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A spatial statistical method has been developed from the well-known Kriging technique in geostatistics, as a way of providing quantitative comparison between a pair of spatial data sets, and a measure for such a comparison. This residual analysis method is applied to oceanographic data in order to compare Iceland-Faeroes Front (IFF) model predictions against appropriate field observations, with an aim to assess the IFF model performance and its prediction accuracy. The method is also used to evaluate the model-generated dynamical variability within the model predictions, as well as the natural variability within the frontal observations. From the results, it has been found that the IFF model is highly robust, and gives better predictions at depth 150–350 m than elsewhere. Within such a depth (i.e. 250–350 m), there is also evidence to suggest that the main frontal region is most active above the IF Ridge. The natural variability obtained from the observations appears to be comparable to the model-generated dynamical variability after 20 days of integration, indicating a certain degree of accuracy in the model predictions. The method reported in this paper could also be extended for further use in model data assimilation. Thus, the work not only demonstrates how spatial statistics can be applied to oceanographic data, but also opens up new statistical tools for data handling in ocean modelling.  相似文献   

Synoptic features in/around thermal fronts and cross-frontal heat fluxes in the southern Huanghai./Yellow Sea and East China Sea (HES) were examined using the data collected from four airborne expendable bathythermograph surveys with horizontal approxmately 35 km and vertical 1 m(from the surface to 400 m deep) spacings. Since the fronts are strongly affected by HES current system, the synoptic thermal features in/around them represent the interaction of currents with surrounding water masses. These features can not be obtained from climatological data. The identified thermal features are listed as follows : ( 1 ) multiple boundaries of cold water, asymmetric thermocline intrusion, locally-split front by homogeneous water of approxmately 18 ℃, and mergence of the front by the Taiwan Warm Current in/around summertime southern Cheju - Changjiang/Yangtze front and Tsushima front; (2) springtime frontal eddy-like feature around Tsushima front; (3) year-round cyclonic meandering and summertime temperature-inversion at the bottom of the surface mixed layer in Cheju - Tsushima front; and (4) multistructure of Kuroshio front. In the Kuroshio front the mean variance of vertical temperature gradient is an order of degree smaller than that in other HES fronts. The southern Cheju- Changjiang front and Cheju -Tsushima front are connected with each other in the summer with comparable cross-frontal temperature gradient. However, cross-frontal heat flux and lateral eddy diffusivity are stronger in the southern Cheju - Changjiang front. The cross-frontal heat exchange is the largest in the mixing zone between the modified Huanghai Sea bottom cold water and the Tsushima Warm Current, which is attributable to enhanced thermocline intrusions.  相似文献   

The present study developed a high-quality climatological dataset for the Indian Ocean - the Indian Ocean HydroBase (IOHB) - from a combined dataset including the World Ocean Database 1998 version 2 (WOD98v2). Methods are similar to those used by previous studies for other oceans. Japanese data for the IOHB originated from the Japanese datasets MIRC (Marine Information Research Center) Ocean Dataset 2001 and Far Seas Collection; these datasets contain more Japanese observations than WOD98v2. Water mass properties in the IOHB climatology are consistent with previous studies. Seasonal patterns of properties near the sea surface are well reproduced, and deep-layer properties are consistent with the Reid-Mantyla climatology that is derived from high-quality observations. The isopycnal climatology of the IOHB differs from the World Ocean Atlas 2001 (WOA01) along the fronts associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). The WOA01 shows a warm and saline intermediate water intrusion from South Africa to the east along the northern edge of the front. Such an intrusion is absent in IOHB where less saline intermediate water extends continuously northward from the southern ocean. The WOA01 shows a continuous belt of low potential vorticity along the ACC. This feature is less distinct in the IOHB climatology and in the Reid-Mantyla climatology. The IOHB consists of a 1° × 1° gridded climatology and the datasets of raw and quality-controlled hydrographic stations. The latter is valuable for quality control of the Argo float salinity data as climatological reference. These datasets are available freely via the Internet.  相似文献   

