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The primary purpose of this study was to assess water losses by evapotranspiration, evaporation and seepage in arid zone.Normally, evaporation and seepage are the main causes of water losses.For modeling water losses,a combination of Genetic Programming(GP),Penman-Monteith(PM) and Penman combination model for measurement of evapotranspiration,evaporation and seepage has been developed.The results were found to be varying depending on how the evaporation and seepage phenomena are modeled.These results show that that there is an improvement in reducing evapotranspiration,evaporation and seepage losses in arid and semi-arid region.  相似文献   

利用典型相关理论,分析了四川7月气温与当年前期1-5月气温场之间的关系.分析结果表明1月川西和川东北高温与7月川西和川东北高温呈正相关,盆地中西部1月低温与盆地中西部7月高温呈反相关.2至5月盆地东北部低温与7月同地区高温呈反相关,2至5月盆地南部高低温与7月同地区高低温呈反相关.  相似文献   

根据盆地演化规律及断层穿层性,将海拉尔盆地断裂分为盆地基底断裂和盖层断裂;根据活动时期和变形特征,分为早期伸展断裂系统、中期张扭断裂系统、早期伸展)中期张扭断裂系统、中期张扭)晚期反转断裂系统和早期伸展)中期张扭)晚期反转断裂系统.结合海拉尔盆地岩心和野外观察,建立3种断裂带内部结构模式:致密储层中断层角砾岩结构、泥质岩盖层中泥岩涂抹结构和泥质岩盖层内断层泥结构.与油气垂向运移有关的断裂系统包括早期伸展)中期张扭)晚期反转断裂系统(正反转断层)、早期伸展)中期张扭)晚期反转活动的断裂系统(反转再活动正断层)和中期张扭)晚期反转活动的断裂系统.该研究成果可以为海拉尔盆地断层封闭性评价提供指导.  相似文献   

Energy utilization in the aquifers is a new technology closely related to development of heat pump technique. It is significant for the flow distribution to be predicted in the aquifer surrounding the Groundwater Source Heat Pump System (GSHPS). The authors presented a new concept of "flow transfixion" by analyzing general features of aquifers, and then discussed interaction of the flow transfixion with the beat transfixion, which has practical significance to projects. A numerical model of groundwater flow was established based on the basic tenets of water-heat transferring in the aquifer. On this basis the flow field and the temperature field of GSHPS for a site in Shenyang City were numerically simulated. The basis of the flow transfixion was obtained; it was discussed for the influence of the flow transfixion on the heat transfixion. To a certain extent, the study offers some reference for the projects' design of GSHP in the studied area.  相似文献   

Energy utilization in the aquifers is a new technology closely related to development of heat pump technique. It is significant for the flow distribution to be predicted in the aquifer surrounding the Groundwater Source Heat Pump System (GSHPS). The authors presented a new concept of "flow transfixion" by analyzing general features of aquifers, and then discussed interaction of the flow transfixion with the heat transfixion, which has practical significance to projects. A numerical model of groundwater flow was established based on the basic tenets of water-heat transferring in the aquifer. On this basis the flow field and the temperature field of GSHPS for a site in Shenyang City were numerically simulated. The basis of the flow transfixion was obtained; it was discussed for the influence of the flow transfixion on the heat transfixion. To a certain extent, the study offers some reference for the projects' design of GSHP in the studied area.  相似文献   

利用三维地震、钻井和岩心薄片等资料,研究渤海湾沙北地区共轭走滑断裂的平面、剖面特征,分析走滑断裂对沉积体系、圈闭发育及油气运聚的控制作用。结果表明:共轭走滑断裂具有明显分期及分段特征,古近纪强伸展弱走滑,新近纪走滑加强;派生断裂与主走滑断裂搭接,形成平面呈马尾状、剖面呈花状的构造样式;主走滑断裂与边界断裂交汇形成断槽,是物源水系进入湖盆的主要通道,砂体沿走滑断裂走向富集。走滑断裂控制形成众多断块及断鼻圈闭,走滑应力决定圈闭规模及油气运聚。增压型构造圈闭面积大,侧封性好,有利于油气保存,是沙北地区下一步勘探有利目标。  相似文献   

