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从SSDC (Italian Space Agency Science Data Center)搜集了68个Fermi耀变体的射电至X射线波段的观测数据,用对数抛物线拟合计算了其同步辐射峰的参数.研究了有效谱指数、同步辐射峰值频率和曲率的关系并用有效谱指数估算同步峰频.主要结果有:(1)研究同步峰频和曲率的线性关系发现,对于全部的蝎虎天体(BL Lac),结果与能量依赖加速概率模型的预测一致.但是,如果仅仅考虑高峰频BL Lac,即同步峰频lg (ν_p/Hz)> 15.3的BL Lac,其结果却与分数变换加速增益模型的预测结果一致.(2)对于同步峰频相同的源,射电-光学的有效谱指数αro与曲率间有显著的负相关,而光学-X射线的有效谱指数αox与曲率无关.通过αro可以确定一个同步峰频与曲率的关系.  相似文献   

The X-ray emissions of blazars are located at the end of synchrotron radiation and the beginning of inverse Compton radiation. Therefore, the origin of the X-ray emissions is rather complex. The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of blazars from radio to X-ray bands can be fitted approximatively by a parabolic function. If we consider approximately the fitting curves as the physical spectra of blazars to analyze the X-ray emissions of Fermi blazars, the results show that: (1) The X-ray emissions of blazars contain two components, i.e. the synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton radiation, which can be simply separated by these fitting curves; (2) the higher the synchrotron peak frequency of the source, the greater the synchrotron radiation component, and the less the inverse Compton radiation component; (3) at 1 keV of the X-ray waveband, the synchrotron radiation component accounts for 17%, 27%, and 73% of the total X-ray emission, for FSRQs (Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars), LBLs (Low synchrotron peak frequency BL Lac objects), and HBLs (High synchrotron peak frequency BL Lac objects), respectively; (4) there is a strong positive correlation between the synchrotron peak frequency and the synchrotron radiation flux density at 1 keV, while no correlation exists between the synchrotron peak frequency and the inverse Compton radiation flux density; (5) the radiation mechanism of LBLs may be similar to that of FSRQs in the X-ray waveband.  相似文献   

从相关文献中获得Fermi耀变体(blazar)的射电(R)1.4 GHz、光学(O)4.68×10~(14)Hz、X-ray(X)1 ke V和γ-ray(γ)1 Ge V辐射流量密度,计算了上述波段两两之间的6个有效谱指数α_(RO)、α_(RX)、α_(Rγ)、α_(OX)、α_(Oγ)、α_(Xγ).研究了blazar总样本及其子类FSRQ(Flat Spectral Radio Quasar),蝎虎天体(BL Lac)含高同步峰频BL Lac(HBL)和低同步峰频BL Lac(LBL)样本的任意两个有效谱指数之间的关系.结果表明:(1)除HBL样本及α_(OX)与α_(Rγ)之间关系外,两两有效谱指数之间均存在较强的相关,这种相关可用4个波段能谱分布的结构关系得到解释;(2)在有效谱指数相关的散点图中,FSRQ与LBL分布在相同的区域,但HBL与FSRQ(LBL)分布在不同的区域;(3)在不同的有效谱指数相关散点图中,HBL与FSRQ(LBL)分布的分离程度(区分度)不相同,这种区分度与决定2个有效谱指数的频率有关.  相似文献   

The multi-wavelength quasi-simultaneous data of 55 Fermi blazars are fitted by using the conical jet model, and the physical properties of blazar jets are also investigated. Through the X2-minimization fitting procedure, the best-fit parameters of the conical jet model are obtained. Combined with the other parameters we collected, a statistical analysis is performed. The results of statistical analysis are summarized as follows: (1) The jet power obtained by the spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting is larger than the jet power calculated by using the extended radio luminosity; (2) There is no correlation between the Doppler factor 5 and the magnetic field strength B; (3) There is a correlation between the jet power and the accretion disk luminosity, and the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) mechanism can well explain the energy source of BL Lac jets rather than Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs); (4) The jet power is significantly correlated with the black hole mass.  相似文献   

