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The peatlands of northern Scotland (one of the largest and most intact areas of blanket bog in the world) contain a rare widespread horizon of subfossil pine in stratigraphic context. Eighteen bog pine from three new sites are incorporated into a mean Neolithic pine chronology now composed of subfossil pine from 12 sites, which is tree‐ring‐dated against Irish bog pine chronologies to span 3198–2757 BC. Germination and peaks of radial growth infer drier conditions between 3199 and 3130 BC. Dying‐off phases and depression of growth reflect a change to wetter conditions between 3023 and 3002 BC and a terminal decline of pine between 2809 and 2782 BC. The close synchronization of germination/die‐off phases and major ring‐width variations between sites across this region indicates that the environmental changes are probably triggered by climate change. Twenty‐four bog pine samples remain unmatched. Future multi‐discipline research into this important example of climatic change at the Neolithic/Bronze Age transition is recommended. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A tree-ring proxy of summer temperature anomalies for northern Finland for the past 7500 yr was analyzed using Fourier spectrum and wavelet approaches. Multicentennial (250-450 yr) variability is present in the proxy record during most of the time range. This variability is suggested to reflect low-frequency variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation. Century-scale (90-130 yr) variation is another important feature of the tree-ring proxy data during the Holocene and may be attributed to Glessberg solar activity variations. In addition, an approximately 2000-yr quasi-period is found in this temperature proxy data, similar to the millennial-scale variability, present in many climate records from the North Atlantic region. The results point to the importance of multiple forcings underlying significant Holocene climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

Changes in tree density are estimated for the northern forest‐limit region of Finnish Lapland over the past seven and a half millennia. This is done using dendrochronologically dated Scots pine megafossils and their tree‐ring series. Direct and indirect estimates of past tree density are derived from chronology sample size (CSS) and growth trend modelling (GTM) respectively. The latter is a new method, where the past levels of growth competition (the influence of nearby trees) are extracted from the behaviour of growth trends in cross‐dated tree‐ring series, trends that are expected to be driven by tree‐density control. Two records constructed from the same original data set but by different means (independently) correlate significantly. Both records show a tree‐density maximum around 3000–1750 BC , indicating relative warmth during that time. Another positive tree‐density anomaly occurred in accordance with the ‘Medieval Warm Period’, preceding the thinning at the forest‐limit due to the ‘Little Ice Age’. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the principal ore mineral in various tungsten (-gold) deposits, scheelite (CaWO4) plays an important role in directly dating the timing of ore formation, and in tracing associated material sources through the study of its Sm-Nd geochronology and Nd isotopic characteristics. Since the retention of Sm-Nd systematics within scheelite is presently unconstrained, equivocal interpretations for isotopic data resulting from this method have occurred quite often in previous studies that apply these isotopic data. In order to better elucidate the closure of Sm-Nd in scheelite, the kinetics of Sm and Nd within this mineral lattice were investigated through calculation of diffusion constants presented herein. The following Arrhenius relations were obtained:DNd = 4.00exp(?438 kJ·mol–1/RT) cm2/sDSm = 1.85exp(?427 kJ·mol–1/RT) cm2/sshowing diffusion rate of Nd is near identical to Sm in scheelite when at the same temperature. However, compared to other rare earth elements (REEs), which have markedly different atomic radii to either Nd or Sm, these are shown to exhibit a great variation in diffusivities. The observed trends in our data are in excellent agreement with the diffusion characteristics of REEs in other tetragonal ABO4 minerals, indicating that ionic radius is a key constraint to the diffusivity of REEs in the various crystal lattices. With this in mind, the same substitution mechanism and a very slight discrepancy in radii will allow us to infer that significant Sm/Nd diffusional fractionation in scheelite is unlikely to occur during most geological processes.Based upon the diffusion data determined herein, Sm and Nd closure temperatures and retention times in scheelite are discussed in terms of diffusion dynamics. Those results suggest that closure temperatures for Sm-Nd within this mineral are relatively high in contrast to the temperature ranges of ore-formation responsible for scheelite-related deposits, and any later thermal environments. It is likely, therefore, that relevant isotopic information could be easily retained under most geological conditions, since initial crystallization of the scheelite. In addition, comparison of this mineral-element pair over a range of temperatures with some other common minerals used as geochronometers (e.g., zircon and apatite) indicates that Sm-Nd system has a slower diffusive rate in scheelite than for Sr in apatite or Ar in quartz, and only a little faster than for Pb in zircon. It should be noted, within most hydrothermal deposits where zircon has crystallized, its size is typically no more than 100 μm, whereas scheelite commonly occurs as macroscopic grains. For this reason, the larger dimensions of scheelite would provide a robust Sm-Nd system more able to resist perturbations, relating to any later thermal process. As such Sm-Nd investigations of scheelite are akin to U-Pb within zircon samples used in isotopic dating. These observations indicate that Sm-Nd age and isotopic information can provide reliable data in all but the most extreme case, especially when data are extracted from macroscopic grains of scheelite that are chosen to be “pristine” (i.e., free of surface alteration and/or fractures).  相似文献   

