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青藏高原两类对流层顶高度的季节变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据青藏高原地区14个探空站近30 a(1979—2008年)的对流层顶逐日观测资料,分析了该地区上空热带对流层顶(第二对流层顶)和极地对流层顶(第一对流层顶)出现的频率及高度的季节变化特征。结果表明:(1)高原全年均可观测到第二对流层顶,其中在暖季(6—10月)第二对流层顶占绝对主导地位,而在其余月份则以复合对流层顶为主;(2)两类对流层顶高度在季节变化上存在着明显的差异,第一对流层顶高度在春秋(夏冬)季偏高(低),第二对流层顶高度在春夏(秋冬)季偏高(低),即第一(二)对流层顶高度的年变化曲线呈双(单)峰型;(3)两类对流层顶高度均存在明显的年际变化,第一(二)对流层顶高度除秋季存在准3.6 a(6 a)的周期变化外,其余季节均具有4.5~6 a(2~4 a)的振荡周期;(4)近30 a来高原第一(二)对流层顶主要表现出下降(上升)的趋势,尤其是第二对流层顶高度在冬、春季存在着明显的上升趋势。  相似文献   

基于1979~2014年ERA-Interim逐日再分析温度资料,依据温度递减率插值法,计算出北半球两类对流层顶(热带对流层顶和极地对流层顶)频率数据。对比分析了青藏高原与同纬度地区两类对流层顶频率在季节变化上的差异,并讨论了青藏高原两类对流层顶频率分布与高空温度的关系。结果表明:1)依据温度递减率插值法计算出的再分析两类对流层顶频率可以反映青藏高原两类对流层顶频率季节变化特征:热带对流层顶全年频率高,冷、暖季节差异不明显;极地对流层顶盛夏频率极低,冷、暖季节差异明显。与极地对流层顶频率相比,青藏高原热带对流层顶频率的可信度更高。2)青藏高原和同纬度地区热带(极地)对流层顶频率在暖季增加(减少),在冷季减少(增加)。相比同纬度地区,青藏高原热带(极地)对流层顶频率在冬季偏少(多),其他季节偏多(少)。青藏高原两类对流层顶频率等值线的梯度更大,表明青藏高原对流层顶更易断裂。3)青藏高原两类对流层顶频率与高空温度关系密切。青藏高原对流层中上层(平流层下部)温度升高(降低),有利于青藏高原热带对流层顶频率增加,极地对流层顶频率减少,反之亦然。  相似文献   

根据WMO(1957)对流层高度的判别方法,利用2007—2013年COSMIC掩星资料计算了对流层高度,并用无线电探空资料对结果进行检验,分析了青藏高原地区对流层顶季节变化特征.结果表明,COSMIC掩星资料和无线电探空资料判定的对流层高度具有很高的线性相关关系,相关系数高达0.976,平均值偏差为0.448 km,...  相似文献   

樊雯璇  王卫国  卞建春 《大气科学》2008,32(6):1309-1318
利用1958~2001年ECMWF资料, 根据Wei公式估算了青藏高原及其邻近区域穿越对流层顶的质量通量 (CTF), 分析了CTF的时空分布特征。分析结果表明: (1) CTF分布呈现纬向型, 在副热带西风急流北侧即对流层顶断裂带中存在东西向的TST (对流层向平流层输送)[CD*2]STT (平流层向对流层输送)[CD*2]TST的波列结构 (水平输送项决定), 而南侧分布决定于垂直输送项。 (2) 在80°E~105°E范围内, 冬春季节, 青藏高原南部及其以南区域为TST, 北部为STT; 夏秋季节, 整个区域几乎由TST所控制。西风急流南侧的CTF主要决定于垂直项, 而北侧主要决定于水平项, 再往北, 垂直项与水平项贡献相当。 (3) 青藏高原与孟加拉湾区域平均CTF在所有季节均为TST, 即有从对流层到平流层净的向上输送, 2月强度最大, 7月为另一个极大值; 两个极大值有不同的产生机制, 后者决定于垂直项, 而前者由水平项决定。 (4) 青藏高原 (及孟加拉湾) 区域年平均CTF在1958~2001年之间的变化趋势在1982年左右出现一个转折: 1982年之前, CTF为递减过程; 而之后CTF为相对较强的增长。上述结果表明: 尽管冬季高原上空为下沉气流, 但高原上空的水平输送项有很强的向上贡献, 这与丛春华等 (2003) 得出的STT不一致。但需要指出的是, 根据Wei公式计算的CTF, 〖JP2〗尤其在急流附近, 对资料中存在的误差十分敏感 (Gettleman等, 2000), 因此青藏高原主体上空在冬季是STT还是TST, 有待于进一步的分析研究。  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原上的对流云和中尺度对流系统   总被引:46,自引:8,他引:46  
江吉喜  范梅珠 《大气科学》2002,26(2):263-270
运用1998年6~8月逐日逐时日本地球静止气象卫星(GMS)红外辐射亮温资料,计算和分析了青藏高原及周边地区对流云和中尺度对流系统的活动,揭示了它们形成和发展的月际变化和地理分布、强度、日变化、移动和传播等诸多特征,以及与长江流域暴雨过程的关系.  相似文献   

