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Ice core from Greenland was melted, filtered, homogenised, loaded into glass ampoules, sealed, autoclaved to eliminate biological activity, and calibrated by dual‐inlet isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry. This isotopic reference material (RM), USGS46, is intended as one of two secondary isotopic reference waters for daily normalisation of stable hydrogen (δ2H) and stable oxygen (δ18O) isotopic analysis of water with a mass spectrometer or a laser absorption spectrometer. The measured δ2H and δ18O values of this reference water were ?235.8 ± 0.7‰ and ?29.80 ± 0.03‰, respectively, relative to VSMOW on scales normalised such that the δ2H and δ18O values of SLAP reference water are, respectively, ?428 and ?55.5‰. Each uncertainty is an estimated expanded uncertainty (= 2uc) about the reference value that provides an interval that has about a 95‐percent probability of encompassing the true value. This reference water is available in cases containing 144 glass ampoules that are filled with either 4 ml or 5 ml of water per ampoule.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between stable isotope signals recorded in speleothems (δ13C and δ18O) and the isotopic composition of the carbonate species in the soil water is of great importance for their interpretation in terms of past climate variability. Here the evolution of the carbon isotope composition of soil water on its way down to the cave during dissolution of limestone is studied for both closed and open-closed conditions with respect to CO2.The water entering the cave flows as a thin film towards the drip site. CO2 degasses from this film within approx. 10 s by molecular diffusion. Subsequently, chemical and isotopic equilibrium is established on a time scale of several 10-100 s. The δ13C value of the drip water is mainly determined by the isotopic composition of soil CO2. The evolution of the δ18O value of the carbonate species is determined by the long exchange time Tex, between oxygen in carbonate and water of several 10,000 s. Even if the oxygen of the CO2 in soil water is in isotopic equilibrium with that of the water, dissolution of limestone delivers oxygen with a different isotopic composition changing the δ18O value of the carbonate species. Consequently, the δ18O value of the rainwater will only be reflected in the drip water if it has stayed in the rock for a sufficiently long time.After the water has entered the cave, the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the drip water may be altered by CO2-exchange with the cave air. Exchange times, , of about 3000 s are derived. Thus, only drip water, which drips in less than 3000 s onto the stalagmite surface, is suitable to imprint climatic signals into speleothem calcite deposited from it.Precipitation of calcite proceeds with time constants, τp, of several 100 s. Different rate constants and equilibrium concentrations for the heavy and light isotopes, respectively, result in isotope fractionation during calcite precipitation. Since Tex ? τp, exchange with the oxygen in the water can be neglected, and the isotopic evolution of carbon and oxygen proceed analogously. For drip intervals Td < 0.1τp the isotopic compositions of both carbon and oxygen in the solution evolve linearly in time. The calcite precipitated at the apex of the stalagmite reflects the isotopic signal of the drip water.For long drip intervals, when calcite is deposited from a stagnant water film, long drip intervals may have a significant effect on the isotopic composition of the DIC. In this case, the isotopic composition of the calcite deposited at the apex must be determined by averaging over the drip interval. Such processes must be considered when speleothems are used as proxies of past climate variability.  相似文献   