In this paper,spatial correlation of crop yield in the middle and west of Jilin province is analyzed by us-ing the method of geostatistics swmivarivogram,taking the NDVI of NOAA/AVHRR spectrum data as the regionalized vari-able,aiming to provide theory and practical basis for field sampling of crop yield estimation using remote sensing.The ratio of nugget variance and sill of semivariograms are 21.1% and9.7% in the west and middle regions in Jilin Province respectively.This shows that the crop yields are spatially correlated.The degree and range of correlation are far different in the different situations.In the west test region,the range is 49.9km and the sill is 0.00019 .In the middle test re-gion,the range is 16.5km and the sill is 0.00453.The dissimilarity in the western test region is larger than that in the middle one.The range in which the correlation existed of the former is far larger than the later.Different characteristics of spatial correlation of crop yield are decided by the environmental factors.Samples for crop yield estimation should be extracted according to the characteristic of spatial distribution of crop yield to promote the efficiency of sampling.  相似文献   

古滑坡体地球物理调查方法技术的选择对勘探效果至关重要。以吉林省通化市拟建集安-通化高速公路滑坡体为例,采用折射波法和高密度电法,利用二维反演技术进行数据处理。结合地质信息,确定了滑坡体的形态及厚度变化,厚度最大约20 m,滑坡性质为堆积层滑坡。研究结果表明折射波法和高密度电法进行古滑坡勘探,效果较好。  相似文献   

针对松辽盆地北部古龙断陷地震资料信噪比低、线性干扰强特点,提出应用线性Radon变换进行叠前线性噪音压制的预处理方法,Radon变换可在炮集和CMP道集上进行运算,算法简单,易于编程实现,其积分路径的特点适合线性噪音压制.模拟数据和实际地震资料应用结果表明,线性Radon变换法能够实现保幅的线性噪音压制,是叠前提高地震资料信噪比的实用方法,在地震资料预处理中具有应用前景.  相似文献   

The evolution of the inland lakes in arid and semi-arid zones is accorded with the climatic fluctuation. The humid climate is in harmony with the higher water level and greater lake water quantity budget while arid climate is in correspondence with the lower water level and little water budget. Based on the analysis of the lake fluctuation and lake budget change, with the aid of the data of geom'orphology, palynology, sedimentology and chronology, It is found that the climate experienced a warm and humid period during 7000-3500 yr. B. P. and showed a drying and warming trend in the last century in the Central Asia.  相似文献   

By studying the county-level census data of 1990 and 2000, we analyzed the spatial and temporal changes in the floating population in China between 1990 and 2000. The results of the analysis revealed the following characteris- tics. First, the spatial distribution of the migrants (referred to as 'floaters' in this paper) became increasingly concentrated in the cities during the 1990s. Second, the number of floaters increased rapidly during this period, and the area in which the floaters settled expanded quickly into four population explosion belts: the coast, the Changjiang River Delta, the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and national border belts. Third, the number of inter-province floaters increased rapidly and exceeded that of intra-province floaters in the 1990s. In addition, to obtain a quantitative relationship between the number of floaters and 10 socio-economic variables by using statistical methods and also to find the chiefly important pulling factors of the migration destination, the authors selected approximately 100 cities with the largest population of floaters. Consequently, we found that four factors-GDP, passenger trips per 10,000 persons, per capita GDP and foreign direct investment-could provide an explanation for 83.7% of the number of floaters in 2000. The GDP showed the highest correlation with the number of floaters, suggesting that a highly developed economy is the most important factor that attracts floaters. Furthermore, a fairly close relationship between the number of floaters and the GDP was also found in 2000 for all the counties.  相似文献   

Groundwater is one of the most important resources, its monitoring and optimized management has now become the priority to satisfy the demand of rapidly increasing population. In many developing countries, optimized groundwater level monitoring networks are rarely designed to build up a strong groundwater level data base, and to reduce operation time and cost. The paper presents application of geostatistical method to optimize existing network of observation wells for 18 sub-watersheds within the Wainganga Sub-basin located in the central part of India. The average groundwater level fluctuation (GWLF) from 37 observation wells is compared with parameters like lineament density, recharge, density of irrigation wells, land use and hydrogeology (LiRDLH) of Wainganga Sub-basin and analyzed stochastically in Geographic Information System (GIS) environment using simple, ordinary, disjunctive and universal kriging methods. Semivariogram analyses have been performed separately for all kriging methods to fit the best theoretical model with experimental model. Results from gaussian, spherical, exponential and circular theoretical models were compared with those of experimental models obtained from the groundwater level data. Spatial analyses conclude that the exponential semivariogram model obtained from ordinary kriging gives the best fit model. Study demonstrates that ordinary kriging gives the optimal solution and additional number of observation wells can be added utilizing the error variance for optimal design of groundwater level monitoring networks. This study describes the use of Geostatistics methods in GIS to predict the groundwater level and upgrade groundwater level monitoring networks from the randomly distributed observation wells considering multiple parameters such as GWLF and LiRDLH. The method proposed in the present study is observed to be an efficient method for selecting observation well locations in a complex geological set up. The study concludes that minimum 82 wells are required for proper monitoring of groundwater level in the study area.  相似文献   