定义了一个新的量,曲率宽度,去检查同步模型与伽玛射线暴(GRB)光谱的一致性.此量用于测量GRB中辐射能谱(νFν,ν和Fν分别是频率和随频率变化的能量流量)峰值处的光谱拐折锐度.然后使用它检查了理论同步模型与观测到的GRB光谱之间的一致性.首先计算几种典型的同步模型的曲率宽度,包括单能、单幂律和拐折幂律电子同步模型.其次从Fermi/GBM (Gamma-ray Burst Monitor)长GRB时间分辨光谱目录中选择包含1198个光谱的GRB样本,将光谱与常用的经验模型拟合,并计算最佳拟合模型的光谱曲率宽度.通过比较两个曲率宽度,发现大多数样本与同步模型不一致,因为同步模型的光谱拐折比数据的光谱拐折更加平滑.结果表明同步模型很难适合大多数观测到的GRB光谱.此外,在暴脉冲中发现光子流量和曲率宽度之间存在强的反相关性,这表明流量越高,光谱拐折越尖锐,或者与同步模型的偏差就越大.  相似文献   

研究了高斯辐射成分在可视点所画出轨迹上的分布,这个可视点因脉冲星的转动而作非匀速度运动.通过假设辐射区域围绕磁轴均匀分布,一个高斯辐射成分便对应于可视轨迹划过的一个辐射区域.因为演示辐射区域在可视轨迹上是不均匀的分布,因此高斯成分沿轨迹也是不均匀的,而高斯成分的密度在磁轴与视线距离最近时为最大.高斯成分的分布取决于脉冲星的两个角度:旋转轴和视线之间的夹角,以及磁轴和旋转轴之间的倾角.基于此模型,一个脉冲星平均轮廓中观察到的多个高斯成分便对应于可视轨迹在特定的转动相位范围内的辐射区域.演示了脉冲星旋转的近侧和远侧的相位,分别对应的主脉冲和中间脉冲,两者高斯成分的数量和分布是不同的.而且还发现,沿可视轨迹上的辐射区域总数与围绕磁轴的辐射区域的总数是不同,并且预测的辐射区域数目会因忽略可见点的运动而明显不同.拟合表明脉冲星轮廓的高斯成分的形状和数量可能与实际构成轮廓的成分的形状和数量不同.以PSR B0826–34的辐射为例,并假设辐射来自单一磁极.  相似文献   

从Fermi 3期源表(3FGL)中选择了一个含935个耀变体(blazar)的样本, 包括415个平谱射电源(Flat Spectrum Radio Quasar, FSRQ), 520个蝎虎天体(BL Lac object, BL Lac), 其中高同步峰BL Lac (HBL) 233个, 中同步峰BL Lac (IBL) 144个, 低同步峰BL Lac (LBL) 143个. 研究了总样本、FSRQ、BL Lac及其子类HBL、LBL的射电1.4GHz 与gamma射线在0.1、0.3、1、3、10GeV处辐射流量密度的关系. 结果显示: 所有样本的射电1.4GHz与5个波段gamma射线的辐射流量都有强相关, 相关系数在0.48--0.81之间, 机会概率均小于$10^{-4; 对于不同的样本相关系数随着gamma射线辐射频率的变化有不同的变化趋势, 所有样本在5个波段的相关系数平均值随gamma射线频率的增加而减小. 该结果暗示, 随着频率的升高, blazar的gamma射线辐射主导机制在发生变化, 在相同频率处, 不同类型天体的辐射主导机制存在差异; HBL的gamma射线辐射主要由同步自康普顿主导, 而LBL的其他成份比HBL的更复杂; FSRQ的gamma射线起源较BL Lac的复杂.  相似文献   

Recently, Sloan Digital Sky Survey successfully carried out the reverberation mapping of a sky area, aiming to test the R ? L relation that has been already widely used. Here, R is the responsivity-weighted radius of the broad line region, and L is the optical luminosity at 5100 Å. Two results have been obtained from the data in the first year: (1) The time lags of AGNs (Active Galactic Nuclei) with a high accretion rate are much shorter than that estimated from the R ? L relation, which confirmed the results of reverberation mapping observations made by the Lijiang 2.4 meter telescope. (2) Some AGNs with a lower accretion rate also have very short time lags. The shortening of the time lags of the AGNs with a low accretion rate is caused by the retrograde accretion of black holes. This result has verified from observations the theoretical prediction made by Wang et al. (2014). The discovery of the black holes with a retrograde accretion has important significance, it indicates that the cosmological evolution of the black holes in quasars is implemented via the inherently random accretion.  相似文献   

