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Gary Parker 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1982,7(5):507-510
The use of a pipe-flow experiment for testing autosuspension criteria is criticized. It is argued that the proposed criterion for autosuspension is a necessary but not a sufficient condition, and that an analysis of turbidity currents can fill this gap. 相似文献
A three-dimensional(3D) numerical model of unstable turbidity currents is developed based on the mechanism of sediment transport and turbulence theory.In this model,numerical simulation of turbidity currents without subsequent supply of muddy water was conducted using the same parameters as were used in the flume experiments.The evolution process of turbidity currents of completely losing supplies observed in the experiment was simulated by the model;validation of the numerical model and the algorithm was conducted.If momentarily interrupted process is regarded as a special case of the gradually interrupted,based on the preceding numerical simulation validity,it is feasible to simulate the motion law of turbidity currents under losing gradually supplies.By this method in this article,the characteristic of sediment-laden flow of losing gradually supplies was obtained,as well as its relationship between front velocity and sediment concentration. 相似文献
Shaohua Marko HSU Associate Professor Dr. Department of Hydraulic Engineering Feng Chia University Taichung Taiwan China Wei-Sheng YU Environment Section Agricultural Engineering Research Center Chungli Taiwan China Tzu-Ming LIU Graduate stu 《国际泥沙研究》1997,(3)
1.IN~DUCTIONTurbiditycurrentisoneclassofflowsnameddensitycurrentorgravitycurrent(therHunterRouse(Yih(1980)),whichdePictstheintmsionofheaVyfluidintoalighterone.Usually,thedensitydifferencebetWeentWonuidisrelativelysmallandmixingacrosstheimerfaceoccurs.ThedrivingforceofdensitycurrentsisnotdensitydifferenceitselfbutthedifferenceinspeCmcweights.Turbiditycurrentisnamedwhenthedensitydifferenceisespeciallycausedbysuspendedfinesedimentparticles.Sincesediment-ladenflowcaninteraCtwiththelowerbou… 相似文献
The concept of autosuspension implies that if, in a flow transporting suspended sediment down a slope, the sediment adds more energy to the flow than it extracts, the concentration can rise to an indefinitely high level. This was tested in a small closed duct, with variable slope, connecting two free-surface reservoirs. The sediment-carrying flow could be recirculated continuously from the downstream end of the duct to the upstream end. For each of five sediment sizes ranging from 14 μm to 96 μm, two flows at the same discharge were run, one with zero slope and one with a slope chosen so that autosuspension should have been in effect. Something is wrong with the autosuspension criterion: in each set of runs, equilibrium suspended-sediment concentrations were virtually identical in the two cases. Analysis of the term in the autosuspension criterion expressing work done by the flow to suspend sediment shows that this quantity is much smaller than is assumed in autosuspension, and so the criterion should have been even more strongly oversatisfied in our tests. Although both the energy-expenditure form and energy-contribution form in the criterion have a physical reality, comparison of the two has no relevance to the equilibrium state of the flow; autosuspension is based on an irrelevant system of energy bookkeeping. Suspension must be viewed as limited by factors involving alterations in turbulence structure leading to changes both in boundary resistance and in the ability of the flow to entrain and suspend sediment. 相似文献
Previous quantitative studies of field-scale cyclic steps are mostly based on analysis of field data. Such studies have shed light on the erosion/deposition patterns over these morphological features as well as the magnitudes of the turbidity current parameters back estimated using the measured geometry data. However, it remains unclear to what extent such back estimated hydraulic features and erosion/deposition patterns can be numerically reproduced by process-based numerical models. Here, a tw... 相似文献
Numerical modeling of tidal currents, sediment transport and morphological evolution in Hangzhou Bay, China 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A 2D depth-averaged numerical model is set up to simulate the macro-scale hydrodynamic characteristics, sediment transport patterns and morphological evolution in Hangzhou Bay, a large macro-tidal estuary on the eastern coast of China. By incorporating the shallow water equations, the suspended sediment transport equation and the mass-balance equation for sediment; short-term hydrodynamics, sediment transport and long-term morphological evolution for Hangzhou Bay are simulated and the underlying physical mechanisms are analyzed. The model reproduces the spatial distribution patterns of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in Hangzhou Bay, characterized by three high SSC zones and two low SSC zones. It also correctly simulates the residual flow, the residual sediment transport and the sediment accumulation