To understand oxygen and carbon stable isotopic characteristics of aragonite stalagmites and evaluate their applicability to paleoclimate, the isotopic compositions of active and fossil aragonite speleothems and water samples from an in situ multi-year (October 2005-July 2010) monitoring program in Furong Cave located in Chongqing of China have been examined. The observations during October 2005-June 2007 show that the meteoric water is well mixed in the overlying 300-500-m bedrock aquifer, reflected by relatively constant δ18O, ±0.11-0.14‰ (1σ), of drip waters in the cave, which represents the annual status of rainfall water. Active cave aragonite speleothems are at oxygen isotopic equilibrium with drip water and their δ18O values capture the surface-water oxygen isotopic signal. Aragonite-to-calcite transformation since the last glaciation is not noticeable in Furong stalagmites. Our multi-year field experiment approves that aragonite stalagmite δ18O records in this cave are suitable for paleoclimate reconstruction. With high U, 0.5-7.2 ppm, and low Th, 20-1270 ppt, the Furong aragonite stalagmites provide very precise chronology (as good as ±20s yrs (2σ)) of the climatic variations since the last deglaciation. The synchroneity of Chinese stalagmite δ18O records at the transition into the Bølling-Allerød (t-BA) and the Younger Dryas from Furong, Hulu and Dongge Caves supports the fidelity of the reconstructed East Asian monsoon evolution. However, the Furong record shows that the cold Older Dryas (OD) occurred at 14.0 thousand years ago, agreeing with Greenland ice core δ18O records but ∼200 yrs younger than that in the Hulu record. The OD age discrepancy between Chinese caves can be attributable to different regionally climatic/environmental conditions or chronological uncertainty of stalagmite proxy records, which is limited by changes in growth rate and subsampling intervals in absolute dating. Seasonal dissolved inorganic carbon δ13C variations of 2-3‰ in the drip water and 5-7‰ in the pool and spring waters are likely attributed to variable degrees of CO2 degassing in winter and summer. The variable δ13C values of active deposits from −11‰ to 0‰ could be caused by kinetically mediated CO2 degassing processes. The complicated nature of pre-deposition kinetic isotopic fractionation processes for carbon isotopes in speleothems at Furong Cave require further study before they can be interpreted in a paleoclimatic or paleoenvironmental context.  相似文献   

Cai, B., Zhu, J., Ban, F. & Tan, M. 2011: Intra‐annual variation of the calcite deposition rate of drip water in Shihua Cave, Beijing, China and its implications for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. Boreas, Vol. 40, pp. 525–535. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00201.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Monthly in situ monitoring of the calcite deposition rate, drip‐water chemistry and surrounding cave environment was carried out at Shihua Cave, Beijing, China, through two hydrological years (from January 2006 to February 2008) to determine the seasonal variability and mechanisms of stalagmite growth in Shihua Cave. Calcite deposition rates exhibit significant intra‐annual variation, with the lowest values during the summer monsoonal rainy season (July–August) and peak values from autumn to spring. The temporal change in the calcite deposition rate is negatively correlated with the drip rate, cave‐air PCO2 (CO2 partial pressure) and Ca concentration, and positively correlated with the pH of the feeding drip water. The seasonal recharge regime of drip water is likely to be the primary control on the drip‐water quality and quantity, which, in turn, control the calcite deposition rate in Shihua Cave. During the summer rainy season, periodic and intense rainstorms increase the drip rate and cave‐air PCO2, leading to drip water with a lower pH and saturation index of calcite, thereby reducing the calcite precipitation. It seems that the high cave‐air PCO2 is the dominant control on the calcite deposition rate during the rainy season. Our previous study on the dissolved organic carbon of drip water concluded that the thin luminescent bands in stalagmite laminae from Shihua Cave form during the rainy season. The lower calcite deposition rate during the rainy season further supports this suggestion. The significant intra‐seasonal variability of the calcite deposition rate implies that the seasonal bias of δ18O of stalagmites should be considered when stalagmite δ18O is used as a high‐resolution palaeoclimatic archive.  相似文献   

