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Huang  Yuhuan  Sun  Chengjun  Yang  Guipeng  Yue  Xin&#;an  Jiang  Fenghua  Cao  Wei  Yin  Xiaofei  Guo  Chaonan  Niu  Jiaohong  Ding  Haibing 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(3):650-664
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Two sediment cores were retrieved in the hadal zone of the Yap Trench, and their concentrations of six major elements Mg, Al, Ca, Ti, Mn and Fe and nine trace...  相似文献   

In this study, cored sediment samples collected by the Jiaolong Submersible at 6 779 m depth from the hadal zone of the Yap Trench in May 2016 were sliced in 1-cm interval from top to bottom, and lipids in each sediment layer were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. The vertical distribution profiles of the lipids in the sediment sample, their main existing forms, and their possible sources were investigated. The results show that the concentration of lipid in the surface sediment was the highest with the carbon number from 12 to 27, dominated by medium and short-chain lipids. The total concentration of fatty acids in surface sediment was much higher than those in the offshore and deep-sea areas, being up to 325.77 μg/g due to the funnel effect caused by the “V” terrain of the trench. Fatty acid 18.0 was the most abundant lipids in the sediment sample. Abnormal high concentrations of fatty acid 18.ω7 and alkanes indicated the existence of hydrothermal fluids in the study area. In addition, saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids existed mainly in free form, and polyunsaturated fatty acids existed mainly in bound form. Most of the alkanes were in bound form, and their major source was autochthounous input. The carbon number of alcohols in the sediment sample ranged from 12 to 20, mainly existed in bound form. The source of fatty acids was mainly autochthonous input, and the neutral lipids had both marine and terrestrial origin. This is the first study of lipids in hadal sediment of the Yap Trench. The results will promote deeper understanding of organic carbon cycle in marine environment.  相似文献   

Chen  Yu  Yang  Jichao  Dada  Olusegun A.  Yang  Yaomin  Lin  Zhen  Cui  Zhen  Xu  Yue  Yu  Hongjun  Liu  Baohua 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(3):665-678
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Magnetic minerals in marine sediments are often masked by the primary natural remanent magnetization and material source signals. In order to understand...  相似文献   

Guo  Chaonan  Sun  Chengjun  Yang  Guipeng  Zhang  Honghai  Chen  Yan  Yin  Xiaofei  Jiang  Fenghua  Huang  Yuhuan  Niu  Jiaohong  Ding  Haibing 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(3):606-618
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The concentrations of dissolved monosaccharides (MCHO), polysaccharides (PCHO), and total carbohydrates (TCHO) in the seawater samples collected from the north...  相似文献   

Li  Dong  Zhao  Jun  Liu  Chenggang  Sun  Chengjun  Chen  Jianfang  Pan  Jianming  Han  Zhengbing  Hu  Ji 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(3):619-633
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Knowledge about organic carbon loadings (ratio of sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) content to specific surface area (SSA)) and the fate of organic carbon (OC)...  相似文献   

Li  Yingjie  Cao  Wenrui  Wang  Yan  Ma  Qingjun 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2019,37(3):1024-1029
Microbial diversity in the abyssal sediments beneath the seafloor of 30, 94, and 151 cm near the southern end of the Mariana Trench was analyzed in the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. Results show that the microbial populations were dominated by bacteria but merely no archaea were identified at the three depths. In the bacterial community,Proteobacteria and Firmicutes dominated the total taxon tags, followed by Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Planctomycetes, Cyanobacteria, and Chloroflexi, which together account for over 99% of the total population. Similar to that in the seawater in the trench, the operational taxonomic units(OTUs) belonging to Gammaproteobacteria from the sediment samples showed high abundance.However, common bacterial OTUs in the water of the trench including Nitrospirae and Marinimicrobia were hardly found in the sediments from the southern Mariana Trench or the hadal region. Therefore, this study documented for the first time the compositions of microbial diversity in the trench sediments, revealed the difference in microbial diversity in water and sediment of the trench and will enrich the knowledge on the microbial diversity in the abyssal areas.  相似文献   

Niu  Jiaohong  Sun  Chengjun  Yang  Bo  Xie  Lei  Jiang  Fenghua  Cao  Wei  Chen  Yan  Ding  Haibing  Huang  Yuhuan  Gao  Xianchi 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2023,41(1):118-137

