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Tendencies in climate change in the Amur River basin are generally synchronous to the global ones. During the last century, the annual mean temperature of surface air increased by 1.3°C, minimum warming being observed in the east part of the basin (0.6°C) and maximum one in the west part (1.7–2.5°C). The largest impact on the annual mean temperature growth comes from winter and spring temperature increase (2–4°C/100 years). During the last 30 years, the warming rate in the basin was 2–3 times higher than during the whole period of 1891–2004. Simultaneously with warming in the Amur River basin, annual and warm-season precipitation totals increased by 8 and 6%, respectively, during the 115-year period. The highest increase in precipitation totals occurs in cold season (29% during 115 years). During the last 30 years, together with intense warming in the Amur River basin, the annual precipitation totals are found to decrease by an average of 2.1%/10 years.  相似文献   

By using a surface air temperature index (SATI) averaged over the eastern Tibetan Plateau (TP), investigation is conducted on the short-term climate variation associated with the interannual air warming (or cooling) over the TP in each summer month. Evidence suggests that the SATI is associated with a consistent teleconnection pattern extending from the TP to central-western Asia and southeastern Europe. Associated rainfall changes include, for a warming case, a drought in northern India in May and June, and a stronger mei-yu front in June. The latter is due to an intensified upper-level northeasterly in eastern China and a wetter and warmer condition over the eastern TP. In the East Asian regions, the time-space distributions of the correlation patterns between SATI and rainfall are more complex and exhibit large differences from month to month. Some studies have revealed a close relationship between the anomalous heating over the TP and the rainfall anomaly along the Yangtze River valley appearing in the summer on a seasonal mean time-scale, whereas in the present study, this relationship only appears in June and the signal's significance becomes weaker after the long-term trend in the data was excluded. Close correlations between SATI and the convection activity and SST also occur in the western Pacific in July and August: A zonally-elongated warm tone in the SST in the northwestern Pacific seems to be a passive response of the associated circulation related to a warm SATI. The SATI-associated teleconnection pattern provides a scenario consistently linking the broad summer rainfall anomalies in Europe, central-western Asia, India, and East Asia.  相似文献   

Changes in the water cycle on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) have a significant impact on local agricultural production and livelihoods and its downstream regions. Against the background of widely reported warming and wetting, the hydrological cycle has accelerated and the likelihood of extreme weather events and natural disasters occurring (i.e., snowstorms, floods, landslides, mudslides, and ice avalanches) has also intensified, especially in the high-elevation mountainous regions. Thus, an accurate estimation of the intensity and variation of each component of the water cycle is an urgent scientific question for the assessment of plateau environmental changes. Following the transformation and movement of water between the atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere, the authors highlight the urgent need to strengthen the three-dimensional comprehensive observation system (including the eddy covariance system; planetary boundary layer tower; profile measurements of temperature, humidity, and wind by microwave radiometers, wind profiler, and radiosonde system; and cloud and precipitation radars) in the TP region and propose a practical implementation plan. The construction of such a three-dimensional observation system is expected to promote the study of environmental changes and natural hazards prevention.摘要青藏高原的水循环变化对于高原及其下游区域人类的生产生活具有举足轻重的影响. 在高原暖湿化的背景下, 其水文循环加快, 极端天气和自然灾害事件概率增大, 比如, 雪灾, 洪水, 滑坡, 泥石流, 冰崩在山区频发. 因此, 如何准确的估算青藏高原水循环各分量的大小及变化幅度是评估高原环境变化影响亟需解决的科学问题. 根据水在各圈层间转换过程, 我们提出了建立第三极地区 (尤其是复杂山区) 的三维立体多圈层地气相互作用综合观测系统(包括涡动相关系统, 行星边界层塔, 微波辐射计, 风廓线仪和无线电探空系统观测的风温湿廓线及云雨雷达等)的紧迫性和具体方案, 进而为研究青藏高原环境变化和山区灾害预测服务.  相似文献   

