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以1979、1990、2002和2006年4个时相的遥感数据为主要数据源,利用遥感图像处理软件ENVI4.4对影像进行预处理,在ArcG IS 9.2软件的支持下提取城市土地利用斑块,比照广州市土地利用现状图,结合实地调查,建立土地利用数据库,揭示广州市土地覆被变化时空特征,旨在为改善城市生态环境,提高土地利用效率提供科学依据。研究结果表明:广州市近30年土地覆被类型以林地、农田、建筑用地为主,农田和裸地逐年减少,人地矛盾突出;20世纪90年代后期以来,林地、水域面积小有增加,生态环境保护的政策效应初步显现。土地覆被类型的变化速率呈现先快后慢趋势。1979~2002年是土地类型变化剧烈,变速较快的时期,平均变化率为36.55%。2002~2006年期间,随着民众环保意识的普遍提升,加之各项政府政策的逐步落实,可开发土地面积的逐步减少,土地变化速率趋于平缓。 相似文献
精确的全球及区域尺度土地覆被遥感分类数据是全球变化、陆地表层过程模拟、生态文明建设及区域可持续发展等研究的重要基础数据。本文以5套全球土地覆被数据集GLCC、UMD、GLC2000、MODIS LC、GlobCover为研究对象,结合MODIS VCF、MODIS Cropland Probability以及AVHRR CFTC数据集,设计一种基于模糊逻辑思想的证据融合方法实现上述多源土地覆被信息的决策融合,生成一套依据植物功能型分类的全球1 km土地覆被融合数据SYNLCover。结果显示,与5套源土地覆被数据集相比:① 在总体一致性精度上,SYNLCover的8个生物形态类型和12个目标类型的平均总体一致性精度最高,分别约为65.6%和59.4%,其次依次是MODIS LC、GLC2000、GLCC和GlobCover,UMD的最低,分别约为48.9%和42.6%,而且SYNLCover与5套源土地覆被数据集两两相比的总体一致性都是最好的;② 在类型一致性精度上,除灌丛类型外,SYNLCover中包括森林、草地、耕地、湿地、水体、城镇建筑和其他7种生物形态类型,以及森林类型的5种叶属性的平均一致性精度也是最高的,如其他类型的平均一致性精度可达67.73%;③ 除灌丛和湿地类型外,SYNLCover的其余6种生物形态类型的平均一致性精度均比其在5套源数据中相应的一致性精度的最大值提高了10%~15%左右;森林类型的5种叶属性的一致性精度也提高了约10%。SYNLCover分类精度的提高反映了本研究设计的多源数据融合方法的可行性和有效性。 相似文献
在对重庆市忠县区域TM遥感数据进行波谱信息特征实验分析的基础上,建立了土地覆被信息提取的波段组合方案;通过人机交互目视解译和野外数据检验工作,实现利用遥感影像数据对重要生态安全指标因子之一——土地覆被因子的数据提取,并用GIS技术对其时空变化的驱动力因子和生态环境效应进行分析,效果和效率令人非常满意。这不仅在一定程度上解决了中尺度山区县域的土地覆被数据提取与地学分析的技术和方法难题,而且揭示了忠县土地覆被的时空分异特征。这是用常规与传统的技术方法与研究手段难以实现的,也为山区县域生态环境退化评价和生态恢复研究提供了一种新的方法尝试。通过GIS空间分析,揭示了忠县土地覆被和水土流失的时空分异特征。忠县土地覆被动态变化的生态环境效应表现为耕地与林地在“制高地”上(海拔500m以上)的大互换,在平川坝地地区建设用地大量占用优质耕地、林地等土地覆被类型;水土流失发生的坡度分异不明显,主要分布在200~800m间,与坡耕旱地分布密切相关。从总体上,这种变化使区域生态环境系统的功能发生退化。分析发现,忠县土地覆被变化的驱动力主要有:(1)人口压力和经济发展落后是生态环境系统安全状态恶化的社会经济背景因素;(2)对自然资源不合理开发利用是生态环境恶化的直接人为因素;(3)脆弱的生态环境是生态环境恶化的自然环境背景因素。因此,必须采取包括生态移民、生态建设与生态保护等在内的忠县区域生态安全综合调控措施。 相似文献
基于长江黄河源区土地生态分类,利用1986年与2000年两期TM遥感数据的对比和野外实地调查,采用景观生态空间分布格局分析方法,从分布面积变化和类型转移趋向与幅度两方面,分析了江河源区近15年来土地生态系统的空间分布变化与演变格局,结果表明:高寒草地退化显著,较高覆盖度高寒草原与高寒草甸面积减少了15.82% 和5.15%,高寒沼泽草甸分布面积锐减了24.36%;湖泊水域萎缩了7.5%,以长江源区内流湖泊为主;土地荒漠化发展十分强烈,沙漠化土地面积扩展了17.11%,其中黄河源区沙漠化土地年平均扩展率达到1.83%。高寒草原草地的覆盖度下降与荒漠化、高寒草甸草地的覆盖度下降与草原化以及沼泽草甸草地的疏干旱化是区域土地生态系统空间演变的主要趋向,并由此改变了土地覆被的空间分布格局并使该区域生态环境持续恶化。 相似文献
利用遥感数据,综合最大似然法监督分类、多尺度空间分层聚类的部分监督分类方法和主成分方法,分析黄河上游龙羊峡水库库区1987~1999年间土地利用土地覆盖变化.提取专题信息,不同要素采用不同方法;具体分类中,土地利用类型的一级类型耕地、水体及未利用土地类型采用主成分分析和最大似然法监督分类方法;对一级类型草地采用多尺度分层聚类算法的部分监督分类方法.结果表明,草地信息利用SSHC方法提取结果较好,与Bayes分类方法相比,精度提高4.2%,SSHC所获结果数据Kappa系数为0.84,Bayes所获结果数据Kap-pa系数为0.78.对某专题要素分类,此方法结果较优. 相似文献
基于20 世纪70 年代中后期、90 年代初期、2004 年和2012年共4 期土地覆被数据,利用转移矩阵、土地覆被状况指数和土地覆被转类指数,对比分析了长江源区和黄河源区近30 a来土地覆被与生态状况的变化特征。结果表明:2012年草地是两源区最主要的土地覆被类型,但黄河源区的草地面积占比比长江源区高17%,同时,长江源区存在永久冰川雪地及荒漠,黄河源区没有;从土地覆被状况来看,过去30 a黄河源区优于长江源区,长江源区土地覆被状况指数平均为16.82%,黄河源区为38.84%;从土地覆被转类来看,过去30 a长江源区土地覆被总体变好,黄河源区则总体变差,在20世纪70年代中后期至90年代初、20世纪90年代初至2004年和2004~2012年3时段内,长江源区土地覆被经历了变差 -好转 -持续好转的变化过程,而黄河源区则是变差 -显著变差 -略有好转,且黄河源区土地覆被状况的变化程度较长江源区更为剧烈;长江源区因分布有大量的冰川、冻土,自20世纪90年代气温升高开始,冰川冻土融化,导致水体与沼泽面积扩张,后期叠加生态工程的积极影响,使得其土地覆被状况持续好转,黄河源区则因2004 年以来暖湿的气候状况及生态保护工程的实施,使得土地覆被退化趋势得到遏制并逐渐呈现转好态势。 相似文献