台湾暖流变化特征及机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建丰  司广成  于非 《海洋科学》2020,44(5):141-148
台湾暖流携带高温高盐的大洋水体入侵到东海陆架区,其向岸分支可入侵到长江口外,对我国近海温、盐与环流产生重要影响。前人针对台湾暖流上游区域开展了大量研究,对其来源、温盐特征及入侵机制取得重要研究成果,而对台湾暖流下游,即向岸分支流轴及前锋的变化认识模糊。台湾暖流向岸分支入侵流轴及前锋的变化可能对长江口海域低氧和藻华等生态灾害的发生和分布具有重要影响,因此,开展台湾暖流向岸分支路径变化的研究具有重要的物理和生态学意义。通过分析积累的温、盐数据和潜标长时间观测,我们初步发现,台湾暖流向岸分支存在季节尺度和天气尺度的变化,流轴存在摆动,前锋的北界也存在变化,但对其详细特征和变化机制尚不清楚,需要通过进一步调查和研究予以阐明。  相似文献   

Characteristics and evolution of the Kuroshio frontal eddies and warm filaments are analyzed according to two series of satellite images (March 5 to 7, 1986 and April 14 to 16, 1988). The results show that the frontal eddies in the East China Sea are generated at the shelf break and move along the continental slope at a speed of 15 cm/s with the Kuroshio. The frontal eddies occur about every 10 d and evolve to be warm filaments a few hundred km in length and 30-40 km in width in the area west of the Yaku-shima. Meanwhile, the existence of the warm filament was also found in the area by analysing the hydrographic data in the area west of Kyushu during May 24-June 5, 1988.The Kuroshio warm filaments move westward opposite to the Kuroshio and then turn northward at the shelf break and become the main source of the warm water of the Tsushima Warm Current. A simple dynamic explanation for the process is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

本文利用近十年来获得的NOAA卫星红外影像,较为系统地分析了东海海洋锋(黑潮锋、对马暖流锋和浙江沿岸锋)的波动谱特征以及形态的演变。同时还利用浮标测流结果分析了锋面波动中的流态。分析结果表明:东海黑潮锋通常存在4~5个折叠波形,其波长平均约200km,波动随黑潮流向东北方向传播,速度约16cm/s。浙江沿岸锋的波动多呈锯齿形,其波长较短,波数多。在浙江沿岸锋波动发展过程中,其波长从开始的20~40km发展成30~60km,它们约以18cm/s的速度向东北方向传播。东海海洋锋波动演变形态复杂,其中黑潮锋的波动可能演变成锋面涡旋、暖丝和暖环。  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature (SST) has been measured in the south of Japan using a thermometer set up in the ferry boat to investigate the characteristics of the warm water intrudes into the coastal areas from the Kuroshio. Time series analysis was applied to the SST data with satellite images and hydrographic observation data from April 1987 to September 1989. The results indicate that the warm Kuroshio water intruded into the coastal areas on the Enshu-nada and the Kumano-nada Seas intermittently with periods of about 50 and 20 days associated with the fluctuation of the Kuroshio path and the Kuroshio frontal disturbance respectively. The intrusion with a 50-day period was dominant when the Kuroshio took a stationary small meander path (B- and C-types). The warm water spread to the west at 20 cm s–1, and was estimated to have a depth of 150 m at least and supply enough heat to make up the loss due to the evaporation in the coastal area. During the straight path of the Kuroshio, it was detected that the warm water intruded into coastal areas only with a 20-day period. The warm water that intrudes with a period of 20 days spreads to the west at 25 cm s–1 in a small scale.  相似文献   