patterns in Hangzhou Bay. The model results are in agreement with previous studies based on field measurements. The residual flow and the residual sediment transport are landwards directed in the northern part of the bay and seawards directed in the southern part. Sediment accumulation takes place in most areas of the bay. Harmonic analysis revealed that the tide is flood-dominant in the northern part of the bay and ebb-dominant in the southern part of the bay. The strength of the flood-dominance increases landwards along the northern Hangzhou Bay. In turn sediment transport in Hangzhou Bay is controlled by this tidal asymmetry pattern. In addition, the direction of tidal propagation in the East China Sea, the presence of the archipelago in the southeast and the funnel-shaped geometry of the bay, play important roles for the patterns of sediment transport and sediment accumulation respectively. 相似文献
Motivated by field studies of the Ems estuary which show longitudinal gradients in bottom sediment concentration as high as O(0.01 kg/m4), we develop an analytical model for estuarine residual circulation based on currents from salinity gradients, turbidity gradients, and freshwater discharge. Salinity is assumed to be vertically well mixed, while the vertical concentration profile is assumed to result from a balance between a constant settling velocity and turbulent diffusive flux. Width and depth of the model estuary are held constant. Model results show that turbidity gradients enhance tidally averaged circulation upstream of the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM), but significantly reduce residual circulation downstream, where salinity and turbidity gradients oppose each other. We apply the condition of morphodynamic equilibrium (vanishing sediment transport) and develop an analytical solution for the position of the turbidity maximum and the distribution of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) along a longitudinal axis. A sensitivity study shows great variability in the longitudinal distribution of suspended sediment with the applied salinity gradient and six model parameters: settling velocity, vertical mixing, horizontal dispersion, total sediment supply, fresh water flow, and water depth. Increasing depth and settling velocity move the ETM upstream, while increasing freshwater discharge and vertical mixing move the ETM downstream. Moreover, the longitudinal distribution of SSC is inherently asymmetric around the ETM, and depends on spatial variations in the residual current structure and the vertical profile of SSC. 相似文献
近年来,随着地震波数值模拟对计算精度和效率的要求越来越高,间断有限元方法开始受到越来越多的关注.本文中,针对具有吸收边界条件的二维地震声波波动方程,作者提出了一种基于局部间断有限元方法的数值模拟算法.该算法在空间上使用局部间断有限元方法进行离散,在时间上采用了显式蛙跳格式.在这种时空离散的组合方式下,每个时间步上,此算法在空间剖分的每个单元上的求解计算是相互独立的,因而具有极高的并行性.通过数值算例,我们将该算法与连续有限元方法进行了比较.结果表明,本算法不仅具有对起伏构造的良好适应性,而且在计算效率和计算精度等方面,都具有优越性. 相似文献
Turbidity currents may feature active sediment transport and rapid bed deformation, such as those responsible for the erosion of many submarine canyons. Yet previous mathematical models are built upon simplified governing equations and involve steady flow and weak sediment transport assumptions, which are not in complete accordance with rigorous conservation laws. It so far remains unknown if these could have considerable impacts on the evolution of turbidity currents. Here a fully coupled modeling study is presented to gain new insights into the evolution of turbidity currents. The recent analysis of the multiple time scales of subaerial sediment-laden flows over erodible bed [Cao Z, Li Y, Yue Z. Multiple time scales of alluvial rivers carrying suspended sediment and their implications for mathematical modeling. Adv Water Resour 2007;30(4):715–29] is extended to subaqueous turbidity currents to complement the fully coupled modeling. Results from numerical simulations show the ability of the present coupled model to reproduce self-accelerating turbidity currents. Comparison among the fully and partially coupled and decoupled models along with the analysis of the relative time scale of bed deformation explicitly demonstrate that fully coupled modeling is essential for refined resolution of those turbidity currents featuring active sediment transport and rapid bed deformation, and existing models based on simplified conservation laws need to be reformulated. 相似文献
George R. HalliwellJr Alexander Barth Robert H. Weisberg Patrick Hogan Ole Martin Smedstad James Cummings 《Ocean Dynamics》2009,59(1):139-155
Nested non-assimilative simulations of the West Florida Shelf for 2004–2005 are used to quantify the impact of initial and
boundary conditions provided by Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment ocean products. Simulations are nested within an
optimum interpolation hindcast of the Atlantic Ocean, the initial test of the US Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation system
for the Gulf of Mexico, and a global ocean hindcast that used the latter assimilation system. These simulations are compared
to one that is nested in a non-assimilative Gulf of Mexico model to document the importance of assimilation in the outer model.