This paper gives a synthesis of three algorithms to detect the presenceof tropopause folds from vertical ozone/radio-sounding profiles and frommeteorological analysis. Also an algorithm to identify injection ofstratospheric air into the lower troposphere fromozone/7beryllium time series is presented. Differences in theresults obtained from the algorithms are observed and discussed with respectto the criteria for fold detection and input data used. Spatial gradients inthe obtained folding frequencies are made evident on a global scale from thealgorithm based on meteorological analysis (Q-vector/potential vorticity)and probably also on a regional European scale from algorithms both basedmeteorological analyses and on ozone/PTU soundings. The observed seasonalvariation of folding occurrence is rather flat except during summer whenalso some differences appear between the algorithms. By combining thefolding frequencies with literature estimates of the cross-tropopause ozonetransfer in single folding events, an average stratospheric ozone influxinto the troposphere of 5.7 ± 1.3× 1010 mol.cm-2 s-1 is obtained for the Northern hemisphereand 12± 2.7× 1010 mol. cm-2s-1 for Western Europe. Potential additional contributions dueto other stratosphere-troposphere exchange processes than folds are not yetincluded in these estimates. Finally, the link between statistics fromozone/7beryllium data and folding statistics is brieflydiscussed.  相似文献   

基于1979—2014年ERA-Interim逐日再分析温度资料,依据温度递减率插值法计算出青藏高原及同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压数据,比较了高原和同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压季节变化和长期变化趋势,讨论了热带对流层顶气压与高空温度的关系。结果表明:1)在季节变化上,除12月和1月外,青藏高原热带对流层顶气压全年低于同纬度其他地区;青藏高原热带对流层顶气压、对流层中上层以及平流层下部平均温度均表现出比同纬度其他地区更明显的单峰型特征。2)热带对流层顶气压与高空温度变化关系密切,对流层中上层(平流层下部)平均温度升高(降低),有利于热带对流层顶气压降低;相对于同纬度其他地区,青藏高原对流层顶气压与对流层中上层平均温度的关系更密切。3)1979—2014年青藏高原和同纬度其他地区各季节的热带对流层顶气压均呈现出不同程度的下降趋势,冬春季下降趋势更加显著;青藏高原各季节对流层中上层增温和平流层下部降温的幅度均超过同纬度其他地区,导致其热带对流层顶气压的下降趋势比同纬度其他地区更加明显。  相似文献   

青藏高原对流层顶高度与臭氧总量及上升运动的耦合关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据1979-2008年青藏高原地区14个探空站对流层项气压资料以及同期各标准等压面上的温度资料,分析了不同季节高原上空两类对流层顶高度与高空各层温度之间的关系;在此基础上,结合同期的NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料以及NASA提供的TOMS/SBUV月平均臭氧总量资料,分别讨论了高原上升运动以及高原臭氧总量与对流层顸高度的耦合关系。结果表明:高原第一(二)对流层顶高度全年处在300~200hPa(100hPa附近)高度,在季节变化、年际变化以及长期变化趋势上,两类对流层顸高度与各自对应高度层上的温度存在着密切的反相变化关系,当对流层顶高度偏高(低)时,相应高度上的温度偏低(高)。上升运动有助于两类对流层顶高度的抬升,尤其是当高空200(100)hPa附近有上升运动时,有利于第一(二)对流层项高度抬升。各季节高原臭氧总量与第二对流层顶高度均呈显著的负相关关系,当臭氧含量减少(增加)时,该对流层顶高度将偏高(偏低),近年来伴随着高原臭氧总量的减少,高原第二对流层顸高度出现了明显的抬升。  相似文献   

