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The unsteady flow past a circular cylinder which starts translating and transversely oscillating from rest in a viscous fluid is investigated at a Reynolds numbers of R=103 and at a Strouhal number of π/4 and for the maximum oscillatory to translational velocity ratios between 0.1 and 1.0. This study is based on numerical solutions of the two-dimensional unsteady Navier–Stokes equations. The object of the study is to examine the effect of increase of velocity ratio on the near-wake structure as well as the hydrodynamic forces acting on the cylinder. For all velocity rates a periodic structure of vortex evaluation and shedding develops which is repeated exactly as time advances. Vortex dynamics close behind the body are affected by changing acceleration of the cylinder and a changeover from one mode to a different mode of vortex formation is observed with increase in velocity ratio. A comparison of the present results with the impulsively started translating case has been included to illustrate the effect of velocity ratio on drag at small values of velocity ratio.  相似文献   

The drag and added mass coefficients of a truss leg of an ocean platform are obtained by using the forced-oscillation technique in a still water. Higher order forces and lift forces are also measured.The drag and inertia coefficients of the truss leg model are obtained by measuring the wave forces acting on it in regular deep waves. The moment lever of the wave force is compared with theoretical results.  相似文献   

Based on a two dimensional linear water wave theory, the boundary element method (BEM) is developed and applied to study the heave and the sway problem of a floating rectangular structure in water to finite depth with one side of the boundary is a vertical sidewall and the other boundary is an open boundary. Numerical results for the added mass and radiation damping coefficients are presented. These coefficients are not only depend on the submergence and the width of the structure, but also depend on the clearance between structure and sidewall. Negative added mass and sharp peaks in the damping and added mass coefficients have been found when the clearance with a value close to integral times of half wave length of wave generated by oscillation structure. The important effect of the clearance on the added mass and radiation damping coefficients are discussed in detail. An analytical solution method is also presented. The BEM solution is compared with the analytical solution, and the comparison shows good agreement.  相似文献   

The influence of a square base placed at the bottom of a vertical cylinder on the wave induced forces and pressures on the cylinder is reported in this paper. In order to carry out this study, initially, the two dynamic variables on the cylinder in the absence of the base was studied so as to make sure the quality of measurements is satisfactory. The experimental results are compared with MacCamy and Fuchs' theory and the agreement found good.  相似文献   

Nonlineareffectoninertiacomponentofwaveforcesonacylinder¥LiYanbaoandSongReng(DepartmentofHydraulicEngineering,TianjinUniversi...  相似文献   

An evaluation of four well-known Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)-based turbulence models was performed in comparison with the results of a dedicated experimental measurement on the near-wake of a circular cylinder in a large water (cavitation) tunnel using a state-of-the-art two-dimensional Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DPIV) device.The turbulence models investigated were Spalart-Allmaras (S-A), Realizable k-ε (RKE), Wilcox k-ω (WKO) and Shear-Stress-Transport k-ω (SST), which were assessed based on their comparative performances in predicting some important flow field characteristics of the near-wake region of the experimental circular cylinder flow. Within the flow range investigated in this study, which implied a cylinder diameter-based Reynolds Number of 41,300, the qualitative and quantitative comparisons revealed that the application of the SST model to the wall-bounded unsteady flow - that experienced severe adverse pressure gradient, massive flow separation and vortex shedding - presents more successful predictions compared to other models investigated for such challenging flow conditions.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Magnuson, 1977) expressions were derived for the two-dimensional surface elevation resulting from oscillatory translating pressure distributions. Wave elevations were computed for the subcritical frequency range for the uniform pressure distribution by using linearized water wave theory. This paper extends the work in Magnuson (1977) to the supercritical frequency range. Wave profiles are presented for frequencies and speeds covering the operating range of air-cushion vehicles. In addition, the power radiated into the far field is computed as a function of frequency for several speeds.  相似文献   

The present brief paper is intended to show that the fluid forces on a small cylinder can be considerably magnified when it is in the flow field of a larger cylinder. Two cylinders of unequal diameter are oscillated in a tank of fluid, and the lift and in-line forces on the smaller cylinder are measured when the pair of cylinders is placed at various orientations and spacings.  相似文献   

In addition to tangential and transverse resistance, force deflection and maximum lift are characteristic for the hydrodynamic loading of cables and nets. Respective data are derived from model tests. Current cable loading functions are discussed, and a loading concept suitable for cables and nets is proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work is <!–<query>The highlights are in an incorrect format. Hence they have been deleted. Please refer the online instructions: http://www.elsevier.com/highlights and provide 3-5 bullet points.</query>–>to study the effect of the Reynolds number on the near-wake structure and separating shear layers behind a circular cylinder. Three-dimensional unsteady large-eddy simulation is carried out and two different subgrid scale models are applied in order to evaluate the turbulent wake reasonably. The Reynolds number based on the free-stream velocity and the cylinder diameter is ranging from Re = 5500–41,300, corresponding to the full development of the shear-layer instability in the intermediate subcritical flow regime. For a complete validation of this numerical study, hydrodynamic bulk coefficients are computed and compared to experimental measurements and numerical studies in the literature. Special focus is made on the variations of both the large-scale near-wake structure and the small-scale shear-layer instability with increasing Reynolds numbers. The present numerical study clearly shows the broadband nature of the shear-layer instability as well as the dependence of the shear-layer frequency especially on the high Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the prediction of the hydrodynamic forces on a full-scale mini Tension Leg Platform (TLP) of the type typically deployed for deep-sea operation. Two alternative prediction techniques were used: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which is based on the solution of the fundamental equations that govern turbulent fluid flow; and ‘engineering’ calculations based on force coefficients derived from a design code that is in routine use in the Offshore Industry. The results from these two techniques were compared with each other and with experimental data obtained from wind-tunnel and towing-tank tests on a 1–70 scale model. It was found that the two techniques, while yielding very similar predictions for the front TLP members, give substantially different predictions for the aft members — a result that is consistent with the presence of significant interference effects that are captured only by the CFD. The design code yielded the highest value for the global drag coefficient, followed very closely by the towing-tank result. The wind-tunnel tests produced the lowest value for this parameter. The CFD predictions, which were the first to be obtained in this study, fall in the mid-range of the experimental values. These and other results are discussed in the context of the use of CFD in practical design applications.  相似文献   