晶质铀矿和沥青铀矿是热液铀矿床的主要工业铀矿物,在研究热液铀矿床成因及成矿规律方面具有重要的意义。攀枝花大田地区是我国混合岩型热液铀矿分布区,已发现粗粒特富铀矿滚石(铀含量10%)及较富基岩矿石(铀含量为0.1%~2%),主要铀矿物为晶质铀矿,对两种晶质铀矿成分及形成时代的研究对该区混合岩型热液铀矿成矿规律研究具有重要的价值。本文通过对大田地区滚石中的晶质铀矿和基岩矿石中的晶质铀矿进行矿物学及电子探针分析,研究了晶质铀矿的成分及形成时代。结果表明:(1)大田地区滚石和基岩矿石中的晶质铀矿除铅之外化学成分较为相似,两类矿石晶质铀矿中UO_2含量为77.36%~84.04%,ThO_2含量为0.98%~5.59%,PbO含量为1.79%~8.8%,其中滚石晶质铀矿中的铅含量低于基岩晶质铀矿,钍含量高于基岩晶质铀矿;(2)电子探针化学定年结果表明,基岩矿石晶质铀矿的形成时代为774.9~785.5 Ma,滚石晶质铀矿的形成时代为783.7 Ma,与传统同位素测年结果(775~777.6 Ma)非常一致,一方面说明滚石晶质铀矿和基岩晶质铀矿为同一时代的产物,另一方面说明电子探针原位测年方法是可靠的;(3)在后期的热液蚀变中,晶质铀矿先后发生了硅化、碳酸盐化及赤铁矿化,蚀变发生的时间分别为730.6Ma、699.8 Ma和664.0 Ma。此结论对研究攀枝花大田地区热液铀矿成矿时代及成矿作用过程提供了依据。  相似文献   

以化学法独居石电子探针定年的原理以及前人改良过的年龄计算公式为基础,利用全微分和最大误差原理,确定了年龄误差计算新方法。并用Visual C语言在Windows平台下编制出了计算年龄和年龄误差的计算机程序。运用此程序对前人公开发表的分析资料和计算的年龄以及年龄误差数据进行了重新计算,验证了给出的误差公式的可靠性。同时,利用JXA—8100电子探针仪对新疆东天山变质沉积岩的两个样品(KM2127—5,DK2107—2)中的独居石进行了电子探针微区U—Th—Pb成分分析。结果表明,样品DK2107—2记录了两期变质作用,峰期年龄分别是341.0±3.9Ma和255.2±3.3Ma,其中最主要的变质峰期年龄为341.0±3.9Ma,该期的矿物组合为Ky+St+Bt+Pl+Q+/-Or;而255.2±3.3Ma和样品KM2127-5记录的变质峰期年龄262.3±4.4Ma为次要变质峰期年龄,该期矿物组合是Cord+Bt+Pl+Or+Q。分析结果与前人用^40Ar—^39Ar法得到的结果相吻合,表明独居石电子探针定年技术是一种可靠有效的测年方法。  相似文献   