青藏高原上中尺度对流系统(MCS)的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A mesoscale convective system (MCS) developing over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on 26 July 1995 issimulated using the fifth version of the Penn State-NCAR nonhydrostatic mesoscale model (MM5). Theresults obtained are inspiring and are as follows. (1) The model simulates well the largescale conditionsin which the MCS concerned is embedded, which are the well-known anticyclonic Qinghai-Xizang PlateauHigh in the upper layers and the strong thermal forcing in the lower layers. In particular, the modelcaptures the meso-α scale cyclonic vortex associated with the MCS, which can be analyzed in the 500 hPaobservational winds; and to some degree, the model reproduces even its meso-β scale substructure similarto satellite images, reflected in the model-simulated 400 hPa rainwater. On the other hand, there aresome distinct deficiencies in the simulation; for example, the simulated MCS occurs with a lag of 3 hoursand a westward deviation of 3-5° longitude. (2) The structure and evolution of the meso-α scale vortexassociated with the MCS are undescribable for upper-air sounding data. The vortex is confined to thelower troposphere under 450 hPa over the plateau and shrinks its extent with height, with a diameter of4° longitude at 500 hPa. It is within the updraft area, but with an upper-level anticyclone and downdraftover it. The vortex originates over the plateau, and does not form until the mature stage of the MCS. Itlasts for 3-6 hours. In its processes of both formation and decay, the change in geopotential height fieldis prior to that in the wind field. It follows that the vortex is closely associated with the thermal effectsover the plateau. (3) A series of sensitivity experiments are conducted to investigate the impact of varioussurface thermal forcings and other physical processes on the MCS over the plateau. The results indicatethat under the background conditions of the upper-level Qinghai-Xizang High, the MCS involved is mainlydominated by the low-level thermal forcing. The simulation described here is a good indication that itmay be possible to reproduce the MCS over the plateau under certain large-scale conditions and with theincorporation of proper thermal physics in the lower layers.  相似文献   

南亚高压上下高原时间及其与高原季风建立早晚的关系   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文利用1948—2013年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,定义了南亚高压动态特征指数,讨论了南亚高压上下高原的时间以及与高原季风建立早晚的关系。研究表明,南亚高压北界位置在4月初开始北移,5月迅速北抬,最北可达到55°N,9月开始南撤,西伸脊点在5—10月移动较稳定,5—7月向西移动到青藏高原上空,8—10月向东移动撤离高原,11月—次年4月东西摆动剧烈。南亚高压初上高原大致为6月第3候(33候),而撤离约为10月第4候(58候)。南亚高压移上高原的时间较高原夏季风建立晚73 d左右。南亚高压撤离高原时间较高原冬季风建立约早5 d。高原夏季风的建立和南亚高压初上高原是青藏高原热力作用在不同阶段的结果,反映在了高原的高低层上。  相似文献   

冯蕾  周天军 《大气科学》2015,39(2):386-398
本文使用MRI模式在不同分辨率下(180 km、120 km、60 km、20 km)的AMIP试验结果, 分析了该模式对青藏高原夏季降水及水汽输送通量的模拟, 并考察模式分辨率的影响。结果表明:MRI模式能够较为合理地模拟出青藏高原夏季气候平均的降水空间分布, 但对气候平均水汽输送通量以及降水年际变化的模拟却存在较大的误差。随着分辨率的提高, 该模式对青藏高原气候平均降水的模拟有明显改进, 包括降水年循环以及夏季降水的空间分布等。分辨率为180 km、120 km、60 km、20 km的MRI模式模拟的青藏高原7月平均降水绝对误差分别为2.2 mm/d、1.2 mm/d、0.7 mm/d、0.2 mm/d。另外, 高分辨率模式模拟的青藏高原夏季水汽输送通量的年际变化也更接近观测。当分辨率达到20 km时, MRI模式模拟的西风水汽输送指数与观测的相关系数达到0.43, 通过了0.1显著性水平的显著性检验。但MRI模式对青藏高原夏季降水的年际变化以及气候平均水汽输送通量的模拟技巧并不随分辨率的增加有明显提高。低分辨率模式中模拟降水量偏大、印度季风槽偏强的现象在高分辨率模式中仍然存在。  相似文献   