以河南省为研究区,对全球首套30 m分辨率土地覆盖产品GlobleLand30进行区域尺度精度评价。首先,以中国1 10万土地利用数据(CHINA-2010)为参考,分析两种产品的空间一致性;而后,通过Google Earth样本分析GlobleLand30在空间不一致区域的制图精度;最后,利用野外实地考察样本对GlobleLand30进行总体精度评价,并从土地覆被复杂度、高程等方面分析影响精度的原因,结果表明:① GlobleLand30与CHINA-2010空间一致性达80.20%。两种产品对耕地、林地、人工地面一致性高,对草地、水体、灌木、湿地、未利用土地的一致性低。② 在空间不一致区域,GlobleLand30的总体分类正确率略低于CHINA-2010,但两者对不同地类的优势不同。③ 经野外实地考察验证可知,GlobleLand30的总体精度达83.33%。④GlobleLand30与CHINA-2010的空间一致性随土地覆被复杂度的增加而降低,并在高程过渡带较低。 相似文献
基于1981~2001 年NOVAA/AVHRR 和1998~2004 年SPOT VEGETATION 归一化植被 指数(NDVI) 数据, 对榆林地区植被动态变化进了定量研究, 并且利用多年气象数据分析了降水 和温度变化情况。结果表明: 榆林地区植被有了明显改善, 其改善状况集中于8、9、10 月份; 植被 覆被变化具有明显的区域差异, 北部植被覆盖改善的趋势明显, 且变化比较平稳; 南部增加趋势 不明显, 有的地方还呈下降趋势, 变化幅度大。 相似文献
文章利用Landsat的TM 和ETM +数据,对石家庄市1987年和2001年的土地利用/覆被进行分类,并对这一期间发生的土地利用/覆被变化进行了定量分析。结果显示:研究区主要土地利用/覆被类型可以划分为城市用地、居住用地、农田、菜地、林地、果园、草地、水体、沙地/裸地等9类;研究区域发生的土地利用/覆被变化主要由近年来的快速城市化过程引起。变化较大的土地利用类型为城市用地、农田、菜地和林地;变化较大的区域主要分布在城市的边缘和市区的东部及西北部。 相似文献
The daily snow cover data from 232 meteorological stations to the west of 105°E in China for the period 1951–2004 were used to classify the snow cover and analyze decadal variations of snow cover types in western China, and comparison was made between the observational data and those retrieved from passive microwave remote sensing data (SMMR and SSM/I) in 1980–2004. The results show that stable snow-covered areas included northern Xinjiang, the Tianshan Mountains, and the eastern Tibetan Plateau with more than 60 snow cover days; no snow cover was found in the center of the southern Xinjiang Basin, the Sichuan Basin, and southern Yunnan. In addition to the above-mentioned, there were unstable snow-covered areas in western China. Furthermore, the snow cover types in northern Xinjiang, the Tianshan Mountains, the Hexi Corridor, and the vast areas from Chengdu to Kunming were unchanged. In the 1980s, the south-north dividing line between the major snow-covered area and snow-free area advanced to its most southern position. The snow cover days calculated from satellite remote sensing were generally longer than those from observational data in western China, mainly in the higher-altitude mountains, the Hexi Corridor, and the western Sichuan Plateau. 相似文献
土地覆被是全球变化和区域可持续发展研究的重要内容,土地覆被遥感制图是支持全球变化和区域可持续发展研究的基础数据,制图质量是相关研究成果科学性的重要保证.本文针对全国1∶25万土地覆被遥感制图的精度评价,用大类分错扣1分,同一大类中的小类分错扣0.5分的计分评价方法,共选取190个样点,在内蒙古东部进行了实地验证.验证结... 相似文献
Using ASTER(Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiome-ter) infrared remote sensing data we inversed the parameters of urban surface heat fluxes applying the PCACA model and theoretical position algorithm,and then we analyzed the in-fluence of different land use types on the surface heat fluxes and energy balance.In this study,Kumagaya,a city in Saitama Prefecture,Japan,was selected as the experimental area.The result shows that the PCACA model is feasible for the surface heat fluxes estimation in urban areas because this model requires less parameters in the procedure of