The oceanographic processes involved in marine fronts and their effects on the plankton are still a challenge in the understanding of marine ecosystems. This study examines the relationship of the three-dimensional distribution of larval fish assemblages (LFAs) with hydrography on a tidal-mixing surface thermal/chlorophyll front in the highly productive midriff archipelago of the Gulf of California during summer (August, 2005). Zooplankton samples were obtained on both sides of the front with an opening–closing net (505 μm) in 50-m strata from the surface to 200 m depth. The Bray–Curtis dissimilarity index defined three strata groups with different LFAs. On the cool side of the front, characterized by high chlorophyll, salinity, and dissolved oxygen, an LFA with the lowest larval abundance (97 larvae/10 m2) and low taxa number (44) was defined. On the warm side of the front, where the lowest concentrations of surface dissolved oxygen and surface chlorophyll were recorded, an LFA was defined on the pycnocline, with the highest mean larval abundance and number of taxa (927 larvae/10 m2 and 109 taxa); it was composed of epipelagic, mesopelagic, and demersal species. Also on the warm side of the front, but below the pycnocline, an LFA was observed with medium larval abundance and taxa number (126 larvae/10 m2 and 28 taxa), formed by mesopelagic species. This assemblage was absent from the cool area to the northwest of the front, mainly from 150 to 50 m depth, where maximum-salinity water from the Northern Gulf was found. We conclude that the surface thermal/chlorophyll front had a profound effect on LFAs distribution in the surface layer, while the southward intrusion of maximum-salinity water from the Northern Gulf bounded the LFAs distribution in the deeper layer under the pycnocline. Therefore, in addition to the surface thermal/chlorophyll front, the hydrographic processes associated with the Gulf's seasonal and thermohaline circulation affect the LFAs three-dimensional distribution. Similar relationships may occur in other ocean ecosystems.  相似文献   

Marine seismic reflection profiles from offshore SW Taiwan combined with onland geological data are used to investigate the distribution and nature of the deformation front west of Taiwan. Locations of the frontal structure west of Taiwan are generally connected in a linear fashion, although the alignment of frontal structures is offset by strike-slip faults. The deformation front begins from the northern Manila Trench near 21°N and continues northward along the course of the Penghu Submarine Canyon in a nearly N–S direction north of 21°N until it reaches the upper reaches of Penghu Canyon at about 22°15′N. The deformation front then changes direction sharply to the northeast. It connects to the Chungchou thrust fault or the Tainan anticline in the coastal plain and continues northwards along the outer Western Foothills to the northern coast of Taiwan near 25°N. Characteristics of structural style, strain regime, sedimentation and tectonics vary along the trend of the deformation front. Ramp anticlines, diapiric intrusion and incipient thrust faults are commonly associated with the deformation front. Variations in structural style along strike can be related to different stages of oblique collision in Taiwan. The deformation front (collision front) west of Taiwan can be considered as a boundary between contraction in the Taiwan orogen and extension west of the collision zone. The deformation front east of the Tainan Basin and its northward extension along the outer limit of the Western Foothills is the surface trace separating the foreland thrust belt from the nearby foredeep, not a boundary between the Chinese and Taiwan margins. The submarine deformation front off SW Taiwan is the surface trace separating the submerged Taiwan orogenic wedge from the Chinese passive continental margin, not a surface trace of the plate boundary between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates.  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部的海洋锋   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16  
李立  郭小钢  吴日升 《台湾海峡》2000,19(2):147-156
通过近期水文观测,结合卫星遥感和历史水文资料,对台湾海峡南部海域的海洋锋现象进行了整体分析。结果表明,由于多种水系在此交汇,台湾海峡南部冬、夏季匀有明显锋面发育。受季风气候影响,锋面发育有显著的季节差异。夏季影响本海区的水系主要有韩江冲淡水、上升流、南海水、和黑潮水等。它们的交汇形成了韩江冲淡水羽状锋、台湾浅滩上升流锋、黑潮锋、以及陆架/陆坡锋等的三维锋结构。韩江冲淡水和上升汉对夏季海崃南部浅海峰  相似文献   