The composition and concentration of dissolved free amino acid (DFAA) of seawater samples collected in May 2016 from the surface to the hadal zone of the northern region of the Yap Trench were analyzed by pre-column derivatization of o-phthalaldehyde. Results show that the average concentration of DFAA in the study area was 0.47±0.36 µmol/L. In different sampling stations, the concentrations of DFAA with water depth showed complex variation patterns. At the sediment-seawater interface, the concentrations of DFAA in the western side of the trench were obviously higher than that in its eastern side. In the study area, there were no significant correlations between the concentrations of DFAA and the environmental parameters such as concentrations of chlorophyll a (Chl a), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), indicating that the concentrations of DFAA in seawater of the trench are affected by many factors, such as photosynthesis, respiration, temperature, pressure, illumination, and circulation. The dominant DFAA are similar in different water layers of sampling stations, including aspartic acid (Asp), glutamic acid (Glu), glycine (Gly), and serine (Ser). The composition of different amino acids, and the relative abundance of acidic, basic, and neutral amino acids might be related to the sources and consumption of various amino acids. Nine pairs of amino acids in the DFAA showed significantly positive relationship by correlation matrix analysis, suggesting that they might share similar biogeochemical processes. The degradation index (DI) of the DFAA in seawater of the Yap Trench could reflect the degradation, source, and freshness of DFAA in the trench to some extents. This is a preliminary study of amino acids from sea surface to hadal zone in the ocean, more works shall be done in different trenches to reveal their biogeochemical characteristics in extreme marine environments.


Liu  Ruoyu  Liu  Jun  Zhang  Haibin 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(1):266-281
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The Mariana Trench, the deepest trench on the earth, is ideal for deep-sea adaptation research due to its unique characters, such as the highest hydrostatic...  相似文献   

南三河沉管是鉴江供水枢纽工程中的一处跨海管道工程,管道基槽开挖会对周围海域水质产生影响。基于建立的二维非稳态水环境数学模型,利用同步水文水质监测数据对模型参数进行率定,并反演得到SS源强浓度,继而预测施工期SS对海域水环境的影响范围及程度。结果表明:距基槽中心50 m范围的SS源强浓度达到70 mg/L;SS会对基槽中心线上下游各700 m范围内的水域产生影响(增量≥10 mg/L),影响程度以挖槽为中心线向两侧递减。  相似文献   

Based on geomorphologic and digital elevation model (DEM) data, the topographic characteristics of the northwestern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are analyzed. Five representative peaks are first determined according to the topographic profile maps for the ridge and piedmont lines, and then the topographic gradient characteristics are analyzed according to the representative topographic profile acquisition method. Based on the geomorphologic database data, the regions between the ridge and the piedmont lines are divided into four geomorphologic zones; and the topographic characteristics are finally analyzed for the different geomorphologic zones regions using the DEM data. The research results show that from the piedmont to the ridge, there exist four geomorphologic zones: arid, fluvial, periglacial and glacial. The arid has the lowest elevation, topographic gradient, relief and slope characteristics. The fluvial has lower elevation and the highest topographic gradient, but with lower relief and slope characteristics. With higher elevation, the periglcial has lower topographic gradient, but the highest relief and slope characteristics. The glacial has the highest elevation with higher topographic gradient, relief and slope characteristics.  相似文献   

滑坡变形演化特征一直是滑坡灾害预测与防治领域急需解决的关键问题,但对于多层滑带滑坡的变形演化特征却少有研究。以物理模型试验为手段建立了三层滑带滑坡物理试验模型,完成了多层滑带滑坡变形演化全过程的模拟。基于PIV技术获取坡表位移数据,通过柔性测斜仪监测滑坡深部位移,同时布设土压力盒获取滑坡内部土压力的变化情况,实现了多层滑带滑坡演化过程多参量数据分析。试验结果表明,多层滑带滑坡破坏过程可分为初始、等速、加速和破坏4个阶段。不同破坏阶段滑坡的主要变形区域不同,下层滑体受到上层滑体牵引作用,在重力和推力作用下滑坡变形逐渐向浅层发展。变形过程中滑坡应力逐渐向滑带集中,滑坡推力沿埋深方向呈多级梯形分布。加速变形阶段滑带处应力迅速增大,滑坡体内产生多层应力集中带,滑带位置推力变化与滑坡位移显著相关。  相似文献   

Observation of the abyssal western boundary current in the Philippine Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mooring observations were conducted from July 16, 2011 to March 30, 2012 east of Mindanao, Philippines(127°2.8′E, 8°0.3′N) to observe the abyssal current at about 5600 m deep and 500 m above the ocean bottom. Several features were revealed: 1) the observed abyssal current was highly variable with standard deviations of 57.3 mm/s and 34.0 mm/s, larger than the mean values of-31.9 and 16.6 mm/s for the zonal and meridional components, respectively; 2) low-frequency current longer than 6 days exhibited strong seasonal variation, flowing southeastward(mean flow direction of 119.0° clockwise from north) before about October 1, 2011 and northwestward(mean flow direction of 60.5° counter-clockwise from north) thereafter; 3) the high-frequency flow bands were dominated by tidal currents O 1, K 1, M 2, and S 2, and near-inertial currents, whose frequencies were higher than the local inertial frequency. The two diurnal tidal constituents were much stronger than the two semidiurnal ones. This study provides for the first time an observational insight into the abyssal western boundary current east of Mindanao based on long-term observations at one site. It is meaningful for further research into the deep and abyssal circulation over the whole Philippine Sea and the 3D structure of the western boundary current system in this region. More observational and high-resolution model studies are needed to examine the spatial structure and temporal variation of the abyssal current over a much larger space and longer period, their relation to the upper-layer circulation, and the underlying dynamics.  相似文献   