The interpretation of climatic information from stalagmites has traditionally been a complex research problem, with oxygen isotopes playing a particularly important role in global climate change studies. This study investigates the relationship between oxygen isotope composition of the atmospheric in precipitation and cave drip water at Panlong cave in southwest China on seasonal timescales of variability. Time series seasonal variability was derived from Panlong cave in Guilin by collecting daily precipitation samples for stable isotope analysis during 2012. Results indicate that δ18O of precipitation contains a clear seasonal variation whereby higher values are mainly distributed during winter and lower values during summer. Seasonal variations in water sources affect the precipitation δ18O values. Drip water δ18O also displayed a seasonal cycle which is attenuated relative to δ18O of precipitation. Drip water time series display seasonal cycle ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 ‰ relative to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, which mainly follow the precipitation δ18O seasonal cycle. Seasonal variation in drip water δ18O supports interpretations of the stalagmite δ18O record as a paleoclimate proxy sensitive to the local environment. This monitoring experiment revealed that drip water must be transported through the epikarst in approximately 1.5 months during cold periods, and <0.5 months during warm periods. Different residence time percolation is mainly affected by the atmospheric precipitation amount, depending on whether soil moisture reaches saturation.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene speleothems of Sa Bassa Blanca cave, Mallorca, are excellent indicators of palaeoclimate variations, and are samples that allow evaluation of the products and processes of mixing‐zone diagenesis in an open‐water cave system. Integrated stratigraphic, petrographic and geochemical data from a horizontal core of speleothem identified two main origins for speleothem precipitates: meteoric‐marine mixing zone and meteoric‐vadose zone. Mixing‐zone precipitates formed at and just below the water–air interface of cave pools during interglacial times, when the cave was flooded as a result of highstand sea‐level. Mixing‐zone precipitates include bladed and dendritic high‐Mg calcite, microporous‐bladed calcite with variable Mg content, and acicular aragonite; their presence suggests that calcium‐carbonate cementation is significant in the studied mixing‐zone system. Fluid inclusion salinities, δ13C and δ18O compositions of the mixing‐zone precipitates suggest that mixing ratio was not the primary control on whether precipitation or dissolution occurred, rather, the proximity to the water table and degassing of CO2 at the interface, were the major controls on precipitation. Thus, simple two‐end‐member mixing models may apply only in mixing zones well below the water table. Meteoric‐vadose speleothems include calcite and high‐Mg calcite with columnar and bladed morphologies. Vadose speleothems precipitated during glacial stages when sea level was lower than present. Progressive increase in δ13C and δ18O of the vadose speleothems resulted from cooling temperatures and more positive seawater δ18O associated with glacial buildup. Such covariation could be considered as a valid alternative to models predicting invariant δ18O and highly variable δ13C in meteoric calcite. Glacio‐eustatic oscillations of sea‐level are recorded as alternating vadose and mixing‐zone speleothems. Short‐term climatic variations are recorded as alternating aragonite and calcite speleothems precipitated in the mixing zone. Fluid‐inclusion and stable‐isotope data suggest that aragonite, as opposed to calcite, precipitated during times of reduced meteoric recharge.  相似文献   

Stable isotope compositions (18O and 2H), determined for underground and surface waters from the watershed of a hill reservoir and downstream from the reservoir, suggest that (i) the reservoir water, which is more or less evaporated, represents a mixture between surface waters (rainfall, runoff) and the upstream alluvial groundwater meteoric in origin; (ii) the downstream alluvial groundwater have a stable isotope composition of a previously infiltrated reservoir water. The 18O isotope enrichment modelling of the mixed reservoir water shows that an input flux of 50 m3 day−1 is balanced by an output flux of 300 m3 day−1 when the reservoir water level is above 4.5 m, and by an output flux of 170 m3 day−1 when water levels are lower. The contribution of hill reservoirs to local groundwater movements must be considered in any regional scale hydrological investigations of areas that contain hill reservoirs. To cite this article: O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


La composition isotopique (18O et 2H) d'eaux souterraines et superficielles, déterminée pour le bassin versant d'une retenue collinaire et sa partie aval, suggère (i) que l'eau de la retenue, qui est plus ou moins évaporée, représente un mélange entre les eaux de surface (pluie, ruissellement) et la nappe alluviale amont d'origine météorique et (ii) que la nappe alluviale aval a la composition isotopique d'une eau de la retenue anciennement infiltrée. La modélisation de l'enrichissement en isotope 18O pour l'eau mélangée de la retenue montre qu'un flux entrant de 50 m3 j−1 est compensé par un flux sortant de 300 m3 j−1, lorsque le niveau d'eau de la retenue est supérieur à 4,5 m, et par un flux sortant de 170 m3 j−1 en dessous. La contribution des lacs collinaires aux écoulements souterrains doit être prise en compte pour de futures études hydrologiques à l'échelle régionale. Pour citer cet article : O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