heat fluxes estimation in urban areas with complicated surface structure and can decrease the uncertainty.And we found that different land-use types have indicated the height heterogeneity on the surface heat fluxes significantly.The magnitudes of Bowen ratio in descending order are industrial,residential,transportation,institutional,dry farmland,green space,and water body.Under the same meteorological condition,there are distinct characteristics and regional differences in Bowen ratios among different surface covers,indicating higher sensible heat flux and lower latent heat flux in the urban construction land,while lower sensible heat flux and higher latent heat flux in the vegetation-covered area,the outskirt of the urban area.The increase of urban impervious surface area caused by the urban sprawl can enlarge the sensible heat flux and the Bowen ratio,so that it causes the increasing of urban surface temperature and air tem-perature,which is the mechanism of the so-called heat island effect. 相似文献
We analyzed the spatial local accuracy of land cover (LC) datasets for the Qiangtang Plateau, High Asia, incorporating 923 field sampling points and seven LC compilations including the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme Data and Information System (IGBPDIS), Global Land cover mapping at 30 m resolution (GlobeLand30), MODIS Land Cover Type product (MCD12Q1), Climate Change Initiative Land Cover (CCI-LC), Global Land Cover 2000 (GLC2000), University of Maryland (UMD), and GlobCover 2009 (Glob-Cover). We initially compared resultant similarities and differences in both area and spatial patterns and analyzed inherent relationships with data sources. We then applied a geographically weighted regression (GWR) approach to predict local accuracy variation. The results of this study reveal that distinct differences, even inverse time series trends, in LC data between CCI-LC and MCD12Q1 were present between 2001 and 2015, with the exception of category areal discordance between the seven datasets. We also show a series of evident discrepancies amongst the LC datasets sampled here in terms of spatial patterns, that is, high spatial congruence is mainly seen in the homogeneous southeastern region of the study area while a low degree of spatial congruence is widely distributed across heterogeneous northwestern and northeastern regions. The overall combined spatial accuracy of the seven LC datasets considered here is less than 70%, and the GlobeLand30 and CCI-LC datasets exhibit higher local accuracy than their counterparts, yielding maximum overall accuracy (OA) values of 77.39% and 61.43%, respectively. Finally, 5.63% of this area is characterized by both high assessment and accuracy (HH) values, mainly located in central and eastern regions of the Qiangtang Plateau, while most low accuracy regions are found in northern, northeastern, and western regions. 相似文献
