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Runoff from a small glacierized catchment in the Canadian high Arctic was monitored throughout one melt season. The stream discharge record is one aspect of a larger project involving glacier mass balance, superimposed ice formation and local climate on a glacier in the Sawtooth Range, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. To better understand the main factors influencing the production of runoff on the glacier during the period of main summer melt, regression analyses were performed relating daily air temperature, shortwave incoming and net radiation, absorptivity and wind speed to daily glacier discharge. Air temperature at the glacier meteorological station on rain-free days is the element with the greatest correlation with runoff (r2 = 0.57; n = 34). A multiple regression of discharge with air temperature, shortwave incoming radiation, net radiation hours and wind speed achieved the best fit (r2 = 0.84; n = 34). Rain events (> 10mmd?1) can dominate daily discharge when they occur during the period of ice melt, creating more runoff per unit area than can be produced by melt alone, and significantly reduce the accuracy of runoff predictions.  相似文献   

This paper presents new estimates of solute fluxes from five high Arctic glacier basins in Svalbard. These estimates are combined with data from two other glacier basins to assess the effectiveness of chemical denudation on Svalbard and to estimate rates of temporary (or transient) CO2 drawdown. We use a solute provenance model to partition solutes into marine, aerosol, atmospheric and crustal components and to estimate their annual fluxes. Crustally derived solute fluxes are equivalent to a mean chemical denudation rate of 350 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1 for Svalbard (range: 160–560 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1), which lies within the global range of 94–4200 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1 for 21 glacier basins in the northern hemisphere, and is close to the continental average of 390 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1. Specific annual discharge is the most significant control upon chemical denudation in the glacierized basins, and basin lithology is an important secondary control, with carbonate‐rich and basaltic lithologies currently showing the greatest chemical denudation rates. Estimates of transient CO2 drawdown are also directly associated with specific annual discharge and rock type. On Svalbard transient CO2 drawdown lies in the range 110–3000 kg C km−2 a−1, whilst the range is 110–13000 kg C km−2 a−1 for the northern hemisphere glacial data set. Transient CO2 drawdown is therefore usually low in the Svalbard basins unless carbonate or basalt rocks are abundant. The analysis shows that a large area of uncertainty in the transient CO2 drawdown estimates exists due to the non‐stoichiometric release of solute during silicate hydrolysis. Silicate hydrolysis is particularly non‐stoichiometric in basins where the extent of glacierization is high, which is most probably an artefact of high flushing rates through ice‐marginal and subglacial environments where K‐feldspars are undergoing mechanical comminution. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The impact of pollution incidents on rivers and streams may be predicted using mathematical models of solute transport. Practical applications require an analytical or numerical solution to a governing solute mass balance equation together with appropriate values of relevant transport coefficients under the flow conditions of interest. This paper considers two such models, namely those proposed by Fischer and by Singh and Beck, and compares their performances using tracer data from a small stream in Edinburgh, UK. In calibrating the models, information on the magnitudes and the flow rate dependencies of the velocity and the dispersion coefficients was generated. The dispersion coefficient in the stream ranged between 0.1 and 0.9 m2/s for a flow rate range of 13–437 L/s. During calibration it was found that the Singh and Beck model fitted the tracer data a little better than the Fischer model in the majority of cases. In a validation exercise, however, both models gave similarly good predictions of solute transport at three different flow rates.  相似文献   

Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN) have widely been used as proxies in determining denudation rates in catchments. Most studies were limited to samples from modern active streams, thus little is known about the magnitude and causes of TCN variability on millennial time scales. In this work we present a 6 kyrs long, high resolution record of 10Be concentrations (n = 18), which were measured in sediment cores from an alluvial fan delta at the outlet of the Fedoz Valley in the Swiss Alps. This record is paired with a 3‐year time series (n = 4) of 10Be measured in sediment from the active stream currently feeding this fan delta. The temporal trend in the 10Be concentrations after correction for postdepositional production of 10Be was found to be overall constant and in