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基于1982~2006年GIMMS NDVI数据集和地面气象台站观测数据,分析了青藏高原整个区域及各生态地理分区年均NDVI的变化趋势,并通过偏相关分析研究不同生态地理分区植被覆被变化对气温和降水响应的空间分异特征。研究表明:(1)近25年来,高原植被覆盖变化整体上趋于改善;高原东北部、东中部以及西南部湿润半湿润及部分半干旱地区植被趋于改善,植被覆盖较差的北部、西部半干旱和干旱地区呈现退化趋势;(2)高原植被变化与气温变化的相关性明显高于与降水变化的相关性,说明高原植被年际变化对温度变化更为敏感;(3)高原植被年际变化与气温和降水的相关性具有明显的区域差异,植被覆盖中等区域全年月NDVI与气温和降水的相关性最强,相关性由草甸向草原、针叶林逐步减弱,荒漠区相关性最弱。生长季植被覆盖变化与气温的相关性和全年相关性较一致,降水则不同,生长季期间高原大部分地区植被变化与降水相关性不显著。  相似文献   

生态地理分区框架下的大兴安岭植被动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于GIMMS NDVI数据、GIS技术,综合运用趋势线分析、统计分析和空间自相关分析方法,对1982~2006年大兴安岭整体及各生态地理区域植被特征进行检测分析。结果表明:从整体来看,大兴安岭植被NDVI增加趋势明显,NDVI呈现上升趋势的区域约占研究区总面积的80%;NDVI对气象因子变化敏感,尤其是对气温的敏感程度高于降水;并且在全局范围内呈现正的自相关,不同生态地理区内的全局自相关系数自北向南逐渐升高。各生态地理区NDVI变化趋势差异明显,植被退化的区域集中在大兴安岭北段和中段,在局部自相关分析中NDVI仍然呈现高-高聚集趋势;北段西侧天然植被破坏严重,低—低聚集的区域在逐渐扩大;南段草原区NDVI上升趋势显著,与气象因子的相关程度与其他三个生态地理区相比较低。  相似文献   

广西县(市)域植被覆盖度评价与地理分区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用250m分辨率的MODIS遥感数据,采用遥感信息定量化方法,以县、市辖区单元为评价单元建立植被覆盖度评价综合指数模型,计算各县、市辖区的植被覆盖综合指数并利用逐步聚类分析方法进行分组,在GIS平台上实现图形可视化表达地理分区。结果表明:依据植被覆盖综合指数值大小,广西89个县、市辖区被聚类成7个分区;广西西部、北部和东部地区的植被覆盖总体水平较高,中部和南部地区的植被覆盖总体水平较低,植被覆盖水平从西部、北部和东部地区往中部和南部地区存在较明显地从高到低的变化规律。  相似文献   

黄土高原森林植被景观的特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用1∶50万森林类型图为信息源,以G IS为手段,对黄土高原地区森林景观类型斑块的大小、形状以及空间特征进行了分析。结果表明:黄土高原地区27类森林总面积仅64 980.7 km2,共有斑块数5 890个,林斑平均面积较小,且分布不均,森林景观破碎化程度较高。森林景观以华北落叶松林、山杨林、油松林、辽东栎林等为优势类型。黄土高原森林景观类型的形状指数值都比较大,说明森林斑块的形状明显偏离于圆形和方形,多为狭长的不规则形,其斑块的边界率都比较高。不同类型森林分维数变化较大,这也表明黄土高原森林景观破碎化程度较高,景观异质性较大。  相似文献   

陕北黄土高原景观动态的植被覆盖季节响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
半干旱地区生态环境状态与景观动态变化息息相关,为深入探讨景观动态的生态响应,本研究选择陕北黄土高原为研究区,分别就景观动态的3种类型 (景观类型间变化、类型内组分变化及未变化) 与植被覆盖状态进行分析。其中植被覆盖状态主要通过植被覆盖值高低及年内植被恢复期、维持期与转折点等曲线特征体现。结果发现研究区景观类型的动态变化并不显著,而各动态类型与植被覆盖的相关程度各不相同,植被覆盖不仅和景观类型有关,亦与景观动态类型有关,而在植被覆盖对景观动态的响应上,则体现出由于景观动态类型的差异,造成同一景观类型的植被覆盖季节响应模式和强度完全不同。  相似文献   