Simulations are evaluated by comparing model results to moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler measurements and moored sea
surface temperature time series. The choice of outer model has little influence on simulated velocity fluctuations over the
inner and middle shelf where fluctuations are dominated by the deterministic wind-driven response. Improvement is documented
in the representation of alongshore flow variability over the outer shelf, driven in part by the intrusion of the Loop Current
and associated cyclones at the shelf edge near the Dry Tortugas. This improvement was realized in the simulation nested in
the global ocean hindcast, the only outer model choice that contained a realistic representation of Loop Current transport
associated with basin-scale wind-driven gyre circulation and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. For temperature,
the non-assimilative outer model had a cold bias in the upper ocean that was substantially corrected in the data-assimilative
outer models, leading to improved temperature representation in the simulations nested in the assimilative outer models. 相似文献
Sector collapse,sedimentation and clast population evolution at an active island-arc volcano: Stromboli,Italy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Sciara del Fuoco is the subaerial part of a partially filled sector-collapse scar that extends to 700 m below sea level on Stromboli volcano. The collapse occurred <5000 years ago, involved 1.81 km3 of rock and is the latest of a series of major collapses on the north-west flank of Stromboli. A north-east trending arc-axial fault system channels magmas into the volcano and has caused tilting and/or downthrow to the north-west. The slope of the partial cone constructed between the lateral walls of the collapse scar acts as a channelway to the sea for most eruptive products. From 700 m below sea level and extending to >2200 m and >10 km from the shore to the NNW, a fan-shaped mounded feature comprises debris avalanche deposits (>4 km3) from two or more sector collapses. Volcaniclastic density currents originating from Sciara del Fuoco follow the topographic margin of the debris avalanche deposits, although overbank currents and other unconfined currents widely cover the mounded feature with turbidites. Historical (recorded) eruptive activity in Sciara del Fuoco is considerably less than that which occurred earlier, and much of the partial fill may have formed from eruptions soon after the sector collapse. It is possible that a mass of eruptive products similar to that in the collapse scar is dispersed as volcanogenic sediment in deep water of the Tyrhennian basin. Evidence that the early post-collapse eruptive discharge was greater than the apparent recent flux (2kg/s) counters suggestions that a substantial part of Stromboli's growth has been endogenous. The partial fill of Sciaria del Fuoco is dominated by lava and spatter layers, rather than by the scoria and ash layers classically regarded as main constituents of Strombolian (cinder) cones. Much of the volcanic slope beneath the vents is steeper than the angle of repose of loose tephra, which is therefore rapidly transported to the sea. Delicate pyroclasts that record the magmatic explosivity are selectively destroyed and diluted during sedimentary transport, mainly in avalanches and by shoreline wave reworking, and thus the submarine deposits do not record well the extent and diversity of explosive activity and associated clast-forming processes. Considerable amounts of dense (non-vesicular) fine sand and silt grains are produced by breakage and rounding of fragments of lava and agglutinate. The submarine extension of the collapse scar, and the continuing topographic depression to >2200 m below sea level, are zones of considerable by-passing of fine sand and silt, which are transported in turbidity currents. Evidently, volcanogenic sediments dispersed around island volcanoes by density currents are unlikely to record well the true spectrum and relative importance of clast-forming processes that occurred during an eruption. Marine sedimentary evidence of magmatic explosivity is particularly susceptible to partial or complete obliteration, unless there is a high rate of discharge of pyroclastic material into the sea. 相似文献
Reservoir sedimentation is an issue that dam operators are increasingly facing as dams are aging. Not only does it reduce a reservoir's capacity but it also affects its outlet structures such as bottom outlets and powerhouse intakes. Sedimentation may also impoverish downstream ecosystems. For these reasons, several strategies for sediment management are being investigated and applied worldwide. Among these methods, venting of turbidity currents reaching the dam can be very beneficial and economical. This measure helps in preserving a certain continuity of sediment transport in rivers obstructed by dams. However, several practical but also theoretical challenges hamper this technique, rendering its use less common and its aspects rela-tively unknown. The present paper aims to gather the actual state-of-the-art concerning turbidity currents venting and to present an outlook for future development and research in this field. 相似文献
Diverted sediment causes a wide range of problems at small diversion works.The difference in water levels between low flows and floods,low investment capital and presence of cohesive sediment and fine non-cohesive sediment coupled with a requirement for a high level of supply assurance makes the design of such hydraulic structures complex.Vortex settling basins(VSBs)offer a promising alternative to conventional settling structures or hydro-cyclones.In the current study,parameters affecting the trapping of particles>75 mm were numerically investigated using ANSYS Fluent and were validated by physical modeling.It was established that the inlet velocity needs to be maintained at 0.26 m/s,the underflow to inflow ratio should be between 0.05 and 0.10,the cylinder height to cylinder diameter ratio should be greater than 0.5,and the positioning of the inlet pipe to cylinder height ratio should be greater than 0.7,with a cone of slope ratio of 2:1(V:H)and the cylinder diameter to inlet diameter ratio should be 8.2.These parameters form the basic design guidelines for VSB use at small diversion works(<100 L/s duty capacity). 相似文献