Based on the temperature data along 34°N, 35°N and 36°N sections in August from 1977 to 2003, the structure and formation of the Southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (SYSCWM) and its responses to El Nino events are analyzed. Results show that: (1) There exist double cold cores under the main thermocline along the 35°N and 36°N sections. Also, double warm cores exist above the main thermocline along the 36°N section. (2) Thermocline dome by upwelling separates the upper warm water into two parts, the eastern and western warm waters. Additionally, the circulation structure caused by upwelling along the cold front and northeastward current along the coast in summer is the main reasons of double warm cores along the 36°N section. The intermediate cold water is formed in early spring and moves eastward slowly, which results in the formation of the western one of double cold cores. (3) Position of the thermocline dome and its intensity vary interannually, which is related to El Nino events. However, the  相似文献   

江苏G油田某断块储层采用注淡水方式驱油,采用电阻率测井技术划分水淹层比较困难,而地化热解录井技术不受地层水矿化度变化影响,可以区分油层/弱水淹层与中水淹层、强水淹层。在模拟断块储层条件下,选用孔隙度相近的7块岩样作为一组,采用稳态法油水同驱制作不同产水率样品,测量样品地化热解参数和电阻率;选取岩样含油气总量(P_g)、原油轻重组分指数(PS)作为断块地化热解水淹敏感性参数,选取RFOC-RILD和RILD作为断块测井水淹敏感性参数,采用地化热解图版将油层/弱水淹层、中水淹层、强水淹层区分开,再利用电阻率图版将油层和弱水淹层区分开,建立录测结合水淹层评价图版,图版精度为83%,明显高于地化热解录井水淹层划分图版精度和测井水淹层划分图版精度。结果表明:随着产水率(F_w)升高,P_g、液态烃含量(S1)和热解烃含量(S2)降低,且P_g降低更明显;当注入水矿化度与原始水矿化度比为0.5时,0≤F_w≤10%样品的电阻率明显高于其他产水率范围样品的电阻率。随着水淹程度的增强,井壁取心样品PS呈现明显减小的趋势。地化热解录井与电阻率测井技术结合的水淹层评价方法可更好地实现G油田4级水淹级别的精细划分与解释。  相似文献   

Interannual variability of the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Temperature data collected in the sections of 34°N, 35°N and 36°N in August from 1975 through 2003 were analyzed using Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) to investigate interannual variability of the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM). The first mode (EOF1) reveals variations of basin-wide thermocline depth, which is mainly caused by surface heating. The second mode (EOF2) presents fluctuations of vertical circulation, resulting mainly from interannual variability of cold front intensity. In addition, it is found that the upward extent of upwelling in the cold front is basically determined by wind stress curl and the zonal position of the warm water center in the southern Yellow Sea is correlated with spatial difference of net heat flux.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地南部梅山组具有独特的丘状反射特征,关于其成因机制引起了广泛关注和讨论。以琼东南盆地大量二维地震资料和高分辨率三维地震资料解释为基础,在深水钻井标定下,从地震相特征、沉积物物源、沉积搬运通道、古地貌特征以及海平面变化和构造活动6个方面,阐明了梅山组丘状体的沉积特征,并讨论了其成因机制。研究结果表明,中中新统梅山组沉积时期,受强制性海退影响,琼东南盆地范围内海平面下降至低水位,南部隆起局部暴露剥蚀,提供了大量沉积物源;上中新统黄流组沉积时期,盆地局部构造活动使得南部隆起物源发生重力失稳,通过深水水道向盆地中央以重力流方式搬运沉积物。琼东南盆地梅山组地层的丘状反射特征是黄流组沉积时期以南部隆起沉积物为物源的浊流侵蚀下伏梅山组地层所致。对该丘状体成因机制的深入研究,不但有助于丰富对丘状地震反射现象的认识,而且揭示了其沉积构成为粗碎屑沉积物而非生物礁滩沉积,对深水油气勘探储层特征及评价具有重要意义。   相似文献   

To identify impact factors on the distribution and characters of natural plants community in reclamation area, with survey data from 67 plant quadrats in July 2009, soil properties data from 216 sampling points in April 2009, and TM (30 m) data in 2006, the composition and characteristics of natural plants community in different time of the Fengxian area in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were analyzed with two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The results show that: 1) The plant communities in the reclaimed area are mainly mesophytes and helophytic-mesophytic transitional communities, showing a gradient distribution trend with the change in reclamation years. Species richness (MA), species diversity (H) and above-ground biomass also increase with the increase of reclamation years. Nevertheless, they appear to decline slightly in the middle and late reclamation period (> 30 years). 2) With the rise in land use levels, the changes in species richness and species diversity tend to increase at first and then decrease; species dominance (D), however, tends to decline; and above-ground biomass increases slightly. 3) The distribution of the plant community is mainly influenced by the following factors: land use levels (R = 0.55, p < 0.05), soil moisture (R = 0.53, p < 0.05), soil salinity (R = 0.43, p < 0.05) and reclamation time (R = 0.40, p < 0.05).  相似文献   

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