Recent land cover changes on the Tibetan Plateau: a review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper reviews the land cover changes on the Tibetan Plateau during the last 50 years partly caused by natural climate change and, more importantly, influenced by human activities. Recent warming trends on the plateau directly influence the permafrost and snow melting and will impact on the local ecosystem greatly. Human activities increased rapidly on the plateau during the last half century and have significant impacts on land use. Significant land cover changes on the Tibetan Plateau include permafrost and grassland degradation, urbanization, deforestation and desertification. These changes not only impact on local climate and environment, but also have important hydrological implications for the rivers which originate from the plateau. The most noticeable disasters include the flooding at the upper reaches of Yangtze River and droughts along the middle and lower reaches of Yellow River. Future possible land cover changes under future global climate warming are important but hard to assess due to the deficits of global climate model in this topographically complex area. Integrated investigation of climate and ecosystems, including human-beings, are highly recommended for future studies.  相似文献   

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) regional climate model (RegCM2), together with initial conditions and time-dependent lateral boundary conditions provided by a 130-year transient increasing CO2 simulation of the NCAR Climate System Model (CSM), has been used to investigate the mechanism of ground warming over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). The model results show that when CO2 in the atmosphere is doubled, a strong ground warming occurs in the TP. Two regions within it with the largest warming are in the eastern TP (region I) and along the southwestern and western slopes (region II). Moreover, in region I the ground warming in the winter half year is stronger than that in the summer half year, but in region II the warming difference between the seasons becomes opposite to that in region I, i.e., the warming is strong in the summer half year and weak in the winter half year. There are indications that the summer monsoon enhances but the winter monsoon weakens when CO2 is doubled. A strong elevation dependency of ground warming is found in region I for the winter half year, and in region II for both winter and summer half years at elevations below 5 km. The simulated characteristics of ground warming in the TP are consistent with the observations. In region I, when CO2 is doubled, the cloud amount increases at lower elevations and decreases at higher elevation for the winter half year. As a consequence, at lower elevations the short wave solar radiation absorbed at the surface declines, and the downward long wave flux reaching the surface enhances; on the other hand, at higher elevations the surface solar radiation flux increases and the surface infrared radiation flux shows a more uniform increase. The net effect of the changes in both radiation fluxes is an enhanced surface warming at higher elevations, which is the primary cause of the elevation dependency in the surface warming. In the summer half year the cloud amount reduces as a result of doubling CO2 in region I for all elevations, and there is no elevation dependency detected in the ground warming. Furthermore, there is little snow existing in region I for both summer and winter half years, and the impact of snow-albedo feedback is not significant. In region II, although the changes in the cloud amount bear a resemblance to those in region I, the most significant factor affecting the surface energy budget is the depletion of the snow cover at higher elevations, which leads to a reduction of the surface albedo. This reduction in turn leads to an enhancement in the solar radiation absorbed in the surface. The snow-albedo feedback mechanism is the most essential cause of the elevation dependency in the surface warming for region II.  相似文献   

应用1951~2011年NCEP/NCAR第一套逐月再分析资料和国家气候中心提供的全国160站逐月的降水和气温资料.通过相关分析得出该指数与长江中下游的夏季降水(温度)存在正(负)相关(均通过了95%的显著性检验).高原夏季风存在明显的年际和年代际变化,1979年是其突变点.高原夏季风与副热带高压以及南亚高压的特征参数之间存在较好的相关性.高原夏季风偏强(弱)时,南亚高压出现青藏高原(伊朗高原)模态,强度减弱(增强)且东伸(西退),副高增强(减弱)且西伸(东退).南亚高压的各个特征参数都存在共同2~4年周期振荡,且高原夏季风与南亚高压主中心的经度(纬度)在3~5年(3~4年以及5~6年)上的显著关系最好.  相似文献   

本文利用西藏雅江中游地区1961~2009年逐日气象资料和Penman–Monteith公式,计算并分析了PE(潜在蒸散量)的时空分布特征,运用多元回归方法定量计算各气候因子变化对PE变化的贡献率。研究表明:近49年来,拉萨年潜在蒸散量呈明显增加趋势,增幅为8.21mm/10a,日喀则和江孜呈不显著的减少趋势,而泽当减少趋势显著,减幅最大达-24.71mm/10a。PE变化趋势的季节差异较大,年潜在蒸散量在1993年发生突变,在全球气候变暖的背景下,平均风速明显减少从气候因子角度解释了潜在蒸散减少的原因。  相似文献   