The research on the land use/cover change is one of the frontiers and the hot spots in the global change research. Based on the Chinese resource and environment spatial-temporal database, and using the Landsat TM and ETM data of 1990 and 2000 respectively, we analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use/cover changes in the Dongting Lake area during the last decade. The result shows that during the last ten years there were three land-use types that had changed remarkably. The cultivated land decreased by 0.57% of the total cultivated land. The built-up land and water area expanded, with an increase of 8.97% and 0.43% respectively. The conversion between land use types mostly happened among these three land-use types, especially frequently between cultivated land and water area. The land-use change speed of land-use type is different. Three cities experienced the greatest degree of land-use change among all the administrative districts, which means that the land use in these cities changed much quickly. The following changed area was the west and south of the Dongting Lake area. The slowest changed area is the north and east area. 相似文献
The research on the land use/cover change is one of the frontiers and the hot spots in the global change research. Based on the Chinese resource and environment spatial-temporal database,and using the Landsat TM and ETM data of 1990 and 2000 respectively, we analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use/cover changes in the Dongting Lake area during the last decade. The result shows that during the last ten years there were three land-use types that had changed remarkably. The cultivated land decreased by 0.57% of the total cultivated land. The built-up land and water area expanded, with an increase of 8.97% and 0.43% respectively. The conversion between land use types mostly happened among these three land-use types, especially frequently between cultivated land and water area. The land-use change speed of land-use type is different. Three cities experienced the greatest degree of land-use change among all the administrative districts, which means that the land use in these cities changed much quickly. The following changed area was the west and south of the Dongting Lake area. The slowest changed area is the north and east area. 相似文献
随着对地观测和互联网技术的发展,地理大数据时代正在到来,其多尺度、长时序、多模态等海量“超”覆盖数据为土地利用/覆被(Land Use/Land Cover, 简称LULC)分类及变化检测带来巨大的机遇,支撑着新时代人、地两大系统相互作用关系的认知和实践。然而,多数地理学者认为地理学基本原理与核心思想并未因为大数据的到来而发生本质性变化。所以,从地理学基本原理角度理解LULC分类的发展,尤其在地理大数据时代的发展方向,不失为一条可行的途径。为此,本文从区域、尺度、综合三方面的地理学基本原理视角将LULC分类技术的发展划分为地球观测数据匮乏阶段、人类行为数据融合阶段以及地理大数据“超”覆盖阶段分别探讨分析,以期主动把握LULC分类技术及应用的未来发展趋势。研究结果显示:在地球观测数据匮乏阶段,LULC分类多以类型还不丰富的遥感数据源,在空间分辨率较低的像元尺度上,进行以地表覆被状态为主的分类;发展到人类行为数据融合阶段,LULC分类在城市区域率先出现了对地观测数据和人类行为数据相融合,在街区尺度上进行以空间功能异质性划分、识别为主导的城市功能区分类;在地理大数据“超”覆盖阶段,LULC分类将实现多尺度协同、面向全空间的功能异质性划分,并在主体功能的基础上融合“社会-经济-自然”多维定量属性,本文称之为“空间场景”。希望本文的探讨能够为地理大数据时代LULC分类的新技术发展和新产品应用提供有益启示。 相似文献