小兴安岭东北部金林岩体全岩-角闪石Rb-Sr年龄   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
中国东北地区小兴安岭北段分布的兴东群与佳木斯地区的麻山群一直被认为是早元古代形成的变质岩系。近年来麻山群500 Ma左右变质年龄的确定为兴东群的变质时代提出了疑问。研究表明,分布于小兴安岭北部金林林场的兴东群四子山组“混合岩”为一套片麻状石英二长岩-花岗岩侵入体,岩石全岩-矿物(角闪石)Rb-Sr等时线年龄为(482±19) Ma,这表明小兴安岭巨型花岗岩带中存在早古生代岩浆事件。兴东群变质作用可能也与早古生代构造-热事件有关。早古生代花岗岩的确认对该区地质构造演化研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In highlands of semiarid Turkey, ecosystems have been significantly transformed through human actions, and today changes are taking place very rapidly, causing harmful consequences such as soil degradation. This paper examines two neighboring land use types in Indagi Mountain Pass, Cankiri, Turkey, to determine effects of the conversion of Blackpine (Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana) plantation from grassland 40 years ago on soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil erodibility (USLE-K). For this purpose, a total of 302 disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were taken at irregular intervals from two sites and from two soil depths of 0–10 cm (D1) and 10–20 cm (D2). In terms of SOC, conversion did not make any statistical difference between grassland and plantation; however, there were statistically significant differences with soil depth within each land use, and SOC contents significantly decreased with the soil depth (P < 0.05) and mostly accumulated in D1. SOC values were 2.4 and 1.8% for grassland and 2.8 and 1.6% for plantation, respectively, at D1 and D2. USLE-K values also statistically differed significantly with the land use, and in contrast to the statistics of SOC, there was no change in USLE-K with the soil depth. Since USLE-K was estimated using SOC, hydraulic conductivity (HC) and soil textural composition––sand (S), silt (Si), and clay (C) contents of soils––as well as SOC did not change with the land use, we ascribed the changes of USLE-K with the land uses to the differences in the HC as strongly affected by the interactions between SOC and contents of S, Si, and C. On an average, the soil of the grassland (USLE-K = 0.161 t ha h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1) was more erodible than those of the plantation (USLE-K = 0.126 t ha h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1). Additionally, topographic factors, such as aspect and slope, were statistically effective on spatial distribution of the USLE-K and SOC.  相似文献   

矽卡岩型钨矿是赣南地区的一种重要钨矿床类型。本文以焦里和宝山两个典型的矽卡岩型钨多金属矿床为例,开展了系统的成岩成矿年代学和岩石地球化学研究,结合区域钨锡矿床最新年代学研究成果,探讨了赣南地区钨矿的成岩成矿时代及形成构造环境。结果表明,焦里矽卡岩型钨多金属矿区斑状花岗闪长岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为164.4±1.1Ma,辉钼矿Re-Os等时线年龄为170.6±4.6Ma;宝山矽卡岩型钨矿区花岗岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为156.6±3.9Ma,辉钼矿Re-Os模式年龄加权平均值为161.0±1.9Ma,厘定了它们的成岩成矿年龄为中-晚侏罗世,同一矿区的成岩和成矿年龄在误差范围内基本一致。结合赣南崇(义)-(大)余-(上)犹钨锡矿集区已有的年代学资料,指出本区的成岩成矿年龄介于170~150Ma,集中在160~150Ma,认为赣南钨矿形成于华南中生代岩石圈伸展-减薄时期的侏罗纪板内拉张的地球动力学背景,系同一成岩成矿系统的产物。  相似文献   

南岭东段淋洋岩体研究程度低,成岩时代众说纷纭,其主要由中细-中粗粒斑状黑云(二云)花岗岩组成。本研究运用激光剥蚀-多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-MC-ICPMS)对岩体进行锆石U-Pb精确测年。定年结果表明,淋洋岩体某一断层附近花岗岩的成岩年龄为(233.1±1.3)Ma(MSWD=1.11),下村矿点附近岩体的成岩年龄为(243.3±2.1)Ma(MSWD=2.3),二者均属于印支期,说明淋洋岩体形成于印支期陆陆碰撞和地壳抬升和增厚的构造环境,暗示淋洋岩体可能存在印支期或燕山期的成矿作用,具有进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