Observations of Eddies in the Japan Basin Interior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eddy features in the Japan Basin have been studied by combining satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) images and WOCE drifter tracks with recent current meter data from a deep mooring in the interior of the Basin. SST images indicate that anticyclonic eddies often appear around the Subpolar Front in cold seasons and move into the northern cold water region entraining warm water of the frontal zone. The anti-cyclonic eddies "visualized" by the entrained warm water and trajectories of some drifters are typically 30 km in radius and have rotational speeds of 0.15 to 0.3 m/s at the surface. On the other hand, the current meter data of 3-year duration show that vertically coherent eddy-like currents of the order of 0.1 m/s occur every year in cold seasons in the deep (1000 to 3000 m) layer of the Japan Basin interior. An important finding is that available time series of SST patterns are well correlated to the vertically coherent deep currents. This correlation suggests that the anticyclonic eddies indicated by both SST images and drifter tracks are actually barotropic or quasi-barotropic, extending from the surface to the bottom. It is argued that the unique current features in the deep layer of the Japan Basin can be explained in terms of barotropic eddies. A brief discussion is also made of the possible source of the eddy kinetic energy. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The northward intruding eddy along the East coast of Korea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The current structures and their seasonal variations in the East Korean Warm Current (EKWC) region, which plays a significant role in the northward transport of warm and saline waters, were described by combining the sea surface temperature (SST) data of consecutive satellite inferred (IR) images and hydrographic data. The SST patterns in winter-spring clearly showed that the small meander of thermal front originating from the Tsushima/Korea Strait formed close to the Korean coast and grew an isolated warm eddy with horizontal dimension of order 100 km. Such warm eddy began to intrude slowly northward from spring to summer. At that time, interactions with neighboring synoptic warm eddy [Ks] around the Ulleung Basin were found to have strongly influence the movement of the intruding eddy and its structural change. In autumn, after the northward movement stopped at the north of eddy [Ks], the relative stable northward current along the Korean coast were formed. The evidence from observational results does not support a persistent branching of the EKWC from the Tsushima/Korea Strait, but a seasonal episodic supply of warm and saline waters due to the northward intruding eddy process described above.  相似文献   

The temporal variation of tidal-front sharpness (i.e., the maximal gradient of sea surface temperature (SST)) in Iyo-Nada, Japan has been investigated using SST obtained by a commercial ferryboat. Tidal-front sharpness varies in time with a period of 15 days. A numerical model approach was also adopted to investigate the temporal variation of frontal sharpness. The numerical model, which contains a restoring term to express the tidal front reconstructed fortnightly by tides, reproduces the tidal front accompanied by growing and/or decaying frontal waves. The amplitude of modeled frontal sharpness agrees well with the observation. The amplitude of sharpness is much smaller than the observed value, unless frontal waves develop along the modeled front. This therefore implies that tidal fronts are destroyed mainly due to growing frontal waves, and are restored fortnightly at spring tides. We quantitatively evaluated the subsurface intrusion of seawater into the stratified region from the mixed region by conducting passive-tracer experiments. We find that the cross-frontal transport with frontal waves is 4.9 times larger than that without frontal waves. In addition, the cross-frontal transport reaches a long distance (about 25 km) because of heton (mushroom)-type eddies developing along the front with frontal waves.  相似文献   

Picoplankton distribution at the boundary zone of the southern Adriatic in May 2009 on a 75 km long shelf-continental slope transect was assessed by combining epifluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and high-performance liquid chromatography data with hydrographic observations. The picoplankton distribution was greatly influenced by the hydrographic conditions prevailing in the southern Adriatic because of the influence of the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) and East Adriatic Current (EAC) forcing. Heterotrophic bacteria numerically dominated the picoplankton community through the entire transect with no significant accumulation. By contrast, picophytoplankton accumulated in the 50–75 m layer, forming a pronounced deep chlorophyll maximum. Synechococcus dominated the photosynthetic picoplankton, whereas picoeukaryotes were the least abundant. The intrusion of warm LIW observed in the layer between 100 and 350 m was followed by Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus peaks (10 × 103 cells mL−1 and 90 × 103 cells mL−1, respectively), as well as by the appearance of two Synechococcus ecotypes. Most picoeukaryotes were observed at the offshore stations, where geostrophic current calculation revealed the strongest EAC influence. A strong EAC spread over the central and eastern basin created a barrier for Prochlorococcus, whereas the picoeukaryote maxima coincided with the core of the EAC, suggesting its persistence to hydrological instabilities.  相似文献   