Horacio TONIOLO 《国际泥沙研究》2009,24(3):339-351
This paper builds on a recently published one-dimensional moving-boundary model of the coevolution of topset, foreset and bottomset in a reservoir that captures the dynamics of the internal muddy pond typical to reservoirs. This model was modified to account for different outlet locations at the reservoir's downstream end. This model considers a river carrying two sustained phases of sediments: coarse (sand) and fine (mud). The coarse phase deposits in the topset and delta foreset, while the fine phase forms a dilute suspension of wash load in the river. As the river enters the reservoir, the muddy water plunges on the foreset to form a Froude-supercritical (purely depositional) turbidity current. This turbidity current emplaces the bottomset. The modified numerical model was tested against five laboratory experiments previously reported by the author. The model successfully locates the muddy-water/clear-water interface. In addition, modeled and measured bed deposits are in good agreement. Results clearly indicate that the location of the internal hydraulic jump plays a key role in the final bed deposit. 相似文献
Andreas MALCHEREK Research Engineer Federal Waterways Engineering Research Institute 《国际泥沙研究》2001,16(2)
1 INTRODUCTIONThe numerical simulation of morphological changes in rivers, estuaries and coastal areas is because ofits econondcal merit an outstanding scientific task. The comPlexity of the problem is connected with theheterogeneity of the sediment material, an adequate rePresentation of the involved hydrOdynndc stressesand the large comPutational effort fOr long term simulations.Although the aPpllcation of three dimensional models tO engineering problems is increasing and wellvalldate… 相似文献
While the unique character of the coastal current system off the western and southern coasts of Australia has been recognized, this vast 5500-km-long boundary flow has been studied far less than other current systems of the world. Recent observational studies from satellite altimetry and climatology are consistent with a continuous current extending from its origin at the North West Cape to the southern tip of Tasmania. To date, coastal modeling studies have focused on either the western Australian coast to Esperance or on southern Australia. There has been no process-oriented modeling study of the entire region that would allow the systematic exploration of the two independent forcing mechanisms (i.e., wind-forcing and thermohaline gradients) and their interactions that have been noted to act in a synergistic manner to maintain the longest continuous coastal current system in the world. 相似文献
The current study focuses on the application of a three-dimensional numerical model for the prediction of morphological bed changes. The sediment deposition in a reservoir during a 10-year-flood was investigated and the results of the simulation were validated with data derived from a physical model study. Because of the small grain sizes in the prototype, synthetic granulate was used in the physical model. The numerical computation domain was a reproduction of the physical model, including the grain sizes and the density of the particles, in order to ensure comparability. The CFD code SSIIM, which solves the RANS-equations in three-dimensions, was used for the simulations. The sediment transport in SSIIM is divided into suspended sediment transport, computed by solving the convection-diffusion equation, and bed-load transport, calculated by an empirical formula. The results of the numerical simulation correspond well to the results of the physical model study. The simulated location and the pattern of the sediment deposition in the reservoir are an accurate representation of the observed distribution in the physical model. 相似文献
Numerical inversion is required when Laplace transform cannot be inverted analytically by manipulating tabled formulas of special cases. However, the numerical inverse Laplace transform is generally an ill-posed problem, and there is no universal method which works well for all problems. In this study, we selected seven commonly used numerical inverse Laplace transform methods to evaluate their performance for dealing with solute transport in the subsurface under uniform or radial flow condition. Such seven methods included the Stehfest, the de Hoog, the Honig–Hirdes, the Talbot, the Weeks, the Simon and the Zakian methods. We specifically investigated the optimal free parameters of each method, including the number of terms used in the summation and the numerical tolerance. This study revealed that some commonly recommended values of the free parameters in previous studies did not work very well, especially for the advection-dominated problems. Instead, we recommended new values of the free parameters for some methods after testing their robustness. For the radial dispersion, the de Hoog, the Talbot, and the Simon methods worked very well, regardless of the dispersion-dominated or advection-dominated situations. The Weeks method can be used to solve the dispersion-dominated problems, but not the advection-dominated problems. The Stehfest, the Honig–Hirdes, and the Zakian methods were recommended for the dispersion-dominated problems. The Zakian method was efficient, while the de Hoog method was time-consuming under radial flow condition. Under the uniform flow condition, all the methods could present somewhat similar results when the free parameters were given proper values for dispersion-dominated problems; while only the Simon method, the Weeks method, and the de Hoog method worked well for advection-dominated problems. 相似文献