617.9~1484.3mm。结果显示该地区3455cal.a BP以来气候经历了略微变暖-变凉-持续变凉-回暖四个阶段。本研究还将变化曲线与其他地区同时代的研究结果进行了对比分析,显示年均温的变化趋势与格陵兰冰芯δ~(18)O以及祁连山敦德冰芯所反映的温度变化趋势基本一致,并可观察到中世纪暖期、晚全新世小冰期及现代温暖期。  相似文献   

肖文申  王汝建  叶瑛 《地球科学》2006,31(2):143-150
热带东太平洋8001柱状样晚第四纪以来放射虫标志种Buccinospharea invaginata和Collosphaera tuberosa的研究发现, 它们的初现面(FAD) 出现于柱深22cm和45cm处, 年龄分别为0.21Ma和0.42Ma.它们的初现面年龄与SPECMAP氧同位素记录结合为该柱建立了地层框架.该柱放射虫丰度、生源蛋白石和有机碳含量、粒度的分析显示, 大约在氧同位素11、9~8.4、5~3和1期, 高的放射虫总丰度、第四纪常见种丰度和始新世-渐新世种丰度大致对应于高的中值粒径和平均粒径, 以及大约氧同位素5期以来增加的有机碳含量, 表明此期间贸易风增强, 搬运的陆源颗粒增大, 北赤道洋流加强, 导致上升流增强, 表层水生产力提高, 同时, 南极底层流的活动也加强.大约在氧同位素10、8.3~6和2期, 低的放射虫总丰度、第四纪常见种丰度和始新世-渐新世种丰度大致对应于减小的中值粒径和平均粒径, 反映此期间贸易风减弱, 搬运的陆源颗粒减小, 北赤道洋流减弱, 导致上升流消失, 表层水生产力降低, 同时, 南极底层流的活动也减弱.   相似文献   

里下河地区全新世自然环境变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在区域地质调查项目进行过程中,以几个典型地质剖面和钻孔为基础,讨论了里下河区域全新世地层的分布规律,研究了地貌分布特征;探讨了全新世古植被、古气候与古环境变迁以及历史时期自然环境变化特征。里下河地区全新世自然环境变迁经历了4个重要的阶段:(1)10~7.5 kaBP,以湖沼发育为主,海水曾经影响到本区;(2)7.5~4.0kaBP,海水入侵本区,自然环境以潮滩、滨浅海、潟湖等为主,最大海侵甚至可到达运河以西地区,但里下河仍然有部分地区未被海水淹没;(3)4.0 kaBP~1128 AD,海水全面后退,岸线在范公堤一线曾做长时间停留,形成西冈贝壳砂堤,断续分布,海水时常影响西部地区;(4)1128 AD以来,由于黄河南泛夺淮入海,改变了里下河地区的地表水系,苏北滨海平原迅速向海推进,此后里下河地区远离海水的影响。  相似文献   

Four major climato-environmental phases have been identified in the Eastern Cape, Plettenberg Bay-Knysna region and Little Karoo between somewhat before ∼40 000 cal. a BP and the present: the Birnam Interstadial from before 40 000 cal. a BP until ∼24 000 cal. a BP; the Bottelnek Stadial (apparently equating with the Last Glacial Maximum) from ∼24 000 cal. a BP until before ∼18 350 cal. a BP; the Aliwal North (apparently equating with the Late Glacial) from before ∼18 350 cal. a BP until ∼11 000 cal. a BP; the Dinorben (apparently equating with the Holocene) from ∼11 000 cal. a BP until the present. The evidence for, and the characteristics of, these phases is briefly described.  相似文献   