Sources of groundwater recharge to the Badain Jaran Desert in China have been investigated using geochemical and isotopic techniques. Stable isotope compositions (δ18O and δ2H) of shallow groundwater and surface water from oasis lakes evolve from a starting composition considerably depleted compared to local unsaturated zone moisture, confirming inferences from chloride mass balance that direct infiltration of precipitation is not a volumetrically important source of recharge to the shallow aquifer in the study area. Shallow phreatic and deeper confined groundwater bodies appear unconnected based on chemical composition and radiocarbon activities. Hydrogeologic evidence points toward a bordering mountain range (Yabulai) as a likely recharge zone, which is consistent with tracer results. A mean residence time in the range of 1–2 ka for the desert’s southeastern margin is inferred from radiocarbon. These results reveal that some replenishment to the desert aquifer is occurring but at a rate much lower than previously suggested, which is relevant for water resources planning in this ecologically sensitive area.  相似文献   

贵州纳朵洞洞穴滴水、现代沉积物δ18O特征及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究洞穴滴水及其对应的现代沉积物氧同位素的变化特征和对外界气候环境的指示意义,文章对贵州纳朵洞洞外大气降水、洞穴池水、6处滴水点及其对应的现代沉积物氧同位素进行了近2年的监测。结果显示纳朵洞外大气降水和洞穴池水δ18O值均呈现旱季偏重,雨季偏轻的季节特征,基本能反映洞穴所在区域的气候变化。而滴水沉积物δ18O值和滴水δ18O值自身存在协调同步的季节特征,但二者δ18O值与大气降水δ18 O值却呈现反向的季节变化,这可能是区域地形、岩溶表层带的调节和大气环流共同作用的结果。   相似文献   

High resolution δ13C and δ18O profiles recorded in precisely dated speleothems are widely used proxies for the climate of the past. Both δ13C and δ18O depend on several climate related effects including meteorological processes, processes occurring in the soil zone above the cave and isotope fractionation processes occurring in the solution layer on the stalagmite surface. Here we model the latter using a stalagmite isotope and growth model and determine the relationship between the stable isotope values in speleothem calcite and cave parameters, such as temperature, drip interval, water pCO2 and a mixing coefficient describing mixing processes between the solution layer and the impinging drop.The evolution of δ13C values is modelled as a Rayleigh distillation process and shows a pronounced dependence on the residence time of the solution on the stalagmite surface and the drip interval, respectively. The evolution of δ18O values, in contrast, is also influenced by buffering reactions between the bicarbonate in the solution and the drip water driving the δ18O value of the bicarbonate towards the value expected for equilibrium isotope fractionation between drip water and calcite. This attenuates the dependence of the δ18O values on drip interval. The temperature dependence of δ18O, however, is more pronounced than for δ13C and in a similar range as expected for fractionation under equilibrium conditions.We also investigate the isotopic enrichment of the δ13C and δ18O values along individual growth layers and, thus, the slopes expected for Hendy tests. The results show that a positive Hendy test is only possible if isotope fractionation occurred under disequilibrium conditions. However, a negative Hendy test does not exclude that isotope fractionation occurred under disequilibrium conditions. A more reliable indicator for disequilibrium fractionation is the enrichment of the δ13C values along an individual growth layer.  相似文献   