good agreement with the modern river 10Be concentration. The calculated mean catchment‐wide denudation rate amounts to 0.73 ± 0.18 mm yr?1. This fairly constant level of 10Be concentrations can be caused by a constant denudation rate over time within the catchment or alternatively by a buffered signal. In this contribution we suggest that the large alluvial floodplain in the Fedoz Valley may act as an efficient buffer on Holocene time scales in which sediments with different 10Be signatures are mixed. Therefore, presumable variations in the 10Be signals derived from changes in denudation under a fluctuating Holocene climate are only poorly transferred to the catchment outlet and not recorded in the 10Be record. However, despite the absence of high frequency signals, we propose that the buffered and averaged 10Be signal could be meaningfully and faithfully interpreted in terms of long‐term catchment‐averaged denudation rate. Our study suggests that alluvial buffers play an important role in regulating the 10Be signal exported by some alpine settings that needs to be taken into account and further investigated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Swiss Alps, climatic changes have not only caused glacier retreat, but also likely increased sedimentation downstream of glaciers. This material either originates from below the glacier or from periglacial environments, which are exposed as glaciers retreat, and often consist of easily erodible sediment. Griesgletscher's catchment in the Swiss Alps was examined to quantify erosion in the proglacial area, possible hydrological drivers and contributions of the sub‐ and periglacial sources. Digital elevation models, created from annual aerial photographs, were subtracted to determine annual volume changes in the proglacial area from 1986 to 2014. These data show a strong increase in proglacial erosion in the decade prior to 2012, coincident with increasing proglacial area size. However, examination of the gradient between discharge and sediment evacuation, and modeled sediment transport, could suggest that the proglacial area began to stabilize and sediment supply is limited. The large influx of sediment into the proglacial reservoir, which is roughly 2.5 times greater than the amount of sediment eroded from the proglacial area, demonstrates the importance of subglacial erosion to the catchment's sediment budget. Although far more sediment originates subglacially, erosion rates in the proglacial area are over 50 times greater than the rest of the catchment. In turn, both sub‐ and periglacial processes, in addition to constraining sediment supply, must be considered for assessing future sediment dynamics as glacier area shrinks and proglacial areas grow. © 2017 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   


Studies of the chemical composition of snowpack and stream water were carried out in a catchment having an area of 53km2 (31°03′-30°55′N and 78°40′-78°51′E) in the Garhwal Himalaya, India. The dominant ions in the snowpack and stream water were Ca2+, Na+, NO? 3, SO2- 4 and HCO? 3. Solute patterns in the snowpack show preferential elution. Investigation of the chemical composition of stream water shows that meltwater changes its composition substantially as it passes through soil pathways to the stream. The groundwater flushing perhaps controls the chemical composition of meltwater in the early spring. However, in the period from July to September, the stream water carries the chemical signature of monsoonal precipitation.  相似文献   

Time patterns of karst denudation in northwest Georgia (U.S.A.) were investigated at three spring sites for 12 months and at five stream sites for 10 years. Rainfall was evenly distributed and showed no significant seasonality. At the springs, as well as the streams, water hardness was largely controlled by discharge. At the springs, soil pCO2 and water pH were strongly correlated (r + -0·69 to -0·83). Solute transport in spring waters was highly seasonal, with two conduit flow springs removing more limestone in the winter, and the diffuse flow spring removing more during the growing season. At the stream sites, most denudation occurred during the winter and spring seasons, and least during the summer. Fourier analysis showed that variations in denudation occur on deterministic (long-wave) as well as stochastic (shortwave) time scales. As contributing variables, discharge varied in short-wave and long-wave cycles, whereas soil pCO2 showed only a long-wave cycle. The 12 month deterministic cycles were the most important, with changes in discharge taking precedence over soil pCO2. Time series regression explains up to 69 per cent of changes in denudation through rain and soil pCO2. Time cycles in available water are the key controlling factor of denudation, and amounts of available soil CO2 may not be as important in the temporal patterns of karst downwearing as has been believed previously.