Late Holocene environmental changes were examined in Dee Why Lagoon, New South Wales, based on the sedimentological, geochemical and geochronological analysis of six cores collected from the fluvial delta and lagoon basin. The lagoon formed about 7300–7200?cal yr BP, following the post-glacial marine transgression and establishment of a sand barrier. Infilling of the lagoon occurred at a rate of 0.09–0.15?mm/yr until about 3300–3200?cal yr BP, when the barrier closed, resulting in mostly freshwater conditions, as evidenced by a change from pyrite-rich units to sediment containing little sulfur and a lack of foraminifera. Sedimentation rates increased to 0.23 then 0.43?mm/yr until about 100?years ago. Post-European land clearance led to an increase in sedimentation rates to 1.0–1.3?mm/yr on the fluvial delta, which are lower than those from other wave-dominated estuaries in New South Wales as well as those estimated by previous studies in Dee Why Lagoon. Our study shows that the fluvial delta started forming much earlier than originally thought, based on results of radiometric dating, and confirmed using sedimentological and geochemical data, as well as a critical examination of historic aerial photographs. Human impact has resulted in an increase in heavy metal (Cu, Pb, Zn) and metalloid (As) concentrations in the recent sediment, most likely attributed to stormwater discharge. Pb and As concentrations are above the ANZECC high sediment quality guideline values at the site closest to the stormwater outlet, with As-based pesticides one of the possible sources. Using the mean enrichment quotient, which is based on normalised Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations over their normalised background concentrations, we show that the surface sediments in Dee Why Lagoon are severely enriched, reflecting the recent anthropogenic impact that has also led to an increase in sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Journal of Quaternary Science 17(7) 2002, 721. There is conflicting evidence concerning the extent and timing of late Quaternary climate variability in southern South America and how this may be linked to climate change in the Northern Hemisphere. Critical unresolved questions include whether or not a cool period occurred in southern South America during the Younger Dryas Chronozone (YDC) (11 000–10 000 14C yr BP; 13 000–11 200 yr BP), and the timing of wet and dry phases during the Holocene. To date most evidence is from glacial, pollen and beetle records but, in an attempt to resolve these questions, we have used chironomid midges as an independent proxy in one of the first studies of its kind in Patagonia. We investigated the dynamics of midge assemblages during the Late‐glacial and Holocene at Lago Stibnite on the Taitao Peninsula, southern Chile (46°S). Changes in the midge assemblage suggest that the climate may have become cooler and drier during the YDC. During the Holocene there were cyclical changes in the midge assemblage that may have been in response to trophic change and/or to changes in precipitation when conditions appear to have been drier than today at 9400–6300 14C yr BP and 2400–1600 14C yr BP. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对江汉平原北部的野外考察,结合屈家岭剖面粒度、Rb/Sr比值、磁化率和已有孢粉结果的综合分析,揭示了该地区全新世中晚期沉积环境和气候变化特征。结果表明,该剖面沉积物中粉砂(62.5~4μm)、粘粒(<4μm)约占其总量的95%以上,属于略含细砂的粘土质粉砂,概率累积曲线以三段式为主。结合地貌和岩性分析,确认该剖面以河流相沉积为主。沉积物粒度组成以粒径<30μm组分为主,同黄土的众数组分类似。也有部分样品的概率累积曲线呈现出北方黄土和下蜀黄土多见的两段式,但概率累计曲线段的斜率和中、细粒组分的相对含量都同黄土有差异。粒度组成方面同黄土沉积的某些相似特征说明,青木垱河流域广泛分布的黄土沉积可能影响了该剖面的沉积特征。沉积样品的磁化率、Rb/Sr比值和已有的孢粉分析结果反映的气候变化趋势基本上是同步的。5.2kaBP以来屈家岭遗址附近区域气候变化可以分成3个阶段:5.2~4.2kaBP期间,是较为温暖湿润的时期,水热条件好于现在,后期暖湿程度有波动性降低的趋势;4.2kaBP开始气候暖湿程度明显下降,气候转向干凉;2.0kaBP以来,本地区气候暖湿程度有所回升。该地区包括气候在内的环境变化,一定程度上影响了新石器晚期文化的演化历史。  相似文献   

Chironomid remains from a mid-elevation lake in the Sierra Nevada, California, were used to estimate quantitative summer surface water temperatures during the past ∼15,000 yr. Reconstructed temperatures increased by ∼3°C between lake initiation and the onset of the Holocene at ∼10,600 cal yr BP (calibrated years before present). Temperatures peaked at 6500 cal yr BP, displayed high variability from 6500 to 3500 cal yr BP, and stabilized after 3500 cal yr BP. This record generally tracks reconstructed Santa Barbara Basin sea surface temperatures (SSTs) through much of the Holocene, highlighting the correspondence between SST variability and California land temperatures during this interval.  相似文献   