The thermal forcing of the Tibetan Plateau(TP) during boreal spring,which involves surface sensible heating,latent heating released by convection and radiation flux heat,is critical for the seasonal and subseasonal variation of the East Asian summer monsoon.Distinct from the situation in March and April when the TP thermal forcing is modulated by the sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) in the North Atlantic,the present study shows that it is altered mainly by the SSTA in the Indian Ocean Basin Mode(IOBM) in May,according to in-situ observations over the TP and MERRA reanalysis data.In the positive phase of the IOBM,a local Hadley circulation is enhanced,with its ascending branch over the southwestern Indian Ocean and a descending one over the southeastern TP,leading to suppressed precipitation and weaker latent heat over the eastern TP.Meanwhile,stronger westerly flow and surface sensible heating emerges over much of the TP,along with slight variations in local net radiation flux due to cancellation between its components.The opposite trends occur in the negative phase of the IOBM.Moreover,the main associated physical processes can be validated by a series of sensitivity experiments based on an atmospheric general circulation model,FAMIL.Therefore,rather than influenced by the remote SSTAs of the northern Atlantic in the early spring,the thermal forcing of the TP is altered by the Indian Ocean SSTA in the late spring on an interannual timescale.  相似文献   

青藏高原地区地表及行星反射率   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
文章讨论了利用ISCCP卫星观测资料确定青藏高原地区地表反射率的方法,在无积雪地区和季节,地表反射率可以ISCCP可见光反射率为基础,在模式计算过程中,假定紫外反射率以及红外与可见光反射率的比值分别为常数。敏感性试验表明,由这两个假设所产生的误差并不显著。在有积雪地区或季节,地表平均反射率可直接由ISCCP可见光反射率表示。试验结果与地面实际观测作了比较,除沙漠区外,两者比较一致。文中还计算了高原晴天行星反射率。经与ERBE卫星观测比较,发现从5月至9月高原周围沙漠区气溶胶对辐射平衡有较显著的影响。而在其  相似文献   

The interannual variability of wintertime snow depth over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) and related atmospheric circulation anomalies were investigated based on observed snow depth measurements and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data.Empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis was applied to identify the spatio-temporal variability of wintertime TP snow depth.Snow depth anomalies were dominated by a monopole pattern over the TP and a dipole structure with opposite anomalies over the southeastern and northwestern TP.The atmospheric circulation conditions responsible for the interannual variability of TP snow depth were examined via regression analyses against the principal component of the most dominant EOF mode.In the upper troposphere,negative zonal wind anomalies over the TP with extensively positive anomalies to the south indicated that the southwestward shift of the westerly jet may favor the development of surface cyclones over the TP.An anomalous cyclone centered over the southeastern TP was associated with the anomalous westerly jet,which is conducive to heavier snowfall and results in positive snow depth anomalies.An anomalous cyclone was observed at 500 hPa over the TP,with an anomalous anticyclone immediately to the north,suggesting that the TP is frequently affected by surface cyclones.Regression analyses revealed that significant negative thickness anomalies exist around the TP from March to May,with a meridional dipole anomaly in March.The persistent negative anomalies due to more winter TP snow are not conducive to earlier reversal of the meridional temperature gradient,leading to a possible delay in the onset of the Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

青藏高原上中尺度对流系统(MCSs)的个例分析及其比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对1995年7月25—28日高原上连续数日出现MCSs的现象进行了红外云图特征及其演变、大尺度环境背景场和对流有效位能的分析。可以发现,所有这些MCSs有着相似的日变化演变过程;它们的初始对流在中午由于日射加热开始活跃,之后迅速发展,这些MCSs在后下午形成,在傍晚达到最强,之后逐渐减弱。其中26日MCS最为强大,它是在单一的强大的近于圆形的高原反气旋高压背景下受强的低层热力强迫和条件不稳定的驱动而发生的。这些发生条件都与高原本身的热力作用紧密相关,所以它的发生发展主要与高原特有的较为纯粹的热力因子相联系。28日MCS是另一个很强的MCS,它明显地受到中纬度西风槽的斜压区的影响,这二个很强的MCS有着不同的发展机制和显著不同的表现特征。  相似文献   