刘超  孙蓓蕾  曾凡桂 《地质学报》2014,88(8):1579-1587
二叠纪—三叠纪之交是古生界向中生界过渡的重要地质历史转折时期,发生了地史时期规模最大的生物灭绝事件。石千峰组作为华北地台二叠系—三叠系过渡阶段沉积,其时代归属对二叠系—三叠系界线的准确划分至关重要。本文应用LA-MC-ICPMS对华北中部太原西山晚二叠世—早三叠世上石盒子组、石千峰组、刘家沟组中4件砂岩样品进行碎屑锆石U-Pb定年,4件砂岩样品(SNF、XM、K8、LJG)分别给出了最年轻锆石峰值年龄270Ma、296Ma、250Ma、262Ma,表明太原西山上石盒子组师脑峰砂岩(SNF)的沉积时间不早于270Ma,石千峰组底部K8砂岩(K8)沉积时间不早于250Ma。因此,太原西山地区石千峰组应归属于早三叠世,二叠系—三叠系的界线应位于石千峰组K8砂岩之下。  相似文献   

流体包裹体~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar计时技术及其矿床定年应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
60年代中叶建立的40Ar39Ar计时技术,已被广泛应用于测定各种矿物岩石的年龄,探讨区域性乃至全球性的重要地质问题。高精度40Ar39Ar计时技术的建立,使微钾矿物、流体包裹体40Ar39Ar定年成为可能。本文综合了笔者十多年来从事流体包裹体...  相似文献   

大别山北部漫水河灰色片麻岩的锆石UPb年龄及其地质意义   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
北大别杂岩主要由灰色片麻岩和斜长解闪岩组成。通过对大别山北部霍山漫水河花岗闪长片麻岩的锆石U-Pb年龄测定,得到中元古代、早三叠世和晚侏罗世3组年龄数据。中元古代的年龄老于灰色片麻岩集中在新元古代的锆石U-Pb上交点年龄,指示漫水河北部片麻岩中有古老锆石捕掳晶;早三叠世年龄指示该片麻岩中有印支期变质作用形成的锆石;晚侏罗世年龄表明灰色片麻岩中有燕山早期形成的岩浆锆石。根据北大别杂岩的构造背景、变质作用及地球化学特征,认为北大别杂岩中的部分灰色片麻岩形成于燕山早期的花岗闪长岩,它们可能源自或混染了经过早三叠世变质作用的扬子陆块俯冲基底。本文的结果表明,北大别杂岩既不是形成于白垩纪的岩浆杂岩,也不完全是形成于新元古代的TTG岩系,其中的部分灰色片麻岩为形成于燕山早期的花岗闪长岩,即在白垩纪大规模岩浆作用前的燕山早期,北大别曾有过一次岩浆作用。  相似文献   

闽西南玮埔岩体和赣南菖蒲混合岩锆石La ICPMS U-Pb年代学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
闽西玮埔岩体和赣南菖蒲混合岩位于武夷山构造带南部地区。对NNE向展布的闽西玮埔岩体两个样品进行了锆石LaICPMS U-Pb 测年,获得的年龄为447.1±4.7Ma和440.8±3.4Ma,证明这个岩体不是原来认为的印支期花岗岩,而属于加里东岩体。赣南菖蒲混合岩发育于罗浮岩体的北侧,早期将罗浮岩体归于燕山早期岩体。对混合岩进行的锆石LaICPMS U-Pb 测年,获得的年龄为445.9±3.8Ma,确定这个岩体为加里东期。这些新的高精度年龄学数据为武夷山加里东构造运动时限和性质提供了精确约束。  相似文献   