张艳芳  王姝 《干旱区地理》2017,40(1):138-146
基于2000-2014年MODIS NDVI数据及气象数据,运用累计降水利用效率变化差异(CRD,cumulative rain use efficiency differences)估算模型和基于地形要素降水量插值法,探讨2000-2014年黄土高原RUE(降水利用效率rain use efficiency)对植被变化的响应,以期为黄土高原生态可持续发展提供数据支撑。结果表明:黄土高原大部分地区植被覆盖得以改善,其面积约占总面积的81%,区域边缘植被覆盖退化严重。黄土高原降水利用效率RUE与累计NDVI的相关性总体表现为“东南呈正相关,西北为负相关”的空间格局,全区相关系数以正相关为主。黄土高原CRD与植被变化趋势的相关性显著,其中,植被退化背景下,植被退化程度越严重,RUE越低;植被恢复背景下,RUE受“退耕还林还草”作用显著,2000-2005年,RUE呈上升趋势,2007年后,随着退耕还林还草政策的工作重心转移,RUE呈波动变化。  相似文献   

不同植被类型的土壤水分对黄土高原的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Water stored in deep loess soil is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth in the semi-arid area of the Loess Plateau, but planted shrub and forest often disrupt the natural water cycle and in turn influence plant growth. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of main vegetation types on soil moisture and its inter-annual change. Soil moisture in 0–10 m depth of six vegetation types, i.e., crop, grass, planted shrub of caragana, planted forests of arborvitae, pine and the mixture of pine and arborvitae were measured in 2001, 2005 and 2006. Soil moisture in about 0–3 m of cropland and about 0–2 m of other vegetation types varied inter-annually dependent on annual precipitation, but was stable inter-annually below these depths. In 0–2 m, soil moisture of cropland was significantly greater than those of all other vegetation types, and there were no significant differences among other vegetation types. In 2–10 m, there was no significant moisture difference between cropland and grassland, but the soil moistures under both of them were significantly higher than those of planted shrub and forests. The planted shrub and forests had depleted soil moisture below 2 m to or near permanent wilting point, and there were no significant moisture differences among forest types. The soil moisture of caragana shrub was significantly lower than those of forests, but the absolute difference was very small. The results of this study implicated that the planted shrub and forests had depleted deep soil moisture to the lowest limits to which they could extract and they lived mainly on present year precipitation for transpiration.  相似文献   

中国自然地域分区研究前沿与挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分区是地理学认知世界的基本途径。作为综合自然地理学的重要研究内容,自然地域分区通过对区域的划分,有助于进一步认识自然地域系统要素特征及其相互作用过程的地域分异规律,可为制定差异化的空间管治政策提供科学依据。自然地域分区的主题与方法随着社会经济发展在不断变革与创新,本文系统梳理了中国学者在自然地域动态分区、分区界线自动划定与多分区方案定量优选等前沿领域的近期进展,总结了自然地域分区理念、方法的创新与拓展。在此基础上,探讨了新时代自然地域分区在理念、技术与任务方面面临的挑战,建议开展面向人类—自然耦合系统、综合定性与定量途径、从全球到地方多尺度的自然地域分区研究,以期进一步完善自然地域分区理论与方法。  相似文献   

基于GIMMS数据和MODIS数据反演1982~2011年内蒙古生长季NDVI,分析内蒙古不同生态区内NDVI变化时空特征,探讨自然和人为因素对NDVI的影响。结果表明:30 a来内蒙古生长季平均NDVI整体呈增加趋势,分布在呼伦贝尔、锡林郭勒典型草原的部分地区NDVI有下降趋势。大部分地区NDVI与年降水量呈显著相关,与温度的相关性不显著;近30 a人类活动对植被NDVI的影响程度逐渐增强,其中人类活动在西辽河平原、大兴安岭南端草原区以及华北山地落叶阔叶林区促进植被生长,在内蒙古东北部草原区抑制植被生长。  相似文献   