俞嘉臻  张显涛  李欣 《海洋工程》2022,40(5):98-110
由于沿海区域的限制以及愈加严重的环境污染,渔业养殖正从近海走向深远海。深远海海域的海况更加恶劣,给养殖装备的设计与性能评估带来新的挑战。为解决该问题,对极端波浪与养殖装备网衣结构的相互作用开展研究。基于waves2Foam建立数值波浪水池,极端波浪模拟采用基于NewWave理论的聚焦波模型,网衣结构模拟采用多孔介质模型,并通过与Morison模型计算的网衣受力等效分析,获得多孔介质模拟网衣结构阻力系数的直接估计方法。然后将多孔介质模型嵌入waves2Foam中,开展聚焦波与网衣结构相互作用的数值模拟,同时开展水槽试验,验证数值模拟的准确性。基于数值模拟结果,系统地分析了不同网衣密实度及不同波浪参数下网衣结构的升阻力特性以及网衣结构对波浪场的扰动规律。研究表明:聚焦波波峰幅值和网衣密实度对网衣结构的升阻力影响较大,且升力峰值出现在阻力为0的时刻;网衣结构对聚焦波的时空演化特性有影响,改变了聚焦波波形。  相似文献   

This paper shows how the second order wave pressure on the submerged surface of a body may be obtained without solving the boundary value problem for the second order velocity potential. The corresponding analytical solution for a vertical circular cylinder is developed, and selected results are presented which illustrate a number of novel phenomena not occurring in first order diffraction analysis.  相似文献   

This work is based upon results of interpretation of about 8872 km-long regional seismic lines acquired in 2011 within the international project Geology Without Limits in the Black Sea. The seismic lines cover nearly the entire Black Sea Basins, including Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria sectors. A new map of acoustic basement relief and a new tectonic structure scheme are constructed for the Black Sea Basins. The basement of the Black Sea includes areas with oceanic crust and areas with highly rifted continental crust. A chain of buried seamounts, which were interpreted as submarine volcanoes of Late Cretaceous (Santonian to Campanian) age, has been identified to the north of the Turkish coast. On the Shatsky Ridge, probable volcanoes of Albian age have also been recognized. Synorogenic turbidite sequences of Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene ages have been mapped. In the Cenozoic, numerous compressional and transpressional structures were formed in different parts of the Black Sea Basin. During the Pleistocene–Quaternary, turbidites, mass-transport deposits and leveed channels were formed in the distal part of the Danube Delta.  相似文献   

An underwater vehicle typically has various appendages such as sail, rudders and hydroplanes. These appendages affect the hull hydrodynamic characteristics, including the resistance components and the form of the generated wave due to the motion of the vehicle near the free surface. The effect of the appendages on the hydrodynamic characteristics of an underwater vehicle near the free surface is studied. Initially the DARPPA SUBOFF submarine without the appendages is selected and hydrodynamic characteristics, including the friction resistance, viscous pressure resistance, wave resistance and shape of the created wave on the free surface are calculated for Froude numbers in the range of 0.128–0.84 and non-dimensional submergence depths 1.3, 2.2, 3.3 & 4.4. Then, by adding the appendages and comparing these two conditions, the effect of appendages is obtained. The results of computations indicate that the appendages cause a mean increase of about 16% in the total resistance. This increment is due to viscosity of fluid and also the interaction of the main hull with the appendages. There are no significant changes in the wave pattern and wave making resistance due to the presence of appendages.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional finite-difference scheme has been extended to three dimensions to solve nonlinear hydrodynamic pressures and structural responses of a deformable, vertical and circular surface-piercing offshore cylinder during earthquakes. A complete three-dimensional analysis has been made with both the three-dimensional equations of motion and the simultaneous action of three components of ground acceleration included in the analysis. Not only the magnitude but also the direction of the acting ground motion can be varied with time. The dynamic response of a cylinder is approximated by the displacements in the fundamental modes of vibration. A comparison of the dynamic displacement of the cylinder with and without surrounding sea water has been made. The flexibility of the offshore cylinder can significantly increase the hydrodynamic pressures acting on cylinder faces, that is, the fluid-structure interaction is necessary in offshore cylinder analysis. Although the hydrodynamic pressure induced by the vertical ground acceleration of the El Centro 1979 earthquake is significant, the calculated structural dynamic response of a cylinder is very small and the corresponding resultant hydrodynamic force is almost nil. The hydrodynamic force induced by two-horizontal ground acceleration is about the same as that by three simultaneous components of ground acceleration. For a solid and stubbier circular cylinder, the vertical component of ground acceleration may be neglected.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic characteristics of heave plates with different form edges of Truss Spar Platform are studied in this paper.Numerical simulations are carried out for the plate forced oscillation by the dynamic mesh method and user defined functions of FLUENT.The added mass coefficient and the damping coefficient of heave plate with tapering condition and the chamfer condition are calculated.The results show that,in a certain range,the hydrodynamic performance of heave plate after being tapered is better.  相似文献   

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