Suprathermal proton bremsstrahlung (SPB) of energetic protons is an important source of high-energy X-ray and gamma-ray photons in the interstellar medium. We calculate the suprathermal bremsstrahlung radiation power and the associated energy loss rate of the radiating protons. Also the mean photon energy from the SPB process is derived which can be used to construct a monochromatic approximation of the radiation power. The SPB power is the starting point for the quantitative modelling of theoretical SPB radiation spectra in cosmic sources. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow observations in the Swift era have a perceived lack of achromatic jet breaks compared to the BeppoSAX or pre- Swift era. Specifically, relatively few breaks, consistent with jet breaks, are observed in the X-ray light curves of these bursts. If these breaks are truly missing, it has serious consequences on the interpretation of GRB jet collimation and energy requirements, and the use of GRBs as cosmological tools. Here, we address the issue of X-ray breaks that are possibly 'hidden' and hence the light curves are misinterpreted as being single power laws. We do so by synthesizing X-ray telescope (XRT) light curves and fitting both single and broken power laws, and comparing the relative goodness of each fit via Monte Carlo analysis. Even with the well-sampled light curves of the Swift era, these breaks may be left misidentified, hence caution is required when making definite statements on the absence of achromatic breaks.  相似文献   

It has been commonly accepted that the bulk velocity of extragalactic jets varies in all directions. We examined the synchrotron radiation of a jet with velocity structure in the direction perpendicular to its axis and found that the spectral energy distribution (SED) is not strongly influenced by this circumstance, that there is only a small increase in the emission intensity and almost no shift in the peak frequency. For objects with smaller inclined angles θ0 between the jet axis and the line of our sight, such as Blazars, the effect is more important. When θ0 exceeds a critical value there is no longer any change in the SED. To compare the bulk speed with different velocity structure, an equivalent speed (β) is defined which would reproduce the same spectral profile. There possibly exists a stress fμ(y) between layers of the outflow when the velocity is not the same in the jet.  相似文献   

Among the blazars detected by the Fermi satellite, we have selected the 23 blazars that in the 3 months of survey had an average γ-ray luminosity above 1048 erg s−1. For 17 out of the 23 sources we found and analysed X-ray and optical–ultraviolet data taken by the Swift satellite. With these data, implemented by archival and not simultaneous data, we construct the spectral energy distributions, and interpreted them with a simple one-zone, leptonic, synchrotron and inverse Compton model. When possible, we also compare different high-energy states of single sources, like 0528+134 and 3C 454.3, for which multiple good sets of multiwavelength data are available. In our powerful blazars the high energy emission always dominates the electromagnetic output, and the relatively low level of the synchrotron radiation often does not hide the accretion disc emission. We can then constrain the black hole mass and the disc luminosity. Both are large (i.e. masses equal or greater than  109 M   and disc luminosities above 10 per cent of Eddington). By modelling the non-thermal continuum we derive the power that the jet carries in the form of bulk motion of particles and fields. On average, the jet power is found to be slightly larger than the disc luminosity, and proportional to the mass accretion rate.  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation by relativistic electrons spiralling in magnetic fields is a mainstay of radio astronomy, accounting for emissions from many objects. Conventional models assume that electrons radiate singly, so power scales with number of electrons. Yet recently jets from active galactic nuclei have shown very high luminosity, inconsistent with plausible single-particle synchrotron emission. We report experiments showing that, by stimulating plasma instabilities with relativistic electron beams, one can induce increases in the synchrotron emission by factors of ∼106. Enhancement presumably arises from coherent bunching of the relativistic electrons as they spiral in an ambient magnetic field. Polarization measurements suggest that electrons radiatively cooperate on scales of ∼6.6 cm. Radio telescope Stokes parameters may be able to reveal such polarization effects in high-brightness sources, a new observing diagnostic.  相似文献   

周晓伟  吴德金  陈玲 《天文学报》2023,64(3):34-210
射电辐射机制,尤其是射电暴发现象的相干辐射机制,是天体物理中最复杂、争议最多的电磁辐射机制.由于受到多重物理因素相互牵连的复杂影响,相干射电辐射机制的理论研究存在很大的难度,长期以来在等离子体辐射和电子回旋脉泽辐射这两类相干辐射机制间争议一直不断.近年来,人们开始尝试将粒子数值模拟方法应用于相干射电辐射机制的研究,并已经取得了一些积极的进展.本文将着重介绍近年来的粒子模拟研究工作及其取得的主要进展,并对现存的一些问题和困难进行简要评述.  相似文献   

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