上海自然植被的特征、分区与保护   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
高峻 《地理研究》1997,16(3):82-88
上海地区有种子植物约134科510属919种。种子植物的分区类型共15°个,其中泛热带分布、北温带和东亚分布各占总属数的27.8%、21.6%和11.9%.地带性植被以常绿阔叶林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林为主,其中红楠群落和青冈栎群落能较好地反映中亚热带的植被和环境特征。非地带性植被以潮间带植被和水生植被为主。上海自然植被的类型和分布规律反映了本区地处中亚热带向北亚热带过渡地带的气候特征以及濒江临海的环境特点。同时其现状也表明了上海的自然植被处于不断增长的压力之下所发生的变化,因此亟需加以保护。上海的植被区划可分为隶属于北亚热带常绿落叶阔叶林地带的河口沙洲植被区,碟缘高地植被区和东北淀泖低地植被区,以及隶属于中亚热带常绿阔叶林地带的西南丘陵、低地植被区等。  相似文献   

黄土高原植被恢复潜力研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
黄土高原从1999年开始大规模退耕还林(草),植被覆盖发生了较大变化,对黄土高原植被恢复现状和恢复潜力进行评估具有重要意义。本文使用1999-2013年SPOT VEG NDVI数据,采用线性回归、Hurst指数分析法、统计学方法以及地理空间分析技术,对黄土高原植被恢复状况和潜力进行了探讨。结论主要为:① 1999年退耕还林(草)以来,黄土高原植被覆盖度呈显著上升趋势,黄土高原三分之二地区的植被将会持续改善;② 植被响应曲线分析表明,黄土区植被覆盖度和干旱指数呈显著的指数关系,且缓坡相关性大于陡坡。土石山区植被响应函数为线性函数,相关系数下降;③ 整个黄土高原地区平均植被恢复潜力为69.75%。植被恢复潜力值东南高而西北低,黄土高原东南地区植被恢复状况较好,其植被恢复潜力指数较小,而植被恢复潜力指数较高的地区主要为北方风沙区及西部丘陵沟壑区;④ 不同降水量条件下,植被恢复速度差别显著,其中降水量在375~575 mm之间的地区,植被恢复最快。植被恢复措施应该“因水制宜”,避免因造林带来的土壤干化加剧。研究结果以期为黄土高原生态文明建设提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

基于遥感的黄土高原林草植被变化对河川径流的影响分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
从黄土高原不同地貌区降雨产流机制入手,分析了林草植被影响流域水循环的可能环节;利用20世纪70年代以来不同时期的土地利用和植被盖度解译成果,以及同期实测的降雨和径流数据、供用水数据等,引入林草植被覆盖率、径流系数、产洪系数和基流系数等概念,从流域尺度上构建了林草植被覆盖率与河川径流的定量响应关系,结果发现,在半湿润或半干旱的黄土区,径流系数和产洪系数都将随林草植被的改善而减少,气候越干旱、径流或洪量减少越多;与同气候带的黄土区相比,盖沙黄土区林草植被改善所导致的减水量更大。不过,当林草植被覆盖率大于60%后,产洪系数变化减缓;最终河川径流将稳定在大于基流的某阈值附近。  相似文献   

Water stored in deep loess soil is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth in the semi-arid area of the Loess Plateau, but planted shrub and forest often disrupt the natural water cycle and in turn influence plant growth. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of main vegetation types on soil moisture and its inter- annual change. Soil moisture in 0–10 m depth of six vegetation types, i.e., crop, grass, planted shrub of caragana, planted forests of arborvitae, pine and the mixture of pine and arborvitae were measured in 2001, 2005 and 2006. Soil moisture in about 0–3 m of cropland and about 0–2 m of other vegetation types varied inter-annually dependent on annual precipitation, but was stable inter-annually below these depths. In 0–2 m, soil moisture of cropland was significantly greater than those of all other vegetation types, and there were no significant differences among other vegetation types. In 2–10 m, there was no significant moisture difference between cropland and grassland, but the soil moistures under both of them were significantly higher than those of planted shrub and forests. The planted shrub and forests had depleted soil moisture below 2 m to or near permanent wilting point, and there were no significant moisture differences among forest types. The soil moisture of caragana shrub was significantly lower than those of forests, but the absolute difference was very small. The results of this study implicated that the planted shrub and forests had depleted deep soil moisture to the lowest limits to which they could extract and they lived mainly on present year precipitation for transpiration.  相似文献   