南海港口城市研究是南海资源环境监测的重要内容,目前对于南海港口城市空间结构特别是港口在城市空间结构中的地位缺乏研究。夜光遥感数据和POI数据均为城市空间结构研究的重要数据源,但对于2种数据的空间耦合关系与集成应用研究存在不足。针对上述问题,本文选取南海港口城市典型代表的三亚市为研究区,以研究区2016年NPP-VIIRS夜光遥感数据和POI数据为数据源,利用叠加分析将夜光遥感数据和POI核密度分析结果数据分别网格化。然后,利用双因素组合制图法对两种数据的空间耦合关系进行可视化,分析空间耦合关系相异区域和城市空间结构的关系,并在此基础上探讨港口在三亚城市结构中的地位。研究表明,三亚市夜光遥感和POI数据的空间分布总体趋势相一致,空间耦合关系相近的区域占比达85.6%;夜光遥感和POI数据空间耦合关系在三亚市内存在一定量的相异区域,如新城区、经济开发区、城市边缘区和乡镇中心等,结合2种数据的特点可以更显著地表征这些区域的城市空间结构特征;三亚市作为重要的南海港口城市,其城市的中心区域与港口密切关联。本研究为港口城市空间结构研究提供了新视角。  相似文献   

A highland reservoir in the West Black Sea region of Turkey which belongs to the Mediterranean climatic zone was examined.Both littoral and profundal zones were sampled from October 2009 to September 2010,to determine taxonomic composition,biodiversity and abundance of benthic invertebrates as well as the seasonal variation of these measures.A total of 35 taxa were identified,of which 12 belong to Chironomidae and 10 to Oligochaeta groups.The highest diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates were found at the littoral stations.Macroinvertebrates showed significant positive correlations with water temperature and NO2 and NO3 concentrations,and negative correlation with dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

为对混沌信号进行降噪,提出基于变分模态分解(VMD)的混合去噪(VMD-SG-WT)方法,首先基于各分量间的最小巴氏距离确定VMD分解模态参数,通过VMD将混沌信号分解成多个本征模态函数(IMFs);然后分别计算各个IMF分量与原始信号间的相关因数,根据相关关系指标确定IMF分量的含噪程度,对有效成分主导的信息分量重构进行Savitzky-Golay平滑滤波,对噪声主导的噪声分量重构进行小波降噪处理;最后利用平滑的信息分量与小波去噪的噪声分量进行重构,得到最终去噪的信号。采用VMD-SG-WT去噪法对Lorenz系统产生的仿真信号和实测的太阳黑子数序列进行降噪处理,并与局部投影去噪法、小波去噪法、经验模态分解(EMD)去噪法和单一VMD去噪法进行对比。结果表明:VMD-SG-WT去噪法能够有效对混沌信号进行降噪,去噪效果相对优于其他去噪方法的去噪效果。  相似文献   

Studying the relationship between climate factors and soil organic carbon (SOC) is vitally important. However, how SOC responses to climate (temperature and precipitation) at cohesive extents is poorly studied. Two transects of approximately the same length (transect P and transect T) were selected to examine the variation of SOC content in relation to mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP). The coefficients of partial correlation between SOC density and MAT (Rt) and MAP (Rp) were determined to quantify the relationships between SOC density and the two climate factors. The results indicated that for transect T, Rt was statistically significant once the extent level was greater than or equal to two fundamental extent units, while for transect P, Rp showed statistical significance only at extent levels which were greater than two fundamental extent units. At the same extent levels but in different transects, Rts exhibited no zonal difference, but Rps did once the extent level was greater than two fundamental extent units. Therefore, to study the relationship between SOC density and different climate factors, different minimum extent levels should be examined. The results of this paper could deepen the understanding of the impacts that SOC pool has on terrestrial ecosystem and global carbon cycling.  相似文献   