青藏高原未来气候变化预估:CMIP5模式结果   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
胡芩  姜大膀  范广洲 《大气科学》2015,39(2):260-270
本文使用国际耦合模式比较计划第5阶段(CMIP5)中对青藏高原气候模拟较优的气候模式, 在RCP4.5中等偏低辐射强迫情景下对青藏高原未来气候变化进行了预估研究。结果表明, 青藏高原年均地表气温在2006~2100年的线性趋势平均为0.26℃/10a, 增暖幅度与海拔高度大体成正比;相比于1986~2005年参考时段, 2090年代平均升温2.7℃, 21世纪末期增温幅度明显高于早期和中期;在早、中和末期, 年均增温分别为0.8~1.3℃、1.6~2.5℃和2.1~3.1℃;各季节也均为变暖趋势, 其中冬季增温最大。对于年均降水来说, 未来百年将小幅增加, 集合平均趋势为1.15%/10a, 2090年代较参考时段增加10.4%;在早、中和末期的变化范围分别为-1.8%至15.2%、-0.9%至17.8%和1.4%至21.3%;季节降水也呈增加趋势, 夏季增幅明显高于其余三个季节且在21世纪末期较大, 青藏高原未来年均降水增加主要来自于夏季。需要指出的是, 上述预估结果在气候模式间存在着一定的差异, 未来气候变化的不确定性范围较大, 地表气温的可信度相对较高, 而降水的则偏低。  相似文献   

青藏高原加热如何影响亚洲夏季的气候格局   总被引:38,自引:14,他引:38  
从大气中的热力适应、局地尺度加热和大陆尺度加热的综合效应、高原地表的摩擦作用以及波动能源等不同角度,根据理论分析、资料诊断和数值模拟的结果,并通过与落基山和安第斯山的比较,回顾了青藏高原抬升加热影响亚洲气候格局的机理研究的近期进展.  相似文献   

Zou  Mijun  Zhong  Lei  Ma  Yaoming  Hu  Yuanyuan  Feng  Lu 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2018,132(3-4):1039-1047
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - As a critical component of the energy and water cycle, terrestrial actual evapotranspiration (ET) can be influenced by many factors. This study was mainly...  相似文献   

王澄海  余莲 《大气科学》2011,35(6):1132-1144
本文使用MIROC3.2_hires模式输出资料作为RegCM3 (The ICTP Regional Climate Model,V3.0)初边界资料,对RegCM3中常用的3种积云参数化方案Anthes-Kuo (AK)、Grell-Fritsch&Chappell (GFC)和MIT-Emanuel (MIT)方...  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau plays an important role in the global water cycle and is strongly influenced by climate change. While energy and matter fluxes have been more intensely studied over land surfaces, a large proportion of lakes have either been neglected or parameterised with simple bulk approaches. Therefore, turbulent fluxes were measured over wet grassland and a shallow lake with a single eddy-covariance complex at the shoreline in the Nam Co basin in summer 2009. Footprint analysis was used to split observations according to the underlying surface, and two sophisticated surface models were utilised to derive gap-free time series. Results were then compared with observations and simulations from a nearby eddy-covariance station over dry grassland, yielding pronounced differences. Observations and footprint integrated simulations compared well, even for situations with flux contributions including grassland and lake. The accessibility problem for EC measurements on lakes can be overcome by combining standard meteorological measurements at the shoreline with model simulations, only requiring representative estimates of lake surface temperature.  相似文献   

利用第五次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)中5个气候模式在3种典型浓度路径(RCPs)下的预估结果驱动SWAT水文模型,预估了21世纪气候变化对长江上游年径流量、季节分配以及极端径流的影响。结果表明:预估的长江上游平均气温呈显著上升趋势,21世纪末较当前(1986—2005年)升高1.5~5.5℃,降水总体呈增加趋势,在21世纪30年代后高于当前气候平均值,21世纪末相对于当前增加5%~15%。流域内气候变化存在明显空间差异,金沙江和岷沱江流域气温升高和降水增加幅度均大于流域平均值。预估的长江上游年径流量及各月平均径流均有增加趋势,在21世纪30年代后高于当前多年平均值,21世纪中期增加4%~8%,21世纪末增加10%~15%。预估的径流年内分布的均匀性有所增加,但年际变化明显增大,极端旱涝事件的频率和强度明显增加。预估的各子流域径流变化对气候变化的响应也存在差异,金沙江和岷沱江流域年径流量、年际变化和年内分布变化小,对气候变化的响应表现为低敏感;嘉陵江流域、乌江流域和长江上游干流径流增加幅度大,同时极端丰枯出现的频率和程度增加显著,是气候变化响应的敏感区域。  相似文献   

