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21世纪大洋钻探计划是一顶国际科学钻探计划 ,基于日本和美国分别提供的 2艘深海钻探船的即将付之运作 ,该计划将于 2 0 0 3年 10月开始实施。美国提供的无隔水管钻探船 (就是执行ODP计划的JOIDESResolution号钻探船 )将于 2 0 0 5年进行施工。装备隔水管的日本钻探船在 2 0 0 1年初即行建造 ,将于 2 0 0 6年开始进行其科学钻探活动。 2 1世纪IODP大洋综合钻探计划进程初步方案见表 1。表 1 2 1世纪IODP大洋综合钻探计划进程初步方案21世纪IODP大洋 相似文献
Please?refer?to?the?attachment(s)?for?more?details. 相似文献
The subsidence of buried soils in cyclic loess sequences in the Northern Eurasia Region was described. Two types of variations in the relative subsidence of the buried soils were established. The relationships between the subsidence indexes of buried soils, over- and underlying loess were studied. 相似文献
煤炭是中国的主要能源和资源,但同时也是主要的污染源。从保护环境、合理利用有限的化石资源的角度和中国的具体国情考虑,应该大力开发温和化高效煤的新工艺,使煤炭资源逐步由能源型利用转化为材料型利用,近年来,我们在煤的溶剂萃取,脱硫降灰机理,煤相关模型化合物反应,煤焦油中稠环芳香族化合物的分离精制,功能性高分子单体合成及一氧化碳高效吸附剂的制备等方面做了大量的研究工作,结合这些研究工作,本文介绍了煤化工的 相似文献
文章简要回顾了百年来矿床学取得的重要进展,包括:(1)矿床成因分类的建立;(2)层控矿床研究与矿床多成因理论的兴起;(3)板块构造与区域成矿规律;(4)矿床模型;(5)型矿床研究;(6)海洋现代热液成矿作用的发现;(7)成矿演化的不可逆性与节律性等。针对21世纪中人类社会可持续发展的需要,矿床学研究出现了两个新趋势;(1)全球化;(2)矿业开发与环境保护一体化。面临着三个主要研究领域;(1)成矿理论的推陈出新;(2)研究开发新型矿产资源,建立广义的矿产资源地质学;(3)建立绿色矿业体制所需的矿床学基础研究。 相似文献
As global warming continues in the 21st century, one can expect a significant increase in the duration of the navigation period along the Northern Sea Route. In this study we found that, according to the representative concentration pathways 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios of the anthropogenic impact, the expected duration of the navigation period along the Northern Sea Route in the middle of the 21st century would be two to three months and three to six months by the end of the century. 相似文献
中国西部疆土辽阔,矿产资源丰富,潜力甚大,是21世纪岩土钻掘工程的主战场,介绍了西部人文地理条件,矿产、电力资源和基础设施建设等优点,列举了西部地质矿产调查,地下水资源勘探、工程地质勘探、地质灾害防治,基础设施工程施工,科学钻探等领域应重点应用和开发的新技术。 相似文献
Doklady Earth Sciences - Analysis of the characteristics of intensity of sea waves in the Arctic Basin has been performed using the WAVEWATCH III model and results of simulations of sea ice and... 相似文献
Abstract. The modern minerals industry is more environmentally responsible and socially aware than at any time in the past, and yet faces increasing challenges to improve its performance in these areas still further. Some of these expectations are reasonable and achievable, but others are unrealistic (e.g., “zero impact”) if real development is to continue. Moreover, because society is the ultimate beneficiary of the industry's products, it should be prepared to pay for the improvements it demands. Currently externalized costs, such as many environmental and social impacts, should be internalized into prices, and higher royalties should be charged on gross revenue to ensure effective capture of value of non‐renewable resources by host countries. Such costs to consumers could be offset by higher recycling value, leasing, or deposit‐return schemes. NGOs have an important role to play in working with industry to convince society to accept such changes. 相似文献
Urbanization is a worldwide historical process. Although China's urbanization started late, it is fast, large in scale, high in resource and energy consumption, and leads to a series of water and thermal environment problems. This paper systematically sorted out the ecological environment challenges faced by Chinese cities under the dual pressures of global climate change and urbanization, such as water shortages and water pollution, increasingly serious urban heat island issues and ecological hydrological disasters. It proposed to solve the problem of urban ecological environment with the theory and means of urban ecohydrology, improve the quality of urbanization in China, and realize livable cities. 相似文献
全球淡水资源只占总水资源量的3%,由于经济发展和人口增长对水资源需求量与日俱增,而环境污染导致的水污染更是“雪上加霜”,淡水资源短缺将是未来十年内经济可持续发展的最主要制约因素。目前占世界人口总数40%的80多个国家是分布在严重缺水的干旱、半干旱地区,到下世纪初水资源匮乏的形势将更加严峻。 相似文献
Doklady Earth Sciences - The emergence and spreading of grass fires in the steppe regions of Northern Eurasia occurs against the background of spatial heterogeneity of landscapes and differences in... 相似文献