The identification of fossil pollen at the generic rather than species level is hampering progress in understanding the biogeography and dynamics of paleo-vegetation. We used CART analysis to facilitate the differentiation of fossil pollen of Pinus banksiana and Pinusresinosa, which are morphologically similar and nearly always combined in paleoecological studies. The CART model, using four of the ten morphological traits measured, exhibited a high level of correct identification for pollen of each of the species and shows promise as a tool for increasing the detail of paleoecological records and inferences.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2000-2014
Basement exposed in the Placer de Guadalupe–Plomosas uplift in northern Mexico provides important clues for the geologic evolution of the region. The stratigraphic units form stacked thrust sheets of psammitic and calcareous formations, interlayered with magmatic rock. The eastern calcareous and quartzite formations exhibit structures associated with ductile deformation, whereas the upper stratigraphic units only contain structures formed via younger brittle deformation. Porphyry interlayered in the upper Plomosas Formation has a U-Pb zircon age of 171 ± 1 Ma. This age is consistent with its stratigraphic position, interbedded quartzarenites with a maximum depositional age of ~168 Ma. Granite flakes within the Horquilla Formation are dated at 209 ± 3 Ma, and the La Viñata quartzite exhibits a maximum age of ~193 Ma. The Upper Plomosas Formation correlates well with the arc-related Middle Jurassic Nazas Formation of northeastern Mexico, constituting the first report of a Jurassic continental margin arc outcrop in the ‘Central Mexican Gap zone’. We document Late Norian to Bajocian ages for the stratigraphic units cropping out in the Placer de Guadalupe area. The Jurassic age cluster indicates that the Nazas Arc magmatism in the region occurred during the Late Triassic and ended in the Middle Jurassic times. Permian ages previously assigned to these rocks and the occurrence of a Permo–Triassic deformation event have to be dismissed.  相似文献   

通过LA-ICP-MS方法对柴北缘全吉地块基底的斜长角闪岩和花岗闪长岩进行了锆石U-Pb年代学及锆石微区微量元素的研究。斜长角闪岩中的岩浆锆石上交点年龄为2 396±26 Ma,代表了锆石结晶的年龄,下交点为905±140 Ma,代表了锆石发生铅丢失事件的年龄。其岩浆锆石具有U/Yb较高(0.1~1),Hf值较低(10 000×10~(-6)),U值较低(150×10~(-6))的特点,显示其岩浆源区与富集地幔密切相关。在锆石微量元素判别图解中数据主要落在陆弧区和洋岛区,指示其形成的构造环境为弧后盆地。花岗闪长岩中岩浆锆石的加权平均年龄为484±21 Ma,岩浆锆石具有U/Yb较高(1)和U值较高(平均值为640×10~(-6))的特点,显示岩浆源区为典型陆壳。锆石微量元素判别图解显示其形成于陆弧。研究结果表明,全吉地块基底除前寒武纪岩石外,还包含早古生代的岩石组合。全吉地块基底内部岩石组合与形成时代的复杂性,与全吉地块经历的多次洋壳俯冲、陆陆碰撞密切相关。  相似文献   

The Yangla copper deposit (Cu reserves: 1.2 Mt) in the Jinshajiang–Lancangjiang–Nujiang region in China is spatially associated with the Linong granitoid. Zircon U–Pb dating shows the granitoid formed at 234.1 ± 1.2 to 235.6 ± 1.2 Ma, and the KT2 ore body of the deposit yields a molybdenite Re–Os model age of 230.9 ± 3.2 Ma. The ages of mineralization and crystallization of the granitoid are identical within the measurement uncertainties, suggesting the Yangla deposit is genitically related to the Indosinian Linong granitoid.  相似文献   

梅山铁多金属矿床是宁芜盆地内代表性矿床之一,其Fe-Cu-Au-Mo矿化与辉长闪长玢岩密切相关。本文对含矿辉长闪长玢岩及矿体下部的新鲜辉长闪长玢岩进行LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,获得年龄分别为(137.8±1.7)Ma、(141.2±1.0)Ma。因此辉长闪长玢岩形成时间应在138~141 Ma,伴随的Fe-Cu-Au-Mo矿化稍晚,都属于早白垩世,受区域岩石圈伸展和减薄作用制约。根据年代学和地质事实证据,初步认为宁芜盆地早白垩世火山活动从北段开始,火山活动持续时间至少为7~10 Ma。辉长闪长玢岩中古老锆石年龄变化于1898~1903 Ma、1163 Ma和292~296 Ma,时代分别为古元古代、新元古代和早二叠纪,暗示着岩浆上侵过程中基底岩石对岩浆可能有混染作用,表明长江中下游成矿带存在早元古代结晶基底和中—晚元古代褶皱基底的"双层结构"。  相似文献   

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