西藏高原汛期降水类型的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
周顺武  普布卓玛  假拉 《气象》2000,26(5):39-43
利用西藏高原26个测站26年(1973 ̄1998年)汛期(5 ̄9月)降水量资料,采用主成分分析和旋转主成分分析方法,对高原汛期降水空间分布型进行了分析。结果表明,主成分分解得到的降水空间分布形式较为集中,前3个特征向量场的分布型具有十分明确的物理意义,可表示降水场部方差的63.14%。旋转主成分分解生前6个载荷向量的累积方差贡献达76.67%,可较好反映西藏高原汛期降水6个异常敏感区:东南部、东北  相似文献   

藏北高原五道梁地区的气溶胶特征   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李韧  季国良 《高原气象》2004,23(4):501-505
通过对藏北高原五道梁地区的大气气溶胶光学厚度分析发现,该地区气溶胶光学厚度有明显的日变化及季节变化特征,气溶胶光学厚度增大时月平均气温与年平均气温减小。  相似文献   

利用2000~2016年MODIS地表反照率和ECMWF/ERA-Interim再分析资料,选取有代表性的高原季风指数DPMI,统计分析了青藏高原地表反照率与高原季风之间的联系,结果表明:1)11月高原地表反照率大小与次年高原夏季风爆发存在密切关系:11月高原地表反照率偏低(高),次年4月高原夏季风爆发偏早(晚),强度偏强(弱)。2)可能的影响机制为:当前期11月高原地表反照率偏低时,后期高原主体对大气的感热加热信号更强,从而引起4月高原上空近地面层上升运动明显加强,这有利于热量向高空传输,导致对流层加热作用加强,高原上空对流层温度偏高,使得高原季风环流系统加强,最终导致高原季风季节变化相应提前;反之亦然。  相似文献   

By using a surface air temperature index (SATI) averaged over the eastern Tibetan Plateau (TP), investigation is conducted on the short-term climate variation associated with the interannual air warming (or cooling) over the TP in each summer month. Evidence suggests that the SATI is associated with a consistent teleconnection pattern extending from the TP to central-western Asia and southeastern Europe. Associated rainfall changes include, for a warming case, a drought in northern India in May and June, and a stronger mei-yu front in June. The latter is due to an intensified upper-level northeasterly in eastern China and a wetter and warmer condition over the eastern TP. In the East Asian regions, the time-space distributions of the correlation patterns between SATI and rainfall are more complex and exhibit large differences from month to month. Some studies have revealed a close relationship between the anomalous heating over the TP and the rainfall anomaly along the Yangtze River valley appearing in the summer on a seasonal mean time-scale, whereas in the present study, this relationship only appears in June and the signal's significance becomes weaker after the long-term trend in the data was excluded. Close correlations between SATI and the convection activity and SST also occur in the western Pacific in July and August: A zonally-elongated warm tone in the SST in the northwestern Pacific seems to be a passive response of the associated circulation related to a warm SATI. The SATI-associated teleconnection pattern provides a scenario consistently linking the broad summer rainfall anomalies in Europe, central-western Asia, India, and East Asia.  相似文献   

青藏高原地区MODIS反照率的精度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用2002-2004年青藏高原CAMP/Tibet试验期间4个地面站点的反照率观测结果定量分析Te丌aMODISlkm分辨率短波SW波段(0.3—5.0μm)反照率全反演结果和当量反演结果的精度。对于全反演结果,黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别为0.0187和0.0168;对于当量反演结果,黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别为0.0766和0.0761。综合全反演结果和当量反演结果,则黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别为0.0679和0.0675。当地面观测结果与MODIS反照率当量反演结果均为“无雪”状态时,黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别为0.0352和0.0364;当地面观测结果为“积雪”状态,MODIS反照率当量反演结果为“无雪”状态时,黑空反照率、白空反照率与地面观测结果的均方根差分别高达0.1556和0.1541。  相似文献   

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