In order to study the stability and dynamics of mountain rainforest and paramo ecosystems, including the biodiversity of these ecosystems, the Holocene and late Pleistocene climate and fire variability, and human impact in the southeastern Ecuadorian Andes, we present a high‐resolution pollen record from El Tiro Pass (2810 m elevation), Podocarpus National Park. Palaeoenvironmental changes, investigated by pollen, spores and charcoal analysis, inferred from a 127 cm long core spanning the last ca. 21 000 cal. yr BP, indicate that grass‐paramo was the main vegetation type at the El Tiro Pass during the late Pleistocene period. The grass‐paramo was rich in Poaceae, Plantago rigida and Plantago australis, reflecting cold and moist climatic conditions. During the early Holocene, from 11 200 to 8900 cal. yr BP, subparamo and upper mountain rainforest vegetation expanded slightly, indicating a slow warming of climatic conditions during this period. From 8900 to 3300 cal. yr BP an upper mountain rainforest developed at the study site, indicated by an increase in Hedyosmun, Podocarpaceae, Myrsine and Ilex. This suggests a warmer climate than the present day at this elevation. The modern subparamo vegetation became established since 3300 cal. yr BP at El Tiro Pass. Fires, probably anthropogenic origin, were very rare during the late Pleistocene but became frequent after 8000 cal. yr BP. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake El'gygytgyn is situated in a 3.6 Ma old impact crater in northeastern Siberia. Presented here is a reconstruction of the Quaternary lake-level history as derived from sediment cores from the southern lake shelf. There, a cliff-like bench 10 m below the modern water level has been investigated. Deep-water sediments on the shelf indicate high lake levels during a warm Mid-Pleistocene period. One period with low lake level prior to Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 has been identified, followed by a period of high lake level (10 m above present). In the course of MIS 2 the lake level dropped to − 10 m. At the end of MIS 2 the bench was formed and coarse beach sedimentation occurred. Subsequently, the lake level rose rapidly to the Holocene level. Changes in water level are likely linked to climate variability. During relatively temperate periods the lake becomes free of ice in summer. Strong wave actions transport sediment parallel to the coast and towards the outlet, where the material tends to accumulate, resulting in lake level rise. During cold periods the perennial lake ice cover hampers any wave activity and pebble-transport, keeping the outlet open and causing the lake level to drop.  相似文献   

Easter Island occupies an exceptionally isolated position in the south Pacific Ocean. It is entirely volcanic, and is famous for its giant statues. Late Quaternary sediments have been investigated in three craters: Rano Raraku, Rano Aroi and Rano Kao, giving a continuous record over the past 30 Ka. Pollen records indicate that the island was formerly forested. Palynological and sedimentological evidence suggests a Late Pleistocene climate slightly cooler and drier than the present. Deforestation by people occurred mainly between 1200 and 800 yr BP. This may have led to an ecological disaster and to the decline of the megalithic civilization. The depauperation of the present native flora owes more to human activity than to isolation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Quaternary changes in the coastal zone of northwestern Portugal through the relationship between sediments and landforms. By interpolating the available data from geomorphology, lithostratigraphy, sedimentology and geochronology, it was possible to reconstruct existing palaeoenvironments, the oldest of which date back to the last interglacial. The main landforms are a high and a low platform bounded by scarps. River sands and silty sediments formed in a lacustrine environment (Antas Formation, MIS 5) are associated with the high platform. Two deposits are associated with the low platform: the Cepães Formation (MIS 3) consisting of a lower set of river sand beds and an upper gravel beach bed, and the Aguçadoura Formation (MIS 1) consisting of Holocene lagoonal beds. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake Urana is a well-preserved relict lake in the semi-arid Riverine Plain of southeastern Australia. A compound lunette at its eastern shoreline consists of a quartz-sand-dominated unit (Bimbadeen Formation), thermoluminescence (TL) dated at 30 ka to 12 ka, and a clay and sand facies unit (Coonong Formation), dated at 55 ka to 35 ka. The intervening period indicates a phase of periodically exposed lake floor and soil formation. The older wet phase conforms well with similar environments recorded from the same period at Lake Mungo. However, the return to high water levels from 30 ka to 12 ka departs sharply from the generally accepted palaeoclimatic model from Australia, which demands severe glacial maximum desiccation and widespread construction of clay lunettes. Although hydrological budgets calculated for Lake Urana and nearby Lake Cullivel require high glacial maximum water levels they do not support higher precipitation.  相似文献   

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