Summertime hydrographic features in the southeastern Hwanghae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CTD casts in the southeastern Hwanghae (Yellow Sea) were made in August 1983 and 1984 to describe the spatial structure of the summertime hydrographic features. Cold coastal water appeared around the southwestern coast of Korea, which was formed by strong tidal stirring. Tidal mixing in the study area seems to have been enhanced by the presence of many small islands. In the deeper region beyond the tidal front, stratification became much stronger and the bottom layer below seasonal thermocline was occupied mostly by the Hwanghae Cold Water characterized by a temperature lower than 10°C and salinity of 32.5–33.0%.The northeastward extension of the Changjiang Diluted Water was shown by a tongue-like plume of relatively warm fresh water, confined to the thin surface layer 10 m thick. There was no evidence for the Hwanghae Warm Current carrying high salinity water into the eastern Hwanghae along the Korean coast. The warm current was found to flow in a narrow band close to the west and north coast of Chejudo (Cheju Island) and then to pass eastward through the Cheju Strait. Thus the eastern part of the cyclonic circulation in the surface layer cannot be considered to be a northward continuation of the Hwanghae Warm Current. The local salinity maximum in the lower layer off Kunsan and the higher salinity on the west side of the central trough than on the east side would imply a northward flow on the west flank of the trough to compensate for the southward intrusion of the Hwanghae Cold Water, from which an anticyclonic circulation could be expected in the lower layer.  相似文献   

A dense seismic reflection survey with up to 250-m line-spacing has been conducted in a 15 × 15 km wide area offshore southwestern Taiwan where Bottom Simulating Reflector is highly concentrated and geochemical signals for the presence of gas hydrate are strong. A complex interplay between north–south trending thrust faults and northwest–southeast oblique ramps exists in this region, leading to the formation of 3 plunging anticlines arranged in a relay pattern. Landward in the slope basin, a north–south trending diapiric fold, accompanied by bright reflections and numerous diffractions on the seismic profiles, extends across the entire survey area. This fold is bounded to the west by a minor east-verging back-thrust and assumes a symmetric shape, except at the northern and southern edges of this area, where it actively overrides the anticlines along a west-verging thrust, forming a duplex structure. A clear BSR is observed along 67% of the acquired profiles. The BSR is almost continuous in the slope basin but poorly imaged near the crest of the anticlines. Local geothermal gradient values estimated from BSR sub-bottom depths are low along the western limb and crest of the anticlines ranging from 40 to 50 °C/km, increase toward 50–60 °C/km in the slope basin and 55–65 °C/km along the diapiric fold, and reach maximum values of 70 °C/km at the southern tip of the Good Weather Ridge. Furthermore, the local dips of BSR and sedimentary strata that crosscut the BSR at intersections of any 2 seismic profiles have been computed. The stratigraphic dips indicated a dominant east–west shortening in the study area, but strata near the crest of the plunging anticlines generally strike to southwest almost perpendicular to the direction of plate convergence. The intensity of the estimated bedding-guided fluid and gas flux into the hydrate stability zone is weaker than 2 in the slope basin and the south-central half of the diapiric fold, increases to 7 in the northern half of the diapiric fold and plunging anticlines, and reaches a maximum of 16 at the western frontal thrust system. Rapid sedimentation, active tectonics and fluid migration paths with significant dissolved gas content impact on the mechanism for BSR formation and gas hydrate accumulation. As we begin to integrate the results from these studies, we are able to outline the regional variations, and discuss the importance of structural controls in the mechanisms leading to the gas hydrate emplacements.  相似文献   

The upwelling front of the Cape Columbine upwelling centre was intensively studied, physically and biologically, along a repeated transect during December 1984 following a quiescent phase in the upwelling cycle. Three distinct zones were evident, an inshore zone influenced by upwelling, an offshore warm oligotrophic zone and a transitional frontal zone separating the two. Salinity proved to be a useful indicator of recent water movements. There was evidence of intrusions and mixing of water types within the frontal zone, possibly accounting for the elevated phytoplankton biomass recorded there. Floral and faunal changes occurred between the frontal and offshore zones, corresponding to the thermal front. The predominant flow was alongshore, with strong equatorward jet currents, making the interpretation of cross-shelf gradients difficult in this dynamic area. Aspects of the distributions of organisms and their productivity across the upwelling front are described with respect to the hydrographic parameters and associated flow-field.  相似文献   