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which local factors, including bedrock and structure, govern catchment denudation in mountainous environments as opposed to broader climate or tectonic patterns provides insight into how landscapes evolve as sediment is generated and transported through them, and whether they have approached steady-state equilibrium. We measured beryllium-10 (10Be) concentrations in 21 sediment samples from glaciated footwall and hanging wall catchments, including a set of nested catchments, and 12 bedrock samples in the Puga and Tso Morari half-grabens located in the high-elevation, arid Zanskar region of northern India. In the Puga half-graben where catchments are underlain by quartzo-feldspathic gneissic bedrock, bedrock along catchment divides is eroding very slowly, about 5 m/Ma, due to extreme aridity and 10Be concentrations in catchment sediments are the highest (~60–90 × 105 atoms/g SiO2) as colluvium accumulates on hillslopes, decoupled from their ephemeral streams. At Puga, 10Be concentrations and the average erosion rates of a set of six nested catchments demonstrate that catchment denudation is transport-limited as sediment stagnates on lower slopes before reaching the catchment outlet. In the Tso Morari half-graben, gneissic bedrock is also eroding very slowly but 10Be concentrations in sediments in catchments underlain by low grade meta-sedimentary rocks, are significantly lower (~10–35 × 105 atoms/g SiO2). In these arid, high-elevation environments, 10Be concentrations in catchment sediments have more to do with bedrock weathering and transport times than steady-state denudation rates. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relative significance of primary and secondary suspended sediment sources has been identified in a small (15 km2) agricultural catchment through the application of a linear unmixing model using mineral magnetic, geochemical and radionuclide signatures of fine sediments. Roads appear to be important as a secondary source of suspended sediment and in the conveyance of topsoils to the river channel. Roads also alter the source signatures of sediment in transport, especially that derived from agricultural topsoils. Modelling suggests that c. 30% of the suspended sediment collected from suspended sediment traps in the River Leadon were derived from, or transported via, roads. Relative contributions from primary sources of c. 43% and c. 27% were estimated from a combined (subsoil and channel bank) subsurface source, and a combined (arable and grassland) topsoil source, respectively. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large areas of Europe, especially in the Alps, are covered by carbonate rocks and in many alpine regions, karst springs are important sources for drinking water supply. Because of their high variability and heterogeneity, the understanding of the hydrogeological functioning of karst aquifers is of particular importance for their protection and utilisation. Climate change and heavy rainfall events are major challenges in managing alpine karst aquifers which possess an enormous potential for future drinking water supply. In this study, we present research from a high-alpine karst system in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal in Austria, which has a clearly defined catchment and is drained by only one spring system. Results show that (a) the investigated system is a highly dynamic karst aquifer with distinct reactions to rainfall events in discharge and electrical conductivity; (b) the estimated transient atmospheric CO2 sink is about 270 t/a; (c) the calculated carbonate rock denudation rate is between 23 and 47 mm/1000a and (d) the rainfall-discharge behaviour and the internal flow dynamics can be successfully simulated using the modelling package KarstMod. The modelling results indicate the relevance of matrix storage in determining the discharge behaviour of the spring, particularly during low-flow periods. This research and the consequent results can contribute and initiate a better understanding and management of alpine karst aquifers considering climate change with more heavy rainfall events and also longer dry periods.  相似文献   

Climate factors play critical roles in controlling chemical weathering, while chemically weathered surface material can regulate climate change. To estimate global chemical weathering fluxes and CO2 balance, it is important to identify the characteristics and driving factors of chemical weathering and CO2 consumption on the Tibetan Plateau, especially in glaciated catchments. The analysis of the hydro-geochemical data indicated that silicate weathering in this area was inhibited by low temperatures, while carbonate weathering was promoted by the abundant clastic rocks with fresh surfaces produced by glacial action. Carbonate weathering dominated the riverine solute generation (with a contribution of 58%, 51%, and 43% at the QiangYong Glacier (QYG), the WengGuo Hydrological Station (WGHS), and the lake estuary (LE), respectively). The oxidation of pyrite contributed to 35%, 42%, and 30% of the riverine solutes, while silicate weathering contributed to 5%, 6%, and 26% of the riverine solutes at the QYG, WGHS, and LE, respectively. The alluvial deposit of easily weathering fine silicate minerals, the higher air temperature, plant density, and soil thickness at the downstream LE in comparison to upstream and midstream may lead to longer contact time between pore water and mineral materials, thus enhancing the silicate weathering. Because of the involvement of sulfuric acid produced by the oxidation of pyrite, carbonate weathering in the upstream and midstream did not consume atmospheric CO2, resulting in the high rate of carbonate weathering (73.9 and 75.6 t km−2 yr−1, respectively, in maximum) and potential net release of CO2 (with an upper constraint of 35.6 and 35.2 t km−2 yr−1, respectively) at the QYG and WGHS. The above results indicate the potential of the glaciated area of the Tibetan Plateau with pyrite deposits being a substantial natural carbon source, which deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