青藏高原东部气候变化及其对长江上游水资源的可能影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
依据青藏高原东部1961~2003年共43年气象资料以及长江上游宜昌站1890~2000年共111年年径流资料,非参数统计和参数统计方法相结合,分析了青藏高原东部及长江上游水文气象时间序列特性,探讨了青藏高原东部未来气候变化情景下长江上游水资源的可能变化:研究表明:青藏高原东部气温有明显升高的趋势;青藏高原东部降水量有波动性变化,但并不具有显著的变化趋势;长江上游年径流量呈现明显减少的趋势,特别是近10年减幅十分显著。在未来数十年或更长时间,青藏高原东部若出现最不利的气温显著升高且降水大幅减少的“暖-干”气候组合,长江上游水资源将会大幅度减小,若出现气温变化不大而降水增幅较大的“冷-湿”气候时,长江上游水资源则会有较大幅度增加。  相似文献   

Climate change trend in China, with improved accuracy   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have found that a spatial interpolation of mean annual temperature (MAT) in China can be accomplished using a global ordinary least squares regression model since the relationship between temperature and its environmental determinants is constant. Therefore the estimation of MAT does not very across space and thus exhibits spatial stationarity. The interpolation of mean annual precipitation (MAP), however, is more complex and changes spatially as a function of topographic variation. Therefore, MAP shows spatial non-stationarity and must be estimated with a geographically weighted regression. A statistical transfer function (STF) of MAT was formulated using minimized residuals output from a high accuracy and high speed method for surface modeling (HASM) with an ordinary least squares (OLS) linear equation that uses latitude and elevation as independent variables, abbreviated as HASM-OLS. The STF of MAP under a BOX-COX transformation is derived as a combination of minimized residuals output by HASM with a geographically weighted regression (GWR) using latitude, longitude, elevation, impact coefficient of aspect and sky view factor as independent variables, abbreviated as HASM-GWR-BC. In terms of HASM-OLS and HASM-GWR-BC, MAT had an increasing trend since the 1960s in China, with an especially accelerated increasing trend since 1980. Overall, our data show that MAT has increased by 1.44 °C since the 1960s. The warming rates increase from the south to north in China, except in the Qinghai-Xizang plateau. Specifically, the 2,100 °C?·?d contour line of annual accumulated temperature (AAT) of ≥10 °C shifted northwestward 255 km in the Heilongjiang province since the 1960s. MAP in Qinghai-Xizang plateau and in arid region had a continuously increasing trend. In the other 7 regions of China, MAP shows both increasing and decreasing trends. On average, China became wetter from the 1960s to the 1990s, but drier from the 1990s to 2000s. The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Northern China experienced more climatic extremes than Southern China since the 1960s.  相似文献   

Changes in rainfall extremes pose a serious and additional threat to water resources planning and management, natural and artificial oasis stability, and sustainable development in the fragile ecosystems of arid inland river basins. In this study, the trend and temporal variation of extreme precipitation are analyzed using daily precipitation datasets at 11 stations over the arid inland Heihe River basin in Northwest China from 1960 to 2011. Eight indices of extreme precipitation are studied. The results show statistically significant and large-magnitude increasing and decreasing trends for most indices, primarily in the Qilian Mountains and eastern Hexi Corridor. More frequent and intense rainfall extremes have occurred in the southern part of the desert area than in the northern portion. In general, the temporal variation in precipitation extremes has changed throughout the basin. Wet day precipitation and heavy precipitation days show statistically significant linear increasing trends and step changes in the Qilian Mountains and Hexi Corridor. Consecutive dry days have decreased obviously in the region in most years after approximately the late 1980s, but meanwhile very long dry spells have increased, especially in the Hexi Corridor. The probability density function indicates that very long wet spells have increased in the Qilian Mountains. The East Asian summer monsoon index and western Pacific subtropical high intensity index possess strong and significant negative and positive correlations with rainfall extremes, respectively. Changes in land surface characteristics and the increase in water vapor in the wet season have also contributed to the changes in precipitation extremes over the river basin.  相似文献   