The variability of the New Guinea Coastal Current (NGCC) and New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent (NGCUC) were examined from one year time series of current data from ADCP moorings at 2°S, 142°E and 2.5°S, 142°E. Change in the hydrographic structure induced by monsoonal wind forcing was also examined from hydrographic data along the 142°E covering consecutively two winter seasons and two summer seasons. The westward NGCUC was observed to persist year around. The annual mean depth of the current core was 220 m, the mean speed of the zonal component was 54 cm/s with a standard deviation of 15 cm/s at the 2.5°S site. Velocity fluctuations at 20–30 day period were observed year around. Seasonal reversal of the surface intensified NGCC was clearly observed. In the boreal summer characterized by the southeasterly monsoon, westward currents of over 60 cm/s were dominant in the surface layer. The warm, low-salinity layer thickened at this time and sloped down toward the New Guinea coast from the equator. This surface water accumulation may be caused by onshore Ekman drift at the New Guinea coast, combined with weak Ekman upwelling at the equator. In the boreal winter, an eastward surface current developed to 100 cm/s extending down to 100 m depth in response to the northwesterly monsoonal winds. Coastal upwelling was indicated in this season and the surface water accumulated at the equator due to Ekman convergence. Shipboard ADCP data indicated that the NGCUC intensified in boreal summer as the width and depth of the NGCUC increased.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) and Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB) are oil and gas bearing basins in the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS). Geothermal survey is an important tool in petroleum exploration. A large data set comprised of 199 thermal conductivities, 40 radioactive heat productions, 543 measured geothermal gradient values, and 224 heat flow values has been obtained from the two basins. However, the measured geothermal gradient data originated from diverse depth range make spatial comparison a challenging task. Taking into account the variation of conductivity and heat production of rocks, we use a “uniform geothermal gradient” to characterize the geothermal gradient distribution of the PRMB and QDNB. Results show that, in the depth interval of 0–5 km, the “uniform geothermal gradient” in the PRMB varies from 17.8 °C/km to 50.2 °C/km, with an average of 32.1 ± 6.0 °C/km. In comparison, the QDNB has an average “uniform geothermal gradient” of 31.9 ± 5.6 °C/km and a range between 19.7 °C/km and 39.5 °C/km. Heat flows in the PRMB and QDNB are 71.3 ± 13.5 mW/m2 and 72.9 ± 14.2 mW/m2, respectively. The heat flow and geothermal gradient of the PRMB and QDNB tend to increase from the continental shelf to continental slope owing to the lithosphereic/crustal thinning in the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

在南大洋印度洋扇区中部海域,除了地形控制(凯尔盖朗高台),南极绕极流和厄加勒斯回流的汇合流进一步加强了下游的斜压剪切强度,导致涡旋能量显著增强,因此,对该海域涡旋的研究有助于了解该海域的涡旋特征以及地形与涡旋的分布关系。基于2005~2019年卫星遥感数据,对该海域涡旋特征进行统计,并对涡旋产生地分布、跨锋面涡旋的移动状况进行分析,同时结合Argo剖面数据,进一步剖析涡旋内部水文分布特征。结果表明:该海域涡旋生命周期多在20 d以内(64.25%),平均半径多在30~100 km(96.13%);平均半径与平均振幅呈正相关关系(相关系数R=0.55);生命周期越大的涡旋平均传播距离也越大。2014年开始涡旋数量明显增加,主要由短寿命涡旋(<30 d)数量增加所贡献。反之, 21世纪10年代后期年平均涡动能异常呈减小趋势。涡旋产生地随着寿命增长,逐渐从亚南极锋与南极绕极流南部边界之间的锋面区域向亚南极锋以北移动。跨锋面涡旋中,暖涡向高纬,冷涡向低纬移动,大部分具有携带水团移动的能力。由涡旋内部水文特征分析结果可知,不同极性的涡旋能够实现完全不同来源水团的远距离输送,对同一来源水团,气旋涡具有抬升作用,而反气旋涡具有压沉作用。该研究工作有助于提升对南大洋涡旋特征及变动的认识,为进一步的涡旋动力研究提供支撑。  相似文献   

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