基于GIS和DEA的特大城市空间紧凑度与城市效率分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用GIS分析工具、数据包络分析方法及Malmquist模型方法,对我国特大城市空间紧凑度、城市效率及其变化,以及它们的相关关系进行深入研究发现:(1)特大城市空间形态呈现出紧凑变化趋势。(2)紧凑度提高的城市数明显多于紧凑度降低的城市数,极高紧凑度和极低紧凑度的特大城市数均呈一定的增加趋势。(3)特大城市效率水平一般,其中,只有少数城市效率达到了效率最优。(4)1990-2000年特大城市效率水平呈现一定的提高趋势,其中城市效率(纯技术和规模效率)呈现弱提高趋势,技术进步和全要素生产率则呈较明显的提高趋势。(5)特大城市的空间紧凑度与城市效率之间存在一定的互动关系:随着特大城市空间紧凑度的提高,城市要素资源的配置和利用水平得到了一定的改善,城市效率提高了;城市空间紧凑度变化率越高,城市效率提高的趋势也越明显,反之,则下降趋势也越明显;(6)城市空间紧凑度变化与城市技术变化不存在互动关系。  相似文献   

武汉城市化过程中的土地利用变化对其湖泊生态系统产生了一系列负面影响,深入研究并分析其影响的空间非平稳性对优化武汉城市化建设和环境保护规划极具现实意义。本文运用景观生态学理论和地理加权回归建模方法,分别构建城市化测度指标和多种类型景观格局指标,衡量武汉城市化进程对于湖泊特征、景观格局的影响,从而揭示了1996~2013年间武汉城市化进程与湖泊景观格局之间的空间非平稳性关系,结果表明:1武汉城市化进程对其不同地理区域的湖泊景观格局影响存在差异,具体表现为城市化强度越大的地区,其引起并解释湖泊景观格局变化的能力越强;2在武汉市大部分地区(超过其总面积的70%),尤其集中在中部及其周边地区,城市化与湖泊景观面积、密度、连通度、斑块分维数的变化均存在负相关,且具有呈方向性的梯度变化趋势。3在某些有针对性保护的区域,如北部黄陂区,景观面积、景观连通度、斑块分维数与城市化强度指数呈现出正相关。针对上述特征本研究提出武汉市湖泊防治的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Three cruises were conducted to investigate the distributions of nutrients,chlorophyll a(Chla),new and regenerated primary production,bacterial abundance and production,and microzooplankton grazing rates in the Yellow Sea(YS)and the South China Sea(SCS)during March and May.As the water column moved from low to high temperature,weak to strong stratification and high to low nutrients from the YS to the SCS,Chl-a,primary production and bacterial biomass decreased.In contrast,bacterial production,microzooplankton grazing and size preference increased from the YS to the SCS.The increasing grazing activity and decreasing f-ratio from the YS to the SCS suggest roles of regenerated nutrients in the supporting the community increased and more bacteria played important roles in the carbon flow in the oligotrophic SCS than in the eutrophic YS.These variabilities force the classical food chain dominated community in the eutrophic waters into the microbial loop,which is dominant in oligotrophic waters.As nutrients decrease,temperature and grazing activity increase from the YS to the SCS.The increasing ratio of integrated bacterial production to integrated primary production indicates that communities change from autotrophy to heterotrophy and waters change from a carbon sink to a carbon source.  相似文献   

As an important component of China' transportation systems, for a long time, the insufficient performance of transport in QinghaiTibet Plateau(QTP) was a bottleneck restricting the economic growth and social development in this area. Nevertheless, the implementation of the western development strategy has accelerated the preliminary construction of comprehensive transport network since 2000. Due to the large area and significant geographical heterogeneity, there is a growing need to understand the relationship between transportation and economic development based on the perspective of spatial difference. By using GIS-based raster analysis and Geographically Weighted Regression(GWR) model, we investigated the spatial-temporal distribution of highway, railway and airport accessibility, respectively, and estimated the correlation and heterogeneity between transport accessibility and the level of economic development. Results revealed that:(1) Transport accessibility in the QTP improved by 53.38% in the past 15 years, which is specifically embodied in the improvement of both highway and railway.(2) Accessibility presented prominent differentiation in the space, increasing from west to east and reducing with the rise of elevation, specifically, the best accessibility area of the highway is below 4000 m above sea level, while the area with an altitude of over 4000 m has the lowest aviation time cost.(3) In general, the long weighted average time cost to critical transport facilities posed significantly negative effect on county economic growth in QTP, more positively, the adverse effect gradually weakened over time.(4) Obvious heterogeneity exists at the influence of different transport accessibility factors on the level of economic development, reflecting both in the horizontal space and altitudinal belt. Therefore, region-specific policies should be addressed for the sustainable development of transport facilities as well as economy in the west mountain areas.  相似文献   

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