The movement of sediment through mountain river networks remains difficult to predict, as processes beyond streamflow and particle size are responsible for the entrainment and transport of bedload sediment. In deglaciated catchments, additional complexity arises from glacial impacts on landscape organization. Research to date indicates that the quantity of sediment stored in the channel is an important component of sediment transport in systems which alternate between supply and transport limited states, but limited long-term field data exist which can capture storage-transfer dynamics over a timescale encompassing episodic supply typical of mountain streams. We use a 45-year dataset with annual and decadal-scale data on sediment storage, channel morphology, and wood loading to investigate the spatial and temporal organization of storage in Carnation Creek, a previously glaciated 11 km2 catchment on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Sediment is supplied episodically to the channel, including additions from debris flows in the early 1980s just upstream of the studied channel region. Analyzing the spatial and temporal organization of sediment storage along 3.0 km of channel mainstem reveals a characteristic storage wavelength similar to the annual bedload particle travel distance. Over time, two scales of variation in storage are observed: small-scale fluctuation of 3–10 years corresponding to local erosional and depositional processes, and larger scale response over 25–35 years related to supply of sediment from hillslopes. Complex relationships between storage and sediment transfer (i.e., annual change in storage) are identified, with decadal-scale hysteresis present in storage-transfer relations in sites influenced by hillslope sediment and logjams. We propose a conceptual model linking landscape organization to temporal variability in storage and to storage–export cycles. Collectively, our results reaffirm the importance of storage to sediment transport and channel morphology, and highlight the complexity of storage–transport interactions. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamics of suspended sediment transport were monitored continuously in a large agricultural catchment in southwest France from January 2007 to March 2009. The objective of this paper is to analyse the temporal variability in suspended sediment transport and yield in that catchment. Analyses were also undertaken to assess the relationships between precipitation, discharge and suspended sediment transport, and to interpret sediment delivery processes using suspended sediment‐discharge hysteresis patterns. During the study period, we analysed 17 flood events, with high resolution suspended sediment data derived from continuous turbidity and automatic sampling. The results revealed strong seasonal, annual and inter‐annual variability in suspended sediment transport. Sediment was strongly transported during spring, when frequent flood events of high magnitude and intensity occurred. Annual sediment transport in 2007 yielded 16 614 tonnes, representing 15 t km?2 (85% of annual load transport during floods for 16% of annual duration), while the 2008 sediment yield was 77 960 tonnes, representing 70 t km?2 (95% of annual load transport during floods for 20% of annual duration). Analysis of the relationships between precipitation, discharge and suspended sediment transport showed that there were significant correlations between total precipitation, peak discharge, total water yield, flood intensity and sediment variables during the flood events, but no relationship with antecedent conditions. Flood events were classified in relation to suspended sediment concentration (SSC)–discharge hysteretic loops, complemented with temporal dynamics of SSC–discharge ranges during rising and falling flow. The hysteretic shapes obtained for all flood events reflected the distribution of probable sediment sources throughout the catchment. Regarding the sediment transport during all flood events, clockwise hysteretic loops represented 68% from river deposited sediments and nearby source areas, anticlockwise 29% from distant source areas, and simultaneity of SSC and discharge 3%. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文利用2012年4月30日至5月10日华北地区大气湍流实验资料,分析了冬小麦田下垫面温度、湿度、二氧化碳(CO2)和甲烷(CH4)的湍流统计和输送特征,利用涡旋相关法计算的CH4通量值确定了松弛涡旋累积(REA)法计算CH4通量的经验系数.结果表明,不稳定层结下,温度、湿度、CO2和CH4的归一化标准差随稳定度参数z/L的关系满足-1/3幂次关系.热量、水汽和CO2水平方向的湍流输送和垂直方向的比值与稳定度参数z/L存在一定的相关关系,但CH4没有类似特征.实验期间,感热通量数值较低,潜热通量较高;CO2在夜间表现出微弱的向上输送,其余时段为向下输送,可以认为实验站所在地区是碳汇;CH4的湍流输送整体为向下输送,无明显的日变化规律,可以认为是CH4汇.利用松弛涡旋累积法获取CO2和CH4通量的参数取值分别为0.61和0.30.  相似文献   