In a semiarid climatic zone, such as the Eastern Mediterranean region, annual rainfall variations and fractionation processes in the epikarst zone exert a profound influence on the isotopic compositions of waters seeping into a cave. Consequently, the isotopic compositions of speleothems depositing from cave waters may show complex variations that need to be understood if they are to be exploited for paleoclimate studies. This is confirmed by a four-year study of the active carbonate-water system in the Soreq cave (Israel). The δ18O (SMOW) values of cave waters range from −6.3 to −3.5%.. The highest δ18O values occur at the end of the dry season in waters dripping from stalactites, and reflect evaporation processes in the epikarst zone, whereas the lowest values occur in rapidly dripping (fast-drip) waters at the peak of the rainy seasons. However, even fast-drip waters are about 1.5%. heavier than the rainfall above the cave, which is taken to reflect the mixing of fresh with residual evaporated water in the epikarst zone. δ13C (PDB) values of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) vary from −15.6 to −5.4%., with fast-drip waters having lower δ13C values (mostly −15.6 to −12%.) and higher DIC concentrations relative to pool and stalactite-drip water. The low δ13C values of fast-drip waters and their supersaturation with respect to calcium carbonate indicates that the seepage waters have dissolved both soil-CO2 derived from overlying C3-type vegetation and marine dolomite host rock.The δ18O (PDB) values of various types of present-day low-magnesium calcite (LMC) speleothems range from −6.5 to −4.3%. and δ13C values from −13 to −5.5%. and are not correlated with speleothem type. An analysis of δ18O values of present-day calcite rafts and pool waters shows that they form in oxygen isotope equilibrium. Similarly, the measured ranges of δ13C and δ18O values for all types of present-day speleothems are consistent with equilibrium deposition at cave temperatures. The δ13C–δ18O range of contemporary LMC thus reflects the variations in temperatures and isotopic compositions of the presentday cave waters. The 10%. variation in the δ13C values in waters can be modeled by a simple Rayleigh calculation of the carbon isotope fractionation accompanying CO2-degassing and carbonate precipitation. These variations may obscure the differences in the carbon isotopic composition of speleothems that could arise when vegetation cover changes from C3 to C4-type plants. This consideration emphasizes that it is necessary to characterize the full range of δ13C values associated with contemporaneous speleothems in order to clarify the effects of degassing from those due to differing vegetation types.Isotopic studies of a number of different types of fossil LMC speleothems show many of them to exhibit isotopic trends that are similar to those of present-day LMC, but others show both higher and lower δ18O ranges. In particular, the higher δ18O range has been shown by independent age-measurements to be associated with a period of drier conditions. The results of the study thus indicate that it is necessary to work on a well calibrated cave system in semiarid climates and that the fossil speleothem record should be obtained from different types of contemporaneous deposit in order to fully characterize the δ18O–δ13C range representative of any given climatic period.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope composition of speleothems is an important proxy of continental paleoenvironments, because of its sensitivity to variations in cave temperature and drip water δ18O. Interpreting speleothem δ18O records in terms of absolute paleotemperatures and δ18O values of paleo-precipitation requires quantitative separation of the effects of these two parameters, and correcting for possible kinetic isotope fractionation associated with precipitation of calcite out of thermodynamic equilibrium. Carbonate clumped-isotope thermometry, based on measurements of Δ47 (a geochemical variable reflecting the statistical overabundance of 13C18O bonds in CO2 evolved from phosphoric acid digestion of carbonate minerals), potentially provides a method for absolute speleothem paleotemperature reconstructions independent of drip water composition. Application of this new technique to karst records is currently limited by the scarcity of published clumped-isotope studies of modern speleothems. The only modern stalagmite reported so far in the literature yielded a lower Δ47 value than expected for equilibrium precipitation, possibly due to kinetic isotope fractionation.Here we report Δ47 values measured in natural speleothems from various cave settings, in carbonate produced by cave precipitation experiments, and in synthetic stalagmite analogs precipitated in controlled laboratory conditions designed to mimic natural cave processes. All samples yield lower Δ47 and heavier δ18O values than predicted by experimental calibrations of thermodynamic equilibrium in inorganic calcite. The amplitudes of these isotopic disequilibria vary between samples, but there is clear correlation between the amount of Δ47 disequilibrium and that of δ18O. Even pool carbonates believed to offer excellent conditions for equilibrium precipitation of calcite display out-of-equilibrium δ18O and Δ47 values, probably inherited from prior degassing within the cave system.In addition to these modern observations, clumped-isotope analyses of a flowstone from Villars cave (France) offer evidence that the amount of disequilibrium affecting Δ47 in a single speleothem can experience large variations at time scales of 10 kyr. Application of clumped-isotope thermometry to speleothem records calls for an improved physical understanding of DIC fractionation processes in karst waters, and for the resolution of important issues regarding equilibrium calibration of Δ47 in inorganic carbonates.  相似文献   