This study evaluates land use/cover changes and urban expansion in Greater Dhaka, Bangladesh, between 1975 and 2003 using satellite images and socio-economic data. Spatial and temporal dynamics of land use/cover changes were quantified using three Landsat images, a supervised classification algorithm and the post-classification change detection technique in GIS. Accuracy of the Landsat-derived land use/cover maps ranged from 85 to 90%. The analysis revealed that substantial growth of built-up areas in Greater Dhaka over the study period resulted significant decrease in the area of water bodies, cultivated land, vegetation and wetlands. Urban land expansion has been largely driven by elevation, population growth and economic development. Rapid urban expansion through infilling of low-lying areas and clearing of vegetation resulted in a wide range of environmental impacts, including habitat quality. As reliable and current data are lacking for Bangladesh, the land use maps produced in this study will contribute to both the development of sustainable urban land use planning decisions and also for forecasting possible future changes in growth patterns. 相似文献
针对目前中亚地区土地利用变化和分布格局方面的信息相对匮乏,现有资料较为陈旧且零散,无法满足中亚生态与环境变化研究需求的现状,利用全球的UMD, DISCover,GLC2000,GlobCover2005和GlobCover2009的5期土地覆被遥感数据集,提取中亚地区长时间序列土地覆被信息。并针对上述4个土地覆被分类系统无法进行直接对比和变化分析的问题,分别将其综合为4类土地覆被类型:耕地、自然植被、水体和其他,以分析近30 a中亚土地利用/土地覆被变化趋势。中亚土地利用类型多样,草地、裸地、农田、灌丛占绝对优势。自前苏联解体以后,20世纪90年代初至2000年期间,耕地面积大幅度减少,至2010年尽管有所恢复,但仍无法达到20世纪90年代初水平。而自然植被表现出了相反的趋势,这说明在此时间段内,由于社会政治制度的变化和市场经济的建立,耕地发生了较大规模的弃耕,弃耕地通常转换为草地、灌丛等自然植被。近10 a由于社会经济条件的变化,前苏联解体后所弃耕的土地又被收复和重新开发为耕地。90年代初至2000年期间,水体呈现先减少后增加的趋势。利用全球基于多期不同信息源获得的中亚土地覆被数据,尽管分类体系不统一,但均可较好地表征当时地表覆被状况。这在一定程度上弥补了中亚地区土地覆被数据不足的现状。通过对耕地、自然植被、水体及其他土地覆被类型进行大类合并,可基本体现中亚土地覆被的宏观特征和变化趋势。 相似文献
Using Landsat remote sensing images, we analyzed changes in each land use type and transitions among different land use types during land use and land cover change (LUCC) in Ningwu County, located in the eastern Loess Plateau of China, from 1990 to 2010. We found that grassland, woodland, and farmland were the main land use types in the study area, and the area of each type changed slightly from 1990 to 2010, whereas the area of water, construction land, and unused land increased greatly. For the whole area, the net change and total change were insignificant due to weak human activity intensity in most of the study area, and the LUCC was dominated by quasi-balanced two-way transitions from 1990 to 2010. The insignificant overall amount of LUCC appears to have resulted from offsetting of rapid increases in population, economic growth, and the implementation of a program to return farmland to woodland and grassland in 2000. This program converted more farmland into woodland and grassland from 2000 to 2010 than from 1990 to 2000, but reclamation of woodland and grassland for use as farmland continued from 2000 to 2010, and is a cause for concern to the local government. 相似文献