陆面过程在气候变化中具有重要作用,其中土壤水文过程是陆面过程的重要内容,然而目前陆面模式中土壤水力学参数仅依赖于土壤质地,并未考虑植被类型对其影响,这与自然过程不符,从而导致对大规模植被恢复的水文、气候效应认识不充分.为揭示植被恢复对土壤物理参数的影响,改进陆面模式中土壤参数的精度,论文以黄土高原为研究对象,收集整理了...  相似文献   

黄土高原植被破坏前后土壤团粒结构分形特征   总被引:45,自引:1,他引:45  
丁文峰  丁登山 《地理研究》2002,21(6):700-706
应用分形理论的相关模型对黄土高原子午岭地区林地及不同开垦年限的农地土壤团粒结构分形特征进行了研究。结果表明 :林地和不同开垦年限的农地土壤团粒结构分形维在 2 .32~ 2 .91之间 ,表现为 >0 .2 5mm的团聚体含量越低 ,其结构的分形维越高。分形维与水稳性团聚体含量之间呈显著线性关系。林地和不同开垦年限农地表层土壤的物理性质随土壤团聚体的分形维变化而变化 ,即分形维越小 ,>0 .2 5mm的团粒含量越高 ,土壤容重也越小 ,土壤疏松 ,土壤通气度大 ,土壤涵蓄水分与供应作物生长所需水分的能力越好 ;分形维越大 ,>0 .2 5mm的团粒含量低 ,土壤容重也越大 ,土壤紧实 ,土壤通气度小 ,则土壤涵蓄水分与供应作物所需水分的能力越差。上述结果在一定程度上表明 ,植被遭到破坏、不合理的人为开垦 ,是土壤退化和生态环境恶化的主要原因 ;恢复和重建植被 ,增加地面覆盖 ,应为加速黄土高原综合治理的基本内容。  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a major threat to our terrestrial ecosystems and an important global environmental problem. The Loess Plateau in China is one of the regions that suffered more severe soil erosion and undergoing climate warming and drying in the past decades. The vegetation restoration named Grain-to-Green Program has now been operating for more than 10 years. It is necessary to assess the variation of soil erosion and the response of precipita- tion and vegetation restoration to soil erosion on the Loess Plateau. In the study, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was applied to evaluate annual soil loss caused by water erosion. The results showed as follows. The soil erosion on the Loess Plateau between 2000 and 2010 averaged for 15.2 t hm-2 a 1 and was characterized as light for the value less than 25 t hm-2 a-1. The severe soil erosion higher than 25 t hm-2 a-~ was mainly distributed in the gully and hilly regions in the central, southwestern, and some scattered areas of earth-rocky mountainous areas on the Loess Plateau. The soil erosion on the Loess Plateau showed a deceasing trend in recent decade and reduced more at rates more than 1 t hm 2 a 1 in the areas suffering severe soil loss. Benefited from the improved vegetation cover and ecological construction, the soil erosion on the Loess Plateau was significantly declined, es- pecially in the east of Yulin, most parts of Yah'an prefectures in Shaanxi Province, and the west of Luliang and Linfen prefectures in Shanxi Province in the hilly and gully regions. The variation of vegetation cover responding to soil erosion in these areas showed the relatively higher contribution than the precipitation. However, most areas in Qingyang and Dingxi pre- fectures in Gansu Province and Guyuan in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region were predomi- nantly related to precipitation.  相似文献   

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