14C dating models are limited when considering recent groundwater for which the carbon isotopic signature of the total dissolved inorganic carbon (TDIC) is mainly acquired in the unsaturated zone. Reducing the uncertainties of dating thus implies a better identification of the processes controlling the carbon isotopic composition of the TDIC during groundwater recharge. Geochemical interactions between gas, water and carbonates in the unsaturated zone were investigated for two aquifers (the carbonate-free Fontainebleau sands and carbonate-bearing Astian sands, France) in order to identify the respective roles of CO2 and carbonates on the carbon isotopic signatures of the TDIC; this analysis is usually approached using open or closed system terms. Under fully open system conditions, the seasonality of the 13C values in the soil CO2 can lead to important uncertainties regarding the so-called “initial 14C activity” used in 14C correction models. In a carbonate-bearing unsaturated zone such as in the Astian aquifer, we show that an approach based on fully open or closed system conditions is not appropriate. Although the chemical saturation between water and calcite occurs rapidly within the first metre of the unsaturated zone, the carbon isotopic contents (δ13C) of the CO2 and the TDIC evolve downward, impacted by the dissolution-precipitation of the carbonates. In this study, we propose a numerical approach to describe this evolution. The δ13C and the A14C (radiocarbon activity) of the TDIC at the base of the carbonate-bearing unsaturated zone depends on (i) the δ13C and the A14C of the TDIC in the soil determined by the soil CO2, (ii) the water’s residence time in the unsaturated zone and (iii) the carbonate precipitation-dissolution fluxes. In this type of situation, the carbonate δ13C-A14C evolutions indicate the presence of secondary calcite and permit the calculation of its accretion flux, equal to . More generally, for other sites under temperate climate and with similar properties to the Astian sands site, this approach allows for a reliable determination of the carbon isotopic composition at the base of the unsaturated zone as the indispensable “input function” data of the carbon cycle into the aquifer.  相似文献   

The present work was conducted in the Sinai Peninsula (1) to identify the recharge and flow characteristics and to evaluate the continuity of the Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone aquifer; and (2) to provide information for the aquifer's rational appraisal. Isotopic and hydrochemical compositions combined with the geological and hydrogeological settings were used for this purpose. A considerable depletion in isotopic content (oxygen-18 and deuterium) and low d-excess values exist in the studied groundwater, reflecting the contribution of old meteoric water that recharged the aquifer in pluvial times. Modern recharge also occurs from precipitation that falls on the aquifer outcrops. The wide scatter of the data points around the two meteoric lines, the global meteoric water line (GMWL) and Mediterranean meteoric water line (MMWL), in the δ18O–δD diagram indicates considerable variation in recharge conditions (amount, altitude, temperature, air masses, distances from catchment, overland flow, etc.). The isotopic composition in the El-Bruk area is minimum (18O=–9.53‰), very close to the average value of the Western Desert Nubian Sandstone (18O=–10‰), where the local structural and lithologic conditions retard groundwater flow and the main bulk of water becomes noncyclic. The continuity of the aquifer in northern and central Sinai is evidenced by the isotopic similarity between samples taken from above and below the central Sinai Ragabet El-Naam fault, the distribution of potentiometric head, and hydrogeological cross sections. The combination of isotopic composition in terms of 18O and chemical composition in terms of TDS and salt contents is the basis for separating the studied groundwater into groups that reflect the recharge sources and isotopic and chemical modifications during flow. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The Vil-car-1 flowstone core from Villars cave (SW France) provides one of the first European speleothem records extending back to 180 ka, based on U–Th TIMS and MC-ICP-MS measurements. The core offers a continuous record of Termination II and the Last Interglacial. The penultimate deglaciation is characterized by a prominent 5‰ depletion in calcite δ18O. Determining which specific environmental factors controlled such a large oxygen isotopic shift offers the opportunity to assess the impact of various factors influencing δ18O variations in speleothem calcite.Oxygen isotope analyses of fluid inclusions indicate that drip water δ18O remained within a very narrow range of ±1‰ from Late MIS6 to the MIS5 δ18O optimum. The possibility of such a stable behaviour is supported by simple calculations of various effects influencing seepage water δ18O.Although this could suggest that the isotopic shift in calcite is mainly driven by temperature increase, attempts to quantify the temperature shift from Late MIS6 to the MIS5 δ18O optimum by assuming an equilibrium relationship between calcite and fluid inclusion δ18O yield unreasonably high estimates of ~20 °C warming and Late MIS6 cave temperatures below 0 °C; this suggests that the flowstone calcite precipitated out of thermodynamic equilibrium at this site.Using a method proposed by Guo et al. (submitted for publication) combining clumped isotope measurements, fluid inclusion and modern calcite δ18O analyses, it is possible to quantitatively correct for isotopic disequilibrium and estimate absolute paleotemperatures. Although the precision of these absolute temperature reconstructions is limited by analytical uncertainties, the temperature rise between Late MIS6 and the MIS5 optimum can be robustly constrained between 13.2 ± 2.6 and 14.6 ± 2.6 °C (1σ), consistent with existing estimates from Western Europe pollen and sea-surface temperature records.  相似文献   