The current progresses in the study of impacts of the Tibetan Plateau on Asian summer climate in the last decade are reviewed. By analyzing evolution of the transitional zone between westerly to the north and easterly to the south (WEB), it is shown that due to the strong heating over the Tibetan Plateau in spring, the overturning in the prevailing wind direction from easterly in winter to westerly in summer occurs firstly over the eastern Bay of Bengal (BOB), accompanied with vigorous convective precipitation to its east. The area between eastern BOB and western Indo-China Peninsula thus becomes the area with the earliest onset of Asian monsoon, which may be referred as BOB monsoon in short. It is shown that the summertime circulations triggered by the thermal forcing of the Iranian Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau are embedded in phase with the continental-scale circulation forced by the diabatic heating over the Eurasian Continent. As a result, the East Asian summer monsoon is intensified and the drought climate over the western and central Asian areas is enhanced. Together with perturbations triggered by the Tibetan Plateau, the above scenarios and the associated heating have important influences on the climate patterns over Asia. Furthermore, the characteristics of the Tibetan mode of the summertime South Asian high are compared with those of Iranian mode. Results demonstrate that corresponding to each of the bimodality of the South Asian high, the rainfall anomaly distributions over Asia exhibit different patterns.  相似文献   

This paper uses the cloud resolving Active Tracer High-resolution Atmospheric Model coupled to the interactive surface model Hybrid in order to investigate the diurnal development of a lake-breeze system at the Nam Co Lake on the Tibetan Plateau. Simulations with several background wind speeds are conducted, and the interaction of the lake breeze with topography and background wind in triggering moist and deep convection is studied. The model is able to adequately simulate the systems most important dynamical features such as turbulent surface fluxes and the development of a lake breeze for the different wind conditions. We identify two different mechanisms for convection triggering that are dependent on the direction of the background wind: triggering over topography, when the background wind and the lake breeze have the same flow direction, and triggering due to convergence between the lake-breeze front and the background wind. Our research also suggests that precipitation measurements at the centre of the basins on the Tibetan Plateau are not representative for the basin as a whole as precipitation is expected to occur mainly in the vicinity of the topography.  相似文献   

Alpine ecosystems in permafrost region are extremely sensitive to climate change. The headwater regions of Yangtze River and Yellow River of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau permafrost area were selected. Spatial-temporal shifts in the extent and distribution of tundra ecosystems were investigated for the period 1967–2000 by landscape ecological method and aerial photographs for 1967, and satellite remote sensing data (the Landsat’s TM) for 1986 and 2000. The relationships were analyzed between climate change and the distribution area variation of tundra ecosystems and between the permafrost change and tundra ecosystems. The responding model of tundra ecosystem to the combined effects of climate and permafrost changes was established by using statistic regression method, and the contribution of climate changes and permafrost variation to the degradation of tundra ecosystems was estimated. The regional climate exhibited a tendency towards significant warming and desiccation with the air temperature increased by 0.4–0.67°C/10a and relative stable precipitation over the last 45 years. Owing to the climate continuous warming, the intensity of surface heat source (HI) increased at the average of 0.45 W/m2 per year, the difference of surface soil temperature and air temperature (DT) increased at the range of 4.1°C–4.5°C, and the 20-cm depth soil temperature within the active layer increased at the range of 1.1°C–1.4°C. The alpine meadow and alpine swamp meadow were more sensitive to permafrost changes than alpine steppe. The area of alpine swamp meadow decreased by 13.6–28.9%, while the alpine meadow area decreased by 13.5–21.3% from 1967 to 2000. The contributions of climate change to the degradation of the alpine meadow and alpine swamp was 58–68% and 59–65% between 1967 and 2000. The synergic effects of climate change and permafrost variation were the major drivers for the observed degradation in tundra ecosystems of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau.  相似文献   

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