Distributed physically based erosion and phosphorus (P) transport models, run by the overland flow model described in Taskinen and Bruen (2006. Hydrological Processes 20 : this issue), are described. In the erosion model, the additional components to the basic model were the outflow of the particles by infiltration and a new model component, i.e. deposition when rainfall stops. Two ways of calculating the shielding factor due to the flow depth were compared. The P transport model had both dissolved P (DP) and particulate P (PP) components. The processes included in the DP model were desorption from the soil surface, advection, storage in the overland flow and infiltration. The PP model accounted for advection, storage in the flow, infiltration, detachment from the soil surface by flow and rainfall and deposition both when transport capacity of suspended solids (SS) is exceeded and when rainfall ceases. When the models were developed and validated in small agricultural fields of cohesive soil types in southern Finland, comparisons were made between corresponding processes and the significance of added components were estimated in order to find out whether increased model complexity improves the model performance. The sedigraphs were found to follow the dynamics of rainfall, emphasizing the importance of the rainfall splash component. The basic model was too slow to react to changes in rainfall and flow rates, but infiltration and deposition that acts during the cessation in rainfall improved the model significantly by enabling the modelled SS to fall sharply enough. The shielding effect of flow depth from the splash detachment was found to play a significant role. Transport capacity should also be included in erosion models when they are applied to cohesive soils. In this study, the Yalin method worked well. A strong correlation was obvious between the measured SS and total P concentrations, indicating that the main form of P in runoff is PP. This emphasizes the importance of a good sediment transport model in P transport modelling. The submodel used for DP desorption from the soil surface produced plausible results without any calibration. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Event sediment transport and yield were studied for 45 events in the upstream part of the 260 km2 agricultural Koga catchment that drains to an irrigation reservoir. Discharge and turbidity data were collected over a period of more than a year, accompanied by grab sampling. Turbidity was very well correlated with the sediment concentrations from the samples (r = 0.99), which allowed us to estimate the temporal patterns of sediment concentrations within events. The hysteresis patterns between discharge and sediment concentrations were analysed to provide insight into the different sediment sources. Anticlockwise patterns are the dominant hysteresis patterns in the area, suggesting smaller contributions of suspended sediment from the river channels than from the hillslopes and agricultural areas. Complicated types of hysteresis patterns were mostly observed for long events with multiple peaks. For a given discharge, sediment yields in August and September, when the catchment was almost completely covered with vegetation, were much smaller than during the rest of the rainy season. The hysteresis patterns and timing suggest that the sediment availability from the agricultural areas and hillslopes affects sediment yields more strongly than does peak discharge. Two distinct types of sediment rating curves were observed for the season when the agricultural land was covered with vegetation and when it was not, indicating the dominating contribution of land use/cover to sediment yields in the catchment. The rate of suspended sediment transport in the area was estimated as 25.6 t year?1 ha?1. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Temporal variability in suspended sediment delivery processes was studied during three seasons in a 7·9 km2 catchment at Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Nunavut in the Canadian High Arctic. Discharge was controlled primarily by the magnitude of snowmelt, with limited inputs from ground ice melt and precipitation. Years with greater snowpack non‐linearly increased sediment yield and resulted in seasonal counter‐clockwise hysteresis, while a year with low snowpack resulted in reduced sediment yield and clockwise hysteresis, and indicates that sediment was increasingly available after the onset of streamflow. In addition to the event‐scale hysteresis observed during the nival discharge peak, diurnal clockwise hysteresis was observed during all three seasons and suggests daily exhaustion of sediment supplies. These results indicate that the channel snowpack plays a primary role over sediment accessibility during the nival discharge peak. Similarly, grain size analysis of suspended material in the river showed that the coarsest mean grain size was transported during the early phase of peak nival discharge and indicates that isolated sources of coarse material were being accessed by high velocity flow. Snowpack is present through the peak nival period and conditions sediment availability by isolating channel sediments from high‐energy flow. These results indicate sediment delivery characteristics in small High Arctic catchments reflect complex interactions with channel snowpack and disproportionate responses to flow conditions that differ from glacial and temperate settings. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers of South and Southeast Asia disgorge large suspended sediment loads, reflecting exceptionally high rates of erosion promoted by natural processes (tectonic and climatic) and anthropogenic (land‐use change) activities that are characteristic of the region. While particulate carbon and nitrogen fluxes have been characterized in some large Asian rivers, less is known about the headwater systems where much sediment and organic material are initially mobilized. This study, conducted in the 74‐km2 Mae Sa Experimental Catchment in northern Thailand, shows that the Sa River is an important source for particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) transported to larger river systems and downstream reservoirs. However, the yields during three years of investigation varied greatly: 5.0–22.3 Mg POC km?2 y?1 and 0.48–2.02 Mg PON km?2 y?1. The 22.3 Mg POC km?2 y?1 yield is the highest reported for any river on the Asian continent. Stream samples collected during 12 storms showed that almost 3% of the total suspended solid load is POC 0.7 µm to 2.0 mm in size. This percentage is higher than other values for most large rivers on the continent. Further, we documented a strong pulse hysteretic behaviour in the stream, whereby peak fluxes of POC and PON are often delayed (anticlockwise hysteresis) or accelerated (clockwise hysteresis) relative to stream flow peaks (or are complex), complicating the prediction of storm‐based or annual particulate carbon and nitrogen fluxes. Stream turbidity and total suspended sediment are reasonable proxies for POC and PON concentrations, while stream discharge is not a good predictor variable. Observed C:N ratios for measured particulate samples range from 3 to 83, with the high‐end values likely associated with fresh (non‐decomposed) vegetative material greater than 2 mm in diameter. The C:N ratio (weighted based on three sediment sizes) for 12 events ranges from 7.5 to 15.3. These modest values reflect the relatively low C:N ratios for small size fractions (0.7–0.63 µm) that comprise 50–90% of the TSS load in the events. Overall, organic material <0.63 µm contribute about 75% of the total POC load and 80% of the PON load. The annual C:N ratio for the river is approximately 10–11. Collectively, our findings indicate the occasionally high yields make the Sa River—and potentially other similar headwater rivers—a hot spot for POC and PON transported to downstream water bodies. Complex hysteresis patterns and high year‐to‐year variability hinders our ability to calculate and predict these yields without continuous, automated monitoring of discharge and turbidity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jos C. van Dam 《水文研究》2000,14(6):1101-1117
Single domain models may seriously underestimate leaching of nutrients and pesticides to groundwater in clay soils with shrinkage cracks. Various two‐domain models have been developed, either empirical or physically based, which take into account the effects of cracks on water flow and solute transport. This paper presents a model concept that uses the clay shrinkage characteristics to derive crack volume and crack depth under transient field conditions. The concept has been developed to simulate field average behaviour of a field with cracks, rather than flow and transport at a small plot. Water flow and solute transport are described with basic physics, which allow process and scenario analysis. The model concept is part of the more general agrohydrological model SWAP, and is applied to a field experiment on a cracked clay soil, at which water flow and bromide transport were measured during 572 days. A single domain model was not able to mimic the field‐average water flow and solute transport. Incorporation of the crack concept considerably improved the simulation of water content and bromide leaching to the groundwater. Still deviations existed between the measured and simulated bromide concentration profiles. The model did not reproduce the observed bromide retardation in the top layer and the high bromide dispersion resulting from water infiltration at various soil depths. A sensitivity analysis showed that the amounts of bromide leached were especially sensitive to the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the top layer, the solute transfer from the soil matrix to crack water flow and the mean residence time of rapid drainage. The shrinkage characteristic and the soil hydraulic properties of the clay matrix showed a low sensitivity. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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