Sulfur and O isotope analyses of dissolved SO4 were used to constrain a hydrogeological model for the area overlying the Gorleben–Rambow Salt Structure, Northern Germany. Samples were collected from 80 wells screened at different depth-intervals. The study area consists of a set of two vertically stacked aquifer systems. Generally, the isotope data show a good spatial correlation, outlining well-defined groundwater zones containing SO4 of characteristic isotopic composition. Highly saline waters from deeper parts of the lower aquifer system are characterized by rather constant SO4 isotopic compositions, which are typical of Permian Zechstein evaporites (δ34S=9.6–11.9‰; δ18O=9.5–12.1‰). Above this is a transition zone containing ground waters of intermediate salinity and slightly higher isotopic values (average δ34S=16.6‰; δ18O=15.3‰). The confined groundwater horizon on the top of the lower aquifer system below the low permeable Hamburg Clays is low in total dissolved solids and is characterized by an extreme 34S enrichment (average δ34S=39.1‰; δ18O=18.4‰), suggesting that bacterially mediated SO4 reduction is a dominant geochemical process in this zone. Two areas of distinct isotopic composition can be identified in the shallow ground water horizons of the upper hydrogeological system. Sulfate in groundwaters adjacent to the river Elbe and Löcknitz has a typical meteoric isotopic signature (δ34S=5.2‰; δ18O=8.2‰), whereas the central part of the area is characterized by more elevated isotopic ratios (δ34S=12.7‰; δ18O=15.6‰). The two major SO4 pools in the area are represented by Permian seawater SO4 and a SO4 of meteoric origin that has been mixed with SO4 resulting from the oxidation of pyrite. It is suggested that the S-isotope compositions observed reflect the nature of the SO4 source that have been modified to various extent by bacterial SO4 reduction. Groundwaters with transitional salinity have resulted from mixing between brines and low-mineralized waters affected by bacterial SO4 reduction.  相似文献   

通过对北京石花洞滴水地球化学一个水文年的观测,揭示了洞穴滴水水文地球化学季节变化与外界气候变化的关系,3个滴水点的滴率随降雨量的增加都有明显的变化,但不同滴水点滞后时间不同。滴水滴率、Mg2+和SO2-4含量的季节变化数据显示,雨季洞穴滴水主要来源于当季降水,但也存在岩层滞留水的混入。滴水中Mg/Ca比值存在明显季节变化,旱季较低而雨季较高,但在雨季初期出现较大的波动。分析洞穴上覆土壤和洞内裂隙土壤数据,认为雨季初期滴水中Mg/Ca比值的波动是由土壤中Mg2+的快速淋溶造成的,上覆土壤结构性质和组分变化均影响滴水地球化学特征。  相似文献   

We derive equations describing the evolution of the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the bicarbonate in a calcite precipitating solution on the surface of a stalagmite using a classical Rayleigh approach. The combined effects of calcite precipitation, degassing of CO2 and the buffering effect of the water reservoir are taken into account. Whereas δ13C shows a progressive increase to a final constant value, δ18O shows an initial isotopic enrichment, which exponentially decays due to the buffering effect of the water reservoir. The calculated evolution is significantly different for both carbon and oxygen isotopes than derived in a recent paper [Dreybrodt W. (2008) Evolution of the isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in a calcite precipitating H2O-CO2-CaCO3 solution and the related isotopic composition of calcite in stalagmites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta72, 4712-4724.].Furthermore, we discuss the isotopic evolution of the bicarbonate in the solution for long residence times on the stalagmite surface, i.e., for t. The equilibrium isotope ratio of the bicarbonate is then determined by isotopic exchange between the cave atmosphere and the bicarbonate in the solution and can be calculated by equilibrium isotope fractionation. For strongly ventilated caves exchange with the cave atmosphere will result in higher δ13C and δ18O values than those observed in a pure Rayleigh distillation scenario, for sparsely ventilated caves it will result in lower δ13C and δ18O values.  相似文献   