安徽省地处长江下游、淮河中游、新安江上游,位于我国东南部。全省土地面积1394万km2,耕地面积 426.1万 hm2,人口 6 150多万。由于长江、淮河由西向东流经安徽,将全省天然地划分为淮北、江淮之间和江南三大片。新安江发源于安徽南部山区,属钱塘江流域。全省境内中小河流众多,流域面积在30km2以上的河流有 1035条,100km2以上的有 418条, 1000km2以上的有71条,3000km2以上的有31条,5000km2以上的有12条。全省平均河网密度约为0.4km/km2。1安徽水文工作… 相似文献
Over the past thirty years, geoarchaeology has moved from the fringe to mainstream status within Mesoamerican archaeological investigations. This review focuses on works published since the year 2000. Five themes are identified as central to recent studies: (1) the correlation of environmental change and cultural history; (2) anthropogenic environmental impacts; (3) ancient land cover, land use, and diet; (4) archaeological prospection; and (5) provenance studies. These themes are often interwoven in the application of complex systems approaches that allow scientists to more accurately model the intricacies of ancient human–environment interactions. 相似文献
21世纪初,我国地质钻探技术处于立轴钻机普遍使用、国产绳索取心钻杆只能满足1000 m以内孔深钻进要求、钻探器具相对落后、硬岩地层钻进效率低、复杂地层取心效果差的落后局面。近10多年来,在多个国家重大科学工程项目、国家科技支撑计划、“863”计划、地质大调查专项等科技项目支持下,通过产学研联合攻关,形成了硬岩深井科学钻探技术体系和2000 m以内地质岩心钻探技术体系,浅层取心(取样)钻探技术、新能源勘探开发钻探技术、地质灾害调查和防治钻探技术、定向钻探技术、基础工程施工钻掘技术等都取得了飞速的发展和进步。本文对21世纪我国地质钻探技术与装备、关键器具新进展进行了阐述,并对经济新常态下的发展方向进行了展望。 相似文献
The investigation is focused on identification and origin of fossil resins from the Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary sediments of Northern Eurasia on the basis of detailed study of their physical and chemical characteristics: morphology; size; mass; density; optical, mechanical, and thermal properties; chemical composition; etc. The composition of amorphous organic minerals with polymeric structure, fossil resins included, is studied with IR spectrometry, the EPR method, derivatography at low heating rates, XRD, chemical analysis, emission spectrometry, etc. The results of investigation summarized for the Baltic-Dnieper, North Siberian, and Far East amber-bearing provinces show some similarity of fossil resins in combination with specific features inherent to each province. Resins from the Baltic-Dnieper province should be termed as amber (succinite). Their variety is the most characteristic of Northern and Eastern Europe. Amber-like fossil resins from the North Siberian and Far East provinces are irrelevant to succinite. They usually occur as brittle resins, namely, retinite and gedanite, without jewelry value. Viscous fossil resin rumänite with an expected high economic value occurs in the Far East, on the shore of Sakhalin Island. 相似文献
Variations in the temperature of the Earth’s surface over the period 1850–2014 are reproduced and analyzed using seven historical calculations in the INM-CM5 climate model following the scenarios suggested for the CMIP6 project of comparison of climate models. In all calculations, the mean surface temperature increased by 0.8 K to the date of final calculation (2014), which is consistent with observations. The periods of accelerated warming (1920–1940 and 1980–2000) and its stabilization (1950–1975 and 2000–2014) are correctly reproduced by the model. The decrease in global warming of 2000–2014, which is hardly reproduced by the models in the CMIP5 experiment, is reproduced due to the more precise scenario of variation in the solar constant of CMIP6 protocols. The spatial structure of warming for last 30 years is also reproduced by the model. 相似文献
Doklady Earth Sciences - The activation of surging glaciers in the Pamirs over the past 20 years has been studied. Glacier surges occurred in the basins of the Surkhob, Muksu, Sauksai, Seldara... 相似文献
为了响应江泽民总书记提出的“要把加快大西北开发作为一个重大战略问题来实施”的号召,中国科学院地学部于1999年4月组成西北地区可持续发展研究组,组织10余位院士、专家在有关部门历年大量工作的基础上,综合分析已有的资料,对西北地区发展的相关问题进行了深入研讨,形成了“关于21世纪初期加快西北地区发展的若干建议”咨询报告。该建议可供有关部门在制定“十五”计划和2015年长期规划时参考,现全文刊出以飨读者。 相似文献
国际地质对比计划委员会批准启动了 IGCP44 7-元古代臼齿碳酸盐岩和地球演化项目 ( 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 5 )〔1〕。本文简要地回顾了臼齿碳酸盐岩的研究历史和最新进展。臼齿碳酸盐岩是一种具有类似大象臼齿的肠状褶皱构造的岩石 ,具有特殊的时限范围 (中 -新元古代 )。试图解释其成因和可能用于古大陆地层对比是本项目研究的重要课题 ,其重要意义还在于它们是解决前寒武纪生物学和地球化学事件的关键。臼齿碳酸盐岩的发育和衰退关系到地球生命起源和海洋碳酸盐岩沉积地球化学的突变。 87Sr/86 Sr年龄同位素测定证明 ,微亮晶 (臼齿 )碳酸盐消失的时限很可能为75 0 Ma。另外 ,中 -新元古代碳酸盐岩地层具有重要的生烃潜力。 相似文献