Paleo-groundwaters of 6000?years BP from the Liwa water-table sand dune aquifer in the Rub al Khali and the Gachsaran artesian carbonate aquifer, on the coast of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (UAE), exhibit normal ??2H/??18O slopes, modest ??18O increases, and large negative deuterium excess ??d?? (Liwa aquifer: 2.19?? VSMOW and d?=??C15; Gachsaran aquifer: 3.16?? VSMOW and d?=??C28) compared to local Shamal precipitation (0.05?? VSMOW and d?=?7). This unusual isotopic signature is hypothesized to result from re-evaporation of continental runoff to the Red Sea catchment basin. It is postulated that this continental water flowed onto the surface of the Indian Ocean providing a moisture source for the monsoon that dominated precipitation during this, the last wet period in the area from 5000 to 9000 BP. Carbonate precipitation, forming speleothems, travertines, tufas, lacustrine, and capillary-zone deposits, subsequently record this ??18O isotopic signature. This rock record is thus dominated by the water source, rather than environmental conditions of deposition normally assumed to control the rock ??18O isotopic signature. As a consequence, re-evaluation of paleo-climate??18O data from the rock record may be necessary for this time period in southern Arabia.  相似文献   

The origin and environmental dependencies of lamination in stalagmites from Katerloch, common in speleothems from other cave sites, are examined in detail. Petrographic observations and chemical analyses (including isotopes) of stalagmites and modern calcite were combined with multi‐annual cave monitoring. All investigated stalagmites are composed of low‐Mg calcite and show white, porous laminae and typically thinner, translucent dense laminae. The binary lamination pattern results from changes in the calcite fabric: white, porous laminae are characterized by a high porosity and abundant fluid inclusions and also by enhanced vertical growth and thinning towards the flanks. Translucent, dense laminae exhibit a compact fabric and constant thickness of individual growth layers. U‐Th dating supports an annual origin of the lamination and the seasonally changing intensity of cave ventilation provides a robust explanation for the observed relationships between lamination, stable C isotopic compositions and trace elements (Mg, Sr and Ba). The seasonally variable air exchange, driven by temperature contrasts between the cave interior and outside atmosphere, modulates the rate and amount of CO2 degassing from the drip water and affects the hydrochemistry and consequently the fabric of the precipitating calcite. Although cave air composition and drip rate are both major variables in controlling CO2 degassing from the drip water, the seasonally changing ventilation in Katerloch exerts the primary control and the results suggest a secondary (amplifying/attenuating) influence of the drip rate. Drip rate, however, might be the controlling parameter for lamina development at cave sites experiencing only small seasonal cave air exchange. Importantly, the seasonally variable composition of drip water does not reflect the seasonal cycle of processes in the soil zone, but results from exchange with the cave atmosphere. The alternating porous and dense calcite fabric is the expression of a variable degree of lateral coalescence of smaller crystallites forming large columnar crystals. The white, porous laminae represent partial coalescence and form during the warm season: low calcite δ13C values are linked to low δ13C values of cave air and drip water during that time. This observation corresponds to times of reduced cave ventilation, high pCO2 of cave air, low drip water pH, lower calcite supersaturation and typically high drip rates. In contrast, the translucent, dense laminae represent more or less complete lateral coalescence (inclusion‐free) during the cold season (high calcite, drip water and cave air δ13C values), i.e. times of enhanced cave ventilation, low cave air pCO2, increased drip water pH, relatively high calcite supersaturation and typically low drip rates. In essence, the relative development of the two lamina types reflects changes in the seasonality of external air temperature and precipitation, with a strong control of the winter air temperature on the intensity of cave‐air exchange. Thick translucent, dense laminae are favoured by long, cold and wet winters and such conditions may be related closely to the North Atlantic Oscillation mode (weak westerlies) and enhanced Mediterranean cyclone activity during the cold season. Studies of speleothem lamination can thus help to better understand (and quantify) the role of seasonality changes, for example, during rapid climate events.  相似文献   

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